One 10 this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the Investment Infrastructure the Successor Agency commission to the San FranciscoRedevelopment Agency for tuesday, october 6, 2015, welcome to members of the public madam secretary. Thank you. The the first order of business is item one roll call commissioners, please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar supervisor pen commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales all members of the commission are present. The next order of business the the next on the job ever october 20th will be held on room 416 b announcements of sound like incompetence please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Planning please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room from the meeting room ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing Electronic Devices. C announcement of time allotment for. Please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to address the commission unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any item. It is strongly recommended that any member of the public any member of thpublic wishes to address the commissi fill out a speaker card and submit it to the commission secretary. The next obtained of business action at a previously closed session meeting no reportable actions the next order of business item 4 matters of Unfinished Business there are none the next order of business consisting of the consented and regular agenda madam president call items 5 abc and well separate item c from the consent calendar okay so the comments will be 5 ab and d yes. First, the consent 5 a approval of the minutes regular meeting of july 7, 2015, 5 b approving a Fourth Amendment with 9 inc. For the shipyard art installation project and contract number h p. S. One 14 extending and authorizing the executive director to extend the date as Hunters PointShipyard Redevelopment project area action resolution number 582015 and 5 d authorizing a Second Amendment to the Legal Service contract with the Thomas Law Group to increase the amount by one hundred thousand dollars for a total not to exceed one hundred 50,000 to get specialized legals Services Action resolution number 162015 madam chair. Any speaker cards for those i do not. Okay do we have any comments . Okay. So its been so commissioner singh moved and im sorry im sorry so, yes items 5 ab and d have been moved by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner mondejar please call the residential commissioners, please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar supervisor pen you. Commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales madam chair, i have 5 ids okay those items are adapt with respect to item 5 c im going to recuse myself the Law Enforcement of slow down is a subcontractor with my law firm ill leave the room and sxhooufrlts will a chair that item. Madam secretary the next order of business is regular agenda 5 c authorizing the third amendment to the legal contract with the sloan and others limited Liability Partnership to increase the contract by 75,000 for a totally agree gait contract monument not to exceed one hundred 75 to get specialized Legal Service action and discussion resolution number 492015 pursue madam director. Thank you, madam clerk good afternoon to the commissioners and to the supervisor the first meeting welcome commissioners and members of the public back in 2013, the Successor Agency occ entered into specialized Legal Services contract with renee slowly we have a continuing need for those serves as we rebuild the organizations and complete the significant work program we have ahead of us with that, brief introduction id like General Council and jim morales to give us a brief overview of that item for your consideration. Commissioner bustos and others im jim morales i think that director bohe summarized it succinctly ill add as you may know that the Successor Agency over the past 3 and a half years has gone through a tremendous transition from the Redevelopment Agency to the Successor Agency and one of the most difficult and important aspects of that transition was our labor related work as youre aware we lost a number of employees at the beginning of the solution process many actually all of us became City Employees upon the resolution and then most Agency Employees 6 mostly later became independent employees of the Successor Agency you can imagine a number of personnel and labor related issues and indeed many serious and difficult issues to grapple with in intuitively as director bohe indicated we had a need to remain an outdoor firm a representative our center prior that that oozed the services the City Attorneys Office and they could no longer provide those services in this context we hired the firm of slooelg and theyve helped us to work with the city and the units and the employees culminated in a finalization of two Labor Agreement the beginning of this year we have moving forward from that point in a very positive way also last year, we had a need to have a Human Resources consultant sit in for as a Human Resource manager that was previously provided by the city and was no longer available we needed to have a h. R. Expert specialist at the office and they have nonlawyers that are h. R. Suspect we remained that person under a contract separate and definition from the contract what you have today is the contract that combines those two into one that allows us to pay some outstanding bills under those contracted and provide additional you amounts if we need those services in the future a h. R. Consultant or a specialized Legal Services weve been served well by that as the chief new yorker jeff has many years of experience no labor law and we are also assist by charles a partner in the firm and also with us today is justin who is a member of the firm and very active in the negotiations the attorney r h. R. Consultant weve used it is used occasionally jeff a member of the firm but not a lawyer and previously served in the department of Human Resources for the city and has invaluable experience so ill strongly urge you to approve that contract amendment and hopefully, we wont need to use those services very much in the future but in conveys well have them available ill be happy to answer any questions. Madam secretary. We dont have any speaker cards. Anyone from the public seeing none, Public Comment is closed commissioners that want to. I move. Moved by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner mondejar madam secretary. Members of the public commissioners, please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar supervisor pen commissioner singh commissioner bustos and madam chair rosales has recused herself i have 4 ids and one recall. Thank you that item passes. Get commissioner back. Thank you. Madam secretary please call the next item the nobd is workshop discussion madam director. Thank you, madam secretary commissioners really in response to our request to have a dialogue with mta staff to better understand how the city overall transportation policies fit within the major developments in the Hunters Point shipyard and candle stick and transbay and other points this presentation is a broad offering overview to inform your Decision Making efforts and certainly an opportunity to speak with mta staff with that, overview sally Deputy Director will be joined by mta staff. Thank you director bohe im sally youve heard were here to provide parking and Development Guidelines that the city strongly believe that are critical for guiding and development in San Francisco especially during this time were seeing Significant Growth in to the city so tom maguire the Streets Program will walk you through walk you through the presentation and give us updates on the near term Pipeline Projects that mta is working on and what that will mean for transit and other transportation choices for folks living and working in San Francisco just wanted to add that something to keep in mind as you listen to the