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[gavel] good afternoon and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors for the meeting of tuesday, september 27, 2016. Mme. Clerk, can you please call the roll. Thank you mme. Pres. [roll call] thank you. Mme. Pres. You have a quorum. Thank you. Can you please join us in a pledge to the flag. [pledge of allegiance] thank you mme. Clerk, are there any communications . I have none to report. We have a motion by supervisor ali lows and seconded by supervisor peskin can we take this without objection . Without objection, this motion passes. On items one through 21. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. Okay, those items are passed on the First Reading and adopted unanimously. Mme. Clerk, the first item. Item 22 is an ordinance ordinance appropriating 77,000,000 of proceeds from the general obligation housing bond, series 2016f to the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development for public housing, lowIncome Housing, investment in mission neighborhood, and middle Income Housingdalp and tnd in fy20162017, and placing these funds on controllers reserve pending sale of the bonds. Colleagues can we take this item same house, same call. Without objection this ordinance is passed unanimously [gavel] item 24 please item 24 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to require that prevailing wages be paid for work loading or unloading materials, goods, or products for special events and shows on City Property, and the driving of commercial vehicles for that purpose. Thank you. Supervisor wiener. This board of supervisors is making a prevailing wage legislation to a sure that this comes with a fair living wage and allows for a quality of life and my office hasdone a lot of work on this very complicated legislation. We have worked for nearly a year on this legislation and i want to thank our city administrator and our recreation and Parks Department and other departments further helpful feedback as we have developed this legislation. This legislation strikes the right balance between supporting our workers and ensuring that we do not have undue Financial Hardship on our City Property and we have done so by focusing on these events in our local jurisdiction and i ask you for your support. Thank you supervisor wiener. Colleagues, can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed unanimously. [gavel] item 25 please. Item 25 isordinance waiving the competitive process requirement of administrative code, section 2a. 173, for a Lease Agreement between amoura international, inc. , and the city and county of San Francisco, by and through its Airport Commission, for an interim employee cafe at airport terminal 1. Supervisor peskin. Thank you mme. Chair. I have had some conversations from with the airports mr. Widener and if we could ask ms. Widener to come up if that is okay mme. Pres. Yes. Good afternoon mme. Pres. And members of the board. Kathy wagner with the San Francisco airport. Thank you miss wagner. I understand it is just the waiver for Competitive Bidding that is before us. You and i have discussed that this lease has been in place and we have now proposed, should this waiver be granted as a threeyear lease with two oneyear extensionshich to me is a policy matter and it calls into question why this would be waving the competitive bid process and to that and you and i have discussed the possibility and you guys have given us the temporary nature of the ability and if we could work out a threeyear lease it would alleviate some of my concerns in this matter, is that correct . That is correct. So colleagues, i make a motion that we continue this item for one week and when we learn that indeed that the Airport Commission has made this threeyear flat we will pick this up again and this will eliminate some of my concerns about granting as a matter of policy a waiverto grant. So supervisor peskin has made a motion to continue this for one week to october 4, 2016. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor kim. Supervisor cohen. Supervisor campos. I guess i have to question why if it is a threeyear term why we are not going through a competitivebid process . If i may ask through the chair to the airport board . Good afternoon supervisor kathy wagner with the airport board. When this was looked atit wasnt determined that we could develop a permanent space for three years and through that airport board this was not seen for three years as a competitive opportunity. You made this determination and how did you make this determination . The Airport Development teamthatwrites all of our rfps that come before this board every years in talking to our airport current operators and made bids on the bid it doesnt seem to be on a temporary facility. If it should do a temporary bid of course the answer is going to be no. They are offering food and Beverage Services on the airport and others are offering a similar proposal. And how many are there . I do not know off the top of my head but i would be happy to get you that information as a general rule they are against waving competitive bid requirements and it is probably better that it is a shorterterm but i will continue to post an item that waives competitive bid requirements especially with a complicated project. The bottom line here is that we want the taxpayer dollars to be used the most costeffectively and the only way to ensure that is actually by going through a competitive process that allows people to bid on the contractto see if someone will do this at a Competitive Price and that is why this is a matter of policy that we should not do this. Thank you. Thank you supervisor cohen supervisor cohen. I think that me and supervisor speaking of both share the same position. When i was looking through it seemed to me there was not a competitive process when im looking throughthe bid it is indicated that this is an employee cafe that has never gone out to bid, is that correct . And the reason this never goes out to bid is why . Through the chair, supervisor cohen initially this would never be more than 12 months and because of the changes that have went on with terminal 18 is something we would never consider. And because of the competitive bid process we had never had an employee cafeteriaand we had no idea whether it be profitable or not and so this is the one company that was able to take over the pilot process. And, this is on the authority of this process and this was five years ago . That is correct. We did not have an area in the facility that cannot be demolished this was the only space we could utilize. So im going to ask that you and your entity go put together an rfp and go out and bid to be in line with our established city roles. All right thank you. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. I appreciate all of the sentiment on this obviously we do not want to do things without Competitive Bidding. Again, this is a temporary solution to when thenew tower goes up and a permanent cafeteria is finally done for the employees and that will be bid out. That will be put out to bid and for those of us that travel in an sfo and a changing construction environment this is the only way that we will have an employment cafeteria that can afford this on a daily basis so can you help me out with that because i know it certainly help me out last week. Thank you supervisor farrell, this is a service that providesmeals for the employees. That airport staff has 30 minutes for meals and they do not have enough time to go off of the property for meals and in addition the space and the cost for the airport for building it is necessary even if we do not have a food and beverage component in that space. We would need to provide a break area for a microwave and for eating for people that have only a half hour break and do not want to purchase airport pricing food. Im sorry, what was the second part of your question . Mine was less of a question but i just ask for you to explain how this would be a temporary solution to the permanent employee cafeteria once all the construction is finished off and no one is willing to bid and we can continue to offer this service and that we can have an affordable chance to go off the property to get something to eat while they are work. Yes, when this is completed at that point we have 90 days to take down the control area and office space will be a Permanent Location and this will be subject to a competitive bid process. And this will not be an opportunity to exercise the two year option for that. Thank you supervisor farrell. Supervisor campos. And where is this Company Located . Are they outside of San Francisco . I believe so. Have you approached any San Francisco restaurant or company or cafeteria about serving you for three years. In that list that i will provide you i am certain that we will provide you with San Francisco companies. And i am certain that i can provide you with that list. I believe that these that came from prebed conferences have not bid on these before. I think there are places and companies San Francisco that would be open to this option but they are not going to give us the opportunity to do that. Mdm city clerk we have a motion and a second wind that the motion net act can you please call the roll. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. Okay, this item will be continued to the meeting of october 4, 2016. Mme. City clerk please call the next item. Item 26 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the recreation and Park Department toaccept and expend a grant from the San Francisco Parks Alliance to Fund Community events, staff development, recreation programming, and other activities from fy20142015 that together are valued at approximately 84,202. Supervisor peskin. I know that supervisor farrell had to leave quickly but i know that he had expressed to me that this was a retroactive item and i see that there are very few of them but i want to see if there are staff here that can give us a compelling story as to why this is retroactive by i appreciate the largest of the donor in the amount of 84,202 but why is this afterthefact . Is there someone here from the recreation and Parks Department . I do not believe they have a member of the department present right now but they are tracking down that answer as we speak to them. Perhaps the author may not know. Supervisor peskin, we can either wait for the staff or we can vote on this later in the agenda. Like to do that . All right, mme. City clerk please read item number 27 item number 27 is a resolution authorizing the general manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission to execute amendment no. 4 to engineering project Design Services agreement no. Cs879c for water system improvement programfunded projects between the city and county of San Francisco and Kennedy Jenks consultants, to extend the contract for three years to commence december 6, 2016, for a total term of december 6, 2007, through december 6, 2019, for an additional amount of 2,000,000 for a total amount not to exceed 18,500,000. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, this item is passed unanimously. [gavel] mme. City clerk please read item 28. Item 28 is anordinance amending the administrative code to prohibit cityfunded travel to states that have enacted laws after june 26, 2015, reversing antidiscrimination protections for lgbt individuals or permitting discrimination against lgbt individuals, and to prohibit City Contracting with companies headquartered in states that have enacted such laws, or where work on the contract would be performed in such states. Supervisor. As you know we have had huge victories for lgbt communities and now we are seeing passages of laws against businesses discriminating against people and also requiring people to use the restroom assigned to them at birth as opposed to their gender identity. These laws are despicable. These are out of a different, uglier era in this country and from a time when we had many laws that were discriminating against residents of this country and we have to get rid of these laws. The executive order and travel and this legislation codifies the travel band and expands the carefully crafted exemptions which have been the case of all the travel bands that have been issued around the country. This will have a strong message that San Francisco stands firmly with lgb t brothers and sisters around the city and around the country and i also want to thank all of my colleagues who have participated in making this reality and colleagues, i asked you for your support. Thank you supervisor weiner. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed unanimously. Mme. City clerk can you please read item number 29 and 30, together please. Item 29 isordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by allied Insurance Company against the city and county of San Francisco for 60,000; the lawsuit was filed on january 22, 2015, in San Francisco superior court, case no. Cgc15543789; entitled allied Insurance Company v. The city and county of San Francisco, et al. ; the lawsuit involves alleged Property Damage arising from flooding; and appropriating 60,000 from the Water Enterprise Fund balance for such purposeand item 30 isan ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Raymond Kruse and ashley kruse against the city and county of San Francisco for 325,000; the lawsuit was filed on september 17, 2014, in San Francisco superior court, case no. Cgc14541704; entitled Raymond Kruse, et al. V. Precision engineering, inc. , et al. ; the lawsuit involves alleged Property Damage arising from flooding; and appropriating 325,000 from the Water Enterprise Fund balance for such purpose. Colleagues, can we take these items same house same call. W without objection, these items are passed unanimously. [gavel] mme. City clerk please call the next item. Item 31 is a resolution responding to the presiding judge of the superior court on the findings and recommendations contained in the 20152016 civil grand jury report, entitled into the open opportunities for more timely and transparent investigations of fatal San Francisco Police Department officerinvolved shootings; and urging the mayor to cause the implementation of accepted findings and recommendations through his her Department Heads and through the development of the annual n item 32 isan resolution responding to the presiding judge of the superior court on the findings and recommendations contained in the 20152016 civil grand jury report, entitled San Francisco Homeless Health and housing a crisis unfolding on our streets; and urging the mayor to cause the implementation of accepted findings and recommendations through his her Department Heads and through the development of the annual budget. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, these items are passed unanimously [gavel] and with that, it is 2 30 pm so we will begin withour presentation supervisor kim. September 2016 is National Suicide Prevention Month and i want to thank everyone who is work every single day in working to prevent suicide i want to thank the california Highway Patrol and the uscoast guard. In particular the group of 32 Golden Gate Bridge patrol officers led by [inaudible] these 32 officers walk and bike the bridge every day looking for individuals who show signs of contemplating suicide or are in engaging in contemplating suicide. As capt. Picardi would likely tell you, individuals that and their lives on the bridge come from all ages and all backgrounds. One good point to know is that 75 of these individuals who decide to commit suicide are from San Francisco. These individuals are turning younger and younger and each of theseindividuals are unique in their story and while each of these individuals has their own plan capt. Bacardi and the bridge iron workers in the chp and the coast guard and also the Suicide Prevention and crisis are all involved in the plan and it also depends on the unique and individual responses. Officers this is really mind blowing but officers each have less than 10 minutes to make a personal connection with the individual while keeping in their own emotions and remaining calm and professional. After each intervention whether it is successful or not officers come together and receive psychological support. This is critical because they need to process their own emotions because they oftentimes need to return to the line of duty the next day. This year alone, the Golden Gate Bridge employees and their partners have already successfully intervened in 112 suicide attempts. That is 112 individuals that are alive today as a result of the Golden Gate Bridge employees and partners and their ability to connect with the individuals on a personal level. Unlike the empire state buildingthe Golden Gate Bridge does not have suicide barrier. And if, a person is looking to take their life and they are not successful than they likely will continue living. We continue to try to save lives on the Golden Gate Bridge and we continue to try to save lives of these individuals. The Golden Gate Bridge team and the iron workers and workers like the chb and the coast guard, i would like them to come up there. Please come up here. Supervisor breed, supervisor wiener, supervisor cohen and supervisor peskin and former supervisors that were on the Golden Gate Bridge board of supervisors so supervisor mar and supervisor yee, and just give them a hand. [applause] before we meet the supervisors i would like to allow them to make some comments. Thank you supervisor yee i know there are a lots of members on the board and i would like to call them all. Thank you supervisor yee, and capt. Picardi and all of the Golden Gate Bridge employees. The work that you do often goes unnoticed and i hope that this can move forward with a reasonable price tag and special concerns with the bridge district and i also want to say that just hearing the stories over and over again over the years im glad that supervisor yee and all of the bridge members are really moving this forward finally and this longawaited and finally the family. Been trying to move this along for years are looking forward to the bridge district. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor campos. Thank you supervisor yee. I dont think we can say thank you enough. I knew a Family Member ho lost their life by suicide. If i could [inaudible] for not doing their job for many years in the bay area. How many years has this not been built . And i want to thank you for the work that you do. You are doing what youre supposed to and you have done everything right and yet, as the examiner reported today we have yet another delay this year alone and the issuing of a bid and that was supposed to happen october of this year and its probably not going to happen until january of next year and i just think that it is sad because there is no excuse for it. As a member of the mtcs i gave money to the organization of the Golden Gate Bridge for thisto be built and it going sad and i think the administration of this agency is not doing his job. Thank you. [applause] thank you supervisor campos. Supervisor wiener. Thank you. We sat through and we set through every week we absolutely heartbreaking testimony of the parents of young parents who have taken their lives on the bridge and it is so difficult to listen to it but so important to hear it every week to remind ourselves that we have to get this done and it has been a difficult process and it is taken decades and the politics were shifted in a very positive way and it used to be a lot more divisive of an issue in the region and i think that we have a strong support for it and we still have the cost challenges and i believe that we are going to get it built but until we do we rely on you to save peoples lives and we thank you for what you do. Thank you. And with that, i just want to say to the Golden Gate Bridge patrol and the suicide Response Team , thank you for your service. I remember a couple of weeks ago when there was a presentation that the capt. Talked aboutthe people that you talk to and how you take that time and just tell emotional it is an after the situation is resolved and you have moved on, that you still walk away with the feeling of, you know, sadness and you still have to get back out