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Rosens our clerk is awe debris id like to thank Jessie Larson and leo from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the march 29, 2016 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much is there a representative from supervisor yees office here . No, not yet okay well, lets commissioner low is supported this item we have shannon from the Planning Department that is here to present on his behalf welcome shannon good afternoon, everyone. Im Stockton Ferguson Planning Department staff for the landmark designation on san marcus the forest neighborhood can i have the overhead the Historic Preservation commission added this to the cal house preservation on june 2011 the hpc designation for july 2017 open cement 16, 2015 did hpgsz conducted on exterior and barrier of the property on october 7, 2015, voted for the landmark designation one 71 sacking marcus is associated with the henry cal and modern pro percent for the American Music for 9 commercial music the 19 tends to thirty and significant for henrys stepmother for the relatively erections department at cal San Francisco state all of the cal her influence is the modern design for transitional writers for the Music Society in the living room of cal house with the acoustics with the performances in mind. The cal house is significant as the first modern singlefamily home conducted in San Francisco and as a work of natural irving what the designer of the Golden Gate Bridge with the pioneering acre architecture work and collaboration. The cal house residences the design that were present when conducted in 1933 as much as the horizontal red week ago siding and elements there is no known neighborhood option to the designation of 171 san marcus after the Property Owner was unable to attend today again supportive of labor designation youll find a letter of support from her that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. All right. Very much lets getting go ahead and take Public Comment ladies and gentlemen, Public Comment is open two minutes allocated for Public Comment if you want to comment please step forward to the podium good morning and welcome. Good morning or good afternoon my name is ingel ill speaking no support of landmarking this is an unusual building in San Francisco house and it is also very important because there was a very decided influence of the woman architect this building and yeah, he would wish that you would adopt the landmarking thank you. And ms. Horton were you involved the case report for this landmark designation. I cant say they used my book in which they used the novel. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on number one seeing none, Public Comment is closed thank you so much for your comments. Madam chair id like to be listed a cosponsor with supervisor yee and move forward to the full board with recommendations. All right. Looks like this motion. Man and woman madam chair, i have a connection the next Board Meeting will not needed until april 5th. Okay. Thank you very much you got that supervisor peskin all right. A motion to move to the next Board Meeting to april 5th well take that without objection. That motion carries. Item 2. Item 2 an ordinance amending the code for concern no fault vibrations or a person that resided in the rentcontrolled unit. Supervisor campos is the author and joined us supervisor avalos well, thank you. Thank you very much madam chair and colleagues thank you for hearing this item today the legislation before you is about helping families and School Workers in San Francisco remain in their homes during the Academic Year i want to begin by thanking the cosponsoring supervisor kim and supervisor avalos and supervisor mar that builds on prevention that supervisor mar spearheaded in 2009 that legislation allows landlords to evacuate families owner movein the families have children under the age of 18 the scald system and prohibits the eviction during the school year the current legislation expands the existing legislation to include all no fault evictions so that families with children in our system can not be evicted during the school year for evictions related to condominium conversion and substantial rehabilitation the second thing it includes educator and we define educators as people that work in San Francisco continentals directing with students and home daycares both public and private this not only includes the teacher a classroom a paraprofessional an administrator a psychologist or Security Guard or liaison a cafe worker janitor or school nurse we know that San Francisco is facing an affordability crisis if this affordability crisis that impacts our education in terms of the crisis in housing the San Francisco retirement board provided the data that shows that there were 2000 notices of eviction filed between be marking 2014 and 2015 this is a significance 55 increase compared to the 5 year period before that wrpts with regards to no fault 4 hundred and 38 vibrations were on record if you ask the advocates the number will probable be do you believe that number the impact on families with children raises concerns many families who are veektsdz cant afford to stay in San Francisco and therefore are forced to leave San Francisco but not just the families themselves from the family is evicted the impact can be felt if an educator is evicted not only of that educator and his or her family by the students that are educated by his or her thats why this legislation make sense and to put it into context of what it means to a School Worker lets look at the salary for a full kre7b89d teacher is less than 3 thousand 4 hundred conflict of interests a month that teacher has to if they want to stay in San Francisco facing an eviction they have to deal with the market where a one bedroom apartment the medium rental prices for the one bedroom apartment is 3 thousand 6 hundred and 20 more than the entire money they make within a month the issue is worse foyer a paraprofessional here in San Francisco a paraprofessional their average salary is 2,083 a month imagine living on that when you have to pay 3 thousand plus for a one bedroom a december 2015 professional survey by the educators of San Francisco that represents payrolls and teachers found that 70 percent of all responded to that survey and 59 percent were concerned with the high cost of living in San Francisco this is impacting the educators of our city x baiting the issue San Francisco, california ray and nationally a School Teacher and staff shortage problem pursue the number of people enrolled the program has dropped if a 45 thus to fewer 20 thus and that is between 2008 and 2013 and at the end of the school year last year we have nine hundred openings the School District alone and an insufficient number of substitute teachers we had a hearing pointing out that because of the high cost of living that we have the School District unable to hire all the substitutes it needs this ordinance about help mitigate the impact of displacement of educators and families 2 will be something simply needs jeer we can know that city has taken steps to help the educators those findings steps require that we actually it takes time to do some of the things weve talked about we have programs to create housing for teachers that it takes time for those findings projects to have an impact unless we act now and today by the time we do something we will have los lost so much of the educators i take the opportunity to thank you the staff hillary and my legislative aid that has worked on that for quite a few of the i want to acknowledge the Critical Role that the midnight educators lee the audience and others if usf and particular i 2079 acknowledge the work of dean preston the decker the tenants together this is actually something that came out of the work that dean has been doing in his neighborhood its been deans brainchild working with the tenants throughout the neighborhoods and communities that issue came up and that solution that dean came up with and brought to our Office Important i also want to thank the Youth Commission for unanimously supporting the legislation and acknowledge the board of education sandra fewer and matt haney who is here today i know they have drafted a resolution that will be kcmo about the board of education at their meeting tomorrow colleagues, i believe we need to act now to address this crisis because that housing crisis unfortunately has created another crisis i respectfully ask for your; is that right and unless questions or comments ill turn to Public Comment. Thank you supervisor campos for your opening remarks especially ladies and gentlemen, we allow Public Comment to happen right here come and share your thoughts with us. Thank you. Good afternoon. Im the director of the pacific primary which is a school for Early Child Center and schools that has two sites at barker and grove the school is over 40yearold and serves parents a few day around the school serving one and 55 children ive been the director for 20 years and have been an educator in the city for 40 years and this is teacher crisis is the worse ive seen the city norman if we put an ad out for a teacher 10 to 20 applications zero resumes this legislation is essential and i want to thank preston that has done an offered amazing support for the teachers at 1. 4 teachers were facing homeless they have evictions and i strongly support this legislation we have teachers right now that are driving into the city from vacerville and ann took 3 30 the morning to get here it is really impossible our teachers are afraid of what will happen next and the children and families the city will be absolutely being affected now and what is ahead is terrifying i holy hope youll support this legislation and know that is one step among many steps for this serious crisis thank you very much. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors chair cohen im the executive director of the james center we are a new Development Agency the Mission District and provide offstreet parking social and meekal support the Visitacion Valley and serve one youth and children a year we are seeing as the last speaker said a marked increase in the hardship that our teachers go through i want to talk about the impact on the Opportunity Community as a whole james town is unique we try to serve the kids as long as potential not just the year we hire our own participants when theyre no hostile and support them after they graduate this past year 14 of the state of dissatisfy that graduated from college this is racket most from protecting africanamerican and latino communities a fairly low Graduation Rate the reason we support in our paternity and standoff while theyre working for james attain and a piping into the San Francisco unified School District of bilingual teachers that have the relationship already because we come from the community so id like hope that you, please help us do what we do and try to stem this Community Crisis by the way, were losing teachers and seeing the loss outcomes for the youth thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please come on up in need a water queue up automatically. Thank you supervisor avalos and all supervisors for your renewal and thank you for the support of this bill im with the ancestry Providers Association i work with providers the centers and Family Childcare across the city weve been struggling with the wages crisis that effects them knowledge and working here with the children im grateful the two speakers before me shared their works ill go over those findings and reemphasis that Early Childhood make half of what the was this are already lower than was this so any workforce supervisor avalos im pleased to see they were included with educators all other educators in this bill so thank you and i look forward to your support. Thank you. Good afternoon. Im the president of the noncompliant educators to everything urge my choerld support and thank you for supervisor avalos to bring this pardon first of all, as educators we support this legislation is expands the rights of families of the students that are faced with the affordable crisis, and, secondly, im important to us a concrete step that the city can take we hope takes to provide a degree more security for the educators in the city ill give you two example really the last week not a week has gone by since ive taken the job in august getting email address from the educators that are facing an out right eviction or translates into an eviction important one teacher and veteran teacher serving 25 years facing an eviction now part of progress and the other from a teacher her living in a critically important field and trying a Computer Tech teacher said ill not know what im doing april tloth that legislation will present lots of a degree of security it will serve as a center for our educators and thank you very much. Hi, im josh i cook for the kids in the preschool and a the chapter for tenderloin one we represent custodians and School Secretaries and cafeteria workers and people that do safety inspections it is our mix about 1,700 a month so the crisis is not a secret especially for the members and important we have a little bit of security because were the folks after school in the morning we keep the kids fed im pleased to see the cost workers were included in terms of the Ongoing Operations with the district it is crucial we be able to support the educators that are serving the classrooms and make sure that the school itself is running so people can focus on the class thank you very much. Hi jennifer with the San Francisco Tenants Union and little mapping promotions we wholeheartedly support this legislation and while i wish there was a ban on no eviction by providing Community Establishment we have similar legislation to protect the families this think an intelligent decision to capitalized it keeps the classrooms stable i support the government interventions to help our vital educators. Next speaker. Afternoon mediating president of the board of education want to express my strong supports for the legislation and thank you to supervisor avalos for breaking and entering it forward at the at least we can insure our educators work hard with the youth i dont have to face the threat of eviction or losing their home the middle of the school year as president of the brown act board i get to see the schools and this is to be routine by the planning commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote issue that is coming up more and more this morning i was at jean parker longterm supervisor peskin district and the principal told me when we can do to better support the school he didnt say more books or resources do something about the housing crisis were facing a way that our teachers what live in San Francisco and stay without a threat of eviction if were being asked asked to build the community that are stable that are necessary for all the children to be successful it takes creative building solving that allows us to have quarters that can create homes here and have establishment and build School Communities that you are successful so im strongly supportive personally our school board is considering a bill tomorrow evening hope to report back from the entire School District and thank you for the hard work of the folks behind us this is the least we can do and ill be supportive thank you. Next speaker supervisors thank you, madam chair and supervisors especially supervisor campos and especially for including family chaffering seven hundred and thirty licensed childcare happening half own and half rent the renters are afraid the process of being evicted and were provider can and educate the youngest children almost all are working families i dont know how the city will work with the stable quality of the childcare for Agriculture Division those findings kids you mentioned time we dont have that much time and this is moving if one countrys to another and have to have providers and families stay in San Francisco thank you, very much i hope we can do that quickly thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is michelle sorry. And im a retired Family Childcare provider from glen park a program for 33 years this is one of the reasons i can be here when other childcare providers cant you know im fortunate to have bought any house when it was 35,000 in glen park and that allowed me to have lower fees for the kids but so im fortunate but just very you know alarmed at how many childcare providers are losing their homes you know the 50 period of time that rent we care for the youngest and often the most vulnerable and so, anyway i want to thank you, very much and especially you supervisor campos for including us thank you. Thank you supervisors and especially supervisor campos for introducing that im depa and in any years of being an eviction defense lawyer ive seen first Hand Benefits the children bend from the existing law and transitions or calmed the panic and were able to enter the School System without a crisis in that ive seen first hand time after time the panic here that people experience when they get an eviction notice and to be able to keep for the entire School Community the costs to mitigate that a little bit makes a big difference not all we want to see in terms of of tenant protection but you can do it now to make things a little bit better thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors dean preston district 5 a parent of schoolaged children and tenant advocate and thank you supervisor campos for offering this legislation and to the cosponsoring to supervisor mar for planting the seeds in 2010 hopefully, the board will expand upon i hope we can come together on that i think everyone recognized the crisis in teacher housing as well as singlefamily homes sf in San Francisco we need to ask ourselves wharf of a city if we cant house our families and cant house our educators while well built plans for the Affordable Housing for educators in the future we need to protect those findings who are affordablely housed doing everything we can as supervisor campos legislation does to protect educators from evictions i want to echo something depa said the enormous amount of stress eviction folks are under and the amount of centers the families and educators are already under even without an eviction so far educators would low salaries to struggle to afford the city and hard work of taking care of and educating our youth a adding an eviction on top of that makes that stress unbearable and the least we can do make sure that didnt occur and disrupt the School Community thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im 101 restraining order less represent the senior action theres an excellent book by the late frank called teacher men an excellent book gives us appreciation for that profession i grew up here and went to various schools to enlivening peabody and George Washington we had teachers that had a stake like by the time my teacher as George Washington high school that lives in the community my writing any career as a writer i owe to the entertain the fact teachers are consulting out of town and walking up at 3 30 in the morning they need consideration for the priority why else will they take a job that pays so little unless they see a need for fulfilling a need like that i appreciate supervisor campos for bringing up to legislation and again, please read the book teacher man by frank la court about the thirty years in taken care of in new york city and give you a very poignant graceful sniebt into teaching in that job. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is kevin bogus work a nonprofit and San Francisco native born and raised im here to ask you to support support is it teachers play a vital component in presenting the students and in fear of eviction is something they dont need to suffer an as negative impact and as someone that attended San Francisco schools we had a lot of teacher turnover your favorite teacher about varnish has an negative impact on the kids i want to ask you to support this and continue to take steps to prevent the workingclass families from being evicted in San Francisco thank you. Afternoon supervisors supervisor avalos thank you for this legislation my name is a connie ford the Vice President of the council no way im here to represent the council fully behind this legislation a beautiful and wonderful piece of legislation were trying to entrap emil with the economic disparities in San Francisco i thought ill tell you both of my children were born and raised and went through Public Schools i remember the day any girls Kindergarten Teacher had to leave it broke her heart she didnt want to go to school i have a granddaughter going to Betsey Carmichael is in love with her teacher if he left it would be hard to pick up the pieces so children who need the support and love not only of their families but of their institutions so were grateful for this legislation to keep over Families Together and to keep our schools supporting our children so thank you very much for this. Thank you thank you connie my colleagues reminded me how heartbroken i would be yes, maam ma is one year ahead of me laughter sorry fred go ahead. I love the small towns im sarah from Human Rights Committee we were a kid we had to move around and most years my parents were able to wait for the summers i remember the awful year i was behind on everything. And how much i was bullied in school a new place that was totally different and hundreds of families with kids it come into our office with the Human Rights Committee and it is really scary to help them fight evictions and the choices to take care of their children and the status show that moving the middle of the year and pulling u pulled out in general sets kids back months in schooling increases the risk of smoking before their 18 and increases the risk of teen suicide i dont think that is too much to ask the lrpdz left hand to wait for a no fault eviction i wish the kids could stay no matter what when it was about money but we dont seem to be able too d that so lets help the children. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors and chair malia cohen my former student with katie tang we could have a reunion one of the beautiful things of being in a big town smaller city to retain the communities between classrooms and teachers and other school staff when people can afford to stay in town so back in ancient 1985 i taught with a nice studio apartment with 15 and gerrero housing was not an object of solicitation today, we know a change in housing in San Francisco and that there is indeed a crisis and this crisis is exacerbated by the fact that has been noted a National State and local crisis in the Teacher Shortage how is sfusd going to be able to recruit the best and bright i did have University Students to teach in San Francisco if they cant see a way to dig down with roots in the city and maybe have the audacity to raise a family almost a growth the number of omgz is seven hundred in 1906 perhaps the worst housing crisis in history this city historians note radical around the disposed and the homeless in tents and the tripod communities and we rebuilt this city burn ever brerg into a historic gentrification and disruption of School Community that is a great piece of legislation it is one thank you to my left is. San francisco free market Affordable Housing for our teachers why not build the the police force own their housing village no four story high poor village and cant provide housing with the teachers low income or free housing just for teachers see as a teacher they will work like a Nonprofit Organization career see with our children of the energy the activities something with full fullness and achievement they guarantee themselves their security especially, when they live close to the colleges schools for time to prepare for the curriculum and students thank you. Thank you supervisor campos thank you for bringing this measure id like to add my name if it is not on it. Youre not. Thank you. Please add me i want to acknowledge the educators thank you for coming and sharing our perspectives on the urgency supervisor campos is there anything the you want to add. If i may madam chair thank to the amazing speakers the people that took time out of theyre busy schedules all the folks that spoke you know just made the point better than i or anyone should but we talked about the teachers and paraprofessionals it is critical not just them but a lot of workers that play a critical roll in the education of our childrens and thank you for your support. No more if you remember Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Lets see supervisor any other future discussion colleagues supervisor wiener. Please. Thank you, madam chair im happy to support this legislation i think that teachers and educators in general are in a unique progression and having disruptions the mid of a school year in addition to the observance terrible bureaucrats on the educators impacts our children and we need to make sure our kids are referring all the education and 2014 and so forth they need im happy to support. Is that a motion. Yes. Pile move forward to the i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Well take that without objection. That madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Throw the baby out with the bath water thank you leakage this meeting is adjourned this meeting is adjourned clapping el es reginald. Nunca ha estado en internet. Hoy el quiere cambiar eso. Su instructora. Su plan comprar boletos de avion y sorprender a su esposa i want to welcome everyone here today and today, we are signing this very important piece of legislation and let me begin by thanking supervisor wiener so far his instead of leadership the sponsoring the legislation that will raise the minimum angle for anyone purchasing Tobacco Products and e cigarettes to the average 24 and that will take effect on july 1st of this year i know that supervisor wiener along with his cosponsors supervisor mar and supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell and ultimately the entire board had a adopted this and this i know that the supervisors with working closely with our duty 0 who has been documenting why it is showing so important to continue our efforts as a city if not as a state to continue be rooiktd the access to cigarettes particularly at journeying or younger ages that is advocated by the groups like the Tobacco Free Coalition i want to thank them theyre not just here in San Francisco but the entire region and all over the country working with the Health Department making sure that supervisor wiener and not only Pay Attention it the science and data it is going on but that we do our best to end the suffering that is brought by by longterm smoking that obviously is the cause of cancer and asthma and Heart Disease we do our best to educate the public in doing so if not the industry that sells overseeing products and ultimate our kids are your family when in their 18 and 19 is shown that the coalition has shown over and over youre putting that some 95 percent of long term smokers had begun smoking at the age of 18 perhaps younger and as certain under the age of 21 those habit are so hard to end voluntarily so thats why we have to go to many other front to try to do this and thats why i think that the supervisor wiener has found a person cause and Public Health health cause if the violation kriebs the department of health to make sure that we do what we can to end our these diseases as much as we can to make sure that we also reflect as the mayor of the city if we can save a lot of money if we are able the medical systems we have to have in place it treat cancer and asthma with smoking is an incredible experience to the Public Safety the cleaner air with the Coalition Work on families that Secondhand Smoke impacts this has another critical reason why we want to do as much as we can and i think were on the overview we know that supervisor wiener is already in contact with the Governors Office as we are and with his the 1184 particularly senator leno and senator henrys to insure that the state which maybe hopefully in our minds the second to join hawaii to end the sales of Tobacco Products and less people under 9 age of 21 it doesnt make it right because your 21 you buy Tobacco Products wild to end it. Everyone hopefully with the adult level of age 21 that people make Better Health decision tore themselves and their family so i take this opportunity to thank the coalition i know that in looking at the data as they have done in working with us this year was a strong sense interest the data it the smoking rates are higher amongst people of closer and amongst the let the record reflect community and other xhucht we rank it with a hard impact sales work that is done by Tobacco Industry the may or may not Lgbt Community thats where we really have good data to show that the more we do to educate your communities be about this the better off well be so with all that background i want to say to supervisor wiener you have again showing the good leadership im going to give the pen avenue we sign this your accumulate more pens than anyone but thank you for your leadership and also working with such important groups like the Tobacco Free Coalition supervisor wiener id like to invite you up here to say a few words thank you, mayor ed lee ill give that pen to the advocates and the district for theyre really horroric work tutor sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; 24 legislation in a way that highlights this critically important issue San Francisco for many years has been on the cuttingedge of Public Safety whether around hiv or led pant and sugar sweetened beverage whatever the case weave been from the forefront and once again we are in the fire hydrant of what i hope will be a tile waive of proving Health Legislation that eliminates tobacco use in this country this is a huge problem weve been involved in a 50year struggle but with the tobacco city that produces a product with no benefit whatsoever that kills a half a Million People every year 34 is a serious issue and serious punting kiss im proud we live in a city where we can be on the cuttingedge where the politics of this city allows us at city hall to make good progressive policy i also want to say we know were up against a very well financed component the tobacco destroy for decades has fought ever effort to try to control tobacco use and enemy linkage between their pursuit and the health we know that hillsborough tried to do that they have spent their legislation after an expensive lawsuit by the Tobacco Industry we in San Francisco are willing to fight that fight that is amount about our city thank you to the department of Public Health we sometimes dont roles e releases how lucky with the best putting department that supports our efforts to make good laws that vascular critical exercise an Amazing Agency and our advocates for give us the political spouse space to to be able to do this and as the mayor adu u. You allowed we passed that legislation a week and a half good and the law jam the state assembly broke we that republicans willing to raise the tobacco age to 21 to pass senator lenos forwardlooking bill to make sure that cigarettes are tobacco are still a way to get addicted to nicotine and will you the tobacco tax it is a huge step forward i hope goes to the governors desk thank you, everyone clapping. so are we ready to safe so far lives ill add one mount reason not in my notes or the legislation but it is about my history about 10 years ago a mayor asked me to pick up cigarette butts as a public works decorator i say to all the public works staff that work hard if there was less settings thats another reason to sign on the legislation; right . Yes all right. clapping. laughter . Todays date is 16. Thats it all right. At the San Francisco recreation and Parks Department we offer good quality day care of your child will love, including outdoor adventures, aquatics, and programs for children on the optimism autism. It seems like everyone in San Francisco is talking about housing San Francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone Million Dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the 207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher its more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in San Francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an alltime 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, its grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the citys history and its not only San Francisco it is greek the bay area has 2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403. 9 Million People unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing thats been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we dont pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents San Francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout San Francisco those plans developed by years of Community Planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and nonbuilt Affordability Housing that majority of housing in San Francisco as well as throughout the Country Market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1 3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is 70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than 7,150 to be affordable San Francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the Inclusive Program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you cant afford a million will home youre not alone in response San Francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now emails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the San Francisco Ethics Commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels were working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. Chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions were commented for Housing Needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway good morning march 15, 2016 plans and Programs Committee meeting of San Francisco Transportation Authority. Im katy tang and to the left is commissioner peskin, avalos and to my right, commissioner cohen. The clerk is steve steamose and like to thank jim smith and [inaudible] with that if we can go to roll call. Item 1, commissioner avalos, present. Cohen, present. Commissioner farrell, absent. Commissioner peskin, present. Commissioner tang, present. We have quorum if we can call item 2. Item 2 Citizen Advisory Committee report. We have chris [inaudible] our cac chair good morning commissioners. Here to report on 4 items in the packet. Improving west side. Most of the comments include things like need to look more closely at non commute hours, [inaudible] to bart which is item 9. More attention paid to commuters traveling to south bay and multiagency efforts to create private commuter shuttles. Our comment were mostly about clarification on the selection of Fund Allocation and Public Comment include concerns about geo graphic equity. 11 million in prop k and [inaudible] approved with [inaudible] and on capacity update item 8, our comment were mostly on lrt, on the timeframe of delivery, citing the increases around demand projection indicated the lrt should be indicated now. [inaudible] greater investment in transit that can handle increased demand and serve the existing population. With that, take any questions thank you for your report and weighing in on the west side sar. Seeing nor questions or comments well open up to public common. Item 2 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. If we can go through the consent calendar, 3 to 4 are considered routine and staff not to present on the item. If a member objects any item cz be removed and considered separately seeing no questions any Public Comment on the consent calendar . Seeing none public comrnt is closed. On the consent calendar, avalos, aye. Commissioner cohen, aye. Commissioner farrell, absent. Commissioner peskin, aye. Commissioner tang aye. The consent calendar passes. Recommend appointment of 2 members to the Citizen Advisory Committee. This is a action item, we have mike [inaudible] the Transportation Authority Advisory Committee has 11 members suving a 2 year term. The plans and Programs Committee the board appoint to fill any vacancy. The transs portation thoert staff or caa make recommendation ons the appointment and applicants must be San Francisco residence and appear before the committee once. Attachment one shows information about currents Committee Member jz the list of applicants for vacant positions is attachment 2. Detailed application materials can be found in the enclosure. The vac aenss are a result of resignation of wells witney and mr. Lar son. Mr. Lar son is seeking reappoint there are 26 applicant you can consider and with that i can take any questions. Thank you, i dont see any questions here at this time. I believe that we had received word from commissioner yee who would support reappointment of john larson. Madam chair, if we could delay the district 3 appointment to our next meeting, i would appreciate that. Alright. So the motion to continue. Seconded by commissioner cohen and take that without objection. Are there any other applicants in the audience here . Please come up and make a presentation. If you wouldnt mind letting us know which seat you are interested in. [inaudible] in district 8 and not in [inaudible] any other vacant district but wanted to come and state im interested in any district that is available or open eve chb though i dont live or work in that district did you already submit a application . I did. So you are part of the packet. Thank you very much. Any questions or comments on that . Okay, thank you very much. Any other applicant here who submitted applications . Seeing none well open up item 5 to Public Comment. Any members who wish to comment on item 5 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Colleaguesalright, thank you commissioner avalos, seconded by commissioner cohen and take that without objection. So, well move on john larson for district 7 qu continue for district 3 appointee. Item 6, recommend approval of the 2016 prop a [inaudible] programming recommendations tote aelg 2, 192, 934 for 4 projects, amendment of the prop aa Strategic Plan. This is a action item. Thank you, we have anna [inaudible] here. Good morning supervisors. Anna [inaudible] for policy and programming. Im pleased to present to you the item for w the 2016 projject for vehicle rejivation fee program. Just a overview of the program, this is a additional 10 dollar vehicle Registration Fee approved by San Francisco voters in november of 2010. It is a relativity small source of funding generated less than 5 Million Dollars a year and in representation of the relatively small amount of funding there are only 3 cat goers, street repair and reconstruction, pedestrian and safety and transst reliability and mobility improvements and one of the primary focus is also on quick to deliver projects. Representing also that idea is any funds 234 that become available throughout the program is reprogrammed as thibecome available to the extent possible and these are fraujects completed under budget or if a project is able to be funded through new revenue sources. So, we have a approximately 1. 