And to my left is supervisor kim and mrs. Want to recognize we have a guest with with us our friend and colleague supervisor campos our clerk mr. Victor young id like to recognize Jennifer Lowe and jim smith our techs helping us to broadcast in Committee Meeting i also would like to ask the clerk to make any announcements at this time. Yes. Please silence all electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 29, 2015, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much mr. Clerk, call item one of the amending the public works code for the flood management code to have a minor code for the Public Works Commission grant funds are exemption from payment of rightofway assessment fee subsidies. Wow. Thats a mouth full supervisor campos would you like to make a announcement. Thank you to supervisor wiener and supervisor kim for hearing this i represent district 9 excluding an area of admission that has been tale with the issue of glood for quite a few the legislation before you is a simple amendment to the code so that it specifically to the public works code so that Small Businesses and Property Owners who are in those flood prone areas and they make change to the property it addresses the issue of them not paying and fee thats been the case up to now this amendment the code in such a way in the Property Owner is doing flood Water Management work with the help and finance assistance of b uc including grant fund theyve not be charged a public rightofway assessment fee should they encroach into the sidewalk give you a little bit of background on march 19 of this year we held a hearing on the issue of intersection and fulsome in my district actually, the lowest point good gaefk of the city this has been a flood zone for many, many years during that hearing we discussed with the puc and Community Member ideas and ways to address the flooding and actually developed from that hearing a working group in two ideas come out of that yipping the ideas that are moving forward one is to customize the puc Flood Grant Program to mediate the niece of local businesses and restaurants this guess something the puc is doing im grateful to the general manager and staff for the work and the second idea was in issue of a fee waiver waving fee subsidies if those projects involved a minor encroachment and, of course, the puc and my office has been working with the Property Owners in this neighborhood it make that happen and you know when you look at this is congressman california exempting those from annual fee subsidies make it easier for the Small Businesses and tenants to pursue swayed their Property Owners to apply for grants from the public works it will also incentivizes the floodwater Grant Program to encourage Property Owners to lower the risk of damage harm and storm events and finally to ease the burden on the public works when people participant in the program in their running their funded have to going through this process an example we actually have chris vicky who is in the audience a Small Business owner and Property Owner in this area and as he will explain as he was trying to address the issue of flooding he was actually charged and assessed by the city an encroach fee of 2,200 per month this is a fee the city was charging to fix a sunk in sidewalk in front of the property he was the trying to raise to the original level i want to say that the puc worked with Chris Hickory and most of fee was eventually waved but we dont need to have a situation where Property Owners have to go to through this process that is why this piece of legislation is here im proud to say the legislation was received very well by the sxhauks that unanimously supported the legislation and i hope youll support it today id like to thank again, the public works, staff, for working on this also the department of public works for their support around this legislation and i specifically want to thank the Small Business owners and the residents in my sdrint district in this neighborhood in particular who have been volunteering their time to work with us to make this happen i also want to thank carolyn in my office thats been spending a great deal of time on this very important issue important so with that, unless you have questions of me id like to ask kathy the assistant general manager the public works and kathy thank you and your staff for all the work. Thank you, supervisors i just to give you a little bit of background the San Francisco giants developed the floodwater Grant Program in 2013 to encourage San FranciscoProperty Owners to make improvements it to their property to lower the risk of waters Flooding Risk and the interest in the Grant Program has increased for several reasons several jimbo bob major storms caused flooding last year, it was extended to benefit the constituents and focus and theres been focus on a widely anticipated el nino and supervisor campos gave you an example of the improvement but another example if a Property Owner wanted to put a removeable barrier in front of their house was anchored to the building but protruded over the sock theyll be assessed a fee the current code for any reason improvement of an annual fee every year theyll pay the 22 hundred that mr. Hickory was paying it can only reinforce the comings but not reinforce for annual fee subsidies so the