Would like again to thank you all for sharing your stories and insights. The commission absolutes all of you and the work that you do to care for the very broad and diverse immigrant community we have in San Francisco. We also thank the staff at the office of Civic Engagement and immigrant affairs for tonights hearing and sfgov tv and office of city administrator for its support. The immigrant Rights Commission is now adjourned. [meeting adjourned] were here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse. We have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why dont we capture that to support the mission youths going to college thats for the food for thought. We didnt have a signature font for our orientation thats a 40yearold organization. Mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual theyve helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. The ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand they were on top of that its a nobrainer for us. Were in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. Food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks were giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. People come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. All the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in whats the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought Higher Education is the tool to move young people. Im also a College Student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college thats 40 percent hire than the afternoon. Im politically to clemdz and ucla. Just knowing were giving back to the community. Especially the Spanish Speaking population it hits home. People get hungry why not eat and give the meeting will come to order welcome to the wednesday, april 12, 2017, this is the regular meeting of the of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee im supervisor ronen chair of the committee to my left is commissioner fewer were expecting supervisor ahsha safai shortly the clerk is erica major. Thank you phil jackson and Nona Melkonian for staffing the meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. Items acted upon today will appear on the will appear on the april 18th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Can you please call number one, item no. 1 170155 Liquor License 277 Taylor Street. Jell to the cutting ball theater sergeant charge is here wednesday, march 20, 2016. Good morning, supervisors you have before you a recorded for the cutting ball theater located at 277 Taylor Street they have applied for a type 64 special onsale general theatre Liquor License and if approved allows them to off beer and wine and beer for onsite sale no letters of protest and no letters of so forth theyre related to in plot 71 of a high crime area in track one 25. 02 not credit card a xharntd area the tenderloin station has no opposition the following recommended conditions the consumption the alcohol should be permitted between the hours of 10 to 11 00 p. M. Each day of the week and two all service and sale of collaboratives in the auditorium should be made from the concession stand or bars or and shall not be delivered by individual vendor known and hawkers and number 3, point of sales of clovnz club houses and notwithstanding conditions 2 and 3 above and only when the theatre is design designated seating alcoholic beverages maybe sold by the water oversees in the seating area under the following cannabis. A only persons occupying seats in the theatre auditorium shall be permitted and served alcoholic beverages and made to the waiter or water recessed and the alcoholic beverages shall be personally delivered by the waiter or waitress that took the order and c the waiter or waitress serving isnt theatre auditorium shall not carry alcoholic beverages and number 5 no more than 2 alcoholic beverages shall be sold or served during any contribution and two alcoholic beverages shall be served in containers utilized for nonalcoholic beverages and containers for beer shall not steady 16 ounce and number 7 all the time when the premises exercising this license an employee of the promises shall monitor the activity not but no longer than once every thirty minutes and 8 loitering is defined as to stand idly and linger without lawful business that is prohibited on my sidewalk adjacent to the licensed premises under the controlled licenses depicted an absence absent 257, number 9 noise shall national be automobile under the control of the licensee on go abc 257 and number ten the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premise is strictly prohibited the applicant has agreed with the listed conditions. Thank you so much any questions. I have one question. Yes. You mentioned that alcohol sales tax continue 10 and 11 is that 10 00 a. M. 10 00 a. M. To 11. Okay thank you. So much sergeant. Is liz olsen here the applicant of the legislation. I did not see here any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues do you have any comments. No ill make a motion for the with a positive recommendation. Okay. Seeing none e seeing this is amaze we for the record to the board with recommendatio recommendations. Item no. 2 170272 Liquor License transfer 708 polk street. To s. A. K. Bars, inc. Dba hotel epik on polk street. Hi. Sergeant thank you. Okay. Good morning, supervisors again, you have the item before you a report located on creelman vs. The department of building inspection at 143 corbett avenue. Im so sorry supervisor safai would like to speak. Yes. Ive