193 Million Dollars that is available for reprogramming right now. I just wanted to also give a few highlights of the program to date. So, in the current Strategic Plan for prop aa there is about 26 million in the 5 years to 19 projects. Pleased to report the program is on track, there have been allocation of more than 21 million to date and so there have been a few projects completed under budget in the categories shown on the screen that generated Funds Available for a immediate coffer project and given we had twice the amount of funds requested than we had available for programming, and we are nearing the ends the first 5 years of the Strategic Plan and when the board adopt thd first 5 years of projects, we had revenue assumptions that were based on a certain number of vehicles registered in San Francisco on a monthly and annual basis but decide to revisit or revenue assumptions for planning at the time. Ill go into it had additional revenue assumptions but based on the revised analysis of revenue we have 1 Million Dollar additional for programming at this time through the coffer projects or available nx year with the Strategic Plan update. This brings the total amount available assuming the funds will be reprogrammed at this time or at least the amoint available in general to about 2. 2 Million Dollars. This slide shows the analysis of the revenues that are available that are available now and are estimated to be available back in 2012. We began collecting rchb new march 2011 and it is a modest amount of additional revenue, it is about 3. 9 percent additional. When you look it over the 5 year period that we have been collecting revenues, it totals just over a Million Dollars and when you net out the 5 percent in Program Administration cost that is how you end windup the amount available now. This reserve as 240 million cap reserve which is 5 percent of the annual revenue which we think ask prudent for a fluctuation in revenue, however, the source has been a rel tivly stable amount of revenue over the years, it is just the increment is slightly higher. On this slide you see the applications we received so we received 5 applications requesting that 2. Sish Million Dollar and with increased revenue we are not able to fully fund all the applications as requested. We reviewed the applications eligibility and scored the applications and you can see the details of the criteria in your enclosure, but in general there is program wide criteria which is based on project readiness, can the project proceed to construction or at least to design in this fiscal year and analysis of community support, construction coordination opportunities. There are also cat go specific criteria, for example with Pedestrian Safety category the projects are consistent with walk first. The funds and transit reliability category are just over 500 thousand on a prior slide, there was a special condition adopted in the 2012 stuteejic plan that funds that became available in this category from cost savings arethat the funds are reortizeed for Muni Rapid Network projects. Which is reflected in the funding recommendation primarily for the muni bus layover area as bart daly city. We recommend fully funding the project with the Funds Available in that category as well as the 4 projects in the safety category. We dont recommend funding for the presidio project, this was the lowest scoring projecktd and the scores primarily recognized a lack of project readiness and also the lack of funds after higher scoring projects were funded. For the muni bus layover project this will accommodate plan service increase for the 14 rapid that will begin in the next few month squz allow the buses to layover on the paid parking lot at the bart station. It will take about 30 Parking Spaces but bart is supportive of this. [inaudible] will also commit funds to this project. We are also recommending funding for two one bay area grant projects. This is the broadway chinatown Streetscape Project which we recommend funding just over a Million Dollars and also to the health Streetscape Projects. [inaudible] is already under construction and broadway streetscape has bids out for advertisement and probably have come in recently. So, this would fully fund the one bay area grant projects which are high priority fraSan Francisco and would like to see them advancing smoothly and also recommend parjs fundsing for the design phase of walk first ball bout location and this will fund up to 25 existing safety zones with concrete bowl bouts and sfmta will prioritize the locations based on the walk first criteria and collision history at these locations so it will take out the [inaudible] and put in permanent concrete bowl bouts. And the locations are shown on the map. I also have Additional Information on the location of the potential locations for the bowl bout projects. Happy to dissiminate that information. Project sponsors are here, happy to answer any questions you might have. That concludes my presentation thank you very much. Compligzer peskin. Commissioner peskin j. I just wanted to thank staff and my colleague frz the million plus dollars to do the fourth phase of the broadway streetscape improvements, unfortunately a few days late for a Pedestrian Fatality that happened friday morning as a resident of district 3 who lived around the corner died in a hit and run at that intersection. I spent some time there on friday and again over the weekend and yesterday morning and visited the widow of the individual who was killed and the police are looking for the hit and run driver. There are immediate things we can do that i discussed with director riscon at the mta including daylighting on the corners until the project comes along but it is sorly needed, it is a very very dangerous intersection and right next to a Elementary School, so im delighted it is moving forward thank you very much commissioner peskin. Anyone else . Seeing none thanks again, i think all the plaujects are wonnerful and look forward to help with efficiency at bart. At this time we open up item 6 to Public Comment. Any member of the public . [inaudible] killed at the corner of broadway and powell street in chinatown, so what happened is the Chinese People prefer they have a sign that says be careful when crossing the street [inaudible] a good way to have them be more aware of the [inaudible] alright. Thank you very much. Any other members on item 6. Seeing none we close Public Comment. We are joined by commissioner farrell so will take roll call commissioner avalos, aye. Commissioner cohen, aye. Commissioner farrell, aye. Commissioner peskin, aye. Commissioner tang, aye. The item passes. Thank you very much and now if we can call item 7 item 7, recommend allocation of 10, 975, 410 in prop k funds and 794, 980 in prop aa funds with conditions for 6 requests subject to attached fiscal year cash flow disbution. Action item thank you, mike [inaudible] we have 6 requests again. First, Protection System so this funds the [inaudible] this funds Protection Systems at presidio yard which [inaudible] currently only one of the facilities 8 maintenance has fall protection so there is a back log of roof related repairs. Second, sf pub lrk works requests to repave segment of claiten, clipper and por tola. The project will construct new curb ramp jz repair curbs and sidewalks at various locations. The second paving request is 47 blocks of 11 streets, [inaudible] the Pavement Condition here is all most as bad at 59 out of 100. This will construct new curb ramp jz repair side walk. Besy car michael crosswalk. Open a midblock cross wuck on sherman street connecting [inaudible] this emerged from a site visit with School Administrator squz Community Members and would identify engineering measure tooz improve safety and encourage studsant to walk and bike to school. Sfmta [inaudible] signage and daylighting alt the curb and traffic signal timing changes. Next elevator safety and reliability upgrades. This is for construction of companyhensive rehabilitation of 12 elevations at 4 muni metro stations. Funding comes from a place holdser for muni projects and this provides access to the subway stations which are a critical component of the rapid network. Finally, the muni bus lay over at daly bart station. We heard with this with prop aa project. This allocates funds to the bus layover project and this is contingents on the board programming for the funds. This will improve bus reliability and allow for increased service on the 14 r rounts. [inaudible] but barts thinks that will end up with the wash with the extra riders that the 14 r will bring. So, with that i can take any questions. Thank you very much for your presentation. Any questions or comments . Commissioner avalos. Thank you, just a question on the daly city stop for the 14 r. Areioaware of what the actual what people are paying to take muni to daly city bart and take daly city bart downtown . Is there a discount because they come on muni for that . Im not sure how that workwise the transfer. Just trying to remember what the deal was on that, so thats okay. Just the extension of the 14 to daly city bart helped a lot of residents in my district t is the quickest route to get downtown so i support the project. Great. Thank you very much. Seeing no other questions or comments well open up item 7 to Public Comment. Any members . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. If we can have a motion on that. Motion to approve. Thank you motion by commissioner avlease and seconded by commissioner cohen and take that without objection. Item aithd, please item 8 rail capacity strategy update. This is information item we have graham from sfmta. Good morning commissioner, graham [inaudible] thank you to tuque tauc about the work we are doing here. It is a start of major investment and near term actions mta can take to help improve the system today. Well go over the work and how we did it and dive into the recommendation or improvements we identified and where do we take this work from here. Anyone who rides the muni system regularlyly or those that ride it infrequently know it is crowded. It is [inaudible] in peak peerds and can be uncomfortable. There are many factors where a system doesnt meet the reliability goal squz this leads to a Customer Experience that is inadequate and doesnt meet expectations. This is todays condition in a city that is rapidly growing and added residents and employees all the time so we needed to think in 2013 how could we do something in the near term to address the issue while making sure we get ahead and think long term and how to plan for the City Residents and employees of the future so the rail capacity strategy is driven by 4 goals, cuchberage, couding, reliability and travel time. Those goals manifesten 3 buckets. The first is looking how to turn the dialthen near term 6789 we realize we cant deliver Major Investments in the next year or 2 or 3, butd in the next fifen years there are things we can do to provide impruchbments for the customers today. There is also a thinks at a system wide level we can try to deliver that will provide impruchments in the near term. This is again the start of the conversation in termoffs long term thinking. How might we think of a rail system for the future in San Francisco, what are the rough areas corridors that are High Priorities and the cost and think the path record of dlivy and what would that tell about the desires of a future rail system . Use basically a 3 sfep methodology of assess, develop and screen. On the assessment side we have existing information, ridership and forcast and forcast and land use, travel time and reliability factors in addition we convene thd rail capacity Technical Panel which is front line managers and people who know the system like it back of their hands and senior folks that are experts. This went through a line by line look of the issues and hang ups the sishm has today and what cause the head ache squz the opportunities to unlock the potential of the system. We went through developing concepts for those solution jz had a stakeholder system for long term ideas and screen these concepts based on our 4 goal outcomes we were looking for. As we went through the line by line review with the rail capacity Technical Panel we identified themes occurring and they are not unique but mta should consider whether state of good repair or enhancement. A number of enhancements are [inaudible] looked at the muni forward [inaudible] additional things more specific to the rail system are terminal tracks end the line facilities and station or platform enhancements to make sure we can handle the crowds. These investment types would be considered under regular state of good repair project or other enhancements within the rail system overall and isnt necessarily Capital Projects because they are most effectively delivered as part of larger efforts. There were discreet locations with unique issues that were identified by the Technical Panel. These includes the west portal area where conflict with pedestrians bikes and vehicles cause a lot of friction and reduce our ability to get trains in and out of the muni subway. The muni metro extension we identified the need for a additional turn back track that will alleviate turn back crowding at the embarcadero station turn back, it is identified as a constraint within our tublt operate the existing subway and also provides a spill overory release valve in large crowding event. The additional project on the muni metro extension is surface [inaudible] system and this is looking at recognizing that we have a lot of protection and dedicated right of of way but additional flex b89 will allow the front line operators to get the most of out that system. One idea is that during a special event you can operate trains on the same track in each direction to clear out crowding and special event traffic that can effect the rest the system if we dont alleviate the acrowding in a timely manner. The fourth element, many are familiar with the [inaudible] lots of bikes and pedestrian activity there and what we hope is through the west portal project which we prioritized and identified to go out and do piloting of it hopefully in the near term, we can learn lesson squz try to apply those at church and [inaudible] so we dont chase or tail and not having a grab bag of improvements because that is a lot tough nutd to crack. We think there is a opportunity to learn from the west portal prom project what might be most effective there. We are trying to turn the dial some increment in the near term. The sfmta is developing our 5 Year Capital Improvement Program and these rail capacity strategy improvements were considered along with a host of other investments including muni forward, other major corridor improvements and spot improvements in the system. That is currentsly under way being drafted. There is a up coming webinar march 21 where folks can provide feedback as well as open house march 23 and 26 and preliminary funding the west portal and muni metro extension projects through construction have been identified for the next 5 years so we are looking to invest and find way tooz provide relief to our customers today. When we shifted thinking to the long term, we wanted to bring together not just the inhouse money and also key stakeholder jz people thinking about our system on a regular basis so we have a couple stakeholder workshops to bring ideas and how there may be solutions and where they think the city should invest first. We held a online forum for people it draw the map of the future and it is shown as a heat map where darker lines represent frequent requests or submission of rail portal and took this information back and tried to disstill the concept back to the 4 goals of crowding, coverage, reliability and travel time. Looking at how concept said performed we developed tiers and the tiers were themeed around what the concepts deliver. Tier 1 is not only delivering on all 4 goals but expansion into new areas or very significant enhancement but benefits to the existing system and currents riders. The easy line to point to is the [inaudible] in the southwest portion of the city and allows sfmta to operate 4 car lanes through the subway and deliver a lot or to castro and church and van ness where we see the most crowding so that is addressing a system wide issue as well as a local issue. Tier 2 represented concepts with similar potential but still conceptual and will continue to do more thinking and seeing if the benefits stack up and tier 3 is essentially the investment you need to achieve the 4 goals. That is