Transcripts For SFGTV CCII 3717 Commission On Community Inve

SFGTV CCII 3717 Commission On Community Investment And Infrastructure March 18, 2017

Commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda and schaem commissioner pearlman commissioners, the first item on your agenda is general Public Comment there are no speaker cards. Does my member of the public wish to speak on a nonagendized item seeing and hearing none, Public Comment is closed. Item one directors announcements. Good afternoon, commissioners tim Frye Department staff the directors report was in your packet should you have any questions. Seeing none, commissioners item 2 review of past events that is Planning Commission staff recorded and amazements important tim Frye Department staff no formal report regarding the Planning Commission, however, one item or two items to share but regarding the events we participated in last night first is the department attended the dog patch Association Meeting and gave on offering of the Millions Program im going to turn it over to mills act applications will be due to the end of this month a number of applications from the dog patch we gave a short presentation to the Neighborhood Association regarding the benefits of the mills program as well as the requirement last night we be participated in a working group regarding the lgbtq Cultural Heritage the lower poublg and upper market poublg invited us we hosted a working group 25 members in attendance and represents supervisor kim and supervisor sheehy that he supervisor Peskin Office it was a great event there was a lot of good feedback and the department has a number of Partnership Webinar that came lower that poublg and thank you for putting on the fefrnlts im going to turn it over to several other events scheduled well be participating. You should be getting the notifications via email about various events within the city or through the department if youre not receiving those let me know i can keep you, you updated on the prior to the board of supervisors towards the end of april that concludes my remarks unless you have questions. Commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to item 3 the sifrtsd local government 20152016 annual report. Tim Frye Department staff our annual clg report based on the states fiscal year this is october 1st to september 30th of the prior year was included in our packets we were not anticipating giving you a formal presentation, however, im available to answer any questions as youre a aware a requirement of the clg agreement with the certified local government to produce this report on an annual basis youll see in the goals section towards the end of the report there you are a number of goals that you, you can arguably if meet this year preliminary the projects were in process a lot has happened again with the Cultural Heritage Assets Committee the mills acts and social efforts that participated last year so largely we moved many of the goals to this year as well we actively work on that and that concludes my remarks and on page one providing an electronic link to the program i dont see them. I see that we shall make that added. Okay at the then only on page 3 many yuptsd to the plan we didnt check the answer in the no box there. Oh, thank you yes, this should be noted. Any comments is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on the sifrtdz Program Annual report seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And looks like a good report to me move on. Xhirsz under president s report and announcement. No formal report. Item 5 adoption of commission minutes. For the march 1, 2017. And draft minutes for hpc march 1, 2017. Any comments before we take Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on the draft minutes for arc march 1, 2017. And the draft minutes for hpc march 1, 2017. . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do i have a motion to adopt the minutes so moved. Thank you commissioners to adopt the minutes for draft minutes for arc march 1, 2017. And other than that, motion commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner vicepresident hyland and commissioner president wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places us under item 6 commission comments and questions. Any questions or comments . No. Nope were ready to keep on going. Commissioners regular calendar for 2731 folsom street this is initiate landmark designati designation. Good afternoon janet planning Department Staff the the item before you is the initiate landmark designation of an article 10 landmark designation mraengs for the house on 2731 folsom street the applications was prepared and the final draft by the Property Owner to the the department 2731 folsom street is significant as a master architectural and the fine example of the architectural it is identifiable as the building as a molted balcony adapted by a wrote iron railing used in commercial buildings the other Signature Design a republic indicated ground floor a composition and ornamentation and arts those features are a hallmark of the style, however, the Community Supported application is missing information on the development of the neighborhood the construction and staff recommends that the application includes information from the mission and historic remark and a discussion whether or not up to the time is in the context staff recommends that the application be updated to include from the recent remodel to compare the existing conditions and secondary elevation and regarding the defining features the massing form and style of this horizontal siding on the secondary feature be included and contemporary like the gold leaf be deleted from the features although the subject property didnt meet the pirate for designation it meets the eligibility for article 10 with the architecture building a as a Community Sponsored ive the Historic Preservation commission initiate article 10 and director the project sponsor to include staff recommendations if initiated today, the department that return a subsequent hearings recommending it to the Historic Preservation commission that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions the Property Owner and consultant are here to speak today. Great any kwergz questions for ms. Ferguson. Commissioner vicepresident hyland can you explain a little bit about the future analysis of integrity. The secondary alterations have been alternated the i feel comfortable simple style is compatible so we believe that retains be integrity and like to see an analysis in the application as well as some of the like i said plans from the recent remodel to compare what is original and what is not. With no further questions. Good afternoon, commissioners im the Property Owner i reside on 2731 folsom street and i have no Technical Details im here to present the reason he want it landmarked i moved to San Francisco about 15 years ago first and foremost it has been done im irish and thats a suspicious reason we want to it move forward the second major reason the neighborhood itself is really proud of that building everyone in the mix loves the fact that we have a building in the neighborhood everyday if you stand close to the house youll see this building from neighborhood perspective anything that will formalize it would be great i would love if we moved with the landmarking so the mission will have Something Like a j f because the mission has gotten negative press this is a positive step for the third reason sometimes id like to move towards this to the millions act to maintain building id like to kate hartley, Deputy Director Mayors Office of housing and community development. Republican to present the former of the presentation thank you very much thank you im catherine the primary author of the landmark application i will quickly review i have a few photos 2731 folsom street is a 3 story multi Family Residences locked between 23 and 24th street and we saw a new print from the called africanamericans and from that, we know