4800 . So, i mean there are otherthere are not. I wish they could be here. Send me a text message that their great opposition to this developers actions who will also be in contact with commissioner against this project. The entire hayes valley is Cultural Resource to not only San Francisco but to me that my grandson and her soninlaw and her daughter and our family across the country who come to visit, who stay there, who in times of need like me who stay in my grandmothers house. I mean its like putting a brick wall in front of a window. You just stare out and i see nothing good so i think there are other places that it would fit perfectly good im not against [inaudible] but i damn against progress at the expense of others. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment in support of the dr . Hello. I am patricia grant born and raised San Francisco and in that house am feeling very sad today that this isi feel like what my son said we are being cut off from the world. And at the expensethank you for sharing your day with me i couldve went to work but your day has been interesting and i see that we have found the parts. This meeting did not feel like San Francisco. Everything that has to come before a board. We used to be neighbors did this is the kind of community i was raised in a household i was raised and we shouldwere the complaints shouldve been able to be talked out. My moms neighbor, he should be able to build whatever house he wants. It should just be an appropriate place for it. So he wants to build a highrise in downtown for that, right . Not the alley. I dont know if you guys have been through the alleys but theyre the most beautiful part of the city and so the new modern at the corner like my son said, theres a new building that is so completely different than the neighborhood. If you go all the way up to alamo square it would be a travesty that you would see the travesty in building something so modern in straight up in that community because its part of San Francisco the victorian, the beauty that houses the community and so i have a petition for people who cannot be here, 38, i believe was the last count. The people who are in protest to this project. And i hope you really really really evaluate not just the part of the project that he can afford but also the little man in this project that are against it. Okay, thank you thank you. Any additional speakers . Good evening. I wasnt one to come tonight but [inaudible] i am sophie stockholm from [inaudible] and of this is [inaudible] is my friend lives across the street. Ive been working with someone at San FranciscoState University on the [inaudible] project around San Francisco and i just wanted to underline that this isas it is right now hickory street is very safe street for women to work, to walk, because its been two streets with very high traffic so its a nice place to get through. And any building built on the south side, that would bewould take away so much light. It would make the street less safe for people to walk on. Its a very very sweet street with lots of units at ground level so it is safe because people are living on the ground floor so they are having garages. So i would ask you to consider the safety of the people on the street. Thank you thank you. Any additional speakers . Seeing none, project sponsor, you have 5 min. Hello everyone. Im bens otto and i live at 471 hickory st. I didnt San Francisco for most of my adult life. I think how to conjure to the hayes valley neighborhood by volunteering rating about history in helping take care of the block that i live on. My closest people are all here in the neighborhood and in the city get some of them are here today. I lived in the house on hickory the last few years. My intention is to continue to live there with my family over the longterm. This remodeling project prepares for that. Im not a developer or a house flipper. I care a lot about urban design and history so as important to me do quality work that leaves the street as well as create a home for family. To that end im really fortunate to work with architect bonnie bridges on this project could the project upgrades and expands the small 1970s structure into a family sized home. Bonnie is going to talk about i think a little bit of the history because theres some confusion there. We worked hard with planning for the last few years and preservation and neighbors to finalize the design that adds a modest amount of space. I believe it improves the block also and im proud of that result. Im going to turn the floor over to bonnie out. Hello. Bonnie bridges and support for bridges architecture did thank you commissioners for being here and staying so late. I just want to make five points number one, as you heard in the presentation this is a small lots. It was a subdivision of dorothy cooks property and it was a carriage house. It is a small lot and its on a steep upslope. Its a unique condition in order to expand the property there is not the ability to go horizontal. Theres only an ability to go vertical. The proposed addition is within all of the allowable building areas and the addition has made significant concessions to reduce this top story based on neighborhood concerns and also rdt and historic comments. Number two, this is a modest project. Its a small house in a small lot and its not a whole lot bigger. Its 2000 ft. 2 total. A little over to the addition is a little under 1000 ft. 2. The top story is a little under 300 and it is an integral part of the project. One of the things that people do have to face here is by ability of economics for them and what they can do and build it so it is a threebedroomtwo bath with an office on the top story. Massing and context. So i appreciate all of the previous speakers and dedication to this city, and also, the involvement of dorothy and many of her family members and our meetings could itthese are good people. So this a really difficult situation. This is a modest house, however, and we have made a lot of concessions and we have also tried to make it contextual by adding the bait window, by removing a kind of odd small garage and creating a more human scaled