Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 6716 201

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 6716 20160609

3016. today is election day and the polls will be open until 8 pm. in your neighborhoods as well as 8 pm at city hall. mdm. clerk, please call the roll >> clerk: thank you. >> supervisor avalos:, here. >> president breed:, here. >> supervisor campos:, here. >>[adjournment], here. >> supervisor farrell:, here. >> supervisor kim: pier, here. >> supervisor mar:, here. >> supervisor peskin:, here. >> clerk: >> supervisor tang:, present. >> supervisor wiener:, present. >> supervisor yee:, present. >> clerk: you have a quorum all members are present >> president breed: please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >>[pleage of allegiance] >> prident breed: all right. mdm. clerk any communications >> clerk: none to report mdm. pres. >> president breed: any changes to the april 26 or may third 2016 board meeting minutes? seeing none,, is a motion to approve those minutes? moved and seconded. colleagues, can we take that without objection? without objection those meeting minutes will pass after public comments. >>[gavel] >> president breed: please lead lead the consent agenda >> clerk: items 1-8 are considered routine. the member objects by the may be removed separately >> president breed: seeing no names on the roster mdm. clerk please call the roll. >> clerk: on item 1-8 >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there are 11 aye >> president breed: those items are passed on the first reading adopted finally passed an approved. unanimously >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 9, please >> clerk: item 9 is a ordinance torment the ministry of code to prohibit the use of city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law, except for individuals who been convicted of a violent or serious felony and held to answer for that violent or serious felony. >> president breed: supervisor avalos >> supervisor avalos: i just want to again thank everyone work together to come to this agreement. we have that unity as a city as to what our century city policies will be. so, i want to thank most of all [inaudible] for working with us till the very last minute last time. and i want to thank her for her flexibility in helping to move this unity. i also want to thank, of course, free sf the coalition that worked on this legislation with my office and with the sheriffs office. in particular, the agent log copies, sarah-and counselor-. similar organizations to also mention but i think it would be best to mention-and of course, jeremy pollock in my office to work on this. so, colleagues this is our second meeting and i want to thank you for coming together unanimously to support this united policy we have here in san francisco. >> president breed: thank you. colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. the what finally passed unanimously >>[gavel] >> president breed: item number 10 please >> clerk: items in a ordinance to appropriate $207 million of revenue bond proceeds to the municipal transportation agency for transportation projects and women in this we are 2016-2017 >> president breed: same house, same call can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. the ordinance is passed unanimously on the first reading >>[gavel] >> president breed: item number 11 >> clerk: item 11 a ordinance to appropriate approximately $60 to the municipal transportation agency consisting of 3 million two total gem contribution and commendation with several other sources. to support planning, design and outreach for the transportation capital for the project in connection with the proposed old and state warriors event center and the mixed-use development in mission bay. the great supervisor avalos >> supervisor avalos: thank you. i was the only person who voted against the special fund for the warriors arena facilities and i do have to vote against this again. this is actually what comes down to the subsidy for the warriors arena i believe that the warriors should be paying more for the uses of funds to manage transportation and traffic impacts around the arena. so, this is to me a symbol of how places that don't have a lot of development, that don't have a lot of economic activity, lose out in how we make decisions about where we allocate funds for facilities and transportation projects as well as housing. so, i will be voting against it. i expect that i could be on the short end of the stick, but id to stand up for what i think is a wrong way that we do our budgeting across the city where places in the city that are seen robust development tend to absorb a lot of general fund dollars that could be available for other places that are not seeing back on development. speed that you supervisor avalos. see no other names on the rochester mdm. clerk please call the roll. >> clerk: item 11, >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: nay >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there are 10 aye and one nay. the ordinance passed on the first reading >>[gavel] >> clerk: item 12 and ordinance to appropriate approximately $7.69 in surplus revenue designated for the general reserve from the library and to reappropriate as debt service payment in fiscal year 2015-16 >> president breed: seeing no names on the roster mdm. clerk please call the roll >> clerk: on item 12, >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: >> supervisor yee: >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there are 11 aye >> president breed: the one that passes unanimously on the first reading >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 13-19 mdm. clerk please call them altogether >> clerk: item 13-19, utilize revenues and multiple reboots two different years so bear with this little reading these items are very dense. item 13 is 81 looks to appropriate a total of 272 million a proceeds from revenue bonds state of california water resources control board involving loan funds or grant funds will revenues and water capacity fees without san francisco public utilities commission or s.f. puc water enterprise capital improvement program for fiscal year 2016-17 at $150 million for fiscal year 2017-18 at $122 million and to reappropriate proximally $84 million for water capital improvement project appropriation $57 million in fiscal year 2016-17 and 27 $2 million-27 nine dollars and physical your 2017-8 injured in placing two and 21 male dollars of revenue bonds and single funds or grant funds proceeds and $5.3 million water capacity proceeds by project on controllers reserved item 14, and ordinance to appropriate a global proximally $1.2 billion a proceeds from revenue bonds state of california water resource control boards revolving loan funds were grant funds wastewater revenue and capacity fees for the s.f. puc's wastewater enterprise capital improvement program for 2016-17 and 39 $13 million for 2017-18 at $902 million. to reappropriate seven the dollars and approximately $10.8 million in wastewater revenue bond projects in this we are 2016-17. pleasing $1.1 billion in revenue bond was a loan or grant funds and $14.6 million and capacity fees by project on controllers reserved. item 15, ordinance to appropriate a total of $150 in hetch hetchy revenue. capt. trade revenue and power water revenue bond for the as a pc hetch hetchy capital improvement program to reappropriate 11 point 3 million in power revenue bond fund project in fiscal year 2016-17 and 2p-appropriate 424.2 million and cz loan and revenue fund projects in placing $32.5 million of our bonds and $44.39 of water bonds and $4.2 million of cap and trade revenue on controllers reserved. item 16, and ordinance to authorize the issuance of sales tax exempt or taxable wastewater revenue bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the s.f. puc. in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1.1 billion to finance the cost of various capital wastewater projects benefiting the wastewater enterprise pursuant >> item 1706 two authorize the issuance of the sale of tax exempt or taxable water revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $265 million to finance costs of various capital water projects benefiting the water enterprise. item 18, ordinance to authorize the issuance and sale tax exempt or taxable power revenue bonds and forms of indebtedness by the sf puc in the aggregate principal amount amount not to exceed approximately $32.5 million to finance the cost of various capital projects benefiting the power enterprise and authorizing to issue refunding power revenue bonds declaring the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or more issues of tax exempt or taxable bonds and ratifying treaties actions taken and item 19 as a resolution to approve and authorize the conveyance of one prominent easement to the city of modesto for $35,000 to be paid by dwg mchenry and llc to allow the widening of a portion of mchenry avenue and other improvements for property owned by the city under the jurisdiction of the san francisco public utilities commission. >> president breed: thank you. on those items, colleagues, and we take them same house, same call? can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. those ordinance passed unanimously on the first reading and the resolution is adopted. >>[gavel] >> president breed: mdm. clerk please call item 21-26 >> clerk: mdm. pres., item 20 is a standalone item. should i call the one by itself >> president breed: oh, yes thank you >> clerk: item 20 resolution to authorize the sale issuance and execution of one or more series of san francisco municipal transportation revenue bonds in amount not to exceed 207 nine dollars >> clerk: colleagues, same house, same call can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. the resolution was adopted unanimously. >>[gavel]. now please call item 21-26 >> clerk: item 21, a resolution declaring the intent of the city and county of grand to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future embodied indebtedness in amount not to exceed $50 million for 455 s. st. item 22, a resolution to authorize the execution and performance of an option to ground lease in connection with a parcel located at 455 s. st. at no cost to item 13 is a resolution to declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain extent years from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in amount not to exceed $140 million for 2060 and 2070 fulsome st. item 24 resolution two authorize the execution of forms an option to ground lease a parcel located at 2070 fulsome st. for no cost. item 25 is a resolution in amount not to exceed $249 for 1601 and 1677 mariposa st. 35-497 carolina st., 395 and 420 wisconsin st. and 210 arkansas street. burn aggregate principal amount not to exceed $240 million and 26, a resolution in amount not to exceed two and $22 million for 909 and 921 howard st. 206-2 25th st. and 414 and thomas st. resolution declaring the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded this indebtedness >> president breed: thank you. supervisor campos >> supervisor campos: just a clarification for the record, i think the clerk said that item --item 13 is that item 23? i just want make a clarification. >> president breed: thank you. are we clear mdm. clerk speak with >> clerk: yes >> president breed: with that colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call queen? without objection the resolutions are adopted unanimously >>[gavel] >> president breed: mdm. clerk please call and 27 >> clerk: item 27 a rental resolution to approve a cooperative agreement between the city and state of california department of transportation concerning the design and construction of the 19th ave. combine city project including pedestrian safety transit improvements in utility upgrades along 19th ave. between you the paris hour boulevard and lincoln way >> president breed: same house, same call can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. >>[gavel] read item 28 >> clerk: i didn't item 20 admission code to require the installation and use of telematics vehicle tracking system in all motor vehicles owned or leased by the city and other than the close use for law enforcement and submission of an annual report by the city administrator on vehicle use based on data derived from those systems and to affirm the planning departments ceqa determination >> president breed: supervisor yee >> supervisor yee: thank you. the legislation before you for you to consider today is about increasing public safety and accountability of public dollars. in 2014, san francisco adopted these vision zero policy, where we have committed to work toward the goal of the zero traffic deaths by 2024. we have a long ways to go. every year about 30 people lose their lives and over 200 are seriously injured by traveling on our streets. these deaths and injuries are unacceptable and preventable. vision zero is about city officials, city employees, and community members working together and committing to create safer streets. what is been brought forth for your consideration today is to extend telematics into the majority of our cities leads of more than 3000 vehicles. in the last five years, we have spent nearly $77 million in litigation and settlement directly related to our cities fleet of vehicles. as elected officials, we are charged with an expected to be accountable for a public dollars. this is why last year i directed the budget legislative analyst to produce a report and old a hearing on this report and i was cosponsored by many of you. the benefits shown on this report in terms of safety improvements, savings and environmental benefits are clear. undeniably beneficial and proven. telematics has been used as a correct trained to improve driving habits, decrease inappropriate or unauthorized use, and has shown to have environmental benefits in reducing emissions in many locations in the united states. telematics sometimes are first added a black boxes. it is a technology that has gps along with capacities to collect information and data such as speed, hard braking or acceleration, mechanical diagnosis, could this technology is currently in early 9% of our city's fleet of vehicles. it has already proven to have increase safety by reducing the number of collisions. for example, mta conducted a pilot similar to not technology in one year reduce collisions by 50%. i want to thank the advocates who have the support of this legislation, including lot sf but by coalition the and vision zero coalition. i would also like to thank my staff, erika mae born, we saw this legislation through. now, what i'd like to mention here is that we are not including law enforcement officers at this point because there was some details to be worked out and i didn't want to start this process anymore for the rest of the fleets, but rest assured, i will be working with the-our city administrator google come up with airport in the next few months so we can move forward to include the law enforcement officers in this particular item. to follow legislation should it's critical we work towards our vision zero goals by changing our culture to smart and proven policies and to our language and how we speak about our goals. so, this is the reason i am making a motion for two minor amendment. you have a copy of that and that will be better aligned. these basically are minor language amendments, better align with our vision zero goals. so, on page 1 line 24, to reduce all traffic fatalities, and on page 2, line 13, the word accident, which may not be avoidable, is changed to collisions. so when i talk about accidents could talk about collisions, which we can work to address and reduce. so, colleagues, i hope you will all the joining me to support this. >> president breed: supervisor trini has made a motion. second? second by supervisor peskin. can we take that amendment without objection? without objection the amendment passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> president breed: supervisor kim became i would have my name as co-sponsor and think norman yee for his office and his work. to put this into implementation get when we attended the vision zero conference in new york, over a year and half ago, this vehicle traffic and system was viewed as were the key and critical components to ensuring vision zero by city owned and city driven vehicles of which about many here in san francisco. so i'm glad to see that we are moving this forward and i want to thank supervisor yee for his work. >> president breed: thank you. colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call as amended? without objection, this ordinance passes unanimously as amended on the first reading >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 29, please >> clerk: item 29, corridor look amend the medicine go to our appraisals and appraisals with you for sincerity city jurisdiction transfers acquisitions conveyances on lease of real property required appraisals conform to the uniform standard professional appraisal practices and be prepared by qualified appraisers and to increase the rent limits the director properties existing authority to enter into leases for the city. >> president breed: colleagues can we take this item same house, same call-supervisor peskin >> supervisor peskin: first of all, i would like to thank my staff we have heard, as well as the head of our department of real estate, john update, for working on this matter for the last several months. the legislation before you is really an update to chapter 23 of the administrative code that will standardize how the city acquires and conveys real property as well as how we deal with leases. this is modeled in many ways after state and federal law, and will ensure that the city gets at least 100% of the appraiser market value when it sells or leases land. it also provides for third-party appraisal review of appraisers of certain threshold about you could i also think our enterprise departments further engagement on this legislation. as we all know the enterprise components which include the mta, the airport, and public utilities commission have some discretion to conduct a real property transactions on their own outside of the purview of our department of real estate. this legislation provides standard procedures for leases that enterprise the parties enter into without interfering with