building up a network on the future and the coverage side represents high Capacity Service in a half mile. We feel pretty good about that and that is just on the rail side. Any major rail investment also comes with a look at the bus system and how to improve access for everyone even though the improvement only occurs on a single corridor. These are a long list of concepts. How do we take the start of a conversation and muchb it forward . All the elements are already in consideration under the mtc core capacity transit study and that willwe should have preliminary findings later this summer. Additionally, sfmta along with the Planning Department and Transportation Authority, office of economic and Workforce Development and Mayors Office are working on a long range transportation program. Included is a robust outreach so we reflect the desires and need of the communy in the long range thinking and these concept squz ideas will be incorporated into that as well. With that, colleagues any questions or comments . Thank you for the presentation. I think we are glad to hear there is a long term look and view on the action we need to take to improve the Public Transportation system and think all of us wishes we could see improvements sooner than later but think for your work on this. So, at this time then i will open up item 8 to Public Comment. Seeing none Public Comment is closed. That was a information item so move to item 9 now. Item 9, Bay Area Rapid transit perk update. This is information item we have rien greene [inaudible] here. How is everybody doing. Rien green 37 rks rosell to give a update about the bart incentive programs we call bart perks. Im here to give a update of the status. You may have seen recent media about it because there fsh a update to bart boards so we wanted you to be informed of the status of the program as it evolves. Going to the status of the scope task and where we are with developing the program. Context on the program, i was here in september presenting a little on it so some may be familiar but the impsis is we have crowding on bart. The graphic is a illustration of the ridership growth in the peak direction in the transbay over the last 3 or so years. It has gone up to 20 thousand in 26 thousand in 3 years. Ridership growth and bart is experiencing as a result of that very packed trains so the results are showing the National Subway standard for train occupancy is 115 people per vehicle and bart is often experiencing loads of 140 per vehicle and where experience this every day so well aware it is packed like sardines. Bart is working on several initiatives to address the problem in the medium and long term. You may have heard in the news the facktd new train cars are coming and will provide additional capacity but in the short term we are sunching is there anythingee can kooto relieve crowding for riders. Also of great interest to us since this is a congestion problem. We are in conversation what we can do and intrigued by a Pilot Program in singapore where they reduced crowding on their transit system. So, moving to give a overview of the scope of the project, we are working on goals objectives and design incentive approach, developing the program methodology, determining how to configure the software and provide payment to the rider jz develop a marketing and employer outreach approach and splitting the responsibilities with bart so work closely with them on all the project tasks but [inaudible] outreach component of the program. Bart is leading the development of the software. How the program will work and some have heard this before, but the idea will be that anybody riding bart can earn points for their trips on bart. I will skip ahead a little to explain it. And they will earn additional point for the travel in the shoulders of the peak period and use those points to cash out for rewards, specifically cash records through pay pal. That is a general scheme of how the program will work and right now we are working on refining the goals and objectives. As i mentioned, the top goal is really to reduce crowding and that comes back to trying to provide a better experience for riders. The taupe goal is engaging the public and providing a quality Customer Experience and making the most of available transbay capacity. We recognize that if the program is very successful it is possible if we free up capacity in the peak period some of that capacity can be back sold by other riders. We still consider that a success for the program because that is allowing optimal use of available transbay capacity and getting the most people through that capacity that we can. So, those are the two top goaloffs the program. As another top goal is evaluate whether the incentive base approach works. We tried a lot of different approaches or investigated a lot of different approaches and very intrigued whether this incentive based approach can be successful so that is a real important objective is find that out whether it is successful and Cost Effective and equitable and try to extrant lessoned learned. Another important goal is increase employer support for Flexible Work schedules. We know this is a major constraint on travel. This is a survey we did at embarcadero and montgomery where we asked riders why they cant arrive at work before 7 30 or what are the barriers of presenting them to do that. Most people said the pluralty of people said it is personal preference and prefer to travel in the peak period. Twnt percent of people we talked to. Another 20 percent said they are not allowed to and at work wont permit them to travel outside of the peak period so that is a barrier for people and want to try to address that with the program by work wg eemployers to work and encourage them to allow more flexibility for their employees. Those are the goals and objective squz gave a preview oof the scheme to get more into this, the idea is that you earn points for your travel on bart. This graphic is illustrating the fact that generally you earn 1. Per trip or per mile. We are leaning more towards mile at this point. Say 1 point per mile in the travel but in the green bands we call the bonus hour which is shoulders of the peak period. You can earn up to 6 times that value so 6 points per mile and have the opportunity to cash out for a low dollar value or to use your points to play a gam in the application and you have the opportunities to win a higher dollar value by playing the game. Does anybody have questions so far on the incentives approach . No . I think we are good. So, thats roughly how we expect it to work. Also want to give a little overview of how we market the program, so our goal is to get up to 25 thousand people to sign up, that is what we hope for and do that by through a variety of channels so we work with employers to advertise through them and advertise directly folks coming outd of embarcadero and muntry and also use digital tis plain and doing social media oitreach and marketing and interfacing with the media to try to get the word out with the program. As i mentioned we plan to call it perks, this is the logo so look for that in the future. For the schedule we are in process to trying to prepare and expect to be able to launch sometime this spring and the initial phase runs for about 6 months after which we do evaluation and we also received another federal granti should have mention thd work is funded by a grant from f [inaudible] and bart but received a grant to extend the pilot from fta so extend for a couple additional month after the initial pilot period. I think this is something we want to watch closely. We are excited to see what we can learn from this as you all know we have acute congestion problems not just on bart but everywhere, muni and our roadways downtown and this approach, this incentive based approach is a palletable way to address the congestion problems we face, that is why we are very interested to see if this can work because it can have so many applications outside of the bart context. Happy to take any questions you have about the program. Thank you for this and all your work in thinking how to reduce congestion on bart. I think that is very exciting and look forward to see the results after the pilot has done to see if it changed behavior for riders. Any questions or comments . Seeing none we will open up to comment. Public comment is closed and that was a information item so well move to itm 10 new item. Seeing no new itemsorry, commissioner peskin. Thank you madam chair. As i said in my earlier rarecollects i want to thank you for helping to phase the 4th phase of the broadway streetscape plan but the recent death in front of [inaudible] last friday reiterates chinatown needs to be ground zero for implementing vision zero. We have literally lost one life a year over the last 4 years in and around chinatown. I requested our staff work with sfmta staff to utilize our planning dollars so we can fully realize the recommendation in the chinatown neighborhood transportation plan, which was approved in july of last year and would like a update at the next meeting where we are with that. We cant afford to delay the plans so status report would be greatly appreciated. I want to chat about the [inaudible] bus yard. Years ago in the early 2000s when i was last on this board working with the mta in partnership with citizens Advisory Committee process, we did a land use study on the kirkland bus yard and at that time the mta thought the bus yard would be sur plus to their needs and did studying whether we can utilize that as a Affordable Housing site. It is a huge site, 2. 6 acres at the northern end of district 3 and thanks to the work of supervisor kim, the voters last year passed proposition k which requires the city to expand the Affordable Housing on public sur plus sites. Unfortunately this site wasnt listed as a sur plus site. Back in the day we realized we can build as much as 180 units of Affordable Housing at that site so today i request the ta build on these past studies in partnership with the mta and Planning Department to discuss feasibility of Affordable Housing on the site and examine the possibility of retaining a bus yard and building housing above and we should also look at recommendations for temporary relocation of the bus yard during construction should we get that far and 24 optimal unit mix to maximize Affordable Housing on the site. With the passage of prop a last november we have the opportunity to really make something of this site and want to thank you directors riscon and chang for the interest in the issue and would like to set our first meeting within the next few weeks begin working on the project. Thank you commissioner peskin. Commissioner cohen commissioner peskin, you mentioned that this particular piece of property wasnt identified through the proposal that supervisor kim brought to the voters, can you explain why . So, i dont think anybody from the mta is here but oever the last quarter of a century at two different periods the mta determined the kirkland bus yard was sur plus to their needs and subsequently changed their mind about that actually in the last iteration matt ford was the director of the mta it was considered to be sur plus and realize would the coming with van ness brt they needed it again and hadnt thought that through so it isnt listed as sur plus because now the mta thinks they need the bus yard but i propose we explore the possibility of a bus yard with housing above. The reason and ask is it makes me wonder what other pieces of property are out there that the city ons that is unaccounted for. Just food for thought. It was interestingthis is a divergence fl to the prop k thing but i laughed one of the ochbl properties that showed as sur plus is the fire chiefs house on bush street. Thank you for your comments and commissioner peskin i would throw another thought in the mix. I have want vetted this with mta but hawj debate about the need for a Training Facility and there are concerns about us potentially entering into a 9 and a hamp year lease for 2. Something Million Dollars without guaranteed certainty after that period of time and looking for a large space to have the new ones trained and retrained so ill throw that into the mix as well for consideration. Alright. Looking at a picture here and feel it would be perfect with that but havent spoken to hta. No other comments or questions we will move to Public Comment for item 10 and if you can speak about the new introduction item. Good morning commissioners. [inaudible] very interesting item. The principles of 6 methodologies of [inaudible] one, political management and areas of National Planning and strategies for managing the people. B, legislature for [inaudible] of civilized culture. C, Judicial Branch for [inaudible] military affairs [inaudible] a, [inaudible] b training the military force. C, using the military force and d [inaudible] number 3, [inaudible] also areas of a, making use of resources, b production, c making money and d, using of the money. Number 4, religion in areas of a, establishment of the [inaudible] following the holy way. [inaudible] diversifyed pathway. 5, work on areas of understanding of loneliness [inaudible] i need you to comment specifically on the new introduction. Well close Public Comment now and if you can call item 11. Item 11, Public Comment. [inaudible] holy nature in creative expression [inaudible] fulfill ones destiny of loyalty and parental love [inaudible] the leadership to our people [inaudible] removal of all tragic disasters and difficulties [inaudible] about life and death as well as tragedy of war. [inaudible] should investigate upon studies of other [inaudible] holyness and [inaudible] extension to everything. [inaudible] alright, thank you any other members who wish to speak during public . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. If you can call item 12 . Item 12, adjournment thank you this meeting is adjourned. [meeting adjourned] i would like to call to order, the finance committee to order. Our chair, spurp mar will be here shortly, and im lon down breed and we are going to get this started. To my left supervisor norman yee and jane, kim and we should call the record. Commissioner breed . Snechlt here. Compos . Absent. Kim present. Mar . Snechlt absent. Yee. Here. Could we approve the minutes, without objection, those are approved. We will take the Public Comment. When Public Comment has been completed. All right. Lets get to item number, 3. And we are now joined by commissioner mar. Who is the chair of the committee. Item three. State and federal leg sislativep date, this is an action item. Welcome. Happy to be here today. I thought that i would give this a brief, overview of where we are at the capitol and where we are. Could you identify yourself . I am sorry, yes. Mark watts, advocate for the transportation, authority in sacramento. The legislature welcomed the new Assembly Speaker yesterday, when he was sworn in and he was elected in january and so he is now, fully in charge of the transition has been completed. And it was a very, very, happy ceremony. And i think that he has filled out priorities for his term. And i think that they will suit the state very well. Beyond that, where we are in the legislative process for the capitol, is on a sheet of paper here that i cant seem to find. Darn it. I apologize, here we go. The end of february was the last day to introduce measures and you will see that reflected in the matrix today, where we have gotten about 40 bills, that we reviewed and made recommendations on. And i will come back to that in a moment. But next major deadline for legislation would be april, 22nd. For the bills that were introduced in late february. And they have to clear the first Committ Committee or they are dead or they are dead for the remainder of this session. There is a spring recess in the midst of this process, on march 17th, and march 28, they will be in recess, so the hearing for these measures will be very, very, heavily attended. And very, heavy agenda. S and as they try to get through all of these by the end of april. In terms of note, on transportation, funding, which is a strong interest around the state right now, senator bell, has a measure in the special session and he intends to amend and we had hoped to see that on monday or tuesday at this point in time, his office says that he is refining some of the amendments, his amendments will add significant amounts of funding and finance for transit projects. Even though the main balance of the bill will be focusing on the state and local, road repairs. There is an indication that the Administration May elect to move on with a more stream lined proposal in about 2 billion range, that would not require a super majority vote in the legislature, we are trying to understand if that is something that they are working on. But there are indications that there are, or there is a preference to try to get a small amount of funding for state and local road repairs, rather than make the push for the larger amount, that is represented in senator bells bill and the Assembly Members frasiers bill. And i will be keeping you abreast of the developments as we go through the next couple of weeks. In terms of the matrix of the legislation, there are 13 specific recommendations that we are making to you. One is a changed position, and then the other 12 are new bills for your consideration. And in addition, there is like 32, or 33 other measures that we have recommended watch for one reason or another, and they have may have applied to a policy area, where there is not much flesh on the bill at this point in time and many cases there are spot bills on topics that may become of interest. And so rather than trying to find them again, when they get amended and we put them on the watch and that allows us to monitor that flux more evenly. And so if you would like, i can cover the 13 measures, starting with the first one, which is ab 1550 on page six. This is a position we had recommend that opposed in the past. And we are recommending watch. And it deals with disadvantaged communities in the cap and trade area. It did not change for the proportions of the projects or the funding that is required to be spent in the disadvantaged communities and as you may realize, or you may recall from the first go around of the money and the disadvantaged communities in the region did not fare well because of the way that is designed, and this bill, takes another step and leads the current, 25 percent requirement in place, but as the requirement and 25 percent of the funding must be for projects that benefit, low income households. And so, what we have or why