there and do your job and try to save the next person from committing suicide and jumping off of this bridge. And, just the families of people who come and testify time and time again at the Golden Gate Bridge board. As someone who sits close to Public Comment as a member of the Golden Gate Bridge board i see there a motion and i see the pain in their eyes and i see that many of the members of the board and the folks here today that work hard every single day to save lives that you want us to push forward and get this done sooner rather than later because it will help to make a huge difference and save lives and so, i just want to commend you for your service. I know it is hard. I know you have to also take care of yourself and get out there every single day and wear your heart on your sleeve where you are trying to save lives and i just want to thank you for your hard work and showing up for work every single day and committing your lives to saving other lives and it makes a real difference and this award is really about that hard work and that it is not going unnoticed so congratulations and thank you for your hard work and your service and with that supervisor yee i will turn it back over to you and i think you for all the work that you do. I just want to thank you and all the people that are involved with the Golden Gate Bridge district and i think you for all of the people that have worked together on this board and we are all committed to successful interventions that i want to thank you for that i Highway Patrol and say thank you for your work. Thank you. [applause] [photograph] okay next up we have two more commendations and next up supervisor scott weiner. Thank you. I just want to make sure that my commendations are coming up. So colleagues today i am honoring mike bravado and we are honoring theecology and typically you hear that the trucks are too loud and we are always working with those needs but recently i had worked with some constituents and they came forward and said that the guy you collects our garbage and our recycling is really good and you should acknowledge him. So thats what im doing today. Mike has worked for ecology for the last 20 years and they have served over 3400 customers in the castro. He served as an on work trainer for recology the castro is not using this neighborhood to keep it clean and there is a lot of work that goes into trying to keep the neighborhood clean so mike, thank you for your work and i know im speaking for my constituents. They are huge fans of yours and i think you for your service. Do you want to Say Something . Feel free. I just want to say thank you very much. I appreciate being recognized for something that i do every day. I feel honored. I am a native san franciscan and this is a really big deal for me. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you and congratulations. Okay with that, i would like to recognize supervisor eric mar for our lab accommodation for the day. Thank you ladies and gentlemen i would like to acknowledge and honor a youth and Power Organization who is making a difference every single day. I would like to ask that the employees come forward and i think you for your amazing work. I wanted to say that the model that they represent and then, they had a great celebration of 25 years at the market and the simba arts last week and i think it is an example of the young people educating the rest of us at the work in the vision of educating the rest of the neighborhood. You have led actionbased research led to advocacy and education with policymakers like Sophie Maxwell over 14 years ago to deal with alcohol density in our city and spreading to other cities as well but their model of Youth Empowerment leading to laws and policies in our city, reducing alcohol, reducing Tobacco Sales and producing healthier communities i think is incredibly honorable. I know firsthand from that from our offices for tobacco use and i believe that will cut them in half over the last 10 years and we have already done that and they went on to more important work in our careers. I would also like to say that are Healthy Corner store or a Healthy Retail sf the Electronic Cigarettes or e cigarettes ordinance and the policies of reducing the alcohol permits and preventing the Food Companies from getting the alcohol permits and limiting those policies i believe that social justice in the neighborhood is so important lastly, i just wanted to say that for 25 years of work and the incredible work of young people in these low income neighborhoods and i just want to thank young people and give some pause and respect for the Youth Leadership in these neighborhoods. Thank you. Patty and others. We just want to thank you on behalf of of the Youth Leadership for doing the work in partnership with us so many young people get to visit you all and create policies that affect their lives every day. So on behalf of this leadership think you for all of the policies that you make every day and for taking into consideration the young folks. Thank you. [photograph] thank you supervisor mar. And again, congratulations and thank you for your service. And with that, colleagues we will return to our agenda and go back to item number 26. Supervisor peskin, we now have someone here from recreation and parks to answer your question. Supervisor peskin, do you want to ask it again . Sure thing pres. Breed. Mr. Patricioni, im sorry for dragging you down here but i would like to askwhy this is retroactive through the chair. Thank you supervisor peskin. This is retroactive because generally these are small dollar amounts. A few thousand dollars. We have historically waited till the end of the fiscal year and then waited for the San Francisco Parks Alliance to have audited financial and they send to us what the Actual Expenditures were and then they put together the except and expand resolutions. The except and expend resolutions take 3 to 4 months and i would like to say that we have a blanket for except and expend in the beginning of the fiscal year. I do not like that idea. The ocd in me would like to tie the actual to the accept and expand but i can see that it would be cleaner to do it that way. Thank you ms. Patricioni. Appreciate that very straight foreword and honest answer. With that, can we call the roll on that item . Dont you wish it was always that easy . Mme. City clerk, can you please call the roll [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. The resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel] mme. City clerk, can you please read item number 34 please item number 34 is an resolution urging San Francisco Public Utilities commission to ordinance amending the planning code to require inclusion in the housing balance report data about the withdrawal of Housing Units from the rental market by all means including owner moveins affirming planning departments determination under the ceqas act and making findings of consistency with general plan and the eight priority policies of the planning code section 101. 1 and findings of the public convenience, necessity and welfare under planning code section 302. Supervisor kim. Colleagues, can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this ordinance passes unanimously. Mme. City clerk, can you please read item 34. Item 34 is a resolution urging San Francisco Public Utilities commission to provide enhanced Public Access to existing roads and trails in the peninsula watershed lands consistent with the goals of protecting the water supply and the Environmental Quality of an area. To supervisor peskin supervisor speak in place was called away for a family emergency so i just asked that we postpone this until the next meeting colleagues, can we take that same house same call . Passed unanimously. Mme. City clerk, please read item 35 item 39 is an ordinance amending the planning code by providing the zoning map to reason all lot numbers in the assessors parcel blocksfrom their current designation as residential, house on family to residential, one family detached dwellings revising the zoning map to rezone assessors from its current designation to the public or h1 amending the planning code to exempt the above blocks and lots from the requirements for accessory dwelling units in our h1 Zoning Districts. Supervisor yee. This amendment would essentially make the terrorists a part of our h1 district and the concern regarding an accessory dwelling unit is appreciated the midtown terrorist wasnot insulted by thisthis would allow for a robust discussion. I actually went to their picnic on sunday and have a dialogue with their president but i realized that the issue was somewhat complicated to address at a picnic with people so i didnt get too far with them. The central counsel represents many associations in the district including the Midtown Terrace and this would undermine the work of our committee. I think the discussion about the rh 1 amendment would work why are a lot of evaluation and that is not is what before us today and we did not ask to be part of this larger policy discussion and this is why i would like toremove supervisor wieners amendment from the file today and to honor the neighbors request. And that would be to its own the above blocks in the rh on districts. Supervisor yee has made a motion to amend this ordinance and this is seconded by supervisor campos. The reason owned area of these units would be compromised by the accessory dwelling units in the rh1 d Zoning District this year and even though these are rh1d they are still reflected in the document that is before the board today. Supervisor yee is now motioning to move supervisor wieners amendment so that these would now not be part of the project. Supervisor wiener. When we adopted out the motion we limited the rh1 neighborhoods. There is a limited amount of neighborhoods and that is the exemption that we put in. The midterm terrorists are zoned today and the Midtown Terrace is asking to be rezoned today and the argument is that we want to protect our side yards and that is not what we are asking for if we simply rezoned them to rh1 d we will also be an in law units from being added in our neighborhoods. I