The future and then katie has a sister who she will become a guardian to and the plan is for her to live with them when she takes up guardianship of her sister. Thank you for your time. That concludes the sponsor presentation we should take Public Comment. This is your opportunity to address the commission on it discretionary review. In the chambers please forward and remotely press star 3 or webex raise your hand. Seeing no requests to speakare you are party . Is that okay . You will have a 2 minute rebuttal you can speak to. We opened Public Comment. Right now the dr requester will have a 2 minute rebuttal and then you can have 2 minute rebuttal. She has a 2 minute rebuttal if she would like to use it. Anything else she would like to add. She doesnt have to use it if she doesnt want it. Okay. [waiting for translation] im going to try to rephrase what she said. She say, i also have grandma to take care of, somy mom is 80 something so if our next door neighbors want a bigger place to live have a better space to live for the family what about my family, i also have a mom to take care of too . Ever since the first extension to the house i can always hear the flushing toilets, the using the hair dryer and yelling of the kids so cant be worth all these problems. That is why im strongly against it. [waiting for translation] so, they have a family and raise, how about me as 60 something years old old woman who will take care of me . Thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor, you have 2 minute rebuttal. Hi. Im katie thanks for listening. It isnt really a rebuttal just importance of family is important to myself and neighbor. I wont be the guardian of my sister but the hope is maybe we have space for her to some day come live with us. Thank you. Okay. Commissioners, that concludes the public hearing portion. Now it is before you. Thank you. inaudible could you explain a little biti was trying to understand the issue with water and the previous renovation. I dont know if you were a part of the previous renovation the dr requester indicated. Can you describe the renovation. Im the architect of record for the previous project permitted by the Building Department and built by a license contractors. There was a extension of the original 1913 home. I thinkit was quite old itself and it was rebuilt because the foundation was compromiseed and it was uninsulated and leaks so the first phase of this project was to reconstruct that and rebuild the bathroom inside. I am sorry i cant address the issue of noise. I assume because it is built to the current Building Code the walls will be pretty well insulated, so i do understand they are party walls so two exterior building walls quite close to each other. The original plumbing would have much noisier and uninsulated wall then newer construction which is much better control of sound. When the gutters were installed, we have a couple skylight in the bathroom and had to build a parapet. My understanding is one of the pieces of flashing or the gutter may not have been completely secured during construction and so when a first storm came along it was flapping in the bind and made noise. I pleev believe that is what was corrected and their understanding the noise was abated so that correction satisfied the neighbor i believe. It is my hope she would rather have next to her a home built to current Building Codes with a much more Robust Foundation and that is actually we think a improvement on what was there before, especially for the rear addition that was literally a pretty decrepeed structure and needed repair. Can you speak to the excavation that would be needed for this project . That was also a concern was excavation and potential vibrations or challenges for her foundation. The foundation will be typical spread footings. Nothing more i guess extensive then what you usually expect in this type of wood frame construction. There is a portion of it that will be at the Property Line but we willi believe the contractor will do everything in their power to make sure they frame and pour the foundation in such a way it doesnt effect the neighbor. As far as the party walls, there will be a extension as this addition moves to the rear of the home where they have more party wall at the neighbor exterior wall but that will be built to code with Water Proofing and i cant say there will be any issues and i would argue that built to todays standards there shouldnt be issues with the foundation with excavation. During construction there is that small period of time when it is disruptive and there is noise but think the contractor will work during hours that is reasonable and hopefully mitigate any concerns that the neighbor might have as construction proceeds. Again, it is typical spread footing, nothing onerous or over and above what would be expected for this type of construction. Thank you. Commissioner koppel. Going to make a motion to approve. Commissioner diamond. By that you mean make a motion not to take, staff recommendation not take dr and approve. Second. If nothing further there is a motion that is seconded to not take dr and approve the project as proposed. On that motion [roll call] so moved commissioners. Motion passes 60 and concludes your hearing for the day. Great, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] good morning the meeting will come to order the thursday october 27, 2022 meeting of Public Safety and Neighborhood Service. Supervisor