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Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Full Board Of Supervisors 9
Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Full Board Of Supervisors 9
Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Full Board Of Supervisors 9815 20150910
Session. Welcome back, members. Mdm. Clerk, please call the roll thank you madame president supervisor avalos present; pres. Breed here;; compost present; christiansen present cohen, present farrell, present; kimpresent some; mar not present tang present wienerpresent emacpresent you have a quorum thank you. Ladies and gentlemen can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] thank you madam clerk are there any communications or yes mdm. Pres. This medication is meant to inform the public that the board of supervisors has expanded its existing
Language Access
Services Program
by authorizing the office of the clerk of the board to enter into an abortive partnership with the office of
Civic Engagement
and immigrant affairs. For an 11
Month Pilot Program
beginning september 1, 2015 and lasting through july 31, 2015. During that time, the staff will provide spanish and
Chinese Interpretation Services
upon request and every regular and special board of supervisors meeting. They are here in the chamber today interpreting for spanish ms. Agnes lee, and interpreting for chinese is ms. Agnes lee and interpreting for spanish is mr. Norman bustillo andgive filipino tradition will be provided with a suggested 48hour advance request as well as interpretation for committee meetings. Will translate certain
Public Notices
crafted by the clerks and thein addition which list the titles of legislation introduced at will call each week by the board of supervisors, the mayor, and the
City Department
s. Further, these translated notices and legislation introduced to be posted on the board of supervisors website. I wish to thank the director and her great staff in addition to the board staff who implement it a lot of good work in a very short period of target our deputy operations peggy nevins and rahal. Our legislative deputy rick called eric, his assistant and lets say clerks and the evergreen of mr. Darcy from the board division. Thank you resident breed thank you bit i like to add a special thank you to supervisor yee are bringing this legislation forward and make this happen. With that, colleagues are there any changes to the july 7, july 14, july 21, or the july 28 regular
Board Meeting
minutes, or the july 31 special
Meeting Minutes
. Seeing none, is there a motion to approve moved and seconded. Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take these approval of these minutes without objection . Without objection these minutes will be approved after
Public Comment
. [gavel] madam clerk can you please read the
Consent Agenda
item 1, 123, these items are considered routine if a member objects and item may be removed and considered separately see no names on the roster, madam clerk, can you please call the roll call item 1 through threesupervisor christiansen aye cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye tang aye wiener aye yee aye opelousas aye breed aye compos aye there are 11 aye these items are finally passed and approved it unanimously. [gavel] madam clerk please call the next item item 4 is an ordinance to amend the link code to revise the fee schedules in the
Planning Department
determination. Can we take this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance is finally passed unanimously [gavel] can read item 5 and six together item 5 and six are two ordinances that men the planning code to allow the construction of accessory dwelling units also known as secondary or in law units within the boundaries of board of supervisors district 8 and district 3 to acquire the
Planning Department
to monitor the use of both districts as shortterm rentals in correcting section references by amending the ministry of code affirming the planning to carmen determination making other appropriate financial tics can we take these items same housing call . Without objection these ordinance are finally passed unanimously [gavel] next item, please item 7, and ordinance to plan the planning go to clarify that the
Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program
applies to housing projects to include
Group Housing
projects to change certain requirements for
Group Housing
projects to allow a zoning demonstrator special waiver from the exposure requirement in certain circumstances to allow affordable onsite units of housing projects to be exempt from calculation specifying that the onsite units in
Group Housing
projects should be priced at 75 of the maximum
Purchase Price
for studio units if the bedrooms are less than three and 50 ft. 2. To clarify the requirements for designated units in certain cthree districts under section 124 ivan at and to to [inaudible] other appropriate tides supervisor carlos a . President breed we have had two readings on this legislation. We have passed it but due to a clerical error we can have the real amendment before us. At the time. So, actually going to start
First Reading
today with a new amendment i have today that i have to actually the intent that we have would be that we made in committee and probably get approved by the full board. So, these are here. Even passed out to you. The clerkmr. Given up, give anything to add about the process on todays proposed amendment, to step back in from existing code we accidentally deleted in committee. So this will justthe amendment proposed date will not be substantive at all. Just clean up the ordinance then this will be a
First Reading
and will pass out. Next
Board Meeting
with our second reading . Thats right. The oneweek delay or even a hitch requires another meeting today, wont impact any projects in the real world because the ordinance is retroactive and applies to projects that got
First Construction
document inmate s rate. Thank you supervisor avalos would like to make a motion a hold for this legislation to clarify that
Inclusionary Program
applies to supervisor autos has made a motion moved and seconded. Can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the moment passes [gavel] colleagues, for the item as amended, can we take this same housing call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed unanimously on the
First Reading
[gavel] these read item number eight item he is an ordinance to amend the public works go to acquire the contractor parking plan is a condition of approval of excavation permits for major work that is 30 consecutive calendar days or longer and specified temporary street space occupancy permits for construction work adopting fees for review and inspection later to contractor parking plans some folks and to affirm the
Planning Department
determination supervisor cohen welcome back. Its nice to see everyone back in bright eyed and ready to go. Today on item number eight, a dyslexic moment to thank supervisor christiansen as well as supervisor farrell for working collaboratively on this piece of legislation as well as the npa in dpw for working with our office to refine and develop the necessary application forms for contractors. Last year you may recall, all three of us heard for many of our constituents were frustrated with confusing overburdened some bringing up spring up all around various construction sites in various neighbors. In some instances, entire blocks, entire blocks of parking reserved a 24 seven days a week even with construction work wasnt occurring. Its left the entire portion of the neighborhood offlimits to residents who need to park overnight. Or individuals working to patronize a bird commercial corridors. Most most of central
San Francisco
north main that dismisses are starting to feel or continuing to feel the pinch. We on the to share this limited parking resources get so i am an enthusiastic supporter because i think the legislation strikes strikes the right balance facilitating construction also requiring contractors to be a little bit more thoughtful in specific about what exactly the parking needs are going to be. So this legislation also increases transparency but neighbors. By requiring the development of a contractor parking plan for these larger projects, the neighbors can hold contractors accountable and can also do a better job the better contractors can do a better job of planning for parking lot. So, colleagues, i would like to ask for your support on this legislation. Read my colleague supervisor mark farrell also is wonderful, stu share thank you. Supervisor farrell thank you. Colleagues, thank you take you supervisor cohen for cosponsorship. Construction is booming in our city and having a significant quality of life for all of our residents, ive heard complaints for years now from residents every day frustrated by the amount of neighborhood
Parking Spaces
that are being taken away by construction parking permits. This is especially we can all relate to and parking remains vacant for days of time and are not used. With over 250 permits obtained per week and close to 13,000 issued on a yearly basis of the city, ideally we can be more proactive in leading our residents know that the impacts are going to be happening to them in their neighborhoods. Given these frustrations at agree with supervisor comics and a cosponsor christiansen, wiener i want to thank supervisor kim as well. To introduce this construction parking plan legislation a few months ago. This plan will mandate a construction parking permit plan is a condition to receiving and any temporary street space occupancy permit for conceptual work that request more than one parking space over the course of three or more months. It also mandates permit on street
Parking Spaces
that are not used or occupied 4 pm on any given day shall be go to her residence of the public for use. This plan will be made proactively available to members of the public in the available on dpws website. The ordinance face many construction parking plan prerequisite to receiving his parking space permits for construction and zones. The components of the construction parking plan will include, among others, the number of
Parking Spaces
and the rationale, the average number of employees participated on site each day, the timeline and phasing of the project in requirement of an update from the contract at the midpoint of the construction project, whether its feasible to use offsite parking such is parking garages, and a proposal for how the contractor is going to be implement the 4 pm parking plan. In committee we also added additional
Zoning Districts
to mitigate the impact felt in neighborhood commercial districts for residents and
Small Business
and lastly include fees to ensure this legislation we properly enforced art in our neighborhoods. I do believe this is simple and straightforward and will alleviate a significant qualityoflife issue that exists are neighborhoods to i ask for your support. Thank you supervisor farrell collies can we take this item same housing call . Without objection, the ordinance passes unanimously on the
First Reading
[gavel] madam clerk read the next item please item 9 ordinance to amend the planning code to allow access or use of entertainment with limited
Live Performance
permits in the west and south of market mixed use general and regional commercial district. And to affirm the planet apartments determination and make the appropriate findings s supervisor kim thank you. Is legislation would expand a limited live permit usage into the neighborhood commercial corridor work of the rest of the city. As colleagues may remember, we delayed the implementation of limited live permits in the western south plan is the plan came forward that this program did. Many of the members of the task force had asked us to delay implementation until we see how this played out in other neighborhoods. The limited live permit program has been fairly successful throughout the city with very very few neighborhood and resident complaints, and so given the large number of entertaining use was already in the south of market were some concerns about allowing for more limited live permits. Being that has been successful in allowing smallscale djs, songwriters, open mics brought the city, the neighborhood is comfortable with expanding this now into the western summit plan so colleagues i ask for your support and one recognize and thank the
Entertainment Commission
many of our smoke businesses for the work and participation in this process. Thank you. Thank you supervisor kim. Colleagues can we take this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance passes unanimously on
First Reading
[gavel] madam clerk, please call item number 10 item 10, ordinance to amend the mystery of code to require the sheriff and
Police Department
to gather and regularly report data regarding detentions and traffic stops. Colleagues predict this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance passes unanimously on
First Reading
[gavel] item number 11 item 11 is in the ministry of code to increase the amount of the assessor recorders cash
Revolving Fund
from 3002 from 30026 and 50 same housing copy it without objection this is passed unanimously on
First Reading
[gavel] item 12 and 12 is a motion to appointchildren youth and
Family Oversight Committee
terms to be determined and residency required same housing call without objection this motion is approved unanimously [gavel] supervisor comics excuse maybe i like to motion to rescind the boat for item number 10. Then easily discuss supervisor, stu made a motion to rescind a vote on item 10 second bite supervisor christiansen. Can take take this without objection without objection the vote for items and has been rescinded [gavel] madam clerk, since you called item number 10 already i will recognize supervisor comics at this time thank you very much. My apologies. I today have come for couple days him and asked for your support when the transparent pleasing ordinance which is ordinance will be beneficial to all of san franciscans but especially to those in the
Minority Community
as well as those both the
Sheriffs Department
as well as the
Police Department
. Just briefly to orient you, the ordinance is reflective of the moment weve seen across the entire country over the last year. It reflects recommendations from pres. Obamas 21st
Century Policing
task force, which produced a report with a number of improvements that cities should make to improve
Police Relations
with the community. This ordinance would require the sheriff as well as the
Police Department
to collect data on race, gender, and to be collected during traffic stops and anytime either department either the government or
Sheriffs Department
, detains, stops, for questioning or searches in individual. This ordinance requires each department not only to collect this information but also to analyze and report it on a quarterly basis back to the board of supervisors and the
Mayors Office
as well as the
Human Rights Commission
. Also to the police commission. The three areas of concern that this ordinance is focused on are the prevention of pretextual stops based on race and pretextual stops based on gender related characteristics, and also, the use of force where it is unwarranted. Over the last year, we have all seen a number of horrific events where
