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Unless otherwise stated. Thank you, madame clerk. Could you please, go ahead call i. 2 out of order. Yes, a resolution receiving and approving an annual report for top of Broadway Community benefit district for fiscal year 1415 and submitted by the Community Benefit district law of 1994. Thank you. So this morning well hear yet another report from one of our Community Benefit district. This Community Benefit district is one of the citys newer ones in district 3 on broadway. Finished its secondyear of operations and from the officer of workforce and economic development, mr. Chris corgis is here to present. Good morning. Good morning, chair peskin and good morning president breed and supervisor requestee. Im with the office of economic and Workforce Development and part of the team that over sees the cbd program. We have the fiscal year 1415 annual report for the top of Broadway Community benefit district. As you may know the Community Benefit districts or Business Improvement districts are governed by two acts the state law, which is commonly known as 1994 act. And our local law, which is the San Francisco business and tax regulations code, article 15. This resolution covers the annual report for 1415 and oewd is charged with ensuring all cbds are meeting Management Plans and specifically providing services as outlined in their Management Plans, and that they are spending assessment funds accordingly. These findings are detailed in the memo, in your packets and summarized in todays presentation. Top of broadway cbd is a propertybased district that primary covers broadway between osgood and columbus avenue. The top of broadway cbd generates over 106,000 in assessment funding and will expire in 2021. So is the staff of the cbd for fiscal year 1415 was primarily benjamin horn. However, due to a change in executive director, Dominic Landry is now the district manager and will be here presenting and will be presenting later on. The Service Areas are district identity which focuses on marketing, public relations, special events and street enhancements, beautification which include graffiti removal, sidewalk cleaning and periodic steam challenge the administration, organization and corporate operations, which are the governing parts of the cbd. Oewd reviews four benchmarks, comparing budget and second confirming cbd raised 1 of its budget from nonassessment revenue. The third benchmark confirming cbd budge to actual within 10 variance points and that contrary forward is identified and projects are designated with the carry forward. Top of Broadway Community benefit district failed to meet the benchmark and district identity was 10 variance points below its maximum variation and sidewalk operations was approximately 20 of the maximum allowable variance. This was due to the cbd being effective at obtaining nonassessment dollars. Since these funds are not generated from property assessments, they become board revenues that allow the board to Fund Services over and auto bov the servinglevel and frequencies outlined in the original district Management Plan. The second benchmark as can you see, 40 approximately of the cbds budget was from nonassessment revenue. They did a fantastic job of going above and beyond their nonassessment requirement. For fiscal year 1415 on benchmark 3, the cbd met this requirement. They were within 10 variance points on all budget categoris from their budget. And on benchmark 4, the cbd did indicate in their Management Plan their carry over amount, and their projects that they have designated for the future. So some recommendations for the top of broadway cbd based off the annual report and findings is to bring the allowable variance for soma and district identity and sidewalk operations into compliance. And and excuse me allergies and oewd will work with the cbd by developing assessment separating nonassessment dollars from assessment dollars to ensure that they are spent in accordance with the Management Plan. In conclusion, top of broadway cbd has performed well in implementing the service plan in the district. And they have an active board of directors and Committee Members. Now to continue the presentation is district manager dominic landsry. Questions for mr. Corgis or oewd . Seeing none, mr. Lamont, please come forward. Thank you, mr. Supervisor. I will make this brief. Top of Broadway Community benefit district was organized in november 2013 and started services in january 2014 which gives us a little over two years of operations. Dominic, if you could speak into that there you go. Store sorry, 39 parcels and 130 businesses and our operation budget has been about 775,000 and provide five day a week sidewalk cleaning and that is a service paid a living wage, and we provide weekly thursday through saturday security to supplement sfpd interactions within our district. So this is the breakdown real quick of our actual expenses for the fiscal year 20142015. We had a generous donation from the during the formation of the district for 100,000, pledged by the broadway entertain and Cultural Association. Those funds expired october 2015 and we also received 30,000 from a Community Challenge grant to install historical markers in and around the broadway district. Mainly it will be on the broadway corridor, but some on columbus street. Our Mission Statement is to make broadway to make the area around broadway, safe, beautiful, diverse and enjoyable place to work, live and visit to this end top of broadway cbd members vote on such initiatives and staff facilitates those directives. The committees that i mentioned the three advisory committees are services and safety committee, the marketing and Identity Committee and finance committee and i wanted to notes that haul members of the committee are volunteers and its a good mix of Property Owners, Business Owners and Community Members. So there is of some highlights from our safety and services called sidewalk operations in the Management Plan. First and foremost, this is a big win for us decreasing sfpd interactions by over 70 within our district awl albeit our district is smaller than other districts and im glad to say that we had a [speaker not understood] and our security teams and our hired security contractors have done an excellent job coordinating with sfpd to reduce public drunkenness and vandalism and elements that create an unsafe environment within our district. So im glad that we have reduced those numbers by 70 . We have engaged with visitors, with the district, nearly 1300 hospitality interactions and we have conducted over check [kwraeupbz ] and Illegal Dumping incidents and those are been our main concern and challenges in terms of keeping the district safe and clean. Also, we have implemented monthly districtwide Pressure Washing of our sidewalks and the nature of the nightlife within top of broadway makes this pretty much an imperative to have our streets not only cleaned, but washed on a regular basis. As you can tell, we cant really rely on the rain too much this year we have. But for market identity we have hire a new Marketing Manager in march of 2015. Haze been very pivotal in moving things along and establishing social media and in and around the november beach area and when people see someone sweeping up outside and they top of broadway on their back they know its part of the cbd. We have developed street banners with a local artist jeremy fish and installed them in and around the district. On columbus, there is also one before the kearney steps. If you are ever in the area, please check them out. We have hung and maintained over 20 flower baskets as part of our efforts to beautify the streetscape and to make a more pleasant pedestrian experience and we have applied and received 30,000 from the Community Challenge grant to install historical markers in and around the broadway area. These are some general district highlights im run through real quick. We have raised 71,000 in new grants and donations for fiscal year 1415. This has been imperative because of our reduced budget. We have had to look towards donations and more inventive ways of harnessing capital. So donations and grants have been our bread and butter for that. We have expanded our board of directors to 11 to give us more of an accurate depiction of what is going on within the district and give more voice to Business Owners, Property Owners and residents within the district. We have hosted an august 2015 broadway popup event which brought a sizeable amount of people to the narn north beach area. It was hot that day and turnout wasnt as we would like, but well do better next year w. Of. We participated and helped with the tours of [troeurplt ] downtown and have flans to continue that partnership into 2016. We have participated in a bold italic event brings locals to the area and we have implemented a Pilot Program with four security cameras to monitor certain areas that have been problematic for us with regards to security concerns. And we used the information in coordination with sfpd to curb crime in our district. These are some of the challenges were facing on a consistent basis, Illegal Dumping and graffiti concentration is something that we deal with on a daily basis. Our porters are constantly calling the department of public works to have debris they cant handle themselves hauled away. So trying to keep our head above water with that, but its more about notification and spreading education than just remediation. So were hoping to hold business meetings in the next couple of months. Sir, sir, sir hey sir im not going to tolerate any outbursts. We called this item out of order, the sponsor of the first item was not here. So we called this out of order. You will show respect to the speaker. We will wrap this item up and well get to the next item. Go ahead, mr. Lamondrey. Let me see there is an overflow in the north light court downstairs. This room is already above capacity and for those who are standing up if you could go to the north light court and call on you and cycle people in and out for the homeless hearing. So please go to the north element court. Thank you. Go ahead, mr. Lamondrey. Thank you, mr. Supervisor. S so Property Owner engagement is another challenge getting Property Owners to attend the meetings and give valuable input. Its also a challenge that we have been coming up against, but with the change in management, things are looking good. We have Persistent Security concerns and we have ramped up our interactions and coordination of efforts with sfpd to make the district safer. We had a really good show of strength with our coordination efforts during super bowl week. The last problem that we face on a regular basis is diversity of district identity and that is something that a lot of people just associate the broadway corridor with the nightlife and were trying to show people there is much more culture and much more history of poetry, literature, and music that the broadway area can afford people. But we need to distinguish ourselves and highlight those assets. So these are some of the opportunities and projects were looking forward to in 2016 kearny street Improvement Project is something that we are very excited about working with the department of public works to facilitate, and establish within the community. Were looking to do art installation in and around the broadway corridor working with north beach citizens to enlist some of the more artistically inclined individuals to give back and the content will be decided by Northern Beach citizens. We hope to have installation within the year those events will highlight some of the diversity of character that were looking forward within the broadway corridor. Our last opportunity is the district expansion of the jackson square. As of right now, the Financial Model of the top of broadway cbd is not financially sustainable, and were looking to district expansion to remedy that instability through increased revenue and extension of services to hopefully seven days a week. So our vision and plan knowing these opportunities and projects, our vision and plan has been refined and formed by such. So excuse me well be emphasizing the following directives the expanded district have a larger impact and financially sustainability organization. I mentioned that. Further integrating wst surrounding community with more merchant checkins and more coordination among Community Members, Business Owner areas and Property Owners. We want to create a safe atmosphere for locals and residents to enjoy our north beach area. We want to promote the diversity of the district and highlight the direct as not only a nightlife, but cultural distancing within San Francisco and increase the walkability of the district and have a much more pedestrians oriented district rather than serve as a district that services to major automobile corridors. So to achieve this ends, were partnering with fellow entities within San Francisco, oewd, San Francisco public works, sfpd, Chinatown Community development center, north beach business association, broadway entertainment and Cultural Association and north beach citizens and we believe that takes people from all walks of life to effectively manage a district and we look with our outreach to harness people with different talents from all different backgrounds. Thank you for your time, mr. Supervisor and panel. Thank you, are there any questions from colleagues for the executive director of the top of broadway cbd . Seeing none, let me just thank you for your work. Broadway has been a perennial challenge for this supervisor from 20002008 and to my successor supervisors and the mere fact that you have, in the last twoyears, reduced Police Interactions on broadway by 70 speaks volumes to the great work that you are doing. I live around the corner. Its cleaner. The graffiti is abated quickly and i want to thank you for your work and encourage you to work with the folks in jackson square. It would be great to see a southerly expansion of the cbd and my office is open to you and your colleagues and Board Members and to give you profound thanks and encouragement. Mr. Chair, would you like to hear Public Comment . Yes, i would. Any members of the public who would like to speak on the top of Broadway Community benefit district . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Oh, come forward, maam. Good morning. First i came for the homeless i just heard bits and pieces about department of public works and how they clean the streets. I just heard that tuesday night and tomorrow they are going to diversion street taking medication maam this is a hearing on the top of Broadway Community benefit district. They breaking the walkers look, where i work, i make sure that the floors are clean, that the alarm is set on friday. So im not against making sure that everybody is safe, but cmon, we have got to house the homeless this is ridiculous. We have to have heart, you guys thank you. Any other members of the public thank you maam. Any other members of the public who would like to testify on item no. 2 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, if there is no objection, motion made by supervisor yee, well send this item to the full board with recommendation without objection. Madam clerk, could you please call item no. 1. Item no. 1 is a hearing to receive an update from the citys progress in addressing the state of homelessness citywide including, but not limited to progress in establishing the department of Homeless Services including project mile stones, timeline, budget, staffing and primary mission objectives. Supervisor cohen brought this hearing to us. Supervisor cohen, the floor is yours } thank you very much good morning everyone and colleagues thank you for hearing this item. Over the last year, and especially in recent months, many of us own the board have received an unprecedented amount of call and emails from constituents all over the city about the status of homelessness in our city and what we are doing to respond to this crisis . This hearing today is to give you a reportback as to what the status is and what we are doing, and the strategy moving forward. There is no doubt that we need to provide the Homeless Population a pathway to transition into shelter, and permanent housing. And permanent housing options, but its critical that were responsive to Public Health and safety issues that exist in many encampments and streets of San Francisco. Since i introduced this a little over a month ago i know there has been progress made by our departments to address the issue. So again, the purpose of todays hearing is to help us understand what the city is doing to manage the crisis, and not just in the shortterm, but also in the longterm perspective. So i want to thank the neighbors, the Business People that have come toward and i want to thank the Homeless Coalition and advocates and even if you are not representing an organization and you are hear yourself because you care about this matter. Im grateful that you are here. In 2015 the Mayors Office announced it would be launching a department of homelessness to coordinate and streamline services. This is actually very important, because up until this point, we didnt have that level of coordination. I look forward to hearing from today we have several presentations lined up. The Mayors Office, and some of the departments, which include their timeline, which includes staffing needs, which include budget, and more importantly, mile stones. So that we can evaluate our success. Managing the issue of homelessness requires a wrap around and comprehensive approach, that is why today were going to hear from multiple city departments. Department of Public Health, the department of hope. The department of Human Service agency in the San Francisco Unified School District about their current efforts and the plan to address homelessness. Many of you are aware that two days ago the department of Public Health issued an abatement notice to the encampments in the division street area due to a due to Public Health concerns. I would like to receive an update from the department of Public Health and want to acknowledge the hazard work that the hot team, Homeless Team does on a daily basis and i also want to acknowledge that we extended an invitation to sfpd, but they were not able to join us today. We will first hear from the department of hope, followed by the department of Public Health, San Francisco Unified School District and i believe we have a statement that is going to be read by supervisor campos. Why dont you come up and you can start with your statement . I also want to acknowledge my cosponsor in this hearing, supervisor kim and supervisor campos. Thank you. Miss goosen on behalf of supervisor campos. Thank you, supervisor campos had a family emergency and asked me to read this statement on his behalf. I represent district 9, which includes the mission and with Bernal Heights two of the neighborhoods hardest hit about the the homelessness crisis. What is happening in my district is outrageous. Under the freeways, cesar chavez and potrero and division have been large tent cities that have sprung up. There will also been encampments and continue to be encampments on smaller streets and alleys throughout the mission. The situation has gotten so bad people are also forced to sleep this front of peoples garages and doorways and hearing concerns and also hearing from residents who quite frankly are fed up that the city has not found a humane alternative to help individuals and families living on our streets. We do not have sufficient housing, Mental Health Services Addiction services or public bathrooms which we critically need and people are asking me every day what is the mayor doing to address this . I am proud district 9 has done its fair share to support our homeless and opened the first Navigation Center in the coming up next a successful model for getting people off the streets and into permanent housing and opened the first lgbt center in the county and its time for the city to step up and solving the crisis. [ applause ] it is not humane to sweep people off the streets and trash their belongings without giving them an alternative and immediate housing options. [ applause ] folks, if you could refrain from clapping because there are so many folks that were going to be hearing from. So lets just thank you. Thank you. Moreover this does not solve the problem, but just pushes people from division on to the smaller streets and into the doorways of our residents. We have all been saying that the Navigation Centers are an important part of the solution and i played an active role in the creation of first and only Navigation Center. While we have all be saying this is important, we have not see Additional Centers come online. What i would like to know from this hearing is what will the office on homelessness do to ensure that the creation of Navigation Centers, and related permanent and Supportive Housing come online immediately . Thank you very much. Great. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Goosen. As we begin to get into the main event, we have a few rules of engagement to help us hear from every member of the audience. I want to acknowledge that we have an overflow room and well pull speakers in and please come fill out a speaker card. You will hear things that you agree with and things that you dont agree with. Please no booing or hissing and if you hear something that you dont like, spirit fingers, people can see at home and its a powerful impact. If you hear something you dont agree with, please, thumbs down. So if we could keep the applause to a minimum would help us expedite the conversation get to some real solutions. With that i want to bring in supervisor breed. Yes, supervisor breed. Thank you. I just wanted to say a few quick words. I know there are a lot of folks here and looking forward to the presentation. In december, this board of supervisors passed my resolution directing our budget and legislative analyst to conduct a performance audit of Homeless Services in San Francisco, including an inventory and review of the Homeless Population and Needs Assessment and contracting procedures for Homeless Services including how they meet meet assessed needs and monitors for Quality Performance . With a particular focus on servicing targeting the Homeless Population with Behavior Health issues. It also includes an assessment of existing service mix and funds to support the homeless and best Practice Survey to identify opportunity to implement other services [wfplts ] we spend a lot of money on Homeless Services and its important to hold those Service Providers accountable for supporting the population that needs their support the most. Yes, we have to do more, but we also have to make sure with the money that were spending, with the dollars that we are putting on the table, what are the results that were actually getting . Who are we actually helping . Who are are getting houses and what kind of services are we providing . That report is expected to be completed in the next couple of months, but in the interim its important that we hold this hearing to talk about solutions and things that we need to do now as a city. So im looking forward to it. Thank you, supervisor cohen for your leadership on the issue. And i also wanted to acknowledge that we have been joined by supervisor kim, who is a cosponsor of this hearing. Supervisor, chair peskin i want to recognize and thank supervisor cohen for her leadership and calling this hearing today. I agree that a comprehensive presentation from the city on the new department of Homeless Services and the citys plan of action to address the state of this incredibly critical issue is long overdue. Since i first entered into this office, close to six years ago, i received hundreds of messages and emails and calls every week from our residents, our workers, who want the city to do more for the men, women and children, who are struggling to survive on our streets. We can never forget that over 2300 of our homeless fellow residents are children between the ages of 517, and that one in every 25 students in our Public Schools are homeless, or in insecure housing. This is a moral and ethical dilemma for the city that we must address. And we have to do more to break the cycle of poverty, while we help them embrace our Public Health system, our Public School system, and give them a chance to survive. Which requires, no surprise, a stable home. We know that there are we know that the solution to address homelessness is housing. That is absolutely the foremost and only solution to addressing this issue. And it is stunning over the last 30 years as homelessness continues to grow and develop as an urban phenomenon, a phenomenon that really did not exist 30 years ago, but came when we started to cut funding towards Public Housing at the federallevel under reagans administration that we start to see people sleeping on our streets. It makes sense, we stop funding housing and people end up sleeping on owe you are streets and 30 years later were struggling to address a problem where people are getting sicker and people are aging in place in our streets. As we look to address the problem this has existed for a few decades we have some shining examples of initiatives that have worked. One is our initiative to end family homelessness in San Francisco by 2019. And Hamilton Family center, who has partnered with sfusd to more effectively assist families of Public School students experiencing homelessness and housing instability. We had a private philanthropy from google. During the first year of the Pilot Program, 51 families received direct services through this partnershipship. 22 homeless families placed in permanent housing and family were able to avoid eviction and probably homelessness and additional 14 families as of october 31st and 86 were referred to other services. The most significant finding to date in this is that 22 families placed in permanent housing were homeless for an average of 8. 2 months less than families served outside of this pilot project. Although this is a small sample size, the results from the firstyear of the pilot indicate that we do have Great Potential to reduce length of time that people are homeless in our city. I agree with my colleagues on this board, who are calling for a holistic view of this issue from the department of Public Health to public works, to our Humane Services agency. We should not have several Different Departments dealing with our most vulnerable department and, in fact, we made make it incredibly difficult and hard for people who live on our streets to access our services. We dont have a singular database that acknowledges who is in our Homeless Count . How many are familis . How many are veterans . How many are seniors . These are numbers that our city should have. New york city the mayor has finally called for one comprehensive system, where they have identified every Single Person living on our streets, so we have a plan in place to house each of them. And i look forward to working with the Mayors Office, and this board and our departments, to make that a reality. But as we talk about how were going to actually address this critical solution, we need one plan, and we need one vision, and that means that we need a singular department. It it will be incredibly hard to do, but i look forward to hearing in terms of how this will become a reality here. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor kim. I appreciate you joining us on this, joining me as the cosponsor. Just another point of clarification, im going to have to excuse myself early from this hearing. I have to attend the rules committee and supervisor kim will then take over the proceeding of the hearing. First were going hear from the department of hope, as well as the department of homelessness. Sam dodge, im not quite sure what your new name is, but why dont you come up and give us an update on what is going on. Thank you for being here. Thank you, supervisor. This is a crucial issue, and its a crisis on our streets and i think anyone who looks at division, realizes that they need to redouble our efforts and that were not putting enough resources into this, and the resources that we are putting in are not being allocated as effectively as they could be. You know, part of my role in this job is to look at that seriously, and to make progress. So for the last four months while being in this job, we have set a course. As we are midstream with the department, but im happy to give you updates. I really thank supervisor kim for bringing up the basic facts that the federal government has dramatically retreated this their support for lowincome housing which has resulted in a crisis that pretty quickly in the mid80s started with the mckinney act the federal response to homelessness; which you know, senator al gore at time they were passing this act said, all of us know in this senate we need to fund hud for lowercost housing. In the meantime lets pass the Mckinney Vento act, well that mckinneyvento act has become the major tool that people respond to homelessness throughout the country. We should be proud in our county that we do spend general fund to approach this problem, we do make Major Investments in Supportive Housing. But its not San Franciscos problem alone. Its a crisis that were facing across the country and i would like to just present on some of where hope comes before my colleagues from the other department do their presentation. Hope is an acronym for those who dont know, housing opportunity, partnerships, and engagement. And hopes role is to coordinate city agencies, nonprofit and other stakeholders to improve our service system. Hope supports other city agencies in the implementation of services for people experiencing homelessness. Some recent examples supporting our partners at hsa in opening an emergency winter shelter at pier 88. Coordinating outreach efforts with d pw, dph, hot team to connect people on the streets with services and shelter. Opening and supporting the Navigation Center. Including Extensive Community engagement, supporting el nino shelter efforts. Additionally hope works with other communities facing similar challenges, and developing and sharing best practices to advance the federal support for housing and homeless mr. Dodge if i could interrupt you for a second . Sure. Do you have hard copies of what you have on the screen . Our little computer screens here are completely unreadable. My colleagues are asking if you have . We can make some copies, yes. If i could just add if all the departments could provide copies. I have hsa and that is the only one i have. Just email it to us. Hard copis. Or if you email it to us on our computers. These little ancient screens that were cuttingedge technology 15 years ago, are no good anymore. Please continue. Okay. So i left off talking about we have been working with other communities to push on the federal agenda. We got together mayors from serial west coast cities in early december in portland to talk about growing homeless crisis in all of our communities the while San Francisco struggles with our own challenges, its clear had a we are not alone in this problem. Los angeles county estimates 41,000 experiencing homelessness, 70 are on the street the state of california has over 20 of the nations homelessness, 70 are on the street. Some of our counties like lake county, 90 are on the street. Seattle is experiencing a huge growth in their street homelessness and tent encampments and had 21 increase in that. We gathered mayors from San Francisco, portland, seattle, eugene and los angeles and with hud staff and white house officials, and we got the support of the obama administration. This summit result in the the creation of west Coast Mayors Alliance to coordinate advocacy for federallevel and shared best practices. This coalition is an important resource to San Francisco as seattle and portland are currently following our lead to coordinate their efforts into a single office. After the summit, mayor lee and Matthew Dougherty the executive director of the United States Interaction Council on homelessness issued a joint statement on the challenge of homelessness in our of all [kphaupbtsz ] the alliance also submitted joint federal budget requests in support of key funding of federal programs. A key part of this advocacy is support of president obamas fiscal year 2017 Budget Proposal. This Budget Proposal includes a proposal to solve family homelessness through the creation of a 11 billion program that would fund housing vouchers and rapid rehousinganes that would enable 550,000 familyfamilis to escape homelessness over the next ten years. This is an innovative approach that locks in the funding for ten years. We called on the board to join the mayor in supporting this proposal through advocacy with our congressional delegation. Hope is also the convening organization for the San Francisco Interaction Council on homelessness, a coalition of Department Directors and Community Members that collaborate across the system to bring the right resources together to address homelessness in San Francisco. Over the past year, sf ich has listened to experts and researched best practices, and has led us to the creation of new department. Hope and partner city agencies look to the following steps to have formed the development of the new department, including the updated fiveyear plan to end homelessness endorsed by our local homeless coordinating boards. Our point in time count. Federally mandates biennial snapshot of our Homeless Population. Best practice [raefrbg ] and presentations from another communities. So lets get into it a little bit. The question came to me from supervisor cohen, what are some of the mile stones that are been met . San francisco has a number of important successs to demonstrate the ability to implement important system reforms to rehab people experiencing homelessness and these successes include our homes for heroes efforts. A 25city initiative. This is a local effort to end chronic veteran homelessness in San Francisco. The goal is to identify, assess and rehouse chronically Homeless Veterans in San Francisco and create a system that quickly responds to veterans who become homeless and rehouse them right away. This pulls together the va, hud, Housing Authority, you know, integral great leadership in our community that comes from Service Providers, working with veterans and different city staff working in Different Departments. We were able to identify 101,367 veterans that are experiencing homelessness over the years we have been working on this. Currently, we have houses 559 chronically Homeless Veterans through coordinated entry system. 169 veterans outside of that system, and were currently working with the priority list of 183 chronically Homeless Veterans, and 103 of those have hud vouchers in hand and if there is any landlords out there, we are always looking for a landlord to accept housing vouchers. We have worked very diligently with hud to raise the payment standards for hud payments and if anyone is listening and is interested, please do email us at hope sfgov. Org, i cant let that go. We developed a Navigation Center last year, and its about to have its 1year anniversary march 30th. In that time 355 people have come off the streets and received services. 79 have been to housing, longterm treatment. 10 of the people that we serve decided that wasnt for them and they walked away and that is their right. 10 , we had to ask to leave because of incidents of violence or other things that were getting disrupting the community there. Overall, its been a great success. Coordinated assessment and entry is another place that we have worked with our board, and with our Different Departments to make some progress. All federal continuum of care and emergency solution grant housing must participate and they target the longestterm Homeless People first. We have a written criteria for access to referral and equal treatment for each subpopulation is the goal of coordinated access. And implemented a Community Wide it could help us reduce all homelessness by 2017. So lets just go on. One more thing about that some of my written comments are a little different. Its been a busy few weeks. So one of another function that we have here one of the other parts of the is the mayors fund for the homeless and working with those in the community who want to assist and accelerate our efforts. And people may know the Navigation Center has been supported by 3 million donation that came from the San Francisco interfaith council. And people may also know that Development Project we have for veterans, 101unit project has been greatly accelerated by 500,000 donation and that is a project that is being taken on by ccdc and source plough shares. The question is what is our staffing pattern at hope . We now have expanded to 5 members. Julie ledbetter joined the team and is the director at the Navigation Center and doing a wonderful job there. Deschneider take a lot of leadership in our work with the Housing Authority and helping people untangle that bureaucracy and get their housing. Amongst other duties. Christine keaner and emily cohen is a monthandahalf in her job as the deputy in our small office. So i talked about some of the areas within the development of our homeless system, and you mentioned where are some of the ways that we could make further investments to accelerate progress . These four up here coordinated entry its a longer explanation. Expanded rapid rehousing. You know, we have 95 success rate with the vouchers were able to use with families through the Hamilton Family center. And were expanding that for the single adult population. And demonstration project with youth. There is much to be excited about with that. It was brought up the communitywide database and we have a lot of databases, maybe they are 15 years old, like the computers. They were cuttingedge at one time. But there are really good options out there in the community, and i get the chance to work with a lot of different cities, and to almost the first time when we all meet, its like, well, what are you using as an hmis vendor . What are you do ing . Hsa is in the progress of rerfping our data system. There is some really great vendors out there and i really hope that we see that change. Because we see that, as well as integral in making strategic stitions decisions how we is deploy our strategies. What i inhearted from supervisor dufty and the hope house in conjunction with others was to work on a preference in our Public Housing for those experiencing homelessness and those leaving Supportive Housing. Its affordability that is holding them up, and to the extent that we are able to help people move on to affordable, stable housing and were able to open new slots for those toom come off the streets. There is other efforts underway Communities Housing partnership and others looking at ways to help their Community Members thrive and return to the market. So the Navigation Center. There is going to be a hearing in a little while. I dont want to spend a lot of time on it. This is something that helped motivate our thinking about a department, because this has been a place where we were able to work across departmental lines with the dph Homeless Outreach team married with workers coming onsite and working with benefits and working with Community Services the lead cron tractor running the site with Commission Resource center on the site and providing community referrals. One of the things that we have learned is not surprising to anyone maybe outside of this field, but that these are all adults these are people in crisis and they are making a big change in their lives and we as a city and a government and nonprofit providers, we need to be supporting them in that change. Part of that is respecting their autonomy and their adulthood and not having curfews or strict meal times. Not oversecuritizing the location that has been fine, and that works well, and we can do that because its 75 people at a time. 75 beds at a time. Of course, you know, people when they are in crisis, you know, like people like to be with their loved ones and cuddle at night. Its not a sex thing its support. We can public beds together and allow people to bring their pets. Its no problem with people with rabbits and birds and cats and pit bulls. Mr. Dodge . Yes. Im sorry, i know you have a lot of pages left yes. I have seen hsas presentation is very long. We have a lot of people here for Public Comment. If we could go over the highlights, particularly focusing on what we would like to hear about, which is the pathway to the new department and the role. But the work is very interesting. All right. I just want to be conscientious of our time here. All right. That is no problem. Lets talk about the new department. So there are some things that we have that are informing us. Lets get into them. We have some basic goals that we have laid out for us by the mayor. About what we want to try to do with the new department a basic numerical goal is to end homelessness for 8,000 people in the next four years. We want to reduce the number of people becoming homeless, prevent homelessness, shorten the length of time and reduce street homelessness. Not formally adopted, but it was asked about what our Mission Statement would be, and we have been working with it and i am happy to share with you that. And the mission of the department is to prevent homelessness when possible, to provide Emergency Shelter, when needs, to help families, individuals and youth transition into permanent housing, the department supports, creates and sustains solutions to homelessness through program implementation, advocacy and leadership. Through the provision of coordinated compassion and highquality services the Department Works towards the goal of making homelessness rare, brief and a one time event in one someones life and benchmarks and goals i went over them. Some of these are guiding principles. Housing first is the supervisor kim brought up is the nations best practice. That doesnt mean housing last, but it means that we start with the housing approach and we scale up any support. We want to build on a Customer Service model, where we respect people, and that we honor their crisis and their challenges, as well as their assets and virtues when they are experiencing homelessness and when they are engaging with our services, whether contracted or from the government. We need to continue to a fully coordinated system with transparency in the housing placement process. We need to focus on ending homelessness, and strategically on those that have been homeless the longest. So we are really building off a 5year plan that was passed by the local homeless coordinating board; that was given to the board of supervisors in 2014. And asked to be formally adopted. Im just going to make that request and i know that you will hear that from others. And this helps align with federal priorities, and reexpresss a lot of things that i have just mentioned. We have been getting advice from National Experts like obamas point person on homelessness, who we have been advising us from the beginning. And he also made the key emphasis, once there is a Department Housing the main stream services, the outreach, dropin centers, shelters, Supportive Housing, continuum; there still needs to be strong collaboration with our entitlement benefits with the Health Care Services provided by dph and we do need to really push and work collaboratively with our federal partners, and the data is something that he brought up. I have also been able to talk to Different National leaderses like dr. Jim oconnor from boston, who tools are used across the country about the vulnerability as those on the streets and his advice to me his search was 15 years ago and resulted