mar the chair and im joined by stefani and melgar and joined by supervisor mandelman this morning. Thank you to Stefani Cabrera for staffing this meet and like to thank matthew from sfgovtv for staffing as well. Madam clerk do you have announcements. Thank you the board of sprierdzs are convening hybrid meeting allowing in person and Public Comment and Remote Access and Public Comment via phone. Equal access is essential when take comment as follows. Will be taken on each item. Those in person will be allowed to speak first then those on the phone line. For those watching 26, 28, 78 or 99, and sfgov. Org the Public Comment number is streaming across the stream it is 4156550001. Again, 4156550001. When prompted enter the id access code 2486 793 5172. When connected you will hear the meeting discussions and muted in listening mode only. When your item come and up Public Comment is called those in person lineup to speak along the wall to your right and those on the phone dial star 3 to be added to the queue. If you are on the phone turn down your tv and listening devices. We will take Public Comment from those in person first and go to Public Comment phone line. Alternateively you may submit comment in writing e mail to myself the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services clerk. Or via mail forward to the supervisors will be forwarded to the supervisors and send written comments via post office to city hall items acted on today will appear on the board of supervisor agenda of november 8 unless otherwise stated. Call item 1. Item 1 a hear to provide an update on the fiscal year 202021 proposition t. Treatment on demand report and requesting the departments of Public Comment adult probation, sheriffs department. Da department to report. Member when is wish to provide Public Comment call 4156550001 then access code 2486 793 5172 press story 3 to enter the queue. The system will prompt and indicate you raised your hand wait until you have been unmute exclude may begin comments when we go to Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor mandelman for calling for the hearing on the annual prop t on demand report and your leadership on the crisis in drug addiction and over doses in our city the floor is yours supervisor mandelman. Thank you chair mar and members my apol joes to you and the audience for my tardiness. I want to thank the departments that have been so giving of their time. D ph, public defender i want to thank the coalition for engaging and Service Providers health right 360 and aids foundation. I said these before but they bear repeating. Treatment on demand is more then and there a quarter century old in San Francisco. We declare third degree our policy in 26 years ago and yet near low 3 decades later it does not feel like we are there. And even worse, it does not feel like we exactly know what the gaps are and what providing meaningful treatment on demand in San Francisco would look like or cost. Meanwhile, parallel opioid and methamphetamine epidemics impacted lives with over dose deaths sky rocketing 478 . Treatment on demand properties in 2008 are due by february first of each year. The notion is that the treatment on demand reports impact behavior in this belling the mayor will think about them as she crafts her budget. The board of supervisors think about them as we look at add back funding. And pass the budget in the summer. This will be my third hearing since taking office in 2018 when we started, it seemed clear d ph had not taken reporting obligations seriously and had settle in the a habit of submitting 12 page reports that found the department was meeting the treatment on demand goals that of the ends and no need to talk further. And no one d. Since, i do think the reports have gone from bad to better. But i still think there are unanswered question bunkham minot be asking all of the right questions not guilty first accomplice. Reports may need to be rethought Going Forward. I am concerned we dont have a clear process for america unmeted demands despice the ordinance requiring each report to have assess sdpment plan to meet the demand. I have follow up questions about the wait times in the report and how they are with the experiences prosecute voiders and Community Organizations and folks in criminal Justice System connecting people with Service Every day. I look forward to hearing about partner efforts and to dig in any discrepancy between what folks are experiencing and what is reported in our treatment on demand report. We need to understand just how many we are losing as a result. Without the data an analysis how much more are necessary seems hard or impable and we will tread water while the system is this years report this is good thingful highlights several opportunities improvements more residential step down services and treatment for Spanish Speaking clients and people with dual diagnose and in custody and injustice involved clients. Butt report does not measure the extent of the gaps for the subpopulations much less propose policy or budget changes that would close those gaps. Supervisor steph no and i joined supervisor dorsey in requesting upon departments Work Together on a comprehensive plan to end street level drug dealing and right to recover. I Department Supervisor dorsey effort in this area. But i think that the experience of treatment on demand suggests the ways in which the directions that go out to departments do what