we are recommending moving to a wasatch front rather than oppose. We would like to continue working on the definition of Disadvantaged Community more in the background and working with there is a green gas reduction, and working to see if we can improve the disadvantaged definition. And we are asking for your changed to a watch position. I just wanted to thank you so much for being sensitive to the low income communities. And in some ways whether they are in the San Francisco bay region or east la, so that we are taking in some ways a regional and even a state wide approach to equity but policies, but thank you. And we have seen a number of these types of measures over the last couple of years, and we are recommending oppose on ab 1768, and on page 10 of the matrix, and essentially, it directs, the, remainder of the high speed, rail bonds to be used to pay off the, outstanding high speed, rail bonds, effectively, turn nighting the stream for the project and so as a consequence, we are recommending oppose. And in the several more and i will cover them briefly, because i dont think that there is going to be concern about the recommendation and we are recommending oppose on 1866 on page, 12. And this would redirect, the remainder of the high speed, rail bonds to the state Water Project funding and again, that is a major change in the high speed rail. And we think that the policy of this before you is for the High Speed Rail Program. And the next measure, ab1886, we are recommending a support and i have to tell you that i have to draw a diagram, three or four times before i fully understood this one. And essentially, there is an exemption provided within the e seqa, where 25 percent of the projects are no further than a half mile. This takes it to 50 percent, so no more than 50 percent of the land mass, is an expansion of the sequa expansion for these types of project and we are recommending a support position. Ab 1964, on page, 14 is another, and a long series of bills, over the last couple of years, this one is little bit different than the ones that we have seen before. This simply extends the white sticker, authorization, to access hov lanes, and the white stickers are pure, battery and electrics and the natural gas vehicles as distinguished from the greenstickers, when are the hybrids. And so this, applies only to the white sticker vehicles, but they are growing in sales, and the population throughout the state, is growing. And the concern is, that allowing, the continued and expanding access of the hov lane and so we recommend an opposed position. Ab2034, on page 15, recommending the support position to you. And more than a decade ago, the federal government, authorized the delegation, to state transportation departments. To over see nefa, of the reviews, within their state. And that was enacted and it has been continued once and this simply continueses that authorization at the state level to allow cal transin circumstances to administer and over see both nepa and sequa documents but i will not comment on the effectiveness, but it is a continuation of an existing policy. And what will bring the High Speed Rail Program to an end. It says that no more bonds could be sold. And it will have to go back to the voters and so there is a double layer of protection against this becoming effective. Because i dont see this measure moving forward but that one is found on page 15, if you would like more details or more information. We are also recommending support on ab, 2126, on page, 16. Of the matrix. And this applies, to the states Current Authority to utilize construction manager, and general contractor and authority, for administering projects, large scale, complex, projects and it will be coming to another bill, similar to this in a moment that applies to you, about you this applies, only to the state. The state has the authority to do six and they have occupied the six slots in statute, and this will extend it to 12 for cal trans, to administer. Mr. Prazir is the author. And the state, highway and Protection Program is the main program or the main, financing source at the state level for the projects that are approved or we construct that provide, major maintenance and reconstruction, as well as the operational funding to operate the state highway system. And the funding is generally, only available to the cal trans. And the ctc and the annual report, recommended the expanding a one small provision within this program to allow the operations, to also have capitol improvements. So previously, up to now, the operations will be you know, widening the guard rail, and you know, expanding tauxiliary lane, and this allows for the capitol projects to qualify for the same projects. This bill, ab2374, was introduced by mr. Chui. And we are recommending that the Transportation Authority not only support but register as sponsors of this measure, because it came from staff conversations with the authors office. And it would uniquely expand, or authorize, some what uniquely authorize, that the ramps, for the island, program and the ramps that connect to the bridge system, would be eligible utilize the cmgc Authority Just like we, or just like cal transhas now for a certain number of projects. And i would specifically be targeted towards some of the complex engineering and construction that is anticipated for phase two of the ramp project. And i have been doing a lot of Due Diligence with state engineers and other folks who have had concerns in the passed about the similar authority. Senator bell, has introduced sb 1066 which is on page, 35, and we are recommending a support for this measure, it does not appear to do much on the surface. And it is more of a place holder sponsored by the and what it does is it provides in the state law, the authorization for the new fast act revenues approved by the federal government and by congress to flow to the regular programs at the state level that we anticipate them to. And in essence, it does not really change the law, but it is, and it, it would, actually be operative, if it were to pass. The game plan, however, is for the selfhelp counties to have, a joint, jointly, jointly managed bill that they can work on in case there are wrinkles in the fast act that the people have not anticipated and some of the funding formulas. So this is to preserve their option is to move the legislation. And senator glazier from the east bay has introduced us, and we are recommending the support position and it is on page, 35. The mtc, has commute benefits ordinance, and they have the authority to adopt a commute, benefits ordinance, and that is soon to expire. And this was, simply, extend that authorization, indefinitely, and consequently we are recommending support. And the final measure for your consideration, is sb, 1259, by senator runner, and on it is page, 36 of the matrix and we are recommending oppose. This picks up the idea that have been attempted several decade or more to allow veterans with special, decals and the ability to access toll facilities and there has been similar, authorizations in other states, where we have, and the reports are that, it can result in fraud. And associated decreases in the toll revenue. So, it is, mainly an issue of equity. With that i bring my oral part of the presentation open for questions if you have. And i will try to answer them. I am still trying to digest all of the bills. There is more than 1,000 in each house. So questions colleagues . I wanted to say on the sb1128, by glazer that the bay air quality district, and the Community Benefits policies and give many options or a couple of options to employers, and i think that is a really important one in insuring that we are reducing Greenhouse Gas and trips as possible. And the coalition that are really trying hard on automatic speed enforcement. And the speeding cameras. But i know that some communications with some of chuis office were fruitful up until the last minute but we are hopeful that there is legislation that comes forward, but it is a little disappointing but i want to give a shout out for the work behind the teams on those efforts but thank you so much, mr. Watts for the great presentation. And commissioner yee . Thank you, for your presentation, and i know that you mentioned some bills may not have all of the details, necessary, or whatever, and so you are watching it. And one of them may be, under or possibly may be ab 1677. On page, 9. Or 17 . I guess that what i would like to do is to move that to suggest that we urge you to move it from watch to support. And the reason for this, is because this is a bill that, so that the board of supervisors have already passed a resolution to support. And we want to keep it consistent and we want to keep the heat on. And we are actually, my office is working with the senator on this particular bill and we are trying to give them as much information in terms or suggestions about the bill, as possible. Hopefully, we will have some meat on it. So, commissioner yee has made a motion to add, ab 1677 from the move from watch to support. Is that your motion . Yeah, this is in regards to the tour buses. In terms of making it possible for local jurisdiction or the local government to have the additional inspectionses as sort of the general idea. Is there a second on the motion. So it is seconded by commissioner, breed. So we are adding 1677, to the action list, presented by mr. Watts. Any other comments, colleagues . Lets open this up for Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that would like to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And so on the motion to add ab1677, from a watch to a support, position, could we do that without objection . The house has changed. So the house has changed. Roll call on the motion. Breed . Aye. Campos . Absent. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Yee . Aye. The motion passes. And then now on the recommendations on the new bills and the recommended positions can we do that same house, same call . Yes. Thank you. Thank you, so much mr. Watts. Next item . Item 4, introduction of new items. This is an information item. So lets open up this for Public Comment, anyone from the public that would like to speak . Public comment is closed. Next item. Item 5. . General Public Comment. Good morning, commissioners. inaudible trueself or wellbeing. inaudible money, inaudible making oneself a wellbeing. inaudible thank you. Next speaker, anyone else . I would like to speak about number, 18, please . If you could go to 18. So i think that we have already handled. You might be in the wrong meeting. I apologize. Or actually i am sorry. I apologize. I think that the proper time would have been when we were dealing with the legislation. But you could speak on general matters. That is fine. Okay. So seeing no other Public Comment, we will close Public Comment. And mr. Stamos next item item 6, adjournment. Thank you for coming today. Meeting adjourned. Within our population there are people who simply do not have access to the internet, who do not have the means to access information the way that others have, and i think that its really imperative for government to make sure that we play a role in closing that technological divide. So you have to strike that balance between maintaining that character, but also welcoming in the new people who bring their own absolutely. So i love that. I love that mix, that balance that comes with it. Its hard to strike the right balance, but it really is. But its there. I was born in guatemala and came to this country as a kid. I was brought here by my parents. And essentially grew up in l. A. And then moved up to the bay area, where i went to college. I went to stanford. My background for the first few years out of school was a practicing attorney. I worked for in the private sector for a number of years and then i went and worked for the city as a deputy City Attorney and then became General Council of the School District here in San Francisco, and through that became involved in politics and at some point decided to run for office. [speaking spanish] i think that San Francisco really represents the best that this country has to offer. Its a place that welcomes people from all over the world, from all over the country, and its a place that not only tolerates, but actually embraces diversity, a place that is very forward thinking in terms of how it looks at issues. It always felt like home, and i felt that as a gala tino man that this gay la taken no man, that this is a place where i could be happy. Now doing the job of a supervisor has been the most rewarding experience. It is really remarkable how amazing our neighborhoods are, how amazing its people are. I have a progressive outlook in terms of how i see things, and by progressive i mean we have to make government and make the city work for everyone, and that means that its not just those who are doing well, its also those who are not doing so well, those who have the least. But it also means making sure that the city works for the middle class. Good evening, everyone. Good evening. Thank you all for being here. And when we first got into office about two years ago, we started talking to the Mayors Office of workforce and Economic Development and trying to figure out how we can help different corridors within our district have a better sense of what that neighborhood should look like, what its main concerns and priorities should be and a strategy for the community. And that means business, residents and the city working together to make whatever that vision is a reality. Ultimately if there is a guidance on how i approach government, i believe in good government, i believe in transparency, i believe in accountability, i believe in making sure that we follow best practices. I think that oftentimes transcends the left, the middle and the right. It goes beyond that. And thats why as a supervisor i focus so much on contracts and how the city spends its money, which is not traditionally a progressive issue. But i believe that we have an obligation to make every penny count. Thank you. [applause] we are still going through a very tough economic time. We are still not where we need to be in terms of job creation and Economic Development. So government, i think, has to work with a lot of different folks, not only the business community, but also the Community Groups to see how we can create Economic Development that works for every san franciscans. One of the topics is [inaudible] as a member of the police commission, i learned that the most effective policing is the policing where you have the police and the Community Working together. So you need training for the Police Officer whos already there. It is important to have Police Officers on the street and having that police presence, but at the same time, there has to be a connection between the police and the community. So i think were on the same page. You have to make sure that you create an atmosphere where people feel safe, and i think that to feel safe they have to feel like theyre in partnership. I really believe that when you are blessed with the opportunities that this country gives you, that you have an obligation to give back. I really believe in public service. I could be in the private sector and make a lot of money, but i believe that i have a duty to try to make things better for other people and to pay back to a country that has given me so much. Good morning francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday march 16, 2016. Im mark farrell and chairing the committee. Joined by supervisor tang and norman yee and want to welcome Supervisor Scott Wiener for joining. I want to thank linda wong and gym smith and leo [inaudible] from sfgtv for covering the meeting. Please silence cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards to be included as part the file submitd today the clark and appear on the match 22 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you if you would call item 1. Resolution authorizing the children and Families Commission to accept a grant in thumount of approximately 2. 6 million from California Department of education to support a preschool policy [inaudible] july 1, 2015june 30, 2016. We have [inaudible] here to speak on the item. Good morning supervisors. We are very happy that the city of San Francisco is receiving 2. 5 Million Dollars from the state of california to reward all the programs that have been participating in the federal race to the top quality rating and improvement system. This was a ward given to california along with several other states through the race the top and fart of that reward required the state of california to implement a qualityerating and improvement system for all the programs in the state of california. Because the state at the time when they received the award, they were only able to implement the qualityerating and improvement system in 16 counties. San francisco, we happily volunteered to be one of those counties to pilot the qualityerating and improvement system and what it is very similar to for those who have kids in Public Schools, it is similar to grade school, accept that it is really for birth to 5 for centers serving children. A byproduct of that is there legislator set aside 50 million as part of the initiative and the state programs are getting through the award that William Techmseh Sherman hopefully accept a incentive. Not only participating and reaching a hire level of quality on that rating cyst. Thank you very much, supervisor yee. I will say we are getting to accept the award, i just want to say that even though it is something that is coming from the feds to the state to San Francisco that actually San Francisco has always been ahead of the curve and it this compliments the things we have done for the past decades and because of that we have the first 5 taking the lead. I want to make sure we acknowledge [inaudible] has done thank you. For our program, thank you very much. Thank you. Colleagues, seeing no comments well move to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item 1 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Send forward with positive recommendation. Motion by supervisor yee and second by supervisor tang. Two, authorizing the controlling to enter into agreement for soft weir license and [inaudible] support service with [inaudible] it is in the Contract Term 5 years and increasing the expenditure to appreciately 14. 