Supervisor peskin our clerk is mr. Environmental impact our young thank you phil jackson and Jessie Larson from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting mr. Clerk, any announcements . Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the march 8, 2016 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much could you please call item number 4. Item 4. Ordinance amending the planning code for this empowering in the upper market transcript contribute to expand to the second story with the conditional use authorization. Thank you very much supervisor wiener is the sponsor of this item ill give him the floor. Thank you very much you thank you very much madam chair that is nearly crafted to provide a path for the record forwarding for the second story bar used to be legal it under the planning code in the upper market market transit Zoning District the legislations was considered and supported newsom by the Planning Commission by the upper castro merchant at debois Triangle Association it is for upper market instead is provides a conditional use pathway for existing spaces within an external stairway for the pathway to move forward i ask for your support address the Planning Department is here if there are any questions and thank you very much. Thank you Supervisor Scott Wiener im here to report that was recorded and recommended unanimously for so forth im available to answer any questions. Thank you seeing none, no questions on the board on the committee lets see if we have missing minute that want to speak Public Comment is for which ever youll have 2 minutes a psychologist chime for 30 seconds left seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam chair. Are you coming up. Public comment is closed. Is closed at this time commissioner low what do you want to do. Thank you, madam chair i move we forward item 4 to say 80 to the full board i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. A motion to move with a positive recommendation unanimously thank you thank you mr. Clerk and mr. Wiener item one supervisor peskin is the sponsor. Item number one for the intention of the board of supervisors to order. Excuse me. Mr. Young can you call one and two together. Item one for the intention of the board of supervisors ordered the vacation of jane kim bonded by the assessor oversees block and jackson street as part of improvements to the Chinese Hospital eased setting the hearing date for the opposition of the public rightofway and item two the eviction for the alley and jackson street as part of improvement to the Chinese Hospital improving the to have the purpose and sails agreement with the Chinese Hospital 0 for the rights in the third utilities and private Property Owners. Supervisor peskin. Subject to Public Comment id like to make another motion to continue those two items to our meeting next week. Okay. Is there a motion. Sure i move we continue these items to the meeting next monday. Thank you for repeating that without objection at least take Public Comment any Public Comment on items one and two and seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Well take that without objection. This will be continued yes. This item is continued until march next week. Thats correct. Mr. Clerk, call item number 3. Item number 3 reserves asking the Transportation Authority to delve the series for the city how it utilizing e a lierltd the Investment Authority for the Treasure Island housing to 40 perishes. Thank you supervisor jane kim is the author i dont see her here yet lets skip and go to item number 5 thank you. Item number 5 ordinance amending the planning code for the conditional use authorization for the removal of any residential unit and to exempt the conditional use unauthorized units with no legal path to legalization for the units that have approval and snachlz notice of conditional use authorization ordered for the legalization of the unauthorized unit that is feasible under the Planning Commission approval its removal. Thank you scompleenz. That was before i did okay. Perfect supervisor avalos is here just in time to hear supervisor avalos we just called item number 5. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you. No problem. A little bit out of breathe this is the third piece this is left the housing measure that is securing housing for tenants and inlaw units and stimulants that is left i believe were working on language to perhaps apply the conditional use mandatory discretionary review verse conditional use were waiting on language so id like to looking at supervisor wiener to continue this much of next week would be supervisor wiener probably has a better angle he was proposing the mainstreamed for the discretionary review authorization. I was under the impression we needed to refer this to the Planning Commission and through the chair but maybe that mr. Gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney what i understand the conversations have been youre talking about different options how the corrective instead of the cu might work that may require a referral back to planning rather than accounting those amendments the committee to continue to the call of the chair and seek some input from the Planning Commission and go to the Planning Commission with the potential amendment and then the chair would after the Planning Commission meeting the chair of the meeting can reschedule and make the amendment at that time. The motion well make ill lets have input to continue the item to move to the call of the chair and referring to the Planning Commission or rereferring to the Planning Commission for a hearing and feedback and once its done the chair could a reschedule this. Looks like were in vaerment thank you a motion to move to the call of the chair. Public comment. Excuse me. Lets take Public Comment at this point on item number 5 anyone from the public wish to comment all right. Public comment is closed. At this point, a motion and well take that without objection. That item passes thank you of course, supervisor jane kims the author of items 3 asked her staff to come down and present in here absence lets keep moving forward recall item 3. Item 3. Resolution urging the board of directors the Treasure IslandTransbay Joint Powers Authority how the city can utility the revitalization for the Treasure Island to 40 percent. Excuse me. A staff presentation on item number 3 . Morning bob what the Transportation Authority i have background information. Please present. Thank you. Thank you chair cohen and members of the Committee Bob beck with the Transportation Authority and as context for todays discussion just a moment. Wanted to provide in background on the finance plan for the Treasure Island program many context of the housing plan as 2011 and some of the challenges and opportunities that are before us as we move forward with the program. The Housing Program for Treasure Island calls for the communication of 8 thousand new ruled 25 percent are 25 units will be affordable and 4 hundred and 35 of the for the residential units initiative and three hundred with 5 percent would be inclusionary housing constructed by the developer the balance of the florescent be with the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce DevelopmentMayors Office of housing and Community Development the map before you shows the sites that are were the ludicrously plan for the Affordable Housing and four sites indicated that were originally programmed more Affordable Housing when the program was promoted with thirty percent affordable and there is still the opportunity this could