Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Land Use Committee 102615 20151101

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Land Use Committee 102615 20151101

Todays broadwast please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. [inaudible] submit today the clerk. Items will appear on the november 3 board of supervisors agenda. The first item is sponsored by supervisor compose [inaudible] 350 university street as a land mark under planic code article 10. I believe we have Shannon Ferguson from the Planning Department to present on this item here today to present on the proposaled laland mark designation of University Mound old ladies located at 350 university street. [inaudible] supported by tall slender columns in a sumestically composed facade [inaudible] of the colonial revival style. It also represents the work of master architects martin j [inaudible] best know for 1930s art deco style psychopathic ward at San Francisco hospital. It is few of the high style colonial institutional buildings in San Francisco. The building in the interior principle [inaudible] include the living room, dinning room and chapel sur vive with the relatively few alterations. In 2014 a nearby residence submitted a land mark designation application [inaudible] the Historic Preservation commission added the old ladies home to the program in 2013. The hpc [inaudible] hpc conducted a site visit [inaudible] there is no known public opposition or neighborhood opposition to designation of 350 university street. The Property Owners havent expressed [inaudible] happy to answer any questions that was easy and quick. Thank you so much. Appreciate your comments. Supervisor wiener, is there kneng you anything you have questions . Lets take Public Comment. Any mb of the public who would like to speak on item 1, please do so. And have 2 minutes. Please come up. My name is bill yelder, good afternoon supervisors. Im glad you gave us this tonight opportunity to come here and listen to you. On behalf of 222 petition that i collected and we signed for land mark to be the University Mound ladies home and also supervisor david campos sponsored this and we were for it. You know the history of that building was 18 84 and established by jim link who was the [inaudible] man who dedicated about wn00 thousand dollars with 25 acres of land and it was supposed to be Non Profit Organization for assisted living for the elderly people. Evidently there were a problem with their financial i guess they were trying to sell it and thanks to david compose he stopped it and also the neighborhood we stood against it, so we tried to keep it as it is because that was the whole purpose of that building was for elderly assisted living to live at that place. So, im for it and if that is what you want to know. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other members of the public who would like to speak at this time . Ronald, please come up. Thank you for letting me speak. That was great. The thing i have been trying to figure out the problem with homelessness and the one thing we are certified buildings. You know in [inaudible] we certified [inaudible] we certify buildings but the thing we forget to certify are people. That are the most important thing in the city and think the older people get the more wiser they gelt get and we forget. The most pressure c[inaudible] painting everything and seeing beautiful things but those things were made by beautiful people. If i recall correctly it was we the people began a very document in history and the history of those people are the founders and masons and brick layers of the country. They were not buildings, they were people. That is [inaudible] we the peopleeveryone is the same. We need to pride the historical people in the city and it is something that has been forgotten especially the elderly people. Thank you for making the city beautiful. It is the most beautiful city in the world [inaudible] they came in and love it and look at this place. The most important people are you people behind there because you are the ones that make this happen, so make this land mark beautiful and mr. Campos is fighting. I have to give him a big thank you because i lived in a land mark building and it was so terrible and still needs work but this is a beautiful thing you doing and thank you madam chairman and everyone involved. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public who would like to speak . Seeing none comment is closed. Any comment on item 1 . Supervisor wiener. I support the land marking and appreciate supervisor campos and the Planning Department for savoring the institution and giving it the historic designation it deserves so move to move item 1 to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation, i agree with the sentiments. I grew up in the neighborhood and know the ladies home very well and happy to support sthis motion. The motion passes unanimously item 2 is ordinance amending the transportation code to declear city policy the city develop a subway master plan within 12 muths and up hpidate every 4 years madam chair before us today is legislation i introduced recently to require the preparation of a comprehensive subway master plan within the next year with a updateing on the plan every 4 years mptd i think it goes without saying we are experiencing unprecedented growth in San Francisco. San francisco has 200 thousand more residence today than our city had in 1980. We have grown by about 100 thousand people in the last dozen years and currently adding a net increase of 10 thousand residence every year. We are projected to continue to grow by 150 thousand people in the next quarter century. Woo we have the highest population in San Francisco history. The bay area is projected to add 2. 1 Million People in the next 25 years and know from past experience that quh you have population growth like we are experiencing in San Francisco and the bay yeaia area the people come whether you plan for them or not and our choices is when to plan. Sadly we have not always planned when it comes to Public Transportation. In the late 1970s we opened the bart system and Market Street subway and since then in the 35 plus years we havent added a inch of subway capacity. Well open the central subway in a few years which is a great but need to make sure we dont make past mistakes by opening up the subway and resting on our lorm laurel. The streets of San Francisco are unbelievebly congested and that wont change. In a fewyears it will be back where it is and get worse and worse. We cant 100 million cars on the roads of the bay area and [inaudible] and that is where we are heading if we dont get it together come it come tooz Public Transportation system that dont have enough capacity. The muni bus system amazing, i take it all the time and took it today. Buses are pornlt. We also know the buses travel at the lowest speed of average transit agency. The buses get stuck in traffic and move slowly and even though we do great work we need to move more of our transit under grounds off the streets. It makes a huge difference with subway service. San francisco without the Market Street subway i bet it is hard to