Police Officers
have either killed or seriously injured young thusly africanamerican or other minority men and right here in
San Francisco
, africanamerican men arrested at a rate more than two times many caucasian residents. Studies have also shown transgender people across the us experience unprecedented levels of
Police Violence
at higher rates than on transgender individuals. So, it was a study that was released in 2015 by the
National Coalition
of antiviolence programs that show that transgendered women experience
Police Brutality
and rate of five point times greater than nontransgender individuals. For transwomen of color, the numbers 6. 2 times higher. Colleagues, in the past the ordinance the goal that we have outlined our that were trying to achieve is to reduce unintentional disproportion numbers of detentions, arrests and targeting minorities of the
Transgender Community
. Also, we like to introduce an additional level of transparency and oversight onto the
Police Department
as well as the
Sheriffs Department
as we begin to rebuild the trust that the community has hadthat the community has lost, and our lawenforcement department by making this
Information Available
to the public for review and by requiring quarterly reports to the
Language Access<\/a>
Services Program<\/a> by authorizing the office of the clerk of the board to enter into an abortive partnership with the office of
Civic Engagement<\/a> and immigrant affairs. For an 11
Month Pilot Program<\/a> beginning september 1, 2015 and lasting through july 31, 2015. During that time, the staff will provide spanish and
Chinese Interpretation Services<\/a> upon request and every regular and special board of supervisors meeting. They are here in the chamber today interpreting for spanish ms. Agnes lee, and interpreting for chinese is ms. Agnes lee and interpreting for spanish is mr. Norman bustillo andgive filipino tradition will be provided with a suggested 48hour advance request as well as interpretation for committee meetings. Will translate certain
Public Notices<\/a> crafted by the clerks and thein addition which list the titles of legislation introduced at will call each week by the board of supervisors, the mayor, and the
City Department<\/a>s. Further, these translated notices and legislation introduced to be posted on the board of supervisors website. I wish to thank the director and her great staff in addition to the board staff who implement it a lot of good work in a very short period of target our deputy operations peggy nevins and rahal. Our legislative deputy rick called eric, his assistant and lets say clerks and the evergreen of mr. Darcy from the board division. Thank you resident breed thank you bit i like to add a special thank you to supervisor yee are bringing this legislation forward and make this happen. With that, colleagues are there any changes to the july 7, july 14, july 21, or the july 28 regular
Board Meeting<\/a> minutes, or the july 31 special
Meeting Minutes<\/a> . Seeing none, is there a motion to approve moved and seconded. Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take these approval of these minutes without objection . Without objection these minutes will be approved after
Public Comment<\/a>. [gavel] madam clerk can you please read the
Consent Agenda<\/a> item 1, 123, these items are considered routine if a member objects and item may be removed and considered separately see no names on the roster, madam clerk, can you please call the roll call item 1 through threesupervisor christiansen aye cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye tang aye wiener aye yee aye opelousas aye breed aye compos aye there are 11 aye these items are finally passed and approved it unanimously. [gavel] madam clerk please call the next item item 4 is an ordinance to amend the link code to revise the fee schedules in the
Planning Department<\/a> determination. Can we take this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance is finally passed unanimously [gavel] can read item 5 and six together item 5 and six are two ordinances that men the planning code to allow the construction of accessory dwelling units also known as secondary or in law units within the boundaries of board of supervisors district 8 and district 3 to acquire the
Planning Department<\/a> to monitor the use of both districts as shortterm rentals in correcting section references by amending the ministry of code affirming the planning to carmen determination making other appropriate financial tics can we take these items same housing call . Without objection these ordinance are finally passed unanimously [gavel] next item, please item 7, and ordinance to plan the planning go to clarify that the
Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program<\/a> applies to housing projects to include
Group Housing<\/a> projects to change certain requirements for
Group Housing<\/a> projects to allow a zoning demonstrator special waiver from the exposure requirement in certain circumstances to allow affordable onsite units of housing projects to be exempt from calculation specifying that the onsite units in
Group Housing<\/a> projects should be priced at 75 of the maximum
Purchase Price<\/a> for studio units if the bedrooms are less than three and 50 ft. 2. To clarify the requirements for designated units in certain cthree districts under section 124 ivan at and to to [inaudible] other appropriate tides supervisor carlos a . President breed we have had two readings on this legislation. We have passed it but due to a clerical error we can have the real amendment before us. At the time. So, actually going to start
First Reading<\/a> today with a new amendment i have today that i have to actually the intent that we have would be that we made in committee and probably get approved by the full board. So, these are here. Even passed out to you. The clerkmr. Given up, give anything to add about the process on todays proposed amendment, to step back in from existing code we accidentally deleted in committee. So this will justthe amendment proposed date will not be substantive at all. Just clean up the ordinance then this will be a
First Reading<\/a> and will pass out. Next
Board Meeting<\/a> with our second reading . Thats right. The oneweek delay or even a hitch requires another meeting today, wont impact any projects in the real world because the ordinance is retroactive and applies to projects that got
First Construction<\/a> document inmate s rate. Thank you supervisor avalos would like to make a motion a hold for this legislation to clarify that
Inclusionary Program<\/a> applies to supervisor autos has made a motion moved and seconded. Can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the moment passes [gavel] colleagues, for the item as amended, can we take this same housing call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed unanimously on the
First Reading<\/a> [gavel] these read item number eight item he is an ordinance to amend the public works go to acquire the contractor parking plan is a condition of approval of excavation permits for major work that is 30 consecutive calendar days or longer and specified temporary street space occupancy permits for construction work adopting fees for review and inspection later to contractor parking plans some folks and to affirm the
Planning Department<\/a> determination supervisor cohen welcome back. Its nice to see everyone back in bright eyed and ready to go. Today on item number eight, a dyslexic moment to thank supervisor christiansen as well as supervisor farrell for working collaboratively on this piece of legislation as well as the npa in dpw for working with our office to refine and develop the necessary application forms for contractors. Last year you may recall, all three of us heard for many of our constituents were frustrated with confusing overburdened some bringing up spring up all around various construction sites in various neighbors. In some instances, entire blocks, entire blocks of parking reserved a 24 seven days a week even with construction work wasnt occurring. Its left the entire portion of the neighborhood offlimits to residents who need to park overnight. Or individuals working to patronize a bird commercial corridors. Most most of central
San Francisco<\/a> north main that dismisses are starting to feel or continuing to feel the pinch. We on the to share this limited parking resources get so i am an enthusiastic supporter because i think the legislation strikes strikes the right balance facilitating construction also requiring contractors to be a little bit more thoughtful in specific about what exactly the parking needs are going to be. So this legislation also increases transparency but neighbors. By requiring the development of a contractor parking plan for these larger projects, the neighbors can hold contractors accountable and can also do a better job the better contractors can do a better job of planning for parking lot. So, colleagues, i would like to ask for your support on this legislation. Read my colleague supervisor mark farrell also is wonderful, stu share thank you. Supervisor farrell thank you. Colleagues, thank you take you supervisor cohen for cosponsorship. Construction is booming in our city and having a significant quality of life for all of our residents, ive heard complaints for years now from residents every day frustrated by the amount of neighborhood
Parking Spaces<\/a> that are being taken away by construction parking permits. This is especially we can all relate to and parking remains vacant for days of time and are not used. With over 250 permits obtained per week and close to 13,000 issued on a yearly basis of the city, ideally we can be more proactive in leading our residents know that the impacts are going to be happening to them in their neighborhoods. Given these frustrations at agree with supervisor comics and a cosponsor christiansen, wiener i want to thank supervisor kim as well. To introduce this construction parking plan legislation a few months ago. This plan will mandate a construction parking permit plan is a condition to receiving and any temporary street space occupancy permit for conceptual work that request more than one parking space over the course of three or more months. It also mandates permit on street
Parking Spaces<\/a> that are not used or occupied 4 pm on any given day shall be go to her residence of the public for use. This plan will be made proactively available to members of the public in the available on dpws website. The ordinance face many construction parking plan prerequisite to receiving his parking space permits for construction and zones. The components of the construction parking plan will include, among others, the number of
Parking Spaces<\/a> and the rationale, the average number of employees participated on site each day, the timeline and phasing of the project in requirement of an update from the contract at the midpoint of the construction project, whether its feasible to use offsite parking such is parking garages, and a proposal for how the contractor is going to be implement the 4 pm parking plan. In committee we also added additional
Zoning Districts<\/a> to mitigate the impact felt in neighborhood commercial districts for residents and
Small Business<\/a> and lastly include fees to ensure this legislation we properly enforced art in our neighborhoods. I do believe this is simple and straightforward and will alleviate a significant qualityoflife issue that exists are neighborhoods to i ask for your support. Thank you supervisor farrell collies can we take this item same housing call . Without objection, the ordinance passes unanimously on the
First Reading<\/a> [gavel] madam clerk read the next item please item 9 ordinance to amend the planning code to allow access or use of entertainment with limited
Live Performance<\/a> permits in the west and south of market mixed use general and regional commercial district. And to affirm the planet apartments determination and make the appropriate findings s supervisor kim thank you. Is legislation would expand a limited live permit usage into the neighborhood commercial corridor work of the rest of the city. As colleagues may remember, we delayed the implementation of limited live permits in the western south plan is the plan came forward that this program did. Many of the members of the task force had asked us to delay implementation until we see how this played out in other neighborhoods. The limited live permit program has been fairly successful throughout the city with very very few neighborhood and resident complaints, and so given the large number of entertaining use was already in the south of market were some concerns about allowing for more limited live permits. Being that has been successful in allowing smallscale djs, songwriters, open mics brought the city, the neighborhood is comfortable with expanding this now into the western summit plan so colleagues i ask for your support and one recognize and thank the
Entertainment Commission<\/a> many of our smoke businesses for the work and participation in this process. Thank you. Thank you supervisor kim. Colleagues can we take this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance passes unanimously on
First Reading<\/a> [gavel] madam clerk, please call item number 10 item 10, ordinance to amend the mystery of code to require the sheriff and
Police Department<\/a> to gather and regularly report data regarding detentions and traffic stops. Colleagues predict this item same housing call . Without objection this ordinance passes unanimously on
First Reading<\/a> [gavel] item number 11 item 11 is in the ministry of code to increase the amount of the assessor recorders cash
Revolving Fund<\/a> from 3002 from 30026 and 50 same housing copy it without objection this is passed unanimously on
First Reading<\/a> [gavel] item 12 and 12 is a motion to appointchildren youth and
Family Oversight Committee<\/a> terms to be determined and residency required same housing call without objection this motion is approved unanimously [gavel] supervisor comics excuse maybe i like to motion to rescind the boat for item number 10. Then easily discuss supervisor, stu made a motion to rescind a vote on item 10 second bite supervisor christiansen. Can take take this without objection without objection the vote for items and has been rescinded [gavel] madam clerk, since you called item number 10 already i will recognize supervisor comics at this time thank you very much. My apologies. I today have come for couple days him and asked for your support when the transparent pleasing ordinance which is ordinance will be beneficial to all of san franciscans but especially to those in the
Minority Community<\/a> as well as those both the
Sheriffs Department<\/a> as well as the
Police Department<\/a>. Just briefly to orient you, the ordinance is reflective of the moment weve seen across the entire country over the last year. It reflects recommendations from pres. Obamas 21st
Century Policing<\/a> task force, which produced a report with a number of improvements that cities should make to improve