the core functions of these enterprise departments under the city charter. to that end, i have some brief amendment based on our conversations with court staff which you can find on page 8 of the subject legislation did i previously distributed copies to all of you specifically at page 8, line 7-10, we would like to amend to add the following language quote, unless the executive director of the port determines the real property under cold that the rental rate for the proposal lease meets or exceeds port commissions annually adopted parameter rental rate for such real property, at line 14, on the same page, remove the language, executive director of the port determines applying the market rent requirement would conflict with the port commissions annually adopted parameter rental rate for the proposed leases. that was dealt with in the previous amendment. finally, on line 12 of the same page, add a the language, the board of supervisors on high-resolution lesser a proper public purpose or three, and skip two line 16, commission or agency determines with director of property concurrence that an independent appropriately qualified real estate economic expert is better suited than appraiser to perform the rental analysis. if there's any questions, the representatives of the ports one hand with regard to those amendment. if not i like to move those amendment and adopt the legislation as amended on its first reading >> president breed: just for clarity supervisor peskin, you don't have those amendment for distribution? >> supervisor peskin: yes they didn't previously distributed to your offices and i've asked her copies. >> president breed: okay. supervisor peskin has made a motion to amend? second by supervisor peskin. colleagues, can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. the amendment passes >>[gavel] >> president breed: i just had a point of clarification, question, supervisor peskin. i apologize but i did not get a chance to talk to you about this before. but we in my district have a situation with a property that's under the former successor agency the redevelopment, which is appraised property but there's a high expectation of significant community benefits. that will be attached to this property. we are required under state law to dispose of the assets. yet, there is going to be a challenge to hold any property or future property owner accountable to providing a significant level of community benefits without attaching that somehow to a price negotiation and i want to understand how this legislation could impact a project of that nature. >> supervisor peskin: so, first of all, we have counsel here but i do not believe that our chapter 23 provisions apply to ocii, the successor agency and the indeed invoke an appraisal statute under state law as you previously referenced. but relative to an appraisal process, the value of the property is what a knowledgeable buyer would pay a knowledgeable seller based on comparable sales of similar property. if those community benefits were to be deducted from that value you'd have to-derby and appraisal problem and somebody would have to assess the value of those community benefits which presumably would be a deduction from the praise for market value. >> president breed: okay. so if that happens, in the case of the successor agency which definitely has its own process, that happens for example in the case of the city is closing of any assets in the same capacity we are talking about making sure there's clear-there is a clear match to the appraised value though that the city ultimately doesn't lose any money? >> supervisor peskin: corrected ultimately it's a function of how the city through its department of real estate instructs an appraiser. for instance, in the case of what actually started this whole ball rolling 30 van nuys, if the city is demanding that the property include 20% of for the housing on-site, that is what a appraiser would have to about you wait in conducting that fair market value appraisal. >> president breed: grades. that clarifies it. thank you so much. colleagues, seeing no names on the roster, for item number 29, as amended, can we take this item same house, same call? without objection to the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading as amended >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 30, please speak up item 30 resolution to a seat and approved and/or ports for the central market committee benefit district for calendar year 2014. >> president breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call? can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 31 >> clerk: item 30 1a ward asked to amend the planning code to offer greater fax ability in the screening and enclosure of rooftop mechanical equipment modifying the block alley controls and their collectibility to the south of market neighborhood commercial transit district fulsome street neighborhood commercial transit district, and the regional commercial district and see-three district to affirm the planning department's ceqa determination and make people but findings >> president breed: same house, same call? can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. >>[gavel] >> president breed: item 32 >> clerk: item 32 a resolution to clear the intention of the board of supervisors to order the vacation of a portion of jesse street and a portion of alum aly northwestern of mission and for street in connection with the ocean white center project at 51st st. subject to certain conditions and set a hearing date for all persons interested in the proposed vacation of said street areas. the breed supervisor >> supervisor cohen: thank you good i do for item number 32. this a technical amendment. colleagues at the request of our clerk i want proposed amendment to this particular items are we for both the resolution and the companion ordinance of the may 23 land-use committee. at that hearing, we do not amend the resolution to include the date for the committee as a whole hearing for the proposed street vacation. i like to move we amend this item to include this that the date, which is july 19 . the clerk has circulated copies to you >> president breed: okay. supervisor >> supervisor cohen: has made a motion to amend. is there a second? second. can we take the amendment can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. >>[gavel] >> president breed: supervisor peskin >> supervisor peskin: colleagues, i just rise to let everybody know why i am dissenting in this vote and that is because i think it is terrible planning policy to abandon our streets and alleys. i think we probably all learned that in the 1950s when jane jacobs wrote about the life and death of great american cities and so i will be dissenting on item 32. >> president breed: thanks. mdm. clerk please call the roll >> clerk: supervisor trainee >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: nay >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> president breed: the resolution is adopted >>[gavel] >> president breed: please call adam 33 and 36 together >> clerk: item 33 is a motion to confirm the controllers appointment of james boyce to the local homeless correlating board term ending the 21st 20 good i'm 34 appointing joseph mcglade to the assessment appeals board number three term ending september 4, 2017. item 35 is a motion to reappoint howard bloomberg and howard strasser to the pedestrian safety advisory committee terms ending march 28, 2018 and i'm 36 is a motion to appoint marilyn discovery to the mental health board term ending generally 31st 2019 >> president breed: mdm. clerk, on those items please call the roll. >> clerk: item 33-36 supervisor >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there are 11 skype >> president breed: of those items approved unanimously >>[gavel] >> clerk: item 37 motion to appoint zero and brent-to the public park station committee advisory committee terms ending separate 24th 2017 >> president breed: proviso avalos >> supervisor avalos: can this citizen advisory committee is in my district and since the rules committee and the today we've talked about to the mta about actually working towards reauthorizing this citizens advisory committee to enhance and increase the scope and mission of the advisory committee as well's jurisdiction. so, i will be going to the last-the next advisory committee meeting at the end of june and be discussing with them reauthorizing the actual committee and coming forward at the end of july with a new authorization that would change the configuration and structure of this committee. so, today i'll be requesting that we table this item and come back with a new version of it that will cover other issues that include bus rapid transit as well as jurisdictional issues between city college and the balboa park station area. >> president breed: supervisor avalos has made a motion to table. moved and seconded. colleagues can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. the motion to table passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> president breed: we are now at our 2:30 pm on additions. today, we have one accommodation from supervisor from district 1, supervisor eric mar >> supervisor mar: thank you. i am honored today and i think supervisor campos for joining me as well, well been the chairperson of the-tribe rosemary-who is here good i want to first also say she is a credible scholar and a great granddaughter of--who is baptized at mission san jose in 1864. i won't go into her whole record of service to not only the-people but many other types, bows eight chairperson,, thank you for keeping the history of legacy and ongoing struggles of the people alive here in the san francisco bay area region the behalf of the people of the city and county of san francisco, we honor the--tribe diverse peoples of this land this commendation from the board of supervisors. i want to also say that the tribal administrator ms. norma sanchez is also here with us in the chambers thank you to her for joining us today could i respect him is also acknowledge and thank two of chairperson -liaisons in san francisco who represented her really incredibly in san francisco. the late dr. estella jackson who we honored in a previous board meeting, but she can we continue to celebrate and treasure her work on behalf of the-a few hunters point communities and all san francisco, but also we are grateful for mr. and cisco the cost this continuation of the legacy and struggle of the people here at san francisco that. so, what is in behalf of our city and county i call upon chairperson rosemary camera to address the people san francisco but before she speaks like to allow san francisco's to say a few words. >> testifier: supervisors, today is a historical moment. where to supervisors, david campos and arrow mar both have chosen to honor the first people of san francisco, the--. so i call upon our rosemary [sp?] to speak to the supervisors and also address our mayor why suppose is missing to this deliberation. >> testifier:[foreign language] rosemary-.[foreign-language]i am here today to show my respect to each and every one of you. i also request of you respect and peace. my first grandfather,--, was born at the presidio. and, he instructed his children, or our previous relations, that we should love and work with one another, especially his children, his grandchildren, not to allow others to suppress us. for some reason, he knew that with time, people were going to change and our fight for freedom, or even for one to survive on our holy lands, would be a struggle, but not only for our people, but for each and every one of you here because you have to make the decision to acknowledge us. you would have to make the decision to respect our people for being and having assets in this area, and also having birth rights to all aspects of economic assets good and have the opportunity to work with you as a partner. so, with that i want to thank each one of you, please, create a partnership where we can complement one another. so we can allow one another to make individual religious opinion, or express, their belief as well as allow our tribe to exercise their rights to economic development on their holy lands. so, with that, i would like to end by saying i am here to help the homeless. i am here to help those in need. we all need somehow. but some more than others. but i am here. and i believe in taking care of our communities. i made that promise, spiritual promise, to my sister, aspinall of jackson, who held my hand and said don't give up and i said, okay, baby just hold her hand could give us strength. as you said you have mine. but when i pass don't forget my work. don't forget my name. to this day, i carry babies name and good work for the people thank you. and very much appreciate it. >>[applause] >> >> president breed: thank you for your service and again, congratulations. with that, colleagues, we will return to our regular agenda and move two committee reports. >> clerk: item 42 considered by the government audit and oversight committee at regular meeting on thursday, june 2 and was forwarded to the board as a committee reports and recommended as amended with the same title. it's an ordinance too many ministry of code to revise the residential unit conversion ordinance to acquire hosting platforms to verify the residential unit is on the city registry prior to the listing to acquire hosting platforms to respond to notices and requests for information, to provide for civil administrative and criminal penalties against hosting platforms for violations of the residential units conversion ordinance and to affirm the planning department determination. >> president breed: supervisor weiner you have a amendment supervisor supervisor >> supervisor farrell: i like to ask to be recused >>[reading code] supervisor farrell like to be excused. is there a motion? moved and seconded. colleagues, get this can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. you are excused supervisor farrell >>[gavel] >> president breed: supervisor weiner i'm sorry. supervisor campos >> supervisor campos: thank you good ideas only appropriate given mr. nature that today i'm wearing i lay as i'm talking about this piece of legislation, which has been long come on time coming. i want to thank my cosponsor supervisor peskin. i want to thank a very broad coalition that includes a very diverse group of people who normally are not on the same side of this type of an issue. but, how we got here is after a long fight, including a pretty, i think, difficult fight at the ballot, but we decided to do and think about how to address the problems that clearly remain on this issue is to present as we have presented a pretty modest and a pretty simple proposal that essentially, try to preserve san francisco's housing. this legislation in a very simple way, mandates and that what web platforms that engage in short-term rentals reports, not hinder, the enforcement of our short-term rental object again, as a repeatedly have said, it's not about changing the current law. it is simply about enforcing that law. that is what supervisor peskin and i have put forward. also want to thank supervisor mar supervisor avalos for the cosponsorship. this proposal mandates that hosting platforms like airbnb their firehose has registered with the city before advertising their short-term rental on its website. if a hosting platform fails to do so , the platform itself will be penalized for up to $1000 a day . while the current law has set rules for hosts stipulating that all closeness register with the city, more than 75% of airbnb 7000, plus in san francisco have in fact not registered. in fact come up we have only received 1800 applications to open since the launch of the program and that's essentially 26% of the 7000 airbnb hosts we know. short-term rentals that have been issued are 1300 24 or 18.9% of the 7000 host with airbnb to last year's budget analysis report found that airbnb alone has taken up to 2000 entire units of housing, 2000, completely off the market. this is why we need to bring the hosting platforms into compliance. the one thing from our perspective that has been missing in the existing airbnb short-term rental law is corporate accountability. the weakness of the law is that corporate accountability is essentially nonexistent. it's not surprising, given that corporations that ultimately controls a large part of the market is the one that actually broke the law as we know it. i have met with many home shares, and let me say, once again, as we have repeatedly said supervisor peskin and i throughout this process we support capital host, mom and pop hosts, will not be impacted in any way because of this law. we are simply focusing the law and enforcement on the corporations. i want to address a couple of misconceptions about the legislation. some have claimed that the legislation would force platforms to police short-term rentals. that could not be further from the truth. if your rental car agency and you have to make sure the person that you rent that vehicle to actually has a license before you run them a car. that's exactly what we are asking the short-term rental platforms to do here. second, on a huge support of internet freedom and we were carefully not only with the city attorney, but also with online advocacy groups to make sure that this legislation passes legal muster. again, i want to thank the broad range of people who have formed this coalition. again, microsoft or supervisor peskin and his chief of staff sunny and glue, the tenants union, local two, juju, tenants together, san francisco apartment association, senior disability action, share better, housing rights committee, and many many more. also want to thank the city attorney especially rob koppel [sp?] for the phenomenal work they've done and i especially want to highlight the incredible work over the years on this issue from carol guzman in my office and i don't know if carol is in the room, but we would not be able to be here today without carolyn. with that, before i turn it over to colleagues and your other comments, i do have a final point to make and is by way of a question. if i made through the chair, i would like to ask a question if i may to the city attorney. mr. deputy is sen. john another people gibner a number people have been raising concerns about the committee's indecency at. can you