envision what our city would be like with the Market Street subway or bart going down town through the mission to glen park and to daily city. We need to expand the subway capacity so this legislation will require comprehensive planning to take a long term look where we want to build subway capacity and what the priority is in terms of is this top priority. We need to look at western San Francisco which has no subway service. The southeast of San Francisco that has zero subway access and take a look at when wherewe need to expand. This wont happen over night but now is sth time to do the planjug get the projects into the queue and move forward sowhen funding is available locally or state level or when Congress Finally gets the act together and starts toperticipate in transportation we are ready to move forward. This is what this legislation is about. I want to acknowledge there is a lot of transpartation planning in a couple years and this legislation doesnt suggest there currently isnt a lot of terrific planning going on so we want to take the best work that is done over previous decades from great work happening now and senthsis into a subway focused plan. We want to keep the bus system moving forward and light rail mauveing forward but not letd subways get lost in the process. Subways are expensive and dif culth so sthra tend to focus on other transit. If there are no opening questions or remarks i would like to invite Michael Swarts from San Francisco couny Transportation Authority to present followed by graham nob nab from sfmta. Thank you. Thank you very much chair cohen, vice chair wiener. Michael swarts Senior Transportation plainer. I am joined by graham [inaudible] from the Planning Department is here and other stuff. We areigateful rur fr your leadership. A lot of staff had been thinking about this over the years and cont plate the next big moves and we are coming together the agencies across the city todo lang range plaining. We varoquest for proposal to work on that long range plan [inaudible] we hope to get good ploposal tooz move ahead on this effort. So, it goes without saying we need rail transit. Anybody who has road transit knows how [inaudible] cal train ridership is explording and muni rail and bus just challenging to get on during the peeks. This is really a sign of success. This means San Francisco is a great place to live recollect work and play and in the short term that is a good thing but in the long term if we dont do anything about it it can [inaudible] aequify, access, Green House Gas reduction and environment. We do need to take a strong approach here and as a vice chair noted, for many oof the corridors surface transit works. [inaudible] but there are some corridors where the demand is so great we need something greater such as a subway. To echo the comment that this has been before, in the 90s there was a 4 corridor plan which is the focus of the transit expansion and that was adopted as the transportation element of the general plan and resulted in improves about to go in construction on van ness and geary soon, third street and central subway. In addition to the [inaudible] came out of the county wide tranlz portation plan and that becomes the network and transit effectiveness project and now muni forward. Bart exsknangz down town extension [inaudible] we have seen a lot of great planning work and our goal with the long range Transportation Planning program is to bring all this together to say how does this fit toorlth and what is the San Francisco network and map for what we want in terms of the rapid transit. As the vice chair said this work cant be done over night. Many of these things take a number of yours and now is the time to get ahead of it. With that ill hand it to my colleague graham thank you michael. Graham [inaudible] there is a lot of good plang work under way. I want to highlight the most recent efforts, the bart Metro Program identifies opportunities to invest and increase capacity and efficient of the bart system. The mtc led cor capacity study focus on near and long term capacity enhancement to down town San Francisco and the transbay corridor with a potential for a second tube. [inaudible] alleviate crowding on the existing system and introduce high level concepts of system enhancement and expansion and michael mentioned the cal train downtown extension to provide cal tain and high speed rail to down town San Francisco. Each of the plans will be valuable but what they havent done is taken a comp hnsive and coordinateed look of transportation in San Francisco and that is what the Transportation Program would do. It is a multiajs effort to build a shared vision if the future of transportation in San Francisco cht it includes a few major components i want to highlight the establishing a long range Transportation Vision and this is a key components is lachbd use integration. [inaudible] a great partner in developing the plan. It would identify these big major moves we would need and that can include initial identification of subway corridors. The transit [inaudible] study will take a deeper dive and project development and refine where we want to invest when and both feed a update to the county Transportation Plan in 2016 2018 and that is a [inaudible] the last note is that part of the output of this would help inform a update to the transportation element im sure you know it is about 20 years old so slightly out of date. All the planning is great, but it takes a lot more to get action and in fablth dividing what we want is a first step but we need to do a lot more. Everyone of our transportation projects had a moment where there was a crise of confidence about whether it is built. Moment when it was too expensive or other barriers. Today we take the improvementss a given to meet the needs for had city in terms of mobility and the region and there will be touch conversations about planning and project development and implementation for the future. We cant just continue doing business as usual, we need to start with a compelling vision that says why we are making the Major Investments and make it clear how it helps achieve the sustainability, equity, mobility and Economic Development goals. We also need to recognize traditional sourceoffs funding are not able to make the inivistments we need to make. We need to be open to partnership squz be prepare frd the new fundsing source could be that we not aware of yet or materialize in the years to come. We need to continue the land use coordination. We need that inclusionary and efficient process so we can come together one voice and be clear about the cities priorities and where we see the city going for moving forward for transportation. On the project delivery side we need to continue to build our expertise and alternative deliver and contracting methods and look for opportunities to streamline the drirfb at the state and local and regional level. It takes people to make thesethis happen so we need to continue to build the staff capacity both of the planning and on the Engineering Design and delivery side of the equation and the last bullet is by no kent. We need champions at the city and regional level and state level