Police Relations<\/a> with the community. This ordinance would require the sheriff as well as the
Police Department<\/a> to collect data on race, gender, and to be collected during traffic stops and anytime either department either the government or
Sheriffs Department<\/a>, detains, stops, for questioning or searches in individual. This ordinance requires each department not only to collect this information but also to analyze and report it on a quarterly basis back to the board of supervisors and the
Mayors Office<\/a> as well as the
Human Rights Commission<\/a>. Also to the police commission. The three areas of concern that this ordinance is focused on are the prevention of pretextual stops based on race and pretextual stops based on gender related characteristics, and also, the use of force where it is unwarranted. Over the last year, we have all seen a number of horrific events where
Police Officers<\/a> have either killed or seriously injured young thusly africanamerican or other minority men and right here in
San Francisco<\/a>, africanamerican men arrested at a rate more than two times many caucasian residents. Studies have also shown transgender people across the us experience unprecedented levels of
Police Violence<\/a> at higher rates than on transgender individuals. So, it was a study that was released in 2015 by the
National Coalition<\/a> of antiviolence programs that show that transgendered women experience
Police Brutality<\/a> and rate of five point times greater than nontransgender individuals. For transwomen of color, the numbers 6. 2 times higher. Colleagues, in the past the ordinance the goal that we have outlined our that were trying to achieve is to reduce unintentional disproportion numbers of detentions, arrests and targeting minorities of the
Transgender Community<\/a>. Also, we like to introduce an additional level of transparency and oversight onto the
Police Department<\/a> as well as the
Sheriffs Department<\/a> as we begin to rebuild the trust that the community has hadthat the community has lost, and our lawenforcement department by making this
Information Available<\/a> to the public for review and by requiring quarterly reports to the
Mayors Office<\/a>, and to this body, as well as to the please commission and
Human Rights Commission<\/a> collies, you should have received from the clerk, the latest version of the ordinance with a couple of commitments i made to clarify the legislation in response to community concern. In working with the advocacy groups and the
Transgender Community<\/a> they felt that requiring officers to request an individuals gender identity during an encounter would place transgendered individuals and increase risk for discrimination and a restaurant or worse violence. So there are several moments of going to read him into the record. The first was has to do with an incremental implementation period. On page 3, line 16, we changed the collection of data to be based on individuals actual race and not perception or observation. I want to thank supervisor avalos supervisor tang to this matter in committee over a month ago. The
Second Amendment<\/a> is on page 7, line 4,. It changed the reporting for
Transgender Community<\/a> to reflecting complaints filed with the office of the this and complaints, based on bias policing from the cells self identified transgender individuals. The third amendment , and its one additional lastminute amendment on making is on page 3. Line 19. I would like to strike the phrase that says, the officer as a lawful reason to identify such passengers. It should read if the officer has a reasonable suspicion to detain such passengers. The final amendment can be found on page 5, line 1. June 30, 2016 and then online two, should read, june 2017 to be in line with the end of the fiscal year. So some cleanup language. Youre proposing the specific commitments to be passed today that is correct is that emotion no, not yet im not done. Thank you matter present. Im almost done though. I also theres also recognition that came in from the
Public Defenders Office<\/a> to include investigative contacts and the root reporting was appreciated nationally working closely with the pd on the
Public Defenders Office<\/a> on passing this ordinance have not accepted this legislation. It goes beyond the focus of the ordinance and really beyond the scope of what this 21st
Century Policing<\/a> report recommends. So this ordinance is focused on stops and detentions. There are a long list of folks i like to think. Im proud to work with a wide range of community and serving that he advocates on this particular ordinance by to think very quickly, the officers for justice, the transgender law center, community againstcan i
Community United<\/a> against violence the
Human Rights Commission<\/a>, office of citizens complaints, youth commission, and of course the sheriffs and
Police Department<\/a>. Both sermons have been instrumental as has the
Public Defenders Office<\/a>. Colleagues come i hope to have this moved forward thank you. Is there a motion to move these moments for yes. There is a motion seconded by supervisor kim. Can we take these mms . One more thing. I want to recognize my cosponsor pres. Breed and supervisor kim im sorry. Supervisor you rick and kim thank you. Colleagues, can we take these amendments without objection, without objection the minutes pass orcs supervisor kim as lungs were talking about amendments i do have a question about its not necessarily something i want to include in the ordinance today, but i did notice
Public Defenders Office<\/a> and suggested we include reporting on in investigative contacts as well. I was curious about that conversation and why was ultimately not included in the legislation . Just a little bit of scope of what im trying to do. The basis of my legislation is based on the 21st century report that pres. Obama put out. This did not include investigative points. I was curious in the hearing if it came up this was an issue where there was disparities that were perceived in communities around [inaudible] by the police around investigative contacts no, not at all i do want to say that i support this legislation and recognize to provide supervisor cohen for leadership on this bit i think its incredibly important and regularly report data so this transparency with the public around how our police and
Sheriffs Department<\/a> have contact with members of the public, particularly among round detention and traffic stops that i look forward to the reports coming forward in may of next year. I hope that they are illuminative but also that we can learn from that as we improve our relationships and
Building Trust<\/a> with members of the public. So thank you for that thank you. Supervisor compos thank you. I want to thank supervisor cohen for this item like to be added on as a cosponsor. Im very supportive of it what were trying to do with this item. I think we need to have data to more transparency, but i do want to say that putting whats happening around
Law Enforcement<\/a> in context, i think this is a step in the right direction good a lot more needs to be done, not only with the
Police Department<\/a> but also the sheriffs arent. One of the things that were still waiting to figure out how were going to do this, is the implementation of the body camera program. I think that the fact that, its been a while since it was first announced and we still have not seen full implementation. I think that is a concern. The other thing i would say, i think that its more about the data we need. I think theres actually a need for conference of reform of our
Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies, including reform around training, hiring and quite frankly, the
Disciplinary Proceedings<\/a> as well. We have a situation where some of the individuals that were involved in the text messaging scandals depending on what happens with the court, those cases may end up being thrown out of the court system. I think thats a pretty horrible thing to happen not only in terms of those cases, but also the kind of message it sends. The reality is, that what is happening in places like ferguson, while it is not to the same degree of problem in
San Francisco<\/a>, still a problem in
San Francisco<\/a>. I dont believe that we as a city collectively are doing enough to address that that reform that is needed and i think that because of that inability to fully tackle this issue, we have a situation where many communities, especially communities of color theres a lack of trust. A
Law Enforcement<\/a>. Not just of the
Police Department<\/a> but also the
Sheriffs Department<\/a>. So, i think that its an important step in the right direction, but this is a very small step in a larger context of what needs to be done to reform
Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies. If we cannot do that the right way in
San Francisco<\/a>, where else in this country cannot happen . Thank you. Supervisor mar thank you. I want to thank supervisor cohen in supervisor avalos and the other cosponsors. I think as we heard the issue within the
Public Safety<\/a> committee that supervisor on post and christiansen say on with me, im in total agreement with supervisor compos, its a systemic issue that black and whites matter different social movements have brought up recently but also historically, james hallam
Hayward Burns Institute<\/a> have identified a key disparity, racial disparity,. I think they recently alerted us that africanamerican adults are seven times more likely as white adults to be arrested in
San Francisco<\/a> from the public defenders
Racial Justice<\/a> committee were a lot of great suggestions came out of the 10 point program, that we need to go even further but i think this is a good first step as we try to look at the
Police Department<\/a> and the
Sheriffs Department<\/a> as well. I also want to acknowledge years and decades of the aclu of northern california. The ac oucampaign to raise awareness of the inherent bias in a lot of other areas as well. Lastly, i want to say that i think its good that youre raising the issue of transgender people and gender in traffic stops and various stops as well because i think it is beyond races is important but also gender and other factors as well in culture , but thanks so much to supervisor cohen but all the others that worked on this. I supervisor compos mentioned, theres a much more to be done as a problem is extremely systemic and we have to address it on that basis as well. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing none, names on the roster, colleagues, can we take them as item same house single as amended . See no objection, this item this ordinance is passed unanimously as amended on
First Reading<\/a> orcs okay. Mdm. Clerk 02
Committee Reports<\/a> mdm. Pres. Adam 13 and 14 were considered by the government audit and
Oversight Committee<\/a> and regular meeting on thursday, september 3 at 10 30 am. Were forwarded as
Committee Reports<\/a> both items were recommended as amended with the same title. Matt called both items together yes, please item 13 and 14 i am 13 and 14 are two resolutions sponsored the presiding judge of this. Court on the findings and recommendations contained in the 20142015 civil grand jury reports on the office of the assessor report appeared in the
San Francisco<\/a> whistleblowers protection ordinance. To further urge the mayor to cause the implementation of except the findings and recommendations through his
Department Heads<\/a> and or through the development of the annual budget. Of it. See no names on the roster colleagues, can we take these items same house and call . Without objection these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Orcs mdm. Clerk, for now available to will call for introductions and then will come back to the commendation thank you. Supervisor cohen were going to start with you today. I submit supervisor farrell. Supervisor came thank you. Im actually [inaudible] legislation for it ordinance i passed unanimously last ferry the fair chance that cosponsored by supervisor maria lets get with the hard work and diverse set of stakeholders from thehousing community and our business community, we were able to craft the most progressive reform in the state and we are again leading the country in a work to remove unnecessary barriers and create real employment and housing opportunities for one in four adults in the us who have an arrest or conviction history. Their chance has now been affect since 2014 in august and we received recommendations from several
City Department<\/a>s including the office of labor standards enforcement, the
Agency Charged<\/a> with enforcing the legislation regarding a need to ensure that the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> removes arbitrate robots for full participation in
City Government<\/a>. To that end im introducing an amendment to the fair chance act illuminate the requirement that applicants for membership on boards and commissions here at the city disclose all felony convictions. Limit the city from using criminal history information making decisions about appointments and removal of members certain boards, commissions and other bodies. And require the city to follow fair chance when inquiring about or using history of information to make decisions about appointments and removals. With these amendments, the fair chance act ensures the
Decision Makers<\/a> consulting all the relevant information they need to make fully informed decisions. While the same time ensure that individuals with conviction histories were seeking to fully reintegrate and engage in civic life a real chance to put their qualifications for first. With the band the box reform we can reduce
Racial Disparities<\/a> in the criminal justice system, improve the
Community Wellbeing<\/a> and reduce the cost of criminal in saving taxpayers dollars. These policies embodied in their chance to open the doors of opportunity for all this including opportunities for viewership and civicwhich will help make our city safer view with that ill be asking for your support of this legislation was through the prosecutor the rest i submit thank you supervisor kempner supervisor mar colleagues, i want to invite you to an important town hall this coming thursday evening, september 10 from 6730 in the
Richmond District<\/a> at marla bakery on balboa and 36th ave. My office is working with the
San Francisco<\/a> chamber of commerce to really help support our
Small Business<\/a>es in the vitality of our merchant core doors. Event brings together
Small Business<\/a> leaders together with my office and other city officials to discuss our local
Small Business<\/a> concerns. The neighborhood business summit is an axon opportunity to meet elected officials and the
City Department<\/a> and the chamber of commerce as well and to network with other merchants in the district. Also strengthen the vitality of our merchant core doors corridor contact might aid nickaand alexfrom the chamber of commerce. Also, one of our stellar vital anchor organizations in the
Richmond District<\/a> is a
Richmond District<\/a>
Neighborhood Center<\/a>. I just want to knowledge from news ive heard from the
Board Chairman<\/a> jonathan alliant, who has been a german or civil rights advocate innercity, hes announced that the new director hes announced that the new director neighborhood ctr. , michelle cassanos red leather