3 million. Thank you very much. Controllers office here to speak on this iletm . H item . Dennis mu cormic active director of the [inaudible] controllers office. Supports the Office System which is hr and pay roll system the city yeezs to pay the employees. Thank you for taking the time this morning. Move very quickly, just some information on the large contract we have in front of you. Back in 2007 we went for a competitive solicitation process to identify the software we want to use to run the cities pay roll benefits and at that time we selected oracle and sense that time we amend the contract to keep us under support so we are able to apply patches and fixes as they become available and upgrade the software as it becomes available. We have gone through 9 amendments and in front of you is the 10th amendment. So, the 10th amendment will extend the support from april 2016 through april of 2021. It allows us to apply security fixes as they become available and upgrade the software as new releases become available and if something breaks as often hapbs with software it means oracle will be there to fix the break and that is the key part the contract we are taking advantage of. We pay 860 thousand a year for that. Just a little background, why are we going with 5 wreers opposed to 1 year . Be are able to lock in additional savings. We project we will avoid 250 thousand dollars in expenses from a 1 year to 5 year increase and made investment in the oracle system in the last 10 years. We added on e learning management and [inaudible] the city made the decision to go with the oracle Financial System and will do integration there so we do know this is a long Term Investment so we just feel in extending for the additional period of time will give cost saveies to the city and know we will use oracle over this time period. Just want to thank the Mayors Office and the board budget analyst for working through the process. It isnt the most clear contract but it was a nice experience wurbing working with them. If you have any questions happy to take them at the time colleagues any questions. Seeing none, mrs. Rose. Yes mr. Chairman and plebs of committee. Supervisor wiener on page 3 of the report we know data out of the Controller Office not to exseat amount of 9, 757, 446 is extended to date on the license and Software Agreement with oracle. Under the last year the existing agreement the Software License and Maintenance Cost is 803, 688 per year and as you just heard under the 10th amendment to the agreement this will increase by 56, 491 or 7 percent. [inaudible] we recommend you approve the resolution. Thank you very much. Mrs. Roseany questions or comments . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Can i entertain motion like to make a motion to send this to full board with pause positive recommendation motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. Item 3 hearing on transgender youth issues for policy and budgetary needs and request department of Public Health and childrens and families to report. Colleagues this item was sponsored by supervisor wiener and thank you for doing so. Turn it over to supervisor wiener. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Chair and committee and thank you for hearing this important item today. I requested this hearing in order to discuss the various issues and challenges and confronting our transjnder youth population including children and adolescents and discuss what we as a city are doing and what we can do to support these young people. We are seeing not just in San Francisco but throughout the country an increase in the number of school age use adolescents and younger who are transitioning genders. We are seeing more and more young people who are more comfortable stating who they are and living the life that is right for them. These young people face money challenges including stigma, discrimination, bullying, physical violence, misunderstand, some without Family Support and some with lots of Family Support and lack of access to health care. We need to do everything we can to support the young people. Today well discuss what we are doing and can and should be doing to support our youth. We have representatives from department of Public Health, San Francisco unified School District and child and adolescent gender clinic. We are fortunate in San Francisco to have some the most progressive policies around the [inaudible] the department of Public Health and School District have been working to imp lment very progressive and forward looking policies to meet the needs of our transgender neighbors. Several years ago i authored legislation at the board which colleagues you passed ask i they think for that to make sure we have full access to healthcare by transgender people as part of the healthy San Francisco Program Including access to needed surgeryries. We passed that unanimously and there was coverage in the paper today how that is working increasing access. We are fortunate to have great institutions inl San Francisco like ucsf which is leading the country and world working with young people. Colleagues i hope todays hearing will be informative and have a discussion how we as a city can be even better supporting our transgender youth. If there are no introductory comments or questions i would like mr. Chair to move to our presentation and start by asking julie Graham Department of Public Health to address the committee. Good morning. So, im july graham and director of Transgender Health service and this is bare [inaudible] our medical director and well talk quickly about what it is we are doing in dph. So, transjendser Health Services is committed to improving access and quality of care for all transgender individuals served by San Francisco department of Public Health, adults and children. What we do is consult and advice with dph clinicians and Mental Health providers to make sure they are providing adequate care and do a phenomont of training and we help individuals access that care. We problem solve and provide support for gender afirming surgeries when they are medically necessary. The other thing we started isyou get to do dimensions. Thank you,bery [inaudible] i want to speak about dimensions clinic, this is the queer youth clinic provided through the department of Public Health for San Francisco. Dimension is in the 18th year and provides medical and mental Health Services in a comprehensive way for self identified queer youth. This operates two half days a week at convenient times, thursday evening and saturday during the day. Multiple Collaborative Program with Health Providers from department of Public Health and Castro Mission Health Centers [inaudible] lyric and actually numerous other people who are involved in helping this presentation. 91 percent of the patients are identified as transgender transsexual or gender non binary. And over the past 18 years the percentage of trans youth who utilize the service arehas been increasing pretty much every year. Um, of the current people seeing all of the patients are under the age of 25. 22 patients are under the age of 18. Most of the patients coming in are initially coming in with inquiries about accessing hormone care for hormonal treatment of gender dysphoria. 60 percent of the people seen are people of color. Our program in San Francisco creates access for individuals over the age of 18 to access to transgender surgery and we have been providing those services. We provided completed transgender surgeries for 2 youths in the age range, 1822. So the cdhs side, children youth and families, each clinic has a point person whos job is to handle every concern and question that comes up arounds providing appropriate care for children who identify as gender non conforming or families where a parent is transitioning and the family has struggles around that issue. The clinicians consult with barry or i or a team and we help them identify resources including medical and surgical and school intervention. We consult with ucsf and several other programs when we need specially services. We also have a website where we keep information that is accessible to everybody around referrals and resources that are available. We are just starting muntly [inaudible] base d on the concerns and ideas and the spinge issues patients are bringing to providers. We do massive specialized training in addition to the mandstory sensitivity trainings we created for all of dph that we refer to as trans 101. When the individual clinics have grand rounds we rotate through clinics to encourage attendance by non specialist clinicians and expose everybody to the different clinical concerns related to diversity from the clinics throughout. Currentsly that is what we are doing in dph related to transgender youth seeking services through dph. Thank you. What is the age range that you are seeing . So, dph takes care of everybody. Transjendser Health Service sees people 18 and over and has provided two surgeries in the transitional age youth group. The other clinical work is for children of all ages. Are youwhat are thein terms of the youngest ends, for the committees information, how young are some of the kids you are working with . So, clern children youth and families have Elementary School youth that are gender non conforming working with providers and their families. On the medical side people have to be over 18 to access surgery. On the medical side the primary care programs are dealing with children at all ages as well and have the capacity to do that. Thank you. Okay, next mr. Chair i would like to ask San Francisco unified School District kevin grogeen director of safety and wellness. Eric martinez and lgbt coordinator. Kevin goingen director of safety and wellness for San Francisco unified. We were asked and the powerpointthere we gowe were asked to give a brief description of services we provide in San Francisco unified working with our transjnder gender exspanseive students and to do that we thought we would take a look at the data we have to support our work. We are San Francisco unified is a cdc sponsored financed city for of our programs and as such we implement the Youth Risk Behavior survey annually since september of 1990. The most recent survey as you can see here, we reached 68 percent of our middle School Student and 82 percent of our high School Across all of our high schools and this randomized sample. We also in looking at our demo graphics, we have probably national ly the best consistent data over the past 20 years looking at our Sexual Orientation and gender yite identity. In terms of middle school for Sexual Orientation the glb and not sure which we count as q is there and the gender identity we have 5 administrations on two different surveys of our students and we have consistently been at about 1 percent of our middle School Students identifies as transjnder translated to about 100 of our middle School Student. High school Sexual Orientation, this is fairly consistent for the past 10 administrations and again, for our high School Gender identity we have pretty much settled into about 1 percent translated to about 150 of our high School Students identifying as transjnder. If we look at the student who identify as lgb we look at racial and ethnic make up. What we see from middle school is the vast majority of the lgb student in middle school are student of color. 20 percent in middle school are white. If we look at high school the poc, people of color population increases so the majority of the lgb studerant students of color and 10 percent identify as white. As we look at the break up of student who identify as trans by ethnicity you can see the shadows row ochb the midm and school and high school it herfbs around 1 percent we are looking at in terms of the total population. Our evalwaiter wanted us to say we have a low cell count when we break these down but it capture as picture of us in terms of the work we do. How do we use our numbers to inform our programming . Within San Francisco unified we have a multiteared system of support to scaphold how we support our students starting with a universal tear, it is something all student have access to which includes student rights, Inclusive Health and social studies curriculum and celebrate lgbt pride. Last year we saw 120 events across k 12 and on going assistance in trauma, suicide prevision and Substance Abuse. We meet with student and school staff to look at support plans. We also provide a lot of lgbt promotional materials, posters, buttons, wrist bands, we have had all. We also provide a lot of these clinical suvs squz support services through the High School Wellness center and access to School Social workers. We provide ongoing assistance for supporting and implementing the transgender policy which reidateathize state policy by about 10 years. We have the gay straight alliance, gsa day and psychoeducational groups partially funded through the center for disease control. The support groups which are beginning to show positive attendance for student accessing the groups and coming student to school more and young mens Health Groups which show positive effects in the same way and more intensive onsite counseling. Referrals for mental helths and Sexual Health on site and off site and linkage to Community Resources and planning. Most of our efforts in a structured manner are focused on the secondary schools, so middle and high schools. However, we have been providing and are leaving here to provide Technical Assistance and resources for families of Elementary School students. We have more and more children entering the district with families are advoivating for them as gender variant, transgender, whatever the term the family uses we work with them to address that. What happens if lets say a 5th grader in Elementary School talking to a teacher or a administrator in school and expresss he or she is gender non conforming in some way or transgender, whatever the terminology a 5th grader might use, what wouldhow would the school be expected to respond to that . Well, what we have found is our kindergartners are very articulate around their gender vocabulary when it comes to their identity. Usually if a young person is speak ing to a administrator he or she is very clear on how they may identify. Administrator will often times connect with the scoom social worker or school nurse. Every school has a social worker and 39 percent have a School District nurse. That may be the first point of contact then the calls comes to us. First we work with the student or ask the student to see where and what is going on at home because we have a broad range of exceptance in home situations. Assuming the parent and family at home is on board with where the student is we work with that student to be sure that whatever services, whatever representation that Student Needs is met and so we have some students who identify as who present themselves as their identityed jnder but know one knows but the School Administrator and social worker and have others who are broad about the process. Does that answer . Yes, thank you we are the First District nationally and one of the first in the state to successfully follow the state law what must be kept in records and change the roster to identify the gender identity and name of a student. This was just a sample of what wethe form we use to put it in here for you to see. We do have had computer glitchs but it is a system that seems to be working who want this. The challenge is we need a parent signature for this piece, so that if we have a older student who may want something changed on the roster we have to have a signature of the family for this. Here we wanted to give a overview of a lot of the Community Partners that we work with who provide consalitation or support. A handful of the folks are contracted and paid to do some the programming we just talked about and some have mous the district to implement programs at our school sites. This is just a shot of our website, the number and resource s and policies are on here and they go to this. If there is issues or concerns that come up the curriculum is here. We have k12 that addresses gender. Most the curriculum in element is based on kid let and limited but expanding that this year with greater resources on that topic. That is it. Any questions . Great, thank you very much. Mr. Chair to call up our final presentation, the most substantive, the [inaudible] it is lelthy powerpoint so if we can ask the presenter tooz be efficient moving through that that would be great. Thank you very much. We are grateful to supervisor wiener and to the board of supervisors for recognizing the importance of addressing the needs of transjnder youth as supervisor wiener said and often misunderstood marginalized population. We bring the perspective as a multidisciplinary steam team to detail the challenges the youth face and explore opportunities to partner with the city of San Francisco to improve the lives of theesh vulnerable youth and their families. We would like to begin by sharing the real life story of a patient we serve. This is a 13 year old who was assigned male at birth and from a very early age as early as 3 expressed to the parent i am a girl, why do i have penis and daunty wanted to use a girls name and clothing. The parent that this was a phase and at a loss but because don tay was so persistent they wnt along with this. During the childhood years there was significant anxiety and depressions that worsens with onset of puberty and by the age of 13 the child was referred for medical support and [inaudible] that can be life saving, these are called pubetle blockers. Medical treatments was denied and that led to the 4th prong of service for legal support. I would like to give a brief overview of our teams presentation starting with definitions, address one of the things that came up in the other presentation prevalence, risk and impact of parental support and model of Multidisciplinary Care and the barriers the youth face and strategies moving forward. First, never imagine defining sex in San Francisco city hall but we are talking about the physical sex characteristics that at birth lead to someone saying you have a boy or girl so we are talking about the genitalia. In contrast, gender identity is ones inner sense as who ones is on male or female and it is important to recognize that gender identity is confused with Sexual Identity or Sexual Orientation but these are distinct aspects and any person of any gender identity can have a Sexual Orientation. Transgender is a term where the persons deep sense of who they are is not in alignment with their sex assignment at birth. How come it is transgender . It was mentioned in San Francisco the prev lnls is as high as 1 in a hundred. There was a study published out of boston which surveys 28,000 adults and 1 in 200 self identified as transgender. In fact, we do not have