in the citizens and Business Community across the board. It will take a lot of effort by lot of folk tooz make it happen but this is infirst step and think we are starting on the right track with the erftd you said something i want to reiterate that the projects i dont think there is sig cants transporzpation project in history that isnt more expensive or taken longer than we thought and experienced contversery. The Golden Gate Bridge had 100 lawsuits and bart was controversial. [inaudible] opt out of the system. High speed rail experiencing the challenge of interstate high way cyst squm every time we complete the project over all the lawsuits no one can imagine not having that whether it iscan you imagine not having the golden gate braij or bart and within a few years of high speed rail no one will be able to remember what it was like not to have high speed rail and people will wonder why it took so long so it takeathize political will to make it happen. Thank you. Madam chair i dont have Public Comment cards. I think i have two, john swark and estersterns. Anyone else like to speak please line up after mr. Swark. I did want to use the overhead for part of high presentation. Put your material on the overhead. I dont want to cover up until i refer to it. I would like to say im very much in support of this legislation and i would like to talk about the history and give context. From the launch of the firstbert study to the day the first people riding it was 15 years. Bart started a study and this time it is said it will 25 to 40 years to complete a new line. We should consider this a Public Policy farrier but a second failure would happen if we dont realize this weakness and get ahead of it by setting up a process where we look forward and studying so we can keep things in the pipeline. We have run into a catch 22 in San Francisco that we cant add density without increasing traffic or transit. People resist getting out of the car until transit is faster. It can take a hour to get from market kwr geary to beach on 38 at peek times. Brt is expect today reduce that by up to 30 percent so we are talk about 40 percent. I would like to take you to a city with a world class transportation system, this is a tokyo subway map. The central part of tokyo is about the same size at San Francisco. It is interesting to see how many subway lines rin that space. It is great to get there. You can the equivalent of putriro hill to geary and market to the beach in 31 minutes in 17 stops. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Thank you im ester sterns and mission bay resident and representing the Shannon Ferguson<\/a> from the Planning Department<\/a> to present on this item here today to present on the proposaled laland mark designation of University Mound<\/a> old ladies located at 350 university street. [inaudible] supported by tall slender columns in a sumestically composed facade [inaudible] of the colonial revival style. It also represents the work of master architects martin j [inaudible] best know for 1930s art deco style psychopathic ward at San Francisco<\/a> hospital. It is few of the high style colonial institutional buildings in San Francisco<\/a>. The building in the interior principle [inaudible] include the living room, dinning room and chapel sur vive with the relatively few alterations. In 2014 a nearby residence submitted a land mark designation application [inaudible] the Historic Preservation<\/a> commission added the old ladies home to the program in 2013. The hpc [inaudible] hpc conducted a site visit [inaudible] there is no known public opposition or neighborhood opposition to designation of 350 university street. The Property Owners<\/a> havent expressed [inaudible] happy to answer any questions that was easy and quick. Thank you so much. Appreciate your comments. Supervisor wiener, is there kneng you anything you have questions . Lets take Public Comment<\/a>. Any mb of the public who would like to speak on item 1, please do so. And have 2 minutes. Please come up. My name is bill yelder, good afternoon supervisors. Im glad you gave us this tonight opportunity to come here and listen to you. On behalf of 222 petition that i collected and we signed for land mark to be the University Mound<\/a> ladies home and also supervisor david campos sponsored this and we were for it. You know the history of that building was 18 84 and established by jim link who was the [inaudible] man who dedicated about wn00 thousand dollars with 25 acres of land and it was supposed to be Non Profit Organization<\/a> for assisted living for the elderly people. Evidently there were a problem with their financial i guess they were trying to sell it and thanks to david compose he stopped it and also the neighborhood we stood against it, so we tried to keep it as it is because that was the whole purpose of that building was for elderly assisted living to live at that place. So, im for it and if that is what you want to know. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other members of the public who would like to speak at this time . Ronald, please come up. Thank you for letting me speak. That was great. The thing i have been trying to figure out the problem with homelessness and the one thing we are certified buildings. You know in [inaudible] we certified [inaudible] we certify buildings but the thing we forget to certify are people. That are the most important thing in the city and think the older people get the more wiser they gelt get and we forget. The most pressure c[inaudible] painting everything and seeing beautiful things but those things were made by beautiful people. If i recall correctly it was we the people began a very document in history and the history of those people are the founders and masons and brick layers of the country. They were not buildings, they were people. That is [inaudible] we the peopleeveryone is the same. We need to pride the historical people in the city and it is something that has been forgotten especially the elderly people. Thank you for making the city beautiful. It is the most beautiful city in the world [inaudible] they came in and love it and look at this place. The most important people are you people behind there because you are the ones that make this happen, so make this land mark beautiful and mr. Campos is fighting. I have to give him a big thank you because i lived in a land mark building and it was so terrible and still needs work but this is a beautiful thing you doing and thank you madam chairman and everyone involved. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public who would like to speak . Seeing none comment is closed. Any comment on item 1 . Supervisor wiener. I support the land marking and appreciate supervisor campos and the Planning Department<\/a> for savoring the institution and giving it the historic designation it deserves so move to move item 1 to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation, i agree with the sentiments. I grew up in the neighborhood and know the ladies home very well and happy to support sthis motion. The motion passes unanimously item 2 is ordinance amending the transportation code to declear city policy the city develop a subway master plan within 12 muths and up hpidate every 4 years madam chair before us today is legislation i introduced recently to require the preparation of a comprehensive subway master plan within the next year with a updateing on the plan every 4 years mptd i think it goes without saying we are experiencing unprecedented growth in San Francisco<\/a>. San francisco has 200 thousand more residence today than our city had in 1980. We have grown by about 100 thousand people in the last dozen years and currently adding a net increase of 10 thousand residence every year. We are projected to continue to grow by 150 thousand people in the next quarter century. Woo we have the highest population in San Francisco<\/a> history. The bay area is projected to add 2. 1 Million People<\/a> in the next 25 years and know from past experience that quh you have population growth like we are experiencing in San Francisco<\/a> and the bay yeaia area the people come whether you plan for them or not and our choices is when to plan. Sadly we have not always planned when it comes to Public Transportation<\/a>. In the late 1970s we opened the bart system and Market Street<\/a> subway and since then in the 35 plus years we havent added a inch of subway capacity. Well open the central subway in a few years which is a great but need to make sure we dont make past mistakes by opening up the subway and resting on our lorm laurel. The streets of San Francisco<\/a> are unbelievebly congested and that wont change. In a fewyears it will be back where it is and get worse and worse. We cant 100 million cars on the roads of the bay area and [inaudible] and that is where we are heading if we dont get it together come it come tooz Public Transportation<\/a> system that dont have enough capacity. The muni bus system amazing, i take it all the time and took it today. Buses are pornlt. We also know the buses travel at the lowest speed of average transit agency. The buses get stuck in traffic and move slowly and even though we do great work we need to move more of our transit under grounds off the streets. It makes a huge difference with subway service. San francisco without the Market Street<\/a> subway i bet it is hard to envision what our city would be like with the Market Street<\/a> subway or bart going down town through the mission to glen park and to daily city. We need to expand the subway capacity so this legislation will require comprehensive planning to take a long term look where we want to build subway capacity and what the priority is in terms of is this top priority. We need to look at western San Francisco<\/a> which has no subway service. The southeast of San Francisco<\/a> that has zero subway access and take a look at when wherewe need to expand. This wont happen over night but now is sth time to do the planjug get the projects into the queue and move forward sowhen funding is available locally or state level or when Congress Finally<\/a> gets the act together and starts toperticipate in transportation we are ready to move forward. This is what this legislation is about. I want to acknowledge there is a lot of transpartation planning in a couple years and this legislation doesnt suggest there currently isnt a lot of terrific planning going on so we want to take the best work that is done over previous decades from great work happening now and senthsis into a subway focused plan. We want to keep the bus system moving forward and light rail mauveing forward but not letd subways get lost in the process. Subways are expensive and dif culth so sthra tend to focus on other transit. If there are no opening questions or remarks i would like to invite Michael Swarts<\/a> from San Francisco<\/a> couny Transportation Authority<\/a> to present followed by graham nob nab from sfmta. Thank you. Thank you very much chair cohen, vice chair wiener. Michael swarts Senior Transportation<\/a> plainer. I am joined by graham [inaudible] from the Planning Department<\/a> is here and other stuff. We areigateful rur fr your leadership. A lot of staff had been thinking about this over the years and cont plate the next big moves and we are coming together the agencies across the city todo lang range plaining. We varoquest for proposal to work on that long range plan [inaudible] we hope to get good ploposal tooz move ahead on this effort. So, it goes without saying we need rail transit. Anybody who has road transit knows how [inaudible] cal train ridership is explording and muni rail and bus just challenging to get on during the peeks. This is really a sign of success. This means San Francisco<\/a> is a great place to live recollect work and play and in the short term that is a good thing but in the long term if we dont do anything about it it can [inaudible] aequify, access, Green House Gas<\/a> reduction and environment. We do need to take a strong approach here and as a vice chair noted, for many oof the corridors surface transit works. [inaudible] but there are some corridors where the demand is so great we need something greater such as a subway. To echo the comment that this has been before, in the 90s there was a 4 corridor plan which is the focus of the transit expansion and that was adopted as the transportation element of the general plan and resulted in improves about to go in construction on van ness and geary soon, third street and central subway. In addition to the [inaudible] came out of the county wide tranlz portation plan and that becomes the network and transit effectiveness project and now muni forward. Bart exsknangz down town extension [inaudible] we have seen a lot of great planning work and our goal with the long range Transportation Planning<\/a> program is to bring all this together to say how does this fit toorlth and what is the San Francisco<\/a> network and map for what we want in terms of the rapid transit. As the vice chair said this work cant be done over night. Many of these things take a number of yours and now is the time to get ahead of it. With that ill hand it to my colleague graham thank you michael. Graham [inaudible] there is a lot of good plang work under way. I want to highlight the most recent efforts, the bart Metro Program<\/a> identifies opportunities to invest and increase capacity and efficient of the bart system. The mtc led cor capacity study focus on near and long term capacity enhancement to down town San Francisco<\/a> and the transbay corridor with a potential for a second tube. [inaudible] alleviate crowding on the existing system and introduce high level concepts of system enhancement and expansion and michael mentioned the cal train downtown extension to provide cal tain and high speed rail to down town San Francisco<\/a>. Each of the plans will be valuable but what they havent done is taken a comp hnsive and coordinateed look of transportation in San Francisco<\/a> and that is what the Transportation Program<\/a> would do. It is a multiajs effort to build a shared vision if the future of transportation in San Francisco<\/a> cht it includes a few major components i want to highlight the establishing a long range Transportation Vision<\/a> and this is a key components is lachbd use integration. [inaudible] a