in the tool that many communities use, that Everything Else falls out except for current. The length of someones homelessness is the only predictor that is dependsable. Mandy chapman helped houston retool their Homeless Services and get a 15 reduction in people experiencing homelessness in houston. We have been working closely with toplevel hud officials to make sure that we are taking advantage of every opportunity that there is, and that the directions that they are moving in are ways that we can take advantage of as well, and they are hearing from us about the crisis were facing on a municipallevel. I have been working closely with my peers on weekly phone calls from seattle, portland, eugene, san jose, sacramento, oakland, l. A. , san diego and honolulu. Who are all experiencing these extremelevels of street encampments. Mr. Dodge, im going to ask a few questions, if you dont mind . Sure. So were really interested in understanding how this department is going to be operational . Sure. With the announcement, i had a couple of questions. Are we truly going to be merging staff from three Different Departments to be working in one unified department . Does that mean that all of the grants that come out the dph and hsa will come into one uniform body, where we are granting money to services . From one body . And then finally, are we going to be able to develop a singular system for residents who are homeless to go through . What would it take to get there . I mean you and i both know the stories and hear about people having to retell their stories over and over again to five Different Departments and nonprofit agencies to get the services that they need. And the stories are not easy to tell. They are embarrassing and they can be humilitying and traumatizing and often the reasons that people end up on our streets are often stories that we dont want to share and we know that in areas, like in Domestic Violence that we create a service that is clientfocused and survivorfocused. So we allow people to tell their stories once and try to access a number of different services. This seems to be the model that we should be moving towards. I know you agree with that. So i guess, operationally, how is this going to work . Its great to know the mission and how we want to solve the issues, but operationally, how can we make this a reality here . Yes, that is the intention. And we have been working closely with the Department Heads and dhr and trying to communicate, as much as we can with Public Employees about that process of transfer of functions. It brings many of these Services Within the one department. There is mandate reasons why some services will need to stay in some departments and have close collaboration and access, but that is the idea to have the Central Contracting office for Homeless Services. Many of the things that serve Homeless People are not necessarily Homeless Services. They are Just Services that a human needs and this human happens to be experiencing homelessness. So some of the Behavior Health items will stay within the department of Public Health, but the main stream items that we have talked about, you know . The Supportive Housing, the prevention, the rapid rehousing, the Homeless Outreach team, the dropins and shelters and transitional housing will come together and staff that supports those. Those discussions are still happening with the Department Heads and their staff. So i dont want to get too far ahead of that process, but this idea of a clientcentric system is embodied in a coordinated entry system. So that you dont have to go place to place and trot out your creds to be served, but rather you can have a pathway laid out from the street to your home. What do you think the timeline for this will be . Because i think this is a very heavy lift and im glad were moving in this direction, but its not easy. We need to identify the labor issues and moving systems around. Do we have the technical capacity to combine everyone into one data system currently . Yes. We do . Yes. There is some questions about legacy data, and how to merge the legacy data and there gets to be some technical stuff about that. We could do a whole hearing about that, but we do have the ability to all Work Together on one system, especially moving forward. Great. And what do you believe the timeline will be before the department is fully operational, the way that its envisioned . So i think this is a rolling deadline, because we can stand up the department, and have a director and have a reporting structure, and the contracts and in the budget codes and all of that by the new fiscal year. And possibly before. But as far as, like, getting a building, where everyone sits together, and some of those items will trail. But were flexible and we can do that. But you believe that well be able to least on paper put a singular department together, and a data system together by . The data system will probably lag. But its not going to lag that far. Okay. You predict well be able to do this before the next fiscal year . I believe well be able to have a transfer of function within the next few months and that well be able to have new leadership for the department and that well have a reporting structure where we all get to Work Together, where previously we had been working across departmental lines, doing a lot of good collaboration, and a lot of hard work. But we will be able to do to be able to have a department in that timeline. That is great. I think its important for the board to understand and i think during the budget process, well have a lot of opportunity to have this conversation, but to have clear timeline and goals. So that we understand how this is coming together. You know, if there is too much fluidity, i also worry it wont happen. Yes. Not to question your dedication. I know with your dedication is, but i want to make sure that we have clear timelines and clear goals of how we intends to do this. Because i think what the Mayors Office is attempting to do is very difficult. We dont often try to combine Different Department functions and i think its the right direction to head in and im glad its the one that were doing. I just want to make sure that we very intentional about the process and hope it comes together and it will be great when it happens and to have the clarity. Were working towardss it every day, in between eneverything, but were making really Good Progress and there is great collaboration between departments to make this happen. My final question, what is the possibility of converting pier 80 into a second Navigation Center . I get that question a lot when the next Navigation Center is going to happen . We have a hearing about the next Navigation Center coming up. I would just say pier 80, maybe. But its not my first choice in that. There is some things about pier 80 that i think rightfully are intimidating. We can work on that, but you know, a 15 fence with barbedwire around the top, and 1 8th mile walk to the front door of a Large Industrial shed that is maybe 3 blocks long. Its a tough you know, its hard to kind of soften that; right . We can and were trying to do what we can to really make it humane and reflect what we want to do. But i dont think it really is our best option, and there are some other options. So im not have we identified other locations in the city as viable sites . Yes. Will we get a sense of where those locations are . Yes. Okay. Its not done. Its really hard to you know, if we look around the city and say its very full city and then we all say, but i do know this lot that is down there, and i do know this place that is open. I get a lot of that, and someone is responsible for those plots, and i have to work with them in a collaborative way. I dont have those kinds of powers to just take them up, but there are good options and well make progress there. And one thing about the Navigation Center, its that its not about an edifice and so have Navigation Centers with the exits and we have to make those kind of decisions, if nothing else, about space and time and who today gets housed and why . Those are the kind of decisions that we need to be upfront about and make strategically. Thank you. Sure. If its okay, i would like to move on to the next department. Sure. We still have department of Public Health and our Homeless Outreach team, as well as hsa. I have only seen hsas presentation and its quite thick and i would ask the two departments to really highlight our Movement Towards the department of homelessness; versus speaking about the issue as a whole . I think that could be a week long hearing. So i just want to make sure that were focused on the item before us. I do see joyce crum im calling dph first. I apologize, i dont have who the speaker is. Do you need help or assistance . [ inaudible ] do you think someone can assist you while you start the presentation, just for the sake of time . Is there someone who could assist . Or maybe have somebody put the slides up on the overhead, if that is helpful . Sure. Thank you, mr. Walton, and our clerk. Would you like me to give you a hard copy for the overhead . Thank you, im kelly acting director with transition for the San Francisco department of health, sf hud is one the sections under the jurisdiction of the transition. Miss herrmoto, is that correct . Im looking through your presentation now, a lot of this is information that we have gotten before. Sure. If you could quickly through the overview of the hot team, but we really want to focus on the future in terms of how we want to address the problem before us and how were going to unify the services . I was going to whiz through because a lot of it is what people know. Im going jump over to the structure of the Homeless Outreach team that informs the conversation as we move forward. The Homeless Outreach team is comprised of a street a street outreach section of people who actually engage the homeless folks and we have a medical Outreach Team with clinics for the homeless that are not yet connected to regular ongoing service. We have a Care Management section that actually works with folks would are ready to transition to permanent housing so escorting to housing interviews to get them through the process. We have a group in partnership with the library and outreaching people homeless in the library, using the library as sort of a place to go to engage them into care. We have a 24 7 therapeutic transport that escorts people to shelter or other destinations, hospitals, as needed. What we have been working on more currently is a partnership with Navigation Center, hamilton Outreach Team is one of the groups that is allowed to bring folks into the Navigation Center. We work closely with the hope office, dpw, the police to identify the candidates that are appropriate to come into the Navigation Center. This year we have started to develop more robust Business Improvement district partnerships and right now we have a solid one with castro, union square vidand a few more that are in negotiations. We also work quite regularly with dpw, this last year we started a distinct project where we have two Homeless Outreach workers that are assigned to work with dpw. And they go out in the morning shift with one of the teams for the street cleans. So Homeless Outreach will actually go first and engage with the folks that are on the streets, to try to get them to come up and out before the Street Clean Team comes forward. And then we do followup after. A new one that another partnership that just started this january is a partner ship with ems 6, two Fire Department captains from ems, that partner with one outreach worker each that go out and focus on highusers of the systems, more medically complex and compromises. Of for us the challenges over the last couple of years is the decrease of stabilization rooms that are available to us and were currently down to 65. That makes it really hard to stabilize folk s when you dont have a place to hold them and its been a particular challenge for us. San francisco Outreach Team has 41 allocated shelter beds. The Navigation Center has been an excellent pilot allowing folks to bring their belongings with flexibility along curfew and pets and couples are able to be accommodated and makes it an easier job to engage folks to come in for care. One thing that is challenging as part of that is certainly expanded the scope of who homeless out reach normally has focused on . And tried to traditionally allocate our resource on medically frail, people atrisk of dying on the streets and partnering with the Navigation Center because its a rapid rehousing model, individuals need to be ready to hit the ground readying on the process it takes to be houses and its a little bit different consultation. Without one unified it system, it makes it very challenging to figure out how to craft a plan for going forward. So we have been also asked to speak to you on the homeless and Behavioral Health issues. So we pulled some statistics. And over 8,000 individuals were actually seen at the zuckerberg and they were able to get served and cleared and able to discharge back out. Either to where they came from or if homeless, then preferably to shelter. Im sorry, can i clarify, you said over 8,000 individuals seen at the zuckerberg psych ward. They are not necessarily brought upstairs. They were screened at crisis psychiatric emergency. And all of these individuals are homeless . Not necessarily. Not necessarily. So what is included in the universe of 8,000 . Anybody who was brought in psychiatric Emergency Services. For . A psychiatric concern. So a small percentage of those people are voluntary people who walk in and seek care. The majority of those brought in an involuntary hold, either by police or bms. You said brought in by the police or . Ems. Ems. Okay. Over 7,000 of the 8,000 were not actually admited. Corrected. Able to be treated and served and redispositioned back or connected with an agency that will help them get connected to services on the exit. So about a thousand 1382 individualss are actually acute enough to actually have to be admitted for longer term care, and commensurate with that we have basis point 1250 intensive Case Management slots available. The inquiry was why is it possible to link every Single Person who comes through on 51 50 to a case manager and the answer is not, because of the volume. And not everybody who comes through psych emergency necessarily needs to have ongoing Case Management support } i was going to ask do we have a sense of how many were not admitted because we didnt have the resources . And so we really have to take those that need it most . And how many were mottaken in really because it was completely not appropriate for them to be brought into these services . Sure. If you need to be admitted, you get admitted. Okay. Regardless. Regardless of staffing availability or beds . That is correct. If you are acute and if need of care, you will be held in psych emergency until a bed becomes available. We work with st. Francis hospital, who has a small psych unit to take overflow. So we work closely with them. How many of the 7,000 that are not admitted come back . We have data of who come back to over the course of time its not a large number. What is working, in your experience from the hot team, what has been successful . What are the Success Stories . What are the processes . Methods, services that actually work to care and serve for our sickest people on our streets . Do we actually have a model that is successful. Sure, Navigation Center is probably one of the first things that has been on the pilot meaningful for that segment of the population. How long has dph been addressing homeless on our streets. Im sorry . How long has the hot team been addressing Homeless Health needs on our street . I would say since inception. For how long. Since 2004 we have been in existence. This is the first model we have seen treating people on the streets . I think its the first largerscale model that has worked, yes. I think there has been a slow focusing on people who had Behavior Health and medical issues in conjunction with being homeless was the core group we started focusing on and just over time, that population of who we serve and how we serve has really changed and morphed and been a lot of Different Things. So it really diluted the focus of what we were able to staff up for, train up for, and make a very specialized Outreach Task force for. I dont want to give you a hard time, because you are the one up here ms. Herrmoto and i appreciate the work that our team does, but i have to tell you its one of the programs that i get the most disappointment from, both from our constituents that are not housed and those are not housed. They are incredibly frustrated calling the hot team and dont see any change or difference and see the same person back on the streets and so they are not really sure what we are providing. I have called the Homeless Outreach team and its now 12 years later and were not were still really not sure what works and im not sure were making gains in addressing the very issue that we created the hot team to address. If 12 years later were not making gains and were putting 8 million into the program, at what point do we say this is not working and we need to go to a different model . Or is it working and were just not able to articulate our success . I think the challenges that Homeless Outreach team gets a changable focus. Not even yeartoyear, but monthtomonth, who we are targeting and what resources are available to us to do the targeting is very changeable. So one month taking medically frail folks and a project will come up where were asked to redirect. Does that work } for me its very challenging when we cant follow through. Why dont we just focus on one aspect and really address that . I think that would be a nice thing to try. What is preventing that . What is preventing that . You know, some of it is i think because were one small team and we cant be the everything; right . Homeless Outreach Team is a very distinction body and i think having one Homeless Department of that can corral everything homeless focused i think would could a long way to making sure that people stay ontrack and oncourse and dont get diluted out. Because that is what the challenge is getting diluted down and being too many things to too many issues. Im sorry was just following up on supervisor kims questioning. I think i might know the answer, but you are a licensed clinical worker and professional plan and what subjects you to various whims . Who is calling you and saying rather than implementing what you as a professional to implement the right focus, why are you redirected week to week and monthtomonth . Is it a political thing . Are you being called by elected officials, so you cant do your job and you are being because we get complaints, are we calling you and making you not do your job as a professional . Is that what is happening . I think its a combination of events, because the scope the scope of the challenge is so broad. And we do respond to many different requests. So we do respond to the Mayors Office, and the asks that they have and we responds to the board when they have asks and constituent calls and the police department, Fire Department, dpw. So with do our best it try to respond to as many of those as with can, consolidate where we can. I do think having one clear plan, one clear vision of what we would like this particular Homeless Outreach team to do based on the construction that we have. One of the things that we did do a couple of years ago, we moved from a very pure consumerbased model, most of the staff were people who had come up from the streets because the population was getting more complex we moved the population to im sorry, moved the staffing to more skillset to address Behavioral Health needs for the clients that we were seeing. Do you see a difference with the change of having clinicians on the Outreach Team . Its absolutely changed the outreach. What does it look like in terms of real outcomes . Because we have only been operational with the medical street team the way its been constructed its our firstyear where were actually seeing people, and trying to figure out how to change the system to work with the referrals that were getting. What has the challenge been . In terms of how were able to serve . Yes. I think were able to handle a much more Mental Healthpresenting population that we used to. What does that mean though . It means that now, if one the outreach workers sees somebodying on the streets that is clearly having Mental Health issues there is a psychic Nurse Practitioner that they can call and ask them to meet them on the streets. And then what happens . Hopefully they come into the system of care and get 5150 and become involuntarily held and get into care. I think the challenge that the public has a hard time understanding is when there are a lot of factors that make somebody essentially no longer holdable. So whatever circumstances you might have, the most common being if you have Substance Use onboard. Once you clear, and you get your head back, you are no longer grave ly disableds and were not able to hold you involuntarily any longer and if you are not ready to accept services the system has no choice, but to return you back. If you say no thanks im on my own, i dont want it, there is not much more to do than go back and followup and get them to try to change their minds. But when the group of people who just dont want to be served and are just not ready, theorize are the hardest. Do you feel that you have the resources that you need to serve the people that you outreach to the team. Its great to send the hot team out to every single corner of the city, but then what . Do you have places to offer people and enough beds . The answer is no and that is why we includesed the stabilization room decrease we used to have 130 rooms in 2004 and now were down to 65. If you look at how visible