do not support banning this legislation in our in law units. We have i think have chartered a good course to say that we will honor the wishes of these neighborhoods to protect their side yards which is what they are asking for and what the emails talked about and what they talked about in our committee while also not banning the in law units in this neighborhood. And, i think that it makes all of the sense in the world not to be expanding to the neighborhoods restrictions on all of these in law units and that is my suggestion to the committee. Thank you. Supervisors pecan post. Thank you mme. City president. I am going to defer to the District Supervisor here. I believe there was a process that was key in that process and understand the expectations and different neighborhoods pass for different things. At some point, supervisor wieners neighborhood wanted to ban monster homes and that was their prerogative and it made sense to them. But, i think consistency is important here and the fact that i supported that request by supervisor wiener, i will support this request by supervisor yee. Supervisor cohen. Thank you mme. Pres. I think that supervisor cohen makes a very strong point. I am going to have to also defer to the sitting supervisor and we heard a lot of testimony in committee and also emails and people stopping by my office and really raising concerns so i believe this is a district matter and i cannot supported. Thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor wiener. I know that over and over again supervisor compos has voted against me in my district and you do you know what . I have never judged him for it. But we all have to make up our minds as to what is the policy and everybody has the right to do that. Supervisor cohen lost a vote in her own district and supervisor farrell has lost a vote in two districts and that is because we all have to decide what is the policy i think of eliminating the right to add in law units is the wrong direction again we have very thoughtful emails as to why we support this legislation and a number of neighbors have showed up at the Land Use Committee and laid out why the legislation was important to them and it was not because of inlaws units. If they do not have issues with in law units they want to protect their side yards what i am proposing is that we protect our side yards but not scaledback the number of neighborhoods where we currently put that in law unit in. Thank you supervisor wienersupervisor peskin thank you mme. Pres. We had a robust conversation about making accessory dwelling units the law all in all 11 districts and as you remember those two pieces of legislation were combined into one piece of legislation that we passed, i believe on a 10 to 1 on consent vote and the irony is the legislation that i introduced which ultimately did not survive is precisely what supervisor wiener is advocating today. Which was in rh1d the rhdivisions would not apply but the ad use would not apply and that state law provision has never been used in the city and state ofof San Francisco. Rh1d is what exempt us from our ad policy so i will defer that he or she is held accountable by his or her district and if that is why the supervisor who, by the way, not by the majority of his constituents has consensus on so i want to repeat those comments and as i said in committee, you cannot have it both ways. Thank you. Supervisor yee. Again, we got caught up in the discussion where the timing of things were not the best timing. The process of the Midtown Terrace, the Midtown Terrace actually started before the discussion of the ad use. So, it wasnt as though we had changed her mind about anything. If i had fast forwarded that discussion instead of asking the neighbors to go through the process of checking every door and making sure that people are fine about it which is part of the process to me then it wouldve passed before the adu. So i am not challenging what exists therethis is a correction of the zoning. This is not part of the detached neighborhood. If you go up there, all of the and homes are detached. And so, what i am asking the board is what the agency asked me to do and that was to correct the zoning to what they should be given and that is all i want to do today if you want to have a discussion later if you want to discuss adus later than we can have that but that is not what im trying for now asfar as the discussion supervisor. I was the one who felt strongly about and pass the legislation and i do agree and feel strongly about this in the city. I do believe that would be the general supervisor do believe that is the general sentiment of this board but i also do believe that knowing many of the people that live in the area that really feel strongly about this, i dont object at all if they come forward and put the work into this and i dont object to that at all and i supported. Thank you supervisor and with that, mme. City clerk, can you please call the roll . [roll call vote] there are nine ayes and one no with supervisor wiener in the dissent. And with that mme. City clerk an you please call the roll . [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. The ordinance as amended passes unanimously on the First Reading. All right mme. City clerk, lets call item 36. Item 36 is roll call for introductions. Supervisor i want to thank my cosponsors of this resolution, supervisor mar, peskin, kim, and pres. Breed and supervisor farrell. And it is time that california appeals the Death Penalty it is unjust and this will save the taxpayers 150 million per year. This will help address the highly problematic status quo. Here are some key facts to consider. California taxpayers have spent 5 billion with a letter be to put 13 people to death that is about 14 million per execution. That cost the state 18 million per execution and life without parole. The death process does not bring closure to the families of the victims. As we have seen time and time again, mistakes also happen. They are simply unavoidable. Leading to, and we know what that this is happened in california, people being executed by mistake in this state. The innocence of more than 150 people who were on death row across this country. 150 people. In california alone, 67 people had their murder convictions overturned because of new evidence that proved their innocence. I ask your support to make sure that we are no longer living in the dark ages. It is time that we live in the 21st century and and the death practice of executions in the state of california and i think you and that is all that i have to submit. Supervisor farrell supervisor kim. Thank you. I asked that the city of brisbane california provide a complete Impact Report including all areas impact including Greenhouse Gases and wastewater and population needs. This resolution comes into light because one of our neighboring cities has announced that it does not want to build housing. It helps to contribute in supporting and working for middleclass families here in the bay area. And once this creates a job only itallows the city of San Francisco in this region we know this is not possible we need everyone in the region to build more housing and we would like to partner with brisbane to see this happens on 84 acres of underutilized land currently sitting and waiting for the opportunity to be developed. In our next goals for 2016 to 2022 San Francisco has met 79 of our assigned housing goal of proving 22,806 out of our assigned 28,869 Housing Units according to our production goals. At the same time period in the last two years brisbane has only approved three units of housing in the same time that we have approved 22 units of housing brisbane has only approved three units of housing. We ask that they correctly monitor development or alternatively prevent development at the brisbane site and also Affordable Housing i also want to comment on my colleague supervisor david campos. This is happening over a decade. We handed down 16 out of the 40 total we have not been able to utilize this in our Justice System far beyond the Death Penalty being utilized for the same crimes in different counties. In the 50 states, only 14 have been down the Death Penalty in our country. Not only can this be cruel and unusual punishment at this point but also abolishing he Capital Punishment here in california along with the other states will greatly abolish the Capital Punishment here. Thank you supervisor kim. Supervisor mar. Thank you and just picking up on supervisor kim and supervisor campos points here yes there are decades of work by Many Organizations that hopefully will be successful with supervisor campos resolution and i am happy to add my name on to it and also on saturday and sunday is about maybe the most incredible Music Festivals in the whole world. The harley Bluegrass Festival will return to the Golden Gate Bridge festival and thank you for an amazing Cultural Arts festival and from 2001 they have brought this to our community and engaging in all kinds of music is an essential [inaudible] cyndi lauper, cake, chris isaak, independence like connor over and also a couple of my favorites that i will be out there seeing. Jonathan richman, john doe, wynonna judd, also but skaggs and traditional musicians and an amazing range of performers and i hope that everyone comes out to the festival. But, for the residents that bear the impacts in the richmond and the sunset and in the stand in in that heat i asked that if you park on the street please do notblock the roadways. The parking at Golden Gate Park is extremely limitedand my office and many other offices are suggesting use Public Transportation and also walking instead of driving is important. Also, we are asking people to clean up after themselves and respect the antismoking policies inour Recreational Park venues and there is a hotline if people have questions or complaints. And that is 3506500580. And also buses and rail are offered from 10 00 am to 8 00 pm on friday and saturday as well. Also, a number of schools are active by holding fundraisers argonne elementary at 18th hour of the new and cabrillo and also weigh out at and for an 36 avenue and one supervisor