explain how we have addressed that issue and how you feel about the legality of what were putting before this body today? >> city attorney: deputy city attorney john gibner. first of all, as we do any time members of the public right litigation to challenge any ordinance proposal for the board, we've advise you confidentially regarding legal issues, but generally, following your direction, we drafted this ordinance in order to avoid the tion decency act issue that is been raised publicly that you mentioned. essentially, the ordinance does not regulate the content that hosts post on the website, the listing platforms should rather, the ordinance merely regulates business activity of those platforms that engage in hosting services. >> supervisor avalos: thank you mr. gibner and thank you to the city attorney for the amazing work it with that i respectfully ask for your support. we believe this a pretty modest piece of legislation and this is one of those things where we should not be fighting about this and my hope is we have as much support on this board as possible. thank you >> president breed: thank you supervisor campos. supervisor weiner >> supervisor wiener: all be supporting this legislation today. as i've said many times, we need improved enforcement and i think this, although i know there are potentially some legal issues here, it is a step in the direction of more enforcement did i do want to just note a couple things and one thing in particular. i do not agree with the i think sometimes that characterize agent we hear that no one is registering. the fact is, and we heard this as you know colleagues, i hold quarterly oversight hearing on short-term rental enforcement at the land use and transportation committee. what we saw in the last presentation from the opposite of short-term rental is that we are seeing an acceleration of registrations. last year, unfortunately, was a partially lost year because given that basically immediately after we adopted the legislation at issue, it was announced that was a failure within like 3-4 weeks. and proposition fc thereafter was proposed. not surprisingly, a lot of posts decided they were not going to run ahead and register when they would not even know what the rules were going to be. once proposition f was defeated by the voters and since then we've seen an acceleration and the number of hose registering. there has been a steady increase and it has been a significant increase compared to what was before. when you have this many hosts it's not going to happen overnight but were moving in a positive direction with that said, improved enforcement is a good thing to enforce the law. i do have a amendment which i've shared with supervisor peskin and supervisor campos which is distributed. when is a technical amendment on page 4, line 8, adding the words, providing reservation and payment services for a listing of. this is recommended by the city attorney a technical amendment. a amendment i'm also offering directs the office of short-term rentals to both promulgate wools and regulations be simplified and streamlined the host registration process, and also within 45 days of the effective date of the legislation to report back to the board of supervisors with recommendations about how the registration process can be improved, expanded, streamlined, made simpler, made more user-friendly. the process right now is quite cumbersome for many hosts could especially, when you talk about those that are only engaging short-term rentals for say a few days of the year or a week or two a year. it's a process to go through for not doing very much short-term renting. so, in order to get those numbers off and to keep that momentum we need to make the process more streamlined, less cumbersome, and so, the legislation, the amendment on proposing would direct the opposite short-term rentals to come back to us and to say or tell us what regulations they've issued to try to improve the process and if we need to do eight legislation, to make it a more streamlined process to recommend to us how to proceed and so that is the minutes i make and that is my motion. >> president breed: thank you supervisor weiner has made a motion to amend and the medics have been circulated. they then seconded by supervisor campos. colleagues, can we take the amendment can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes. >>[gavel] >> president breed: seeing no other names on the roster, i'm clerk please call the roll on the item >> clerk: on item 42 as amended >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there's 10 aye >> president breed: the one that says amended passes unanimously on the first reading >>[gavel] >> president breed: item number 43, please >> clerk: item 43 considered by the land-use and transportation committee director meeting on monday, june 5 at 1:30 pm and was recommended as amended with the same title and it's a ordinance to dedicate city jurisdictional property located on a portion of state trust parcel to commonly known as mission bay park p-six as open space public right-of-way and naming the new part mission bay kids part accepting an irrevocable offer the acquisition facilities that comprise the park improvements the main site facilities for public open space and park purposes except in the park for maintenance and liability purposes subject to specified limitations adopting the sql findings and making other appropriate finance. >> president breed: rollcall vote the clerk on item 33 >> president breed: excuse me. supervisor kim speak >> supervisor kim: i want to emphasize the point of this expedited legislative we have a children's playground built by our master developer in mission bay and due to several different hurdles and agency bureaucracy, we've not been able to open this part. i do want to knowledge many residents who've seen this playground and been incredibly frustrated by seeing a resource they can use, given the growing population here in this mission bay and the which we expect that 15,000 new residents by 2017. many of whom are young couples and families. you can see this when you go to the mission bay library branch. the afternoon storytime is packed with young children with their families and this part is an additional resource that holds us ensure we are building complete neighborhoods on behalf of our communities. i do want to recognize and thank ocii. i see mark-who's been working closely with our office to expedite this process did we can open this playground in the summertime and ensure that this resources available to the public. we will be working very closely with our multiple agency to see what we can do to expedite this process for future conveyances of parks and streets as we continue to build out this new neighborhood. colleagues, ask for your support >> president breed: thank you. i'm clerk please call the roll >> clerk: item 43 speedy aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye opposed? aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> president breed: the item passes unanimously on the first reading >>[gavel] >> president breed: was go to local introductions. >> clerk: supervisor >> supervisor yee: your first to introduce new business >> supervisor yee: submit >> clerk: supervisor avalos >> supervisor avalos: thank you. today i'm submitting a carbon tax could pay tax on nonrenewable energy that will be used to support the expansion of seeing san francisco urban forest. this tax would also help to incentivize or make an incentive for people to move to our clean power sf program. so it's a very timely that in that way. over the years, the city has relinquished its responsibility over maintaining street trees. i believe that is an act that has disproportionately affected working-class communities where single family homes are predominant and many people in my district struggle for pain that so this tax is also linked by an effort to take carbon out of the atmosphere by creating disincentives for people to receive their electricity from nonrenewable sources, as well as to incentivize the trees that will help pull carbon out of the atmosphere. the way that this carbon tax would work, the controller would generate about $80 million a year and there are exemptions. anyone who receives at least $.50 to 2% of their electricity from a new will sources, clean power sf customers would be exempt from this tax. this tax would continue the broad exemption for low income customers better in the current utility users tax and that would include all tier 1 customers would continue their exemption, which would represent 40% of residential customers in san francisco. care customers, as well, would it be exempt, the ones that receive a family electric rate assistance. they would be exempt. currently, commercial customers pay 7.5% of a tax on both electrical and natural gas them a while residents residential customers pay no tax. so, this would actually increase from that 7.5% among 2.5% more to an overall 10% increase. based on the average residential pg&e bill in san francisco being $108 for electrical and natural gas use, this tax will be an additional $2.70 a month all coming from the natural gas side, which is, of course a nonrenewable. the rest, all colleagues i will sum it >> clerk: thank you supervisor avalos good president breed >> president breed: think. this is an exciting time of the year because there's only great things happening all over the city and especially in my district and i want to take this opportunity to highlight just a few. tonight, from five-7 pm sf jazz and proxy will be hosting their second annual neighborhood block party at patricia's green. in hayes valley on acadia and hays, which also kicks off the 34th annual sf jazz festival. there'll be live music, movies, shown on a big screen, the beer garden is always really popular and food trucks. so stop i hayes valley tonight. on saturday, june 11, there's a grill in the model, which is hosted by adrian williams of the village project. it's a great event. it happens every single year. it said hamilton playground. it's a fun, exciting event. there's food, activities for kids, and there's music did a lot of great blues performers will be present. so, stop by between the hours of noon and 5 pm on saturday. finally, on sunday, there will be the 39th annual state be as very street there which will take place on from 11 am-6 pm. it'll be on the street between coal and trader street. the fair will feature arts and crafts three musical stages and a family area. this year's strict stage will also feature performance by paul kander, when the original members of the psychedelics rock band and the jefferson starship and a native san franciscan. he'll be honoring him at that dickerson is good thank you supervisor peskin. with that, colleagues, i have one last item and in memoriam for mrs. emma jean burress. she is the mother of civil rights attorney john burris, and she passed away this friday, may 27, and supervisor cohen and i would like to adjourn the board meeting today in her honor. mrs. burress was an exceptional dresser without, the colorful hats. sure my me a lot of my grandmother when i was c john burris pictures of his mom she'd always have a beautiful hats on. she had a cat for every occasion matching gloves, purse and shoes. persaud was beautiful just as beautiful as her outfits in her motto was, if i can be helpful i will. she was very helpful to so many. for many years, she operated the summer side home and marengo residential facility for those who are physically handicapped or develop mentally disabled. she treated the clients as her children and instructed all employees to do the same. she also participated in a number of nonprofit organizations, including the national council for negro women whose mission is to advance the opportunities and quality of life for african-american women and families. she was a member of the delta sigma beta sorority in african-american public service oriented sorority that educates the community on issues affecting their lives. and, the continentals of omega boys and girls club of vallejo which promotes the health, social education and character development of children in vallejo. mrs. burress was married for 67 years to the late -and they have six children. she is survived by her daughter faye anderson, her son, rev. dr. ronald burris, mr. clinton burress, and mr. john burris. a host of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. mrs. burress was the matriarch of her family who treated everyone with kindness and sincerity good she will be dearly missed. the rest i submit >> clerk: thank you. supervisor campos >> supervisor campos: submit >> clerk: supervisor >>[adjournment] >> supervisor cohen: submit >> clerk: supervisor farrell speed >> supervisor farrell: submit >> clerk: supervisor mar >> supervisor mar: today on election day him and recent charter ballot measure for the november out to expand democracy in san francisco for tens of thousands of immigrant parents by allowing noncitizens the right to vote in school board elections. i want to thank especially some momentum and david chiu of michael's father supervisor campos and avalos cohen weiner and others. i also want to say it's been a 20 year struggle for voting rights for immigrant communities. our coalition of parents and immigrant organizations spans all of our neighborhoods of our city and now is the time the weekend in san francisco pass a measure like this. i also want to say that san francisco would not be alone. chicago, new york city, and a number of jurisdictions throughout this country have allowed noncitizens the right to vote but for most of the united states of america, history, noncitizens have been allowed to vote. it's only in the nt immigrant movements of the 1920s the repression of that era that was wiped away and now is the time for san francisco grassroots networks of immigrant communities, parents, and others that want expanded democracy to step forward to put san francisco on the map to making it free again. i also want to say too, are immigrant parents and immigrant committee organizations are ready from their own networks from past elections to the specter of donald trump in the immigrant rhetoric at the national level san francisco could stick step four to expand rights for immigrants while others are attacking immigrants. also, i want to thank leaders from our immigrant rights commission by cathy cole and others for dancing this over the years. matt gonzalez and-to others over the years but especially our grassroots coalition, giving a voice to parents and expanding democracy is the right thing to do in san francisco. it also will help improve our school system by engaging more immigrant parents into the process of their children's education. lastly, i will say expanding democracy is right for san francisco and immigrants deserve the right to vote in school board elections. also, i like to be referred after supervisor peskin talk about the done right the rest i'll submit >> clerk: thank you. supervisor peskin >> supervisor peskin: taking mdm. clerk. colleagues, i actually spoke to the legislation that supervisor mar just referenced last week so i will not speak about it again, but today i will speak to legislation that we are introducing, which will ban candidate control general-purpose committees in the city and county of san francisco. the general-purpose committees have been used to raise unlimited funds for unspecified measures, usually over a number of election cycles, and in essence, stylish uncontrolled funds for candidates were elected officers who control them. unlike candidate controlled ballot measure committees, which are stylish to support or oppose a specific proposition or initiative ordinance, general-purpose committees do not need to specify with the money being raised is going to be spent on. as a result, as far as i can tell, the primary incentive to donate to these committees is to create a special relationship between the donor and the elected official which is a recipe for undue influence if not legal corruption. not only that, these committees allow candidates and elected officers to circumvent the campaign contribution limits that exist in their own candidate races. on this election day, we have a duty as elected officers and has occasional candidates to periodically turn the lens inward and scrutinize our own practices, and in doing so to work to reduce the influence of money in our political system. it doesn't take much introspection to realize the obvious. the amount of money flowing in and out of our political ecosystem here in san francisco is seemingly without limit. to the extent that the sources of these funds are increasingly consolidated among a small handful of the ordinarily wealthy special interest, the voices of everyday state's san franciscans and residents are being drowned out by an ocean of money. i want to thank the friends of ethics for the research and investigation of candidate control general purpose committees and also bob stern, otherwise known as the godfather of campaign finance reform in the state of california is eloquent presentations on this issue, and i want to thank at the city attorney andrew chen, for drafting this measure in adding candidate control is a proactive step in the right direction and i look forward to continuing this conversation and garnering your support over the coming weeks and months. the rest i will submit. i do want to adjourn today's meeting in the memory of the gene rattner [sp?] and mike and condolences to her husband, lee rattner and to her two children. >> clerk: thank you. before we get to you supervisor cannot understand supervisor 10 m you'll be cementing. thank you. supervisor mar >> supervisor mar: i want to thank supervisor peskin for his comments last week on density done right. as an effort to move forward san francisco's protection assault businesses and residents will also producing more portable housing and housing for our city. i want to acknowledge that was approved by the mayor's office last year to support his version of a density bonus for the westside and other neighborhoods but it became apparent to me by my review of the legislation that had not been thoroughly vetted, special decimal si communities by no supervisor tang has engaged or neighborhood and it seemed to me it did not do enough to fully promote truly affordable housing and protect the afford housing stock in the city. i want to note, huge advocate building more affordable housing and housing in general but i don't think any development should come at the cost of the rampant convictions of our residents and loss of our small business sectors as well. so, in the past few months i am my office and others in the richmond district work to ensure that a richmond district residents and all of our residents had a chance to at least engage on the mayor's proposal but supervisor tang's proposal, and i think to further the fruit of our labors to that effort from supervisor peskin affordable housing groups and tenant rights organizations in my office. as a progressive i'm not against building more housing kit in fact, it is critical for our whole region, but am actively leading to create more and to preserve more housing for the majority of san franciscans. this legislation and with the proposed increase to our inclusionary housing requirements of today's ballot, will once again respond to our city's most critical need in the regions need as well. i think the density done right ordinance much is about ensuring that we are prioritizing housing developers are low income and middle income residents, is it also about ensuring the community has some real meaningful input and access into the planning process as well. so, this is been a long process for our city force san francisco. i think density done right is the right thing to do and it helps us work together with committee leaders in every district and hopefully consolidate the planning commissions awful recommendations or so i really thank supervisor peskin and the housing justice and affordable housing groups are putting their work in many of the small business organizations working on this as well. i urge support as it moves forward to the sport. the rest i will submit. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor kim us to be referred >> supervisor kim: thank you. i don't have notes on this, but i did want to submit an in memoriam on behalf of our office to marry jessop is one of our district 6 tenderloin residents. mary is someone who has been incredibly active in our neighborhood in our community and we just learned of her passing away. i want to semi-condolences to her neighbors, friends, her family. she is someone who always had a smile on her face. attended many of our meetings for-part healthy corner stores, pedestrian safety, good she was one of those women who was active and care to the very last day. she was one of the volunteers of sunday streets, and i know sunday streets have also sent their condolences to her as well. she was an active member and advocate for her-. she came out of their breast cancer program and she had fought cancer and beat cancer. she spent her life actually teaching in the public schools before she retired and volunteered her time during a tremendous amount of work in our neighborhoods. she will be missed tremendously. most of all, she was just one of the sweetest and kindest people that i knew and her heart was incredibly genuine. so, mary, we will miss you immensely good rest in peace. thank you for all your work and advocacy for your care for your neighbors and constituents. here in the tenderloin neighborhood and the rest i submit >> clerk: data. better president that includes the introduction of new business >> clerk: speak, present. >> president breed: thank you that can you please read public comments. supervisor weiner >> supervisor wiener: there's a 3 pm special order that was continued >> president breed: i apologize good we can go back to-is that for your item? >> supervisor wiener: it's a conditional use appeal will be continued >> president breed: okay. i'm clerk, excuse me members of the public i apologize. we need to get to 3 pm special order. mdm. clerk, can you get to the 3 pm special order >> clerk: items 38-41 buys a special read through pm for public hearing persons interested in the planning commission to the vocation of a conditional use authorization dated september 24 2015 for certification of a conditional use authorize issue. dated march 31, 2016 for a proposed project at 313-323 cumberland streets. item 39 is a motion to approve the missions to approve conditional use authorization to item 40 is a motion to disapprove the commissions decision to approve the conditional use an item 40 41 is direct operation of finance >> president breed: supervisor weiner >> supervisor wiener: and colleagues, the partiehave agreed to and requested a one-week continuance so i move to continue this appeal to next tuesday's summit june 14. >> president breed: supervisor weiner has moved and seconded by supervisor campos. any other members of the public would like to provide public comment specifically on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed >>[gavel] >> president breed: mdm. clerk on the motion to continue can you please call the roll >> clerk: supervisor >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: there are 11 aye >> president breed: this item will be continued one week to the meeting of june 14, 2016. >>[gavel] >> president breed: mdm. clerk, now please read public, >> clerk: at this time the public may address the entire board of supervisors for to 2 min. on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board to include the minutes and items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar item 46-52. public comment is not about what item has been previously subject to public comment and the board committee. pursuant to the portable structure your remarks to the board as a whole not to individual supervisors not to the audience, please good speakers using translation assistance be allowed twice the amount of time to testify it if you would like to display your document on the overhead projector please clearly state such two sfgtv and remove the document when you like the screen to mov thro return to live coverage of the meeting. >> president breed: per speaker please. >> testifier:[foreign language] ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. as you know, my name --i'm here today to tell you that yesterday, monday, used to be the day for ramadan. and last friday, [inaudible] the best man who is named mohammed ali. i am the same age as him. god gives me time to see him two times. in-i met him in egypt cairo. in 90 i had a chance to see them in oakland. what i did, because i am far from him, i told him that can you lay with me? i did it two times. and he loved it. he told his wife that i'm crazy. and his wife liked what i did and she asked me to say with him and i have to be within one hour in my life. and i supported him until he [inaudible]. i have a little bit of message. i can tell you, goodbye our best friends, are most mohammed ali and go with rest and peace. i have another --i would like to give our supervisor. please, can you take that to give him were to give all of them. god bless all of you and i give him health for what he did [inaudible]. god bless all of you. thank you >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> testifier: cesar chavez spoke out very strongly against the racist organization-for good reason. he knew what he was talking to tom is getting in hot water because of his comments that he made that this judge is a member of the raza, they talk about murdering people. they're terrible wicked organization. eddie garcia is the chief of police in san jose. there's a reason why we have chaos san ricardo, i called up same. they all know me down there and i didn't get through to them but i was then asked him to say a few kind words about donald trump. you know, we have our-he is our differences, but no, he strongly siding with hillary. i find it interesting that you know the bible says that behold i show you a mystery. we should not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump. it just strange. i'm not saying it's in the bible but unseen cyrus was and it's interesting story agency this and the antiquities of the jews, he says daniel showed cyrus's prophecies about himself and isaiah, and were written about 200 years before cyrus was born. he so related he did what god said he would do. we are wrapping up the end of the age. we are coming so close to the end demand are not sure when the sabbath year began. possibly it began april 13. i got on the house jones show that day and was able to make the announcement that the times of the gentiles has ended. as a matter-of-fact, may 20 was exactly 7003 and 65 days from the end of the times of the gentiles. when the jubilee began. the 70th jubilee. jesus christ is coming soon. we are in the sabbath you right now. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good afternoon supervisors. political leaders on expanding feature high aspirations. our career in destiny for service of the people. they should [inaudible] into principles for their profitable struggle for true success. that adequate contemplation for better [inaudible] one surely can open up 100 years of [inaudible] for establishing internal foundations for the city, state and nation. transportation, housing, education, business development, government law, and public facilities of concern. in terms of well organized planning, well structured order for the majority of the people. elections always come to be extremely competitive for the candidates. the outcomes of surely will be determine the future course of an exciting continuation of career for all winners could the life of destiny for all mission date leaders are actually heading for [inaudible] adventure of humanity and just. political leaders should work harder to fight for the rights of the people who matter what platform or public service. the people are with you all the [inaudible] of your mighty deeds you outperform. you should have no trouble in successfully moving forward to resolve problems and enjoyed your great living conditions upon official kingdom [inaudible]. thank you >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: thank you president breed and all the members of the cobol. my name is christopher doll and i still live at six and howard 10 bucks less than 40 m from sea level. i rise to renew a comment of mine of gender 1220 to get quote them i like to drop the board's attention of article 3 of our beloved charter specically to the second sentence of section 3.1001 where it says, and i quote, the mayor shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the duties of the office and shall not give any time or attention to any other occupation or business activity. i would definitely categorize the campaign for governor or any office other than the secretary as mayor of our beloved city and county as other occupation or business activity. why is the board merely applying the mayor to his security detail cause when the board could and should be demanding that he return all salary and benefits and expenses paid to in between his official announcement candidacy for governor and a withdrawal. he suddenly felt each and every one of those days to apply his entire time and attention to the duties of the office and anything less than his entire time and attention is his entire failure to serve. he should also be great salary and benefits and expenses for each day he failed when asked to categorically denied that he would be a candidate for governor. he should rebate salary and benefits and expenses reached a of his expected service when he was so disengaged from contact with our beloved city and county that there was no officially designated acting mayor. i would also ask the board to rebate salary and benefits and expenses for themselves and for their staff for each day of debate on this matter either in committee or full board when no member raise the issue of a possible conflict with the charter. i'd like to thank every member for customizing the theme of manager class negligence. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: hello. kristi long committee plan policy director four-. thank you for the opportunity to come today. i want to speak to item 49 which is the proposed resolution before you urge our state legislators to oppose the proposed by right housing bill budget traveler. we urge you to support the governor's proposal. this is a statewide bill and it will have statewide benefits. the san francisco residents would also benefit from it. while san francisco does a very good job finding and proving subset is affordable housing as many other problems with this planning process which together contributes to a situation of chronic delay, high costs and under supply of housing. this reform is important for number recent. important for the environment incurred high-density compact development, transit and urban areas rather than in greenfield location get it will encourage mixed income in places that will local inclusionary housing. some encouraging concentrated development and locations that are conducive to walking biking and taking transit. this form is important for retaining diverse. italy to reduce this placement and greater affordability and our city both directly on our planning process and indirectly through its impact on housing supply and other bay area cities. under the governor's proposal san francisco. great control over land use. wsdl be with to develop our own zoning but the zoning matter will be predictable transparent rules that govern the development is that of an unpredictable system will be ritually reject projects. to be clear, it was to be significant process public input and decision-making by elected officials. the process will simply take place at the level of the general plan. plan and zoning rather that the individual project level. we urge you to support rather than oppose the trail bill on streamlining for the housing approvals and want to expand housing opportunities for san francisco bay area and california residents. intended with finding a permanent affordable housing the overall supplies by the solution. thank you >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good afternoon board of supervisors. i am talking about item 49 as well. san francisco has contributed to over 7000 permanent legal for the low and moderate income housing units and over 13,000 above moderate income units 11,000 units in the pipeline. fully entitled an additional 20,000 years waiting for approval. san francisco is being lumped in with a bunch of december cities were not creating such numbers of housing which the state bill is supposed to address. yet it dismisses the work by city leaders in our state representatives [inaudible]. by the governors will preempt the will this board for decisions regarding the local inclusionary housing requirement including having performance standards applicable to san francisco. by right housing approval budget trailer bill should be amended or opposed to allow the state to respect and preserve local authority. san francisco is such a special place, we value your decision. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good afternoon. i am actually here to the board of supervisors for not supporting the trailer bill and i'm also here to thank you for supporting the charter amendment to put some restrictions on the mta board. for some time now, they have been having a war on the citizens of the city, and our visitors, by making it difficult for people to get around, to live their lives without rate stress. now, i think it really gone too far by removing bus seats off of buses with it was bad enough there to take away bus stops to make people with heavy packages and children and other kinds of situations have to walk distances to get on the bus but now they also want you to be able to stand on the bus. i'm speaking from experience. i actually felt on moving bus on time and about the injured myself, so i can tell you i will not be on standing on any buses were parked cars or trains of any kind. i think it really a dangerous situation. i hope that this board of supervisors will reconsider having any more buses removed off of-seats removed off of buses. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: i'm going to have if you page powerpoint. greetings supervise. my name is- i'm a software engineer at cisco systems and [inaudible] april 19 president of japan town merchants association [inaudible] and gave no convincing reason. based on our practice [inaudible] and we were deeply hurt. two days ago last sunday, the same band on san bruno [inaudible] which is 12 miles away from here it was not only warmly received but also on the special word of the prey. so you a few pictures of last sunday's san bruno parade. this is our baton members. next. this is our band performing. next. this is our exciting mom and daughter taking photos with us. next. this is this tour-the san bruno lines and chairman. he gave us the cup for the special award last sunday. so within two months and a few muzzling the same band was treated completely different. you wonder why good what's happening to san francisco? is san francisco a city that's will by the commonest party? apparently, no. is event known for bias and discrimination? apparently, no. why is san francisco so different from san bruno? a city just 12 miles away. the reason that chinese government through san francisco chinese general counselors and [inaudible] influenced their behavior. to the point of abandoning the bow use that this nation was built upon bringing shame and disgrace to this great city. i wish you would look into this issue and help us resolve the undeserved rejection. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good afternoon supervisor. my name is--in a citizen in san francisco. i'm here to express my [inaudible] marching band was rejected on the cherry bloom festival. we already got permission from the organizer, but read dressed up and showed up, but at the last moment, we were told we were rejected. that doesn't make sense. i serve the country in 2014. our nation is to fight for the freedom of the world. that is my freedom to parade was [inaudible] to my freedom to parade was deprived of that moment in the country which i serve. i believe the discrimination is not fit. pursuing freedom of belief is the great country of the united states. pursuing freedom is the reason why this great country, the united states of america is [inaudible] that's also the reason why i came to america from china. i want freedom without discrimination. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: i will speak for her. dear honorable board of supervisors. my name is--a san francisco resin. i'm a pianist and plate saxophone in the-marching band. you might think our group was excluded from the gym found cherry blossom festiv grand parade, but why do you keep coming back to the board of supervisors meeting. why don't you go to the parade organizer, hashimoto? first, the japan town parade is excluded us the much again due to the [inaudible] the southwest chinese new year parade. the chinese [inaudible] is usually influenced san francisco and the root of the problem goes beyond mr. hashimoto. second, does the gym and found parade and southwest airlines chinese new year parade [inaudible] this public money came from tech including us the marching band who live in san francisco so we have a right to raise our issue here. certainly, the most important the issue is much bigger than the parade. the essence of this exclusion of fundamental value of america. it's about what this country is and is not. it's about the name and image of the san francisco. think about it after a few years what we came to know the brutal prosecution by the chinese communist party. to find out several meeting people were thrown into jail in labor camps and many died a persecution. to know that over 60,000 and possibly a lot more people were killed for their-the [inaudible] against their will. at that time, they would also come to know that san francisco was once a [inaudible] of the chinese communist party intentionally or unintentionally. how will you face this part of history? they zero children? face their own children. the issue of excluding us from the parade goes far beyond the parade itself. it relates to how we think about our morals of this country and of the city. we are looking forward to your attention and help. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good afternoon. tim: gather 300 member organization and individuals of the san francisco housing action coalition would want access our strong support for gov. brown's proposal for by right housing into the density bonus streamlining we would hope the board of supervisors would support the governor's efforts on our behalf. i want to draw your attention to a remarkable letter that came out last week from a consortium of statewide affordable housing and social justice groups. it took a remarkable position of saying, we support the governor's efforts, but as with certain amendments. the amendment a pretty common subject is nothing currently difficult about them. i would imagine that's a very constructive approach to city the taken this. the plain truth, the housing affordability and displacement crises keep getting worse year after year because we lack the tools at the local level to make a difference. we badly need the states help if we want to different future for san francisco. as governor, and the legislative analyst office recently noted, we do not have the resources to subsidize our way out of our housing predicament and until we figure out new approaches to dramatically increase housing production it does not seem likely that the displacement of logan come an increasingly middle income folks can be slowed much less stopped. and, opposing were trying to get san francisco exempted from this raises some difficult questions because if san francisco succeeds in exempted itself from the governor's proposal, many other committees across the state make similar requests. i think there's a fallback position we all agree on is, we do want more funding from the state for affordable housing and we don't have enough. the federal government is getting out of it. the state has inadequate resource. that's a good as to make to the governor, but nothing we are doing at the local level scales to the enormity of the challenge we are facing. i would hope that you would support the governor's position. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: good evening, supervisors. particularly by sisters in the back there. my name is ace i am on the case. i'm speaking from the heart and hope you hear me through your years. so many of years i'm putting the city on notice. specifically, our african-american black sisters that know about the outmigration. knowing that it's institutionalized through the then mayor newsom now lieut. gov. newsom. it was transferred then out mayor ed lee they did not do a damn thing to people who look like me. how? it wasn't in the budget. it wasn't in the budget. that was the problem that ed lee that's what they told human rights. the only problem that newsom administrative because he was 59 dollars in the red. but now we are $5 billion in the green and you ain't got nothing for the people that look like me? [inaudible] there's a reason for sisters, legislators, who resent shakers, policymakers, listen to what i've got to say because once i go put something in writing, it's going to stop everything. sisters, in the back, come on up. how can you how could you dare be sitting up here, i been in politics that when you all were little girls. but now you women, your policymakers, you should be proud-i'm proud of you but there's something missing. legislation that prepare something for youngsters. these other legislators are putting things together. that's what you all do. make history. let me talk to you. because the mayor doesn't care. ed lee he knows maybe we work together >> clerk: thank you mr. washington. next speaker, please. mr. washington, just for next time you appear please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors, please. >> president breed: i heard every word. thank you. >>[background speaking] >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> testifier: tom gilbert. before november's election in 2015 talk about how i was disappointed in the leadership of the democratic party and as mr. ace said, he did nothing, the mayor did nothing for his people. he did very little for anybody when he was living in the city. corporate giveaways, real estate, profiteering, airbnb,. the right shares. you got your money, you got to have a super bowl. oddly, that's our last super bowl party. let's bury that one. then, he was running unopposed supposedly, we had a combined moment and maybe that's paying dividends because i saw in the all the printed political mail, there's an alternative slate, choice is better. the first game of the basketball finals, i was watching at my mother's house. franklin and chestnut. [after the game and the embarcadero station, riding the underground, i met a guy that came from the basketball game and he was writing on busted with got there sooner they kind of took a richmond train instead of suing her to wait a little bit longer. i don't understand why we are changing three lines of part in every way for two lanes, four lanes of service street. it's still ridiculous. transportation and density, at this part does not make sense. voting today, independence. one third, at least, left and the right, and they're carrying the crowds are carrying bernie and the establishment is carrying hillary. >> clerk: mr. gilbert c [inaudible] >> testifier: my time is gone to what happened there? >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. any other speakers who are interested in making public comment? seeing none, mdm. pres. >> president breed: think. seeing no other speakers would like to make public, public comment is now closed >>[gavel] >> president breed: >> clerk: mdm. clerk with the vacuum agenda >> clerk: item 46-52 are being considered for immediate adoption. a member may object seven item and have it considered separately. >> president breed: either any supervisor weiner >> supervisor wiener: 46 and 49 >> president breed: pc no other names on the roster, on the remaining items, mdm. clerk please call the roll >> clerk: item 46-52, without 46 and 49, >> supervisor yee: aye >> supervisor avalos: aye >> president breed: aye >> supervisor campos: aye >> supervisor cohen: aye >> supervisor farrell: aye >> supervisor kim: aye >> supervisor mar: aye >> supervisor peskin: aye >> supervisor tang: aye >> supervisor wiener: aye >> clerk: the 11 aye >> president breed: those items are approved unanimously >>[gavel] speak >> president breed: please go item 46 >> clerk: item 46 a resolution to urge the recreation parks department to dispute primary program whereby individuals can reserve open space at mission dolores park into words the recreation and park department to discontinue any such rental bargains for any grass plot about san francisco public parks. >> president breed: supervisor kim >> supervisor kim: i like to refer this item to committee. he agreed supervisor >> president breed: >> supervisor kim: has made a motion to refer to committee. >> clerk: mdm. pres. supervisor kim [inaudible] >> president breed: it will go to committee. thank you for reminding me. with that, let's get to item number 49 >> clerk: item 49, resolution to urge the san francisco legislative delegation to mentor posed by right housing approval proposed trailer bill in recognition of san francisco's local planning tools and significant contributions to regional housing development. >> president breed: supervisor weiner >> us for this item to be pulled? >> supervisor wiener: i'm happy to defer to the author. okay. thank you mdm. pres. so, i'm distributing a amendment of the whole here. i wish i previously did provide earlier today to supervisor peskin. so, colleagues, what your view on the trailer bill that gov. brown has proposed, i think it's a good thing that our governor has begun to call the question in terms of housing in california. we are truly in a crisis, not just here in san francisco, but throughout much of the bay area and two more and more parts of california. we are housing is exorbitantly expensive and where particularly camargo income and middle class residents are being priced out and often, squeeze out of their communities. it's unsustainable and inequitable. it's a threat to our economy and it's a threat to our environment as people are forced to move further and further away from their community and from where they work. so, this is a statewide issue. it is an issue that the state legislature and governor should be taking up and again, whatever one's view on this bill, it is good we are finally seeing a push in this case by the governor, we know there's also bills from various numbers of the legislature to address other aspects of the statewide housing prices and that is a good thing. i have-the trailer legislation, the trailer bill, as of right by right housing, it's not perfect and there are parts of that particular bill that i don't agree with. from i read, it makes it too easy to pin it loses of demolition controls and the last thing we need is to make it easier to demolish housing particularly rent-controlled housing in san francisco. it does not allow nearly enough latitude in terms of reviewing design, architecture, urban design in general good in making sure we are getting high-quality well-designed development with good street skating. it also i think potentially could short-circuit some environmental and labor standards that are very important. however, the heart of this legislation, i think, is really about the number of units allowed under the zoning. we see far too often, i'm talking throughout the state, situations where the zoning allows for a particular number of units and through the approval process and through community opposition, that number of units are pushed down. so i project his own 450 units, but they're only allowed to build 20 units. when that happens over and over again, as it does, we have less housing. we, at the heart of our housing crisis, is that we have grown tremendously good san francisco has grown by 200,000 people since 1980. the bay area, i believe, has grown by 2.5 million people since 1980. we have not created enough housing to keep up and the result is an explosion of housing prices. that is at the heart of the problem. this problem is not going to go away. the bay area is projected to grow by 2 million people an additional 2 million people, between now and 24. san francisco is projected to break 1 million people by 2040. this problem is not going away, and we have to get it together in terms of housing production. affordable subsidized low market rate housing forces a crucial part of the solution. we need a legislature to help us in other communities to fund affordable housing. but that is not the total solution. in addition, we have to have more housing of all types overall. we are never ever going to solve this problem or come close to solving this problem, without a robust mix of housing creation, including subsidized low market housing but including also other forms of housing as well. the problem i have with blanket opposition to the bill is that it does not take into account the need for more housing overall. the problem i have with the provision in the current resolution before us that asked for an exemption of any jurisdiction by if i read it correctly, where at least 25% of our overall housing production is below market rate, affordable to low income or moderate income, the problem with that is that it doesn't set any standards for what the overall housing production is. so, 25% of a small number of units might be a high percentage , but that's still a small number of units and are housing prices then continues to get worse and worse and worse. so, i don't agree also with the whereas clauses. in the resolution before us, which really frankly, i think paints and in accurate picture of where we are in san francisco. san francisco is not doing well when it comes to house. san francisco, frankly is doing poorly when it comes to housing and the proof is in the pudding with the average rent being $3500 a month. in the last couple of years, we have accelerated housing production, and that is after many many many years of largely very very low housing production. so, it's great that for a couple of years now we've been doing better. that needs to continue, let's not pretend like were doing awesome in san francisco. so we need to be exempted from any state effort to try to improve housing policy in california. so, the amendment recognize and the whereas clauses of the gravity of the situation in terms of our housing crisis that is threatening the very fabric of our community, not just in san francisco, but elsewhere. instead of opposing the legislation or asking for an exemption from the legislation, the revised language that i'll distribute, instead, commends the governor for stepping up to call into question but also recognizes there are flaws in this legislation and asks our state delegation to work to amend the legislation to focus it on making sure that communities are not arbitrarily reducing the number of units allowed under the zoning while keeping fully intact other areas where we want to make sure that local control is robust, including relating to urban design standards and architectural standards, regarding affordability and the affordability percentage, relating to the preservation of historic buildings, relating to the preservation of rent-controlled housing stock, to make sure this legislation does not in any way make it easier to demolish our housing stock in terms of labor controls, labor standards including prevailing wage, and our mental standards including conformity with senate bill 375. so, i think this legislation were this resolution the medics i am proposing, will focus our efforts and instead of opposing brascan san francisco to be exempted, it will focus us on what really needs to happen at the state level which is to stop the reduction in the housing that's produced as opposed to these other issues, which should be amended out of the bill. so colleagues, have distributed this amendment i move that we adopt this amendment of the whole. >> president breed: supervisor weiner has been a motion to amend. second by supervisor farrell. supervisor peskin >> supervisor peskin: >> has not grown by 200,000 people since 1980. the population of san francisco wasn't 600 thousand people in 1980. there is a huge amount of turnover and replacement but disagree with that number as a matter of fact. i do understand what you are saying-what supervisor wiener is say with regards >> student the percentage number but look at the numbers in the state of california. not just as a function of percentage, but as a function of total development of units that are very low, low and all affordable units. 