Beacon Center<\/a> free is good i think the really great depth forward for the
Richmond District<\/a>
Neighborhood Center<\/a>. Please join us also on thursday evening from six9 pm on that other balboa area and promenade cafe former [inaudible] cafe on balboa and 37th ave. [inaudible] cafe on balboa and 37th ave. The evening is going to celebrate wine on the left side and were going to be raising funds for the
Food Security<\/a> network that i have to start up with the
Richmond District<\/a>
Neighborhood Center<\/a> and a
Richmond Senior<\/a> sense. Its an
Important Partnership<\/a> the links up the people to deliver groceries and meals to isolated seniors in our neighborhood and the program is connecting neighborhood volunteers with mobility and seniors for friendship and weekly delivery and putting in place our neighborhood for more information please contact sara cox whos been able to service as director are the arty and seek at 7516600, or visit their putting in place our neighborhood for more information please contact sara cox whos been able to service as director are the arty and seek at 7516600, or visit their website ourdnc. Org. The rest also met thank you. Supervisor winner welcome back from will would be says. I look forward to a terrific rest of the year and just in the needs of our city. Today im introducing legislation to trigger over the course of the next year a subway master plan for
San Francisco<\/a>. While we have a lot of terrific transportation fanning going on in our city and region, to the rework of the mta and the transportation authority, a
Planning Department<\/a> and so forth, we really need to have a sharp focus on the future of underground transit in
San Francisco<\/a>. Our city is growing by lease and balance by about 10,000 people a year. The city is more crowded than ever and we see nowhere more than on our streets where we have congestion that seems to get worse and worse. Impact every mode of transportation and particular
Transit System<\/a>. Our municipal is on average the slowest transit major
Transit System<\/a> in the country. All at over 8 miles an hour and her buses and light rail vehicles are being caught in the same topic that everyone else is been caught in get it impacts our economy, our quality of life and we need to make our
Transit System<\/a> more efficient. So, in addition to doing what we can to improve the efficiency and accessibility of our bus system and aboveground light rail lines, we need to be planning aggressively for the coming years and decades to have more subway lines in
San Francisco<\/a>. Right now, the last subway line we open in
San Francisco<\/a> was 35 years ago. When i was 10 years old. When the
Market Street<\/a> subway line was open, which covered the small portion of the city at around eight same time, bart opened up its
Market Street<\/a> line south to delhi city. So, these two subway lines have been incredibly well used, but theyre not expensive enough. Theres no
Subway Service<\/a> in the northern part of the city and western
San Francisco<\/a> in the southeastern part of the city. It is not acceptable that it takes longer to get downtown from the sunset were from the bayview than from thewe need to address that. We know the central subway is on track to be done in a few years will immediately be the highest ridership line of any of the light rail vehicle lines. We need to make sure that the central subway is extended north to north beach and fishermans wharf. We need to look at the jays to extend subway to other parts of the city, particularly, the west side of town in southeastern
San Francisco<\/a>. Need to make sure that the downtown extension is built in the second translate to. Their summary things we can do to dramatically improve transit access in
San Francisco<\/a> and transit reliability. So, the legislation asks for a subway master plan over the course of the next year with thierry article updates thereafter. Subways are expensive, they are timeconsuming and challenging many ways. But it would be much far greater cost not to be building subways in
San Francisco<\/a> in terms of the ability of our city to get around. So, i look forward to the conversation on this important topic. The rest i submit and . Supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos thank you. Colleagues, the three items for introduction. First, an introduction for the ordinance to create the jewish home special youth this circuit which allows the expansion of the
Residential Care<\/a> facility. The jewish home has been serving the greater bay area for over 100 years. Its a facility on the corner mission and civil advocate of residential characters of the most lease for
Senior Citizens<\/a> and they have been doing really great work. Medical care thats provided there as well. But under theyears the way theyve been doing business and taking care of people, its a real change in how they can actually be sustainable in the year to come. Et al. Plan about rearranging the facility and their care model to make sure they can really meet the needs that are going to be coming forward in the financial needs of how organizations like this get funded in the years to come. The plan, theyve done with over many many years they put together a plan. Theyve had a lot of work with
Community Groups<\/a>. Just last week, they were with the
Planning Commission<\/a> was given him unanimous vote of approval for different projects. Part of that is creating a specialwhich am happy to cosponsor. Im really excited as well that, in terms of their work with the
Community Groups<\/a> and excelsior, looking at traffic issues, landscaping of public space along the part of the corridor has been difficult to make presentable. Thats a big part of that in future years to come. So i want to thank them for their new plan and hope to have your support colleagues when this comes before us later this year. I am also submitting a resolution that would reaffirm a
Prior Development<\/a> area in the southern part of
San Francisco<\/a> along the mission and geneva court order. Pda our designation designated areas of our area the bay area in this case
San Francisco<\/a> that would allow us to receive funding from different sources, including the one bay area grants that support transit and also
Housing Development<\/a>s. Theres an oversight that this moment area was not included or was not actually formally created, and this will enable the
Planning Department<\/a> to submit an application for this pda to be done and obedient area of
San Francisco<\/a> that is ripe for development for denser housing, for transit oriented development, and the skys the limit about what we can do with this area. Especially around the balboa park organization. There are areas that could be developed for
Affordable Housing<\/a> and really meet our
Transit Needs<\/a> in this part of
San Francisco<\/a> and the bay area. Lastly i have a hearing request that i want to thank supervisor cohen for cosponsorship. The hearing request is on an update from the
San Francisco<\/a> retirement board so their efforts around divestment from fossil fuel corporations. If you call, colleagues, back in april 2013, we passed unanimously a resolution urging the retiring board to divest from fossil fuel corporations and that request really came at an understanding that already the corporations that have fossil fuel sites in their portfolios, coal come up thats in the ground, oil thats in the down crude oil thats in the ground, that stockpiles of fossil fuel thats enough to actually hurt gb earths temperature well beyond the building to old life. If we burn all that fuel so makes a lot of sense we do not burn all the fossil fuels that are in the capacity first to build. Instead, think of and alternatives to burning. Looking at nonfossil fuel type of generation of power resource. So, we pass that unanimously but up to this time, the retiring board had been an staff have been very slow moving forward on the program that we authorized them to do. Theyve been almost working obstructive lesion helping to move this
Program Forward<\/a> and i want to make sure that we can actually do what we have intended further retiring board in his hearing and will get update from staff about what theyre doing. The rest i will submit thank you. Supervisor compass will return to after the president calls for the 2 30 pm the nation mdm. Pres. Thank you. Today colleagues i have a very special commendation for an organization that has done tremendous work here in the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>. At this time i would like to ask dr. Joel marshall to come up. And accept this commendation on behalf of our full board for the alive and free program. More specifically, on behalf of the board of supervisors, i want to acknowledge the alive and
Free Omega Boys Club<\/a> on the occasion of graduating over 200 young people. 200 young people from college. This milestone is a realization of their mission to cultivate youthto work with young people and cultivate a path toward a positive future for young people in our communities, and, in 1987, after experiencing a loss of so many young people throughout the city to the prison system, to drugs, two games, to death, sadly, dr. Marshall and jack got together and cofounder was initially called the
Omega Boys Club<\/a>, as a way to keep young people unharmed by violence and free from incarceration. The
Youth Development<\/a> and
Violence Prevention Program<\/a> that day together as a part of
Omega Boys Club<\/a> is now called alive and free and is gained national, and international, acclaimed for its pioneering work with young people and i can attest to the great work of alive and free from personal experience is the former director of the africanamerican art and culture complex. When we experience significant challenges with our young people over time in the district it was dr. Marshall who stepped up with his team to consistently work with our young people, and we definitely save some lives of their. Alive and free program defines violence as a social disease that transmits to the limited instruction bad behavior and by identifying and addressing the systematic thinking that puts young people at risk in the first place, the alive and free
Program Champions<\/a> in belief that, with positive lifestyle choices, that will offset the disease of violence in our community, and hopefully, change lives. Alive and free tries to change belief values and attitudes that promote
Youth Violence<\/a> in the first place through a process that is designed to help young people succeed in life, attend college, and get back to their communities. Through its outreach programs alive and free has challenged the cycle violence and property that threatens our young people. Its syndicated weekly broadcast, street soldiers, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary onis a solution solution driven oriented callin show that focuses on issues affecting young people today, including issues around drugs, teen pregnancy bullying, cyber bullying, dropout rates, etc. The
School Adoption<\/a> program assist schools in transforming their costumes into proactive positive learning environments, and since 2000 the alive and free staff have trained over 1000 teachers and staff at over 17 schools, which supports more than 15,000 students. The alive and free academy serves over 200 young people, ages 1424, every single year. Offering a
Safe Learning<\/a> environment to develop math, literacy, and life skills as well as college preparation, scholarships, and mentoring. This project has helped over 200 young people complete undergraduate degrees, and 60 of whom have received or are currently working on their graduate degrees. It is truly an amazing accomplishment, and i was there with dr. Marshall on august 2 when many of those graduates attended the event to celebrate this milestone. Just some people that came from all over, folks doing really well, and i think what was truly clear about the young folks that dr. Marshall comeau which are now some of them are older than i am, but hes helped over the years, is that all of them talked about how their story, their challenges the obstacles they overcame, but most important how they want to make sure that they are doing everything they can to continue to give back to their community to provide the next young person the same opportunity that dr. Marshall has provided him. I think thats a testament to his work in the community and how he has worked to really transform some lives. While the organization is headquartered in
San Francisco<\/a>, alive and free has expanded its presence in the bay area across the nation, and the globe to the alive and
Free National<\/a> consortium, which is dedicated for using and promoting the same violence prevention model developed by dr. Marshall and jack with the
Omega Boys Club<\/a> over 20 years ago. Every young person, within his or her health, as the full potential of greatness alive and free has provided a blueprint for overcoming the obstacles many young people face in atrisk communities. They have this established a roadmap for change and opportunity for which young people can reach enormous heights. It is clear that every single day you are touching his more lives dr. Marshall, and on behalf of the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>, on behalf of the board of supervisors, we can menu and we celebrate you. This terminus milestone of 200 lives, 200 college graduates. Thank you for your commitment and work to
San Francisco<\/a>. This is truly amazing. [applause] welcome those way more than i expected. You know, first of all thank you resident breed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. They say good news is no news so good news is doesnt seem to make the papers. It doesnt make the certainly the 11 pm news especially with a population that i work with. So, to be able to receive this from you and the board is great. I cant say enough about it except it on behalf of all those young people lets be honest im just trying to churn out more london reads thento do that i got them past the hurdles of that they face every day. I know both of you and youre very aware of and its been great. My grandmother told me when i was sixyearold more you know the more you owe. Those in the words ive lived by since then hasnt grown in life, ive come to understand that someone pays the way for me so ive been very happy to do that all of these years. I personally want to thank you for peeking at our event that day. I know it took away a little bit of your sunday and its a sacred day, but thank you. Am i think supervisor kwon good she spoke before supervisor wiener was there also. Thank you remus. Its great. We discovered keep on going. These young people you dont have to worry about. Everybody knows things aboutreally thats my civic job. My civic duty. To do something that the police dont have to worry about. So were going to begin our next campaign, this year could mean our new campaign tonight at the club that we want to continue to save as many lives as we can adjust thank you. Thank you. Thank you on behalf of young people, think my grandmother did she conjured this up and im just carrying out her dream and everybody stay alive and free. Think not thank you dr. Marshall. [applause] thank you very much colleagues. Now clerk, well return to our regular business and go back to will call for introductions and madam clerk supervisor campos thank you. Again congratulations to commissioner marshall andfor the incredible work he does. Have a couple of items. First, simply one note that something very disturbing happen in my district over the weekend. We became aware yesterday of graffiti that was plastered in different parts of the puerto district that essentially, hate speech targeted against the