proposed amendment to the public works code requires a permit but wave the fee subsidies so passing this legislation would extend the incentive of the floodwater grant a he help the pertaining to reduce their risk of damage in storm events. Thank you. Colleagues, any other questions in not ill go to Public Comment. Seeing none, lets open up for Public Comment ive got a few comment cards we have calling names please come up up a soft chime youll have 30 seconds left. Im hank fixing a cars an fulsome for 36 years chriss neighborhood i urge you to ratify this amendment thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im Chris Hickory who had the fee seated against me i moved into the neighborhood 3 years my building flooded twice in the fir that will take a long time to fix the problem so i decided ive got an 18 thousand square feet so i raised the ground floor to its original height and the sidewalk that costs almost a Million Dollars it protects the building but the sidewalk get raised and slopes so because of that the amendment fee and improvement is 2,000 i year i was shocked no guaranteed goes unpishtdz thanks to the help of the public works and mr. Supervisor campos thats a huge thing if you think about 10 years it raised a lot of money but ultimately we need to fix the problem once again and id like to see if you could put pressure in getting it done in the long run thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi my name is malcolm i own a building at fulsome weve had newcomer slides i hope this legislation will get passed im disappeared it is important traced as the solution to the problem that is not a solution one bandaid a serious flooding and now a park that will make the flooding worse it is elevated above the park it will the sliding will go down to ribbon grocery this is shortsighted a piece of legislation is a good idea but the attendance is not satisfactorily we talked about 3 steps to the problem short time solution and mid and long term were talking about right now is fixing the code were not even talking about fixing the problem i think it is ridiculous like the park that is proposed there is is Environmental Impact report did not consider flooding the parks is supposed to Start Construction in january and no for the storage the city owned the parcel of land that used to be a mash it could be restored but thats not the way the city works panhandle thats my piece. Thank you for your commenting well try to get you answers to your question. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisor jane kim and supervisor david campos and supervisor wiener the entire town for right now for the past months it is continuing on stockton street and all the way to jackson it is beyond the transit and construction sites it creates lots of Construction Machinery and parked along the pathway the pavement everywhere i dont think this is necessary the free the financial aspect of such a construction it seems like two which of a construction happening in stockton chinatown i go every morning and stand by the corner of stockton and slausen so the construction machines too much of them too much. Thank you Public Comment is closed. At this point, id like to invite ms. Health how up to address one of the questions shooe she harder and directed to the code supervisors. We will be meeting with the community again in midoctober and so we still are looking at short time and midterm and Long Term Solutions it hadnt dropped off the table well present some of those ideas in october. Great supervisor wiener. Thank you very much i want to reiterate the need to have some of these Structural Solutions it seems i know it is on fulsome every time we have rain and theres a flood in my district we had massive flooding last defenseless and people cant live in their homes it is a structural issue that needed to be addressed i know someone has occurred costs and want to express to the agency as i have to Senior Management at the agency we need to address those issues and we have some very frustrated residents who are rightfully nerve what is going to happen as soon as we enter into a el 99 last time it was not rainy and imagine a 1997 style el nino whats going to happen it is time sensitive. I hear and just to remind you the storms from last did he we were in a krauths drought those were an stenos storm not typical but public works is looking at all 3 areas of flooding la iron and some others and fulsome thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you supervisor campos. Thank you particular and the speakers this is part a large process that has been going on for many years we have been working on this in any office and we will continue to push for that short term midterm and long Term Solution and you know we continue to believe the city has to be more well continue to advocate and push for that and so you know we have heard hearings and meetings and were not going to give up on the issue in terms of the the park it is a you know there are strong feelings about that issue and hopefully, when the process comes before this board in terms of approval people have an opportunity to comment i think we need to address the issue the code and ton to work on some of the longTerm Solutions. I agree with you supervisor campos is there a motion . So moved. A position to