7 year period in loss angeles, total all affordable 7957 units between 2006 and 2013 compared to san francisco-by the way they built 46, 7640 total units. compare that with san francisco, we built 7064 all affordable units on a total of 20, 455 during that time. those are just raw numbers mpt we have led the state. i absolutely agree with my colleague supervisor wiener there is so much more we can and should do but somebody actually has to stand up and say that the governors solution is not the right solution for san francisco county. it disadvantages san francisco county and that is precisely why senator leno is pushing perfornlance based exceptions in the trailing bill in sacramento. colleagues, i think this resolution is fine exactly the way it sits. we have used our existing tools and those tools by the way will be augmented tonight after-the polls close when a certain proposition passes, but we have been using the tools that we have to get increased amounts of affordable housing chblt that is actually what the conditional use process affords us. by right disadvantages the city and county of san francisco. the good newicize there isn't much policy difference in the body thmpt case supervisor wiener spoke to where a property can have 30 units but the city inicists should only have 12 rsh that doesn't happen. we are all of the same policy mind. while it is true we had a global recession between 2008 and 2012, the work that the board that i served on previously did authorized the increase more dense development of 22 percent the city, everything that you is say, octaivia boulevard, rincon hill, supervisor kim's district, hunter point is rolling out. is there a lot more we have to do? absolutely, but i don't believe the trailing bill is the right way to go and respectfully hope we can pass this resolution as is. >> thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor tang >> thank you for had comments made and i would say that first of all, there are portions of the governors trailing bill that i agree with and there are things i do not agree with so understand the reaction that is sparked and why supervisor peskins resolution is brought forth. i would like to associate myself with supervisor wieners comments and think what he is proposing is something that is fair. instead of asking for a whole sale exemption for san francisco which every other jurisdiction will ask for as well, we like to say governors office we would like amendments to adapt so we are not feeding complete local control over planning decisions in san francisco. i just don't understand what would set apart san francisco from other jurisdictions that the governors office would allow only san francisco to have exemption from his proposal and so again, i think that what is probably better for us to do as a united front from san francisco is to say there are certain things we locally like to preserve. for example, allowing the local jurisdiction tooz have the ability to make decisions about good design, making sure that we are having policies in place that prevent us from demolishing rent controlled units, historic preservation issue squz making sure we keep a eye on that and limit demolitions and making sure we are pay attention ocertain virmtal studies and standards that we want to promote in san francisco. i think those are fair thing tooz ask for what we want for local control while not saying let's just exempt san francisco completely. one thing supervisor peskin mentioned is there are jurisdictions throughout california where the proposal from the governor where it st. good to have this in place. i wouldteric it further and say that maybe we feel that san francisco a a whole is doing better than other jurisdictions, there are neighborhoods within and districts within san francisco that could be doing better. i think the west side for example is one of them. we talk a lot about density equity and that is something i would like to promote as much as possible while preserving our neighborhood characteristics. again, i think i agree with supervisor peskin that the governors proposal is a one size that does not fit all, i do think that what for visor wiener's amendments have brought forth are very fair and allow to continue work wg the governors office on future amendment tooz allow to retain some sort of local control over certain issues so support the amendment today mpt . >> thank you supervisor tang. supervisor peskin i had a question for you regarding your resolution. realistically do you think especially when san francisco under state center mark leno when he tried to propose specific reforms around the ellis act for san francisco they unfortunately failed. realistically do you think there is a real chance that san francisco through this urging could receive a exemption? >> i do. >> can you explain why you think that is the case? >> because our legislative delegation is uniquely positions in sacramento by vuchue of the fact that state center leno is the chair of the appropriation committee and this traity legislation is part the entire appropriation negotiation in sack ramento is subject of discussion in conference last thursday night where senator leno make clear his position is phil ting is the chair of budget on the asumbly side san francisco is uniquely positioned. >> thank you. supervisor peskin you had your name on the roster den? >> i just wanted to rise to remind everybody and i think this is worth noting that we are all in receipt of a letter dated yesterday from the san francisco labor counsel which is something i think we should take very seriously. yes, we received letters from the labor counsel periodically, this letter is written to express their strong opposition to development by right proposal of governor brown's administration and think it is important because when the labor counsel does that, that is all of labor speaking. that is the building trade speaking, that is municipal employees speaking, that is the health care workers speaking and the hotels workers speaking. i think that is very very important. i also want to remind people there is not a single local housing organization that supports the trailing legislation. these are housing organizations that are dovoted to making sure that we build the maximum feasible amount of affordable housing san francisco can build whether it st. bmr or subsidized housing or public housing. not a single organization is supporting the trailing legislation and then i want to ring a note for democracy and transparency with which is unlike any other bill that is heard by this body or heard by the legislature. this has not been the subject of public haerbings in sacramento. this isn't the subject of deliberations, this is at the very end the session and scheduled to be voted on in the next few days. i have just spoken with supervisor wiener and i think we have come up with a judicious compromise for all of you which is that, this item be continued one week. that will give supervisor wiener the opportunity to move his companion resolution forward and perhaps in the intervening week with a sufficient time we can marry those together and come up with something a consensus piece where we have boleth in front of us next tuesday. >> so, supervisor peskin, is that a motion? >> not yet. >> okay. supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam president and i appreciate the comments supervisor peskin. i want to note that we have-we did see a letter from a coalition of state wide affordable housing organizations and antipoverty organizations indicating that are willing to support the trailer bill with certain amendments. so, i think that our state wide affordable housing organizations rather than having a automatic oppose, or exempt have indicated they want to work to come up with a solution so want to say that for the record. and yes, supervisor peskin is correct. he and i had a discussion and what we agreed to rather asking this go to committee, instead supervisor peskin will continue one week. i will then introduce my amendments as a stand alone alternative resolution for next weeks agenda and supervisor peskin what i requested as part of my agreement not to send his resolution to committee was an agreement not to both resolutions will receive a up or down vote. is that correct? >> yes. >> okay, so is there a motion on the table? >> motion to continue item 49 one week. >> supervirez peskin made a motion to continue one week to june 14, 2016. seconded by supervisor cohen. colleagues can we take this without objection? the item is continued to the meeting of tuesday june 14, 2016. madam clerk. >> will you read the in memoriams. j todays meeting is adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. on behalf of supervisor kim for the late mrs. marry jesp on behalf of supervisor peskin sfr the late mrs. rogene ragner and on behalf of president breed for the late mrs. ammo gene [inaudible] >> thank you. madam clerk this bring tooz the end of-supervisor cohen is also a part of that in memoriam. for ema gene. that bring tooz theened of our agenda. any other items before us today? >> that concludes the business for today >> okay, good luck everybody today. looking forward to the election results after 8 o'clock. don't forget to vote. we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. >> okay. let start with director brinkman director rubke director ramos and director nolan so director heinecke is expected and director borden is also expected item 3 amazement of please silence all electronic devices. cell phones set on vibrate can cause interference with the microphones, we respectfully ask they be turned off. >> thank you. >> next item. >> approval of the minutes may regular meeting minutes. >> motion to approve second any further discussion? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it. thank you very much okay item 5 communications and i do have one item item 11 regarding the contract for the van ness improvement project has been removed from the agenda at the request of staff. >> so ladies and gentlemen, what that means if you're here for that item you my 1956 during general public comment and if it comes back you're welcome to come back as well board members new and unfinished business. >> we talked about the better market street plan that was need did configuration of the street was in consideration with bikes share a baseline and several directors indicated it was more safe to have the bikes straight and want an update and let me know about the decision they prefer as a frequent bus rider on market street i see the operators have a lot to do and take that in consideration and distraction will that would be great and this street is standing for 75 years want to insure we are doing the best if we can get an update on >> any 09 new or urban u unfinished business i want to introduce mayor ed lee's new nominee good afternoon and welcome take our complaints to him he's the new guy glad you're here sir, any the unfinished business and director's report. >> ed reiskin thank you. i want to take the time for a special recognition award. >> good afternoon mr. chair and members of the public and staff i wanted to take the opportunity the third meeting in a row want to acknowledge somewhat an extraordinary effort by the folks to address some important issues and folks being honored want to step forward the give you a little bit of background soon after you hired me to do this job with the representatives of the transported workers and unions i learned of something that many of us take for granted is a very issue of great importance to transit operators that's the ability to find bathrooms to used during the course the course of day we use the booms and pause to use the bathroom, when you're a transit prartsd there are on terminals in your route you can do that that's one constraint the second this is arguably part of job that going in that you're sitting if that asset for a duration over the course of your shift but what was most concerning at the terminals not restrooms for them to use and thinking what we take for granted a basic need to use a restroom that is alarming in 2012 basis of at this point a lot of the restroom issues were dealt with there the real estate division using the commercial locations near our terminals that enter with the access to them turn to our real estate chief person and strengthened her as the chief officer of the sfmta and asked her to put together information to help that is con intended with our employees she put together and team that is recommended by the some of the folks not just from her own division from the department of technology but the construction division and from the transit division but you in concluding the union reps and they identified in necessarily 2012 there were one hundred and 2 terminals 57 had a gap of no or limit restrooms that's an enormous number so there is different ways to close the gaps anything from a porta potty other options but limited or no restroom facilities so over the course since 2012 when this group was established they have 200 meetings i think that were established they've closed those gaps from 57 down to 14 and we are working to close the rest of those that includes the $6 million capital program that is part of effort and they've done a lot of work i don't to go into the details it is an extraordinary effort for something that is anyone menu detain when we don't provide that option that has the service as you can't imagine so i am pleased to recognize this group and working with the agencies with the union that represents our employees for the - they're working and achieving a lot in a relatively horticulture amount of time so for some of the folks i'll recognize that are here gary our real estate manager and william part of real estate team, robert the current project manager for the capital part preceded by mr. cal in a and howard in terms of getting the physical facilities built adrian from communications ron from transport workers and jesse and others from the planning and mary and jeff from transit services lee martinis from the group within transit there are have been a number of other folks that participated from the union and they brought up the issue as well as others within our capital team and jocelyn and christine and jason and jordan and joseph and gwen to make in happy the work is not done but looking at i ask personally what made this effort successful was working on difficult issues we don't entirely control what we might be able to find it's been successful and so we're looking at not only the successful effort this effort for this purpose but using a process to tackle other challenges i was a little bit long-winded by honor as this group for the great work they've done and many of the others if they want to say a few colleagues, any questions or comments? >> thank you ed reiskin and a pleasure to serve as the operator those are the team operators and others in the past and we've you'll pulled together with consumption so it is really those 3 words and our support within directors and all the employees that helped us with the property agency so others want to say something and ron and hi, i'm mary and i'm the senior operations manager i want to mention our director john haley that gave us ongoing support in the endeavor i don't think there was ever one of the staff meetings we didn't talk about in terms of the on time performances and providing the basic necessities of our employees going goes without saying so definitely with john's support and the rest of the teams support and the operator and the people that ride our services thank you. >> anyone else. >> good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon, board ron mitchel transport operators that is my pleasure as a thirty year veteran to see us go collaborative working together i must say that the group i've worked with and stuck together is with 200 meetings not as often but over the city dealing with the public i want to thank them and the went to workers union for entrust me to bring the facts in for what we need and work together with such a work as we come quite close quite close not always agree but find a way when we say okay. we'll try this that's what is more important so thirty years a long time and i'm thrilling that was not easy we didn't have this as an operator in 787 we - e - that was few restrooms when your other in the bus and the rail is down but the rail is going up our stress level is going down and especially for the lady operators it is good for them to take care of themselves and be here and we as a group i thing everyone and most importantly thank the public our insistence for allowing us to have this restroom thank you to the public that is really important thank everyone. >> on behalf of the board of directors thank you to the operator and thank you very much for owning work appreciate it. >> (clapping.) >> director reiskin. >> thank you, mr. chair a number of things to cover today first, the disclosure felt labor agreement a number of different labor unions that represent our employees and about 7 of them many of those are under citywide collective bargaining agreement 7 that are under mta labor agreement and one that was expired and expiring in the fiscal year and the other expiring at the next of the fiscal year with many city contracts that one i was at the transport local 200 with the operators local 200 that represents classes such as transit supervisors, transit trainers, dispatchers and scheduleders and manages and folks working in the control center this is kind of the supervision part of transit operations that represents local 250 and 200 we entered into negotiations with them on march first of this year came to as negotiations went well and we had a tentative architecture with the 248 and local 200 negotiating team they brought that tentative agreement to the membership for vote and the membership voted it down so for the chapter we continued with the arresting tradition two sides went forward into arbitration and got a ruling from the arbitrator within the last week essentially awarded the tentative agreement that we previously negotiated with the team so the significant changes from the current collective bargaining agreement to the one be asked on this is a one year term starting july one through june 30th of next year that is syncing it up with the other contract and provide for a 3. 