Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 92716 20

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 92716 September 28, 2016

Communist propaganda [indecipherable] as a result , think of this as a subject to avoid. What impression you get from [indecipherable] do you ever come to our meeting . You ever want to get to know us . [indecipherable] [timer dings] thank you sir. Next speaker please. Hello supervisors my name is alicia cho i would like to continue my colleagues comment. Using the Chinese Communist regime for propaganda to generate heat for propaganda she worked closely with the procommunist Chinese Media to carry out her mission. According to residents in china sound who sympathize with [indecipherable] and today we are going to show you a few examples first of all [in [indecipherable] [video] thank you. Thank you, next speaker please. Mme. Pres. And supervisors good afternoon. On january 21 and 22nd 2006the Chinese Chamber of commerce set up a booth at the [inaudible] under the disguise of a prize raffle. I would like to see some video footage of that. [video] journalists also learned that a homeless person was paid a couple dollars to sign a position and the [inaudible] acted a radically and rushed away thinking that he got himself into a lot of trouble. This chinese woman signed a petition twice and quickly ran away when she saw them approach. This chinese lady was misled in signing the petition at a raffle but she gave her support at the position and she tried to cross off her previous signature she was berated and they even turned over the form and said they were private property and no one could touch them. They approached ms. Pac[inaudible] thank you thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors [indecipherable] according to San Franciscos chronicle report on january 8, 2006[indecipherable] did not belong in the parade more than any member of the Chinese Group please know what the pak spread the propaganda that [indecipherable] practitioners for [indecipherable] harvesting. So we want to let the world know what that that is not inform with the politics. We ask that you pass the declaration. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening mme. Pres. And members of the board of supervisors. Today i would like to assist with the chinese conflict of [inaudible] in 2002. Rose pack led the Chinese Chamber of commerce to provide amicus grief to the Us District Court in california which they found to be untrue and unfounded and this proves that pack was working on behalf of the Chinese Government and [indecipherable] thank you. Next speaker please. [indecipherable] the hatred has been spread into San Francisco as well. Practitioners ave been attacked in chinatown for the past 17 years and i just gave two instances with the departments report. One was october 22, 2002 and two practitioners that were assaulted in chinatown and [inaudible] the cops dropped the charges later. The San Francisco human rights commission[indecipherable] awarded a letter for violations of [indecipherable] there are pictures and videos available on youtube and within eight months between november 2011 and june 16, 2012 there were 18 attacks against petitioners in chinatown. [indecipherable] on freedom of speech. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. Greetings supervisors. Dad do i would like to show you another video recorded t the chinatown festival in 2006. [video] [timer dings] thank you for your attention. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. [indecipherable] good evening board of supervisors my name is when i heard the central subway was going to be named afteri wasshocked. I think this is a shame for San Francisco and for chinatown. Her associates in the name of representing her community. In actuality she is representing the interests of spreading violence and hatred in San Francisco. Four years ago the incident of practitioners being beat up in chinatown was strategize by rose pack. In the middle of the day, two men assaulted me and another young practitioner cursed us. Afterwords, people told us that earlier in the day before the two men assaulted us, they were treated to a meal by rose pack and given alcohol to give them more courage. I remember i talked about this story in front of you, the board of supervisors, four years ago. The coalition to investigate the persecution of is investigating rose pack. Soon her crimes will be real to the world. Great changes are happening in china and former president has been arrested. Rose pack has now died and all media rep related to her is making a stance between right and wrong and evil and good. As publicelected officials, please think deeply about this issue. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon mme. Pres. And members of the board. My name is alicia jones i am representing fci you 1021 and justice for mario was coalition as we represent the daft of the Mario Coalition and i asked that we put together the board and the committee as a whole to hear the full blue ribbon report. I would also like to think matter and president london breed and also supervisor campos and supervisor avalos and of course supervisor cohen and i dont know supervisor mar, are you voting with us or against us, supervisor tang at, are you voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor farrell, are you a voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor yee, are you voting for the people or against the people . Supervisor peskin, are you voting for the people or against the people . Not just the Police Department but one of our own minister mohammed will be advocating for marios justice in front of the commission years and years of oppression and injustice by the Police Department we are hoping that all of the supervisors will make a stand and vote yes as a committee as a whole to hear the Blue Ribbon Panel. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon Karen Preston injustice for the Mario Woods Coalition i would ask that you attend the hearing and compel Marianne Hallo a member of the association to testify on the 24th and i am sure that they are serving as officers. Missed all of them nearly 2000 contribute an average of 150,000 for weekly paycheck. Making sfp oas 7. 8 million annual budget that they will use to buy the silence of Public Officials and impede justice. That new in the enforced policy that the Police Commission passed in june is still not ruled out because the are still using a chokehold and they are still identified as practices that the Police Department should notbe allowed. Half of the salary is paid directly in the other half by our page we demand that he be compelled to speak in front of the San Francisco Police Department. [timer dings] thank you. Next speaker please i am here for the justice of bob maria Woods Coalition and the justice for[naming coalitions] i would like to encourage a unanimous vote on the hearing next week on the Blue Ribbon Panel. I put on the dashboard over here if you can see it a flyer for the Blue Ribbon Panel. Many p bone pro bono law firms have a put out a whole series of transportation salaries for sf pd. This is an incredibly necessary hearing so that you folks can get up to speed on what the Blue Ribbon Panel is about and so that we can begin to draft legislation with the board of supervisors to implement the many findings. I know that mayor lee is also waiting on the cops report and the Community Oriented policing report [timer dings] but, that is going to be less likely transformational than the Blue Ribbon Panel report so its necessary to begin implementation of the Blue Ribbon Panel report and for that to happen you guys have to understand at depth what it is about. So again, im hoping we have a unanimous vote here at the board of supervisors and we move forward to implement. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors. I am here short and sweet i just want to say you know the right thing to do and that is to vote for 41 coming appear and for solidarity purposes i just want to if we can do this as a young person involved in democracy now i got a wonderful lesson if nothing else. Thank you, next speaker please my name is dolores piper. I am also a member of san franciscans for police accountability. I come into the group with a little bit different of a perspective. My greatnephew who i raised for 15 years was killed by a Police Officer who is now on your force. He has gone on to harass another young man in the mission a grievously and he is harassing another young man in the mission. It really needs to be brought to your attention that San Francisco needs be brought into 21thcentury policing. This magnificent study that was done as my partner had said it was done freely it has given you all of the tools that you need to see that all of our Police Department is transformed. And, i hope that you will really look at this and bring San Francisco into the same category as many big cities in this country who have looked at their Police Department and have transformed them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. [applause] sfgtv. Thank you. Hello my name is corey smith on behalf of the members of the San Francisco Housing Commission yesterday was a very very exciting day for us. The Obama Administration has developed a toolkit of how to get yourself out of a displacement crisis we want to highlight some of them because it is the type of advocacy that the coalition has been pushing for for the last several years. We are very thrilled that the president is joining gov. Brown and a number of other advocates in supporting his proposal taking vacant land and donating it to Nonprofit Developers recently this will bring the Street Project and eliminate timelines and supervisor peskin we were in high school when you brought that up first and we know you were very happy to see that and we are actually honoring one of your colleagues tomorrow with the Affordable Housing program and we thank you very much for that and high density family zoning and Inclusionary Zoning and assisting in the first ever Inclusionary Zoning laws with supervisor lemieux. Establishing development and capturing tax in sentences and using property abatements. In the us conference of mayors in january 2016 we can Work Together to break down the roles that stands in any way the building of new housing to keep families from growing in new and dynamic cities and we also want to briefly mention the project that has gotten the attention of the community. Seth and laura will talk a little bit about that. [timer dings reprint thank you,next speaker please. Hello lara grove. I think we all know that the bay area operates as one. There are over 100 municipalities that make up the San Francisco bay area and each one of our suburbs have been misbehaving for decades. It is time, frankly, for all of you to come with us down to brisbane. And so, we are organizing transportation and i would love it if some of our supervisors would come down and rain hellfire down upon them. We need you guys to be leading the front and saying that no longer can San Francisco be the only voice saying that we need more housing in the bay area. All of our suburbs need to be contributing. The westside of San Francisco also needs to be contributing and the south side needs to be contributing and our suburbs need to step up. We need to embrace Infill Development and we need your help to do that. Frankly, we are out there in the suburbs and they do not care about us. You know, we are a little upstart and we need your help to bring that message home that the bay area operates as one. We are economically integrated throughout the bay area and you will need to be the voice of that reason. So, please come down with us and advocate for housing in our misbehaving suburbs. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Our housing policy moves on. There was a lady that was hit by a tree near the beach and a 4 million settlement for that woman would be in line easily. Next, we have supervisor peskin at that special meeting was at his best. Come and see the show to find out what is happening with the Millennium Tower and whatever else was happening in our city. At his best. He also mentioned that the buildings will survive an earthquake but that they will be inhabitable. I will combine that with our assistant neighborhood plan from seven or eight years ago that would say make parks and make parks and make parks i think that our parks should be designedfor earthquake refugees. There may be a time when the big one comes and we need a place to put people while everything falls apart for a period of time. And while were doing that maybe we can make some homeless encampments there. Maybe if we can get some organizing cant mince in our parks then maybe we wont get them somewhere else. For Affordable Housing,we have made gains but i would like to see dedicated units. Thank you [timer dings] thank you, next speaker please. Hi london. Hi jane. I dont know if you can remember me from the high school when i was trying to start a tennis program. And also london, she was one of my favorite students at ben franklin middle school. That was a long time ago. And she remembered fleet street and that was something that i taught her. I have never been here before so listening to all of this stuff and seeing all that is going on, i take my hat off to you. I take my teachers how to you. I take my professional hat off to you. You are doing good. Thank you, next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is [inaudible] i am with the marios coalition for justice. In 1998, i was beat up by a couple officers officer and officer [indecipherable]for the City Attorneys Office in San Francisco and she said it wasnt good because she is mexican. I thought she was appropriating this. [indecipherable] because of that case, i lost my job and i cannot go to my job. One day before i finished that is when the police gave me up and let me work. In 2013, i was cleaning up about [indecipherable for a couple of days. It took us a couple days to investigate what had happened. It took us a few minutes to investigate what had happened and i found out that one of the neighbors who lived around the corner from chestnut was told that one of the [timer dings] thank you sir. Thank you sir. Next speaker please. Sir, your time is completed. Next speaker please. Sir , we will get someone to help you and we will get your information if you do not mind stepping to the side. I understand, we hear you. If you give us just a minute to finish Public Comment, we will have an opportunity to speak with you. Thank you. Thank you. You know, i know it is frustrating. I would love to go on for an hour but the lord says do all of things decently and in order and we should get three minutes and it is frustrating because everyone that comes up your wants to talk but i would ask that you would get the podcast from 560 this morning with brian kassman to see how the moderator was includes with Hillary Clinton when abraham in his debate they both had 10 minutes and there was no moderator and they could go out it. There was no moderator and next time i just hope he walks off of the moderators not have the podium. Now, what i would like to talk about today is that they both presented their arguments as to why they want you to vote for them and christians believed arguments as to why we are the only true faith and i could not say it better as to say that you know what is happening after the baptism that jesus preached how god [inaudible] we are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the jews. [timer dings] all these old dead guys for centuries and centuries read about jesus. He is the messiah. [timer dings] thank you. Are there any other members of the public that would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] mme. City clerk if we could move on to items that are not subject to this committee. Thank you. Mme. Cohen. Item 31 supervisor farrell. Item 38. On the remaining items, one items 39 and 40. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. Mme. City clerk please call item number 38. Item 38 is a resolution to urging the city and county of San Francisco to convene a working group comprised of Affordable Housing developers, homelessness experts, labor organizations, and city staff to develop a blueprint for a modular housing Chinese Communist<\/a> regime for propaganda to generate heat for propaganda she worked closely with the procommunist Chinese Media<\/a> to carry out her mission. According to residents in china sound who sympathize with [indecipherable] and today we are going to show you a few examples first of all [in [indecipherable] [video] thank you. Thank you, next speaker please. Mme. Pres. And supervisors good afternoon. On january 21 and 22nd 2006the Chinese Chamber<\/a> of commerce set up a booth at the [inaudible] under the disguise of a prize raffle. I would like to see some video footage of that. [video] journalists also learned that a homeless person was paid a couple dollars to sign a position and the [inaudible] acted a radically and rushed away thinking that he got himself into a lot of trouble. This chinese woman signed a petition twice and quickly ran away when she saw them approach. This chinese lady was misled in signing the petition at a raffle but she gave her support at the position and she tried to cross off her previous signature she was berated and they even turned over the form and said they were private property and no one could touch them. They approached ms. Pac[inaudible] thank you thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors [indecipherable] according to San Francisco<\/a>s chronicle report on january 8, 2006[indecipherable] did not belong in the parade more than any member of the Chinese Group<\/a> please know what the pak spread the propaganda that [indecipherable] practitioners for [indecipherable] harvesting. So we want to let the world know what that that is not inform with the politics. We ask that you pass the declaration. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening mme. Pres. And members of the board of supervisors. Today i would like to assist with the chinese conflict of [inaudible] in 2002. Rose pack led the Chinese Chamber<\/a> of commerce to provide amicus grief to the Us District Court<\/a> in california which they found to be untrue and unfounded and this proves that pack was working on behalf of the Chinese Government<\/a> and [indecipherable] thank you. Next speaker please. [indecipherable] the hatred has been spread into San Francisco<\/a> as well. Practitioners ave been attacked in chinatown for the past 17 years and i just gave two instances with the departments report. One was october 22, 2002 and two practitioners that were assaulted in chinatown and [inaudible] the cops dropped the charges later. The San Francisco<\/a> human rights commission[indecipherable] awarded a letter for violations of [indecipherable] there are pictures and videos available on youtube and within eight months between november 2011 and june 16, 2012 there were 18 attacks against petitioners in chinatown. [indecipherable] on freedom of speech. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. Greetings supervisors. Dad do i would like to show you another video recorded t the chinatown festival in 2006. [video] [timer dings] thank you for your attention. Thank you. Thank you next speaker please. [indecipherable] good evening board of supervisors my name is when i heard the central subway was going to be named afteri wasshocked. I think this is a shame for San Francisco<\/a> and for chinatown. Her associates in the name of representing her community. In actuality she is representing the interests of spreading violence and hatred in San Francisco<\/a>. Four years ago the incident of practitioners being beat up in chinatown was strategize by rose pack. In the middle of the day, two men assaulted me and another young practitioner cursed us. Afterwords, people told us that earlier in the day before the two men assaulted us, they were treated to a meal by rose pack and given alcohol to give them more courage. I remember i talked about this story in front of you, the board of supervisors, four years ago. The coalition to investigate the persecution of is investigating rose pack. Soon her crimes will be real to the world. Great changes are happening in china and former president has been arrested. Rose pack has now died and all media rep related to her is making a stance between right and wrong and evil and good. As publicelected officials, please think deeply about this issue. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon mme. Pres. And members of the board. My name is alicia jones i am representing fci you 1021 and justice for mario was coalition as we represent the daft of the Mario Coalition<\/a> and i asked that we put together the board and the committee as a whole to hear the full blue ribbon report. I would also like to think matter and president london breed and also supervisor campos and supervisor avalos and of course supervisor cohen and i dont know supervisor mar, are you voting with us or against us, supervisor tang at, are you voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor farrell, are you a voting with the people were against the people . Supervisor yee, are you voting for the people or against the people . Supervisor peskin, are you voting for the people or against the people . Not just the Police Department<\/a> but one of our own minister mohammed will be advocating for marios justice in front of the commission years and years of oppression and injustice by the Police Department<\/a> we are hoping that all of the supervisors will make a stand and vote yes as a committee as a whole to hear the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a>. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon Karen Preston<\/a> injustice for the Mario Woods Coalition<\/a> i would ask that you attend the hearing and compel Marianne Hallo<\/a> a member of the association to testify on the 24th and i am sure that they are serving as officers. Missed all of them nearly 2000 contribute an average of 150,000 for weekly paycheck. Making sfp oas 7. 8 million annual budget that they will use to buy the silence of Public Officials<\/a> and impede justice. That new in the enforced policy that the Police Commission<\/a> passed in june is still not ruled out because the are still using a chokehold and they are still identified as practices that the Police Department<\/a> should notbe allowed. Half of the salary is paid directly in the other half by our page we demand that he be compelled to speak in front of the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a>. [timer dings] thank you. Next speaker please i am here for the justice of bob maria Woods Coalition<\/a> and the justice for[naming coalitions] i would like to encourage a unanimous vote on the hearing next week on the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a>. I put on the dashboard over here if you can see it a flyer for the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a>. Many p bone pro bono law firms have a put out a whole series of transportation salaries for sf pd. This is an incredibly necessary hearing so that you folks can get up to speed on what the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a> is about and so that we can begin to draft legislation with the board of supervisors to implement the many findings. I know that mayor lee is also waiting on the cops report and the Community Oriented<\/a> policing report [timer dings] but, that is going to be less likely transformational than the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a> report so its necessary to begin implementation of the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a> report and for that to happen you guys have to understand at depth what it is about. So again, im hoping we have a unanimous vote here at the board of supervisors and we move forward to implement. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening board of supervisors. I am here short and sweet i just want to say you know the right thing to do and that is to vote for 41 coming appear and for solidarity purposes i just want to if we can do this as a young person involved in democracy now i got a wonderful lesson if nothing else. Thank you, next speaker please my name is dolores piper. I am also a member of san franciscans for police accountability. I come into the group with a little bit different of a perspective. My greatnephew who i raised for 15 years was killed by a Police Officer<\/a> who is now on your force. He has gone on to harass another young man in the mission a grievously and he is harassing another young man in the mission. It really needs to be brought to your attention that San Francisco<\/a> needs be brought into 21thcentury policing. This magnificent study that was done as my partner had said it was done freely it has given you all of the tools that you need to see that all of our Police Department<\/a> is transformed. And, i hope that you will really look at this and bring San Francisco<\/a> into the same category as many big cities in this country who have looked at their Police Department<\/a> and have transformed them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. [applause] sfgtv. Thank you. Hello my name is corey smith on behalf of the members of the San Francisco<\/a> Housing Commission<\/a> yesterday was a very very exciting day for us. The Obama Administration<\/a> has developed a toolkit of how to get yourself out of a displacement crisis we want to highlight some of them because it is the type of advocacy that the coalition has been pushing for for the last several years. We are very thrilled that the president is joining gov. Brown and a number of other advocates in supporting his proposal taking vacant land and donating it to Nonprofit Developers<\/a> recently this will bring the Street Project<\/a> and eliminate timelines and supervisor peskin we were in high school when you brought that up first and we know you were very happy to see that and we are actually honoring one of your colleagues tomorrow with the Affordable Housing<\/a> program and we thank you very much for that and high density family zoning and Inclusionary Zoning<\/a> and assisting in the first ever Inclusionary Zoning<\/a> laws with supervisor lemieux. Establishing development and capturing tax in sentences and using property abatements. In the us conference of mayors in january 2016 we can Work Together<\/a> to break down the roles that stands in any way the building of new housing to keep families from growing in new and dynamic cities and we also want to briefly mention the project that has gotten the attention of the community. Seth and laura will talk a little bit about that. [timer dings reprint thank you,next speaker please. Hello lara grove. I think we all know that the bay area operates as one. There are over 100 municipalities that make up the San Francisco<\/a> bay area and each one of our suburbs have been misbehaving for decades. It is time, frankly, for all of you to come with us down to brisbane. And so, we are organizing transportation and i would love it if some of our supervisors would come down and rain hellfire down upon them. We need you guys to be leading the front and saying that no longer can San Francisco<\/a> be the only voice saying that we need more housing in the bay area. All of our suburbs need to be contributing. The westside of San Francisco<\/a> also needs to be contributing and the south side needs to be contributing and our suburbs need to step up. We need to embrace Infill Development<\/a> and we need your help to do that. Frankly, we are out there in the suburbs and they do not care about us. You know, we are a little upstart and we need your help to bring that message home that the bay area operates as one. We are economically integrated throughout the bay area and you will need to be the voice of that reason. So, please come down with us and advocate for housing in our misbehaving suburbs. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Our housing policy moves on. There was a lady that was hit by a tree near the beach and a 4 million settlement for that woman would be in line easily. Next, we have supervisor peskin at that special meeting was at his best. Come and see the show to find out what is happening with the Millennium Tower<\/a> and whatever else was happening in our city. At his best. He also mentioned that the buildings will survive an earthquake but that they will be inhabitable. I will combine that with our assistant neighborhood plan from seven or eight years ago that would say make parks and make parks and make parks i think that our parks should be designedfor earthquake refugees. There may be a time when the big one comes and we need a place to put people while everything falls apart for a period of time. And while were doing that maybe we can make some homeless encampments there. Maybe if we can get some organizing cant mince in our parks then maybe we wont get them somewhere else. For Affordable Housing<\/a>,we have made gains but i would like to see dedicated units. Thank you [timer dings] thank you, next speaker please. Hi london. Hi jane. I dont know if you can remember me from the high school when i was trying to start a tennis program. And also london, she was one of my favorite students at ben franklin middle school. That was a long time ago. And she remembered fleet street and that was something that i taught her. I have never been here before so listening to all of this stuff and seeing all that is going on, i take my hat off to you. I take my teachers how to you. I take my professional hat off to you. You are doing good. Thank you, next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is [inaudible] i am with the marios coalition for justice. In 1998, i was beat up by a couple officers officer and officer [indecipherable]for the City Attorneys Office<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a> and she said it wasnt good because she is mexican. I thought she was appropriating this. [indecipherable] because of that case, i lost my job and i cannot go to my job. One day before i finished that is when the police gave me up and let me work. In 2013, i was cleaning up about [indecipherable for a couple of days. It took us a couple days to investigate what had happened. It took us a few minutes to investigate what had happened and i found out that one of the neighbors who lived around the corner from chestnut was told that one of the [timer dings] thank you sir. Thank you sir. Next speaker please. Sir, your time is completed. Next speaker please. Sir , we will get someone to help you and we will get your information if you do not mind stepping to the side. I understand, we hear you. If you give us just a minute to finish Public Comment<\/a>, we will have an opportunity to speak with you. Thank you. Thank you. You know, i know it is frustrating. I would love to go on for an hour but the lord says do all of things decently and in order and we should get three minutes and it is frustrating because everyone that comes up your wants to talk but i would ask that you would get the podcast from 560 this morning with brian kassman to see how the moderator was includes with Hillary Clinton<\/a> when abraham in his debate they both had 10 minutes and there was no moderator and they could go out it. There was no moderator and next time i just hope he walks off of the moderators not have the podium. Now, what i would like to talk about today is that they both presented their arguments as to why they want you to vote for them and christians believed arguments as to why we are the only true faith and i could not say it better as to say that you know what is happening after the baptism that jesus preached how god [inaudible] we are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the jews. [timer dings] all these old dead guys for centuries and centuries read about jesus. He is the messiah. [timer dings] thank you. Are there any other members of the public that would like to provide Public Comment<\/a> at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed [gavel] mme. City clerk if we could move on to items that are not subject to this committee. Thank you. Mme. Cohen. Item 31 supervisor farrell. Item 38. On the remaining items, one items 39 and 40. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. Mme. City clerk please call item number 38. Item 38 is a resolution to urging the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> to convene a working group comprised of Affordable Housing<\/a> developers, homelessness experts, labor organizations, and city staff to develop a blueprint for a modular housing Pilot Program<\/a>. Supervisor farrell. I will defer to the sponsor. Supervisor kim. Well, i do not know if there needs to be a response but i assume that supervisor farrell and i are on the same page due to what i saw that he released today we developed a resolution to develop a working group around the use of modular housing and this is for our homeless groups around San Francisco<\/a> i know that we need to create all sorts of challenges their number challenges using this type of housing but we want to address them and use this what is at our fingertips to uild a cheaper form of construction while also addressing labor concerns and the needs to ensure that it is builthere in this country. I have been talking to two groups that have been pondering this concept and the Community Housing<\/a> partnership has two different models that they are looking at and this is just to convene a working group with a number of expert Housing Development<\/a> experts and Housing Developers<\/a> and homeless organizations to develop this here in San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. Thank you. And in terms ofthe parties involved in so forth i think it is important that they reach out to me and that we have some discussion on this and i have read about the importance of it i look forward to being a partner with a. Okay, this item will be sent to the committee. All right, item number 41. Item 41 is a motion to call cohenmotion calling from the Public Safety<\/a> and Neighborhood Services<\/a> committee, pursuant to board rule 3. 