i think is a reasonable and personal thing to assess need, come up with plans to close gaps and report back to us. Can end up not playing out the way folks had intended. This is what happened with treatment on demandful San Francisco recovery is treatment on demand on steroids and impacting all departments but i think we need to continue to get treatment on demand right if we make further progress. So e policies and plans are not enough am change requires focus from both branches of government, departments and public. And so that is why i call for these hearings and why im grateful for the partnership of the city departments and our providers. Our firsts presenter unless anyone has things they want to say. I believe i wanted to note for the presenters and you that because we have so many presentation in this hear and Important Information in discussion i think we are asking each to limit presentation to 5 minutes and madam clerk will have a timer on this to help reminds us. Thank you. D ph is up first. Im doctor comings the director of Behavioral Health service and mental healing sf at department of Public Health. You have a cold. I do. Recovering. First, thank you chair moore and vice chair stefani, melgar and our gratitude to supervisor mandelman for calling the hearing. This it is a topic this is extreme low high prior to me personally. I have a long story of providing Clinical Care to people with Substance Use disorder and have been working over the last decades to improve system of care and access to care in order it save lives and support peoples recovery. We will aim to answer your questions and look forward to your on going conversation. I want to really extend our thanks to profound low to the partners both who will be offering testimony today as well as others in the city who i have come to know. We are aim to be i department receptive and engaged with feedback aim to improve as we go and grapple with the difficult but person issues. Next slide. From the legislation i want to level that the as we understand the from the luthe d. Public health min tain fro and low cost medical Substance Abuse services and residential treatments with upon demand. So, in this presentation, i hope to cover who we serve, the services in San Francisco, funding for the services, cast and time liness of services and accomplishments and opportunity for improvement, next slide. Im rushing a bit. First let mow call attention to national data. Answer address the question how many access Substance Use services nationally. This statute National Survey on drug use and health the government conducts. Y we know among people with Substance Use less then and there 10 need treatment receive it. And most people with sud at the time of the survey dont foal they need treatment despite the presence of the disorder. And this is a major gap. This we aim to address. Strengthning a continuum of care you see here. Which aims to deliver services consistents with the persons as we call and you see at the bottom of the slide stage. Change. On the right side looking at the bottom line stage of change as action or maintenance. Folks interested in the moment and making change in Substance Use or other Health Behaviors and maintenance refers to people who have achieved those change and maintaining them often referred to being in recovery. And you can see botch on the continuum of care, that we offer Treatment Services to folks in action or maintenance phases suchs residential, out patient treatment. Medication treatment. Sober living environments. On the other side of that continuum first calling your attention to the bottom line. Precondition temmrigz this refers to folks who might be using substances and not really thinking about making a change. Those are some of the 90 of people with the Substance Use not currently in care. And important low, dont perceive the need or foal they need care. How do we approach those folks clinically, systemically, we offer Engagement Services both to prevenn them from dying in the moment, keep them alive in order we work with them to increase mote vision for change. Some of those Services Include over dose prevention, syringe access cites moving long this to counseling for people who might want to make a change temperature is important to set the stage like this because in measuring or aiming to measure need and gaps we know we need to attends to people across that continuum of behavior change and offer services in a time low fashion that can meet their needs and move them along the change continuum how many with Substance Use disorder Access Service in our Health Network d ph funded or directly run clinics. We see among San FranciscoHealth Network in 2021. The number of people we know about in the San FranciscoHealth Network numbers about 11,000. And the number who received a subSubstance UseDisorder Service is 40 . Should i pause. Yea. If you can pause. Supervisor melgar has a question. Jul want to do this. The question on the slide you had about the numbers is this individuals or is it visits . Meaning. An individual has several of those . Im sorry the number of people, people. Those are number diagnosed. Yes. Thank you. And should i continue im happy to continue to take questions as you might make sense to hold them. Got it im accumulating my own. Next slide. The next slide illustrates the Substance Use services in San Francisco where we deliver care and services. And present thanksgiving slid