tangs side and hey are holding a fundraiser and the department of public works and the recreation and Park Department and my department are making sure that any issues that arise are resolved. Last, i want to congratulate San Francisco Health Improvement partnership. I know supervisor speaking in post and i were at a breakfast this morning with yoyo ffrom supervisor cohens office as well and i wanted to give a special thank for sfhip for engaging low income communities and also engaging latino africanamerican and asian communities and ucsf prof. Karen bach and chief physician and Many Community groups and the Health Equity organized in our city and i was happy to be there were so many other folks creating a culture in our city. Thank you supervisor mar supervisor cohen. P thank you mme. Pres. By way of a case study i gotto the bottom of what happened through an approval process and it became clear early on that millennium processpartners knew early on that the building was thinking early on well beyond the Standard Life of the building at its settlement. It also became clear that the Building Department was illinformed in regard to transmittals and who knew what and when they knew it. This was taken to the citys first highrise residential building some 58 stories high. Were raised and swept under the rug. Early in 2009 and army of consultants responded that they were not aware and did not address the concerns by dbi. Im sorry, let me correct that a little bit. They were aware that the building was dangerous but the building had fallen far more than the 4 to 6 that was projected in their geotechnical reports in 2005. And then, dbi mysteriously lost any record of their response and six months later after six months of radio silencethe final completion of occupancy was issued in august 2009. After final correspondence showed the efforts of the certificate of occupancy around that same time. The department stipulated the hearing that record loss or record destruction was a common practice that they were not required to keep records this was in august 2016 as to why this is sinking like a rock in the heart of our downtown. Although, subsequent to that hearing the individuals released information saying they were inspecting it in july as of two months ago contradictingthere are hearing at the oversight committee. I cannot negate their response of i dont know i dont remember, or i dont have any documents. Another large earthquake i developed a [inaudible] uc berkeley engineers pulled together a Tall Building initiative which released a study in 2007 that found that highrises are inherently more dangerous than shorter structures into particular areas. First, window shattering in a Tall Building will tower a larger radius and cause just as much damage of anything falling and the mission is towering 58 stories to the street below and finally, those inside the building will have a long way to find an exit as experts will tell you. In concern to what the citys responses to what our role is in terms of monitoring and investigating the performance of highrises within the downtown area. I want to know what these processes mean in our downtown area. I think it is time to erect this initiative and i knew that in the 2007 article, the author claims that the Tall Building initiative was killed by the then director of the department of building inspection who continued to fund that initiative. I think its critical that we give the city and accurate advice on these issues. These are things that came up repeatedly last week at the citys alliance they are asking regulates are to that end, today i am asking for a Tall Building seismic safety workgroup which will work with independent experts in the field to identify best practices to assure the safety in commercial and residential buildings in vulnerable parts of the city. I look forward to working with the mayor to make sure that we have an honest and transparent conversation to improve the building standards and improve processes to justifying building practices and when we have more information i expect that we follow up with the supplemental appropriations using dbi reserves to pay for the Tall Building initiative. We also heard interesting testimony that many of these highrises are built at the minimum standards. They are built merely to survive the next earthquake. Not to be inhabitable after the next earthquake. In other words, these are throwaway buildings. What is going to happen . Im not just talking about glass falling 58 stories but what happens if we have in inhabitable buildings in our downtown court. How do you take those buildings down . Lets have that conversation. Additionally, i would like to take action for the departments policies Whose Department sole purpose is to set standards and enforce them. This is set forth in the administrative code and the sunshine ordinance and part of that policy requires the citys Administration Office to create types of records and keep them in a retention schedule whether they are kept two years, five years offsite or permanently archived there are 134 categories of documents about half of the which pertain to project approvals and developments in its purview. Very. These are required to be kept permanently and very few are required to be kept on site and that is including last weeks dbi files. I believe that with the advances in technology in the last 15 years and with the cloud and with technology, our city can expect much more from our did department especially when there is pending litigation being entrapped. So with that i ask that we deter the schedules to ensure that this not be lost again. And furthermore i want to thank that housing and Development Departments process to ensure that these are not lost to disclosures and ive heard that on at least two different occasions and finally, i like to adjourn todays meeting by honoring bobby mac. Bobby mac was born 75 years ago. He came to San Francisco in 1958 and join the marines in 1960. A year later, he joined the army and was a proud veteran of the vietnam war. He went to work at celebrity bar timber at places like mousses from the first day it opened until the day that admin served at the joint and he most recently came back to work at montes successor pizza where he was fond of by all of the clientele. Bobby max will be missed by his sense he of humor. Thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor yee. Thank you mme. Pres. Investing in Early Education will always be one of my highest priorities. Study after study shows that the most critical time for development is from birth to three. Having this outside of the home is an individual choice but the top three reasons that families seek infant or child care is because they are working, in school or training or looking for work and all of these are things that allow families to live and reside in San Francisco. Today, we had a press briefing. One of the residents, mari, came with her sixmonthold baby and stated that she basically had been needing to go back to work because she is a single mom now and yet, she hasnt been able to access any infant care for her child so that she can go back to work. This story is so common. Over the years that ive worked in the field , i think its time to do something about it. Today, infant care costs are staggering. As much as 29,500 per year. We need to create a systemthat not only supports our though income families but our middle income families. Currently there are more than 1700 infants and in San Francisco that live in our districts we need to be developing strategies for infants and toddlers and that is why today i will be developing the infant and toddler fund. San francisco prides itself in being a conclusive and familyfriendly city. The commission is working to create a continuum for our children but the biggest gap is for infants and toddlers. We can no longer wait to address these physical needs. The parents of these infants need to be able to continue to work or go to school to provide for their families and as need in San Francisco is far too great. Are babies and toddlers can no longer wait and we must be in affluent Citywide Fund for families. This fund will be a vehicle for all of us to do so. So in summary, this legislation would create an opportunity for us to look for sources of funding that could support this effort and number two we ask that the office of Early Education develop a program to support this fund and finally, i ask supervisor kim, supervisor avalos, and supervisor peskin for supporting this. Supervisor kim. Thank you. We have learned that since the two hearings, we have lost affordable low income affordable homeownership units on the market of market rate. It is not only impoortant to fight for more Affordable Housing but we need to fight for every Affordable Housing unit that we havein our market right now. We cannot afford to lose any units right now. We support rent control programs in more public buildings and keeping tenants in place and stabilizing longterm units for elderly and families. And finally, laws that can prevent the loss of these by these families and finally, many of these have been lost by forr closure from the banks. There is a stigma with forclosure that prevents people from asking for help for their family and then before you know it they have lost their home. So i am asking that the Mayors Office of community and Housing Development to track these programs and the Mayors Office to move effectively to intervene when these bmr units are in default orin a risk of foreclosure. Again, these are the issues that are brought up over the last two years and this is a collaborative with the department of housing and supervisor cohen was a cosponsor on this and i would like to give her a chance to speak as well. Thank you. Supervisor cohen. Thank you mme. Pres. The homes in our agency also have been in jeopardy. The restrictions are on the property are no longer on the property. So what youre seeing is there is a turnover in the low market housing and they are being sold at market rate and i would like to work on the language to ensure that in the Bay Community specifically is in the former project