not had a chance to look at this, please continue this through the chair. Is there a time constraint. Not for us weve presented our recommendations so through the chair. Not for sfpd. If you want to move this to be continued. To what date and. Two weeks. Madam clerk do you have any. As far as time restraints the board has 90 days to respond to the phase and passed the 60 days so. Would you like if it was in two weeks well be within the 90 days. Let me just double check sorry were checking here. I want to continue that. Is the project sponsor hotel epik here. Okay. I really. We have to take Public Comment so i wanted to find out if youre here yes, we did. Im just seeing if it is possible im sorry for the delay. Okay. The 90 days will be june 1, 20 there is time. There is time. Okay. Supervisor sheehy has made a motion to continue the item id like to take Public Comment on that motion if anyone wants to speak on the continuance youre welcome to do so, now sir, would you like to speak to the continuance. Okay so is there do you, you need a reinforcement. Thats fine this item is continued to our next Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee on what date . And april 26th i believe that one will be cancelled from may 3rd and im sorry may 10th to may 10th this is continued to the may to the effect of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. Madam clerk call item 3 ambassador on the short term and long term strategies for the heavy storms that effects cities in district 7, 8, 9 and 11. Hello mr. Kelly thank you. Can i make opening statements. Yes. Oh, im sorry yes, please supervisor yee has joined us supervisor yee. Okay colleagues todays hearing is on an issue that effects most of districts of the supervisors that are here today the issue of flooding this year we have experienced heavy rains this has impacted many of the residents in district 7, 8, 9 and 11 and in the neighborhoods district the upper great highway pine Lake Neighborhood and in district 7 the 15 avenue area and Ingleside Terrace neighborhood and just neighborhood in sunny side neighborhood across over to district 8 and 11 the terrace cayuga in district 9 and the folsom area much of the flooding is exasperated by the geography of the neighborhoods ive heard from my residents it dealt with flooding in their homes and felt their frustration because as a Property Owner nothing more frustrating that is that is actually in a low lying flood area we want to thank my colleagues many who are sitting on that committee and joined the hearing today core cosponsor sponsoring that supervisor tang and supervisor fewer and supervisor safai and supervisor ronen i also want to thank the many residents from those effected neighborhoods that have contracted our offices over the years as well as those that are here today and taking time out of your day or work to come today to see how flooding has affected their homes i believe as a city and county our members with can implement short term and long term plans to maintain the flooding in the impacted neighborhoods citywide ive been meeting with the Business School and Public Utilities commission for several months to discuss the short term and long term plans for flooding mitigation and sewer improvements and want to thank the general manager harlan kelly and the project manager stephanie to present those plans id like to have general manager harlan kelly present. Good morning, supervisors just want to take the opportunity to talk about the flooding today as youll see this is a complex topic with a long history were going to provide you with information you requested today with long term and short term strategies that addresses flooding but first id like to set the stage by telling you we understand flooding is a tremendous burden for those residents and businesses that are impacted in the pockets of city where needing occurs it is disruptive to lives and livelihood and we really want help we have looked at every everything we can do from an engineering stand point to minimize flooding i want you to understand with the significant ratepayer dollars invest we plan to make there will always be a storm larger in the same neighborhood that will continue to flood and if we get a bigger storm than our types can say handle we want to make sure our residents and businesses are aware of their flood risks and have the resources at the disposal to take objections e actions to protect their property were developing a suit of options for Property Owners to make the easiest possible to protect their investment this partnering between city and the Property Owners will help everyone to be more prepared for what Mother Nature brings our way i want to pass it over to Stephanie Harrison with the San FranciscoPublic UtilitiesCommission Project manager to present on the progress we made to combat flooding in San Francisco stephanie. Good morning, supervisors and my name is Stephanie Harrison im a project manager for the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission can we get the slide on the screen youve asked for a long term and Short Term Solutions so thats exactly what well cover. Excuse me do you have an extra copy. Can i have one, too . Thank you. Okay so in San Francisco a combined collection with surveillance and flows about the same pipes and conveyed to the treatment flagrant before the epa run off or stormwater the largest former of pollution in the United States when our 12r789 hit the ground running it is loiter and nothing youve seeing on Market Street comes into