Chinese American Community<\/a> in that neighborhood. I want to say that , as a supervisor for this district, but is very disturbing, upsetting that
Something Like<\/a> this would happen in this day and age in same cisco. Though, i also think of something negative something positive can come out. Im grateful that this community has rallied, has come together to condemn this hateful speech and to send a very clear message that the kind of speech that targets anyone community in our city is simply not tolerated. There is a rally at the community is putting together for this thursday at 6 pm, and i think that that rally in the
Community Coming<\/a> together is more reflective of what the portal is about with
San Francisco<\/a> is about. The second item that i have is the hearing request on the very important issue of whats happening with shortterm rentals here in
San Francisco<\/a>. Today im calling for a hearing on a couple of items. First, how are
San Francisco<\/a>
Treasurers Office<\/a>, and how our new office of shortterm rentals are handling tax collection, as well as the enforcement of a law that went into effect a few months back. It has been now more than eight months since what we believe, what i believe and many believe is a flawed law was implemented , actually, failed to be properly implemented. In the last few months, we have seen only 600 people have registered with the city. This is out of more than 8000 shortterm listings that the city has more than 5000 of those listings come from one company alone. Throughout this whole time this company, after paying their taxes three years late has been asserting it has paid it back taxes and that it supposedly permits 1 million a month to
San Francisco<\/a> in taxes. Yet, as far as i know, no one has independently verify that information. At the same time, as the independent budget legislative analyst has found, this one company alone is facilitating a loss of at least 1000 units of housing in
San Francisco<\/a>. Up to 23 of units that could be rented are being b b. According to our chief economist, even one unit of housing to a shortterm rental cost the city more than 250,000 and illuminates any positive
Economic Impact<\/a> the tourist rental. Yet, we are talking about as much as 1000 units been lost. One company alone. Given this context, i would like to pressures
Treasurers Office<\/a> to clarify how much b b and other platforms have paid back in current taxes and id also like to understand the treasurers policies comes to collecting taxes for what is essentially, illegal activity. Moreover, how does the
Treasurers Office<\/a> deal with companies such as the rpo which not really collect taxes on behalf of their. The second point is that i want to understand how the newly formed office of shortterm rental administration and were sent, which has presented by the mayor and others as the panacea, or the agency that was needed to make things better, how is that actually doing. What exactly is that agency doing to enforce the law . Without data from the hosting platform, so without fines for those platforms that this illegal listings how does this agency actually plan to go after the thousands of unregistered units in the city . What is this agencys enforcement plan . I also want to know how the
Treasurers Office<\/a>, and the office of shortterm rental working together. We know that the treasurer is a partner in any kind of enforcement at the city has, but we also know there are limitations in terms of what information the treasurer can share because of the confidentiality of some of the
Tax Information<\/a> that they have. When the treasurer collects taxes from unregistered host, who by virtue of being unregistered are engaging in illegal activity, what is the protocol. Is that information shared by the treasurer with the office of shortterm rentals . Or is it not fax if not, this means that one of the cities collecting taxes of hosts they know are not in compliance with city law while the other arm of the city is blindly trying to do enforcement without data. To me cooperation between two city agencies is critical, and if there is no cooperation would be problematic to fully understand how it is enforcement would happen. There is an urgent need for transparent when it comes to shortterm rentals. Our housing crisis continues to ravage our middle and low income residents, and we have seen that shortterm rentals are indeed impacting the availability of housing for san franciscans. We need strong enforcement and we need it now. The last item is actually three in memoriam that i am doing in honor of three remarkable women who simply have left us too soon. I wouldnt have done this earlier, but due to our break, we cannot acknowledge the contributions of these women. The first one is ivana giovanna luna. Giovanna was a wonderful and inspiring woman. A leader with ellaa leadership and
Service Organization<\/a> for transgender latinas in the mission. She devoted her life to providing services to translatina urgent women in
San Francisco<\/a>. At the
Outreach Coordinator<\/a> for this program she was committed to uplifting the transit latina community. Her friends, family and colleagues describe her as a playful person who is extremely apathetic and want to hope others in the community. Ivana was admired in the
Transgender Community<\/a> and beyond and shall be greatly missed. Just a little bit about giovanna. She was born in mexico on may 5, 1976 moved to the bay area in the early 2000. She died much too soon at the age of 39. If you like to make a contribution there is a
Memorial Fund<\/a> for giovanna. Its thatits under the name giovannas
Memorial Fund<\/a>. Theres also a fundraiser event for her that ella is putting together at 9 pm tomorrow at 29 at 2940 16th st. The second in memoriam is for the incredible vassallo anaya. Rosario anaya has not been up beater in the
Mission Community<\/a> but all
San Francisco<\/a> for decades. She was an advocate for so many people and her death is simply a tremendous loss matches for the mission, but for all
San Francisco<\/a>. I want to thank supervisor yee for cosponsoring that in the morning. She was a trailblazer in every sense of the word. Born on october 7, 1944, in bolivia she moved with her family to open when she was 17. She later graduated from
San Francisco<\/a> university with a bachelors degree in
Public Administration<\/a> and masters in counseling and psychology. Within a few years of graduation she had established herself as a leader for advocacy for the underserved latino populations and others. The sorrows of life work has been, the last decades the
Vocational School<\/a>, and lbs, an organization that is up to thousands of immigrants of all backgrounds gain the skills needed to succeed in this country. Becoming the and lbs before turning 30, she spent the next reach of years beating this nonprofit organization. Originally a
Program Offering<\/a> mostly english instruction for latinos, rosario expanded the program to become a broader
Vocational School<\/a> for all immigrants adding classes for medical, clerical, computer, eric business and pharmacy skills. As a result of that work, the program currently graduates about 300 students a year. You can imagine the thousands of students that have benefited from this in the last few decades. In 1970, rosario earned a unique distinction of being the first latin american women elected to
Public Office<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a>s history. She served on the board of education for 12 years and was president of the board of education for eight of those years. On top of everything she did for
San Francisco<\/a>, rosario is one of the sweetest nicest people you could meet. She was kind and compassionate, our thoughts and prayers are with her her family, and her friends and we especially want to give our condolences to the incredible staff that and lbs thank you was audio, for everything you did for our community. We will always remember you could we will honor the memory, your memory, by continuing to support the work of and lbs. The final item is and in memoriam to honor the life of a very special person
Rosemary Lambert<\/a>, who passed away
Rosemary Lambert<\/a>, who passed away in august 22 at the age of 59. Rosemary is the mother of cory lambert, whose the ardor of ice and former member of the board of supervisor. Rosemary lambert died after brave to halfyear struggle with als. Not long after diagnosis, cory convinced her to start a blog. Live simple. Love like crazy. That blog allowed her to speak to thousands thousands of people, about living with als. She spoke of her family and talk about her life story and advocacy, including the importance of lgbt inclusion in area other important topics. Thousands read her blog including hundreds of people here in
San Francisco<\/a>. In addition to her husband of 36 years rosemary is survived by her children. Chadof texas kelly of
Muskegon Cory<\/a> member of
San Francisco<\/a> and
Brian Lambert<\/a> ofthree in children, in harrison, contributions be made to the
Rosemary Lambert<\/a>
Memorial Fund<\/a> care of the community foundation. Thank you. The risk estimate thank you supervisor campos. Seeing no other names on the roster that includes the introduction thank you. Mdm. Clerk please read
Public Comment<\/a>s. At this time the public may direct the address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 min. On items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. To include the minutes items on the adoption without reference to
Committee Calendar<\/a> item 1722. Public comment is not allowed on items which of artie been subject to
Public Comment<\/a> at a board committee. As is the case with items one through 14. Pursuant to the boards will please direct your remarks to the board as a whole not to individual supervisors want to the audit. Speakers using interpretation assistance will be like twice the amount of time to testify. If youd like to display a document on the overhead projector please state such to sfgtv and rude the document in the screen to return to live coverage of the main. Thank you next weeks next works for speaker, please. Hello. My name is paula brown. I like to use the word. Which is outside of a while go a couple other mothers concerning our children and homicides. Im here again concerning my son and other family members of unsolved homicides. My son was killed 26 to a semi automatic gun. To this day, his case is not solve. Im still seeking justice. Everyone knows, the mayor knows, the former mayor knows who killed my child. These are all the names that my homicide inspector gave me, of all the men that shot my child. Thomas annable,
Harris Martha<\/a> and you love you, jason thomas, anthony hunter, and maurice carter. These people are still walking the streets to murder again. Harris martha is getting out next year, august, the month he killed my son. All i have left is my sons dead body laying here. This is what i have to remember of my son. Let alone, all the other unsolved homicides. All of these unsolved homicides. Just think of the mothers if they were sitting here in my shoes. You do not want to stand in my shoes. I been doing this for nine years. Nine years and still no justice for my child. Let alone these other unsolved homicides. This is what i have left. And mayor gavin newsaid he said i know who killed her son. Thank you, ms. Brown. Next speaker, please. Members of the board of supervisors,
San Francisco<\/a> opened oven. I like to chart on the overhead to be projected. What id like everybody to notice, if youre in the numbers that 24. This is 24 orders of determination finding various representatives of
City Government<\/a> in violation of the local open government laws. As you can see the bottom of the list now your board president has joined the ranks supervisor mar which kind of surprised me, and pride of place goes to supervisor farrell. I have to wonder, what is it about open government laws you dont understand . Because these violations are not only violations of the sunshine ordinance but there also violations of either the
California Public<\/a> records act, or the brown act. 24 times i had to go back to the task force and thats a success rate of 81 . I would like to know what it is you think your office entitles you to to ignore the law. Thats what each of these is. A case where legally constituted body has ruled that you have violated the law. Supervisor breed dunedin bother to send anyone to the hearing even though i came over for this board three times during
Public Comment<\/a>s mention the fact that in idea i was sitting in her office and that the arrogance to show up and say, it got lost in the spam folder. What a bunch of course party. You people dont respect the right of this is tons of the city to open government and you dont respect the rights of state law, especially as they regard to constitution of the state of california and the constitution of the
United States<\/a>. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. You want something to be on the overhead . Yes, you set it down and ask for the overhead projector. Thank you. My name is sir, can you speak into the microphone. Next you. My name is joseph cohen and him the chairman to build pocket are vision is to build a new city park. For this generation all future generations to endure. We will stand for our citizens and visitors rights to this part will strongly encourage those with the authority they have to join us in this work worthwhile goal. On worthwhile goal. On november 18, 2014, the majority of the board of supervisors approved a conditional use to develop 1 15 the backfill without
Environmental Review<\/a>. Your vote the terminal impact on present and future generations. Your
Group Project<\/a> skews our finest views of the financial district chinatown nob hill in north beach. We ask you to resend your approval or declare
Eminent Domain<\/a> of purchase the property and assess market value could imagine, the panoramic park meandering gardens, pathways, showing up homes and evergreens in our cities beautiful flower the lauria. While this view from a cantilevered terrace park benches for locals and tourists to sit after long walk up filbert steps. Financing would come from the elevator fees of clay tower. In a redistribution of funds by city parks and recreation. You will be hearing at superior court on november 19 at 1 30 pm. Plaintiffs last for proper
Environmental Review<\/a> at 115 plaintiffs last for proper
Environmental Review<\/a> at 115
Telegraph Hill<\/a> blvd. Pres. Breed and supervisor fees visit 115