entry. Weve done a combination of two different sizes of horizontal wood siding to refer back to some of the patterns of the Historic Homes in the neighborhood. And we have at the rdts insistence historic preservations made the bay windows on the front. So there are family size housing components think you guys are well aware that this is going to be a threebedroomtwo bath good we did a quick survey of all the units that have been added in the area over the last couple of years. Less than 2 of them are threebedroomtwo bath good so this does provide a good size house for this area. I thinkmy last point is, theres some confusion about the historic and awhat it was in our environmental evaluation was deemed not historic on august 17 2016. In the application that we actually have some Background Information to share with you should you have any questions about the history of the property. In closing, i want to thank you for your time. You have 30 seconds. Were 22nd 20 more seconds. [inaudible off mic] so one of the concerns it is too tall to the project actually is smaller than the dr requesters house and you can see this in this section. Thank you. So opening up to speakers in support of the project and opposed to the dr. I have no speaker cards but if youd like to line up or come to the podium. My name is keith potter and i live there for seven heck i purchased my house in 1989 and in 1992 i went through the same process. I built what was a 508 square foot home into a threebedroomtwo bath home. I believe there was discretionary review but there were issues with neighbors that we worked out and i want to state that and say i is approve what he is doing here at it actually energizes the block and will be a great addition to the block. Thank you. Any additional speakers in support of the project . Seeing none, ms. Cook your twominute rebuttal. [inaudible off mic] i cant at this point we open at Public Comment but if you want to give a portion of your twominute rebuttal you are welcome to do that. Before i get started out one like to point out we had many other speakers who had hoped tos supporters say but due to the very long meeting time today they were not able to get one of them is dave on cook said he had to go because hes a newly elected commissioner on sf usd board and a grandson of dorothy cooks. So i hope to give him some time. I just want to address some of the facts of this case too close to the market octavia plan already includes many new luxury Box Developments in hayes valley that are more than adequate single person. 800 octavia or hundred 50 hayes, the avalon, 400 grove, i 55 bolton just to name a few. But lets talk the details of this proposal. Specifically. The singlefamily home on this block are modest in scale. Theyre mostly victorian cottages. One story. The addition that doesnt follow the topography of the site even without the fourth floor. You can see here, even if you were to take off the fourth story to tweet hope you will do, the roof lines are pretty much the same and dont agree with the slope. This project sets a new president for mass and scale in a Historic District and its not 2000 years us like was just said its 2800. Just to correct the record. You can see here any fourstory buildings are at the block and and they are all multifamily units from 320 units. In fact, even the historic mansions of the neighborhood to themansion at 700 hayes which many of you are familiar with are restricted to three start. So mr. Lotto this project represents an amenity and not a necessity. Especially, the fourth floor office. For our communitythis home represents our history thank you, maam your time is up. Thank you. Project sponsored by the twominute rebuttal. Im going to do the projector. I think there might be some misunderstanding about how big this top story is. It is 293 ft. 2 and setbacks 15 feet from the front and 5 feet from the east property line. So we did a couple oftook pictures along the block answer the project. So i could share these with you. So this is the existing house looking up hickory street. This is the propose project. So you actually cant see the top story. So what you see here is the two stories above the garage. So looking down hickory street, existing because of the large trees, we outlined it in that dashed white line. And the propose project. So the fourstory is actually not visible from hickory street. We did a couple of other 3d birdseye views to sort of help understand the scale of that third and fourth story top story. Okay. Thank you good that concludes this portion of the hearing. We will open it up for commissioner deliberation commissioner richards i guess question for ms. Cook the dr requester. So i dont find any basis to deny a permit here. The question i have thats a mistake. Im glad you open that up. Because that was misinterpreted. The letter was misinterpreted he called me yesterdaythe inspector. He called me yesterday for clarification. It gone around there and he called me yesterday for clarification good i had told him i said no, that is not to get thats not what we meant at all. Okay. I think looking forward your neighbor wants to modify the home thats their right now. I dont find any grounds for us to say, you cant do anything. The question i have for you would be as the dr requester, what sort ofwhich we cant do we cant build anything or you cant what would you want . Thats what iokay its onestory one more story. Okay. Thats it . Well, well if the townhouse is a story one more story because and houses are going to be invasive because our lots are so small. So close to each other. Then, you want the glass around and you know so thank you just one more story thats it yes. Than question for mr. Project sponsor. So youre the only member of the family reino . Yes. At the moment so the question i visit your in a rto parking district which were cars in the parking minimum one not just like some your neighbors take your fourstory weight. We program your tilting to have no parking and have that fourth floor not there not be an issue . So a couple things. One, so we havecurrently there two Parking Spaces and is to garage that we removed one of the