the homeless is, you can see that is somewhat related. If our team has nowhere to bring somebody in to be further stabilized. Absolute ly. Because if you are homeless on the streets, well have is to serve you from the street. So to get you to your appointment to find and say today is your appointment and if you dont keep your appointment, we go look for you and it takes time and we may not find you. You will miss the appointment. With stabilization room, you knew where they were and get them picked up and get through it seamlessly } miss herr motto what accounted for the attrition of some 265 rooms . The combination of Market Forces and the fact that the stock of stabilization rooms was starting to change. So some of the hotels actually went over to hsa for permanent Supportive Housing model. But some of the rooms went offline because of disrepair. They were no longer safe for us to put folks in. One of the hotels we lost d one of our really good hotels we lost because they contracted with a private company because they paid them more and different client base in the building. A couple of buildings have renovated to become Tourist Hotels. Some of the hotels have just chosen not to do business with us anymore because the client population is challenging. Renovated to become Tourist Hotels . We have a conversion that went to the United States Supreme Court and basically its very, very difficult to convert a single resident occupancy hotel to a Tourist Hotel. How is that happening . Some of the hotels were giving us some of their rooms, and the rest of the hotel was not the model that we were under. It was like a shared thing, getting the rooms from them, even though they are a Tourist Hotel. They were giving you tourist rooms . They would give you a tourist room, but its a client that is ours that were supporting. So its mixeduse, using it as a Tourist Hotel and we contracted room. If you have a client who is not particularly stable, its not going to mix well in a Tourist Hotel environment. A lot of of the hotel rooms academy of arts started to expand, we started to lose our sros to the students who were renting rooms for quite more than we were willing to pay. Those conversions have all been illegal. Well, yes, but it still impacted us in terms of a landlord not the wanting to rent to us anymore, because they had some other taker who would pay by better rate than what we paid. How many of these rooms were aau rooms . I have to go back. On sutter bush, pine, gearey. I can go back and give you hotels that we have contracted with historically, the bigger ones like the winton and baldwin have gone offline. I want to clarify for members of the public to think those are aau buildings because supervisor peskinins question what rooms we lost because the baldwin and Civic Center Hotel will come under the citys jurisdiction is vastly losing rooms illegal. Right. I would say there was not one building that we did that with. What the city has historically done is a mixture of working directly with landlords to work with the majority of the rooms and others we buy one at a time, as we need, as were able. So the Cable Car Hotel we used to work with. There are a few others. Im sorry, im blanking right now, but there are a few hotels that we worked with in that capacity. Thank you. Just one final question. Its not one question, but given the last 12 years the Homeless Outreach team and the incredible hope placed on the impact that this team would have 12 years later on the city and again, i did mention also, i think some of the disappointment also from folks that live on our streets. Because its great to have someone come, you know, and offer support, but then to not have anything beyond that, a place to stay, you know . Then were just shuffling people from corner to corner. I think that is the other criticism and feedback that i hear a lot. While i was reluctant to support the expansion of the hot team, i believe two years ago, the reluctant was based on the fact we werent expanding the number of rooms with the teams and why put more people on the streets without having the things to offer for the people that come for you . If you could wave a magic wands and there were two, maybe onetwo three things that you think could dramatically transform the system, what would that be . I think having more creative models like had a Navigation Center model would make a big difference in destination and people who are able to come into an environment i think having stabilization rooms would make a huge difference for us. Its something that we have really felt the loss of. And i think that would go a long way and i also think having a really clear everybody on the same page about how much the Outreach Team is able to do and what were going to focus our attentions and energies on would be really helpful. Okay. Thank you. I see mr. Walton here. So i want to go on to the next department. Thank you. I know joyce crum our housing and Homeless Services director is here and our director of Human Services agency. I do have a very thick presentation from hsa and looks like its a broad overview of everything that hsa does to serve homelessness. If we could instead focus on the hearing athand, which is on the future merge of the department of homelessness and how we can make this a reality . That would be great. Sure. Good morning, supervisors. Trent, director of Human Resources agency. The powerpoint was made up according to the questions that came out of supervisor cohens office. We were respondingto that. I apologize for that. If its the wish of the committee tot to address all of those questions, its obviously up to the will of the committee and joyce crum will present. Good morning and happy black history month. I am joyce crum, director of housing and Homeless Division for the Human Services agency. So what i want to do today, because a couple of the speakers ahead of me have talked about several of the things in my presentation, but hsas role in Homeless Services is in collaboration request our cbo nonprofit agencies and without them, the work of what we do in Homeless Services wouldnt be possible. So we serve and we have a variety of services under the umbrella of the Homeless Division. And it crosses the spectrum, starting with the Homeless Prevention Services and rapid rehousing and support services, Emergency Services and the biggest part of our Emergency Services is the shelter system. As it was mentioned earlier, the Navigation Center is a new model that we recently brought into the fold. I believe it was last march where it was low threshold. We leave Emergency Services and then we go into housing. We have expanded our housing portfolio in the way of permanent Supportive Housing and rental assistance over the last 13 years i have been in this role probably we have doubled the number of housing slots. We have support services and they range from representative payee and Money Management for people in our Supportive Housing, who are not able to manage their money. We make sure that they are represented and their rents are being paid each month. We have a big linkage excuse me to the benefits program, and one of the collaborations that we have is with sf hot and dph programs. So who do we serve . We serve single adults, veterans, people with hiv aids, the tay, stands for transitional age youth 1825. Seniors, families and then and Parenting Team notices tay group. Every biannual we do a point in time Homeless Count and the latest was conducted in january 2015. I think should be noted that based on the biennial holmes count were able to increase our funding from the department of hud and we average 30 million per year through the hud continuum of care and its primarily for paying for housing slots. The pointintime Homeless Count is listed here 6686 sheltered and unsheltered Homeless People were counted. 853 youth. There is a percentage of people who were 48 were staying a shelter or Treatment Facility or hospital. What was significant in 2015 was the reduction in the chronic homelessness. And chronic homelessness is a federal definition. Your program, i apologize our office did not leave the questions brought to hsa, but i know the parameters of this hearing was on specifics around the new department of homelessness. And what our plan is to address the crisis into the future . And so i just wanted to ask if we could focus a little bit about hsas role in forming this new department . How you envision that well piece out pieces of what hsa currently provides into a unified department . And then i do believe the city is addressing homelessness. I dont think we are not doing anything and think clearly in the work you have outlined in the presentation, its clear what hsa has been able to accomplish and yet, obviously were dealing with a very stubbornon societal issue of incredible economic divide and disparity that allows people to live on our streets. I think it would be important to focus on this is how far we have come and we have been successful, but this is how much farther we need to go to really have a dramatic impact on what people are seeing on our streets today . Okay. So i am going to defer to my Department Head director roar i have participated in bimonthly meetings with the budget office, with the office of hope, and the department of Public Health moving this forward. Its been the point to get responses of the people who move to this new department. I have a staff of about 50 individuals, but in terms of what they will be doing and how they will be doing the job has not been determined. That is a source of concern for the department, and were working on it. The next step according to the hope office is to have a brownbag lunch with the staff who will be impacted in the new department and hear what their concerns are. I think its a good move. Its a change. I was going to ask how long have you been doing this work, ms. Crum well, in this particular job, for 12 years, i think this is the right direction for us to move in, different what you have done and seen over the last 12 years, is this the right direction for the city to move in . If you are talking about Homeless Services under one roof, i think it is. But what we do now is not under one roof, but we definitely do collaborate, you know . One door. So my concern about the one door is the racial equality that might not happen. Im serious about that, you know . Its been something that i have addressed for the last 12 years, because i see it every day. The face of homelessness in this city is rapidly changing, particularly looking at division street. You know, you see the faces of males, average age, white males, average age about 45. But the chronic Homeless People that are on the street, they look like me and it needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed in a way that crosses all spectrums. You know, one thing about the new department that im saying this and i think Everybody Knows im saying this because my job ends in june, you know . Im retiring, you know . I have done the work. I have done the work over years, but a statement that was made that the Department Needs fresh blood. That rubbed me in a way that says maybe the advocate Community Needs fresh blood. Maybe that Community Needs to look like and mirror the people that they are advocating for . It does not, has not, over the last 12 years that i have been here. And in order to effect change, change has to be in the Broad Spectrum and it has to include everyone. Its not that. But i will say that i think we are moving in the right direction. You know, our concern about moving in the right direction is will there be support for that movement . And support of staff . Because staff working in Homeless Services, if they didnt appreciate and they didnt have the heart, and the empathy to deal with people on the streets, they would not be. They would be sitting in our other departments. So i think we need to be very careful about how we move in that direction . And i know im going off on a tirade. No, i appreciate it, ms. Crim. I appreciate what you do, but before you leave, when you talk about us actually addressing Racial Disparity, and what we are seeing on our streets and poverty, the disproportionate impact of poverty in the africanamerican community, and you talk about how you worry this will not be addressed in a singular department, what could we put in place in the city that would give you comfort that we will actually intentionally address Racial Disparity in our Homeless Community today . I always take a deep breath when people ask my opinion, because im very transparent because what i feel and what i see work in the city and im going to use a specific example the hotel tax, Getting Movement for the hotels to set aside percentages for homeless families and i pushed to have homeless singles included in that legislation. Because granted homeless families should not live the way they do in cars , doubled up. But those are the silent families that we dont see. So we really hear about them, but who we see are people on the street. And we need people who mirror them working with them. For instance i would share more of my life with someone that looks like me than i would share with someone looking like you. Its the way it is. You know . And if we are not strategic in who we hire to work with Homeless People, and im not talking about the formerly homeless, because they have a place that none of us can ever share and go with, and they can empathize and they can sit down with a client and talk about their experience. And its heard, but if eds or political appointees or elected officials do not reach just a little bit deeper who they are and who their constituents are well never have racial equality. What do you think are going to be the Biggest Challenges to merging services into a Single Department that we need to be thoughtful about as we move into the direction. Who your Department Head will be. Okay. Im serious. Okay. You know, who the Department Head will be . Will that person have the same goals and empathy and vision that the staff has or that the city is looking for . Thank you. Thank you for hearing me. What was the question . What direction the department is going in and how were going to integrate. Just how were going end homeless mr. Rhorer. Hi supervisors, trent rhorer, director of services. Under sams and other leaderships and Barbara Garcia in health, it wont happen unless we do it the right way. We do collaborate extremely well together. The hot team is under health. But the placements typically are more often under Human Services and we work every day, for example telling them how many slots we have that day and how many people can be brought in, et cetera . When i have merged i have overseen mergers of two departments, department of aging and Adult Services until under hsa and department of early care and education. And one of the things and they came in under an Agency Structure where the administrative support was there. And lent itself support to the new agency. That is absolutely critical for the new department. And Single Division to ending homelessness. Most major cities in the United States have a Single Department of homelessness. We just didnt because were a city and county, and the way that the county the way that Public Health and Human Services in california is through a county have structure not a city. So we were slow to move into that direction. There is a lot of behindthescenes admin support necessary to offsee and administer over125 contracts, and it system support, hr support. Facilities support. We can do that in the Human Services agency because were large and draw down a lot of revenue from the feds and state and other programs that help support that. We need to be and we are and we have identified which programs going to merge to go from hsa into the new department, which ones from dph and the next phase is what kind of admin support do we need . In looking at moving ad min support positions from our departments into the new department, without jeopardizing or undermining the current admin support need to supporting the Human Services agency and Adult Services and eea and that is the next step and in parallel of hiring the next director and joy is right, its critical the new department is key and to running at a highlevel or running a Homeless Department in a major metropolitan area. There are very important were on the right path and sam articulated some of them well. There are strategies that have worked in other cities, that we know of, that we havent yet implemented. And in part because we are separate departments; right . I think that under a Single Department, we will be able to implement Better Things like coordinated entry, things like single assessment, single database provided there is the necessary and requisite admin support that will be able to be done under a new department. I know this is a difficult question to answer. Im glad that were moving to a singular department. Because it intellectually makes sense all of our services should come out of one house, onedoor concept and we should be clientoriented and clientcentered and one of the Biggest Challenges i hear from folks who live on the street is having to tell their story over and over and over again to ten different people . And how difficult that process can be to get the services that they need . But im also very wary, its an easy announcement how were going to get to the nextlevel. I think we should take the opportunity to say well get to that that we have done good work over the last ten years. And, in fact there would be more people on our streets if we hadnt done this work. But now we have really you know, were going to that nextlevel. I want to be able to ensure, if were going to create this one department is there is going to be a single difference that people are going to see in the city. So how are we going to get there . So its not just an announcement that we say to appease folks who say we are hitting a crisis in the city. Supervisor, thank you for acknowledging the progress that we have made in the last 15 years. Its very easy to sort of dismiss all of the work that has been done at the department of Public Health and Human Services, and demoralize staff. Let me just give you some data, two pieces of data, that were shocking to me, actually. I looked in 200 0, and what the hsa budget for housing and Homeless Division budget any first budget as director was 14 million and now the division is 142 million. We had had less than 300 units of Supportive Housing under hsas portfolio and now we have over 4,000. How many did we have in 2000 . About 300 under our portfolio. That is 22,000 plus off the streets since 200 4 and couldnt have been done without the staff at dph and hsa with their incredible work with a lot of stakeholders behind us, the communitybased advocates. So its easy to dismiss all the good work that has been done, but the reason that we know how to solve homelessness for the individual and families. That work will continue under the new department and i will ensure it continues under the new department, even though i wont have an official role, only as Human Services agency director. So your question, so again, thank you for acknowledging their work. To the question of how is the new Department Going to make an impact . And the answer is yes. Well continue to do the great work that we are doing, but well the mayor in his announcement said no one department that work on homelessness has it has in their mission really. When you look at hsas vision and dph is health [speaker not understood] we have all of these other systems that we are doing. A singular Department Head can and the problem with the Mayors Office of homelessness in the past and hope office not that they are not wellintended and have great ideas and bold and citywide policy direction, they have no budget. So they could develop a grand plan and great policy, but have no mechanism to really move that. Well, under a single Department Head, he or she will. And of course developing that vision, and the direction and the plan, in partnership with the directors of dph and my agency and others and also in partnership with the community. A singular plan and vision under a Single Department with the budget authority, and the really control over what the contracts look like and what the performance metrics and what we want to see out of our contracted partners is a big deal and will go a long way. I say sometimes project homelessness connect is a fantastic model and brings an individual through a single site, housing, benefits, legal support, medical care; right . Were often a victim in San Francisco of having so many services, and such a robust array of services it becomes hard for an individual to navigate. Hard for me to navigate. Think about someone on the street, who is trying to navigate the Different Things that he or she needs . Putting that under a Single Department will make that easier. Will make project homeless connect which will go under the new department a reality in the daytoday accessing of what folks need on the street . Because folks need not more than simply a shelter bed or housing unit. I know members of the public have been waiting two hours to speak and i apologize that i actually have one more question. If you could be brief in our response, the biggest thing i hear over and over again at Community Meetings is what has been stated in the past is that the city spendings 250 million a year on homelessness. And what do we show for it . So my question is how can we break down the dollars . What is that actually fund ing . How much of those dollars actually house people . And why cant we answer that question. We can answer it. Okay. Unfortune acitily y unfortunately our answer isnt as newsworthy, we spend 250 million on homelessness and look at the s street. The vast majority is spent on housing. How much . 