Still prosecute voidingly row mote access. The board recognizes Public Access is important. First comment on each item from those in person first and then move on to the call in line. For those watching on channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 ask government sfgov. Org the number is streaming across the stream the number is 4156550001. Enter access code 2495 796 7354. Had connected you will hear the meeting discussion asks in listening mode only. Press story 3 to be added to the line. Do keep your television and listening devices on low when you are speak. As indicated well tailgate comment from those in person first and go to public call in line. You may submit Public Comment to moiz the latched use and transportation clerk erica. Major sfgov. Org if mitt it e mail tell be made a part of the official file. You may send them u. S. Postal to our office at city hall. The off. You may send them u. S. Postal to our office at city hall. Part of. You may send them u. S. Postal to our office at city hall. Items academied upon today to add to the announcements masking is recommended not required. Police continue to be respectful of those around and you provide spacing if seated in the chamber. We are joined by president walton. Today welcome, president walton. We will take the items out of order and have him go first. If you could call item 3. Yes. Item 3 an ordinance manying the planning code to eliminate the special use district. Greater than 5 thundz square feet subject to thgz and reper se to or pdr2 direct, members of public who would like to speak need to call 4156550001 then. 0 access code 2495 796 7354. 6 7354. Thank you. Clothesil note that president with theon circulated amendments to his legislation i will turn it over to you. Thank you, chair melgar and thank you supervisor preston and peskin for taking this out of order the Protection Zone special use district, ip z a stopgap measure to protection, distribution and repair Business Districts from higher paying residential and office use when is this area was zoned which was a permissive district allowed all uses. The zone protected pdr from competition and incompresident able uses in eastern neighborhoods and bay view planning process it was intendsed be replaced by controls adopt in the 2 where are 08. An oversight not to remove the ip z in 2008 it undermine the a loophole storage and big box and industrial uses that are inappropriate for pdr neighborhoods reincrease the clarity of the planning code and protect the pdr businesses it was designed for. The ordinance as proposed eliminate the ip z special use and allow social service use greater than 5,000 square feet and pdr2 districts. We got input from planning to focus on making sure we allow grandfathering of self storage projects submitted before december 31st of 21 if at least 50 of the parcels contains pdr or Community Uses on ground floor. There was a hearing on january 11th, or i introduced the ordinance on january 11th. To eliminate the ip intrshgs and allow for the philanthropic facility uses on march 24th the Planning Commission recommended a modification to allow the limited grandfathering i discussed. And so i would like to move this forward to the full board but first as supervisor chair melgar stated. I do have amendments that have been circulated that i want to read in record that would like for to you move. Booij line 6, after the accept a colon add, allowing self storage and pdr2 subject to conditions. Page 4 line 7 after gross square feet. Strike all to the ends of sentence. Page 5 line 19a to the word any and after use in the phrase that submitted a Development Application on or before 123121 shall be page 5 line 20 delete is before principally permitted. Page 5 line 21 after adeno~ less than 50 of the parcel area consists of ground floor industrial agcullure autorepair, catering, trade shop. Institutional Community Use or arts. Page 6 line one replace date 61. 30 to 123126. Page 6 line 2 delete afterless the and replace with city enacts an ordinance with an Effective Date on or before that extends or reenacts in note. Page 6 line 6 and 7 replace section with note. Thank you for your consideration and thank you chair melgar for take thanksgiving out of order. You thank you very much. I like to make a motion that we move the amendments as read in the referred by president walton. Would you like to take Public Comment. First. Of course, we would. Lets do that. And are there members like to speak on item 3 approach the podium. We will move on to our public call in line. If you would like to speak you node to call 4156550001 then access code 2495 796 7354. Press star 3 to enter the queue. Looks like we have zero callers. With that, public ment is closed. Now madam clerk vote on this. And on the motion moved by chair melgar read in the record by president walten supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. You have 3 ayes. And now if we could move the item as amended to the full board. On that motion supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Sdwr aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. 3 ayes. Motion passes. Thank you, president walton. If you could now call item 1. Item 1, is a resolution authorizing the San FranciscoMunicipal Transportation Agency to begin setting rates for parking at goldenigate park concourse garage in kezar parking lot 6. 