37, a hearing on the final report, findings, and recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel<\/a> on transparency, accountability, and fairness in Law Enforcement<\/a>, and requesting the Police Department<\/a> and Police Commission<\/a> to report; and scheduling the board of supervisors to convene a committee of the whole on tuesday, october 4, 2016, at 3 00 p. M. To hold the public hearing. Thank you. Supervisor cohen. Thank you very much. So the 81 recommendations from the blue ribbon report rs of such high importance that i believe that the entire board of supervisors should be paying attention and listening to the ideas for change that we can make here in San Francisco<\/a> and think critically about how all of us can collectively work to implement these recommendations so that all of our citizens can enjoy a life free of the fear of being targeted by a Police Officer<\/a>. Possibly that we can and must and can acknowledge that there is a problem and not just in San Francisco<\/a> but across the entire country. If we turn on the news we can see the level of discord. Whether be tall so or North Carolina<\/a> we saw on the news just recently you or new york or oakland or la or someplace closer to home. In respect to communities of color, i think we need to do a game change. I introduced a motion to call from Committee File<\/a> 160806 to hold this hearing as a committee as a whole on october 4, 2016 at 3 00 pm to hold a public hearing so we can hear a detail all report and those of you who are here with me i appreciate supervisor breed sponsorship and supervisor kim sponsorship on this quite frankly a humble motion. I want to recognize the Many Community<\/a> members that have been so very supportive throughout this entire process that have done everything from protesting to schedule thoughtful meetings, to organizing within the committee. Everything counts. And finally, i want to recognize my staff [inaudible] who is been an outstanding leader on this particular issue and on many issues with policing in San Francisco<\/a> thank you. Thank you supervisor cohen. Im looking forward to our comprehensive discussion on this issue next week. Thank you alisa jones and the coalition for justice on maria woods and thank you supervisor cohen on the leadership of making this hearing happen and for my colleagues for that support. And with that, mme. Clerk, can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this motion is approved unanimously thank you. [applause] all right. Mme. City clerk will you please read the n memorial. Todays meeting will be adjourned in behalf of these loving individuals. This brings us to the end of our agenda. Mme. City clerk, are there any items before us today . No maam. Okay thank you colleagues we are adjourned. [gavel] coming. clapping. good morning and thank you for joining me im Jose Cisneros<\/a> the cochair of financial and powerful coalition i want to acknowledge a number of people including beven duffey the mounting evidences about San Francisco<\/a> Hometown Bank<\/a> is shocking it reveals that wells fargo used personal information about their clients to open without their permission and transferred funds as treasurer im responsible for keeping the city save and 10 years ago i started the bank an inform program i believe that everyone money is safety in the a banknote held in cash or under a mattress when i learned that protecting people in the city if have basis assess he worked with bans and Credit Unions<\/a> to create lowcost accounts without barriers to assess now thousand of san franciscans every year opened their first behind the eight ball through the bank on San Francisco<\/a> and bank that programs in dozens of cities across the country and last year, we annunciations bank think standards for save behind the eight ball with no Overdraft Fees<\/a> so after hearing about the actions of wells fargo i met with an executive to find what information and advise to provide to the san franciscans he couldnt give me basic information including how many san franciscans were effected had they been notified how much recess stews this is unacceptable im outrageous on behalf of all customers but for every on Bank Resident<\/a> to keep their mean in cash instead of a Financial Institution<\/a> given their widespread egregious and potentially criminal action im 13u7bd wells fargo from the bank an San Francisco<\/a> program effect immediately clapping. and we cant wait for wells fargo to help people through this terrible experience thats why the balance the Community Partners<\/a> offered free oneonone coupling for anyone effected started day they can call 9006006 and speak to a qualified council to run their Credit Report<\/a> and found out what to do next we want to thank balance for stepping up their phone call will be on the website just to be clear this is a free Serve Service<\/a> and anyone will semi you anyone thats why balance is our partner in the program and i give you my word theyll be trusted with our Financial Information<\/a> next week im headed to washington, d. C. To talk with the powerful coalition at the Financial Bureau<\/a> and with members of the california delegation and im calling on my all my colleagues to stand request bank on the other hand, on San Francisco<\/a> Police Commission<\/a> weve been the leader in the nation and continue to stand up against Financial Institution<\/a>s that breach our trust there are many Unanswered Questions<\/a> he want san franciscans to know well get answers from wells fargo to resolve negative impacts on your finance now next id like to invite andrea if the cancel reinvestment code violation to join me at the podium andrew. Thank you there are go many san franciscans without a safe bank account spends husbands of thousand of these dollars buying money orders and paying bills and icon all over town and they need to conduct a financial traction the comboufrt through the Treasurers Office<\/a> and nonprofit have worked to hard to make bank account more assessable to all families including low income and spanish families and another new immigrants who are not familiar with the Banking System<\/a> or historically left out of the bavng system weve made progress as a treasurer mentions last year the National Bank<\/a> on coalition adopted the standards to make those accounts save so people will never face an Overdraft Fee<\/a> and low monthly fee can be waivers those are the accounts that people use that work for them and meets their interests wells fargos actions are undermining our work now is the perfect time for them to not only express sorry and say this is never going to happen again but step forward and do the service for the clients and help them to repair in any damage to their credit we shouldnt have to do it they should be doing it but were thank you to Jose Cisneros<\/a> go leadership two many people dont know theyve been treated with this way now it is the time to call balance and feud have you paid fees has a new credited been opened without your knowledge and impacted our krrdz were you offered a higher Interest Rate<\/a> that question also at our o are calling open the bank reshthsers to restore trust in the work query doing to really for the banks to step forward and say that wells fargos didnt speak for us we dont look at our consumers and potential fee revenue were trying to karate this to pad our bottom lines there are so many banks and Credit Unions<\/a> that offering those truly save accounts and working hard to meet the needs of protecting families across the back and forth we applaud them and ask them to step up and reassure they are commissioners what wells did will not happen to them thank you very much. clapping. thank you, andreas and introduce shawn the head of our Empowerment Office<\/a> and introduce lee phillips the great partner in San Francisco<\/a> and at this time introduce katherine president and ceo of the balance to explain how their staff is ready to assist folks. Thank you for being here this obviously been a lot of news in the media on this incident and the biggest thing that concerns us no information for customers and last week to applaud the city of San Francisco<\/a> for step forward and recognizing that consumers that have been impacted may not know what to do and consumers dont know theyve been impacted weve set up a town hall free number and help them get access to theyre free Credit Report<\/a> consumers still dont know how to assess their report and let alone get a free serve a Credit Report<\/a> review walk through with that consumers to help them understand how to clean up that up one of the things that concerns about this situation it is not the credit produces at wells fargo but a consumer opens a product with other institutions did they receive other is recreates has in their credit been impacted we want to work with our consumers to resolve that we, of course, will provide a assistance and resources in terms of how they contact wells fargo we know that consumers dont not review their Bank Statements<\/a> so more to look at balances we want to remind and encourage folks to review Bank Statements<\/a> where you get them online or paper another piece and in closing to echo this is so unfortunate that we still have so many folks unbanked and those that place their hope and faith in Financial Institution<\/a>s we believe the piece of our job to make sure they understand the process and have the confidence in the safety of working with the Financial Institution<\/a> so thank you very much i applaud the city of San Francisco<\/a> the treasurer and my fellow nonprofits that do this work every single day. Thank you katherine hell repeat 8007066006 were handing out a flier with the information that number will be on the sf treasurer. Org i canned is enough about the great work and theyll help people going through this difficult time that may have happened in the wells fargo account im existing to introduce supervisor campos david. clapping. thank you good morning buenas dias and thank you to the treasurer he knows the thing again what wells fargo did the damage is beyond the impact on anyone that has been impacted by these accounts those fake accounts it is on the issue of trust because we have been working with the community that has been very distrust of Banking Institution<\/a> for a lot of reasons and the so we had to do a lot of work in putting your money into the Banking Institution<\/a>s and now we have to redo that work and sort of sea you know what we were not completely right about wells fargo see let me say. speaking foreign language. so it is very unfortunate but im very proud of what our treasurer is doing and it make sense that San Francisco<\/a> will lead the way and proud to be associated with that and thank you to you and our office for that. speaking foreign language. clapping. thank you very much supervisor it is great to have our partnership were trying to let everybody in the city to make sure they, keep their money safe bottom line we want to make sure the city is here to help and our good friends are vertebral to make sure in their money is safe let me repeat number 800706006 please share that information with everybody in our community anticipate your family make sure we have a safe account to keep our money and were successful financially thank you for [gavel] good morning and welcome to the San Francisco<\/a> county Transportation Authority<\/a> monthly meeting, im scott weiner the share of the authority, would you call the roll . Commissioner avalos . Present. Breed . Here. Campos . Absent. Coen . Present. Farrell . Ab scent. Kim. Here. Peskin present. Tang, present. Weiner present, commissioner yee . Yee is absent and we have the quorum. Okay, we will go to the chairs report, colleagues i would like to again by reporting that our transportation Charter Amendment<\/a> revenue measure and proposed sales tax increase have been placed on the ballot as propation jand k. Each one requires a majority vote of the voters to pass during the summer, contra and santa clara also put on to sales tax on the ballot. In addition to barts regional bond measure is on the ballot and all three part counties, San Francisco<\/a>, alamena and contra costa and the city of oakland, and ac transit are also going to the voters to approve local measures all of these measures are needed to be part of the streets and Transit System<\/a>s continue to require repair and vinestment and we cannot wait for the state and the federal government to take up the tabs, over 50 percent of the transportation investment or region through 2040, is provided by the local sources in the summer has increased over the years. That is because this approach is working. Counties like ours, especially delivered the voter Proof Projects<\/a> small, to get them grant ready so that they can compete for and Leverage Private<\/a> funds. To help the best use of the funds, our Transportation Authority<\/a> is working in conjunction with the Planning Department<\/a> and mta and other agency to develop the long range transit plans, including the subway vision, and the legislation and the call for such a plan, so the master plan, and to the board of supervisors passed last year, and i was pleased to see the out reach conducted for this study over the summer. And to hear about the response from the public on the question of where San Francisco<\/a> should build the new rail lines. I am told that we received, 2500 responses across the city and region and i look forward to seeing the stud at the transpower Passion Committee<\/a> on october, 17th as we plan the next big rail lines and we are glad to see them partnering with the agencies on the solution to reduce the crowding on the systems including the various, incentives and this pay lot program, the trip to a less busy time, such as before or after the morning peak rush hour, and about the passengers who do shift the travel times could earn the points with the fun online game, 16,000 sign ups and 29,000 in rewards, to providers were optimistic about this program and i thank you and that concludes my program remarks. Colleagues any comments in is there any Public Comment<\/a> . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. We will move to item three, the executive directors reports. Good morning, commissioners. Executive director, chang is on a jury panel for the new bus terminal and so keep you postd on that. You sh you had have the executive directors reports in front of you. And i will highlight a few of the items that were not addressed by the chair already in the chairs remarks. But it seems like we have not met for a long time because of the recess and so some of this has already hit the nut papers and we have been covering it in committee one of the items in the newspaper was the legislature and the agreement on cap and trade and even though the revenues from the last auction have been way over anticipated one of the up sides of the more conservative approach to dulling out the revenue earlier is that there are some revenues from the previous proceeds that were sort of on goal and in the bank, 60 percent of the revenues have been going out to the programs like the transit inner city rail program that have been delighted to receive the new lrvs and there are several other related programs and this agreement distributes 900 million, in unallocated auction, prohe seeds and those go to the transit rail program and the state program and other programs. Which i will speak to you a little bit later. And the state legislative session is over. And the governor has until september 30th to sign or veto a bill that are on his desk. And we will go through those now, but i will say that the finance committee at its october 11th meeting will be getting sort of a session and a summary of where we are on the legislative advocacy for mark watts the sacramento representative and it mentioned one of the beneficiaries of the cap and trade is the state active Transportation Program<\/a> and this funds particularly a lot of bicycle and pedestrian projects and the education and out reach and capitol improvements. Right now, there is an under way surge cycle of programming. And there are two at the state level, 120 million that is competitive distributed to the ap mri indications state wide and those results are anticipated next month. And at the regional level, the metropolitan agency has 20 million to dull out. This cycle is a little bit odd in that the funds will not be available for several years, knowledge next the fiscal year, 1920, which is challenging for sponsors but we are pleased to work with the Municipal Transportation Agency<\/a> and the public works in submitting several projects including the gene va project, and the play streets pilot, and the safety, and the vision zero, and safer intersections and jefferson street, improvements phase two and so we will keep you posted if we are as successful in those applications. Plan bay area has been a big topic and i know that our representatives on the metropolitan transportation commission, appeared with several presentations on that plan, early in the month, the two regional agencies or at least the draft preferred scenario and this includes the land use vision for the distribution of housing and jobs within the region. And corresponding transportation investment tragedy and we just had an up date at the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> and we expect to have one over the next couple of months as the region moves toward a planned adoption of the preferred scenario and i just summarized for those who did not watch the Committee Meeting<\/a> that right now, it looks like we are doing pretty barn well in the transportation and Investment Strategy<\/a> and i qualify that by saying, it looks like all of property jects that need to be in there for San Francisco<\/a> in this up date are in there and it looks like we are getting the amount of regional funds that we asked for. And i am not being completely definitive because we are lacking the details, but it is looking promising and the land use and working with the Plan Department<\/a> to make sure that the projections of the housing and jobs makes sense, and the housing looks reasonable, with the zoning on the job side and it looks like they have given us a little bit more and different places than we are anticipating and so we are working with mtc and the Planning Department<\/a> to reconcile that and see if that will trigger any changes in the transportation and Investment Strategy<\/a> one of the things that i do want to call out were raised by the commissioners in their mtc and the abag representatively is the rereg n reregional agencies about an evaluation and there is a whole bunch of target and metrics and unfortunately on two of the economy metrics the draft preferred were moving in the wrong direction, they were the percentage of income that the low income households spend on housing and transportation, and instead of Getting Better<\/a> it is actually getting worse, and displacement risk is increased. And mtc did some analysis which indicates that most of the increase, the wrong direction increase and the metric atribable to the decade long deficit in helping supply, 12 percent is attributed to the housing issue and one percent to transportation, but i think that our commissioners and others, raise the questions as if the 2040, vision that we as a region want to bless, is there more that we can do with the transportation funds and the planned bay area and probably more importantly what else can we do beyond the plan bay area to address this . Nobody is happy with this out come, so we will keep you posted and working closely with the Planning Department<\/a>, and the mta in particular on trying to come up with the recommendations. So moving a bit to your projects and as you may all recall, ta commissioners and the board of supervisors this summer, we approved a supply mental, and a cost increase for the cal train, program and that increased the local contribution from the three member counties, from 60 million to 80 Million Dollars<\/a> each. And i would just call out for that item 8 today. We have annual indication of 3. 