prevalence in young people in our Multidisciplinary Program housed at ucsf we have seen 350 patients with the first 7 years ago and get 8 to 10 re ferrals every year. I would like to show quickly a couple of slides. You can imagine it isnt surprising there is consequences for the youth where the Parent Support or dont support these kids and what you see a study out of toronto comparing negative melthal health out comes and positive out comes for the youth have supportive parents versus unsupportive parents. What we are looking at here, when you see a dark blue bar the kids parent are supportive and light blue not very supportive. Going left to right, depression and suicidal [inaudible] and suicide attemptsism the risk is decreased if the parents are supportive and it is worth pointing out in the farthest bar on the right the parents are not supporting and more than 50 percent of these individuals attempted suicide. With a positive Mental Health out comes. Where and see the dark blue bar it is supportive parents and across in particular for the level and degree of melthal health, self esteem, Life Satisfaction and in every case it is better if the individual has supportive parents. Because of the complexity of the care for the kids and need for support it seems clear a Team Approach is important. About 6 and a half years ago individuals with expertise around the bay area came together with a shared vision of creating a program to meet the diverse needs of transgender youth and this was born the child and adolescent center. This isnt specifically a ucsf program. This is a collaboration between ucsf and Key Community organizations which i outlined here. Gender spectrum is a leading National Advocacy group and we are fortunate they are here in the bay area. You can also see the nclr, i was happy to learn despite the name they play a significant role in dealing with legal issues to better the lives of transjnder individuals. Then we have mind the gap which is a network of Mental Health professions trained in gender issues. Then we have the hospital. The child and adolescent clinic is housed in [inaudible] i would like to introduce my dear colleagues doctor diane [inaudible] associate professor at ucsf and locally, nationally and internationally recognized expert in Child Development and transgender youth. Thank you very much and im just going to walk through how we think in melthal health terms. What we know is what you heard is it is risky for the transgender. We got rid of diagnose jnder identity disorder. The focus is on the distress stemming from the gap from ones assigned sex and their sense of gender. Youth gender distress can reach alarming levels and ill epeat, there is 2 to 3 fold increase risk of depression, anxiety, suicideality and self harm. Primary cause of the distress, negative hostile response to child. Refusal to recognize youth authendic gender and chronic microaggression and [inaudible] ergo transgender pathology lies in the [inaudible] studies show family exceptance leads to increase in positive Mental Health outcomes and rejection decrease. Corollary is melthal health support. Not just families some come for support. Jnding specialist are key to promoting and holding a childs gender health and when we talk about gender health at the clinic we mean the use opportunity to live in the gender feels more real and comfortable. Ability to [inaudible] rejection. There are two opposing models of treatment that exist for jnder non conforming children and we can make or break a childs gender health. We have therapys that change a childs gender. They can break a childs gender health and not legal in california. We have affirmative therapys that we use and they can make and support a childs gender health. We have a problem, we dont have good enough training and we dont have enough money to adequately serve all the children who need to be seen and the result, we have a whole group of kids in San Francisco, bay area and nationally who are at risk without access to good affirmative care. The good news, the gender affirmative care leads to psychological wellbeeling, bufferers against gender trauma and reduction in serious risk factors. I want to say a word about dante. At age 3 announced he was a girl and only could do it at home so we see the first compromise of dantes gender health. By midchildhood we see things are not going so well and showing anxiety and depression but things look up at 13 when dante enters the clinic and gets support. The Insurance Company throws a Monkey Wrench and that makes dante anxious and that is when we put in the legal report. I want to thank you for listening to the Mental Health component and want to introduce you ta[inaudible] and also the senior director at gender spectrum. Before you switch over just a quick question, that was the chart at the beginning used the terms of the differences in outcomes between children with supportive parents versus children with parents who are not supportive and what a profound impact it has on the childs Mental Health and perhaps survival. For children and adolescence who dont have supportive parents, how do they or how can they best Access Services . Those are very good questionsfelt we do it under the umbrella of building gender resilience. We built it in a child and know some children dont have a supportive home so we look else where. Schoolerize a critical components of gender support. Support services and programs and dimensions critical. Kids need to find a place where they are mirrored positively and someone is watching their back so if we cant find it at home we find it else where including a Mental Health profession al who is their mentor and a person who watchs their back and goes to bat and im a optimist. We start with parents who are not supportive and hope to move them towards being supportive. How do you in your experience, i know every child is different, but for a child who has family othome who are unsupportive and perhaps hostile to the childs true gender identity or expression and lets say they get good support at school or through other resources, how does that tend to balance out . Do you find that if a child is getting good support at school or other resources that that can help to partially counter act the lack of support or haasetility at home . I can only imagine what it would be like for especially a young child or adolescents or anyone to be at home for the people charged with caring for you that are unsupportive or hostile towards who you are, do you find there can be at least some sort of compensation there . What i find is there is compensation but they can be growth. What we do is build a fire wall around the child so they know that the pathology lies in the environment, not in them and they deserve the support that every child deserves. In the mean time what i will say is a child can change the family. As the child grows in strength and if somebody is work ing with the parent and family we see movement so the parent are not static, but some parents are move nl and then we make sure we build the fire wall there and make sure there is a alternative form of support when chis why we are here today to make sure those are in place because we see what happens for the children at home when they dont get support but home isnt the only place you can get it. One last question, in terms of children who either are running away from home or being kicked out of their home because of families rejection of their gender identity, how often are you seeing that in San Francisco . We know we have had for many years a problem around the country, around the world with lgbt young people kicked out of their home or running away from home because they just cant take it anymore. How often do you see that in San Francisco . We see it less here than other parts the country but it is here. Im a Family Member of the home within and pro bono children in youth and foster care and a disproportioninate number of youth are those kids that couldnt stay home because they are lgbq. Thank you. Good morning everyone and my name is joel bound and senior director at Organization Called gender spectrum as well as the medical and advocacy director at child and adolescent gender center. Thank you for the opportunity to share information about the wonderful work our clinic is doing on behalf of young poopal people in the bay area. I want to start with dante, who wants to attend school as a girl and needs support in doing so through a gender transition plan, what are the conditions that will make such a plan successful . I want to return supervisor wiener to your question because in the face of unsupportive family and care givers schools can be so critical. Sometimes it is just that one teacher or yard supervisor or secretary who tells that child you matter, where see you, you are authentic and dont have to pretend to be something you are not. That can save that childs looif. Im a former educator and had the experience oof having a child make it because of a caring adult on a School Campus so want to emphasize that role is critical. The other piece i would add is when you think about our center imagine a table with that child and family sitting on the table. The 4 legerize the legal, medical, Mental Health and educational support so when any leg isnt in place of course the table tips over and that is the model that we have here. When it comes to education, gender spectrum has a specific mission around creating particularly gender inclusive environments for all young people and ironically it is the focus on all children that actually creates the conditions for our transgender and gender Expansive Youth to be successful. We know gender impacts every child and San Francisco has been a leader in the creation of gender inclusive spaces for all kids and in so doing supporting transjndser students. The work San Francisco led by kevin and eric as well a a team of educators has been a National Model for ways in which schools can systematically from top to bottom support the needs for transjndser young people. We do see in some cases with the families we work with implementation remains a question based on site knowledge. When there are sites with a strong sonesf understanding about the issues, a strong notion of what needs to be done kids have wonderful cases and in some cases that isnt always the case. I guess what i want to talk about finally is the importance of being intentional in creating the kind of conditions we are talking about. We know that individual educators have to be thinking in 4 different ways inturnly about their own gender, instugzal about the practices in place such as the gender change forums, the interpersonal ability to work with young people around gender and instructional support that needs to be in place. What we know is our transgender student are most successful in school when gender is talked about as it relates to all students because the notion it isnt about certain kids it is about all kids and when young kids have a opportunity to learn about gender as a concept, the experience of the transjnder student suddenly makes sense. There is a schema, if you will, that leads to the understanding of that childs experience and the ability for that child to transition. We are privileged to work in a number of San Francisco schools where this model is in place, where through education with students, through the great support the district policies and other institutional practices we have seen students transition at school such as dante and are it be a positive experience for them but every child in the classroom. Ill conclude by saying ironically creating gender inclusive spaces for transgender student cant focus only on the transjnder students, we have to think of all student for support of gender diversity. Thank you very much. Ill reintroduce [inaudible] child and adolescent gender center and one of the key founders and organizers of the clinics creation, doctor rosenthol. Thank you, joel. I hope you are getting the flavor of the Incredible Team we have and how wonderful it is to go to work every day. I would like to address the needs and problem dante faced when the treatment that is shown to be life saving was denied by insurance companies. We have to start with what we know. What we learned in recent years is gender identity isnt just a psycho social construct. There is evidence biology plays along with environment and culture a clear role. One of the other things we learned is those youth that meet the Mental Health criteria for being transgender at early puberty are likely to be transjnder as adults. There is a very important stoudy published orfb a year ago that confirms and makes clear the impact of affirmative medical care and this is the use of pubetle block rb jz cross sex hormones. This is a class of medications that put puberty on hold and basically give a transjnder child a little more time to explore working with a Multidisciplinary Team issues related to gender identity. We know for someone who truly is transgender the anticipation of going through the wrong puberty can be devastating and leads to medical needs for surgical interventions that could be avoided. [inaudible] the first long term observational study using pubeter blockers and gave extratime putting puberty on hold and all of the kids chose to go to the next step which is receive the sex hormones that matched their affirmed identity. After 18 they had surgery. When you look at the mental helths at the conclusion of the study and compared Mental Health to controls that were healthy young adults, the quality of life and sense of self worth were equivalent but in some cases superior. This gave a tremendous impact and support for the type of work we are doing in the Multidisciplinary Program. These findings and principles are endorsed by every major professional endocrine and Transgender Health society in north america, europe and other parts of the world. All are needs to optimize care and proud to tell you our center chs awarded for the first time funding by the nih a 5 year study to create a National Network with centers in San Francisco, la, chicago and boston to optimize the medical treatment. What you mentioned there is a important point about delaying puberty so that children can figure out what direction they need to go in because once puberty onsets it becomes much harder physically to make the transition. You cant reverse everything with surgery so if you look at the testosterone with the vocal cords once they are elongated that is it. So this treatment, delay of puberty, it is endorsed by major professional societies, can you give me examples . I think it is important for people to understand this is a accepted and endorsed way of making sure that children are able to grow up healthy with their gender there is document from the Endocrine Society which is the principle [inaudible] published in 2009. The document is cosponsored by thepede at rck [inaudible] there is a new version that is about to come out in later this year. Also the [inaudible] also has its own standard of scare that shares the same recommendation. If the puberty delaying therapy is used and the child determines he or she will stay with the gender that was assigned at birth and decide not to transition the therapy ends . These medications, the beauty of the medication is not only do they put puberty on pause and give that window of time but are completly reversible so should someone determine they are not transgender you stop the medication. In this study of 70 individuals that were veryit was a strict study so you dont get into the study unless you are transgender they all went to the next [inaudible] it makes a lot of sense but reversible. We know children in the normal course of things go through puberty at varying ages. Absolutely. One of the limitations despite the impact on our world is they didnt treat anybody under 12 and we know kids go through kids much earlier than that so we so happy the nih recognized the importance of funding a program like this that is focused not on just age but on when puberty begins regardless of age. That will take about 5 years to get that information. Despite that success on the Research Side what happens in the day to day care of these kids . This is where we have the barriers and that is right now the medications all of them are off label, meaning none are approved by the food and drug administration. They are expensive. You can buy a new car for a cost of one years treatment and often these are denied by insurance companies. There are other barrier tooz care, there are few Clinical Programs and lack of training. There is a lot of misunderstanding in the public and among our colleagues and even the model of the Multidisciplinary Care is valuable. That at various dimensionerize not reimburseed. I would like to introduce our legal director. This is asaf orr. He is a transgender Youth Project staff attorney. Thank you very much. So, as doctor rosenthol mentioned im the legal director and work at the staff attorney. I decide to live at my remarks today to Health Insurance discrimination but happy to address any other issues mentioned. I want to give a scope of the issue here. What we have federal state antidiscrimination laws in place to protect transgender people and chipped away at exclusions the barriers still exist. If they dont exclude all care they are low monetary caps on care. There are prerequisites based on the standard of care and when you talk about young people they are still provasive exclusion for folks under 18. Insurance companies are [inaudible] sortf in a position [inaudible] because they cant get policies without exclusions. I want to give a sense of the legal landscape. There are a flb number of laws that protect transgender. On the state level we have the [inaudible] housing act. On the fral fral level we have [inaudible] Affordable Care act and Civil Rights Act and provision for public employers. Reading the list it seems like someone should address this. Unfortunately it is a very loose net so kids fall through. Like we were talking about dante, he fell through because of the cofs care and unable to access it and force today go through puberty inconsistent with gender identity resulting in physical changes and Mental Health effects. I want end with giving the board a sense of at least some things the board can do to help address this issue. Building on the leadership the board has shown around the issue with access to care for transgender adults is insure the Health Insurance policies offered to employees of the city and also healthy sf covers the range of care that transgender youth under 18 may need. That includes the puberty