Telegraph Hill<\/a> blvd. And see the happy visitors in all of our skyline and glad that they came. The committee to build great panoramic park will review these are corrected thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Should stick good afternoon supervisor. Good afternoon supervisor my name is johnny phase. For quite some time but voice my concerns about the safety of using the elevator at sri. In my summation, shouldve been replaced years ago. Quite civilly, was out of touch and out of time. Management dear to leave well enough which is resulted in a senseless tragedy. One that was entirely avoidable. One that was entirely avoidable. On august 20 blind tenant enter the elevator at the harlan azzarello and plunged 2 stories to his death. On august 42nd, easter
Stephen Newsome<\/a> was covered in a blanket of roses just like pete steinem. I say its high time to change the cars. Im calling on mayor evelyn lee to authorize [inaudible] to replace tenderloin housing. Seniors, the handicap and the safety of occupants are in peril. I asked township perhaps its time for you to step down forget about moving over. Its time to vacate your post and seek more suitable employment. Quite simply, you failed to execute or duties and have failed to get the job done. With the aforementioned elevator tragedy styling that
Product Sales<\/a> and neverending crimeridden district 6 is in a state of disarray. Well beyond district 5, seven, and 10 combined. Narcotic traffic crime in district 6 would rival the crime rate in the honduras and venezuela. Thank you much thank you. Next speaker, please been present or minor speakers to give their comments to the full board of supervisors, not to individual supervisors. Thank you madam clerk. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Present president breed and other members of the cabal my name is christopherof it six in our time blocks i rise to comment on sf conduct of. Mr. Lessons are beloved entirely ignored my request for clarification of his position under charter section 2. 100. There are multiple publish assertions of mr. Ivans failure to confine securities to city business. These are multiple instances of his failure to comply with its additional restraints on his activities, but you are uninformed. Mr. Organizing continues to participate in if a loan is conspiracy to aid state laws prohibiting private usage of
Public Transit<\/a> areas of the ongoing google bus that public space. This activity was broadly and publicly reported and you are on interested could mr. Lee openly participates in a felonious conspiracy to avoid state and local laws regarding the ongoing unlicensed drug sale of alcohol beverages, food and lodging to the public in the collection of taxes generated by such activities and you are unavailable. Members, if you dont have the wisdom to hold mr. Lee accountable to any standard, you dont have the courage to put the hard questions to him, the public does, you should submit a charter commitment to the voters which would require the mayor take
Public Comment<\/a> once a month in his chambers for an hour. This way, at least 20 good citizens of our beloved city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> would be with the get his designers of full attention for 2 min. About having to pay cash for it. Today i forwarded possible language for such to the clerks office. Thank you pres. Breed thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, may i bring it to your attention, that this is the
United States<\/a> of america. When you representatives take the oath to represent you better represent. Now the media has been pointing out about paid to play. Pay to play. We have
Empirical Data<\/a>,
Empirical Data<\/a> is data that can be verified, about a few of you who are participating in that type of corruption. This must stop. This is the land of thei represent theand their many
Indigenous People<\/a> here who are surprised when they hear that socalled representatives are corrupt. Listen to me. There are some very very very corrupt people at city hall. My friends, the time has come for a change. We know what is happening in room 200. We really know. We also know about some people who are planning to spend billions of our dollars just because they have a mouth. I just came from the
San Francisco<\/a>
Public Utilities<\/a> commission. They have set aside millions of dollars for mountain tunnel and you guys know nothing about it. Millions of dollars spent thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Im here because almost a month ago i got a ticket for going to a stop sign. I was beyond to cars and the first car left with a second car just stood there and refused to move. For 67 min. I started blowing my horn at this car. After a while, the car realized that there was a policeman on the other side of the street and all of a sudden his lights came on. This is at noon two3 pm the site can run everything came on. The car that was in front of me finally got scared and took off about 100 mi. h. I stood behind him looking at the policeman on the other side of the street with the lights and the alarms and everything. Im asking you, if you were there would you go to a stop sign if you saw policeman on the other side of the street with lights . No, you wouldnt you be a fool to do that. I went up to it and looked good i could see his wheels turning getting ready to come after me. He wasnt coming after me because i did anything wrong. He was coming after me because i woke him up. He was sleeping in his car doing something good i dont know what the hell he was doing. When i went through he said to me pulled me over and i said, why do you stop before because i was gone my horn too long . He said, no. Because when through a stop sign without stopping. I was there. For more than 10 min. And he says i went to a stop sign without stopping. I do like getting out of the car but at this point in my life, little old. When years ago i wouldve kicked the crap out of that son of a bitch. I think we now you need stop signs with lights like to have in south
San Francisco<\/a>. If cameras all over the place. The cop could possibly give me a ticket thank you very much, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. For two years sir, please use the microphone. For three years im coming to this board. 85 years old man. Its only one country is the
United States<\/a>. Its barbarian fascism and here receiving 11 barbarians, jewish, black christian chinese, nobody in the world has the right to evict a person without any reason. To evict a person. 85 years on the street to die on the street like a dog like animals. What country is this . My god. I came 40 years ago from russia. If i knew which your you are lying about freedom. Again, 11 here in uris poshest across the whole and one is sitting in the white house. You all have parents and grandparents. How could you i am homeless for two years. Not your parents not your grandparents. Not this fascist. My god. What can i do . Do you want me to ask to bring a coffin here after maybe one more year or some short time . Maybe itll be a good idea to bring a coffin thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Well, i like to put this up. You said thank you very much. A few minute i want everybody here and in the audience to give a gentleman two dollars which is nothing. Thats nothing. But anyway im torn between two things i would like to talk about. Davis jesus said blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake was glad to hear ted cruz visited in prison today and she loved the homosexuals and she loved god on off to obey him and glorify him and she is in prison on day number seven. I also feel lead to talk about this referendum on senate bill 21277. Iv official. If anyone here would like to sign it can i see a show of hands . Madame president there is no electioneering in the chamber theres no election hearing in the chamber. Forget i ever said that. I was not aware of that. Senate bill 277 is a dreadful thing that our jesuit governor signed into law and gives force vaccinations that go to school. Dr. Andrew wakefield was interviewed by the great house jones rocks on talk shows he started the
Rush Limbaugh<\/a> i listen to all of them, thats an exaggeration but he actually is, dr. Andrew wakefield is not been debunked. Hes always been a good doctor and hes established a clear link between autism andid like you all to make some noise about this. Its totally unconstitutional thing. In regards to kim, who is in prison we see jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. We dont hate homosexuals we speak the truth. Not only to them but to everybody. God destroyed sodom and gomorrah by fire because of this particular sin. It is true that there were other sins in ezekiel we learned to other sins besides being a homosexual that cause them to be killed but jesus said that it would be more tolerable for sodom and gomorrah on judgment day thank you very much. Next he could, please. Thank you mdm. Pres. Arnold janssen supervisors, im here today because i know many of you are aware what happened to us at frederick w haynes apartments a month ago. Where im trying to think of a nice word for an illegal board of directors along with unscrupulous real estate folk try to sell about 104 family units out from under us who have even three and four bedroom homes in our complex, which you know are hard to find in
San Francisco<\/a>. 104 families came within a week of being put on the street a secret sale were only for developers were invited to an option that was all going to occur in one week. Fortunately, to one of the developers who had to be a friend of mine we got wind of it and to the support members of this board and others in the city and the residence, we were able to fight it up. Well those residents who were here with me that supports our efforts in solidarity would you just stand up quick. Real quick. We want to come down and let you know how serious this thing is. We have temporarily fought it off. But it is not over. When i came today to tell you is we will be handing to you , this is just a draft of a resolution that we are going to be asking you all to adopt that will codify these affordable units for ever and put money toward maintaining these is affordable units. These were built under redevelopment. Redevelopment was charged with building and maintaining them is affordable but redevelopment is no longer there and we think that same requirements goes to the
Success Agency<\/a> and we need you to support us so you be getting the final draft very soon. Thank you so much thank you. Next speaker, please. Matter present before the next speaker begins, ill just remind the members that in the
Public Gallery<\/a> that there is no applause allowed either for or against any speakers in the chamber. Thank you mdm. Clerk. Next speaker, please madame president , and supervisors, my name is
Donald Briggs<\/a>
Vice President<\/a> the board of electors in the newtown
Park Apartments<\/a>. I will ask the members from midtown to stand up. First, we are here in solidarity with the previous speaker and we are also here seeking your support in our struggles with the
Mayors Office<\/a> on housing. Constituents in district 5, we want to know if you are for our efforts . We feel we have a fair and credible decision in our struggles with the
Mayors Office<\/a> on housing. We are seeking your support to reinforce. The board of supervisors resolution 32507. Also, the board of supervisors five principles. One of them is ownership. What we are seeking and we are asking for your support. With the record state that midtown
Park Apartments<\/a> have never been subsidized housing. On that note, we want to thank you in advance for your support and your cooperation. Thank you. Next speaker, please good evening ladies and gentlemen. I swear put something on the thing youre can you please speak into the microphone. Im sorry. Let me just say one thing. This is my
First Time Since<\/a> you back at recess. Aces on the case is returning to city hall. Im going to give the news the way it should be. Both sides of the story in my opinion. Right now ladies and gentlemen, the city, in my opinion, is the most corrupt city in
San Francisco<\/a>. We also say the beginning this is the most racist city in the community but we [inaudible] now, dad he, we were together when he was with the hrc. It was no mystery if you ask about me probably see a lot of jokes. Sometime ken spears. Yes i am. In this town the black population is going down. 9. 8 billion. Yours truly ace washington along the supervisor breed the people may not know was part of a committee that put together by then mayor gavin newsom. I was the only negro, the only person involved that had history because it aint no mystery. As the issue is reporting on all the supervisor. Im in a be in the pressroom and following every issue that has something to do with the africanamerican black negro. Because my name is ace. And im on the case. So im not going to say anything today but i want you to know you cant stay away thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello. Hopefully this is redundant or maybe im 100 times but i was hoping that you guys could consider about the b b taxation. Its basically taxation we used to be known as illicit profit. Its a good and around [inaudible] the city feels it is being cheated out of the some of the tax revenue, what theyre doing isnt exactly correct either. As far as the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Officers<\/a> are concerned, if there isnt already said psychometric examination or polymetrics psychological exam for the officers and probably should be one because it makes uncover unconscious biases. We should also but competency exam for our judges and a brady affidavit signed by prosecutors since theres apparently a lot of brady violations. Yes, if they could personally find some kind of affidavit that would be great. As far as aggressive and talk about a lot of groups at a fewhello students missed it. If you could just start deportations of foreign nationals with foreign identify terrorist group that would be great. There was some legislation passed and el salvador recently. You guys may or may not be aware of. Also if you could lose we criminalize grain association. That would give the police a very useful tool. Where they could use their own discretion to arrest any gang members affiliated with associating with one another for 48 hours or so. Also if you could get
San Francisco<\/a>
Field Division<\/a> of the my name is angela brown and on the townsh we of the
Service Organization<\/a> and im here to speak on the issue of whats happening with many of our senior homes. The most immediate one is from
Frederick Haynes<\/a> on but other homes in the
Western Addition<\/a> area and other areas where predominantly africanamerican are being targeted by developers. Appears this is not a it indicated one of the reasons that there was such an exodus of africanamericans from
San Francisco<\/a> is the housing issue. This is a prime example of why that is happening. Why theres so many africanamericans that are leaving
San Francisco<\/a>. Housing has become totally unaffordable and those that have been here for decades that have given their blood sweat and tears to the city in taxes and are now seniors are being moved out. So please do whatever you can to stop this. My name is betty evans. I live in the community for all my life and very disturbed about the