9 million of sales tax funds and that is San Francisco<\/a> first piece toward that 20 million increase, and we are looking towards the Charter Amendment<\/a> on novembers ballot to help to fund the 16. 1 delta with the last increase and cal train is now awarded the contracts for the design build of the infrastructure and the poles and the wiring and also for the electrified vehicles. So, related, the Planning Department<\/a> has been leading quite a mouth full, the relatives and the boulevard feasible study, known as rab for short is looking at a number of things, it is looking at alternatives to the cal train, king rail yard and it could be down sized or relocated and the alternative alignments for the downtown, rail extension. It is looking at the possibility of taking down part of i280 and replacing with the boulevard and looking at associated land use changes and i know that there is a great deal of interest in this and it impacts a lot of the key projects from the cal train, to the downtown extension. And the Planning Department<\/a> held the second Citizens Working Group<\/a> and i think that it was last week, and we are planning another one this fall. There is anticipated third round of Public Meetings<\/a> that will happen this fall where there should be more information on the final alternatives that are looked at, including the cost estimates that were not previously available, i know that this is a great interest and came up with the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> and as soon as Public Information<\/a> is available, we are planning on the information, and or we could come back to the board as a whole of this years discretion. And just a few more items i just want to congratulate the transit riders, the San Francisco<\/a> Transit Riders Union<\/a> and all who participated in transit week, which was held the week of september 12th, and the authority was proud to sponsor that event with the celebrated users who help to make life in San Francisco<\/a> better for everybody by getting the cars off of road and increase decreasing the greenhouse emissions. And i know that tly y is excited to report that we have a lot of progress on the neighborhood transportation improvement program, the prop k, funded program and we will just a couple of quick highlights, we have the project completed in supervisor cohens district and this is dealing with the hair ball in other terms, and the bay shore and the avenue, intersection project. And this project includes a number of improvements from the plan for the entire area, and bicycle and pedestrian path, and the street scape and improvements and so forth, the good news is that the mta has the funding for the recommendations in the five year capitol plans and we will be working with them to try to find the rest of the funding. It looks like i will leave that one there. Commissioner camposs district, the alamene interchange, i will just call out, this is in with a lot of safety and improvements right near the boulevard, and the farmers market, and there are some great out reach opportunities this week, where we are presenting tomorrow night, the neighborhood, association on wednesday, and we are presenting to the tas, and the Citizen Advisory Committee<\/a> and on october the eleventh we are presenting to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> and so you can get a look at what those are for that effort. We had earlier this month, an out reach activity on the lumbard street which we are doing in concert with commissioner ferrills office and i want to thank him and his staff to help on that project. The intent of that project is to find the ways to help with the increasing vehicle on the crooked part of lum. Bard street and they say that it is a great input received at the open house and we are working to develop a set of recommendations, for handling that. Switching gears, i wanted to thank our bay area air Quality Management<\/a> district. Representatives, and i will draw a blank and i know that one of them is commissioner avalos. And the air district has the purview over the transportation funz, and these are on the fees and they go to j ekts that help to reduce the motor emission and it may sound like of geeky but it is super important, and the guidelines, previously have only allowed us to fund new bike lanes or paths and this really just disadvantages San Francisco<\/a>, where we want to go and upgrade, infrastructure that we have had to make them more safe, and putting in the bike lanes or the cycle tracks that was previously ineligible and we are excited that the guidelines are now, recommending that that change be eligible and we thank, commissioner avalos for helping to get that through. Lastly, we have a couple of Ground Breaking<\/a> ceremonies coming up on september, 29th at noon, in supervisor peskins district we have the broad way, china town Ground Breaking<\/a> ceremony, the city of broad way, and powell streets and this is the 4th phase of the street scape and safety improvements that the ta has funded from a multiple of fun sources and we are very pleased to see that project getting going, and in supervisor yee and all of the district and that is right on the border we have the area of the Ribbon Cutting<\/a> of the new unity plaza and the project and this helps to connect the new terminus for the stop and the city college and with a prop aa funded pedal connector and a new plaza that is up and under way. And lastly on the boulevard, we have seen the implementation of the various, bicycle and the pedestrian, improvements on the boulevard, and with more permanent things with the concretes to come out when the streets are paved in 2017, we are excited to see the whole generation of the projects and i will give out a shout for her and her staff for working with mta and your office to keep those things moving forward. Last two things are special shout out to the finance and administration, and to mike and the policy division to another clean audit. And the transportation funds for the clean air program, and then behind the scenes shout out, and we have a Branch Management<\/a> data base called pour tal and this is how we track the invoices and the back engine that up loads to the Interactive Data<\/a> base, where you can find the information on any of the projects i just spoke about, and anna has been working with the staff in the division to continue to make things a lot easier for us and for the sponsors to use and i will just note that you may have seen the changes in the allocation in the form in your packet and may not look like much, but what they have done is eliminate a lot of unnecessary fields, and stream lined and entry so that we are able to extract the data from the forms right into my street and into our data base, that will conclude my remarks and i am happy to answer the questions. Thank you, colleagues, noo he questions or comments on the executive directors report . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment<\/a> . One item three, seeing none, we will close Public Comment<\/a>. And this is an information item and we will move to item number four. Item four, approve the minutes of the july, 26, 20 is 6 meeting this is action. Are there any comments or questions or changes to the minutes . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment<\/a> . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. And can you call the role . Four, avalos . Aye. Breed . Aye. Campos . Aye. Cohen. Aye. Farrell. Aye. Kim . Absent. Mar . Aye. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Commissioner weiner . Aye. Commissioner yee . Aye. Minutes are approved. Great. Before we go to item five i did neglect to thank sgtv for broadcasting todays meeting. And he with will know how go to item five. Approve the resolution urging the league of california cities to adopt and implement virgs zero strategies and initiatives for eliminating traffic deaths and see vooer injuries and to prioritize task safety throughout california, this is an action item. Okay. Any comments or questions or thoughts . Colleagues . Seeing none s there any Public Comment<\/a> on item five . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. We will move to item 6. Same house same call . Excuse me, colleagues could we take item five, same house same call, without objection. Item six. Reappoint santiago lerma and appoint shannon wellsmongiovi to the citizens sad vicery complitties. Any questions or comments . None. Any comment on iks . Seeing none, closed. Colleagues could we take item six, the same house. The house has changed. Commissioner kim was absent for the vote on item five. Okay. Ten we then we will take a roll call on six. Avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Cohen. Aye. Farrell. Aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Commissioner yee . Aye. The item is approved. Okay. Item number seven. Item seven, amend the prop k Strategic Plan<\/a> and the guide wise, muni 5 year program, this is an action item. Colleagues are there any questions or comments on item 7 . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment<\/a> on item seven . Seeing none, we will close the Public Comment<\/a>. And the house is the same, colleagues, take item 7 the same house same call. Without objection, that will be the order. Item 8. Al kalt, 20,88,900 in prop k funds with conditions for 14 requests subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules this is an action item. Commissioner peskin. Thank you, chair weiner and colleagues, as i indicated in the committee i would respectfully like to suggest that we temporarily remove the 6. 774 Million Dollars<\/a> for additional studies and design work on phase two of the transbay terminal project. Specifically would i raise in committee as somebody who served on the board years ago, when the tjpa was first created a project that we obviously want, and we have, but that has cost substantially more. I think that given what we heard from miss lumbardo that there are a number of studies ongoing, with the rab, and given the fact that this is going to require the condemnation of the Additional Properties<\/a> given the uncertainty about the project and given the passenger of facility, and the charges, that may not be sustainable, i would like a little bit more time. To think about this to have a Public Policy<\/a> conversation, about it. And quite frankly, when we go into phase two, we should go in with our eyes wide open, we should know what the alignment is going to be. And we should know whether or not downtown is going to be disrupted for years. Are there better ways of doing it than cut and cover . We should have that conversation before we get just a little bit pregnant. Because this is going to be the next ten million and the next 100 million and the next 200 million and so why dont we slow down and do a little bit of thinking about this . And wait for this process, and it is, and we are in the fall and this process is going to become much more definitive in the fall, and so i would subject to comment public like to make a motion that we reduce the 20. 88 Million Dollars<\/a> by 6. 774 Million Dollars<\/a>. And send the item back to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> for additional policy discussion and debate. I do not want to be in a situation where in a number of years we all regret this vote. Commissioner campos . Thank you. Mr. Chair, i have a number of questions about this item. And quite frankly one of the key questions is actually having a better grasp of what the oversight actually looks like. We have a long history of issues with this project. And at some point, the tjpa actually had problems with the county Transportation Authority<\/a> providing oversight. And i am glad to hear that that is no longer the case. But i do think that as we are dealing with our own leading tower of pisa here in San Francisco<\/a>, i think that we have a responsibility to make sure that we do everything that we can to make sure that Something Like<\/a> this project is handled properly. And quite frankly, there are issues around some of the existing litigation that has been filed around mellineun sky scaper that raises questions about what the cta own liability could be. And so, i will support that motion. Supervisor kim . Or commissioner kim . Thank you, and i, i can support a continuance of this, this dollar amount and i am just curious how long we plan to place it on hold . So, and what the expectation would be in order to release the remaining 6 million specifically. Through the chair to commissioner peskin. Kim. I would like it to go to our next plans and Programs Committee<\/a>. I would like to use that as an opportunity to hear from the mayors transportation advisor and have a more robust conversation about the alternatives, i would like to actually have a much more definitive briefing, whether we are interested in the embarcadaro, and we asked the questions of how many pieces of property will have to be condemned along 72nd street and there will also have ton property condemnations alounge townsend and that was all high level and vague and i would like to hear what the rab comes up, and lumbardo said that they will have more information this fall and we are now into the fall and so depending on the answers that we get in october, and maybe we could send it back to the full board in october, and hopefully we have a much more definitive set of answers by november. But no later than november. And i see that our Transbay Joint Power Authority<\/a> staff is here. And so i just wanted to bring up either the director or our Government Relations<\/a> liaison just to answer a few questions. And in terms of whether there is an agreement on bringing it to the committee and that there will be answers to what peskin has asked and any impact of the delay of the 6 million disbursement to tjpa. Good morning, i am the director with the transbay, port authority, and here to impress upon you, to pass this item and provide the needed funds for the tjpa moving in partnership, and very Close Partnership<\/a> with the San Francisco<\/a> Transportation Authority<\/a> and the mtc into advancing the delivery of phase two. With wrour support, and it is fully funded and we are grateful for that and it is on track to be completed december, 2017, for the construction and shortly there after for the bus administrations and our focus at the tjpa has shifted to phase two and advanced stage two in collaboration with the region and to that extent, i presented to the board, the juj meeting this year, a road map to deliver phase two along with a funding plan and this is just basically a road map that allows us to advance, phase two and possibly be able to bring the trains to the Transit Center<\/a>, late, 2025, and 26, and i shared that the road map with the sfjta and the mtc and i got their support to or their encouragement to move forward, is to take the design to 30 percent completing and that will allow to develop the bottoms up estimate for the construction and will allow us to also, determine the right away impacts, that will go long ways to answer supervisor peskins question, and we move to move the designs, 30 percent in order for us to be able to determine what properties are impacted and how are they impacted . And to how, impacted would you include, in the temporary construction, easements is it permanent, construction, easements or is it the property acquisition, and no condemnation, or the acquisition will take place as part of the money that we are asking for today, and it is to move the design forward so that we can fit the scope properly and he can come up with the bottom up estimate, and do an up to date, study to allow to us confirm, what you should except from the charges to the compliments or the funding plan and also to up date the program cost estimate and to do a Risk Assessment<\/a>. And we need to do a Risk Assessment<\/a> after the 30 percent design is completed and in order to identify the risk and provide, and fund the proper amount of program reserves. And so what we are asking today, is basically, advance the project, so that we can