blockers doctor rosenthol talked about and hormone replacement therapy and surgical intervention. Beyond that insureing the San Francisco juvenile Probation Department and family and Children Services have written policies and protocols about how to address the needs of transgender youth in care and custody and pass a ordinance that prohibits the sale of insurance that discriminates transgender youth. Thauchck for your time and happy to answer questions. Thank you very much. I want to thank nclr for as many years i have been involved in the Lgbt Community in San Francisco going back to the 90s long before it was widely even accepted in any way to support the Trans Community and Lgbt Community, nclr wnt well beyond the name and created the transjnder law center so it is a Real National leader and want to say thank you for that. Thank you. Great. I think that concludes our presentations. I want to thank you to staff and particularly dr. Rosenthol for your amazing cutting edge work. I think supervisor yee may have a question. Just curious because we have a report from the School District in terms of breaking down a [inaudible] they found and both of the 300 plus individuals you have seen, does it seem similar to the School Districts . As you know in the private schools which we have a lot of, the ethnicity is different so dont know we have varied ethnicitys. We dont just surfb the city of San Francisco, we get kids and families all over the place. Mostly from Northern California but people come from alaska, florida, utah and egypt. I say the majority are caucasian and well off but see variety of ethnic diversity. Of the ones that areyou would know if the individualerize from San Francisco or not . Yes, we do. Within that subgroup what does it look like . Is it also majority white, majority people that have resources . I would say the answer is yes. One of the unfortunate realties is in order to come to the scene in the Clinical Program you have to have approval of at least one parent so that is something that factors into this. It doesnt predict what the ethnic background will be. I say it is very similar what is presented before among the people that are local residence. Thank you. May we go to Public Comment . Open tupe public common. I believe supervisor wiener has one speaker card. People that want to do Public Comment if folks can line up on that side of the room. Public comment is two minutes. [inaudible] carpenter, but anyone can come on up and speak. Maybe well start with Theresa Sparks as the Department Head as director of Human Rights Commission. Director sparks. Thank you supervisors this is a incredible presentation. We at the Human Rights Commission havent worked with this clinic but worked with transgender helths otucsf at the main fusity. San francisco is leading the world in funding currently for transgender programs. We have a Work Agreement with the city of amsterdam as you may know to work on transjndser and lgbt issues, in fact, we have a delegation going to amster dam this year. This fiscal year San Francisco is supportive of transgender programs beyond anyones wildest ecpectations. San francisco is contributing about 1. 5 Million Dollars to transgender programs in San Francisco. This entails about half going to hiv protection and research and medical needs and Case Management around medical needs primarily adults. The other half goes to several programs, one is 200,000 to lgbt center for employment. 200,000 goes to latina transgender. These are people who are at a intersection of immigration issues, homeless issues, employment issues, language issues, being transgender and being women and also cultural issues in the Latina Community so very very high at risk and appreciate the boards work on this. We have 150,000 for 2 years for Coalition Building to put together a council. That is moving forward very quickly. We also work with transgender and intersex Justice Project working on doing counseling and Case Management within the San Francisco jail system and work ing with the safeers department the old seraph and new placing transgender people taking out of the mens prison which is where they are located and putting them in the womens side for programming and housing. San francisco is the leader in the world for the programs. The missing link in the programs is dealing with transgender youth. Ucsf is a leder in that. Uc system nation wide is a leader in transjndser issues. For the last 5 years i have been on the taskforce on the uc system dealing with lgbt issues and transgender. For the first Time Starting this year and Going Forward all freshman and under graduate applicants for uc will be asked 3 questions, one about gender identity. How do you you identify with your gender and aortis Sexual Orientation. Next year the following year it is all graduates university and graduate students and the following year the questions go on all employment applications and also on all staff and faculty. So, this is information that we never have been able to gather and will gather on several hundred thousand applicants of the uc system. These individual things moving forward are critical to being understand really the dimension of the issue. Unfortunately in San Francisco passed ordinances not allowing to ask these questions in San Francisco so well come to the board asking for a exemption to ask people their jener identity and Sexual Orientation in the aggregate. We wont be able to identify individuals but get information to understand the scope of the issue. Supervisor wiener mentioned homeless youth. Homeless youth anic dotally, [inaudible] young transpeople come ing to San Francisco. Unfortunately we dont have a central spot to enter the system so we are way ahead of everyone else we can take further steps and look to the board to take steps to complete that psychosqul also make San Francisco continue to be the leader in this area throughout the United States. Thank you, director sparks and i do want to note that we are actually getting close to introducing Data Collection legislation to make sure that for various city programs we are tracking in a aggregate way our lgbt population. We are behind on that in our city and so our lgbt asian task force recommended that and decided to go beyond seniors but the entire population. Appreciate your work. One fact you may want to recognize, this year the United States used our tracking stats San Francisco on transhomicide and suicides. There were 43 transhomicide and 90 percent are women of color and 41 recorded transsuicides and 80 percent were caucasian and most caucasians were male. Female to male. We have statistics that are social issues all of which i think ucsf is perfect for research. Moving to Public Comment. Public comment is two minutes. Charles [inaudible] and attorney legal volunteer for some of the work you have seen and also a constituents of supervisor wiener so thank you and the other supervisors. I just want to say 3 quick things about coming to this from the outside which is what i did 5 years a. Go. There is a role for advocacy for transgender people he became involved because he was seeing families and didnt know how to provide the treatment and did the research of other peoples Research Understanding best practice, so his work and clinics work and the work you are asking Public Health to do is researched based advocating for the health of the patient and family. The second thing i want to reinforce is what supervisor wiener also said is this is all most never talking about surgery for people under 18, it is talking about a medical perspective, puberty and hormone and reversible treatments and as you go forward with this work you will see surgery for kids and teens is what is the opposition throws up because it [inaudible] and then the last thing ill say, if you can be at the question and answer sessions at gender spectrum which is National Conference in the bay area, it is so moving to hear parents introduce their families by saying my 9 year old daughter was perceived at birth as a boy. From my perspective when i hear that i say who am i to judge because that isnt a pop ylthz position and not trendy, but when you hear the parents you know it is coming from a deep place. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning supervisor, adel [inaudible] director of San Francisco Youth Commission and before joining the staff i was a outreach worker for a lgbtq melthal health and Substance Abuse clinic which is no longer specifically work wg young people. Youth commissioners heard this a few months gow and thank you for your attention to it. Their response should be included in your packets. Among their responses i wanted to highlight was just that in addition to the critical investments dph and dcyh make in service for transjendser youth that are concentrated in the castro and tenderloin commissioners are interested seeing how the city can continue to invest in increasing the competency for services. To that effect im glad to see the School District was in the room because i think they work is critical. Another piece is for a decade and a half or so the city had a Unfunded Mandate in the admin code that requires Youth Service city staff and contractors to be trained in lgbtq competency. Increase City Investments in supporting departments and undertaking the trainings will go a long way increasing competency throughout our Youth Service city services. Absolutely behind director sparks and with supervisor wiener and hopefully this will be the year we can ask the question and gathering data on Sexual Orientation and gender identity throughout the city services. I think that will go a long way addressing the needs transyouth had. Also grand e glad dimensions clinic is here. I know a lot of young people are not able to get service in a trusted environment and many wont access the suvss at all. Im under the impression that the wait list for dimension clinic is closed to seeing what we can do to make the Services Available to young people. Thank you, i appreciate it. Next speaker. Good morning. We also have a memo that we want to hand out. Kwlrks clerk will get it. So, my name is cristina [inaudible] Program Manager for a Leadership Development and school based initiative at lyric and lyric serves transjnder young [inaudible] and that number of climes to about 18 percent for transitional age young people 16 to 24. [inaudible] basic needs support to paid leadership opportunities and [inaudible] we want to highlight 3 pivotal issues we have seen reflected in local and National Data as well as the young people we work with. Long standing high levels of suicideality, one out of three transmiddle school and one out of 5 high school attempt suicide. We also know is a epidemic of violence of transjnder and nearly 100 percent of lyric young people experienced violence inside and out of school. We want to high the hiv infection rate which are higher for young people. Something i want to opponent out as i listened to earlier comments is about the resilience of trans and gender non conforming young people when they are supported. We have 3 recommendations, the first is around enhancing the wellness model to achieve access and afirming access for transpeople at the middle school level. The second is training and [inaudible] Community Based organizations to improve capacity for trans and gender non conforming young people. Lastly, expand ing access to [inaudible] for young people who are 17 and under to reduce infection rates. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Im jed rod riz regs and transgender and 18 and work with lyric. I work with the internships we do with transyouth 14 to 18 so i want to talk about the struggles they are facing. So, a lot of the kids that i work with talk about being bullied and harassed at school. They names are pronounerize invalidated. People dont use their preferred names. They talk about how teachers are misgendering them and use thg wrong name and teachers set the standards. They are the Authority Figure so if they invalidate your identity other student also do that, right and think it is okay to do that. I think it is important we focus on educating everyone in our schools, right . Comprehensive training about supporting trans students for staff and teachers so they can advocate for students. I just want to echo how gender impacts all of us so that is what it is important to make sure transpeople and youth are supported because that is something all of us have a fight in. I want to echo what the work at lyric is important. Transchildren face social isolation so we focus on community which helps combat self harm and keep people from self harming and stuff. So, thanks. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hi my name is nathan smith and twait year old advocate and ally and someone who benefited from the services. Im here to represent youth who benefited from these services. I came out around 10 and my adopted family had mow resources. This was just when lyric started out and there wasnt much to do. I did have the social support but didnt have systematic support. At lyric i was made aware of the prevalence och the lack of support, scholastic and institution lt support and i was blown away by it. I was privileged to have the connections to Start Talking about the issues for queer youth and i want to say maybe 2009, 2010 by 2012 ab 1856 passed which was something that i was instrumental making happen to foster youth and school work and social settings. This is ov15 years ago and still little progress is made which is why im here because im worried about the future of queer youth. I was a victim of bullying from 10 onward so much so i had to transfer schools because the school was less inclined to deal with someone was gender variant than the fact i was being bullied at school. Im here to advocate to allocate funds for queer youth and say how imparaative it is more than just path logical stuff and surgery and hormone blockers we need all around support and the youth are slipping through the cracks and aging out of the system and need to stop this before it gets really bad. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hello, my name is [inaudible] i too work at lyric. My position is queer educator. Moving to San Francisco was really difficult for me. I moved twice actually. The first time i moved it was hard for me to find resources. I wasnt connected with lyric the first time i moved out here. The first time [inaudible] i kind of like found there is a scarsty and everything was moved around and i didnti wasnt able to go to dimensions because my insurancei had kaiser, i still have kaiser, so im not able to reap the benefits of other trans folk in my community. I kind of like am my own entity but like to have a social community. It is actually hardthe first time i moved out because i wont able to get my prescriptions and it was really difficult and i noticed i didnt fall into the sectors of this as like needing help. I recently found out about getting on [inaudible] when i moved out here and the cost of [inaudible] is high for me and im not able to afford it right now at this time. So, i just noticed that i want the ability to be for every wherein wn who needs it. Also housing, my program that im in is the only Housing Program [inaudible] which is a temporary shelter but the [inaudible] through larkin street is the only resource [inaudible] specifically being lgbt and find it will be hard once i get out of the age range of being 24 then im like, what do i do, so i just want the accessibility to [inaudible] for our needs. Thank you, again. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, my name is [inaudible] the Program Manager at lyric. I want to thank you for take ing the time to [inaudible] transyouth of color and i want to dive in further on some of the recommendations that cristina made earlier. We are really interested in further investment in San Francisco unified School Districts Wellness Center initiative. Their model pairing Community Based organizations on site in the Wellness Center and high school demonstrated a cultural relevant standard of care for particularly youth of color. Their data showed the majority of lgbt youth in San Francisco are of color and that is where the resources need to be invested. Our relation is on going. [inaudible] support folks with changing the name and gender marker and attending court along with youth when they go to the hearings. We successfully partnered with supportive parents change thg young folks name and gender markers so a incredible partnership as well as exciting to see families of color are absolutely invested in their young peoples wellness. I also want to reiterate edells points about expanding training and Technical Assistance across city cross sector. Everything organization in San Francisco needs to be able to serve transjnder youth of color. We cant have a few doors for folks to enter and be seen and valued and seen as whole, folks need to be able to go anywhere so what that will look like is the city taking a bold stand and standing in partnership to fund that Technical Assistance. The final point is critical around hiv prevention. [inaudible] in San Francisco is the only clinic under the Community Health programs for youth that is providing access to use under the age of 17 and know Trans Communitys have disproportioninate rates of infection in San Francisco and see it for a opportunity for prevention early on a pair mount any additional Public Comment . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Thank you for scheduling this and colleagues for listening today. This is a very very important issue and we need to make sure we are doing everything we can to support our transgender and gender non conforming young people at all ages. It is a emerging issue nationally and one that is going to i think require more and more attention so thank everyone who presented today and for all the amazing work that is happening in our city where we continue to lead on so many issues impacting the Lgbt Community and look forward to continue discussion including during the budget process how we can support this work. So, mr. Chair i would request that the Committee File this item. Okay. Thank you supervisor wiener and thank you to all those that came out and all the work you are doing. Presentations like this are incredible and enlightening. With that we entertain a motion to file . Motion by supervisor yee and take without objection. Do we have any other business in front of us . No other business. See everyone at 1 p. M. Mpt. We are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]

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