18 million out of hsa is Supportive Housing. Supporting 4,000 units and ancillary services. The part spent on homeless, about 14 million. These are ballpark. Im sorry, well have an opportunity for members of the public to speak and i know there is incredible frustration on the issue and i appreciate that, but i want the director to answer. Thank you. Thank you very much. The part of that 247 million on homelessness, the shelter system, the hot team, the Resource Centers, so shelter system about 14 million. And supervisor, i will provide these accurate numbers. I think its really important. 14 million on shelter. The hot team 8 million. Resource centers are about 3 million. Eviction prevention is prevention homeless, but not focused on the streets. Its preventing that. Supportive housing is not homeless on the street. And then the rest is in the Behavioral Department dph and i dont have those numbers, but its woefully inaccurate to say to the public and to report in the press that we spend 247 million on the 3500 people on street, or the 6,000, 7,000 people identified in the Homeless Count is simply not true. Thank you. I want to thank the members. Public for being here today and for sitting through a very long hearing. Im going to call up the speaker cards that i have. I am steve laplanteand Debby Lehrman [speaker not understood] [ reading speakers names ] let him finish. I come out the hospital, i got a hernia operation okay . I come to the hospital and tell the social worker, come can i get a shelter . Can i get a bed . The day before christmas, look me up in the record, hector torrez. I couldnt get a shelter. For me, im a homeless man and what i think about the shelters . I wish i could take over and shut them down. They have been discriminating for 20 years. Pier 80 . What . They said you have to have a tb shot . Me . 250 million . Save it. Save the 250 million. Shut them all down. That is how i feel. I cant even take a shower. Eight shelters, i cant even take a shower to come over here. Domino operation they threw me out on the street like a dog. Why the hospital doesnt have connection . What a billion dollar donation . The discrimmation is encouraged by all walks of life. Everybody is discriminating and subconscious mind dont even realize that they are doing it. Thank you mr. Torrez. Hello supervisors. Thank you so much for holding this hearing today to focus on this important issue. And thank you to the departments for your presentations. I am Debby Lehrman with the San Francisco Human Services network. We have a few speakers, who represent the communitybased nonprofit sector. We represent the frontline for serving homelessness on a daily basis and as partners with the cities, as providers and advocates we see firsthand the barriers that Homeless People face and the gaps in the system of care. In response to the proposed new department of homelessness, we have come together to share our expertise and our insights through a policy paper, policy recommendations for the Mayors Department homelessness, insights from communitybased nonprofits, and we have circulated this via email to the Mayors Office and to the departments and the board. I have some copis with me today for policymakers. Its post on our website at sfhfn. Org. The authors and signatories are homeless providers association, the homeless employment collaborative, the hivaids and San Francisco network and supportive providers network. Were going to present a few key points from the paper and we embrace this opportunity to Work Together. We submit this paper in the spirit of working together as a community, to develop a shared vision for a better system to serve Homeless Populations that can serve as a National Model for collaboration, resource allocation and results. And we ask all of our policymakers to please review the paper, and give full consideration to our recommendations. Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you, ms. Lehrman. Good afternoon, im karen from episcopal Community Services. So the first recommendation from the coalition of coalitions is about the departmental structure. And what it should do . And its our recommendation that it focus squarely and exclusively on homelessness, with 3 primary tasks. The first is to coordinate the alignment of local and state and federal resources and entities. The second is to abolish or change any policy that exists that creates a barrier to reaching the goal of ending homelessness, and to improve outcomes for people who are homeless. With those charges, we say that the departments parameter should be those programs that exclusively house and serve Homeless People. But with very close coordination with the department of Public Health, the Human Service agency and mohcd to align access and services that homeless folks need, and that level of coordination requires weekly meetings between very highlevel staff between those departments. Success in ending homelessness also requires strategic action that is informed by the community. Especially folks who are homeless, and folks who serve and house people who are homeless. And so to ensure transparency in Community Input a commission should offsee the department and we recommend the local coordinating board and we called for visionary staff. We did use the word fresh blood, in our document. And joyces explanation, the words that she used, i wish we had more explicitly said. What we called it was hiring from the community. And our vision is the same as hers fresh blood didnt mean getting rid of old blood, but means bring mg more community perspective. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Thank you for once again. I am Deborah Edelman the director of programs for Hamilton Family center, as well as cochair of the homeless emergency providers association. So we encourage this new department to look really comprehensively at systematic solutions. Success of the department is dependent on investment in order to house 8,000 more Homeless People in the next five years it will rely on a sustainable Revenue Source. There should also be a coordinated entry with a unified data system, that assesses and targets services, when needed, and focuses on coordinated placement into permanent and viable housing. We hope that the department will end criminalization of those who are experiencing homelessness, sending out reach workers to offer housing instead of policing homelessness. Focus on prevention, prioritizing evictionprevention, coordinate closely with dph, to identify barriers to Mental Health and asubstanceabuse treatment and move to treatment ondemand and expand transitional Employment Opportunities and jobtraining, and of course, support the dignity of those who are forced to remain on the streets with sufficient access to restroom, showers, health care, all that will ensure a safe place to live. For these solutions to stick, we encourage the department to transition seamlessly and focus on meaningful outcomes, looking at contract outcomes, multitiered aproach and to easily modify contracts asneeded and supporting organizations and contractors with capacity and adequate staffing. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Edleman. Good afternoon supervisors im the executive director of the Providence Foundation in the bayviewhunters point community, and i also, my organization is a part of the hespagroup and we have outcomes involving the new department and were requesting that the new changes to improve access would include shelter access. That the department should ensure that access to shelters is seamless. Families signing up for shelter waitlists should not be required to transfer their benefits to San Francisco. That single adults should not be held to the onenight bed process. Where people are turned away while beds are sitting empty and Homeless People must go from place to place during multiple times during the day to wait in line for a bed. We also hope that the new department is equitable; that they should ensure equitableness with geographic. Miss lamar, did you say empty beds . Yes, while beds sit empty we should not have them waiting in line to get a bed. Could you tell us where you have seen empty beds in our shelter system, that are not utilized and why that happens . That is completely unacceptable. We do, too. We operate a shelter that they call in daily for a bed and its not always to capacity. At providence . At providence, the Family Center is at first friendship. We dont know where the breakdown is, because and the change system will say that we are at capacity, and we are not always at capacity its not clear to you why this is happening . No. Even though you place people in these beds . Yes. We have been trying to straighten that system out for years . What is difficult in finding out what is going wrong . What is not happening . Its a computer problem . Its a computer problem . Could you explain that further . Well, we say that the people call in and placed in the system, but it will say this place is full, when it really isnt full. How does that happen . Im not sure. We can look into it and get to the bottom of it for you, definitely. Is this from the city or is this happening the change system is through the city. Okay. I would like to understand that better, because we should never have any empty beds. First friendship, are these actually beds or mats . These are mats. We serve Emergency Shelter only and our beds are mats. Right. Thank you so much, ms. Lamar. Good afternoon, supervisors. Thanks for holding this hearing. My name is doug, cochair of the Supportive Housing network and delivering innovation known as dish. A lot of talk around town about this issue and i know that you know that the solution to homelessness is simple, its housing. Im here today in support of what my colleagues have said and will say and to urge special attention to five key points. First to increase funding with the widening income gap and aging population in Supportive Housing with more acute needs. There is a Strong Demand for maintaining and increasing funding for Supportive Housing. Supportive housing works and needs to be funded at appropriatelevels. Second, creating pathways. We wanted to see the new department of increase the diversity of the housing spectrum to create a tenantcentered approach. Which a tenant is ready to move out, this option must be available with rental subsidy supplements that are usually less expensive andplore appropriate for some. With that said we need realistic with scarcity of housing. Third, hold rent at 30 of income and Supportive Housing. Some of the citys programs currently charge well above this level, and it is crushing for people who live with such little income. Fourth prioritize nonprofit owned Supportive Housing including acquisition, rehabilitation and new construction. And fifth, increase supply of the Supportive Housing. The department should [tpwaoeupbd ] creative ways to exped yeat the development of new units and to do so the new department we know what works, end homelessness with government oversight together we can end homelessness. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Gary. Hi, my name is jennifer freidbach executive director on the coalition of homelessness and thanking supervisor cohen and supervisors kim for holding this hearing and in addition really thankful about how many people show up on this issue and how many people are really spending a lot of time out of their day to be here to make sure that this issue is addressed. I have to admit, when i walked in the room and saw a packed room, i got really nauseous and nervous because im scared; scared there is going to be more hatred against an entire class of people that i know how vulnerable that population is on the streets. No matter when its merchant or homeless person themselves seeing their health deteriorate or a neighbor concerned about someone in their neighborhood without housing . No matter what we can agree that solving this crisis is in all of our best interests. So i want to kind of get real about this, and make the statement the 150 beds at pier 80 are not going to be enough beds to house the over 5,000 people who are on streets. We have some suggestions how the city can handle this crisis. First of all, we would really like to see a moratorium on sweeps. The federal government has really good guidelines that suggest a plan to figure out where peoples can be relocated to before they are further disenfranchised to have an exit strategy for people when that facility closes down would you finish your sentence . Yes, we want to see the real Health Concerns of people on the streets be addressed, and expand the Navigation Centers citywide and have a sustainable Revenue Source to really source this problem. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Friedenbach. Good afternoon supervisors, sheryl adams executive director larkin youth services. Cochair and member of hes paand strongly encourage as we form the department and moving forward to forming the department in the interim were mindful what is happening currently. To followup on jennifers comments pier 80 and popup shelters are great and to focus on exit strategies and continue to ensure those folks left out of housing have access to housing options, creating additional lowbarrier housing. We need to focus only populationspecific interventions that work and we need to expand that and deepen that. We know what works with familis and veterans and chronically homeless and to continue to work on those and the new department to work on those. In interim we all need to continue to Work Together to solve those and to echo what everybody said and you know Everybody Knows it, the solution to homelessness is housing. Unless we are thinking about exits from the time people enter, and reducing barriers well continue to see so many folks on our streets who dont want to be there, who want to have other options and well continue to see hatred towards them and stigmatization. So we plan now and plan when the department is operational. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Adams and before ms. Thomas speaks i will call 15 more cards. [ reading speakers names ] thank you ms. Thomas. Thank you, Laura Thomas Deputy state director for policy alliance and thank the member of this committee for holding this hearing. In december, the board of supervisors, with leadership from president breed and supervisor kim among others made the very wise decision to not invest money in building a new jail and that has given us an opportunity to really look at how we invest our resources. And i think its very clear both in the conversations that many of us leading up to that decision and ongoing work with many departments involved, that we need to look at how we address homelessness in the context of what we need to do instead of building a new jail . I think one of the obvious answers is housing and Services Including Substance Use treatment ondemand. Supervisors Injection Services and standing our harmreduction programs. However, i also want to caution us as we think about creating a department of Homeless Services that we not silo our response to homelessness into services only and into a department. I think if we disconnect homelessness from our larger city policies, and decisions, we will be doing ourselves a disservice. We need to look at how Law Enforcement and criminalization happens in the city . We need to look at economic inequality and for closure of homes and we need to look at jobs and who is getting hired . And unless we decriminalize homelessness, unless we undo the ordinance and enforcement. Of the sitlie ordinance, we will be continuing to drive people into homelessness that will then need to spend money to get them out of. So we need to look at policy solutions on the frontend, as well as continuing to provide services. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Thomas. Hi. My name is kelly keith im a homeowner on protero hills. I am a little disappointed supervisor cohen couldnt be here since her district is im pounded by this. Sometimes she should make a exception. She has another Committee Hearing. This is a big one here today, maam. I have never been in a room and felt so much frustrate issue in my entire life, from all sides sides on this and mayor lee said when the super bowl was coming that they have to go, not one person on this board of supervisors i remember stood up and said no mayor lee, its not going to happen. January 1st why wont pier 80 opened up . Ask the board of supervisors . Again silence from you people. Its unbelievable. Its what you are paid to do, you know . What is wrong with you people . You dont listen to what is going on. Mayor lee is not doing his job;, you not doing your job. I was accosted by one of these homeless camps. I dont like to walk through dog shit and personal pee and needles all over the place and why . Because you guys are not doing your jobs and you are spending 200 million total and now you just figured out we need to consolidate the department . Its not fair to the people who are homeless, because you people cant think forward. This is 2016. This has been going on since mayor agnus, you know . And the only one who ever did anything was newsom. So i think priorities need to be set she wasnt afraid to ask 8 million budget. She should have a 30 million budget. Be realistic on that, you know . She was afraid joyce, who is retiring, you need to put her on somewhere and not make the political appointments that the board of supervisors is famous for, for doing to people that they know someone. You need to get real you guys. Thank you. I want to further enforce on what he is talking about. You asked the question about what could dramatically change authorized to in order that take care of homeless problem . Current events show that you give the Computer Companies like twitter and as a result, twitter has been given breaks that total 40 million, okay . This tax breaks for twitter, and five other companies that has cost the city 33. 6 million since the year 2015. 2014. Moreover the Tax Collector david arguine explained it cost the city 6. 1 million in previous years and 39. 8 million since 2011. That is more than enough money to provide permanent housing for lowincome people who have a combination of both mental and physical disabilities plus our veterans as well. Yet you build a new buildsing and advertise Affordable Housing and the truth is what housing is being rhoded d provided for people making 122,300 a year and the money to be spent on Homeless People. Holmes Homeless People need housing. Its disgusting thing. You spent 5 million for super bowl activities and santa clara spent 4 million and negotiations where the nfl paid 4 million expenses in santa clara, but the 5 million that was spent for the city and city and county of San Francisco, the nfl is not paying for that. Why is that . I agree. A thank you. I have to keep people at the same time. Thank you. I have to keep everyone on the same time. I appreciate your comments. Mary anne mill my husband and i are seniors and moved to 7th and barry twoandahalf years ago and i have been in constant talks with ms. Cohen. Were just taxpayers and we feel like were totally in a bad spot. Because were coming to you to ask your help. Im not unsympathetic to this problem. I cant walk out my door. I live with caltrain on one side, ecology with a fence that the homeless has taken over. We pull our car into our complex, and if the gate doesnt go down quickly, we have problems. I am not unsympathetic to this problem because i volunteer, but we are taxpayers and we pay an hoa fee for our little apartment and we cant keep the trash out of our area. I mean, i cant walk my grandson down the street on barry because were accosted by all kinds of language and somebody offered me a parking space across from my apartment yesterday for 15. Somebody, i heard at safeway say, i saw my daughters bike at one of the encampments and i was going to call the police and i thought, that is hopeless. So the next day she drove by, where her excuse me where her daughters bike was, and offered the guy who stole it 15, and he put it in her car and took the 15. Were dealing with all kinds of problems, but were taxpayers and were looking to this board of supervisors to help us. And were hoping when the Division Group goes by, they look at barry where barry has a fence and they dont pick up the trash. Thank you, ms. Mills. Before we move on i need to make a motion to excuse supervisor yee. Seconded by supervisor peskin. Supervisor yee is excused. James span yellow and i have lived in the area in western soma since 2002 and this past year has been the worst i have ever experienced hoar. This morning is a classic example of. I walking out my tv walking to this meeting and there is a tent blocking the entire sidewalk on a danger corner as cars stand in. I have to walk into the vehicular traffic and yes, a car turns the corner and almost hits me. I pick up the phone and call 911 because this is how dire the situation is for me, i dont understand why i cant walk down the sidewalk and im forced into vehicular traffic . This past year was the first year i have lived in San Francisco since 2002, my business has broken into and since 2002 that my home has been broken in and this is the first year that i have been physically threatened. This is the first year that my father on fathers day was physically threatened. This is the first year that i am now fearful and my neighbors are now fearful of actually walking on the sidewalk. Walking our dog, i cant go out at night now in my neighborhood this is the first year there are so many car breakins its astronomical and this is the first year that every single relative that has come to my home, every business associate that has come to this city, every singlefamily member, every friend that has visited me this year has made a comment of how horrible and deplorable the city is to look at. The main problem i see there is a situation where were talking about homeless, but there is a crowd of criminal group that you have allowed to come into this city, who has prostitution rings and selling drugs and that group you are allowing to be here. That group needs to be dealt with. Why are there bike chopshops everywhere . All over allowed to be in the city . I dont understand that. Thank you, mr. Spanello. I have to deep keep everybody on the same time. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hi supervisors. Thank you for this time. My that of name is ivy lumpkin and i work at the soma food court. And rainbow groceries and other local businesses. I have been conversing with, as well as learning more from organizations such as project homeless connect. As a representative of soma street food park, were here to listen and were here to learn and make our presence known. Just as ms. Mills was asking for help from the city, i would like to remind the city that it can ask help from its local area businesses. We need direction . We need to know what we can do as far as we can in our capacity . How can we provide help . As a representative of the business in the area, the epi center of the division street encampments, the new prostitution rings we need to know how much help and in what ways we can help . What capacity . Otherwise, you know, were going to be spending our time investing money as citizens and i know that citizens in San Francisco have raised over 10,000 for tents specifically because they were told that these tents were going to be removed by the city . It just seems that money is being put one way, by citizens, and the city isnt paying attention to where that money is going . So were actually throwing this away. We need direction to know how we can put our help to the best use . What organizations can we partner with . And the agenda of the department of homelessness in the future, what are those initiatives . What are those timelines and in what ways can we be of help in this ongoing process . Thank you very much for your time. Thank you, ms. Lumpkin. [ plts ] hello, thank you, supervisors. My name is Dennis Wagner cfo and director of rainbow groceries. The folks presently living on the streets are surfing and need to be treated with compassion and dignity. If you do not see this, then you are not paying a tension and we need to be treated with dignity and heard and we need a viable plan and longterm plan to end the causes of homelessness. These are complex issues that require resources and coordination, but not impossible goals. While we together are working on longterm actions, designed to end homelessness in San Francisco, we need to have specific and Immediate Services to address Service Health and safety issues in our neighborhood. We need portable toilets available for 24hour accessibility. We need public garbage cans on every block with daily garbage pickup. We need the streets cleaned on a daily basis. We need needle cleanup on a daily basis. We need more Mental Health professionals and more hot teams immediately is deployed on San Franciscos city streets. These requests are not outrageous demands on thee of San Francisco, but a proper response of programs not successful. Again our longterm goal is to accommodate humans in need including running water, access to bathroom facilities, cooking facilities and proper garage pickup. We urge city officials in San Francisco to spread facilities throughout the city, to ensure access to all districts of the city. Whatever were doing presently is not enough. I hear the call for more housing. It boil downs to money. More resources directed to acquiring housing. That would be the main thing. Thank you so much. [ applause ] thank you, mr. Wagner. Michael becker director of veterans group. Im doing a lot of housing and i want to echo more and more and more and more housing. 8,000 more housed. We need more and dream more than just a mat on the floor of an industrial shed. We need exit strategies. That is what we need. That is what we should fight for. I want to say that no one can deny the progress that was made with addressing chronically Homeless Veterans. It cant be denied. The city was able to take advantage though of some key federal subsidies, from the feds. And they were able to Work Together with a lot of different groups. There is a lot of different stakeholders. So i think that process, that planning process allowed us to house 136 chronically homeless vets in Stanford Hotel for instance on 250 kearny street. That is part of the a larger planning process and speaks to the recommendation that the department really needs to take advantage of all of the wisdom here in the room, and elsewhere, and not just like go into a backroom with usual suspects and come up with a plan, and saying here is the plan. Now do your part in this. We have to be involved in the planning from the beginning. So that is really crucial for this department to take note of that. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is matt bartec and work with Street Services for the haight street referral center. I want to say its awesome to see everyone here, because i think this is where some of the best solutions are going to come from. Viable solutions need to have everyone involved and its something that i would like to highlight. Its important that were going to talk about homelessness, that we have Homeless Individuals be a part of this conversation. Because if we set things up for them, i dont think that is going to be a longterm solution. But we need to have a lot of feedback from them. I think something that is very helpful with the new department is working with the community. That includes residents. That includes Service Providers. Because i think that is going to be like i said, more of a viable solution. Another thing that is really important is expanding a lot of dropins that are here in San Francisco. Specifically youth dropins. I know that is something that is a big point of topic in the haight and i think that would be a positive thing. So dropin places where people can get lots of services and similar so the Navigation Center, to saturate them with services to get those needs met. Another thing that would be very helpful is housing. Of course, housing is something that everybody has been talking about. I think housing specifically for youth needs to be lowerbarrier. Just my experience in the haight shows there is a lot of people traveling in groups. If we say there is a spot for you, but no spot for three other friends that protected you or your Service Animal could be a major barrier and making department of Public Health for people to access and quick access. So its there in moment when they are ready for the change. Thank you. Thank you, before the next speaker comes up, i will call 15 more cards. [ reading speakers names ] greetings supervisors and thank you for having this hear. My name is jennifer stock er im on the board of directors of rainbow groceries. Im coming here to let you know although the city provided some action towards services for which we had asked, we did not ask the city to give a 72hour notice to People Living on division street. We asked for very specific services to be provided to the folks living on the streets, around rainbow and throughout the city. We are continuing to meet with representatives of the city, to articulate and develop a more compassionate and beneficial response to the problems that we all face with this unfortunate situation and the growing number People Living on streets. Well continue to press officials of San Francisco to one, provide more basic Health Services for the folks who find themselves living on the street. Second, accelerate the opening and operations of facilities that can aid people in their needed transition from their street dwellings into a safe, clean, and stable housing. Lastly, maintain a clean and safe environment for residents, and businesses, and the community in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Stocker. Hello. I want to thank the board of supervisors for doing Something Like this, and supervisor kim, just so you know, my name, any ancestors from germany is ei is pronounced i. Thank you. I volunteer and were serving so many more meals. Used to be on a busy day, 1600, 1700 and the average is 25002900, memorial day 2005, we serves 4,000, the most we ever served. More and more the country is becoming the rich get richer and the heck with everyone else. St. Anthony has good programs, employment programs and shelters for people to go. Its just funny, we got reagan to thanks for a lot of these people being on the street, because when as we governor he shut off funding to the mental hospital. I wanted to learn about the other programs and i want to st. Anthonys day before i started and this man wandered in from the streets he was schizophrenic and hearing god talk to him. The facilitator said why dont you come to the dining room to get something eat and shed is asked him to get something to eat and he said no, and when we volunteered in the dining room, all that went through my head is there, but for the grace of god, goes i. Thank you. Good afternoon. Lovely to be in the board chambers. Lorna guzman and local representative for coordinating board and i have been there as long as supervisor peskin, he probably reappointed me. My first request to the board, you guys need to be involved in our policies. So i really want to make sure that through the board of supervisors, you direct either through your committees that you have participation in the Interagency Council that the mayor has formed. Our homeless plan adopted by the local homeless board and sent to hud has never been approved by the city, even though we presented at the first Interagency Council that the mayor formed. If you read the mayors directionives, one of the reasons that we convene was a big proponent that we were having the city together talk about our policies. And that we have one plan, not 2500. So i want to make sure one of the first steps and malia is not here, but that we recommend im sorry, the board and the Mayors Office of Interagency Council approve this plan, which is now two years old. This that our very meager plan for housing included only 300 a month because the Mayors Office on housing to increase the number of housing that is particular to Homeless People. With regardsing to governance, i was delighted when sam dodge called me and told me were going for one department after looking at texas and in particular houston. Presenting to the Mayors Office their tremendous achievements there reducing street homelessness in particular in texas. Where we learned the governance done by continuum of care. Its interesting that the local homeless boards has not been invited and this city has not honors us in 12 years a policymaker body. I hope you commit to that and tell the mayor clearly the local homeless board thank you. Let me finish this. If you finish the sentence. He said no. I am asking you to ask the mayor that we first decide the governance of that department before we move into the department . Thank you very much. Thank you ms. Guzman. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is daniel conrad. I live in supervisor kims district. I lived in supervisor cohens district for many years. My business is in supervisor campos district. I know this part of town well. I have a Small Business at 1515 bryant street, the hams building on bryant and florida streets about a block off of 13, which we call division. I am in favor of the new one department. I think any way we can more efficiently deliver the services can only be a benefit to the city and i think pier 80 is a start. In the neighborhood of my business, i have heard criminalization, but there are were criminal activities happening on the street every day. You read about it in the paper, but you come down and see it. We see it happening. One of these folks pulled a gun on an unarmed Security Guard and im concerned one of my clients or employees is going to get hurt or killed. These people have pipes and baseball bats. It is not wrong for the city to be treating this as a social Service Problem without ignoring the criminal law component of this. The spca is at the 16th street end of florida street where the population has tripled in about the last weekandahalf. The volunteers would walk the rescue dogs cant walk them on the sidewalks and they have to walk them in the streets and there are trucks in the streets. So its dangerous to many good parts of society in town, including employers, people who pay taxes, and people who follow the law. So please do not ignore this important component. Thank you, supervisors. Thank you, mr. Conrad. Thank you my name is high carol and im active in Many Organizations including faith for fool and its been a privilege to sit here and listen to the brilliant leader of departments and nonprofits to speak. These brilliant people working so hard with their coworkers to solve the problems. I dont know if this department is a great idea, but i want the city to come together with this department, with information from these organizations. And not just do this partway. We need to continue to give existing services that were already providing to people while building this new department and possibly going all in. I mean there is a lot of people upset, scrambling over minimum of resources. We need more money and where we get that im motsure, but clearly people are upset and we need more money. Im glad we have neighbors that are living unhoused on the streets that are being represented and People Living in the neighborhood, trying to shoulder more than their share of burden here telling us. We care about these people, and i wish there were a better option than more money to help solve this. Discussion groups to bring people together to share and understand that were all people and just putting more resources into this. Thank you all for your time today. Thank you, mr. Carroll. Im tom taylor. My street where i have my business and many of the tenants have gone, couldnt stay here. We have been dump on for years had our neighborhood. Its nothing new. We have a Little Block Party and you ms. Kim did not show up and we had no representation from you at all. We have since go gone ahead and got the city to approve the park 1. 5 million you never shows and thank you very much for not caring. Its the first place that gets dumped on is us. We got all the people down there and the encampment this time was beyond. You got your super bowl. We got the dump. Were kind of mads. Were kind of fedup. The man back here, his business has been there umpteen years and he had a fire that burned the side of his building. Were tired of being dumped on and were putting the paperWork Together to sue the city to say we want our taxes lowered, were sick and tired of having the needles outside of our places. Its nothing new, but since the super bowl you really dump on. So we thank you ms. Kim for not caring. Goodbye. Thank you, mr. Taylor. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is bobby bogan, resident of San Francisco, former executive director of organizing seniors. I have been gone out of this environment and come back and we still have the same statistics. We still got the same people involved in this problem. We still talking about the same committees now the committees are expandsing and navigation and people are still complaining about the number of Homeless People growing. Were not really addressing this thing with the times. One thing that we all aint understanding there is a new america here now and that new america was created out of the economic crisis with 45 Million People still living in poverty here. We dont have the money to do what is needed. In order to end the homeless problem we have got to get with that agenda. Because these people are growing up in poverty know and people growing up in homeless. Everything is growing and we need to get with another plan here. We need to get with another way of dealing with thing because were working with the same culture over and over and over again and expecting to get different results from the navigation places . Some people dont want to go in. Were spending money and we need to get to the polls and get money out here to start making some things happen. We could have taken advantage of these vacated military bases that got housing and stuff. We havent even done that yet. There is a lot of things that could be done besides going through what we are doing through over and over again and spending more and more money. Joyce is getting ready and we have aaron peskin back to take advantage of his wisdom and getting something going here. Where we can share with the rest of the nation. Because this problem aint going away. Its not going to away. Aint nobody got no money. Its not go away. Thank you all for letting me come through. Thank you. Good morning, jordan davis, tenderloin resident to speak on the homeless crisis in San Francisco. Before i get into solutions, for the record, giving people actually homes and i support Onestop Center like you are proposing. I believe that part of the alleviation of homelessness is also getting rid of every antihomeless law passed since Dianne Feinstein became mayor. The hatecrime also cause me to lose an eye. I didnt good to the police because they would arrested me instead of the perpetrate perpetrator [speaker not understood] we must decriminalize homeless drugs and sex work and Seek Solutions for all. Moreover the Navigation Center is great and i an alumni and utah puts people in apartments and treats them like adults. Navigation center has become a pipeline to the corrupt and crooked tenderloin housing clinic including pest issues and paying more than 50 of ssi and allowed convicted rapists and pedophiles and lack of private bathrooms and reasonable accommodations. Which goes to the issues of families and issues of disability right and even transgenders rights. We dont demand luxury from the housing, but we demand standards. I dont say this much, but lets follow utahs we need diversity of housing solutions. Thank you for holdsing this hearing and i hope something good comes out of it. Thank you good afternoon. Supervisors. Everybody that is here, there is a lot of compassion in this room and im somebody who is actually sleeping under the bridge that were all talking about. With what being said, where do i go . What do i do . I cant Access Services that are offered by the city. You know, i was turned away from the navigation because they can only hold 75 people and turned away from pier 80 because they need a reservation. I feel for the Business Owners, but where do i go . Better yet, where do i go to the bathroom . Is safeways responsibility to always let me go to the bathroom. I feel bad for safeway. I get it, nobody wants to see tent city. It sucks and 98 of us want help, we do. Coming home coming back to my tent, to a notice that the family next to me doesnt speak english and how are they to understand what is going on . I thank you kim and you have been amazing. Listening to a lot of people, this has brought tears to my eyes. Actions that support homelessness. You do want to walk down the street. I get that. I spent an hour and a half this morning with few volunteers cleaning up the streets. Why cant we have trashcans . These are things that could be done today rather than two weeks from now. Kim, where do we go . What do with he do . You said you went to pier 80 . I was turned away. Because you didnt have . A reservation in the change system. Okay. How do you access the change system on the weekend . I dont want to start a conversation on the mic. Mr. Dodge or miss crum. Miss crum, can we hear from you awesome, thank you, guys and thank you everybody being here. Before you go one more question you said there is family next to you. Yes. How many familis do you think are under the bridge . 2030. 