Affordable Housing<\/a> that developers piggybacked you need to stop and he said stop now. Im concerned about the corridor all the business that open up there not business person they look like me. I do know the other kind ofi been real. I can go to your neighborhood and put up a business because you wont give me the money. Being a black person i cant get a grant but everybody else in the playmate thats a nonblack can get him and him upset about the corridor of fillmore. Im sick and tired of it. We need to stop you. We vote you guys in to represent us and you dont represent us in the way we think they should be represent. We all want to live we all want to enjoy but one race of people can be put aside for another race of people. I lived in
Western Addition<\/a> all my life that seem whats happened. What is going on . Why should these other persons of other nationals, and our neighborhoods but their business but we dont have to patronize these persons. So, please give us a chance as black african americans, he was, what everyone assay but dont bring them in our neighborhood. Thank you very much. Next he could, please. Got soon present greed and members of the board of supervisors and im here to ask to
College Hearing<\/a> regarding illegal landuse of surplus
City Property<\/a> on your bubbling up island and
Treasure Island<\/a>. The 70 acres of your bubbling up island and 220 acres of became surplus city on may 20 at 25th and the
San Francisco<\/a>
Redevelopment Agency<\/a> to clear and transparent transition through the
Successor Agency<\/a> this amp is the scope of security investment and infrastructure was the
Treasure Island<\/a> did not. It
Successor Agency<\/a> was the city and county of industry which made a quick transfer because the. Heavy use of any tax money in the process was nontransparent. The dda signed in 2011 was rejected by the state is not shovel ready or entitled to continue get the city is proceeding as though it is valid or protected. Given this public depend on the dollars is only a violation of law but a failure and moral imperative to preserve and provide
Affordable Housing<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a>. 15 affordable rental units they plan on a permanent or not temporary and subject to the unknown limitation arts that was. Based upon past agreements the covenants will favor the developer in a few years residents will face the same dilemma as the
South Beach Marina<\/a> residence. I ask you, i implore you to please call hearing on this illegal surplus land use and to stop the
Luxury Development<\/a> and displacement of
Affordable Housing<\/a> renters on both of these islands. Thank you. Next speaker, please. San francisco about the lie is being incredibly opposed to this giveaway of public plans on
Treasure Island<\/a> and your bubbling up island. It reminds me nothing more than half plane then the oligarchs in russia who gave away everything and people would work for any infrastructure that people were for. That land,
Treasure Island<\/a> belongs to the city. It is not up to the mayor or his cronies to give it away to each other or to take it. We need that land to be reserved for 100 of portal housing in accordance with the law. Thank you. Next, please. My name is kate walker and him a great dancer and both michael and i are in support, our whole organization is in support of this hearing that was requested by bette maki who was one of the leaders of the your bubbling up island tenants evicted. Never seen at
San Francisco<\/a> that the entire island can be evicted. When these apartments are sold, of course theyll be much higher in terms of the mortgage and i put 3
Affordable Housing<\/a> going in. The surplus land is another issue. Ive been looking online in terms of
City Ordinances<\/a> and state ordinances and the state ordinance reads, for surplus land, and that is 8 to 20 state
Surplus Property<\/a>, any conveyance of
Surplus Property<\/a> under this chapter would be subject to and personally applicable lie with state law including the states
Surplus Property<\/a> statute and that has to do with the tack the fact that it has to be affordable. The firsthas to be affordable. That is not happening at all. It will be unaffordable. Ive so muchso many materials you. I dont understand in the marina inn might be more in just with those 100 people a been addicted. Some to
Treasure Island<\/a>, which isis that articles all over the place. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. We need to do something quickly because were doing with human lives and we dont want them to be homeless. Thank you. Next he could, please. Tom gilbert t 2000 south beach apartments. Welcome back. San francisco sleeping with the windows open again. I wonder if its cool air to the noise issue. The lease is up there again. Guys need to take care. Its an issue its time has come. Ive said, ive asked before for a third minute on the third time i was wondering if we could get a reaction to that. I want to say, again, i am a call for a new direction that includes a new mayor. Jobs and growth and un
Affordable Housing<\/a> by about a hopeful sustainable equilibrium the rice of the entire city. Before the vacation i asked the mayor to join supervisor farrell scheme to put a dollar in every political dollar in
San Francisco<\/a>s
Election Campaign<\/a> with a name to it. Since then weve got in airwaves pay to play, better than the mafia. No one is running against and so the entire
Democratic Party<\/a> is in line. Yet, theres 84,000 theres 84,083 people in the city dont be a better mayor than this presents a mayor. This is an army at all my calculating that . These are the people that voted against gabe washington and were still getting these land deals from the
Mayors Office<\/a>. Its time for a change. Theres an army waiting for a name. We can write it in. Maybe the pen can meet more powerful than the dollar. Housing. Ive got 11 seconds. Ive got a five
Point Housing<\/a> plan. I would love a third minutes. Thank you. Thank you. Next he could, please. Hello. My name is david brink is him and artist living intriangle. Im here to speak on behalf of theresident. I hope you will consider to have a hearing on this other people ive spoken more at length about the reasons for that but for me, the issue is
Affordable Housing<\/a>. Theres a lot of talk about
Affordable Housing<\/a>. The
People Living<\/a> there have
Affordable Housing<\/a>. Instead, theyre good abilities luxury condos, maybe the mayor is going to pass socalled affordable units in some of the buildings of being put up and down the main streets of our city. Theyre not affordable for most of us. Everybody knows that. Its a laugh. So, why get rid of the
Affordable Housing<\/a> you already have in order to give a giveaway to some private corporation. Nobid contract to them. I think this needs to be investigated. Please, do so thank you. Asked speaker, please. Denise luis and francisco native voter and taxpayer. I want to bring to your attention , theres a really big problem that requires some attention. These stress and dying trees on the on your gated
City Property<\/a>. If you want to example, just go along with shaughnessy boulevard and the covert into grand canyon and you see stanza of dying eucalyptus trees. They represent a hazard much is because they can fall down on us, but they can also fuel of firestorm that rumor 1991, oakland hills. This is not much different. This is the fourth
Consecutive Year<\/a> of drought. These trees normally take up a lot of water but theyre how the status and shown to be dying. I hope we can continue this conversation via email. I will send you a link to an article on the front page of western observer. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is nancy mcnabb. Representing my children fourth generation san franciscans, im sorry. My name is nancy mcnally. Im representing my children, fourth generation san franciscans so that theyll have a record of what i have to say. Im also the founder of the ace memorial and have been a part activist since 1969. The peoples park, berkeley. Theres very few people like myselfanymore its because of the massive evictions thats been going on for many many years. Im here to say and i want to scare all of you people are dying from stress. Its real simple. Your housing makes a difference. Im speaking for myself suffering stress. I dont own a house. I was addicted 20 years ago addicted 20 distribute you can yawn and you all you want but the next time you hear about somebody dying in
San Francisco<\/a> because of this housing crisis ive been here to talk to you. Whether you listen or not, i dont know. It doesnt seem like you do. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is jackie bart schuck. Im with the plaza 16 coalition. Im here to talk about the island. So, why should the city, with cityowned property he developed as 95 luxury housing . Half the units that we bought up by people wont even live in them. Itll be a millionaires islands. Most of those people on the island these residents smoke wont move to
Treasure Island<\/a> because of the health hazards. Youre forcing them out and forcing them to relocate to
Treasure Island<\/a> with its admits contamination cleanup. So the choice of giving up as exposure to toxic chemicals or leave
San Francisco<\/a> forever. My other question is, why does the city of
San Francisco<\/a> award a nobid contract to rent our . This is surplus land theft as youve heard before. This is mayor lees fantasy islands and supervisor jane kim you have the power to care about your book buena island and stop this land. Do it. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is lisa vincent can work with culture
Action Network<\/a> it been a member of
San Francisco<\/a> since 1997 and a been in love with the city since i was 14. Im really tired of coming here for the working class people. Why is their war on the working class homes and why can we have more than one kind of economic model . Why we [inaudible] diverse by from. We love this place because of all the wonderful ways that people live. I finally had a saturday this weekend that reminded me of why the city is wonderful in involves being in buildings of different kinds of economic platitude and its too much. Its too much. Im barely making a living right now but im coming down here so much. Im really tired of it but you all power to stop being monoculture. Stop mono cropping our city, please any other members of the public alike to speak at this time . Please come for. Its to the stock market the way they evaluate the
Petroleum Companies<\/a> is by reserve. Thats why the evaluation they get. For years its bizarre. Its absurd because we be committing suicide to take that much petroleum out of the ground at any one time. So i appreciate that. I think my comments are part of the continuing what the others speakers are saying. If you look at the kind of housing thats being built, couple of us got together to oppose marketrate
Housing Development<\/a> in the tenderloin. Thats now beenits in play now. I dont know whos going to rent a 3000 month studio in the tenderloin but apparently with no parking having no parkingbut apparently there people thatsthey believe thats going to happen. So our neighborhood is also under attack. Going back to the petroleum issue we dont have enough infrastructure, not enough
Renewable Energy<\/a> for the development that we already have in the city. Where the country. Im perplexed. Are the basic question. If the island deal isnt so poor, i dont see the harm of the investigation is . Either is what it sounds like it is to the community, or
Something Different<\/a> and if there was an investigation then hopefully, were going to make clear a lot of things that are not currently known clearly to your public. So, i would strongly encourage an investigation in a very public transparent discussion of the whole situation which really doesnt seem like its happened yet. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to provide
Public Comment<\/a> at this time . Seeing none,
Public Comment<\/a>these come forward. Today, supervised my name is sandra mann. Im a residence of
San Francisco<\/a> lifetime resident. My concern is, what is to be done with the property surrounding the former site of candlestick stadium . I realize that candlestick stadium was sitting on
City Property<\/a>. Now the surrounding area there is state property because i used to work for the state 25 something years ago. So, ever since candlestick was bulldozed to talk about the building this brandnew neighborhood, but that land surrounding candlestick stadium is state
Surplus Property<\/a>. Im wondering what is to be, that. So, i await your answer. Thanks. Are there any other members of the public would like to provide
Public Comment<\/a> at this time . Seeing none,
Public Comment<\/a> is now closed [gavel] madam clerk, can you please read the without reference to
Committee Items<\/a> item 17 through 22 are being considered for immediate odd option without committee reference. A single roll call vote may neck these items in a member may object and have it considered separately. Does anyone want to sever any of the items . Seen no names on the roster radical, can you please call the roll call. Item 1722 supervisor christiansen aye; cohen aye; farrell aye; kim aye; mar aye tang aye wiener aye yee aye opelousas aye breed aye compos aye dara leben aye those items are approved unanimously. Gallo mdm. Clerk can you please read the in the mornings. Todays meeting we adjourned in memory of the island beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor compos, ms. Giovanna luna, mrs. Rosemary lambert and mrs. Was arial and i are. Colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda. Mdm. Clerk, is there any further business before us . Mdm. President that concludes our business for today okay. We are adjourned. [gavel]ux hello good morning and thank you for being here ill ben the principal of
Monroe Elementary School<\/a> excited to have you here and nancy pelosi joining us we have wonderful staff a wonderful students at monroe we have 4 do hundred and 4 students and chinas
Literacy Program<\/a> your goal to really prepare our students to succeed in life and go to college were
College Bound<\/a> school im proud to be the principal and video you here i want to introduce the to the treasurer
Jose Cisneros<\/a>. Thank you, principal solace good morning at more and more o
Monroe Elementary School<\/a>s im the city treasurer i want to give you a brief background on the kindergarten to a
Colony Program<\/a> and the success we started the
Kindergarten College<\/a> program we saw research that says if a clorj colony groups that will go to sclej without a similar account only 8 percent of kids born 0 into low income families complete colony minimal we launched did cubed college in the last four years opened 20 thousand accounts automatically for kindergarteners in the it is 50 to start those children start with money saved for college we do those account opening absolutely automatically no parents signatures the