mentoring that other grudge into it better actions. The grade is so steeped in that lot that essentially everything that is at the crotch level of subterranean. So there is truly notheres not a lot of give there. In i would suggest additionally its in addition. Its not a demolition and is existing structural support that is there that would beit would be very different project good and unviable project i think to do that. Okay. The architect of that . Could you comment on that please . Even though its rto people still own cars. I understand because of the upslope lot the back half of the project is underground i can get the section back up. Sure. You can see the slope of the lot here. It goes up, so in order to get daylight or access to air and light into the ground floor you have to do it looking out onto this treat and take away the garage. Okay. I will wait your other commissioner comments. Im just lookingi look to the corner of ebert and no wheat and 15 foot house that was one, two, three bedrooms two bathrooms on three floors and the people that moved and actually were a family with a dog and two kids if you can believe that. I thought it was me tight for them and are doing well. The now seven years. I was one person what i considered it a big house. I know this is code compliant. Weve got some issues with people feeling comfortable with the project in the neighborhood its a smallits on upslope. Youve nipped and tucked it but there potentially could be maybe some other reprogramming for us to squeeze that 4 ft. 2 in that somewhere else spears along that same line of questioning abouti think the trouble i see also is this the alley and how it works with the larger streets and im pretty familiar with the alleys here in hayes valley and there is this kind of natural larger scale buildings on oak and his and you get kind of smaller and to be singlefamily homes in the out. I think you do a good job on the hickory frontage in adding that addition and making it contextual, but with a small lot basically, the neighbor on oak street is looking at a wall on that fourth floor whether it goes to hickory or not because its pushed back in order to accommodate hickory. I guess my question is, in this relatively small part of your program. I get its on the top. Maybe their abuser, i am not quite sure. But it is a relatively smalli dont know when you take off the stairs in the space you need to account for the stairs on the top floor, how much that actually is as far as its an office. I guess, my question is, could youand this may require a variance, did you think about or consider putting that kind of Square Footage above the kitchen in the natural footprint of the building instead of on the fourth floor . Given the nature of difficulty getting projects through planning, not asking for a variance the client wasnt willing to explore a variance. It would also be pretty impactful to the neighbor, more so than what we are proposing here. There was some concerns early on in our very first preapplication meeting about the privacy issue , and so there was substantial sort of redesigned on the top story to make sure that it didnt have an ability for people to look from that story into dorothys house could so you can see on the backside there are some high clerestory window so we can get some cross ventilation, but that the portion of that facade that has windows faced out to the front, not to the back. So we addressed those privacy concerns. We also had a full width of the lot originally and in order to address some of the concerns about the mass we cut it back 5 feet from that east side. We also stepped that back facadei dont know if that was another change that happened through the iteration to respond to the concerns. Going back putting that space above the kitchen, that would require a variance . Yes. Because its within the commissioner, yes it absolutely would require a variance you money sent to the residential design can look at that as a potential alternative . The was we didnt. It was not a requirement of what we reviewed but i guess from my perspective and am a member of the Residential Design Team its a tight block as it is in what little midblock space there is good so i think one of theone of the most positive aspects of the project in the Residential Design Teams perspective was the fact that they were not adding additional bulk at the rear. Okay. Any other commissioners . Commissioner moore i appreciate your discretion going through the possible placement or alternative basement of the office space. Im asking myself, given the size of the home, is that office these necessary. That is really where i am falling out. Im very much following mr. Lindsey and everybody elses concern about canopy over the kitchen can it be here or there. It can spirit we are too steep a grade as the architect said to gain any basement level space for living and with that kind of having been considered, i believe that the office space might have to go. Commissioner richards so where commissioner moore was coming from if you did not have the office on the fourth floor new of three bedrooms, you be able to have an office in one of the bedrooms at this point in your life. May i yes. , please a twopart response to that. As of this very moment perhaps, although the house does not exist yet beyond that id like to suggest that my Family Planning decisions are not something i want to put in Public Record at a Commission Hearing but i believe they will see in the design that is designed to be a familyowned and my intention is to have a family there. I work from home so the office was importance. The office on the top story represents a deliberate allocation of space to the bedrooms all quite small and i was done to sort of make sure that there was space for an office. That talk four is a third of the addition size so this is reallyi want to suggest this is sort of a critical component of the project. And, it becomes difficult for the project work without it. Unless clarified its not an extraneous bonus piece of space and landed on their as an appendix. Thats not the case. Its part of the Program Design deliberately. I do realize that and