answer a lot of the questions that we brought at this committee, one thing that i would like to highlight, regarding supervisor camposs concerns, we fully intend to move forward to deliver this project. It is not one agency alone, it has to be with the region, to that extent, moving forward we will be working close, as we advance this project. I impress on you to move forward, and it is basically on life support for up to three years and we have not done much work. And our focus has been phase one, and phase one has a lot of difficulties that we have overcome and, if this money is not allocated this month, and i am afraid that the dtx you will be pulling the plug on the dtx because we have a lot of momentum Going Forward<\/a> now, we have updated the mtc and updated the federal partners on how we can fund the project. And the loans to fully fund the dtx, and so, i think that if we are not able to move to 30 percent design, i am afraid that we are going to lose that momentum and lose the project. Question . Director, do you feel that you can come up with adequate responses to commissioner peskins questions at the next meeting . I will be more than happy to continue to meet with supervisor peskin and his staff, and a lot of his questions will be answered and i can see your supervisor peskin and the acquisition will take place before we come back here and that is where we show the funding and more appropriately, up date you on the status of the 30 percent, drawings and the impacts that it will have on the property. That is 30 percent, drawings . Yes, 30 percent design, this money is going to allow us to finish the 30 percent design and determine the impacts as far as the acquisition are concerned. I think that i dont, i may have misunderstand, commissioner kims question. But i think the question or my question is, by next month, will you have the answers to the questions that commissioner peskin is asking . You will have, you will have parts and we will be able to answer parts or portions of his questions, and some of his questions we kneed to finish the 30 percent design to answer the questions. Which of the money is helping to the funds . Yes, sir. I want to ask you, will you have the answers to commissioner peskins questions by next month . Without this money, i cannot. Okay. I cannot give you a cost estimate and i cannot give you the impact acquisition. Commissioner tang . Thank you, i think that, and i know that there are some troubles here i think that is what i was struggling with during the plans and programs meeting last week, which was, you know, i respectfully disagreed with trying to put the funding for the design, on reserve because i felt that we actually needed that money to be able to answer a lot of the questions that supervisor peskin and others have. And i will likely continue to support, so that we can get up to the 30 percent design today. Okay. Commissioner campos . Skept cal if we are on the same path, many of the people that were involved here are involved here before, and so that not very comforting. And they, the sure, the executive directors are out there, but you have some of the same players here. And i went out of my way with supervisor weiner, to advocate for this project at the mtc, and the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> has put itself on the line, and i am really disturbed that there is such a fear in answering questions. And if hewe had actually taken time to do what we are doing here we would not be in this mess, and so i will be voting no, and quite frankly, unless the approach changes, i will make sure that at the mtc, my concerns are reflected because this is not a good thing for San Francisco<\/a>. And it is not a good thing for the region. My. My response . I will give you a chance. Momentarily. And commissioner peskin . Thank you, chair weiner and colleagues, and lets examine this a little more closely. First of all, we are voted advanced the quarter of a billion dollars to bail the tjpa out. And as commissioner campos says there may be other liabilities that they are now facing. And there are a series of Unanswered Questions<\/a> that dont require 6. 7 Million Dollars<\/a> to answer, they require a level of transparency, and a level of honesty in answering some questions and having a real honest dialogue. About it. What are we doing getting 30 percent design drawings, when we have not deci this decided i this is the alignment and that is the cart before the horse and the whole relationship between the tjpa through the staff has always been to jam us. Wow, lets slow down a little bit. Lets have that conversation. And so that we do not end up in the same position that we are now, and the reason that phase two is not funded is because they borrowed from phase two to pay for the cost over runs of phase one, that is a fact. And look, if this thing has been dormant for the last two or three years, all of a sudden, one or two months of our discharging our duties is going to make some profound change . Hogwash. And for the record, when i asked miss change about this prior to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a>, she said a month or two. No big deal. Enough of them jamming this dually elected body and i would make a motion to take that 6. 774 Million Dollars<\/a> and send it back to the plans and Program Committee<\/a> for the october meeting to be discussed. I thought that you already made that motion. It didnt get seconded. Seconded. And made by peskin and seconded by campos. After supervisor avalos, and breed i would like to hear from our staff. So commissioner avalos . Excellent. I would like to hear from the staff, a two month delay that that was not going to be ab is an issue. And then, also, contention that we are being jammed by the pjpa, and also has been a contention that we are not practicing the oversight, although, i think that this discussion is practicing our oversight, and could we have a. We have 6. 4, and is there a portion that we can enable, something to go forward but that we could actually make the project go forward, those are my questions. The great questions, thank you. And the chief deputy, director. And let me just take this not necessarily in order because i want to agree about the oversights. And i am one of the old timers who is here, with phase one of the project. And at that time, as i supervisors know who are around, we tried to do oversight, and but we are not permitted to do the oversights. And that has changed now and you will see attached to the allegation request, the oversight protocol that is a models off of what we used very successfully with the mta and the central subway and pretty much the same protocol that we are applying, to the project and i am more confident in the oversight, and tjpa is working with open arms and my understanding is that protocol will be offered to the Funding Partners<\/a> and the mtc and the federal administration, and mta, and to the question about will we have answers. The question there, what portion of the funding for the over all project is actually coming from the Transportation Authority<\/a> from the cta . Phase two of the project is a rail extension . I mean that it is pretty naul, right now, the total project is just under estimated 4 billion dollars. And we are talking about 6 billion here, at most prop k, maybe has if you accelerate all of the money, 12 million. Over all what would you say . At this point in time, there isnt much money committed to phase two. Thank you. So lets see, the other comments about will we have answers . Next month and what are the impacts of the delay, the fair questions and this really goes i think that your Comfort Level<\/a> as a body and you they ever have all of the answers on the major capitol project of this size, when it is at this stage of the project, and we give the directors, that it is correct for the request for the funding to get all of the project elements including the elements like the bart underground 230 to the 30 percent design that will enable a grounds up cost estimate to be able to verify, the 3. 99 billion cost which mtc came up based on a useful but it was a shortened and a cost review. And in terms of delays, sure, you can delay, and it is not the end of the world. And i know that it isnt what the djpa wants but it is not stopping anything and i think that the question that commissioner kim asked is pointed what will be the marker for the Comfort Level<\/a> for this body to decide to move forward . We may be able to get some answers, but in terms of the rail yard, and i was going to say that rab that the rab study and we are hoping to have the cost estimates in october, november, december, time frame, which covers all and i dont suspect that it will have a preferred alternative for the city and be aware that all should have more information. In terms of prohe vieding partial funding, so that if there are and i have been told that we are not going to be aible to have any answers unless we do the study and we cant do the study without the funding, so is there something that can be pro provided that will allow for that to happen and still hold, you know, the greater portion of the funding up . So that we can actually get a report back and release that based on what we hear . Yes, as a body that allocates the funds you will have the ability to let out just that amount of funding for the particular scope, but i am not sure, is what he would need to answer the questions raised by commissioner peskin and i did also ne glekt to say one thing, attached to the form is another special condition that acknowledges that there are these other studies out there like the rav and it gives this body the ability to stop, if you approved the allocation to stop the work at any time. If it picks a different alignment and to renegotiate the scope of work my understanding is that 85 percent of what is funded is stuff that would need to happen any way regardless of alignment. What specifically about that 900,000. So that the transbay authority, recently did a supply mental eir, which modified some elements that have been previously cleared and previously we were at 30 percent design and also, added some new elements and so it will give you two examples. And so, when we went through the cost of the mta, and you know that many of our east bay commissioners felt strongly about including the bart, and muni connector as part of the project scope. And that had not been part of the project scope, previously and so part of the fund sg to bring that project from basically close to zero, to 30 percent design, and there were other elements that were cleared before such as the underground station of fourth and king, that used to be under the yard, and to allow for the potential development of the yard, they have agreed to move the station under the townsend street and so that requires the redesign as well. There are elements like that, that you could if you wanted to dissect what is needed and what is not needed if the alignments were changed commissioner peskin . Well i will defer for a minute to campos. I have seen, this movie before, many times, and it is what the tjpa has done in the past, and consistently come to us with a parade of horribles if we dont approve this now, the world was going to come to an end. And you know, i always think that with these kinds of things you have to trust your gut. And my gut tells me that we are better off getting more information here, especially given that it is sort of a shifting target, what they are saying, today. As opposed to what they seem to have said in the committee. And by the way, if it, it was so critical that they needed to have this, vote in on today, they had a few days to actually get more information that they could have brought to this body today. And quite frankly, part of the problem that i have with this project is the attitude, right . Which is lets move forward, because the bulk of the work that is going to done, even if there is a different alignment, it is needed. And yeah, sure, we may lose, 15 percent, but, you know, 85 percent, is still going to happen regardless of what the alignment is. Well, 15 percent, is significant. And it is, and it is through, through the accumulation of 15 percent after 15 percent, after 15 percent that we get to where we are right now. The project that is a lot more expensive than was anticipated and in phase two that is not funded because some of the money that was going to go for it, had to be used for phase one. And so, i am sorry, but the tjpa is not in the strongest position here. To come and lecture us about the need to trust them, and to move forward. And for the county Transportation Authority<\/a>, we have to do a better job. We have to do a better job of providing oversight here, and yes. The relative to the large amount of money that is being spent, is a small fraction, but it is still tax payer dollars. It is still money. That we have a responsibility a fiduciary duty to make sure that it is spent, properly. And if 6. 8 million is going to slow down this project of this magnitude, what does that say about where this project is headed . And how it is being handled . I am going to vote no on moving forward with this and support the motion. Commissioner breed . Thank you. And i appreciate supervisor camposs comments about this, when we discussed this item, in committee, and a number of questions were raised, we sent it to the full board, in support of it, with the expectation that many of those issues would be addressed. I did definitely appreciate the additional oversight from the ta for these particular funds. But i do think that there are a number of outstanding questions that still need to be addressed. And my Comfort Level<\/a> with the tjpa is just not there. Unfortunately to trust that by issuing over 6 Million Dollars<\/a> we will be able to answer questions that we need answered before wei actually issue the money. So i definitely will be voting to support the motion at this time and hope that a better job is done at communicating to this body in the future, and especially when a request of any magnitude whether it is one mill object, or 6 million, or 20 million, you know, there is just, the Comfort Level<\/a> with this particular entity is just not there. From my perspective and so i do think that a lot more work needs to go into a request of this nature. To make sure that we are comfortable with issuing additional dollars and we are not just pouring money down a black hole. Thank you. Commissioner kim . Thank you, i am happy to support the continuance today of the 6 million, but i would like it if the ta staff could work with commissioner peskins office on coming up with a ligs of deliverables that we would expect. I think that my one concern is that i do think that it is not absolutely clear to me, all of the answers that we would like to have answered at the next plans and Programs Committee<\/a> but i dont think that i think that it is good to have a greater discussion and i think that unfortunately tjpa is also caught in the middle in the sense that the city and other departments have been raising questions about an alignment that we have committed to, and we have completed the eir, and study for. And now there is a request by other entities for us to examine other alignments that might better work for downtown, extension and i am open to that process. And i think that if there is a better alignment, we should certainly study it. But i think, you know, tjpa has been committed to the original alignment, and i understand certainly, the reason why they are as it has been fully studied and it looks to be maybe the fastest way for us to complete the dtx, and that being said, i think that if we are going to put something under gro und that we should do it the right way even if it takes us a little bit of time to do that. I think that clearly that question is not going to get addressed by the next plans and Programs Committee<\/a>, so i would like to get to a more reasonable set of expectations for the next plans and Programs Committee<\/a>, i would like to move this money forward seeing that i do think that the 30 percent design process is important to many of the other questions. But now, i can support this and hopefully we can Work Together<\/a> on getting to a better place at the next Committee Meeting<\/a>. Thank you. I want to give tjpa a chance to respond to the conversation ha happened today. Actually i was clarify myself, my intention was not to jam this item at all to the board and my apologies, supervisor campos, that was not my intention. I used this what i was trying to say and i will say it again, is that we need this technical data in order to answer some of the questions, but given that, and there is no support for this item we will continue to work with the commissioner to make sure that their answers are or their questions are addressed before we move forward. I fully intend to move forward with stage two, different that stage one and i mentioned with the mtc and we signed an oversized agreement, access to our staff and data and we are going to move forward, to deliver this project and again, i reiterate a 4 billion will not be done or delivered by an agency alone and it has to have the help of one region. That is why we are reaching out to do that. Okay. So the petitioner peskin could i clarify, that the original motion was to send it back to the committee and you referred to it as a continuance, could you clarify what the motion is. The motion is out of the 20. 88 billion dollar item to remove the item in the first portion of that, allocation of prop k funds in the amount of 6. 