Kids Start School<\/a> and the account is open we know that model works weve seen the families engaged have saved to date over 1. 3 million of their own money for their kids
College Education<\/a> we believe this is the
First Program<\/a> that gets low income families to go to college we couldnt have launched this without for the most part the mayor and budget leaders in
San Francisco<\/a> set aside the money to make that possible it is absolutely, of course, clapping. and the incredible is
Unified School District<\/a> helps us make this program possible as well as
Outreach Partner<\/a> the castro and the family connections in the great partner city bank they hold the accounts for the students were joined by bob did gloriously dwrshgs director of public works for
Community Depth<\/a> and the joseph for the region and well celebrate this without their hard work thank you very much clapping. and city bank started accident mravm policeman that made the families into the formal
Financial System<\/a> and city bank is trshtd to the
Financial Education<\/a> component of kindergarten to college insuring this isnt just angle accountants resource but having that with the
Financial Education<\/a> to families know how tow to save we want to make sure the children safe their, their economic success i want you to hear about this program from a parent im pleased to introduce the parents of two children to the monroe elementary charles your experience about kindergarten to college. Thank you
Jose Cisneros<\/a> my wife sabrina works at monroe my children in second grade and my daughter in kindergarten were proud today to represent this vibrant and
Diverse Community<\/a> family to be striving to have their children go to college frequently the first generations to go to college i appreciated how to work are these to make that a reaching of arraignment for all children general
Public Comment<\/a> start for our family and outline e all families whether we begin to plan for college or not
Kiddie College<\/a> is getting our children to college at the starting line for dlej this may find us with their matching program incentivizing and rewarded benchmark amounts we have friends with kids in college we recognize the
College Funding<\/a> that if placed we know how much college cost and the 20 years since mooifrns e my wife and i went to college any
College Costs<\/a> 2 and a half times we wonder what the cost of college that will be for our children we want to make sure we can do all we can to insure if college viable for them we appreciate how they partner with the
San Francisco<\/a>
Ethics Commission<\/a> in the community to make that more tangible to our children and all children in the city beyond financial backing at katie credulous that is very generous it give us the opportunity to talk about college with our children that is why were saving for college we know from research we wanted to talk to our children about college having them know that college is in their future increases the likelihood of kids in college we appreciate how college gives us the resources we know friends my wife and i went to rival university they know how the songs but they know we began savings cologne for their cologne so were grateful for the sunset theyve got of the future for them and were grateful far the assurance and this
Program Provides<\/a> our children and all children in the city and now its my pleasure to introduce our wanting of our school board emily. clapping. thank you so much ken you and your family are an example of what pa makes our school so great i want to thank the president for being here more monroe it is a gem in our
School System<\/a> i wanted to share one parents review of the school and incredible bunch of devoted loving intelligent people run monroe my son is lucky to get here he gets to be surrounding by university and learn in a nurturing environment thanks to the staff at monroe you had a wonderful, wonderful job clapping. and i want to ask the boy and girl how many of you got to visit city bank . Great and how many of you have piggy banks our putting money into we really want to acknowledge the
Strong Partnership<\/a> with city bank and lucky to have innovative leader honorable exam of publics unify heard from
Jose Cisneros<\/a> and this is a remained over a hundred its we cant thank you
Jose Cisneros<\/a> enough hes not going as the purchase man laughter . And this incredible partnership railroads our cologne boundary culture that is very much is part of our vision vision 2025 im shortly here from the house leader napping nancy pelosi who was the first woman speaker of house clapping. and remains one of the most influential woman in american politics today, im so proud here exceptional granddaughter is among our
San Francisco<\/a> students through a very
Strong Partnership<\/a> with mayor ed lee and middleincome and the school board the
School District<\/a> has by a preponderance from the initiatives through the mayor excluding the mayors middle grade and circling the schools that brought in inbe prientdz amount of benefits through city bank it is with great appreciation and introduce our next speaker it is mayor ed lee our education mayor with a capita e. Mayor ed lee. clapping. thank you, dr. Well, you know learning and earning cvs have often been the very secrets to success and certainly for
San Francisco<\/a> but you know with formal mayor naichl jose brought to us made it less secret and plentiful to the families we knew more challenged than other families and make sure they will be successful in the city as well so with the person in the
True Partnership<\/a> are city bank and our treasurer and school board and government with our private seefshth weve made earning and learning less secret and the a foundation of our success this is why the kindergarten to
College Program<\/a> is to attractive ive had the providential of traveling to
National Meetings<\/a> and the mayors conference to introduce this to other mayors across the country with city bank they ask how do you have a bank account for families that simply enroll in kindergarten and a promise is made their kids have that opportunity to go to college well, i think we take lessons from most apartment just like i was 31 years ago when we had our kids we made a promise for our family our kids go to college we started that 3wk9 on the day did he they were born the same sentiment in our city embracing the families and city first, this city for families weve work hard to expand and make sure that got matching incentives you should see the incentives created it more than a fiftydollar start when kids enroll in the
Lunch Program<\/a> they, in fact, the parents put melon into the account so it grows like something is earned and this is why it is so valuable to teach those values right now you were doing everything we can to make sure that families are groping up here and qatar spoke lontd about his family i went and recruited him nancy pelosi on our ssi he will help obvious advise all the advocates in the city how to make those partnerships work clapping. as active parents engage we have universal preschool restore exploring and afterschool programs as dr. Murase were working with involvement with with private sectors and the benioffs and all the 2 thousand 4 hundred
Technical Company<\/a> cooling even good snacks and crossing guard phenomenon the principal i know that principal a is on his list when copies visit and say make sure we never ask the plans and teachers to reach into adhere pockets when we need something into make those campuses successful education is a huge thing i have a great pleasure of introducing something on the helm of an innovate movement to make sure that college is variable and education a great partner under is less secrets to connect and more in our
Democratic Values<\/a> we have an open agenda to make all of our families across the country successful ill introduce
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi<\/a> clapping. thank you, thank you very much mr. Mayor when president of the school board emily murase she introduced him as an education mayor and the e mayor the housing and the jobs mayor and the list goes on the mayor for keeping families in
San Francisco<\/a> with
Affordable Housing<\/a> and
Job Opportunities<\/a> and education education education i want to thank him for his leadership and acknowledge i think the kids want to get back to class i want to talk about the beauty of the mix of the diverse class the beauty of the behavior are they not well boofrd alonzo to the speeches matthew we call him rocket i want to tell you one thing i got this package of letters from the third grader one the questions says i want to know what gongs at the capital do you play spokesman in the rooms laughter do you play parking control officer could man, i love parties that kind of thing in any effecting event one day to welcome you to the capital remember when i said all the beautiful smiles ill should that picture to president obama and say this started in
San Francisco<\/a> im going to college with a big smile on our face. Thank you to
Jose Cisneros<\/a> his imagination to create
Something Wonderful<\/a> for you clapping. have a great day in school ill talk about when you go two but i think youve been beautifully boofrd well try to follow our lead in that regard laughter the principal solace knows how to time things with his students he says i want them to go back to class laughter . inaudible . Well congratulations for your leadership of
Monroe Elementary School<\/a> and our hospitality letting us in today to make that point thank you and emily thank you for your leadership on the school board in terms of implementing this
Important Initiative<\/a> im going to hold this up this the rabble kindergarten to college to
Jose Cisneros<\/a> a leader the person you saw the connection between the nationalistcy thats what were teaching those kids they in turn will be dealing with their siblings and the parents the connection between the competent to have the resources to college and the incentive to have to study is so thank god kids weve changed that and set a model for the nation so thank you for this initiative a
National Admission<\/a> more importantly ever personal sixth to every single child that was made clear by your wonderful presentation so wheres the competition oh, i see the big game every night laura laughter but youve spoken well, from the families prospective and congratulations to you on our future involvement in terms of are nevertheless, of the citys the mayor said privatepublic in time partnerships to make that with work work and the private side of city bank thank you for your
Important Role<\/a> those kids having the confidence saying im going to college is a beautiful statement that the mayor said about everything in our future in addition to that is important 0 our country the most important investment in the people a family da can make in their children people talk about the cost of education the fact nothings bring more money to the treasurer than the investment in education thats the investment and it reduces it the earliest
Child Education<\/a> higher post grad
Education Learning<\/a> this is a start and since having the key a new way to open that door to college for those young kids it is remarkable im telling you the kids im taking the picture of those smiling to show the president and bring that brochure as well and i thank you, again, for all of you for your leadership and representing
San Francisco<\/a> because ideas come forth here and people act on them we have dreams and plans thats what makes it special the privatepublic in time partnering helps and the joy of the children so thank you, mr. Mayor and thank you, principal solace and madam president murray race and thank you dad for laughter sharing our family story with us and making other parents proud thank you very much clapping. and do you want to do it here . Yeah. I was wondering im not real familiar inaudible . Sure. Be happy to. Sure. inaudible . Well work on that laughter so we start this program 5 years ago the city launched a number of empowerment programs to help 9 low income folks and keep their money save connected people who didnt have bank account to rely right hand the cashiers check and ongoing
Financial Education<\/a> programs we want to reach out and support our youth we were spurred on if a child groups it builds ass prirgz and helps them get to college we work hard with the scapegoated with our partner city bank to make that successful question build it from the ground up every year we get a set of information and listing all this kindergarten and the demographic information to open a account
Affordable Health<\/a> care ensue kids enter kindergarten and a few weeks later we open up on account in the childs name and we tell that family heres our 6th district at large and account card and id number and heres how to make deposits and go online and go online the city has put an initial amount of 50 the child has money saved for the
College Education<\/a> we know that 50 is not going to pay for college but find a way for the child to be successful and offer incentives to match the savings well match dollar for dollar up to the first 100 and match the steady saves every month for six months in a row another account and participating families savings over 1. 3 million thats family money not city or matching incentives that is all family money and half of the families are families ref fry and reduced aprils
Lunch Program<\/a>s so we know were reaching families across the income spectrum in the
Security Guard<\/a> and finding a way to save there is a cost to the city im pleased to have the city leaders success the city pays for the administration of the program we have a great kc staff manage an
Incredible Program<\/a> with an incredibly small amount of people but have great partners the citys cost is 650,000 a year to fund the kc program we add to this private money some donations in city bank to make the program a reality it is every income kindergarten in the
Security Guard<\/a> thats correct. From the stand point sorry. inaudible . Yeah. Well, i wanted to go to the point you asked on the back end the college end our focus on making college more affordable the initiative to contain the cost of
College Education<\/a> while we put more money out there we dont want it to be used for other purposes more opportunities available for that young people thats why were fighting the fight when we put u cut the pell grant and increase the interest you see initiatives to under those there the pell grants but also to incentivizes states to do more important
Higher Education<\/a> and when federal money comes along not to underwrite but to do more important the kids in terms of what the treasurers cisneros a long time ago which i went to college and initiative to encourage families to start bank account but it wasnt automatic the way it is and families","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/3\/items\/SFGTV_20150910_120000_BOS_Replay_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_9815\/SFGTV_20150910_120000_BOS_Replay_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_9815.thumbs\/SFGTV_20150910_120000_BOS_Replay_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_9815_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240622T12:35:10+00:00"}