great partner in developing the plan. It would identify these big major moves we would need and that can include initial identification of subway corridors. The transit [inaudible] study will take a deeper dive and project development and refine where we want to invest when and both feed a update to the county Transportation Plan<\/a> in 2016 2018 and that is a [inaudible] the last note is that part of the output of this would help inform a update to the transportation element im sure you know it is about 20 years old so slightly out of date. All the planning is great, but it takes a lot more to get action and in fablth dividing what we want is a first step but we need to do a lot more. Everyone of our transportation projects had a moment where there was a crise of confidence about whether it is built. Moment when it was too expensive or other barriers. Today we take the improvementss a given to meet the needs for had city in terms of mobility and the region and there will be touch conversations about planning and project development and implementation for the future. We cant just continue doing business as usual, we need to start with a compelling vision that says why we are making the Major Investments<\/a> and make it clear how it helps achieve the sustainability, equity, mobility and Economic Development<\/a> goals. We also need to recognize traditional sourceoffs funding are not able to make the inivistments we need to make. We need to be open to partnership squz be prepare frd the new fundsing source could be that we not aware of yet or materialize in the years to come. We need to continue the land use coordination. We need that inclusionary and efficient process so we can come together one voice and be clear about the cities priorities and where we see the city going for moving forward for transportation. On the project delivery side we need to continue to build our expertise and alternative deliver and contracting methods and look for opportunities to streamline the drirfb at the state and local and regional level. It takes people to make thesethis happen so we need to continue to build the staff capacity both of the planning and on the Engineering Design<\/a> and delivery side of the equation and the last bullet is by no kent. We need champions at the city and regional level and state level in the citizens and Business Community<\/a> across the board. It will take a lot of effort by lot of folk tooz make it happen but this is infirst step and think we are starting on the right track with the erftd you said something i want to reiterate that the projects i dont think there is sig cants transporzpation project in history that isnt more expensive or taken longer than we thought and experienced contversery. The Golden Gate Bridge<\/a> had 100 lawsuits and bart was controversial. [inaudible] opt out of the system. High speed rail experiencing the challenge of interstate high way cyst squm every time we complete the project over all the lawsuits no one can imagine not having that whether it iscan you imagine not having the golden gate braij or bart and within a few years of high speed rail no one will be able to remember what it was like not to have high speed rail and people will wonder why it took so long so it takeathize political will to make it happen. Thank you. Madam chair i dont have Public Comment<\/a> cards. I think i have two, john swark and estersterns. Anyone else like to speak please line up after mr. Swark. I did want to use the overhead for part of high presentation. Put your material on the overhead. I dont want to cover up until i refer to it. I would like to say im very much in support of this legislation and i would like to talk about the history and give context. From the launch of the firstbert study to the day the first people riding it was 15 years. Bart started a study and this time it is said it will 25 to 40 years to complete a new line. We should consider this a Public Policy<\/a> farrier but a second failure would happen if we dont realize this weakness and get ahead of it by setting up a process where we look forward and studying so we can keep things in the pipeline. We have run into a catch 22 in San Francisco<\/a> that we cant add density without increasing traffic or transit. People resist getting out of the car until transit is faster. It can take a hour to get from market kwr geary to beach on 38 at peek times. Brt is expect today reduce that by up to 30 percent so we are talk about 40 percent. I would like to take you to a city with a world class transportation system, this is a tokyo subway map. The central part of tokyo is about the same size at San Francisco<\/a>. It is interesting to see how many subway lines rin that space. It is great to get there. You can the equivalent of putriro hill to geary and market to the beach in 31 minutes in 17 stops. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Thank you im ester sterns and mission bay resident and representing the San Francisco<\/a> transit riders. We would like to speak in favor of long term planning and one thing we can all see is short term planning with long Term Investment<\/a> is a downward spiral. Every day we dont have the roit plan we get further behind and we particularly hope to see this plan represent not just where the city is today, but how the city is changing and in 2 ways in particular. The greater and greater concentration in the south east and far west areas of the city and movement of work centers spread throughout the city. We hope the plan will take into account the shifting patterns of commute and particularlyicide have benchmarks for how long it take tooz get to employment flaum far west and southeast part nof city so thaes residence have equal access to employment and prosperity in the city as we develop. We applaud the effort and look forward to seeing a human centered plan that talks about how people use transit, not just how transit operates. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Tabor. If there are other members of the public that would like to speak please come up. Thank you. My name is Stephen Tabor<\/a> and chair of transportation for russian hill neighbors and also par tis paint in sf next stop which supports the sprl subway. I want to speak in favor of this motion. I think it is high time we got comprehensive Transportation Planning<\/a> particularly for subways and rapid transit. A mention was made of 230ur cor doors plan and believe i came with the idea for the [inaudible] we are just completing one leg of that and one of those corridors were just completed and the others are still under way so it take as long time to make a difference. One the problems is the 4 cordders plan isnt a plan and that is very important to understand. 