774 million, and 400 dollars and send that portion back to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> for their october meeting. Thank you for clarifying it. And commissioner campos did second that motion. And i am not going to be supporting this motion. I have in the past obviously been critical of tjpa and some of the way that the projects have been handled and with that said, i also believe that it is critically important that we move phase two, forward. And even given the uncertainty around the alignment, and the vast majority of this money is irrespective of what alignment is chosen and so, to me, the downtown extension is important, and this is while, a 6 Million Dollars<\/a> is certainly, it is a significant sum of money they are not asking for the moon they are asking for enough to keep the design process moving forward and to get the 30 percent, and i also will just note i, completely respect commissioner peskins view on this and not supporting the commercial paper item that was before us, earlier. This spring or summer and has the prospect on the city, and i respect that and i have a different perspective and i am concerned that what will happen, if it goes back to the committee, and i have a feeling that i am going to on the losing end of this vote, and i request that whatever that group is that is working with tjpa i would like my office to be a part of that as well. So with that, we will open this item up for Public Comment<\/a>. Yeah, Public Comment<\/a>, and you can have a seat, thank you. Please excuse me . All of item a . Please come forward, public xhe comment. Sorry i am late, i guessed that the missed the Committee Meeting<\/a> and there are a number of my neighbors who lived on the street who are worried about a smaller part of this sitem and t is the plan to lower the traffic capacity on eddie and elis street and i guess what we are asking for is a similar kind of action and to hold up the money. And the study that was done at this action was based on was made in 2005 and it has been quite a bit of difference in it. You know, the capacity and everything else, and at that time. The problem is that if the people are, in one lane in either direction, there are about, somewhere between, is 800 and 200 people on the street. That would that this project would apply to. And they have a variety of needs, and the needs are met by light vehicles and small vehicles. And they have to be able to park, and many times there is double parking. And well, if there is only one lane in one direction that really clogged up the traffic and the road is in recent years it is very well used and you know, the history of the traffic pattern is that it when the price of gas went up in the recession, we had a very, we had an extreme drop in the amount of traffic on that street, but then, you know, starting in the last four or five years it has been creeping up and you know, many times and i think that it has to do with the traffic changes on the other side of Market Street<\/a> as well. Many times there is bumper to bumper, and as the horns honking. And well, what we have, for the neighbors there and what they have there is they have the service vehicles, and the families that are always, dropping off the neighbors and they, and their kids sometimes. And the food bank and there is disabled, and there is emergency vehicles, and the Police Department<\/a> is expanding. There is the 31 balboa which is if it locked and grid locked i dont know see that is going to increase that, there is a great amount of need on that street for the two lanes in one direction, from levenworth down to Market Street<\/a>. As it we would like to ask you to you know, to hold up the funds or to have another study. Thank you very much. And is there any additional Public Comment<\/a> on item 8 . If there is come forward. And if there is anyone else come forward if you are tiebl stand up. Good morning, commissioners my name is Rob Burmingham<\/a> and i would also like to support commissioner peskins request for a holding up of these funds. I am a stake holder. I own 5 parcels of property at the corner of second and howard street. And so i do care how the dtx is going to eventually, the route is going to take place. I agree with what you are saying, commissioner weiner but not at all cost and not as quickly as possible, by far and away, the most important thing of this project is that we get the route correct, and there is no question that it is going to happen. But, there is a rail road line, or a rail road yard, area which can be developed, there is two stadiums that could be served much better than the present alignment, and this idea that tjpa needs to quickly, move forward to the 30 percent design phase, is so strange. I am an, engineer by profession, and the idea is that they have to or else, the project is going to stop, even if we dont get funded even though we are doing the studies about the alignment is counter productive and it does not serve this body the most important thing for you to guys to focus on is getting this right. The transbay, and the Transit Center<\/a> did not, did not make anyone here looks like stars, this project is about 1,000 times more complex and you need to get it right and get tg right, lets make sure that we get in the 30 percent, as quickly as possible and that just makes no sense. Take your time and get it right. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment<\/a> on item 8 . If so, please come forward. Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. I just wanted to appreciate the Public Comment<\/a>, and i appreciate mr. Berminghams comment and if these funds were on a particular alignment, i would be voting against them because that is up in the air and i completely agree that there may be a better alternative alignment, and that is why we are going through the process and i would also be fine if the votes were there to move this forward to slice off that 15 percent, and that 900,000 that is predicated on the alignment so that we are just moving forward the 85 percent, that is applied no matter what the alignment is. And but, again, it appears that i will be in the losing end of todays vote in any respect, so if i happened to prevail on the vote, i will be open to slicing off that 15 percent, and commissioner avalos . Just a request for the staff on what was brought up by mr. Duffy on the alignment or the traffic work oban ellis and eddie street and you mentioned that the work being done on this was based on a study in 2005 and that was work that i had helped with as a legislative aid. And for chris daily back, and way back when and in another lifetime. And so wondering, in response to his contention that there is old data that this is based on, i knew and i do know that there was talk of going from two to one lane and looking at their enclosures i am not seeing that in here. And so if you could just that is what he was referring to, but that is the right alignment, to have for those streets, given sort of the study that was done in 2005. Great, absolutely. And i will see if craig and mta wants to jump up to correct me. My read of this is that it is not reducing the number of traffic lanes but changing the streets from one way to two way, in order to achieve the vision zero goals to calm the traffic down, and well, the original study is old, we have been implementing it since then in pieces and so they have been keeping up to date on the traffic information. Great, thank you. Okay. Colleagues, seeing know other names on the roster, we will proceed to a vote on commissioner peskins motion to sever off the funds for dtx as he described and to send that portion of item 8 back to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a>. And mr. Clerk, would you please call the role on that motion . All right, on the amendment to item eight, avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Cohen . Aye. Fer el . Aye. Aye. Kim . Aye. Mar . No. Peskin. Aye. Tang. No. Weiner. No. Commissioner yee . Yee is absent, and the amendment is approved. Okay, so that motion to amend and to send back to the plans and Programs Committee<\/a> is approved. Okay, now we are passed this item, item 9, i am sorry, on the remainder, my apologies, and so, we now have the remaining funds, minus the dtx funds and could you please call the roll on that item . Avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Cohen. Absent. Farrell . Aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Yee is absent. The underlying item is approved. Okay. Item number 9. Introduction of new items . Colleagues, are there any items for introduction . By seeing none is there any Public Comment<\/a> on item nine . Relating to introduction . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. And this is an information item. Item ten . General Public Comment<\/a>. Is there any general Public Comment<\/a>. Please come forward. Yes. inaudible some people have shock abilities and they understand immediately upon having inaudible thank you. Next speaker . My name is duffy and just extending on the last item that i wrote up. I dont think that the city and, i dont think that the city is giving us a forum to explore the issues that are coming in the last several years, since this was first proposed. Obviously, it was not given to us today. So when do we discuss the trade offs and whether or not there is a better way to use this money for Pedestrian Safety<\/a> . For example, mccallister and leven worth street that is where some of the work was done and part of this project and yet it is a very dangerous and very imperfect solution set. Is there any additional Public Comment<\/a> . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Item number 11 . Adjournment. We are adjourned. Thank you. Much. Hello, im 345ek im a relocated green voter and running for the bart board district 8 to november let me explain why im a long term regular yours of that bay area and practitioner my responsibility social justice activism criteria expands four decades for lgbt and hiv persons locally and globally holding nonprofits affordable and expanding Government Transparency<\/a> and fighting for human rights for all my partner and i our closet bart is on 16th street and Mission Street<\/a> in june of 2014 i persuaded barts the department of Public Health<\/a> and others to address the sanitary conditions my advocacy lead to cash washing and reform of fire hazardous debris and the pigeon speekd wires left birds poop for everyone regarding accessibility assess last july i complained to bart about the lack of the way finding signage at the 16th street plaza promises were made by back and forth leader to improve throughout the plaza area unfortunately bart didnt escape its word i want better signage telling the disabled and bicyclists folks with heavy luggage parents how to find that accelerator to assess the trains for bike users we want to remind you i was a beast that worked with others to pressure bart to allow us to brepg our bikes on the attractiveness and to set them aside in more areas on the trains while in transit my platform calls for a Pilot Program<\/a> of an owl beacon booster at the end of rush hour treasons that will free up spaces in other cars and make that easier to use the bart system additional to have pop up bike maintenance cruise on hand at stations once a week you need nor racks better lighting and a guarantee from bart that the surveillance cameras are working properly for affordability over bart and the police force i need to defeat thatmanual of the bart police or at minimum taking am month we have local Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies to deal with bart im concerned about excess use of force by the bart police we can reduce the harm from the police to a better training and enhance oversight felt bart police and Institute Best<\/a> practices to insure that the cops that are riders legally to get with appropriate penalties and a very important issue reopening all public baths keeping them closed is unacceptable im asking fewer vote and welcome our endorsement for my scombn if i dont live in the district and proud to be a registered green voter and lets all work to make bart the best Transit System<\/a> in the country we are joined by very special guests in the room. We have aicate orivist who is comcaest president of media relations. We have [inaudible] who leads internet essentials. Aaron low with sf connected. Danny chung director of self help for the elderly. [inaudible] Community Technology<\/a> network and marie joblong for Community Living<\/a> program. A shout out to those folks for all their hard work. Today we are informing about the impact of internet essentials in california, a state that benefited the most in termoffs people adopting this program as we try to tackle the so called, Digital Divide<\/a>. Internential essentials is essentially no the pent intended low cost adaumgz program in the country of its kind and there is no question there is a incraedbly deep need for Internet Access<\/a> p. Staggeringly so when you hear more about the numbers mpt. I had a front row view reporting in other communities, it is the same thing. We see the evolution and role of technology and specifically the internet playing a larger piece how we operate in the day to day. This come tooz the contra dictionoffs sill convally. All the entrepreneur growth and outside the box thinking and creativity stemming and coming with Silicon Valley<\/a> on one hand and on the other hand we have huge populations of people who dont have access to people to p with internet. Populations that comprise entire states. It is quite actually a disconnect when we have someone we stand so strongly for on one hand, which is progress and equality and on the other hand, we have so many people who lack the basic resources. A journalist i cannot imagine how my job would function without the internet t is essential for everything i do and at 2 a. M. When i whipe the sleep out of my eyes and trying to figure what is going on around me and what i missed the first thing is get on a computer and go to nbc news or cnn and look at my phone and see what happened. It is like oxygen for journalist. It is important as many know for communicating with the people cloest ist in your lives, friends, families and making doctors appointments and paying bills, typically it involves access to the internet. There are so many reasons people are not connected that well talk about today. From the cost of service, to the cost of the device and lack of access to dejtle lijerary training. Perhaps no one understands this more than cathy davis exectelevision director for george daceive senior residence, please welcome, cathy davis. [applause]. Hello im cathy davis and executive director of Bayview Senior Service<\/a> and you are in the brand new dr. George Davis Senior Center<\/a> hey at first i want to acknowledge the board of directors of Bayview Senior Service<\/a>, they are there at that table. I see linda richer son, mrs. Nixon who is our vise president. Dr. Churchhill may be somewhere and reverend hall they are the winds beneath my wings and keep the Agency Organized<\/a> mpt i appreciate the staff here. I see fuleasha. I see frank and a lot of staff working hard and we cooked a luvly lunch for you in our brand new state of the art kitchen thanks to john harris over there at the mayors aufs of community development, he got the money for the kitchen so, we want to acknowledge and thank all our Community Partners<\/a> but today our best and most Exciting Community<\/a> partner is comcast. Comcast is our neighbor. They are there on bay shore. You can throw a walk rock and see them and they have been nothing but spectac yrm helping with the move in with the building and what they bring to there seniors today. I want to thank scott and david and the whole team from comcast. I want to thank the Community Departments<\/a> on aging who helped us connect people to the internet. I fs thinking today how important education was to dr. Davis. Learning something new. You are never too old to learn something and when you get a computer and you get to see the whole world at your feet, you can learn something new every day. We are really excited about this opportunity and i know he would be thrilled. He would also be thrilled because his herey jackie jorner kersee is here and he was a track fanatic. He is beyond thrilled to see her here today. I want to thank everybody who came today. We will curve lunch quitely so we can get on with the program and i get to introduce one of the best friends to seniors you can have and that is our mayor, mayor ed lee, who believe me, between him and i we worked our magic to make the building. He is constantly listening and trying to adapt and improve service for seniors. He supports for opposition i to get more money for Senior Service<\/a> and a true frn to seniors, so without further introduction i want to thank you mayor lee for coming on out. [applause] isnt cathy wonderful . Thank you cathy davis for your leadership it is great to be here along with supervisor mu alia cohen. How did you enjoy the olympics . Wasnt that great . We have in my opinion one of the best role models National Spokes<\/a> person jackie joining joynerkersee is with us. Did you bring the metal . 