14 and amend the lets agreement with the commune partnerships rec and Park Department to pay 3 hours. Free parking on behalf of purchase of oozing museums for discover and gold programs at seasons and the museum. Members of the public who would like to comment on item 1 call 4156550001 then access code 2495 796 7354. If you would like to peek press star 3. Madam chair. Thank you. We have Sarah Madeline from rec and Parks Department and rob malone from the San Francisco municipal transportation authority. Thank you for being here. I will turn it over to you. Great. Thank you. Good afternoon chair melgar. Im with my clothe from the mta the resolution is follow on to the flex pricing legislation you all passed the end of last year. That legislation allowed our department to work with the mta employ flexible pricing at the concourse garage and the kezar parking lot thats when we do at the other garages we own in connection with the mta. At the time it was passed, amended to ask that we come back to you and explain the residence loulgz the methodology and approach to rate settings well use in the locations. And so that is what is before you. We have out lined the up and are lower bounds as well as policy goals we would like to achieve with this flex pricing and rob and i are here to answer questions you may have. Okay. Supervisor peskin. Thank you. As mrs. Madeline and i communicates e mail and not able because i was in rules to follow up with the phone call. Relative to monthly parking i dont see, there is, not suggesting change to the rates well . And not be obviously subject to fleckable parking. Is that right . I will let rob answer this piece. Good afternoon rob malone mta. There was no mention of our machining low parking policy but since the question kim came up we do have a policy at all garages first of all a couple thing in terms of rates mechanic low rates are set by surveying the local area or competing facilities or lacking this is a facility that it is not have local competition. In that case compare to the other facilities around the city. The other thing we do is close low monitor the balance the equalization moum month lows are using the garage versus transient parkers the daily parkers are using the facility. In the case of this garage. There are only about 25 monthly parkers. Out of a facility over 800 stall its does not seem like one i would be concerned about use by amongly parkers infringing on daily parkers being able to use it. It is part of our quarter low review process of all rates and garages that we look at that upon bvenlts and at certain facilities men a third of the 21 facilities we manage we put a cap on the number of arc luable amongly park and institute a waiting list for this reasoning. We want to ensure there is a certain amount of availability for transient parkers all times of day. Thank you. You are welcome. I had a question related to this. When we had a hearing in the Neighborhood Service committee about the museums. You may watching there was a lot of Public Comment. One of the things that the Fine Arts Museum director of the deyoung said was this they had not really explored some of the Creative Things that other mull seems the academy of sciences doing for example offering subsidies for bike share. I wonder if the way that the program is configured, now, is open to do this partnership with the museum if they were if they chose to you know subsidize the machining low parking for employees as a benefit or any number of things configured to do in . Absolutely. Access control system heads all sorts of serious capabilities for instituting the types of things and all facilities we work closely with local stake holders. And in the case of here i would presume. We have been with rec and Park Department staff rowing with representatives of the mccp and museums and as presumed we would be communicating with them regular low. And if not just responding to any requests they have i think we would be suggesting or ask them to consider hey, here are some things we do else where sheing use the technology to help it the Technology Helps you want it easy for employees. If you are going to offer what you are suggesting a partial low subsidized program. We are used to doing the things regularly. Going back to the passage of 6 or 7 years ago of increased bicycle parking ordinance that planning echoed, we very actively personally lead the expansion of bicycle park nothing all of our garages. We spent a lot of time think about that providing stationary racks and some cases day use compatible bicycle lookers the membership card you access for a fee per hour if you like more security method of parking. Worked on bicycle way finding. If you have this bicycle parking you want the bicyclist to know this is there and how to finds it. We spent a lot of time the last several years working on that and would engage with the museums and other local stake holders on all of those issues. Thank you, i wanted to ask once you get authorization what is the time line before this gets get implemented. I would like to defer to ms. Madeline to answer that one. It is negotiations with the mccp, et cetera. Thank you. Sure. So our lease with the mccp the nonprofit that runs the garage and the resolution our Commission Rec and park adopted supporting bring thanksgiving legislation to the board. Requires the approval of the mccp board as rob noted we have been working with them the last couple of months talk about policy priorities. Rob reviewed the actuals the last few months and well in the black, which is a change from the last time we were all here talking about this. We were deep in the 3s of covid and struggling. So we need to present this to the board, i believe of i believe meets the ends of this year. And then could begin implementation from there. Okay. Thank you very much. Any other questions, clothes . Okay. Madam clerk Public Comment. Thank you, members who would like to peek on this item approach the podium. Seeing no members of public we will move on to the public call in line we have 4 listeners with one in the queue. Go ahead and unmute the first caller, please. Daved pill pel. So it seems that may be a bit premature to consider this item before the november election with prop i, j and n. Which the Golden Gate Park and regards to the relationship between the city and the concourse garage and mccp. So im just worning out loud had makes sense to do this now or wait to see the results of the