4 corridors plan was a concept of 4 corridors that needed service. A plan takes you several steps down the road to actually identify what it is you will build and that is where we have failed. When i was advocating for the central subway and was looking and advocating for spir and had a number of concerns about it and one concern is knl wl the plat form links were sufficient to do what need today be done and they said yes they are and it ends at jackson street. I said what about extending and it and they said you cant talk about that. The problem is we are having the same problem with geary where wree put in a bus Transit System<\/a> while rail is in the Capital Budget<\/a> but dont know what the rail system is or how the bust transit is coordinateed and it is intelligent to say make the bus rail ready [inaudible] thank you next speaker please. [inaudible] experience with construction. When it came [inaudible] like when i was going law school and when i was in euro[inaudible] about how upper market will sur vive during the construction of the light rail system. We moved through the metro and [inaudible] i am right now my office sits at market and powell. It is grid locked at l the time because ellis street is blocked because the construction down stockton street. The buses are rerouted. They go down 5th street instead of 4th and there is no Traffic Control<\/a>. The thing im [inaudible] is dont only plan for a subway, plan for construction. The city needs more than anything trained Traffic Control<\/a> officers. We could use themit should be part of every propeation to build a subway is the constructionthe people that control traffic during the construction period. We could use them a lot at Market Street<\/a> now. When i say trained other countries train people. Switzerland control traffic with a whistle. We dont have trained Traffic Control<\/a> officers. [inaudible] they should be also provided when they close streets like howard street. Traffic becomes a real problem when you do this kind of thing. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else . Okay seeing none Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Supervisor wiener. Thank you madam chair. First i want to [inaudible] mrs. Hester i think in general there is little Traffic Management<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a> and you see the box blocks that is still exists and it is pretty rampant and bad. Putding that aside for the moment, colleagues thank you for hearing this and want to thank member thofz public and Transportation Authority<\/a> and mta for being here today and i think it loob will be a good process. I want to make a minor amendment, right now the trigger for the time period for the planning process starts or states it starts on the Effective Date<\/a> of the new section, 9. 1 and that will put us into the holidays so that means it wont get go until the new year. We dont need to wait until the new year so would like to make a amendment, this is on page 3, line 4 to strike outchange within 12 months of the efoketive date to within 12 months of the mayors signature of section 9. 1. I would like to offer that amendment and then i would move that we forward this to the full board with positive recommendation. Thank you very much sfr visor wiener. Well take up the motion in just a moment. Supervisor kim happy to make a motion. I want to address mrs. Hester, i did share this with sfmta last week but it is something i hear over and over again from the residence particularly in the south of market and other parts the city is request framore Traffic Control<\/a> officers in the rush hour. I think it is important to plan for the future for the incredible transit need we 5ur8d have today, we know underground tunnel will take decades and bill whereins of dollars and political will on top of that and have to address what is hap ong the ground. Im excited sfmta is looking to work with wita and increasing water transportation around the city and also in and across north and east bay. I think it is important we look at the regional bus system and see how to make that more efficient and effective as we wait to build the second tube for the bart. I think thirdly our residence want to see more parking control officers so even if they move slowly there is movement and coordination and guidance. I know that we have been successfully launching the dont block the box and appreciate sfmta for all the resource squz work they put there. I still hear from the residence they would like to see more of course than we have today but do appreciate the [inaudible] going and think data is incredible that came back from that and think we should do work to promote that to the public so the public suweir is weir affthat work. Happy to support that item today i agree with supervisors kims comment and want to add dont block the box program, im surprised there is intersections that are not part of that. Third and 4th and 5 of market. The number of timesime im in a bus on Market Street<\/a> and have to wait 3 light signals because of box blocking and there is no parking control officer to be seen. Back to the item at hand, i have a motion to make that minor amendment. Motion made by supervisor wiener that is seconded by supervisor kim. This passes unanimously. Ill make a motion to forward the item as ite amended to the full board motion made by supervisor wiener and second by supervieer kim. The motion passes unanimously. Madam clerk could you call item 3 . Item 3 is ordinance amending the planning coal to modify the measurement for roof top [inaudible] and create a process to authorize [inaudible] c 3 phroneing district which exceed the current height limit. Thank you very much madam clerk, i appreciate that. Okay. Good afternoon aaron star manager of legislative affairs. [inaudible] create a process to authorize certain types of infill flor area and existing structure located in c 3 zoning. The ordinance allows building to add roof top features. [inaudible] to add the features. This ordinance allows a [inaudible] permitted above the finished height in c 3 districts. This also allows the infill of uninclozed roof areas non compliant with regard to height. Any area about the height limit is considered non conforming and cant bex panded. The prose posed ordinance heard on july 21 of this year and voted unanimously [inaudible] we have no particular question for you at this time. Supervisor kim does. Thank you mr. Star. In reading the ordinance it is clore that it is not just about a wide spread change across the c 3 but seems to target a specific site so site is this amendment trying to target . When the down [inaudible] lowered the height limit [inaudible] non conforming with regards to height. We run into the issue from time to time with these buildings. What spurred this ordinance is 1095 Market Street<\/a> and they wanted to add a roof top bar and acofemany bathroom. This orbd nns would allow them to do that. While i vaguely remember someone bringing this up months ago my office wasnt informed of the introduction of the amendment nor asked to have a briefing so we surprised to see this on the agenda today being this is a property in the district terrible sorry for that. It was hird july heard july 23 of this year and was told wednesday it will be at land use today. It would bei guess the scheduling issue and great to get a briefing before this came to land use. My last question is, how many other buildings are impacted by the change . We did a gis search on it. It isnt exact because i wont get to the technicalities but it is probably over 200 buildings that will be