presentation those are city policies but baked in the Development Agreement as we worked you know our former agency worked closely with the city staff and policymakers around transit and Development Guidelines to didnt want you to think this is the city view and ours are different we work in concert with the guidelines and, in fact, what shapes our decisions when we bring decisions before you and bring in the recommendation the right parking ratio or operating policy that should be in effect for the project we look to those principle in our guiding documents and also in keeping with what the city is formulating right now the best practice we want to acknowledge that each of our project area is a unique set of circumstances when transportation come to our projections we could spend a working group on the projects i wanted to highlight our goal to give you that board overarching view and when we come forward with various romgz recommendations on specific projects well bring the neighborhood specific information about what transportation and transit and parking information is relevant that is what we see a kickoff of on ongoing conversation bringing this to you in the future actions but, of course, if there are things you want to keep in mind or specific things to bring back to you let us know well do our best to accommodate that with that, im going to turn it over to tom maguire for the presentation were available for questions thank you. Okay. Thank you sally good afternoon, commissioners its great to be here and have a chance to put some of the latest thinking of mta to manage and operate and develop our Transportation System a dialogue to how it fits in the citys broadly discussion ill talk about broad citywide policies and transit first, the citys policy over 40 years the prioritization of all trips and vision zero a joint commitment by the mayor, by the board of supervisors and by our agency to reduce traffic fatalities in San Francisco by the year 2024 and this was 10 years good and ill talk about the zero 50 hundred and zero waste for hundred grossly of 50 percent travel by auto modes weve trial to submit the transit goal with safety and environmental sustainability as well so this is the policy fracture e framework we are thinking how to invest this scarce resources that might fit with our thinking of redevelopment so as we know were in a rapidly growing city facing recording rates of growth in both employment and housing 40 in San Francisco we know more is coming the region is foist over and over 4 hundred new residents coming to the city in 2025 play a big part it is important to remember as City Government were charged not only with the quality of life and the quality of infrastructure as i said a framework of vision zero and transit first he is those big picture policy goals our accepts have supported over the years we think we need growth were in a housing footprint r affordability criticize without the housing supply we agree we cant get out of this crisis and yet it is not just the quantity but the quality that matters so if we dont if we go down the road with business as usual were going to have gridlock and unsafe streets and not a sustainable Transportation System ive pulled this from a recent growth they use the word gridlock to describe the conditions that could result if 200 thousand residents. Were not thoughtful how we connect the Land Use Development to the transportation to address our needs we need to build the housing in neighborhoods friendly and find ways to build housing that mitigate the impact both new and existing residents on Transportation System so all san franciscan those would live here today and coming tomorrow can be safe and enjoy the public be spaces were thinking our more and more with the Planning Department we as the owners of the on Street Parking supply how wherewith the majority of trips by transit walking and biking and 35shg theres a resource for those but not the thing that is driving our allowing choices and we think that is a path to developing the neighborhoods that are dense and liveable and inclusive for all types one interesting observation that many people have said if you look at the neighborhood that many of us look at the iconic neighborhood were built before the zip code e zoning code with the parking to be built with each unit they have fear less than Parking Spaces for every Housing Units and that lack of parking space is not prevented those neighborhoods from diverse housing types nor prevented them from being vibrant neighborhood if you were to try a rebuild neighborhood like north beach or chinatown today you couldnt do that based on the kind of zoning youll have to build so much parking and getting the fist for the diversity of population of those neighborhoods so parking is a big factor here parking is important because it takes up space physical space that would be otherwise devoted to housing or commercial land use the average amount of space that parking taxes is 3 hundred 40 skweetd per vehicle the aisles and the walkways thats a lot of says that a few of the Parking Spaces youre talking about a goodsized parking unit and likewise it is quite expensive to develop parking and the highland values and the needs for seismic safety is it costs up to 100,000 to build a parking space that is passed on to either us as the Public Sector with the development or on to the renters and owners of the housing providing the choice to provide parking we also know with we think about the urban design and the vrant neighborhood we want we want to find ways to accommodate parking in a graceful way but if we have look at the parking and the parking design the parking can detract in the quality of the environment and the ground floor retail and the Community Services that makes our neighborhoods vital and finally we know that people make traveling choices you have park to recipe residents and visitors we get more driving up to a point well, accommodate but as the city grows in a transit first way there is a limit to the number of driving trips we can accommodate were not building freeways or widening streets with walkable and transit friendly students we cant plan a way that brings more traffic into those streets thinking about the space factor that is a imagine that we often use to just visualize how much space in a variety of ways it is hard to read with the text there on the left you have 60 cars and 60 people in 60 cars taking up city blocks and 60 people with a muni bus to the right you have 60 people on bikes so taxiing up as little space as possible so again more spaces for cars more spaces taken up by cars the less space for life and finally the vision zero commitment as i said we lose over thirty san franciscans on the year every year people that are walking and traveling and bicycling the centers takes all age rages it is a Public Health crisis that is a top priority for mta to solve in the majority of those fatalities it is in any way, shape, or form with the driver and we know that reducing the amount of traffic capping or managing the amount of a traffic is the best way to prevent those kinds of deadly crashes if take place the cement it is favoring driving over more balanced transportation choices i dont want to call the status quo we are trying to get beyond in the city we are or even how to provide good choices so we dont want to simply say that driving bad and parking bad we want to say there is a place for parking and certainly a place for driving most of us need to be in a car at some point during the course of the week but how to have great choices and make those as sustainable as possible were at a moment in time we have more choices than before expanding transportation and digital operators and making the streets walkable and rolling up car share and bike shares and ways to get around and make them as assessable as possible weve got more Transit Services mta over the last 5 years has put in place a number of programs to make the Transit System for assessable for all res