Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Rules Committee 11217 20170113 : c

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Rules Committee 11217 20170113

Like to give a warm welcome to the new supervisor who is on this committee sandra lee fewer. [applause] our clerk is derek evans and from sfgtv we would like to thank the staff. Felix is new and at this time mr. Clerk do you have any announcements. Yes, sir madam chair. Please silent all cell phones and Electronic Devices and items should be submitted to the check and items will be on the tuesday january 242017 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Mr. Clerk can you call item 1. Item 1 is for the ordinance amending the administrative code to require that the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing appoint one member to the Reentry Council increasing the member from 23 to 24 and increasing the time of appointed former inmate can be free from custody from maximum to two years to a three years and require that Council Submit a report to the board of supervisors recommended whether the council should continue by july 1, 2018. This is from supervisor avalos and now supervisor breed and we have Reentry Council staff here. I am a planner at San Francisco do you want Probation Department and i staff the Reentry Council. This ordinance change its an amendment on the originally ordinance to form the Reentry Council will do two things. The first is now that we have a department of homelessness and Supportive Housing would add that department as one of the member organizations to the Reentry Council, and the other is that as the board knows through the rules committee you are able to appoint the board appoints three four members of the Reentry Council who are formerly incarcerated people and one to have maximum two years post release in order to qualify and we found that two years is a very short time and we can expand that pool of very qualified people by giving an extra year so people are able to stabilize and find their feet before they have to start doing public service. All right. Great. I dont have any questions on this particular item and i dont see any from colleagues as well so thank you for your presentation so with that we will go to Public Comment on item 1 if anyone is here to speak on this please come forward. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] if we could get a motion to this ordinance . Im sorry cone con. Thank you just for clarification you asked for a motion. Yes. Thank you. I would just like to make that motion forgive me with a positive recommendation. To the full board, yes,. Great. We will do that without objection. [gavel] all right item 2 please. Item number 2 is a hearing to consider nominating a member of the San Francisco board of supervisors for the north coast central on the California Coastal commission. Thank you. So we did have a poll among our supervisors to see who would like to sit on the California Coastal commission which will then be consideration among some other jurisdictions outside of San Francisco. At this time supervisor aaron peskin was the 11 that asked to serve in this role so if we can get a motion to put forth supervisor peskin later after Public Comment that would be great. I will make that motion to have aaron peskin on the California Coastal Commission Seat and this is an appointment made of Senate Rules Committee who will consider the nominations provided by the board of supervisors. In marin county, San Francisco county and Sonoma County. All right. Thank you supervisor cohen so i do have a number of speaker cards so we will open this item to Public Comment. [calling speaker names] so if you have submitted a card please come up. Even if you havent please also come on up. Hi good afternoon. My name is marcela, the founder and director of azula and organization focused on Environmental Justice within conservation. We have been following the work of the California Coastal commission closely and we think that supervisor peskin has a very good record and commitment to open space and also to keeping the waterfront open to people so were gladly enthusiastically supporting his nomination. Great. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning. This is kathryn howard. I am a member of the sierra club and im also on the Citizens Advisory Group to the amendment to the San Francisco coastal plan but i am here on my own. I support supervisor peskin for appointment to the Coastal Commission. This is a very important position for San Francisco. San francisco is currently proposing amendments to sections of our own local Coastal Program of the western shoreline plan. Our San Francisco coastal zones extends approximately 6 miles along San Francisco western shoreline from the point lobeos Recreation Area in the north to the fort sumter in the south. The proposed local coastal amendment specifically addresses Sea Level Rise and the coast and once its approved by the board and the full board it will be forwarded to the California Coastal commission for review and approval this. Is a long way of saying that inventory decisions will be made in the future at the California Coastal commission. Not only for all of california but right now particularly for our beloved ocean beach. Both San Francisco and indeed all of the california coast need a strong voice on the commission to protect our precious coast line. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisor. I want to congratulate the new supervisor. Its nice. I saw you sworn in on monday. My name is Rebecca Evans and a local environmental activist but i am speaking as an individual. One of the first things i did as a professional years ago was to campaign for the passage of the coastal act and i have seen it over the years and sometimes it does a good job and others it doesnt. I fully support supervisor peskin. Hes my supervisor. I have worked with him off and on for 25 years. He has unique knowledge and history with Environmental Issues and as mentioned Sea Level Rise which is important and looking at the bay side and also important on the coast so i hope you nominate the supervisor for this position. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Supervisors i am art feinstein and a vice chair of the california Nevada Committee of the sierra club and urging you to send supervisor peskin up to the senate to see who they will choose out of the three counties. I have been doing environmental work for 30 years and a lot of that time aaron has been working in San Francisco and elsewhere on working on conservation issues. His experience and trust for public land shows that he knows how to work with the urban and Natural Resource communities and a lot of work in the city thats not just building playgrounds et cetera but also helping preserve Natural Resources so he knows both end of that has he demonstrates on the board of supervisors employed he encourage you to endorse him and hopefully he will be chosen. Thank you. All right. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public to seek on item 2 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. So supervisor cohen made a motion to send forth to the full board with positive recommendation. Yes, i would like to add to my comments quickly. The Coastal Commission for those that dont know plans and regulates the use of land and water along the coastal zone and important to my district along the waterfront but also the Central Waterfront in supervisor peskins district as well as touches on come kims district. This is incredible important to consider the effects of sea water rising and as we continue to plan along in the Bayview Community and in the dogpatch neighborhood planning for our city we need to be taking those sea water rising considerations into account, and i cant think of a better person, more dodded person to move into the seat than supervisor peskin and i am delighted and enthusiastic to move it forward and with that said lets make a positive recommendation to move supervisor peskin and nominate him. All right. Second that by supervisor fewer and well move it out without objection r. Congratulations supervisor peskin. Item 3 please. Item 3 is hearing to consider appointing two members terms ending february 1, 2018 and february 1, 2019 to the park, recreation and open space advisory committee. All right thank you. So one of the things we will be doing and entertaining a motion for later for seat seven. We will need to continue that item for various reasons so really were only going to be considering seat 20 and i believe that the nominee for seat 20 is not here today but i am very familiar with his work. Hes a District Residents so i will be supporting him to go into seat 20 so at this time i dont know if there is no comments, questions from Committee Members . Then we will open item 3 to Public Comment first. Any members of the public here . Okay seeing none. Public comment is close said then. [gavel] as if we can get a motion to continue seat seven. Sure i would like to make a motion that we continue. All right. Actually lts go theres a comment on seat 20. Thank you colleagues so i know i am new to the committee but does anyone have gender and racial break down of the full committee of prosac. Supervisor i dont have it but i can get it to your office if you would like. This is what i would like age groups, i mean which age they are, also gender and race. I will have that to your office later. That would be great. Thank you. Thank you supervisor. Thank you so much so at this time then do we have a motion to both continue seat seven, i would say maybe to the call of the chair, and then to submit Trevor Mcneils name for seat 20 to the full board with a positive recommendation . So i do have a question madam chair. I am wondering if since this information is not available until later in my office i am wondering if this is the appointment that needs to be made today or postponed until we have a full purview of how diverse that group is. I will say just based on my experience at least for some of the committees and commissions where the individual supervisors get to make nominations generally speaking we have deferred to the District Supervisor for their particular seats. When there are but it is your call of course but that has just been the general policy for example if i have someone appointing to a particular seat because i feel this person is interested and engaged and wants to participate and maybe fits certain criteria that i have so again i tend to defer to the nominating supervisor however for larger commissions maybe the Rec Park Commission or Something Like that where theres a combination between the mayor and the board we need to look at the complement of things and of course when i am making a particular appointment i will look okay i want diversity as well and i will bring that to the commission so thats my take so i would prefer to move forward because its supervisor breeds nominee but supervisor cohen. Thank you. I also too want to add to my voice to what supervisor tang was mentioning that level of deference is appreciated and given to the sponsoring supervisor. Also it is usually the rules Committee Staff that does the Due Diligence, not necessarily the clerk doing the Due Diligence of the exact make up of the body. These the same considerations that i look into because not only am i looking for diversity in gender diversity and Ethnic Diversity but also in experience, geographic, where theyre coming from in the city. Have they been to the other parts of the city and the district . Theyre all critical questions that manifest not always here in the Committee Work, Committee Work space, but in the absence of your staff doing the Due Diligence on your behalf. They know your values, and it is incumbent upon them to take the values and communicate them and ask the questions to the applicants that are coming before them, so there is a a little bit of work that has to be done, but okay, no thank you for answering that he q so i am new to the committee and actually when i on the school board i look extensively of the committee make up because they represent the whole eventually so i understand there is deferment that goes with the appointments from the District Supervisor. I am happy to do that. It would have been great to have the nominee here today to answer some questions, but thats fine. Thank you very much, and i think in the future then what i am hearing is that this is not the staff that would give me this information but the rules staff that would and request this information ahead of time. Okay. Its just that i just got here. We know. And thats totally fine. I am glad we could clarify that a little bit. For example i have two appointees to prosac, two women, one woman of color so i very much looked into that while i was making those considerations but again there will be commissions and appointments that come before us that are more broad. For example, mayor suggestions or our Committee Suggestions so we need to look at that carefully so thank you for raising that so at this time based on what i said continuance of seat seven to the call of the chair and Trevor Mcneil to seat 20. I will second the motion. Without objection. [gavel] all right. Thank you. Item 4 please. Item number 4 hearing to consider appointing six members, terms ending november 23, 2018 to the Shelter Monitoring Committee. There are six seats and 13 applicants. Great. So we will go down the line for applicants and see who is here and who is not so first up we have patrina hall. All right. Please come on up. Yes. Hello. My name is patrina hall and i am running for seat one and seat two. I am a single parent with a minor child who is under 18, and i am also disabled, so i am running for both seats. I qualify for both seats. I was homeless within three years of applying for the seats and i would like to say that i have served on part of an unexpired term for a member. Presently i have been working with the committee on various policies such as shelter bed utilization policy. I believe the imminent danger policy. Also the policy on recommendations to modifying the shelter training manual so i have been pretty active, and with the pres as policy committee as well and presently im the only africanamerican woman on the committee. There are i believe another Committee Member who is a person of color. I dont know his exact racial makeup. He maybe africanamerican and mixed with Something Else but im the only black person on the committee presently and i feel that the seat will be perfect for me because i am there to bring in the diversity. Thank you. Supervisor cohen. Thank you. So ms. Hall i think you came before this body; right . Youre currently in the position on the body. Yes. This is a reup the term you were appointed to finish out. At the time you have been on the Shelter Monitoring Committee what are some of your accomplishments that youre most proud of that you worked on . I cant say i really introduced any policies but i have worked on the shelter bed utilization policy as a group with the subpolicy committee. I worked revising the training manual. I have also participated in various meetings and presentations with the new Homeless Department of housing. So when you say you participated in the presentations what does that look like . What did you do . What was the topic you were talking about . Yes, we remember talking about the shelter. Were talking about the shelter bed utilization. And information you were sharing with the department what the shelter bed process is . Is that what it is . Yes. They were sharing information with us how they also facilitate shelter bed utilizations and appropriation and set asides. I understand this is in the capacity of a volunteer you know in the form of vo

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