14 of you got . I dont know how many, but it is double digits or up there. I wanted to wear one and take a picture. Well do that with the warriors, right . The warriorwise the gold metals, we will do that. Im happy to see david cohen from comcast again. David and i see each other a lot at u. S. Conference of mayors where he talked to mayors across the country how Corporate Partnerships<\/a> can help making sure the cities are more equitable and not producing the gaps even though all our cities like San Francisco<\/a> want to be leaders the internet, leaders of technology and innovation but there is something always challenging us here and it is called the Digital Divide<\/a>. Everybody knows what that word is . Digital divide is folks that dont get all that technology apperates and all the training to go with it and we dont want our communities to be divide in that way and that is why comcast for the last 5 years has created this Wonderful Program<\/a> not just on their own, they created the partnerships that go along with the program called, internet essentials and this is where the Community Becomes<\/a> invaluable because you have agencies like self help for the elderly, george w Davis Senior Center<\/a>, Community Living<\/a> campaign, you got the Community Technology<\/a> network and you got department of aging and Adult Services<\/a> all working and collaborating together to make sure there is no Digital Divide<\/a>. Because as important as it is for a city to be modern and have all this technology and we have wifion Market Street<\/a> that is free and 33 parks that are wifi, that wont reach everybody. I got to get folks that live in public howing and senior housing, all over the city connected up because what we learned over the years is that particularly for our seniors, is that if you feel isolated, if you are not connecting with families and friend you have known thoferb years, if you cant go to neighborhood Public Libraries<\/a> and get access or you dont have access to our community colleges, that isolation will work against us. That is why we wanted to be here today at this George Davis Center<\/a> because the modern Senior Center<\/a>s are the ones all connected up and we want to have that as part of our dna and Senior Center<\/a>s across the city and all the different programs we have and that is why i ina big supporter of proposition i as well because dignity is making sure you goat get your fair share the cities budget, right . Yes. I want to be here today celebrating the Community Partners<\/a>hips that comcast helped us support and we are doing it also from City Government<\/a> because sf connected is our program that linked up our department of aging and Adult Services<\/a> and they also with formation like comcast and others create adfoundation in which the internet essentials can be supportive and successful and in fact, when comcast launched this about a year ago, it focused on seniors they chose San Francisco<\/a> as one of the launching pads and it is my understanding given the foundation we created, we are one of the best performing internet essential successs for our seniors in all of the country. Give yourselves a really good applause there. In fact, im looking over at the computers, they look so nice. You better keep you eye open because i may grab one of those when i come off the stage because these computers that link up and hook up the affordsability which is a great part of the Digital Divide<\/a> that sometimes people Say Technology<\/a> is out of ourreach because it isnt affordable. Internet essentials makes that gap happen. It is kind of like having free muni for seniors. Isnt that helpful . Yeahx you get on that bus. We spend millionoffs dollars on a network we ought to help those that cannot afford to get on there use it. We will have more housing in our city. How like more housing like gw davis housing here . 120 units. The computers are much more essential these days and that is why it is important we embrace this opportunity. The other thing that i think has been really exciting particularly for jackie jorner and dave cohen and compast is that they are workwalk working with hud to make sure all our lowincome residents regardless of age get access to the internet in an affordable and very solid way. I already learned that our Public Housing<\/a> residents section 8 residents will also be reached with this internet essentials. This will be critical because hud is supposed to promise not just the housing but it isnt always about just the brick and mortar and know folks in the room know that. It is about healthy meals and being connected up and having programs you can interrelate with and if youment to dance and sing and just have friends, that is what connectivity is about. It isnt just the housing, it is all the other things that make the quality of life valuable to all of us and this is what i joined are sfr visor cohen on that we want the whole package for our seniors and lowincome youth z lowincome residents to be connected up, to have good job jz connected with families and make sure there is no Digital Divide<\/a> in our city. Are you with me on that . Alright. You heard it all from me already but well continue working. I have more housing to build and more people to be connected up and more programs and cathy promised me on a good day she will make that bbq for me as well. Thank you very much. [applause] alright folks, mayor lee thank you very much. Thank you for your leadership and lifting up the community. Thank you for inspiring so many pictures that will go on social media and as soon as everyone is hooked uch up we will start trending. Mayor lee used the same words as cathy davis and talked about partner ships and the fact partnerships work because there are so many actors whether it is governments, nonprofit groups, educators, it all works toorkt to create the product. But how did we get here . Who had the vision . We are fortunate to have joining us all the way from comcast corporal offices, the individual who recognized the issue of the Digital Divide<\/a> needed to be addressed. He took it apoun himself to do his part and have comcast do his part and breed a culture with employee tooz do their part. He developed the vision and took the lead creating internet essentials which is now 5 years in go tg into 6th year. This had such a profound impact on so many families mptd the visionary internet essentials, the Senior Executive<\/a> vise president and chief diversity officer, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, david cohen. [applause] im glad you went after the mayor because the microphone is at my height now. Thanks very much everyone and good morning and welcome and thanks for having us here today and interfering a little in your day. It is wonderful for me to be back in San Francisco<\/a>. I have done 4 internet essential events with your mayor in the last 5 years and today i want to especially thank cathy davis for hosting us here today. I like coming to this place because you can tell cethy is not quite sherbet her level of enthusiasm to this facility. Not really. It is fantastic to hear your enthuse amp and what a incredible facility you have here. Cathy worked through mayor administrations to make this a facility a realty and i want to congratulate you, you have done a fantastic job. [applause], so this is noted, we started this Internet Essentials Program<\/a> 5 years goy in 2011 and over that 5 year period of time we and it isnt just we comcast, it is comcast, the nonprofit partners and governmental partners, the Library Partners<\/a> and School District<\/a> partners have been able to connect 750,000 families or 3 million lowincome americans to the internet, most of them for the first time in their lives. That is a major accomplishment and it is by far the largest number of sign ups in any Broadband Adoption<\/a> program by any private or Public Sector<\/a> program. We are in california and the third year in a row california is the number 1 state for internet essentials connections. We haveworth a hand. California we connected all most a half million lowincome residents of this state to the internet and here in the bay area between oakland and San Francisco<\/a> all most 40,000 lowincome resident in the bay area. So,[applause] so, a year ago i came to San Francisco<\/a> and we announced the launch of a pilot to extend internet essentials eligibility which was originally tied to families with School Age Children<\/a> eligible to participate in the National School<\/a> Lunch Program<\/a> to lowincome senior population. This is one of 5 cities in america. I never like correcting mayors, it is bad form butd on this correction mayy will be happy. San francisco isnt one of the best performing cities in the lowincome senior pilot, it is the best performing city. [applause] so rsh we have been able to sign up 2 thousand lowincome seniors in the city in the past 11 months and it is beginning to have a major impact in San Francisco<\/a> senior population. Again, as with classic internet essentials, this would not happen without a Real Partnership<\/a> between the mayor and the city and nonprofits and infrastructure created around the senior population in San Francisco<\/a>. So, because i think a video is saying the picture is worth a thousand words of video, maybe worth a million words. We prepared a short video to show the impact of the senior pilot right here in San Francisco<\/a>, so lets run that video. My son gave me the [inaudible] about 2 to 3 weeks ago and it is [inaudible] today we do everything with internet. We dont know the internet it is hard to connect with the world. Learning computer skills we feel more confudent. Squee have a ways to go but narrowing the Digital Divide<\/a> among ethnic groups and [inaudible] when comcast announced there is a [inaudible] a lot of seniors [inaudible] then quh come to the classes to learn. I learn a lot and not only from the computer but learned thew use my i pad. I want to learn more because it is interesting and i want to [inaudible] i think combination of not understanding the rel vens and largely fear caused some people to be reluctant to go on line. Our goal is to help people understand they can go on line, not with absolute safety but relative safety and take advantage of all this great technology. I go on pintrist and when i finish a project i share it with my friend. Each class is its own social network. We see the [inaudible] go for lunch afterwards. Our age it is really important. We cannot just sit at home and [inaudible] it is a joy to us seniors have when they are connected, when they look forward to each day, look forward to connecting with friends and look forward to learning something new every day. [applause] as the mayor said, we are also announcing another significant expansion of the Internet Essentials Program<\/a> that started with families with children eligible for the National School<\/a> Lunch Program<\/a>. San francisco expanded that to lowincome senior jz now we are also expanning to all seniors who receive hud Housing Assistance<\/a>. People in hud housing receive section 8 certificates or other forms of hud Housing Assistance<\/a>. Whether you have children or whether you are a senior, if you receive hud Housing Assistance<\/a> you will be eligible for internet essentials. Nationally that is another 2 million homes eligible in the bay area. It is all most 40,000 additional homes eligible for this program between oakland and San Francisco<\/a> and california the number one state in the country in terms of eligible hud housing assisted families with 190,000 families now eligible to participate in internet essentials. So, there is no better way to understand the impact of this than to look at the life of one person and mr. Putranko in San Francisco<\/a> is one of the first seniors to sign frup the Pilot Program<\/a> and he was good enough to let us follow him around for a day and do a short video about his life and the difference internet essentials has made to him. So, lets roll our second video. I was born in south ukraine. My mother and father had to work, so all day i was alone. All day sit in side [inaudible] there is a lot i see [inaudible] i learned about internet essentials and [inaudible] looking for information on line. The internet is very important for communication. I can connect with my friends and students. They talk about that and [inaudible] it is very good for me. My sons are always asking me, what are you working on . Are you [inaudible] i like to post pictures of my paintings and my life on line so [inaudible] so they can show people what their father does. I dont need much anymore. What i would like is a high quality life. This is very important to me now. My youngest son is a opera singer and he goes all over the world. I dont get to see him perform. Now i can watch his concert on line and i [inaudible] [applause] so, it is stories like that that inspire all of us at comcast and all our nonprofit partners who want to make the program more successful and make sure every senior in San Francisco<\/a>, every lowincome senior in the country has access to the internet and enjoys life the way mr. Putrarngo is doing so. The other purpose being here today, is to announce that we are giving 200 thousand in grants to bay area nonprofits to keep building on the success we had over the past year. So, here in San Francisco<\/a> we will extend grants to our existing senior pilot partners, seft self help for the elderly, community libing campaign and Technology Network<\/a> so they do the good work they have been able to engage in. We will give a new series of grants to partners in neighborhoods throughout the city to expand awareness around our recent expansion of internet essentials to Public Housing<\/a> and these groups include Bayview Senior Service<\/a>s, Chinatown Community<\/a> development center, the felten institute and the mission Housing Development<\/a> corporation. So, congratulations to all of those organizations and thank you for our partnership. [applause] i have one last announcement. One last substantive announcement and one last introduction. My announcement is one that should be of interest to everyone in the room. So, show of handsi know you are all moving into your new units of g dairfbs center, how many are living or moving into units here . Most of the room. Now embarrassment to this, but how many of you have computers now in your units . Laptop or desktop. Only a few. All most none. Let me tell you what we will do here today, in about a hour the answer to that question is going to have every hands in the room go up because when we leave here today all these computers you see behind here, comcast is donating a free computer to every resident of the george w Davis Senior Center<\/a>. [applause] we want to make sure you are have all the tools to make this place live and hum to the vision that was designed into this building and we will do our best to bring the internet to all of you. I saw a few people here who were not libing here and we want to take care of you too so we will have a raffle for people who dont live at this center, if you sign up for internet essential we will have a raffle that gives Free Computers<\/a> to those people as well because our commitment is getting every senior in the Community Connected<\/a> to the internet. Thank you for being such a good audience and you will go home nicely rewarded which is our goal coming and impinging on your time. Cathy davis will explain the way this works at the end of the program so stay with us until we get through the rest the program. My last responsibility here is a pleasant responsibility. The mayor said, we have announced Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee is the National Spokes<\/a> person for internet essentials. Gicy jackie is a extraordinary person. She is a 6 time olympic medal winner. Need a lot of applause here. She performed in 4 olympics and the first African American<\/a> woman to win the gold medal in the long jump in the olympics. She is the first and only woman to win the pathd [inaudible] in two conseck tev olympics. Thee is the world record holder in the [inaudible] and espn call said her one of the 50 greatest athletes of all times. [applause] youll hear in a second in a video a sports caster roughering to Jackie Joyner<\/a> as a tough woman. She accomplished all that with falife long bad batal with as asthma. Imagine the success she had even though thee battles asthma. She is a amazing woman. As a executive with comcast, nbc and universal and own the olympics between now and 2032, im blown away by her olympics accomplishments and accomplishments as a human being. Born and raised in east saint lewis. The Community Center<\/a> that kept that Community Going<\/a> closed as a young person and when she had all that success at ucla squu lumpics she could have gone anywhere and done anything but she decided to go back to east saint lewis to go back to her Home Town Community<\/a> and created a foundation and opened her own Community Center<\/a> in east saint lewis which she supports and runs today. [applause] and her passion and commitment to making the lives of young people and seniors in east saint lewis literally makes her a hero. I cant gee prouder to be associated with Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee. Before i bring her up i want to show a video that will get you in the mood to hear from jackie so lets role the last video. Jackie joynerkersee [inaudible] greatest female athlete. Standing with the worlds greatest. The reining queen of track and field. The opening of the [inaudible] Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee. Gold medal. The greatest we have ever seen. [inaudible] Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee comes to the finish line. [inaudible] nobody had ever successfully defended a gold medal until now. [inaudible] she is the toughest ladesy i have seen, there is no end to Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee. [inaudible] another record for Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee. [inaudible] Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee is the first lady of track and field. [applause] please welcome our internet essentials spokesperson, Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee. Thank you. Thank you so very much. I truly appreciate it. It is just reallywhen i walked through the door and i was greeted with so many of you and you know, it just really did my heart well because i grew up in a community similar to yours and i understand the importance of what it feels like to be in a community that is underserved or people overlook you or dont think you deserb this and im so humble to be the National Spokes<\/a>person for internet essentials and grateful to comcast. And as i watched the video and listen to the music it said just like fire, just like the magic, access to the internet is just like fire and you will see the magic that it will make in your lives and it is each and ever one of you deserve to have access because that is what we all want is access. As a olympic athlete growing up in east saint lewis not knowing i had the ability or potential to one day become that olympic athletes but it was someone and group of individuals who saw the potential i did knonet i had and that is what we are doing for you here at the george davis scepter because we see the potential and dont want you to be denied. We want you to connect to the great grandbabies so you can see them. I thank comcast and thank each and ever one of you because you can stay connected through the internet. You deserve to have access, you deserve to have what i say gods blessing to all of us. So remember, just like the magic, just like the fire, you have the power to turn it on because you are the magic and you will be the fire. Thank you. [applause] wow. Can i just say what everyone in the room is thinking now. We have sitting in the same room with Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee and you know what . Unlike mayor lee we dont want to touch your medals we just want acephaly self iy. Thank you for the thoughtful response and congratulations on your role for internet essentials the official spokesperson. Thank you for using the platform. There are so many people that achieved fame and success whether it is athletics or any other areas of life and they dont utilize and try to effect change in the communities they grow up in and other communities and effect peoples live jz you are embodiment of someone who takes that and maximizes it for all it is wurkt. Worth. Thank you so much for doing that. [applause]. I think we also say that we grew up watching you. We saw you break records. We saw you break barriers. Grant i may have been like 6 at the time and you guys 30s or so, but thank you. Thank you for doing that. Lets point out right now that this is just a role that will left people up and that is the idea and why you are here. Thank you. A new definition to highspeed internet by the way i should add, for sure. Now we talk about another champion for seniors, the bay areas very own larry mags who is a journalist for kcbs but president and ceo of correct safely. Org. Join me in welcoming larry magis. Talk about a hard act to follow. That was inspirational and incredibly humble to be in the same presence as jackie and david and all of you. Um, all of you. So, i am ceo of connect safely and some may hear me talking about technology or perhaps the Radio Network<\/a> in the morning talking about technology and it is a great privilege to be able to Bring Technology<\/a> into the lives of people in the bay area and around the country. I work with cbs news and San Jose Mercury<\/a> news. I started this organization around 2005, cofounded the organization during the period when my space was coming. You remember my space . Not very big anymore but it was big for a while. When my space came around everyone was scared. Politicians and media and parent were scared because people are posting things on line and people were nervous and rather than cower to fear we got together with colleagues from comcast and google and face book and attorney general and president Obama Administration<\/a> and worked to make sure people are educated to use the technology safely and appropriately and that is exactly what happened whether it is my space and now face book or comcast internet service, by knowing the rules of the road you can use the technology safely. I know you are all getting computers, if anyone is wurbdy worried we have a booklet called the seniors guide to on line safety. I can never guarantee 100 percent safety any time in life whether on the internet or in a car or airplane walking down the street, lying in bed, one can never say nothing can go wrong, that is life. We have all been around the block. But what i can say is you can madgeen manage the risks. If you are careful about what you post and put on your Critical Thinking<\/a> skill said and use the wisdom you gained in most cases through many decades of life and apply that to the internet then you will have a great time and nothing will go wrong, probably. In all probability. I also want to point out we patronize seniors because lets face it, our generation and your generation invented the technology. Steve wazneck built the apple computer. The baby boomers and prebaby boomers built thish technology so take advantage of it. With the nrbt net there is so much we can do whether banchging or shopping or access to health care. When i go to the the doctor by the time i get home my bled tests are on line and if i have a question i can send a message to by doctor. I dont have to pay the copay. I dont know how many here are effected by this but bet there are some. On lineidating e dating is not just for teens and 20 year olds. Some of you probably know that. A lot of Senior Citizens<\/a> are out there meeting people on line and on line dating is terrific. I have a neighborhood in her 70 s that just met her partner on the internet so it is real and something we can take advantage of. Not all, my wife is here. Everybody i know about on line dating was told to me. It is a powerful tool. Socializing and meeting new friends and keeping in touch with old friends. Taking advantage of service like face time to have video conversations with kids and families. How many like to travel . Yep. You can get information and lower cost fairs on line. T anywhere you want to go. Go to you tube and search for your destination and someone posted a travel video and you get great trips. I go on you tube to change a toilet seat. I dont have a clue. I may be good at technology but put a wrench in my hand and im lost. Those resources are out there. All the resources from the government, medicare, social security, housing information, transportation, clipper card, anything you need from the government whether it is to find government or mayor lee in San Francisco<\/a> or the fine government of the United States<\/a> t is available and there is no reason not to take advantage. You paid for it, take advantage of that great free government information. Some of you folks are probably interested making a little money. There is on linei wont say go on line and make a fortune but there are people finding work on line and doing crafts on line, selling things. It is a amazing opportunity. So many things on e bay. There is plenty of opportunity for anyone who wants to explore. We know the internet has phenomenal opportunity and the are risks like any good thing. There is nothing in life. Fire cookathize food but can burn down the house. Most of the time it is positive thing. There are risks and we dont sugar coat anything. The seniors guide it on line safety we talk how to maintain and protect your privacy. You have right tooz control who has access to your information. Nobody besides you has the right to control that. We talk how to do that. Crams, unfochinately there are those who prey on all of us, young and old, everybody. There are criminals who want to take their money, whether they say they are from microsoft kw want access to your computer . Anybody get a call from the irs. If the irs needs to get a hold of you they wont call you. They will knock on your door or write a letter. All these scam squz they are not only by phone, they are coming on line so we need to be savvy and avoid the scammers. Think brf you post. Connect safely start said as a service for the young people. The seniors guide is a first publication. The fact is think before you post applies to everyone t. Is easy to hit the send but squn say i wish i didabout say that. Be kind and dont take abuse from anyone. It is really important that we realize that when we are on line we are us, our reputations are at stake just as im sure everyone in the room treats each other nicely and is polite around them. Just because you are on a computer doesnt mean you are not still human being and the person on the other end isnt human being. Cyberbullying isnt just for young people. Young wem toon Sexual Harassment<\/a> and young men, older folks to harassment. If anyone bothers you on line report it and deal with it because you have a right to go on line and be treated respectfully. We all have to be iweir aware of security tough password that are tough to guess and easy to remember. Im so thrilled you are all getting computers and looking forward to seeing you on line. Im larry magen on facebook and larry magen on twitter, follow me and ill follow you back. Thank you and congratulations. [applause] larry thank you very much. Thank you for be agchampion protecting the seniors rchlt we have a lot more people to consult with after the connect event coming up. At this point we like to be joined by a san franciscan leader who im sure you recognize and know very well. She works daily and tireerless on issues that impact the community and quality of life. She is your representative. Let me welcome now at this point San Francisco<\/a> district 10 supervisor, malia cohen. [applause]. Thank you very much. Good afternoon everybody. How you doing . You feeling full . How was the bb q . Not bad . Not good . Let me know, ill have a word with cathy in the back, we can fix that. You know, i think what is important here is recognize and often our narrative in the bayview Hunters Point<\/a> is we are always left behind. I think Jackie Joyner<\/a>kersee nailed it when she talked about Internet Connection<\/a> and excited for you because Internet Connection<\/a> is about opening up a world that you may or may not be aware of. It is incredible. You know when the doctor gives you that prescription, and makes you maybe it doesnt make you feel good, you can research the ingredients on the prescription. Say you is a headache or stomach ache and remedys come up. Here is Something Else<\/a> you can also do, face time your grand children or great grand children rchlt the kids away in college. It is a way to stay connected and very important we not leave anyone behinds so today you get Free Computers<\/a> but we need to bring you classes on how to work the computers. Right . So we will make sure you we give you the tools and impact the knowledge and wisdom and most importantly how to do it safely so you idaentty isnt stolen and are able to connect can friends and families in the bay area and those in other parts the cuntsry. What is also poncht is we in the bayview Hunters Point<\/a> we are the northern neighbor to Silicon Valley<\/a> and you hear a rot about technology, right . Technology is not leaving anybody behind, that is is why today is so important and grateful i comcast and internet essentials to make sure everyone stays connected. Your livelihood and health of you and family are all connected on the interet. You can do all types of sunchs and if you have a complaint you can always write your supervisors. If you have a councilman you canif you have a compliment you can write too. It is important we [inaudible] the digital gap. The internet is essential for participation in the econ omy and our community so when you know people look frg housing, you may know grandschild looking for a job, everything is driven on the internet. That young person can come connect with you. In San Francisco<\/a> is the epicenter of technology and disproportionate access to internet. Comcast pledged to connect not only the go george Senior Center<\/a> but people in Public Housing<\/a> and section 8 vouchers. That is a critical opponent and want to thank mr. Cohen had for bringing that and scott adams and the internet essentials team. Seniors help build the city. Proposition i, dignity funds, that allows seniors and people with disabilities the ability to live in their house so we have money available to you when you need it. So no longer feeling vulnerable and fear of evictions, no longer fear of displacement. That is what this is about. That is the movement that San Francisco<\/a> is moving in the direction of, taking care of those that stood before us and paid their debt so as a daughter and granddaughter iant to say thank you that fought that fought that allowed me to be here and be your supervisor. Im grateful. Thank you. [applause] so, im proud to deliver this milestone and dont sleep now that we are connected. Now there are many opportunities to stay corrected and share information. Be sure to take advantage of the computer classes we will bring right here in this very facility. I love you all, i hope you have a wonderful rest the week, thank you very much for your time and consideration. [applause] supervisor cohen, thank you very much. They can email you as well after todays event . Perfect. I saw a lot of nodding heads as you mentioned the fact thatthank you for those remarks and everyone here david mentioned we have boxes of computers to give away and it is time now to get started and hooked up and familiar with the skills you need so cathy davis ill set it back to you for that part the connect event. I want to give a final thanks to comcast and our friends, david, scott, lor enaall the ambassadors and all the people in the white shirts. I saw Linda Creighton<\/a> over here. This is so great to see her. She is dr. Davis were good friends. Just want to also acknowledge the building and that our Community Partners<\/a> that built this building is mu cormic [inaudible] management is in the house right there, raise your hands. There is a saint lewis connection between these saint lewis and [inaudible] they helped build the building so proud to be partners with them and will make sure every senior gets their computer, but wait, we have to do more. First of all i want to make sure everybody signs up for internet essentials that is eligible and can sign up for it. We did these applications, the preapplications you signed up for earlier but you have to go and make a phone call to comcast to make them real. So you got to take your paper, go back to the people in the white shirts with the internet essentials and talk to them and theyll get you hooked up to internet essentials. So, if you are a resident in the building well make sure you get on internet essentials if you want to and if you want to get into the raffle and you are not a resident then you need to fill this out and sign up for comcast internet essentials. Everybody clear about that . So im excited for the residents of the building. People ask how does this happen . I said i asked. I went to comcast and said i like to see some Real Technology<\/a> for the seniors over here and they came through in big time, so lets give them a big round of applause for helping us out in the community. They are great neighbors and partners so what we want to do now is play a little music. Those that need to see the people with the white shirts and sign up for Internet Connection<\/a>s do that now. 145 if not earlier we will have the raffle and at 2 oclock i think we are still on 2 a clock time we will sign up all the seniors in this building. If they didnt make it today let us know and well make sure they get their computers on another day but if you live in the building well sign you up after we get on internet essentials. Thank you so much for coming out today. Are we fired up and ready to go we arewait to you see us a year from now, we will be on line face booking the supersize visor and taking care of everyone and their health care so lets make it happen. Thank you. Light for our city and our streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the San Francisco<\/a> Public Utilities<\/a> commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and theyre even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 Percent Less Energy<\/a> upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every San Francisco<\/a> street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious as day turns [ gavel ] good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the regular meeting of the San Francisco<\/a> Ethics Commission<\/a> for september 26, 2016. Before i turn to the agenda, i want to take the pleasure of introducing our newest commissioner, a man who i think is known to many of us in San Francisco<\/a> who has lived here for a long time. The man who has devoted his life to public service. We are honored that hes willing to seven on","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/21\/items\/SFGTV_20160928_030000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_92716\/SFGTV_20160928_030000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_92716.thumbs\/SFGTV_20160928_030000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_92716_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240625T12:35:10+00:00"}

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