2030 families . With children . You dont know. That is the thing. They are in tents. There are children on the streets. You have seen them . Yes. There are children. The family next to, what language do they speak . Chinese im guessing or mandarin. Isnt legal notice supposed to be in other languages . I have a lot of questions. Miss crum. Can we get clarification on that, because that is not my understanding. Were talking about pier 80, correct . Correct. So pier 80 is accessed by the sf hot team. They go to the encampments and try to bring people in groups. If they are not able to bring a group in that night, those beds are opened up to individuals who are at msc south our largest shelter and our dropin shelter. So they are waiting outside to get into either get a chair or a bed at msc south or a bed in one of the other systems. Each night we move people from msc south to pier 80, to access the beds. Do they walk can they walk up and access pier 80 . No. They cannot. Because we never know if were going to be at capacity, or we never know when the hot team goes out to bring everyone in, if the whole group is intact . So we have to take sure that there are beds available for the group that they have made contact in to bring them into pier 80. With regard to the gentlemans assertion about the number of individuals and number of familis and individualses . Kelly, if your outreach with the hot team, have you encountered familis . She said no, but she could speak to that no. We have heard that conversation, too. But in our outreach with even our Homeward Bound Team and sf hot we havent encountered families, but i cant say if that is a true statement or not . Thank you, ms. Crum. Thank you. Hello supervisors. Thank you. My name is laurkey ara and im supervisor attorney at homeless advocacy part of the justice and diversity center. I have been doing eviction defense in San Francisco over ten years and supervise the legal clinic. The solution to homeless crisis is more housing, but in addition to that i would like to mention two cases, i believe that were preventable homelessness that the sheriff evicted yesterday. The first one i would like to introduce you to is a family, evicted by the sheriff yesterday. They are a hard working lowincome family with small children and disabled folks. They had fled guatemala when the military burned every village, every house in their village including theirs and murdered mirror family an savagely beat the actual people, the tenants. They lived in their home 26 years and evicted for pure and simple greed. There is no other reason. Landlord just wanted the money. They had it all. If they had a full scope attorney from the beginning of their eviction all the way through that had shepherded them through the end, im confident that they would be housed today rather than sleeping with family or waiting months for a shelter, one of the family shelters or sleeping in their car. We need more we need to stop preventable evictions with more evictiondefense attorneys. Secondly yesterday the sheriff evicted a mentally disabled mentally ill person with serious Chronic Health conditions. She was evicted from a privately managed San Francisco property and a San Francisco native and had never been homeless before. Today she is on the streets and will get citations for living on streets and she will be harassed and physical abuse. Pell will pass her by and judge her and think they know why she is homeless. And her only crime is being sick and poor in San Francisco. Right now if she had Emergency Social Service intervention, she would have been able to maintain housing and hsa has a program welcoming with dph i can only let you finish your sentence. Finish your sentence. Okay. This program exists right now that they use in some of the hsas Supportive Housing that should be a separate program should be opened up to private market housing, and Affordable Housing that does not provide supportive services. Thank you. Thank you. Im ben woolsley and were interested in improving quality of life for everyone in western soma. I want to call attention to a specific problem and the current approach to homeless mitigation, which is the problem of scale. We have 75 . Person Navigation Center and pier 80, but 6,000 plus Homeless People. Those people lacking transitional housing opportunities provided by the city make their own and create de facto transitional housing which is the tents on the sidewalks. The problems that arise from the tents on the sidewalk are not are problems that are easily avoided. We can provide trash service. We can provide disposal and so on. Other cites are doing this currently. Seattle is an example. They have organized accountable tent encampments and provide kitchens and where the community itself provides for itself, manages itself and they do so at an extremely affordable cost, a cost that the city can afford to provide meaningful housing for everyone homeless person immediately. Like within the next six months. It takes unused land, parking lots or empty lots, and the costs run about 100 per person per month. Half of which is provided by the resident themselves and for that they get bathrooms, kitchens and so on. Granted its modest circumstances. Its intent, but its community and facilities are there. I think this is the only way were going to get were going meaningful address the number of Homeless People in the city. Thank you. Thank you, woolsley. Im going to called rest of my speaker cards. [ reading speakers names ] hi, thanks for having this hearing im leslie with housing rights committee. I think its you ashame that every supervisor isnt here to hear these testimonies. [ applause ] i want to second what coalition on homelessness said. And we need an immediate moratorium on the sweeps and criminalization of homelessness and we can do bathrooms and showers and garbage access. We have the money. This is the richest city in the area. And im not going to everyone else said a lot of what i wanted to say. So i just want to say that we need for you to look holistically on how you are governing us . We need you to stop the evictions that are driving homelessness. So pass speculator tax and put a moratorium on evictions so people dont end up being homeless. A lot that trickles down to homeless that we need you to stop. In general, there is 62 people in the world that have more wealth in the bottom half of our incomeearners in the world. That is a huge person. Were the most unequal city in the United States right now as far as our gap between rich and poor. So we need to pass policy that addresses that instead of catering to rich corporations here and giving them tax breaks. Thank you [ applause ]. Thank you. X good afternoon. My name is martha ryan the founder and executive director of the homeless prenatal program. A family Resource Center that has been working in San Francisco for the last 26 years. You have heard it all, its a big, big problem. Housing will solve that problem, but services matter. Supportive housing is really important. And if we want to look to the future, i say its a time that we start going much, much further upstream. We have to Pay Attention to the children, the babies that are born into poverty, they didnt ask for this and their trajectory there life will end up as kids in the tents on the streets. We have to start providing opportunities. People do not have the opportunities that they deserve. Talking educational opportunities, jobtraining, jobs. Its an economic problem and we have to partner. If we think we can do this on our own, were nuts. Were delusional. You have to take advantage of the people who have offered support. We had people from the community, of. We have people from the Business Department and people from everywhere that want to help, but were not paying attention. Were doing this in silos. Prevention, preventative evictions, provide housing, provide support and Job Opportunities and education for the people who are just stuck in homelessness and will never get out unless we start doing these things. It can be done. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Ryan, for being here hi im stevens and did volunteer work with San Francisco shares and also just in response to the crisis created by the mayors administration tuesday spent a lot of day just observing what has happening. So i have so much to say about that, but i will talk about one case about a guy who was notified about the street being clean up. I didnt see any Service Providing hot teams or other people. He missed his methadone appointment because he had to prevent his shelter from being trashed and getting treatment. I havent been able to reach him and i am worried he has gone back to being a user, because he was harassed so badly by 20 dpw employees. I did speak to rachel kegan, director of communications and told me pier 80 is an option for the people. Meanwhile the same day, the chronicle reported after going to pier 80 with the mayor, that 80 out of 100 beds were occupied and even the 150 beds. The nearest methadoneclinic is miles from pier 80. You have to transfer your paperwork and plan the day that happens. So i saw 25 San Francisco City Employees out there harassing people and spinning the situation and lying. But nobody there helping citizens who live there. The city could easily provide garbage cans, portable toilets, sharp containers to address the Health Concern of needles. Last, this guy who lives on the streets, his street was already cleared, but he was notified after it was cleared [ inaudible ] thank you. Im sorry. I have to give the same time to everybody. Please finish your sentence. So i would love to know what the standard of the city is applying according to the department of justice memo about cruel and unusual moving of people with nowhere to go . His street was already cleaned tuesday, but he was also notified about a cleaning on friday. What is the standard for determining when is that acceptable and constitutional . Thank you. Frances of assisi challenges us to do what is possible to the marginalized in our Community Nobody is listening jane kim, aaron peskin, london breed, nobody is listening. Just so you know, i can actually help accommodate this reporter and listen to you and jane can listen to that person. We are good at multitasking, but the floor is yours and that wont come out of your time. Thank you so much. Maybe we can reset that. So i started the st. Frances homelessness challenge a couple of months ago to challenge neighbors and city hall to take action. What is going on division street right noul now is outrageous 72hour notice to say this is a Public Health hazard around unhygienic toileting and other issues when the services arent being provided. Tonight to let everybody here know were going to be out at division and 11th. Im spending the night there along with other volunteers in order to offer a portapotty, which the city has failed to provide, and sometimes people say why dont they allow those portapotties at van ness and division to be used and the Security Guards who guard there is a we dont want people to be too comfortable here. That is why i think its disingenuous they are saying its a Public Health hazard. Living on the streets is a Public Health hazard, but we know we dont have enough housing to house everyone on the streets within the next year; right . When we create this new department we need to make sure there is a focus on permanent housing and getting people into the Supportive Housing, but also focused on interim solutions and support. Its pretty outrageous, too, that the Human Services agency created pier 80 without going to the coalition on homelessness and without going to the community to figure out how to create a welcoming, supportive environment . So right now what we are doing is were looking to create these kinds of interim solutions. Portland has done this, eugene has done this, seattle has done this. Can we do this . In San Francisco . I think its quite possible with a city of innovation and cesar chavez and san bruno is another area to look at and to Work Together to create interim solutions to ending homelessness. Thank you, ms. Wies. Thank you guys for doing. My name is aaron and im homeless, although im currently living in transition housing. April 22, i will be homeless. Im saying do not let nonprofit take over and prioritize and privateer, because it will cause a problem. You are talking about a lot of money and if you cant fix the money with whatever you have in place throwing more money is not the solution. Second thing, soup kitchen and clothes are not the answer. Housing is the answer, but its not the type of housing that everyone envisions. You need hardcore infrastructure on the ground to be stationary for a year or two to transition. You will have to raise education teach them how to uses technology and provide Services Within the city. Then they transition into perm negligent permanent housing and they contributinging and paying targets and full citizens of the city. [speaker not understood] the other thing is that Mental Health issues im a disabled combat veteran by the way. Thank god my disability just went through and that is going to help me. Mental health issues, veterans and drug addiction, all of these are in the inclusive of being homelessness. Laziness is not a symptom of homeless. People need help. They dont need to be looked down upon. Its not where we sit here and yell and point fingers and blame each other. Were here to figure out how to help people . I have heard a homeowner to a Business Owner to a person on the street and people saying what do i do . We have got problem and we have to deal with them. Please be careful who you han this money to. Thank you. Before i do, ask i ask with you are staying in transitional housing . I live on treasure island. Are you under the source Share Program . Im under drc. Daily reporting center. One last thing, there are military barracks empty that i go by every single day. Thank you. Hello jane, aaron and board. My name is ken pisher Homeless Action Center board of directors founds route home and cofounder of st. Francis village. We have been collaborating or trying to with some folks at the city to provide services and temporary transitional housing under cesar chavez. I have found a lot of great organizations that are willing to partner with other folks from the city. I guess i would really encourage and embrace you to look to these innovative ideas. For instance, dignity village, those solutions have come up quite often and i feel they are good, transitional solutions. I would like to give that a shot at cesar chavez and 101 and i would like your help to do it. I also am just really disappointed what is going on right now in division street and feel with the recent department of justice ruling that we shouldnt be criminalizing and sweeping away people, but providing a compassionate solution. So which folks Like Police Officers and dpw shows to work with people on the streets rather than sweeping them away. So i would love to continue the conversation and be in touch with you. I hope i have an opportunity to continue to offer our services and hope that you will consider partnering with people, as well as nonprofits. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Fisher. I guess its 2 00, so good afternoon. Is that right . Whatever time it is, well hello everybody. My name is rose eggeer and i live on natoma street. I have been in San Francisco 38 years. When you talk about homelessness, you cant just say well these are the homeless. The people in my neighborhood are chronic Homeless People. The people in my neighborhood have been there for decades. That neighborhood was created a long time ago. There are drug addiction problems that are so terrible, alcoholism, and just total poverty. We want to try to transcend the whole neighborhood into being a better neighborhood. We would like to have these people have services that can help them with their drug addiction, that can help them. How can you be mentally disabled and be stuck on the streets like that . Who are the people that are doing all of this stuff . People that cant even they dont even know up or down. They are schizophrenic, half the times out there. They need so much help. We clean the streets every day this lady cleans the streets every day for these people. I propose a project on taylor and eddy, you build micro apartments for the homeless. You have a real transitional building that has lots of rooms. You can train them. You can have one month, then three months, a year, into new housing. Please think of this. Dont build something there a neighborhood, Family Apartments in a neighborhood that is just going to get them into poverty. Poverty will get you more poverty. Please, rise out of poverty thank you, ms. Egar. I live a block from division and it really affected me watching what was being done over there recently. I just want to say i have been living there a while and never have a problem with the people there and i dont like to see peoples possessions being confiscated. I support the thing that was said earlier about a moratorium on sweeps until the department is setup and making recommendations because taking peoples stuff is not helping and not helping us not helping them, but also not helping the residents because it makes it the worse the problem we have to deal with. I spoke to some of the people on the streets the other day and some things that they mentioned in places like pier 80 they are given a mat. These people are living in tents as a Homeless Program you are talking about can focus on both creating new housing, but making it better at each step for the people in their transition. And taking them out of their tents, when you dont have a better place to put them isnt helping. These places should have this is one idea suggested to me by one of the Homeless People, a place for them to set up tents that is not blocking sidewalks for a temporary thing until you get better systems set up. One other thing i wanted to mention, we have a situation in San Francisco where there is a lot of money being made by a very small group of people, developers, and people coming in from outside the city that are flipping properties. There is a precedent in the United States of windfall profits being taken in when people are a few people are making really profit and those people doing that kind of thing, are having a serious impact only the city of San Francisco and just like the hotel tax is, targeted hotels, those people should be targeted for fees or taxes based on what they are doing and the harm that they are doing to the community, so it can be made up for . Thank you very much. Thank you, john. Hi name is edna reya, resident as well and artist and bartender. I keep hearing all day about the lack of current Computer Systems to integrate the homeless no one database and access of services easier. With all of the new Tech Companies running integrated systemses for the whole world out of San Francisco, you have the best resources in the world to tackle these computer problems. Tap into the new tech companis in the city who have driven up the marketrates. Give them a chance to a, redeem themselves to the other citizens of San Francisco, who are angry at them for the influx of the weather wealth contributing to the dispart of the classes. The empty lots the city should allocate lots to homelessness and resist money there Big Companies to create more offices. Since there wasnt a call made before, i i i now i think now is a good time. Thank you. Thank you miss reya good afternoon, elizabeth living in supervisor wieners district and longterm resident of San Francisco. Im very fortunate i have a house living in a rentcontrolled apartment and goodpaying union job. I live in the Mission District and we have seen the Homeless Population just sky rocket very recently. I am a longterm customer of the rainbow, and i ride my bicycle all over time, including home from my job at night on market street. Its pathetic what this city has allowed to happen. Im going to read a little something, a little text my daughter sent through facebook. Last night while this group of young Homeless People slept someone lit their tents on fire. The flames got so high that they reached the ceiling of the overpass. Again, someone tried to murder these people while they were sleeping because they are poor, and the city of San Francisco will not tolerate that. This is the problem. Our problem. We tolerate wealthy people owning properties all over the city, who do not live here, Foreign Investors are allowed to keep their apartments vacant. They pay no price. We pay the price. What is the problem with exercising Eminent Domain on these out of town landlords . Also what is the problem im sorry, im getting a little bit excited, but what is the problem of taking care of the people . We have empty schools all night long and why do we need to have People Living on the streets with car pollution and rats . Why cant we open up the school gyms at night and have the people at least get off of the streets . We have so many options available to us, but a lot of options that we have were not even looking at and a lot of them dont cost a lot of money to implement. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi; my name is jordan. A few months ago i was homeless for a few weeks. Before that i was paying 2,000 a month in rent, five years ago i was one of those guys with the highpaying tech jobs. So i have seen all sides of this and i have compassion for all sides. I just want to highlight one particular aspect from my experience of getting out of that mess, which is kind of Behavioral Health, Mental Health side that we know is an issue. When i needed help and sought services with the Behavioral Health system, i felt like the system failed me. I was not addicted to drugs. I was not seeking medications. I was looking for essentially help with ptsd and anxiety, and my experience was explaining my situation multiple times in detail as others have described. Just very opening my heart and saying all of this stuff about my trauma and having somebody record the details and doing that two or three time and it was like none of it went anywhere. The last meet i literally went to an appointment for an intake for drug Addiction Treatment after two times explaining that my problem is not caused by drugs. Im not seeking drugs, but my experience was from this particular angle of the Behavioral Health Mental Health system is designed to funnel people in and the only thing it knows how to do is give them drugs. And in the cases where drugs arent the problem, that is not helping. I wanted to share that and hope something good comes out of this because obviously a lot of people care. Thank you, sir } thank you. The homeless problem and lack of housing is causing more and more dangers for all of us just walking down the street. People are retaliating once again another. And its become a class war. Where there is a big gap between tech and lowincome. And there is not enough bridges where people can pass through, and actually start finding solutions. We have we live in one of the biggest cities that has one of the creative biggest Creative Minds and nobody takes actions to Work Together. Its really hard to go to work every day and keep telling people, no, no, i cant give you a house, even though i go home to my bed. Its cruel. Its cruel to take peoples only possession, their dog, their walker, things the little bits of things that keep them human, to take these things away. We have so much money and we dont allocate it well. I think its great how the city contracts Different Agency s to help suspect because support these individuals. This is not their experience they contract agencies to seek appropriate supporting around Mental Health behavioral problems, substance . I just want to highlight a couple of things. When we talk about criminal activities and things like that, is it peoples choice or people doing it out of desperation or survival . There is a lack of humanity, and often people have not lived in the city long enough to actually love and grow to love our population and try to make it Something Better out of it. I think that trying to establish for thinktanks thank you. Next speaker. Thank you for your patience. I know this has been a long day for you. My name is jane wile and i know supervisor kim. I live in midmarket and every day we walk through the problems that people have described here. Its definitely gotten worse. Its scary to walk down the street, double do down mission or market street. We definitely need more housing and shortterm we services. People breaking down, because they are having and help people to get into a supportive place to be assessed for what is happening to them mentally . They may not be homeless. Some of the people live in our neighborhood, but they cant help themselves, because they are out on the street breaking down. We have people passed out in the streets in their own waste. They may or may not be homeless. We need a compassionate way to take them to the dryout center or back to their own room, if they have one. But we cant step over there and ignore them. That is what we are doing now, walking over people. We have to cross to the other side of the street because were afraid of someone being violent. Its not a civilized way to live. I want to set apart of the shortterm and longterm and while you are looking for longterm solutions to come up with daytoday shortterm solutions as well. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. My name is terrace and im a mission resident of 13 years. I am a small Business Owner. And i am formerly homeless, several times, in my life. And now im a Health Care Provider in San Francisco, and im a little nervous because i just got into a very heated discussion with sam dodge who yelled in my face and can appreciate his passion and im passionate about this as well. While i appreciate and definitely necessary all the longterm solutions put forward and im so glad that is happening, my focus is shortterm solutions. When we saw video of the dpw crushing peoples tents about a month ago my friend and i started a Gofundme Campaign to replace those tents. Our concern is with cesar chavez and 101 division street encampments. Everyone is always talking about people going to the bathroom on the street, and i say, if you dont want people to go to the bathroom on the street, bring them portapotties. If you dont want needles on the streets, bring people sharps containers and Needle Exchange programs. Why scatter them instead of bringing them services. Tonight there will be thousands sleeping outdoors [speaker not understood] thank you. Mr. Chair peskin, madame president breed and supervisor kim, steve laplant, retired after 35 years as the Emergency Medical Services administrator for the San Francisco. From 198288 i worked in the Mayors Office under Dianne Feinstein and the mayor thought it was originally temporary and she appointed me the citys first homeless coordinator and i worked with the public and private agencies in the city to deal with this issue. I have two points to make. One is she asked me to make sure there were no encampment and wherever one did arise i respectfully asked them to leave and they always did. One of the encampments that i worked to close is as large as the one on division street is now. It should be a policy that we just not allow encampments. Last january with el nino, the hundreds living in Golden Gate Park were flooded out and pier 50 was opened up and we houses 500 people a night for 15 months. When the weather was really bad we ramped up to 700. I would like too suggest that we never had to turn anyone away, no matter how many people we had. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Laplante. Thank you for coming back to speak. Good afternoon, supervisors. Eric brooks, San Francisco green party, local grassroots organization, our city. Supervisor peskin, very nice to see you back in that seat. And i couldnt disagree more with the previous speaker, and i couldnt agree more with the one who spoke just before him. San francisco green Party Last Night came to full consensus on supporting carol liu senate bill 876 to decriminalize homelessness. What is happening in San Francisco has gotten completely out of whack and is nut ball, and the board of supervisors needs to act immediately to decriminalize homelessness in San Francisco. I was going to say absolute outrage, referring to the sweeps that just happened, but i think i have to up it and kick it up a notch. The Mayors Office, the executive branch of this city has gone from being a cynical supporter of luxury housing developments, which has created this problem in the first place, and is now slid into becoming just outright evil. I mean its outright evil to give people 72hour notice and less than 24 hours later come in and sweep their encampments and throw their belongings into dump sters and crush them. That is not outrageous; that is evil. This city has become a shadow of the city that i moved into 22 years ago. We need the board of supervisors to step up and put a stop to these sweeps immediately. Pass a resolution supporting sb 876 and immediately pass your own resolution that decriminalizes homelessness, so that they are not blocking the sidewalk and that they are healthy and clean. That is what needs to happen. Not sweeping people all over the place the city and making the situation worse. You have got to act now. Thanks } thank you, mr. Brooks. Any other members of the public who would like to testify on this item . If so, please come forward hi arlene [speaker not understood] today i will be losing my section 8 tomorrow due to fact they cannot find a play that will accept it. Regarding the differentation of the 311 beds and gaassigned beds is a contributor to the empty beds in the evening. In which i have observed both at the sanctuary, and at providence Emergency Shelter at golden gate and bayviewhunters point operates. There is a distinction not at providence, but sanctuary between the welfareadministered beds and 311 changes beds. If somebody isnt there by 9 oclock, they can be assigned, but such as glide memorial, they close at night and those beds i observe maybe 1015 over 30 days empty. If the engineer who works with this sort of infrastructure, im just telling that is what i have observed, the same as the director had stated. I was so happy she had brought that up. I never wanted to say anything, but it seems like a waste of bedding. That is what i wanted to shay with ss kim and if fiona ma. Thank you, any other members. Public to testify, please come forward. I think one of my solutions theoretically is a homeless school. Where you can take some of the families and put them in that school and then they could get some of the services there, and get shelter. At night the schools are pretty much empty. But i would like to see a housing manual, where it would show you where to get housing and how to fill out of applications and the different programs and Different Things like that, and different tricks of the trade, that the that some of the housing specialists have to help people get into housing. I guess i am still stuck on the Navigation Center being called homophobic and racial slurs and being violently and physically attacked. One of the workers there swinging at me in the middle of the attack and i got kicked out indefinitely, while other people got to stay there for they got to stay there. I think the other problem is with these 501 c 3 s and other systems, the homeless voice is always negated, overrun and not valued. I think somewhere along the line we need to implement the ideas that the homeless have to make their systems. Thank you, sir. Seeing no other members of the public for public testimony on this item, Public Comment is closed. I want to thank supervisors cohen, kim, breed, and campos for bringing this item. I have a number of comments, and im sure my colleagues on this panel do as well. But given some time constraints, if you could indulge us and madam clerk, if you could read items 411. Are we going to take action after . Well go back to item no. 1. Okay. Items 411 are ordinances and resolutions authorizing settlements of lawsuits and unlitigated claims with the city and county of San Francisco. Mr. Deputy City Attorney john givner. There are eight settlements before you today and typically the Committee Goes into closed session to have discussions and ask any questions of my office. We have given each of you confidential written briefings on these matters. If you want a closed session on any of these items, we could wed be happy to have one at a future meeting and you can continue that item. If the committee decides it does not need a closed session on any of these items you could take Public Comment on the item and pass them on to the full board. Thank you, counselor givner and i want to let the public know that because vicemayor norman yee had to leave, the president appointed jane kim to be a temporary member of this panel. So now that Everybody Knows that, colleagues are there any items that you would like to hear in closed session . If not, president breed, any questions . Are there any members of the public who would like to testify on items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, if there are no questions of counsel, can we have a motion to send all of these items to the full board with recommendation. I will make a motion and i will say for the record, as i always say, im not happy about any of these lawsuits and our departments need to do a lot better. I feel were throwing money down the drain and its frustrating every time we have to approve these kinds of lawsuits. So with that, im going make a motion to approve these particular items and send them to the board with positive recommendation and a bad attitude. Thank you. That will be the order of the committee. Now well go back to item no. 1. Let me in addition to thanking the sponsors of this hearing, and thanking the many members of the public who came to testify, i particularly want to thank city staff who have been wrestling with this since this became not only a San Francisco crisis during the days of then mayor former board president Dianne Feinstein and its notice not only San Franciscos program, but a state program and National Program and San Francisco has been particularly exacerbated as the income disparity in the town rivals the poorest nations in the world where a handful people control. Walking every street and every Street Corner in the northeast part of the City District 3, which is the densest part of the city. That has and reflects that income disparity, with some of the richest individuals in this town and some of the poorest individuals of this town. I came to one fundamental realization that this city has systematically turned a blind eye so what is happening on the ground with housing. And it is very easy for us to have the conversations that a capitalist marketplace wants us to have and its a conversation that i agree we should have, which is the investment of new housing and the conversation that were having today at the board of supervisors in negotiations with the Development Industry and the Mayors Office about the percentage of affordability in those new projects. But district 3, which has no new land, no empty land, when i walk down the sutter street corridor, when i walk down the bush street corridor, when i go into 1010 bush street and hear the stories of the people at the bar moral hotel whose entire building is being holowed as the department of building inspection and i mean those women and men no disrespect and Planning Department and i mean no disrespect to the men and women, the most Affordability Housing stock this city has is the Housing Stock that we have. The story that we heard from ms. Herri motto was quite telling in how in a handsful of years did 330 stabilization the rooms become 65 . And she was honest about that. She testified honestly about this and ms. Crums testify, very honest, which is that we have failed through our Police Powers as a government, as a board of supervisors, as a Mayors Office, to regulate and enforce whether as we just discussed in the case of the academy of arts, whether its conversion of tourist of Residential Hotels to Tourist Hotels . Its happening again and again, and that is how we have helped exacerbate the homeless crisis in this town. The statistic that blows my mind because i have conversations with people who say oh, its because of San Franciscos permissive nature that people keep come and seeking out San Francisco . But the statistic that blows my mind is that 71 of our extant Homeless Population in the town are formerly housed san franciscans. That is the number that should be moving to us. I want to thank supervisors cohen and kim and the other cosponsors breed and campos for bringing this hearing. I think when one of the functions of the board of supervisors is for everybody, city staff, and for members of the public, those who are rightfully fed up with the situation on division street, and throughout the city, as this problem has been exacerbated. To come and express themselves for advocates who have taken care and stewarded and helped the homelesses for City Employees, who as i think was either ms. Crum or mr. Rhorer, these are the chambers with what collective frustration is expressed. Im glad we had that opportunity. Finally to the issue, i think for supervisor cohen called this because there is actually an issue and the issue is an attempt from the executive branch to take these various siloed department of Public Health, Human Services agency, hot team, city staff, our shadow city staff, that are the legions of nonprofit workers, who are doing the same jobs as city staff at lower rates with lower benefits and we must acknowledge them as well. Our mission here is to attempt to combine them into one department and breakthrough the walls of siloization and i salute and commend collaboration. We can take a number of wellmeaning, sometimes functional, sometimes dysfunctional different siloized functions, and put them together into one thing that either becomes an uber dysfunctional situation or becomes actually something that works . I agree with ms. Crum whoever actually runs that department, who is the face of that department is going to make all the difference in the world. Then i have a cautionary note for these Department Head because at the end of the day, Department Heads hang on to turf. I saw is when ms. Rhonda simmons atemptinged to get all the Workforce Development functions in hsa and in various Different Departments and i have fundamental respect for her and she ultimately left this government in frustration, because all of these Department Heads fought her and the executive branch did not give her the support that she needed to do that. So let us not make that mistake. If were going to do onedoor, lets do onedoor and lets commit to that onedoor, and i as one supervisor, am going to hold you all accountable to doing that, doing it in a sensible way and doing it timely. With that, supervisor cohen. Just want to say thank you, pastor peskin for that wonderful sermon [laughter ]. I think that you certainly have preached the message that and connected the dots that i, too, have found to be trouble and quite honestly not just in this particular subjectmatter. It also has to do with violence and violence prevention and how the city administers resources and were talking about millions if not tens of millions of dollars. I want to thank the advocates and everyone who has come out, colleagues thank you very much for hearing this item. I know it was very, very long, but incredibly important. Supervisor kim, thank you for stepping in when i had to step out to deal with the rules committee. And i will leave it to supervisor kim to close out. Supervisor kim. Thank you, chair peskin. This was a very long hearing and actually about to start our next Committee Hearing which i will be chairing which will also be talking about some issues that i think relate to the one athand. Which is ultimately were talking about an economic divide here in this country, that is resulting with our neighbors living on our streets. I represent a district that has over 50 of our Homeless Count here in San Francisco. And many of the people that i represent live on our streets, live in their cars, live in tents. And they are our constituents as is everyone else here there the city. What we are seeing in terms of the visibilities of homelessness, i think is unprecedentedlevels, at least over the last 15 years. Regardless of what our Homeless Count is saying, and i think were certainly also seeing that with all of the development and construction of marketrate housing in the city, that we have a lot less places for people to hide here in San Francisco. And it is in our doorsteps. This is an incredibly frustrating issue for all of us here in city government. Since the phenomenon of homelessness began 30 years ago, when we started cutting funding for housing which is ultimately led us to the issue that we have today. What we are continuing to see is a shift of this issue not just being an economic and poverty issue, but its so hard to live on our streets that its on inevitable people will develop physical ailments and Mental Health trauma because of these barriers when they were housed. I agree with advocates in the room that housing is the answer and to be investing funds. I have concerns and im happy to see that were consolidating services in one department and you know were early in the process, but the one thing to ask the Mayors Office and departments that are here that were absolutely intentional in consolidating our departments. I have seen in the past resistance to this change. Its understandable. There is a way that we have always done thing that people are comfortable with. This is not the only department of services to consolidation and i would love to see Inspection Services consolidated and that continues to be challenging to do. But as we move forward, i am reminded of the statement that were either unified by design or divided by default and im concerned had a were moving down the pathway of default. And the plan that will be in place when we put a department . I dont want to make an announcement of department to ensure people that were doing something about homelessness if its not going to something about homelessness in a visible way, that People Living on the streets feel the impact. That is ultimately what were talking about, more than real people, including many children live in our streets and in unstable housing and cars and tents and the city must absolutely do something about it. I would love to hear more solutions. I think we have done a tremendous amount and we should acknowledge the accomplishments that the city has already made in housing the 10,000 people that we have housed since 2004 and to identify and say this is what we really need to house the next 10,000, these are the resources to make it happen and bring the next Navigation Center online, the first solution that is actually making a difference on our streets. I think that as this moves through the Budget Committee process of which several of us sit on, well certainly have that opportunity. I do think more dollars are needed, but i think we need to be able to accurately account for how the current dollars are being spent and why . I do want to thank all the members of the public who came to speak. This is an incredibly important issue and frustrating issue. So i want to thank everyone who is a part and wants to be a part of the solution together with us. So mr. Chair, seeing no other comments from members of this committee, do we want to take a motion to continue this item . Supervisor cohen . To the call of the chair. To the call of the chair. Motion by temporary Committee Member kim to continue this item to the call of the chair. Colleagues, if there is no objection, well do that and continue to discuss this item. Thank you again to members of the public, and city staff, for your time and presence here today. [ gavel ] madame clerk, can you please read item no. 3. Item no. 3 ordinance amending the administrative code to create a cash Revolving Fund allowing the office of the clerk of the board to keep up to 100 in petty cash in the office. And making nonsub stant [kwroeufrp ] changes to other sections of the administrative code that establish cash Revolving Funds for city departments. Madame clerk, before you speak, let me just say that its going cost more than 100 to approve this item that is worth only 100. The floor is yours. In brief, mr. Chair, member breed, clerk of the board, this just restores authority that the Authority Office of the clerk of the board previously had that you have it. Exactly. Were just asking a 100 threshold and notice that the City Attorney worked with the other departments on minor amendments and actually nonsub stantive to the ordinance. Were just requesting your support of this ordinance today. Thank you, madame clerk. Any members. Public who would like to speak on item no. 3 . The 100 Petty Cash Fund in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [ gavel ] colleagues, our pleasure make sure you account for every penny of that, because that could be the solution to our 8. 9 billion budget. Is there a motion to send this to the full board with recommendation . Moved by supervisor breed without objection. That will be the order. Madame clerk, is there any more business before this body . There is no further business. Were adjourned [ gavel ] good afternoon and thank you members of the public for your patient nsh. Apology for the late start. Had a meeting that went very very long and so now we are startic our second Committee Hearing, the pubplic safety and 2345irbd serbs committee for february 25, 2016. Im jane kim and will chair the mitty. To my right is john avalos and supervisor campos cant make it to the meelting

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