be available and 80 sites that are in the current plan for the Affordable Housing. So some of the challenges and opportunities that are before us with the Land Use Plan for Treasure Island revenues side and cost side and timing as well as some opportunities that are embedded from the Land Use Plan to increase to 40 percent affordable the context in 2011 are programmed was originally envisioned to provide thirty percent accountable but a redevelopment and have the stage share the tax cent to help to finance the Affordable Housing and we the Affordable Housing park ranger foyer Treasure Island is effected by the high infrastructure costs we have associated with our programming included the geotech work on the island and new utilities and infrastructure including the ferry term and three Hundred Acres of open space as part of program in february of 2011 the mayor sorry governor jerry brown throbbed his development in california and that left our program with the need to reevaluate how the infrastructure would be fined the absence of redevelopment so the solution moving forward was to replace redevelopment financing and infrastructure financing district which will utilize the commitment by the city of chicago the local property tax to fund the infrastructure think on the island the tax increment 9 the bug difference if 80 percent tackling taxation able to 64 percent of tax increment available and in looking at how to adjust that to lose of revenue many elements of the financing of the Public Infrastructure that are not discretion the geotech work to move the island and the utilities we had a lot of flexibility there and so unfortunately, the Program Element that bore the brunt of the redevelopment was the the Affordable Housing and the Affordable Housing participation was changed from thirty percent to 25 percent. The housing plan and final housing plan utilized 47 percent of the tax increment from the local share as well as a commitment from the developer of 17 thousand plus per month to help fund the Affordable Housing component this table summarizes the differences continue the 25 percent and the thirty percent in 2011 as envisioned and put forward and again, the large loss of 4 hundred units of Affordable Housing will be the environment approval for the units because of uncertainty around redevelopment at the time they were provisions the housing plan that contemplate the potential of reauthorization of redevelopment including which automatically reverified verified the program to thirty percent if the key provisions were reconstituted that would be 60 percent of tax increment available for Public Infrastructure improvements that the comboiblth of the i f d for the thirty years to 45 years and that the basic the other elements of redevelopment the eligible improvements will be consistent with what was available under redevelopment law. If only some of those provisions are met there is a provision for us to revert back to 27 percent Affordable Housing so the challenges and opportunities that are before us supervisor kims resolution spoke specifically to ab 2 there are 3 different state legislations passed since 2011 modifying the rules under which the infrastructure district what about for the record ab 2 and the i f d or the infrastructure financing or the i f r d district in terms of term the both those are providing for a 25 year and the i f d provides for a 40 year term additional flexibility when it which can is start for the individual areas within the financing district so that some of the ditches the term are mitigated by a responsibility the timing of the 40 year requirement the e f d authorizes the local entities to commit and leverage the vehicle fees from the state in addition to the local property tax share but otherwise ab 2 i r f d and e f d only relate to the local pledge pledge of tax increment and not the state tax commencement from that prospective ab 2 does not grow the pie of available financing more Affordable Housing again, the it didnt make any difference from redevelopment number one none of these provide assess to the state share commencement of implement they require an election from the district and minor differences the authorized improvements and the e f d and i f did no specific requirements the ab 2 has a 25 percent Affordable Housing requirement as well as a b two calls for a potential reauthorization of every 10 years is a significant challenge to the ab 2 delivering the Affordable Housing we have some challenges that are southern Funding Sources that are included the performa in 2011 that are no longer available to help to finance Affordable Housing also a significant increase in construction covets over the last 5 years were looking at the hard costs of communication almost 50 percent higher than 2011 we have some changes on costs and the revenue side with the 25 percent but were working with tihdi and the Mayors Office of housing to update the performas to look at how we fund the Affordable Housing and what the time work to deliver the Affordable Housing this map shows you when the parcels are expected to be made available to tihdi and tida over the 2030 so that is our earliest opportunity for development of the housing in terms of opportunities the housing plan and financing plan calls for us at 5 years following the effective dates of Development Agreement to revenue whether or not the changes are to rae constitute the development in the 5 year verizon is coming up this summer from the changes have been made to replicate the Public Financing that is available would have been available for the law as i said well have the option to revert to 35 percent available and some of the changes have been made we have the option to revert to 27 percent available and performas at each level on the revenue and cost side well have a better sense of the time horizon as well as the gap. So as i mentioned works in progress we have updating the 25 percent affordable and looking at opportunities and prepare a performa at 27 percent identifying a new mix of both units and housing types to be able to deliver the 27 percent performa and looking at what the gap will be if thirty percent were recent to meet the housing plan requirement. With that, ill conclude any comments. Your presentation we appreciate it supervisor wiener. Thank you very much madam chair thank you for that presentation which was very detailed and very helpful and actually updating us on the current financing for the Treasure Island project as well as some of the challenges that the project faces wonderful project is that i know i recall unanimous support from the board of supervisors and will be a transformational so i think this is something we all support i know we also every single one of us wants to have as much Affordable Housing as the we can from our projects and particularly our Major Projects that is important to be i think very open and transparent with the public and not just throw around numbers that may or may not achievable from Public Resources like other Affordable Housing to get there we had a discussion at the full board last week about the notation of 40 percent Affordable Housing which is wonderful we can get up to 40 percent Affordable Housing im for it but an implementation that the 40 percent a hash tag is the new thirty that was somehow x tracked from the developer from the developer had been through tints and hard nose negotiation the developer agreed to put in 40 percent we know from the 5 m project this is not true half is more like towing percent and the rest from taxpayer subsidies and the fulsome projec