the inclined system we treat over 95 percent of the water that hit the ground running in San Francisco our pipes are predominantly for stormwater in dry weather their by and when enough rain to fill the piecemeal it is 99 percent stormwater more than 99 percent stormwater mixed with sanctuary sewage that is in the system and the system is full and but with the large capacity in the pipes when the system fills in an intense rain the water cant get if it goes to the lowest lying area needing is 16 minutes a large storm up to an, however, and back into the system when the pathway is available the pipes by out. Ill speak from this mike so stormwater is rain that runs overland and sanctuary sewage is it homes and businesses that is in our pipes during dry weather and combined flow the sewage mixes with the pipes our pipes are sized to manage stormwater so graphic you see this is in the folsom neighborhood the pipes their 96 inch pipes large on the streets and in dry weather 6 hundred and thirty gallons her pin a lot of sanctuary flow but when the pipe is full in assigned storm the system is full the water is a exiting the system out of man holes and pipes there is one and 60 thousand gallons per minute running underneath the neighborhood a value of 2 that the plus percent is from sanctuary flow so just to give a perspective the construction in the 1840s a long time and for the First One Hundred years the system was built without strong guidance were aware of by 1941 the 5 year storm was defined by 1952 there was a requirement in place for new developments to be able to contain the 5 year design storm in the pipes that requirement has retained since can you explain that measure of 5 year storm. Yes. Thats a great question so we have over one hundred years of historical dictated of rainfall in the city that data under goes an analysts to look at the probability of different size storms concurring so really i should be calling this one. 3 inches of rainfall in 3 hours that is what the density and the duration of a large designed storm but so in a long term average over over the course of one hundred plus years it will come on a long term average once every 5 years but didnt come once in 5 years if we have one storm it means on my given year that size will occur so when we talk about youll hear about a 5 year storm this is a our design ill be talking about a one hundred year storm comes one time every one hundred years rolling the dice that is in place over one and 10 years in the first part of record we didnt see flashy storms a really dense storm and the second half of the record we see more like on an average basis 9 of them in a 50year period roughly every 5 years but in the recent years seen more flashy rainfall in a 5 or 15 minute period that yes, maam lasts a one hundred year even though that is i use the terminology loosely from our design that is a 1. 3 inches of rain for the design is our model of progression of rainfall that trails off to represent a natural event. I have one question about when you use the term flooding i want to know the threshold that constitutes the flooding is it quarter of an inch how when do you you designated as flooding. Thats a great question. When we talk about youll see some slides on that talks about just water on the streets and hear me refer to the flood risk and flood risk we clarify as low, memory and high flood risk and varies your flood risk depends on the land use the building types as far as what Property Damage so if you have a High Density Residential with a foot of water that is a highrisk but a parking lot that is like a memoranda to although there are different told her that depends on the land use when i say flooding im talking about eninundation and flows on the streets water not getting into the system but flood risk im talking about were talking about usually high and high flood risk yeah. I think it is important you explained the 5 year storm thats fine over 3 time period of one point whatever inch of rainy think that is important to explain not public that you could have a 5 year risk or a flood situation within 15 minutes so when that happens quam at a rate of constant rain divided into 3 hours or almost like having if you were to use that number the ever 15 minutes the rain that came down if you extend to 3 hours during the 15 minutes could be like 10 inches of rain what do you mean. I dont have that calculation off the top of my head the rainfall has a curve associated that represents an storm so it starts off and then the rain peaks and then aside that has the 10 has that shape and one hundred years has a peak 5 minute density or peak 15 minutes density that is 10sh9d with one hundred storm so we could get a storm a one hundred storm in a 15 minute duration that is rains cats and dogs and coordinates to the 15 minute most dense period in a one hundred year storm that is a one hundred year storm even over a 10 minute duration that peaks suddenly and stops and over the duration was not as much rain does that answer your question . I want to make sure we are clear not only about the 3 hours because that is what happened in the flooding it was a short duration where the rain poured and overtook our system. Right when we dine is the pipes we have a dynamic model that looks at the storm for a 3 hour storm including the 3 hour peak if we get the one hundred storm peak flows even if for a short duration our pipes cant accommodate all of that water. Okay. So most recently in the recent last decade or so sfpuc has initiated our Sewer Improv