that is designed by jason in 1999 and we found a waterworks record dated 1899 the water was presented it has misrepresent family and it was the building was depicted on the zoning map from 19 hundred it is unchanged from the stair we found do 1976 Planning Survey those photos are in the survey and the survey considered the building architecturely significant and youll see in the field notes the surveyor noted a great appeal to the scale these photos from the Research Survey the photo the building was in decay but given a rating of 3 the property is eligible for the resources these photos were taken last summer of 2016 and similarlyly to the 1976, 2008 found 2731 folsom street to a remarkable retaining a highlevel of integrity it has a high presence within the Mission Neighborhood and found to be architecturely significant for both the design and the notable work of james and based the photo and the permitting the orientation is limited to the primary facade the bill art features youre looking at the replicated and designed ground story the column and the eloquent design and the doom and the institution all the original detailing is retained with the keystone building and the glasses windows and the molted window frames and the cultural foil windows for the grounds youll see that wood stash windows the engaged corinthian column and the it consists of those to resemble leafs and a ribbon of texture with x month testify and of the work by an important acre james was extensively taught and designed commercial buildings in San Francisco from 1897 to 1921 hes a master annex the architect professional journal ran several pieces by him and 2731 folsom street is one of a number of the Apartment Buildings shown here and recognizable as one the designs at the far right the Apartment Building that is a San Francisco landmark so for those reasons we believe that 2731 folsom street is significant so for the Architectural Design and a notable work by the master architect as a youve heard Property Owner shawn is proud to live in this building and the landmarking will be the first step in securing those acts to continue the maintenance of the building so, please let me know if you have questions. Can you respond to the planning Department Staff comments about the additional items in the report. This is the first time we received those comments so i would want to review them in more detail how is it specifically handled. What would be good to get a sense whether i agree or able to do the additional work that is what we do want to know in the process whether so the comments have been schematic versus new schematic thats fine no problem and we did make changes to the interior but compare o we can submit that i have no issue with that. And yeah. I guess more analysis they requested for the exterior secondary evaluation and the relationship to the development in the district. Im sorry if this is requested well go back and add it to the report i have no problem. Commissioners any questions. Thank you very much at this time open up for Public Comment anyone from the public wish to comment if so, please come forward seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Bring it back to the commission. Commissioner johnck. Well, it is wonderful we have to Community Initiative and thank you for that as long as the applicant is comfortable and turnball is inaudibl inaudible . Commissioner pearlman thank you this feels like a through back to what the public thinks are landmarked in San Francisco because it didnt fit the priorities the fact the owner wants to do that makes it more important because this is how you know this is how we celebrate our city i work with a lot of irish guys and honoree irish so laughter they call me go johnny offering mr. Pearlman i appreciate the relationship of you personal and the Irish Community not a lot of landmarks by the amazing irish you can builders who came over in the 19 century so i think that is you know very worthy and that i dont know if this might be another piece to put in the report about the fact there were so many irish this is a significant architect is irish and the builders i dont know month built this but probably richie agree i think with the booefrt of the report. Commissioner vicepresident hyland. It is a great project and landmark i support it im not sure depending on how much effort to make the revisions done relationship quickly that would be great if it is extensive and requires costs to the Property Owner im not sure this is absolutely necessary personally and then lastly is that would it be possible or what is the mills act opportunity for getting credit for the restoration . Retroactive yeah and commissioners ms. Ferguson can answer that question. The millions act allows work that has been completed and last one to two years in the rehabilitation of the plan that would be the requirement. Approve it . As amended by staff or . I would motion if it is not too much of a burden or effort i dont know that is amended this is not easemently were we voting of initiating it. Were voting on initiating that but direct staff to have the sponsor make changes were what youre saying a remeinitia and workout the provisions whether or not it is burdensome. It sound the information is in the reports that are done not sounding burdensome at all. Do i hear a second and commissioner pearlman seconded it. On that a motion to initiate landmark designation commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner vicepresident hyland and commissioner president wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and commissioners, that places you under item 8 Washington Square certificate of occupancy good afternoon, commissioners francis planning Department Staff before you a request for the certificate of occupancy to make the alterations to Washington Square founded by columbia and stockton and uncle and peel street the repair and replacement of parklands features the subject property is to the certificate of occupancy replacing the playground commit and repairing the walkways and planting something and reform of the staircase in conducting of 1982 they corner of fillmore better is in con for purposes of secretary of interior standard and comparable with the character of the landscape the altercations dont remove the fabric and none of the materials will be affected by the proposed project staff finds that consistent with the Washington Square character and un the features including the wood beverages and did childrens go be playground and pathways will remain in the historic location the historic design and configuration of the playground will be retained and the new materials with the texture of the playground wall and the borders and walkways about match the hard escape the playground and staircase on the corners are not landscape features and will not all of the character of Washington Square staff says it is approve with conditions staff recommends the approval that prior to the ordinance of Building Permit with the materials including the fencing and paving and stones at board and the finish for the perimeter walls will be forwarded by the preservation staff no Public Comment has been received since submitted that concludes my presentation. Unless questions the project sponsor has a brief presentation of the project. Thank you any questions for staff. Take up the project sponsors presentation now. Okay. Good afternoon im a porridge manager and director of the Capital Planning at the rec and Park Department were thrilled to be here to present the childrens play area at Washington Square i want to speak why Washington Square is important Washington Square is the first of 13 playground for the department that is renovating and it is used to be called the Playground Initiative what the parks bond a Citywide Program the goal to provide clean and imaginative playground for all children and families of San Francisco we began in 2014 with the rec and park commission

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