november election if they are not meeting until later in the year. Perhaps there is staff work that mta and rec park can do in advance and then see what the Election Results are. Im also wondering where the detail is on the specific proposed rates. I saw ranges but not an actual proposed rate schedule that will be before mta and rec and park and mccp board. And as to what the rates are. The number of vehicles. Mr. Malone mentioned there are 25 month low parkers and how this goes to meeting operating expenses. For the garage and separate low for the kezar parking lot part of rec parks parking portfolio. And finally on page 2, line 9 and page 3, line 2; it seemed that there were a couple of typos. If i get to that one moment. Sorry on page 2 line 9, was the beta beach resolution in 21 or 22 i couldnt remember and pagely line 2 [inaudible] thank you for your comments. That concludes the queue. There are no long are any callers in the queue thank you. With that Public Comment is closed. Would anybody like to make a motion . Okay. I will make a motion. Page 2 line 9 . I have been in this room all day. Sorry. Id like to make a motion that we can we send this to the full board with positive recommendation. On that motion supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye melgar. Aye. 3 ayes that motion passes. Diclose Public Comment. Madam clerk thank you very much, mrs. Madeline. Lets go to item 2, police. Joanne ordinance amending the planning to create the tenderloin neon special use special sign district with north of market special use district and acting zoning controls for neon signs within the special district and amending sf01 to show the loyal loyal special sign district and affirming findings. Member who is wish to provide comment call 4156550001 access code 2495 796 7354. If you have in the done so and would like to speak you need to press star 3 supervisor preston thank you the floor is yours thank you chair melgar and for calendaring this and back. Nothing of substance to add we talked about the amendments those required a continuance and hope to move this forward. Thank you. Add mow as a cosponsor this is exciting. Madam clerk lets go to Public Comment. Why are there members withhold like to speak on item 2. Approach the podium. Seeing none we move to the call in line it electric like there are 4 listeners with 0 in the queue. With that Public Comment is closed. Supervisor preston. Thank you id like to move this with recommendation to the full board as a committee report. And on that motion supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. You have throw an aye that motion passes. Thank you. Congratulations supervisor. Lets go to item 4, please. Item 4 is designating the cork oak tree rightofway of 20th at noe street a landmark tree pursuant to public work and making finings member who is would like to comment call 4156550001 then access code 2495 796 7354. Press star 3 to enter the queue. Thank you. This is supervisor mandelmans item. And he is not here. Is there someone from his Office Online . To present . Mr. Du want to say a few word busy this item . There he is. Supervisor mandelman is on his way. He just walked in thank you very much. Welcome supervisor mandelman im sorry if we caught you a bit by prize we are moving quickly. You are. Thats good. All right. We have a tree landmarking. Um 20th and noe. So clothes today im asking for your positive recommendation on an ordinance directing the Department Public ws to designate the cork oak tree at 20let approximate nory noe as a landmarkistry. It is located in public right of way at Community Garden the neighbors who love and min tain the garden kicked off the process for the tree by organizing a petition with 50 signatures and propped my office for support on august 24 the Forest Council received a landmark tree nomination from public works and on september 22nd it met the landmark criteria for land mark tree status. It has been there for 75 years. Much love exclude based on neighbors i heard from the community is looking forward to its land marking the improve am club has been actively advocating around this and the neighbors who advocated for the lands marking david dias is here and served lead gardener at Community Garden are eager for us to take this step i want to thank ross green and his office for w and i hope it is straightforward. But thank you for your consideration. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Lets take Public Comment if there is no comments or questions from colleagues. Thank you. Members who would like to speak on item 5 node to prop the podium. Good afternoon. Everybody. Supervisor, thank you for your support from the office. This is a fantastic and beautiful tree. It is a cork oak tree harvested cork stoppers and makes them in portugal. This tree is the biggest cork oak in the city. On behalf of our community and myself we are looking forward to your recommendation in the findings. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Are there others this would like to spoke on item 4 . We am move on to the public call in line. It looks like we have zero callers. Madam chair. Public comment is now closed. Make a motion we move this to the full board with positive recommendation. On that motion supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Thank you. Congratulations supervisor mandelman. Lets move on to item 5. Item 5 an ordinance amending the planning code rezone r heart attack 1 zoning except for residential 1rh1 to rh2 zoning to rezone rh1d to districts residential 2 family district detached rh2 and dense limit exceptions to 4 dwelling per lot and up to 6 per lot in corner lotted amending the administrative code to subdividing constructing new units to the density exception and appropriate findings. Members withhold like to speak need to call 4156550001, access code 2495 796 7354 then star 3 to enter the queue. If you have not done so wo