redevelopment area. Thank you supervisor cohen. Are we done . That concludes new business. I just wanted to add myself supervisor kim as a sponsor. Similar to what happened at South Beach Harbor at those particular apartments we are in a similar situation at the time our center and we have already begun work on the reaffordability of those units which i think was a huge mistake of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency when they agreed to work with the center on this property and the units only meant that they were the agreement required that they only be available for up to 30 years when it shouldve been the lifetime of those units and now the community will have to step in because there are a lot of individuals that live in the term our center and we cant allow those to go to market rate. And that is what happened with previous units when they went to market rate. We need to make sure that we are not only building new Affordable Housing but we preserve our existingAffordable Housing stock. They both need to go hand in hand. So thank you for your leadership and i want to make sure we deal with this property and with that thank you colleagues for your roll call. And with that mme. City clerk please call the next item. Item 38 is41 are items that are subject to Public Comment. Direct your comments to the board and not to individual supervisors and if you would like to display a document on the overhead projector please orrect that to sfgtv and thank you for your cooperation in this meeting. Thank you. First speaker please. [indecipherable] ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon as you know my name is [inaudible] and i came here today to talk with you about the debate between the two people who tried to run towards the new wisdom of this country. I would like to let you know that billions of people. Not 100 million like they said behind and in front of the tv that see what is going on for an update. I am one of them. I wake up at 430 to watch what is going on around all of the channels. If i have a chance really to speak with trump, i would like to ask him a question. Why does he drink water six times or seven times in a half hour . Is he scared of Hillary Clinton or is he nervous . By the way, i wrote this letter that i would like to share with you and i give you all one copy here. My letter said that on november 8, dear god billions of people around the world like me they pray and they wait for your blessing of your future president , Hillary Clinton to be our future. I am pausing your time. You cannot campaign in the legislative chamber for either donald trump or Hillary Clinton. Okay i will change the subject. So today we can create that piece for all of the country people and all of the people live outside of our country. I have a copy of my letter to give everyone to our supervisor and i wish you good luck. Thank you. Next speaker please members of the board of supervisors ray heart the member of the [inaudible] of the Branch Libraries Improvement Project and friends of the library there was also significant change between and Committee Members city staff as well and it was suggested that money spent by the friends were included in the program totals and there were legitimate questions as to whether or not the city actually ever control these funds and the answer appeared to be no which was not controlled by the documents. This should be revised and provided to the committee and public again. Going forward, more rigorous accounting standards should be used in presenting city financials city accountant Teresa Rivero has presented false claims in the name of raising funds for library and so this is false claims in the name of the library and really that is false claims in the name of the city because the library belongs to the city. And these people think they are donating money to the library and only 7 or 8 was actually going to library. Luis herara lied and that was called several times in perjury and was fined several times for these. Luis herrera is our own donald trump. [indecipherable] hundreds of aspects of matters were regulated by one ball of principle their eyes on objective goal for our mission. We should be treated as one with unity. We are held together and not separated. We should maintain the concept of whole studies. Of what being superior would be of that nature. Not because of our physical forms but because of our true oneness of clearing. Are twofold practices of destiny and are true pathways for mercy and humanity would be the way for selfpreservation and management. The holiness picking on the pathway of the business should make achievement of success by saying too personal, family, and social order with true mercy and truth justice. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is magic. I am very sad today. Im very sad to witness that the public speaking to the members of the board by your attention is on your screens. Even as you give commendations to the young woman who works so hard and even when people are pleading with you to listen and to act on their behalf because they have lost their family home or lost their loved one at the hands of police. It is not your fault. It is no ones fault. And it is all of our responsibility. We are losing our humanity. Under the current system, products are thrust on us before we have time to discuss how it will affect us. What it will do to our ability to have empathy for one another. Technology is an amazing tool that can be used to connect us to one another or separate us. Our babies and our infants are staring at the screens. It would mean so much if you waited stay human. Here us, look at us. Give us the respect that humans are brought up to do. Recognize that we are all connected. That empathy is the key to the future of our species. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. [timer dings] thank you pres. Breed. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, regrettably i never know when youre inner child is at roll call. I want to comment on the oversupply of luxury. It was observed that the luxury apartment market in San Francisco was oversupplied and that was the question of who wants more luxury housing in San Francisco. I do. Nd,you might ask why someone who is among the poorest of the poor according to the federal government what want luxury housing . I do because i want a housing bubble. I want to move from nice to really nice and from trashy to not to trashy. That is what it would mean for me boys and girls. The chance to move from trashy to not to trashy and that is how the law of supply and demand works boys and girls thank you for your time. [timer dings] thank you. Next speaker please thank you my name is oscar james i am a resident and my concern is about the shipyard if they are not making sure that the shipyard is 100 clean, you have to bring charges up against them and have them supported i would also like you to make sure that Homeless People in our community and our city in low Income Housing be built in the shipyard. Not just homes that are going to be bought by homeowners. I am a homeowner and i have been a homeowner for over 40 years. My grandmother was the first person of color to buy a home at this point. I support the homeownership in this committee and to assure that we have preference to move intogive us the preferential condition to move into Hunters Point and sonoma. Give us the opportunity to move out of Hunters Point and out of the Western Addition and allow us to own homes in the Hunters Point and the candlestick area. We need rental homes in our community badly and also those who cannot afford this for the homeless. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. I am john wiene pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church and pacific height. Pres. Breed and board of supervisors im here speaking to item 41 and the committees whole hearing at the blue panel reports and ive spoke directly with interim chief chaplainand i have heard positive intent to implement pleasing reforms and there are examples of creating time and distance not resulting in death. Last saturday,at the library i listen to numerous victims who of lost loved ones. The result is violent to our community. Thank you. [applause] and before i have the next speaker begin their comments, i will just remind the members of the public and the audience that there is no audible sounds of support or against you are allowed to use your supportive fingers so please. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening pres. Breed and members of the board. I amas the board is considering amending the chinatown [inaudible] usually after a person passes away you want to say good things about that person but here i am sharing a side of [inaudible] that you may not know of. He was [inaudible] for his role as a mastermind in the [indecipherable] and by the government of nambiar so the role of propaganda is the same as nazi germany and you wanda and yugoslavia. Back here in San Francisco the key person who spearheaded and carried out the Chinese Communist propaganda [indecipherable] as a result , think of this as a subject to avoid. What impression you get from [indecipherable] do you ever come to our meeting . You ever want to get to know us . [indecipherable] [timer dings] thank you sir. Next speaker please. Hello supervisors my name is alicia cho i would like to continue my colleagues comment. Using the Chinese Communist regime for propaganda to generate heat for propaganda she worked closely with the procommunist Chinese Media to carry out her mission. According to residents in china sound who sympathize with [indecipherable] and today we are going to show you a few examples first of all [in [indecipherable] [video] thank you. Thank you, next speaker please. Mme. Pres. And supervisors good afternoon. On january 21 and 22nd 2006the Chinese Chamber of commerce set up a booth at the [inaudible] under the disguise of a prize raffle. I would like to see some video footage of that. [video] journalists also learned that a homeless person was paid a couple dollars to sign a position and the [inaudible] acted a radically and rushed away thinking that he got himself into a lot of trouble. This chinese woman signed a petition twice and quickly ran away when she saw them approach. This chinese lady was misled in signing the petition at a raffle but she gave her support at the position and she tried to cross off her previous signature she was berated and they even turned over the form and said they were private property and no one could touch them. They approached ms. Pac[inaudible] thank you thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors [indecipherable] according to San Franciscos chronicle report on january 8, 2006[indecipherable] did not belong in the parade more than any member of the Chinese Group please know what the pak spread the propaganda that [indecipherable] practitioners for [indecipherable] harvesting. So we want to let the world know what that that is not inform with the politics. We ask that you pass the declaration. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening mme. Pres. And members of the board of supervisors. Today i would like to assist with the chinese conflict of [inaudible] in 2002. Rose pack led the Chinese Chamber of commerce to provide amicus grief to the Us District Court in california which they found to be untrue and unfounded and this proves that pack was working on behalf of the Chinese Government and [indecipherable] thank you. Next speaker please. [indecipherable] the hatred has been spread into San Francisco as well. Practitioners ave been attacked in chinatown for the past 17 years and i just gave two instances with the departments report. One was october 22, 2002 and two practitioners that were assaulted in chinatown and [inaudible] the cops dropped the charges later. The San Francisco human rights commission[indecipherable] awarded a letter for violations of [indecipherable] there are pictures and videos available on youtube and within eight months between november 2011 and june 16, 2012 there were 18 attacks against petitioners in chinatown. [indecipherable] on freedom of speech. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. Greetings supervisors. Dad do i would like to show you another video recorded t the chinatown festival in 2006. [video] [timer dings] thank you for your attention. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. [indecipherable] good evening board of supervisors my name is when i heard the central subway was going to be named afteri wasshocked. I think this is a shame for San Francisco and for chinatown. Her associates in the name of representing her community. In actuality she is representing the interests of spreading violence and hatred in San Francisco. Four years ago the incident of practitioners being beat up in chinatown was strategize by rose pack. In the middle of the day, two men assaulted me and another young practitioner cursed us. Afterwords, people told us that earlier in the day before the two men assaulted us, they were treated to a meal by rose pack and given alcohol to give them more courage. I remember i talked about this story in front of you, the board of supervisors, four years ago. The coalition to investigate the persecution of is investigating rose pack. Soon her crimes will be real to the world. Great changes are happening in china and former president has been arrested. Rose pack has now died and all media rep related to her is making a stance between right and wrong and evil and good. As publicelected officials, please think deeply about this issue. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon mme. Pres. And members of the board. My name is alicia jones i am representing fci you 1021 and justice for mario was coalition as we represent the daft of the Mario Coalition and i asked that we put together the board and the committee as a whole to hear the full blue ribbon report. I would also like to think matter and president london breed and also supervisor campos and supervisor avalos and of course supervisor cohen and i dont know supervisor mar, are you voting with us or against us, supervisor tang at, are you voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor farrell, are you a voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor yee, are you voting for the people or against the people . Supervisor peskin, are you voting for the people or against the people . Not just the Police Department but one of our own minister mohammed will be advocating for marios justice in front of the commission years and years of oppression and injustice by the Police Department we are hoping that all of the supervisors will make a stand and vote yes as a committee as a whole to hear the Blue Ribbon Panel. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon Karen Preston injustice for the Mario Woods Coalition i would ask that you attend the hearing and compel Marianne Hallo a member of the association to testify on the 24th and i am sure that they are serving as officers. Missed all of them nearly 2000 contribute an average of 150,000 for weekly paycheck. Making sfp oas 7. 8 million annual budget that they will use to buy the silence of Public Officials and impede justice. That new in the enforced policy that the Police Commission passed in june is still not ruled out because the are still using a chokehold and they are still identified as practices that the Police Department should notbe allowed. Half of the salary is paid directly in the other half by our page we demand that he be compelled to speak in front of the San Francisco Police Department. [timer dings] thank you. Next speaker please i am here for the justice of bob maria Woods Coalition and the justice for[naming coalitions] i would like to encourage a unanimous vote on the hearing next week on the Blue Ribbon Panel. I put on the dashboard over here if you can see it a flyer for the Blue Ribbon Panel. Many p bone pro bono law firms have a put out a whole series of transportation salaries for sf pd. This is an incredibly necessary hearing so that you folks can get up to speed on what the Blue Ribbon Panel is about and so that we can begin to draft legislation with the board of supervisors to implement the many findings. I know that mayor lee is also waiting on the cops report and the Community Oriented policing report [timer dings] but, that is going to be less likely transformational than the Blue Ribbon Panel report so its necessary to begin implementation of the Blue Ribbon Panel report and for that to happen you guys have to understand at depth what it is about. So again, im hoping we have a unanimous vote here at the board of supervisors and we move forward to implement. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors. I am here short and sweet i just want to say you know the right thing to do and that is to vote for 41 coming appear and for solidarity purposes i just want to if we can do this as a young person involved in democracy now i got a wonderful lesson if nothing else. Thank you, next speaker please my name is dolores piper. I am also a member of san franciscans for police accountability. I come into the group with a little bit different of a perspective. My greatnephew who i raised for 15 years was killed by a Police Officer who is now on your force. He has gone on to harass another young man in the mission a grievously and he is harassing another young man in the mission. It really needs to be brought to your attention that San Francisco needs be brought into 21thcentury policing. This magnificent study that was done as my partner had said it was done freely it has given you all of the tools that you need to see that all of our Police Department is transformed. And, i hope that you will really look at this and bring San Francisco into the same category as many big cities in this country who have looked at their Police Department and have transformed them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. [applause] sfgtv. Thank you. Hello my name is corey smith on behalf of the members of the San Francisco Housing Commission yesterday was a very very exciting day for us. The Obama Administration has developed a toolkit of how to get yourself out of a displacement crisis we want to highlight some of them because it is the type of advocacy that the coalition has been pushing for for the last several years. We are very thrilled that the president is joining gov. Brown and a number of other advocates in supporting his proposal taking vacant land and donating it to Nonprofit Developers recently this will bring the Street Project and eliminate timelines and supervisor peskin we were in high school when you brought that up first and we know you were very happy to see that and we are actually honoring one of your colleagues tomorrow with the Affordable Housing program and we thank you very much for that and high density family zoning and Inclusionary Zoning and assisting in the first ever Inclusionary Zoning laws with supervisor lemieux. Establishing development and capturing tax in sentences and using property abatements. In the us conference of mayors in january 2016 we can Work Together to break down the roles that stands in any way the building of new housing to keep families from growing in new and dynamic cities and we also want to briefly mention the project that has gotten the attention of the community. Seth and laura will talk a little bit about that. [timer dings reprint thank you,next speaker please. Hello lara grove. I think we all know that the bay area operates as one. There are over 100 municipalities that make up the San Francisco bay area and each one of our suburbs have been misbehaving for decades. It is time, frankly, for all of you to come with us down to brisbane. And so, we are organizing transportation and i would love it if some of our supervisors would come down and rain hellfire down upon them. We need you guys to be leading the front and saying that no longer can San Francisco be the only voice saying that we need more housing in the bay area. All of our suburbs need to be contributing. The westside of San Francisco also needs to be contributing and the south side needs to be contributing and our suburbs need to step up. We need to embrace Infill Development and we need your help to do that. Frankly, we are out there in the suburbs and they do not care about us. You know, we are a little upstart and we need your help to bring that message home that the bay area operates as one. We are economically integrated throughout the bay area and you will need to be the voice of that reason. So, please come down with us and advocate for housing in our misbehaving suburbs. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Our housing policy moves on. There was a lady that was hit by a tree near the beach and a 4 million settlement for that woman would be in line easily. Next, we have supervisor peskin at that special meeting was at his best. Come and see the show to find out what is happening with the Millennium Tower and whatever else was happening in our city. At his best. He also mentioned that the buildings will survive an earthquake but that they will be inhabitable. I will combine that with our assistant neighborhood plan from seven or eight years ago that would say make parks and make parks and make parks i think that our parks should be designedfor earthquake refugees. There may be a time when the big one comes and we need a place to put people while everything falls apart for a period of time. And while were doing that maybe we can make some homeless encampments there. Maybe if we can get some organizing cant mince in our parks then maybe we wont get them somewhere else. For Affordable Housing,we have made gains but i would like to see dedicated units. Thank you [timer dings] thank you, next speaker please. Hi london. Hi jane. I dont know if you can remember me from the high school when i was trying to start a tennis program. And also london, she was one of my favorite students at ben franklin middle school. That was a long time ago. And she remembered fleet street and that was something that i taught her. I have never been here before so listening to all of this stuff and seeing all that is going on, i take my hat off to you. I take my teachers how to you. I take my professional hat off to you. You are doing good. Thank you, next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is [inaudible] i am with the marios coalition for justice. In 1998, i was beat up by a couple officers officer and officer [indecipherable]for the City Attorneys Office in San Francisco and she said it wasnt good because she is mexican. I thought she was appropriating this. [indecipherable] because of that case, i lost my job and i cannot go to my job. One day before i finished that is when the police gave me up and let me work. In 2013, i was cleaning up about [indecipherable for a couple of days. It took us a couple days to investigate what had happened. It took us a few minutes to investigate what had happened and i found out that one of the neighbors who lived around the corner from chestnut was told that one of the [timer dings] thank you sir. Thank you sir. Next speaker please. Sir, your time is completed. Next speaker please. Sir , we will get someone to help you and we will get your information if you do not mind stepping to the side. I understand, we hear you. If you give us just a minute to finish Public Comment, we will have an opportunity to speak with you. Thank you. Thank you. You know, i know it is frustrating. I would love to go on for an hour but the lord says do all of things decently and in order and we should get three minutes and it is frustrating because everyone that comes up your wants to talk but i would ask that you would get the podcast from 560 this morning with brian kassman to see how the moderator was includes with Hillary Clinton when abraham in his debate they both had 10 minutes and there was no moderator and they could go out it. There was no moderator and next time i just hope he walks off of the moderators not have the podium. Now, what i would like to talk about today is that they both presented their arguments as to why they want you to vote for them and christians believed arguments as to why we are the only true faith and i could not say it better as to say that you know what is happening after the baptism that jesus preached how god [inaudible] we are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the jews. [timer dings] all these old dead guys for centuries and centuries read about jesus. He is the messiah. [timer dings] thank you. Are there any other members of the public that would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] mme. City clerk if we could move on to items that are not subject to this committee. Thank you. Mme. Cohen. Item 31 supervisor farrell. Item 38. On the remaining items, one items 39 and 40. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. Mme. City clerk please call item number 38. Item 38 is a resolution to urging the city and county of San Francisco to convene a working group comprised of Affordable Housing developers, homelessness experts, labor organizations, and city staff to develop a blueprint for a modular housing pilot program. Supervisor farrell. I will defer to the sponsor. Supervisor kim. Well, i do not know if there needs to be a response but i assume that supervisor farrell and i are on the same page due to what i saw that he released today we developed a resolution to develop a working group around the use of modular housing and this is for our homeless groups around San Francisco i know that we need to create all sorts of challenges their number challenges using this type of housing but we want to address them and use this what is at our fingertips to uild a cheaper form of construction while also addressing labor concerns and the needs to ensure that it is builthere in this country. I have been talking to two groups that have been pondering this concept and the Community Housing partnership has two different models that they are looking at and this is just to convene a working group with a number of expert Housing Development experts and Housing Developers and homeless organizations to develop this here in San Francisco. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. Thank you. And in terms ofthe parties involved in so forth i think it is important that they reach out to me and that we have some discussion on this and i have read about the importance of it i look forward to being a partner with a. Okay, this item will be sent to the committee. All right, item number 41. Item 41 is a motion to call cohenmotion calling from the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee, pursuant to board rule 3. 37, a hearing on the final report, findings, and recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel on transparency, accountability, and fairness in law enforcement, and requesting the Police Department and Police Commission to report; and scheduling the board of supervisors to convene a committee of the whole on tuesday, october 4, 2016, at 3 00 p. M. To hold the public hearing. Thank you. Supervisor cohen. Thank you very much. So the 81 recommendations from the blue ribbon report rs of such high importance that i believe that the entire board of supervisors should be paying attention and listening to the ideas for change that we can make here in San Francisco and think critically about how all of us can collectively work to implement these recommendations so that all of our citizens can enjoy a life free of the fear of being targeted by a Police Officer. Possibly that we can and must and can acknowledge that there is a problem and not just in San Francisco but across the entire country. If we turn on the news we can see the level of discord. Whether be tall so or North Carolina we saw on the news just recently you or new york or oakland or la or someplace closer to home. In respect to communities of color, i think we need to do a game change. I introduced a motion to call from Committee File 160806 to hold this hearing as a committee as a whole on october 4, 2016 at 3 00 pm to hold a public hearing so we can hear a detail all report and those of you who are here with me i appreciate supervisor breed sponsorship and supervisor kim sponsorship on this quite frankly a humble motion. I want to recognize the Many Community members that have been so very supportive throughout this entire process that have done everything from protesting to schedule thoughtful meetings, to organizing within the committee. Everything counts. And finally, i want to recognize my staff [inaudible] who is been an outstanding leader on this particular issue and on many issues with policing in San Francisco thank you. Thank you supervisor cohen. Im looking forward to our comprehensive discussion on this issue next week. Thank you alisa jones and the coalition for justice on maria woods and thank you supervisor cohen on the leadership of making this hearing happen and for my colleagues for that support. And with that, mme. Clerk, can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this motion is approved unanimously thank you. [applause] all right. Mme. City clerk will you please read the n memorial. Todays meeting will be adjourned in behalf of these loving individuals. This brings us to the end of our agenda. Mme. City clerk, are there any items before us today . No maam. Okay thank you colleagues we are adjourned. [gavel] november. Hi, my name is josh im running for the San Francisco board of supervisors in district 9 representing and running for supervisor because city hall has failed our neighborhood weve seen rising rents and residents suffering on the streets and lack of communication between our police and folks and loss for businesses i believe weve seen the best and we defer get behind the eight ball im the product of immigrant any great grate worked in the fields to have a better leave nearly 20 years ago i moved to San Francisco and became an civil rights he attorney for people of victims of Police Brutality i formed my business and we shut down a dirty power plant and served on the Affordable Housing nonprofit making me the only candidate that is actually built Affordable Housing with those on hand and went on to work with the proves leaders to pass the local hire Program Green house thousands of construction jobs to local

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