impacted. Thank you. Thank you. Letsis that all you have . Lets open up for Public Comment<\/a>. Please come up to the podium. [inaudible] attorney for local [inaudible] we have been asking for a file to 1095 Market Street<\/a> for the past week. The plans are not on the site. They are not on the Planning Department<\/a> site. We were told not 2 hours or maybe 3 hours ago, they have to be ordered from hayward. There is major issue about the construction and layout of 1095 grant which proposed to add another story. We ask this committee continue this hearing to [inaudible] 3 weeks from now because files that are coming from hayward come about a week later. It is mindboggling to me that plans are not on the Planning Department<\/a> site for a major project that is changing the building in the exhibit b plan to approveal of the planning commission. We are asked it continued to the next meeting which is in 3 weeks. Any mobe that would like to speak . Come on up. ; jim Abrams Abrams<\/a> law to speak in favor of the ordinance. This is a issue that effects many buildings downtown particularly historical buildings [inaudible] many of the buildings particularly historic buildsings downtown are over the existing height limentd. When you build a new building down town or anywhere in San Francisco<\/a> you are given a 16 foot height exemption for roof [inaudible] so long they dont exceed the roofair eye so you can add a elevator or restrooms to acompany open space. For this subset of building this ordinance will allow them to rely on the same grace that is provided to any new building downtown. [inaudible] that was legally permitted and down zoned in the 1980. Thank you thank you next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors. Carolyn [inaudible] with [inaudible] our office represents the clift hotel. As pointed out by the Planning Department<\/a> the 1985 downtown plan created a 200 plus buildings that are legal non comlying including the clift hotel. The clift hotel is in support of the legislation. [inaudible] has been very narole tailored to accommodate had enclosure of existing roofed terraces above the existing height limit in the c 3 districtsism the project is the incroze of the top 4 tearest am[inaudible] the clift hotel loitcaed in the c 3 zoning [inaudible] Mayors Office<\/a> on a future amendment to accommodate another type of minor incluzier project specifically the incluzier of existing unroofed terrace below the unroofed building. We are here to request the legislation before you be duplicate today provide a vehicle for that potential future amendment. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members that would like to speak . Public comment is closed at this time. I heard the request for a continuance and if there is a motion for one i would like to entertain that discussion. I suggest that we continue the item for to november 16 because the 9th calendar is heavy i want to make a motion to continue to monday november 16 and request laning sit down with stake holdsers interested in the issue. I think if we impact over 200 buildings i would like to better understand the ramifications and what may sound like a simple change to allow a roof top bar and have a bathroom which makes sense i want to understand all of the potential cons consequencess. Motion made and seconded by myself. Supervisor wiener do you have comments . Lets do a roll call vote on this continuance motion . On the motion to continue item 3 to november 16 supervisor kim, aye. Wiener, aye. Cohen, aye. Iohave 3 ayes. The motion passes unanimously and see you in 3 weeks. Madam clerk i would like to make a motion to resend item number 1. Without objection without objection. Yes, without objection the motion for recession passes. Can you call item 1 again. Actually if you can call the roll call vote. There is a motion to forward with positive recommendation ill make the motion to forward with positive recommendation. On the motion to recommend item 1, supervisor kim, aye. Wiener, aye. Cohen, aye. Madam chair you have 3 ayes. The motion passes unanimously. Is there any other items before this body . No that concludes the business for today. Thank you this meeting is adjourned. Hello. I am Maxine Anderson<\/a> with the league of women voters of San Francisco<\/a>. Along with the league and sf goth dd, im here to discuss proposition c a ballot measure that would be before the voters hello. I am Maxine Anderson<\/a> with the league of women voters of San Francisco<\/a>. Along with the league and sf goth dd, im here to discuss proposition c a ballot measure that would be before the voters on tuesday, november 3. Individuals who are paid to directly contact city officers to it influence their legislative or administrative action are called lobbyists. Their activities are regulated by the citys lobbyist ordinance. The ordinance does not address any direct lobbying , also known as expenditure lobbying. We are persons solicit or urge others to directly contact city officers. Proposition c was defined expenditure lobbies as any person or Business Days<\/a> 2500 or more in a calendar month to solicit, request, or urge others to directly lobby city officers. A yes vote means you want the city to regulate its expenditure lobbyists by requiring them to register with the Ethics Commission<\/a> pay a 500 registration fee, and filed monthly disclosures regarding their lobbying activities. A no vote means you do not want to make these changes. I am here with a lena schmidt a proponent of proposition c. We are also joined by debby lerman from the San Francisco<\/a> Human Services<\/a> med network. And opponents of the measure. Thank you both for being here. I would like to start with some opening remarks. Well start with you, first debbie. Thank you, maxine. Our organization has officially opposed this measure. Last year we worked very closely with the board of supervisors, which was amending the current legislation on direct lobbyists and the board shows unanimously to exempt nonprofits from the legislation because of the potential showing Chilling Effect<\/a> on nonprofit advocacy. The city relies on a diverse strong Nonprofit Sector<\/a> on the front lines of healthcare, safety net Environmental Issues<\/a> and other social issues. This legislation this ballot measure, will cause nonprofits to be afraid to engage in advocacy. I have worked for many many years with nonprofits that have misconceptions around the concepts role was. Many things are not even allowed to lobby the irs increases its scrutiny of nonprofits that do expensive lobbying. The foundations hesitate to fund him and we need to be sure that they can engage in the public debate thank you very much, dedicate a lena . Thank you. I appreciate the league putting this together. Let me say that this opposition, proposition c, the key is transparency. Before i go into that let me also note the Ethics Commission<\/a> is the organization that put it on the ballot. The Ethics Commission<\/a> is an independent organization independent commission. It has the authority to put something on the ballot. It had a series of hearings on it and open meetings on it, so that everything could be discussed and they voted unanimously to put it on the ballot the first time in 10 years that they did. When proposition c restores what San Francisco<\/a> had until 2009 get it affirms the voters and the citizens tribunal to follow the money and that the dollars that are being used for lobbying should be open and expose it to the electorate. There has been in on this changed sinceill stop. Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much. Im sure within my questions you have an opportunity to continue your thought. Because, my first question to debbie is going to be, this measure sometimes colleges increasing transparent. You believe this ballot measure increases transparency and City Government<\/a> and elections . I think that this legislation would have unintended consequences. It will discourage nonprofits from advocating a nonprofits are often the only way are the havenots of our city to organize themselves to speak out on issues. The Ethics Commission<\/a> working with the board of supervisors that in many advocates we have developed something that would not have had unintended consequences and that we would be able to change. So, it may increase transparency in reporting, the more likely it will lead nonprofits is that of same were going to register tuesday were going to advocate less and it will decrease transparency on the many issues that we debate every day. Thank you. A lena. How do you feel on that . I think transparency is key to all this and i think that the nonprofits are already have to report on the 501 c 3 501 c four at the report to the irs in previous two 2009, they were reporting to the Ethics Commission<\/a> also. That there were a number of them that did and it didnt seem to have a lot of hammering or tampering of fact at that point. I think that the reason it went through the Ethics Commission<\/a> is because the Ethics Commission<\/a> is independent and not subject to political pressure the way the board of supervisors candy. I think its important that when you have regulations out there that cover a certain class of lets say, 501 c 3 in this case, it is only equitable that it should cover all classes of the 501 c 3 s. So i think thats important. I think the other thing to remember is that since 2009, we have the Supreme Court<\/a> ruling on Citizens United<\/a> and that Citizens United<\/a> meant a tremendous influx of dollars that were unregulated and undisclosed, and they often set up nonprofits in orderbecause that ensured that there would be they do not have to list their donors when they were a nonprofit. So, what we are trying to do is to make sure that everybody is covered in that everybody is treated equitably. Thank you very much. Going along with that, so, we get some sense to the people who viewed this, do you think this measure ballot measure goes far enough or do you believe it goes too far in your opinion and will start with you, i lena thank you. Its an interesting question. I think there has to be a number of issues that need to be looked at within the world of lobbying, but what this does is basically restore what we had before, makes it allinclusive, which is what we had before, and that its an enormous burst up and one that could make a difference down the road. Thank you very much. Debbie . It goes way too far. It was not necessary to include nonprofits in order to get at the types of problems that a lena has raised here. The ballot measure will require forprofits to disclose their expenditures. Its the Forprofit Corporation<\/a> establishes and astroturf nonprofit though Forprofit Corporation<\/a> will have to disclose all their expenditures that they used to create the nonprofits and give to the nonprofit for the purpose of lobbying. Okay. Thank you very much for your answers to those questions and for the help youre giving to the voters of the city of San Francisco<\/a>. Now, where can have your Closing Remarks<\/a>. After Closing Remarks<\/a> will start with you, i lena. Okay, thank you again for having this and letting us have a chance to talk about it. As i say, i think the important thing on this issue is transparency. I was the foreperson of the civil grand jury in 2013, i think 2014, and we look at the Ethics Commission<\/a> investigated the Ethics Commission<\/a> for 8 months and came out of the report, this was one of our recommendations in the report. At this part be restored,. So, certainly after all that scrutiny this was a good step in the right direction. I also want to say that i have also been with nonprofits both in terms of being on the board, being a staff member and all that. I understand the constrictions of time but i think if you accept the shield of the government i being a nonprofit and accept what goes with a 501 c 3 , you should be willing to be treated equally with other nonprofits and be able to put the information out there that the voters need so badly. Thank you very much. Debbie, your remarks. First of all, nonprofits are they in batumi community a better place. By passing a ballot measure that would require nonprofits to pay a 500 fee for the privilege of expressing their First Amendment<\/a> rights, we will have a situation where nonprofits will simply advocate less. The more burdensome, the more complicated, we make the rules, the more nonprofits say, it is not worth the risk of trying to comply with these ordinance. It is not worth the trouble of having to file all these reports. We do not want to peoplelegislative [inaudible] and we want our nonprofits to be out there, expressing their opinions. The First Amendment<\/a> can be messy. We know that. We dont always agree with people that are expressing their opinion, and thats what its about. We need to empower nonprofits to counter the money thats coming from the haves versus the havenots. Thank you, debbie and helene. Thank you both for your comments and your time. We hope that this discussion has been informative. For more information on this, and other ballot measures in this years election, please visit the San Francisco<\/a> elections website at, and other ballot measures in this years election, please visit the San Francisco<\/a> elections website sfelections. Org. Remember, early voting is available at city hall monday through friday from 8 pm to 5 pm. You can also vote at city hall on the two weekends before election day. And, if you dont vote early, be sure to vote on tuesday, november 3. Thank you for watching. [music] ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the San Francisco<\/a> board of supervisors meeting. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Thank you madam president. Supervisor avalos, not present, supervisor breed, supervisor campos, supervisor christensen, supervisor cohen, supervisor farrell, supervisor kim, supervisor mar, supervisor tang, supervisor weiner, supervisor yee. There isuo","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/34\/items\/SFGTV_20151101_000000_BOS_Land_Use_Committee_102615\/SFGTV_20151101_000000_BOS_Land_Use_Committee_102615.thumbs\/SFGTV_20151101_000000_BOS_Land_Use_Committee_102615_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240623T12:35:10+00:00"}

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