approve. Can this pass without objection thank you thank you supervisor campos mr. Clerk, call item 2. Item 2 is an ordinance amending the planning code to eliminate the urban mixed use that the Property Owners to lower their inclusionary Affordable Housing requirements in the eastern neighborhood benefit fee subsidies by agreeing to have their market rate as retro to units for 20 years. Supervisor kim is the sponsor of this item and she has a few openly remarks. Thank you chair cowen this actually came from when this item was heard before land use and two developments it take advantage the rental sensitive programs from the eastern neighborhood plan those that were building in this district after that sorry the u z zoning area after the developers i asked them whether or not a sensitive was needed i introduce a change in the planning code to reflect the different Housing Market than when the eastern neighborhood process since 2009 it has been offered to the project manager to encourage instead of the homeownership and an amendment was passed in 2009 to reduce developer obligations by that 4 to 5 percent on the inclusionary housing for qualified projects in 2009 this amendment was passed the rebel projects represented zero percent of projects today, the rental projects represent 84 given the delivery of the rental utilities not an incentive but the strongest in San Francisco it is appropriate to remove the sfefz to make sure the developer are building what we expect them to in terms of Affordable Housing stock noting this fact several projects were entitled and condos changed directions and coming online without in incentive and indeed as i mentioned i spoen spoke with the developers not the incentive that is motivates them to build the rental units but the market supervisors im glad to see this was recommended by approval by the Planning Department staff and the staff is here to present after your consideration. Thank you, supervisor kim. Aaron star manager of the legislative Affairs Supervisor kim went over the ordinance the Planning Commission on august 2015 and voted unanimously to recommend approval to the board of supervisors and they found the increase in the made the program unnecessary without this the supervisors found the impact fees unjustified that concludes my remarks. Come folks it on for item number 2 any Public Comment that wants to speak seeing none, Public Comment is closed for item 2. Thank you is there a motion for in item. Id like to make a motion would recommendation. Well take that without objection. This motion passes mr. Clerk, call item 3. Item number 3 an ordinance amending the planning code by the citywide sustainability fee and spending the applications of the impact fee to clarify Affordable Housing and homeless shelters exemplification from the sustainability fee making conforming the amendments to the area fee and the planning code. Thank you, colleagues ive heard from many folks last week and following the Planning Commission weve received many recommendation and comments that in my view need more time for consideration i prototypes we move to continue this until september 28th land use. Well take that without objection. This motion passes comment. Yes. Thank you very much Public Comment on items 3 ive got two cards one from Charley Cross and another one from edward mason. Thank you supervisors or supervisors im charley Vice President its San FranciscoState University we sent a letter this morning and perhaps you havent read it i want to highlight the city compromises the impact fee and ucsf has been exempt as a result of charitable exemption that exemption will be eliminate by the proposed Transportation Sustainability fee any posts secondary institution that has a master plan will no longer be eligible for the exception ucsf is the only Major University that will be impacted by this change of legislation and only the following institutions require a full i m t the California Art Institute and doifrt and ucsf and the academy of arts not able by thely the california of arts is a nonprofit and cca is a small institutions does not have significant plans on the horizon i o p moved and wont be doing construction are ucsf has Student Housing and academic space and hoping to build in two phases contemplated by the rfp well have the comping 8 million those costs are significant for ucsf and not courage our mission ucsf serves a difference body with great financial needs ucsf housing plans have an impact on the infrastructure and limit the growth on the hilltop and moving students on campus were providing mini pays for the students 1. 6 million per year and other transportation sports for the you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Growth funds no exemption all Development Impact transit and Bicycle Safety cumulative effects of the housing or remolding eventually impact everyone the nexus shows growth is not funding growth the residents pay the difference and 87 a square feet and ucsf is 18 plus an 84 percent reduction and t s f is 75 Percent Discount the stakeholders will fund the mitigation costs by future bonds and parking increases raising it they inhibit the south side that will not be constructed and future expansion of huge hospitals should not be given a free pass the point of impact mitigation considered and fee subsidies