2 percent increase wage on july one that is in line with the rest of the city employees and provides two fleeting holidays when they currently only get 3 and most of city's get four or five is it is up as well the taxi investor was recently came under that collective bargaining agreement so we agreed to do an analysis of that job class to insure that it was set at the right level of wage for the right type of work and a new job with the union and finally tightened up the grievance this is really good for both sides. >> the funding impact is about $1.8 million that was into our budget so what we're doing today former dloefrs to the board and available on the website and chapter requires it be any agreement submitted and desolated to the public 15 days before approval before the end of year for your consideration to approve it happy that the what is before you we negotiated with the norwalk team local 200 on the website and we'll be for your consideration so the progress is good and moving on to some other things that ma sonic avenue is something we've spent a lot of time and i don't know 2012 or so it was around 2012 it operationally is about to move into construction this month we'll be brown and black for public works that did it before and public works is delivering it in conjunction with us you may recall this project was community initiated in 2008, with the ma sonic project and that will build a safer month sonic up to geary is it so ma sonic is one of the high injury corridors near the top if 2009 to 2014 and were one hundred and 13 traffic collisions on ma sonic so and geary including 14 pedestrians, 4 bike collisions 2 people died on ma sonic so this is a very significant project for a lot of reasons and change the character the street that will change it i think from a kind of muni freeway that divides neighborhood into a neighborhood street that works well and primarily addresses the safeties issues with the one hundred plus 13 collisions some were fatality and the landscaper with the trees and shrubs and pedestrian scale sidewalks and raised bicycle lanes and the street will be repaved after the sewer system and water system is underground and loofsz sidewalk obnoxiously crossing distances and enhanced bus stops may recall the bicycle lanes were with the bus stops and there was a conflict san francisco public works has accident pipeline and certainly this month is a 2 month duration project that our staff working with public works just completed an underground outreach this was a lot of outreach in the planning phase and construction was another significant round of outreach 82 thousand postcards mailed to residents and door to door to ma sonic residents and two on the corridors lots of information delivered to local institutions and cafes and combablz set up in the panhandle and talking about the project that information we held a precircus public open house end of may with public works and the puc to further help us understand what is coming and get their feedback more than one hundred and thirty folks that attended we have updates that slash ma sonic people can sign up for updates with a huge project and make it safer and great to be there and a little bit of construction during the construction and working with public works to make sure we can minimize that but really looking forward okay moving on just want to update you think smart city challenge something i've mentioned a fooments close to cities that applied through the department of transportation western identified as one of the 7 finalists and the concept for the challenge from the u.s. dot for us to define what it means it be a smart city to be initiative technology and driving cars and connective vehicles and other in any technologies related to transportation to advance safety, and particularly ladders of opportunities to deal with inquickest in our city and it comes with $40 million to winner from the u.s. department of transportation and $10 million from the community that is heated by paul allen and focused an electrical vehicles and match with the 10 we were one of the 7 that were announced on march 12 we undertook the development from that financial lifted to develop an application that was submitted on may 24th in partnership with the mayor's office and university of california berkley a lot of excitement and numerous partners who have pledged kind contributions of tech support with $150 million you put that together with the 50 from the feds the potential of a lot of money and leveraging and bringing in to the city to help invest in a system for the city's future one key aspect we in turn take the challenge that didn't come into the city here's what you do what will work in our city we'll bring that down to the neighborhood level what will work and in your neighborhood to use the challenge process template in order to issue that challenge to our neighborhood and asking be tdr in seeing chapter at some level of automated vehicles through technology to book and pay for the transportation those are some of the ideas that are out there that we're seeking to pilot should be successful and been a lot of out of this process so- but understanding to that end we hosted in california transportation secretary on may 18th and submitted our application on thursday the mayor travels to washington, d.c. to make the final pitch for other cities and we expect a decision on that late this summary been angle extraordinary effort and city agencies particularly uc berkley and other nonprofit and segment are partners putting together this san francisco proposal that is pretty exciting and groundbreaking stuff and finally i thought i'll mention has about been out in the public realm that there are a couple of chapter amendments we're introduced at the board of supervisors but have relevance to our agency just wanted to let you know about those two in particular one of of them is something we worked on together with the county of transportation authority and the mayor's office and a number of supervisors office that sets aside general fund revenues for transportation and for homeless services about $100 million for transportation and $50 million to homeless services over 25 year period that the transit transportation funds would be dedicated to street resurfacing and affordability and infrastructure needs and also programs like muni forward and regional transit needs and vision zero safer streets and investments so very much in the core of things we're trying to do that with agency i mentioned our budget was assuming i guess we'll come forward and over accommodate it for the level should this chapter be agreement pass but i'm hoping it gets to the ballot it will kind of plug that gap that we assumed in our capital budget you've approved and now before the board of supervisors the other chart amendment we didn't permeate in but makes changes captor changes to the governance and the board currently as you know all 7 members of the board are in the mind by the mayor and conformed by the board of supervisors this chart amendment gives the mayor 4 nominees to this board to be subject to the board of supervisors confirmation from the board of supervisors - so we'll splitter the appointment for other divisions and also change the threshold of which the board of supervisors can reject the mta budget roadway it takes more than the majority of supervisors it takes 7 of the 11 and this proposal makes it set for the majority of board of supervisors to reject our proposal want to let you know the who chapters the board of supervisors has until the end of july to the ballot just wanted you to have those and we've worked closely with the mayor's office and also the board of supervisors on the chart amendment so we're happy to see that and excludes myself presentation. >> members of the public would you like to speak. >> can i talk about the masonic project i heard about the open house and i'm about 5 blocks or 6 blocks from that this was a pretty wide region and looking forward to this project i think that is going to give people an idea what we can do to make our streets better for everybody looking forward to that. >> members of the public none here from the agency. >> any general public comment the members of the public can present. >> (calling names). >> game-changer ms. chin and i'm from i wanted to talk about the terryville project sorry i'm kind nervous that was every each other block - so people working like one block or get on the bus for the new proposal that will be three or four blocks to get a start in this case if a person it is already taking two or three blocks walk 5 or 6 blocks to get on the bus is that possible you see the person gets on the u.s. bus pass by you because your stopped and - this the inconvenience the neighborhood especially for the senior people they have difficulty walking 1, 2, 3 or blocks that's my point for me this is the key to the public transportation is a service to me it is clear downgraded service so one or two years to trade off consider safety or - so by moving 9 stops for the out of bound total only save two or three not worse for the safety purpose by building an island i don't see that is very effective if we're standing on the island maybe okay. but people cross the sidewalk can get hit by the ongoing bus we want to commend talk about the new plan it is a stop without consolidating. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much ms. chin. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker is going daniel (calling names). >> good afternoon good afternoon. i'm a resident of treasure island for the last two years first of all, thank you to the board for increasing the travel it is not easy to get a ride at night i want to talk about an important problem a lot of bus drivers are not showing up for their scheduled stops i'm talking about their scheduled stops for the bus didn't show up at all a frequent problem for the last year and in fact, from march 28 there was 4 buses that didn't come at all and fifth bus it came so many people were waiting for the but bus i couldn't get know the business plus a frequent problem and happens various times of the day and inviting night i almost miss my flight to washington at one point and want to mention that treasure island is a bigger problem one reason a protecting neighborhood people can't afford cars and taxi and ryder and unique the fact i believe the only neighborhood in san francisco that you need a motoristized vehicle and everywhere else you need to cross the bay bridge in treasure island so times late for work and made numerous complaint and get a form letter in my e-mail we've looked at this and nothing done and mention a - people on treasure island that are suggest to government code if they make those revenues they shouldn't get in trouble i don't know what the solution to call the directives in - or something that might involve the public i'll be willing to meet you halfway and do what i can i'm sure the public will two too. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names) good afternoon. >> i'll be using the overhead okay my name is eileen i'm here to read a resolution into the public record before i do i'd like to put this resolution into context for fiscal year 2016-2017 the mta budget has 200 and $83 billion for taxpayer money the public's money i will begin the resolution now whereas the sfmta muni forward is responsible for statewide project and it is responsible for lives in on mission street like merchant getting deliveries and patrons not able to park and shop locally and decline people decide to avoid shopping at mission and whereas moving on for lombard and geary and california geneva and ocean and stockton will create negative impacts solar to mission street the proposed muni forward will potentially create lives in to mission district whereas the sfmta budget is supplemented by jd money and whereas the board of supervisors has control over appropriately general fund monies to the sfmta, whereas the board of supervisors has the ability to place general funds money on refers that are allotted to the sfmta appropriation cycle therefore, be it resolved the coalition for san francisco neighbors urges the board of supervisors to place $25 million of general fund allocated to the sfmta for fiscal year on reserve until the negative impacts and geary and california and ocean and masonic and other streets are revolved to 9 satisfaction of the community i have two copies. >> thank you thank you >> next speaker, please. >> the next speaker herbert wiener followed by tom and paifsh. >> herbert wiener mta representing 3 departments of transportation may very well have the roots in this methodology the service was the 3 headed hand that gautdz the gazing gates of hell it consists of 3 departments with the taxi division all 3 departments are alcoholic and hell has broken loss in the sections muni is so unreliable and breakdown in accident and parking and traffic is more difficult than before and taxis are running the risks not protected of likes of uber and lyft and ryder their medallion fees shouldn't be instituted truly mta is guarding the gates of hell and what is the remedy it would seem appropriate to break up the mta in order to help the problems where each division can be addressed mta is too large and it catches up the things that return to hiding we have to terminate mta and relegating to the administration both sides history i modest add that last night i walked home from chris i didn't field $2 million to the bus stop i hope that is not the mta version of walk san francisco thank you thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> next is (calling names) the last person to submit a card. >> good afternoon. >> how many minutes. >> two. >> our clock is still not working tom our first impression two januarys ago did uber drivers said are you charged $5 and day and they said no director reiskin kind of end that policy we don't know from the mayor know knows about first impression i'm on your side okay rattles the rattles are getting - the labor union should be talking about this to you, you guys the rattles are all around the front cage of the directives on the 67 and 72 and include the seats for the cheers and they rattle bang, bang bang and it even if it is 15 miles per hour this needs to be addressed we need to talk to the crew the only roads their going to pave need to be the bus lanes those rattles our astronomers is at the factory their rattling in not worse than the old 5 buses counts of buses nuance before you find a quiet one and count the busses in between the next quiet bus van ness is working the elevators are working i wish i all take a stroll on the elevator up and down a new door i'm half the size of you people we looked at the floor when was it last cleaned a lot of once a month and take it up the surprise is a surprise when you go back up if you do it please you'll know what i'm talking about is that me? okay. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> patricia (calling names) >> good afternoon yes hi, i'm here to discuss the community bus shuttle on golf and bush this is not been before you folks, however, it is in operation as of yesterday we went to the engineering hearing and were told that would be heard before the broadwell small business somebody indicted to make it a temporary event he went out to this high injury corridor and a lot of seniors the busses are coming three or four at that time, and stopping in the traffic lanes and letting people on and off and stopping and blocking the traffic behind them they won't go through the light they sit there i saw a reason from a person going from bush the bus didn't look and we almost had a crash this is a very dangerous area and i am personally insulted they went ahead and set this up before people indicating came to you folks so the neighborhood can talk to you we had to get them to stop before pine 72 hours a huge danger we had to talk to them this is such a high pedestrian injury area and got all the seniors and the noise it is just awful i have numbers of buses i'm happy to share them with everyone and called them into carlie pain and never can get information on the enforcement we need enforcement before somebody gets >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, first of all, i want to thank director reiskin for the terryville it is running and a pleasure to ride and getting us ridiculous parking notices to stop anyway, i'm a resident of the terryville corridor i represent myself and others residents we're not happy with the present plan for the eld terryville restriction i've reviewed the previous didn't make sense the new one is not maipg but we want fallout review and restriction on this if you really want to reduce pedestrian automobile the first one get the sfpd off their butts and get the officers to enforce the laws on the books as a citizen taxpayer i don't want to see money spent for the automobile collisions down from zero to zero and not a lot of decoration on the streets and a common places plan we hope you'll continue to review this issue and presented to the taxpayers and merchant along the terryville corridor otherwise we know what options with open to the citizens you don't want to go dooerdz we don't either. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> mary speaking for the people that can't be here today i just have a quick question on the regular calendar item 11 is that still on the calendar. >> then i can speak about that. >> yes. >> well, your pretty well aware a lot of issues with that particular one and i'll just mention be one thing right now we know there is an appeal on that and some possible other objections going on so i thank you for pull it into the calendar i think this is also on the board of supervisors calendar and they'll pull it as well hopefully my major concern today, i have many is the busses and the idea that some people have that there's a lot of people who can stand for a long percent on the buses like to bring up the idea there's a lot of people that can't stand for long percent if you're in a bus stop waiting and walking with heavy pages or kids or whatever you want them all the on buses right now you have them standing after they've walked several blocks on those buses not working for people who have disabilities elderly people and people are tired after working eight or ten hour days this is like a chapter amendment coming up in november people are really twisted over the top i've gotten ever be mad at you at this point there are a few not this is good much in you really want to work with other things - >> thank you very much thank you very much. >> okay. anyone else care to address the board seeing none, now with the concept calendars we removed 10.5 and director reiskin the points will treasure island an interesting one with assistants can someone contact the mayor and a follow-up the golf bus commuter bus stop we need to follow up on that. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. so consent and the consent calendar plus 10.5 motion to >> seeing none. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the i's have it. let's go to 10.5 the commission something here in the arrested commission. >> yes. the parking authority accepting a gift from the commission and the other in the amount of of $50,000 and a acceptance for the installation and maintenance of the mural. >> hi good afternoon ted director of parking for sfmta we served the item for changes approved by the arts commission in march their minor and bringing those for our information item and as you may know they've commissions a lot of art and the consideration of the moscone center one hundred and 50 thousand donation and we're excited to partner with our partners with the commission at yerba buena business representing they'll speak about that. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon jessica the director and ted mentioned we're hoping to install a mural by the artists on the moscone garage there have been a couple of changes by the actor at the arts commission and we will go through the arts commission on july 11th quickly walk you through the changes the actors have included one extra wall facing third street on the south west corner of the garage he's removed some of the graphic art from the garage he's included more coverage on the wall that is to the rear the garage facing howard center so the design from the roof and he has added a few more graphic art to the corner of third street. >> any. >> what is is properties the arts commission approved this do we have the ability probation officer approve it today and it's my understanding - and. >> for the installation we can approve that but the commission has to approve the final design. >> any further discussion? >> stephanie are here. >> thank you board any questions. >> i think this is great what's what was commission i last week the additional coverage what's the process for the changes. >> that wall with the additional coverage faces moma we thought that was a great opportunity to make a statement. >> great, thank you. >> members of the public care to address this topic guess not motion to >> any further discussion? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the i's have it. thank you very much thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> regular calendar item 11 was removed and item 12 urging the board of supervisors and the mayor to adopt on amendment to establish a - establishing the transportation demand management. >> hello ms. payne good afternoon. >> good afternoon electronically carli with the sfmta land use development and transportation integration manager and i'm here today with some colleagues corey teague the zoning administrator from the planning department and michael schwartz principal planner with the san francisco transportation authority for the transportation sustainability program i know you've heard newcomers presentations about the sustainability program over the last several years the transportation sustainability program is a multi year effort to focus on the improvement of the transportation as the city grows with a multi agency project and been with the delightful partnership the transportation sustainability asks new development to do it's part as the city grows and we're excited to report - i have a presentation i didn't even check it out i'm sorry. i'm so excited to bring it to thank you (laughter) please excuse me - >> that's the cover slide here we are so two of our 3 components of the tps have already been implemented the first one is the invest component this past november the city adopted the transportation sustainability fee that collects money from new development to invest in transit we're collecting that money from development and in march the planning commission adopted a resolution checking off the aligned box to stop using a level of service as a measure of environmental review and adopting the vehicle miles traveled consistent with the state guidelines and looking at environmental impacts so instead of counting cars and not doing much will them we're looking how projects generate they generate isn't it true driving trips and trying to mist and looking at the third component the shift that integrates transportation amenities onsite to reduce the amount of time and the shifts lifts the components by supporting people in using transit and walking and bike and other sustainable modes and reducing the miles traveled from projects so a little bit about the context we're growing in san francisco and we just can't add compatibility for cars into the network eve we could that's not 2, 3, 4 alignment with the city for the transit first and our green house gas emissions and health and safety goals we need to expand in a sustainable transportation and use the exit system for effective and support people in making the choices to get with the option of getting into a vehicle. >> the good news and that is the trentsdz shows san franciscans want two too preference is on the rise between 2006 and 2014 the city added 80 thousand commutes and those are in single non-occupancy vehicles and contrary to the historical growths in car free households is in growth in other covets households the past about a first day of households were car free and thirds of the growth in san francisco in household between 2014 were counted for household that don't own a car. >> the shift effort looks at take into consideration the trips and looks at the city goals and what role can people keep on moving the answer we're putting forward is transportation demand management over tndc i'll be acronym free the involvement focuses on the management is a physical measures and incentive and information and tools that sustain the trips and those are controlled by developer or property owner that focus on the residents workers and other i want to take a pause to clarify there are a lot of much broader world of transportation management and mta plays a role this effort is really focused on new development and lulled we're not talking about the large universe of tndc we're proposing an amendment to create a transportation to management ordinance for development and before we get into the details of what that ordinance requires and includes i want to give you a sense of where we are right now in san francisco with relationship to transportation to management and development we have a pretty okay basis to start off with some projects are subject to tndc and the planning code is based their use and size or location like required bike parking or car share parking things like that from the projects includes the transport to management beyond what was required generally tacked on environmental mitigations or improvement measures men and women they don't fundamentally change the transportation program of the project we do have some requirements addressing how much parking is provided and how parking is provide for ununbelievably the residential projects and parking maximum memorandums in san francisco but generally the requirement on the books are if you it applies to you one-size-fits-all in that way and we do not have a compliances program to make sure that they're the 34urs are implemented and for sfmta this is a really important part of the agency responsible for transportation and making sure that people get where they go insuring that what is required developments actually happen is critical to us so in crafting this policy approach we looked best practices across the country and found lessons first having a comprehensive approach to transportation to demand management for development and having that linked to a goal knowing what we're trying to achieve and thinking about that identifying and integrating the tndc measurements at the beginning of the development process they shape the travel behavior and the analysis of that project listening how much parking is provide at a site with the transportation to demand management my colleagues will talk about that but we know that and literature has shown us that parking management and parking mulch is the most influential factor in how much people drive and so that it make sense to link that and providing flexibility and how to meet the targets is the best practice allowing projects to both recognition and respond to the neighborhood to consent and the market they're trying to take the and the plan with staff and funding to support those staff is the best practice we're definitely learning from i'll pass on to making from the transportation authority that will talk about this ordinance. >> good afternoon mr. schwartz. >> thank you carli and board members we're happy to walk you through what that entails and other projects the ordinance is come prietdz of 3 parts the take the on the miles traveled and have each development to achieve the stoirt goals to the development network. >> i want to come up h catch up and make sure your understanding this this is a function of our choice how to travel and how far that car is traveling and how many people are in the car and so the lower your vehicle miles travels the lower your air pollution and emissions and again why it is a good measure and carli explained it earlier so the goal on the onsite development to reduce those emissions and as carli alluded to the biggest indicator of whether or not people are drive in cars and private vehicles are related to parking and this is based on national best practice reach and littered and local studies and basically shows the more parking an area has the more people will drive and having dedicated services you, your more likely to drive it is fairly intuitive active but supporting this idea and in addition research has turned the corner on causation if you build for parking your endoug more trips and k3450789 the trips by car what we did a number of land use types of plans reviewed and we've 2350u7b8d them into 4 categories with the residential and other which is a small amount of development projects that comes the spiritual pdr and based on those we set target based on the number of parking spaces so category a it is 13 points continue zero and 4 parking spaces for each additional two parking spaces an additional point added to our target the other the base number is 20 and zero parking spaces the targeted is an additional point for parking spaces so this is saying if you build more parking you'll require to do more tdm measures to offset the incentive to drive provide by that parking the way we're having people reduce the vehicle miles traveled and choose from the best projects as well as in order to meet those targets. >> we've identified the 26 measures that are bundled into 8 categories and there's a range of effectiveness bans literature and our research on the lower ended realtime transportation and muni in a lobby people catch their buses figure out ways to park and public transit subsidies for effective and as mentioned a few times reducing the park parking will be better if you're well blow the average in the neighborhood and as we move the program forward we'll be evaluating the effectiveness and the research is saying we need to fine-tune we'll do that has we get more information over time i'll i'm going to turn it over to to korea who will critical lists how that works. >> hi, i'm corey teague the zoning administrator with the planning department and before this commission last year we were presenting the transportation fee we grateful that was anonymously supported a key point we tried to design this as a straightforward as possible for the development community and staff the first interaction that the community has with the program is an interact active tool online and we've developed a preliminary version online so for the public can go ahead and start to toy and understand how is it works before the program is formerly adopt the idea is to allow developers to think about this issue critically and plan for this far in advance of when their first application. >> so let's look at on project how it works at the project level we saw the dog patch is an actual area and this is the residential of 44 dwnltz and 12 parking spaces the target score is 14 points and this is important to note this some of the measures to select from the requirement is in the planning code you don't get to see your - meeting the code for bike parking and unbundling from the parking unit will get you two points ranting the code is requiring 3 of the 14 points so the next question how many points can a parking point this thoughts to look at the surrounded neighborhood to get points it must be at the or blow the neighborhood parking rate i get one point and the more below the neighborhood parking for 11 total points in this particular area the parking rate is .6 parking spaces per dwelling unit. >> so in this example the development has proposed to park at want 3 spaces per unit it gets into the of the 14 points more to be done so we randomly selected ♪ scenario for the sign point number one required car share parking two points and tdm for the refrigerates 14 points if we change this project instead of 12 parking spaces parking at 33 spaces as you can see the take the changes from 14 to 16 poinin this scenario they no points for parking sunlight they have to make up for that for other measures in this example beyond what it is required to achieve points again, the parking they do additional car share beyond this version felt sample project for tdm and despite of their housing units onsite for additional points and allows this to achieve the 16 points so how will the review process work again, the project sponsor for any individual project works for the tdm plan and shifts and changes during the review of the project in the planning department once that is finalized the tdm plan will be finalized if so principally permitted we'll approve they staff level, however, if needs to go to the planning commission they've trigger that will be required to do then the tdm plan itself will be constituent as a condition of approval and that's important because the condition of approvals are reported on the deed of the property that is memorialized for future property owners >> so michael went over the first two components of project the target and memo but that's all paper unless we implement it question started to implement the strategy that will do this is unlike more requirements we created an active robust monitor reporting component and helps us achieve the adaptation. >> so how will this work together the monitoring and reporting is different two phase a preoccupancy the inspection of the physical measures before the projects are issued so if you said you'll on do 12 parishes and do way understanding signage and bicycle parking the staff makes sure those are physically provided before their occupy the building and the second it ongoing the phase two of the program and includes the riders reporting by the property owner as well as site inspectors by city staff studio sure that all the tdm measures are in place and any proton project out of compliance of the tdm that falls into the planning code another important part of our ongoing compliance phase to the program i'll touch on that michael referenced not only are you aware of outside research to tweak the memo and our measures but also be collecting information data from all the individual projects over time to get an idea how well the individual projects are working within san francisco and give us more information how we may want to you know tweak the project in the future to make sure we're achieving that so with that, i'm going to turn it over to to carli. >> thank you thank you just to wrap up giving us a sense of the outreach we've done to date and the next steps there's been extensive outreach on the transportation sustainability program at large including referencing looking at this shift component the transportation amendment and then over the last 6 months we've established outreach specifically on the proposed transportation to management ordinance to different community and neighborhood groups and the development community other stakeholders, and various board commissions on april 28th the planning commission initiated the legislation for the very well initiated so the planning department is and planning commission is the sponsor we will be doing additional outreach and engagement in advance of going back to the planning commission for their documentation hearing on july 14th and then after that that will move into the board of supervisors for the legislation process corey noted i want to make sure you have that on the record the draft tool online on the site hosted by the planning department staff and our memo is online and the next several weeks additional documents will be uploaded for review and well in advance of the planning commission action and with that, we would like to ask for this board to support and endorsement and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you members of the board questions or comments. >> thank you tom nolan. >> thank you and congratulations this is exciting i know you've been working on for a long time and seen this a couple of times in a couple of different ways and excited is got this far i know those are the kinds of things to have in place to help the communities understand and accept the project when we're urging them to create a project that has lower parking in the past and people complained about they don't have the measurements in place in older projects with parking that would be great i think all of this will be easier moving forward and accommodating more growth the question that i had two questions one on i'm not trying to said a little bit more what happens when a project is trying to ask for more parking than points available for, you know, for accommodating all the impacts they have and talk about more. >> if i understand your question what if a project by code can't have more parking than a large project and can more parking than the points that that accommodates we thought about that and our approach is that in order to - there's one way to comply reduce the park that's on the memo eve their coming forward with lots of parking the other they can not move forward if they're parking is above the neighborhood rate so at minimum they would have to be at or below they're parking and even if that means nurm they're off of the chart of the number of parking spaces i'll turn to my colleagues 3 might be able to explain that more clearly did i do that and it's built spot code they have to effectively not exceed the neighborhood rate. >> yeah. >> that's great okay. and the second question i have thank you for that the second question i have is the results will be one more is that in a situation you've got lots of that concludes my remarks that i think you know despite all of the solutions you've been able to cook up all the measures in place i suspect that parking will be generating revenues in no way, shape, or form and wondering if you thought about how to capture that value to enhance to the rest of the community in some other way in addition to mitigating the impacts i suspect the value of parking will expand in this city to increase and it seems to me that there could be value in that we capture then and mitigate the impacts of this parking is generating increasing more congested city. >> am i clear what i'm trying to say. >> what i think you said can we consider a memo about paying a fee did that - >> exactly. >> we did consider a fee type of option like a fee out or in lui fee and ultimately we really wanted to insure that projects are effecting the trips on from their residents and tenants and visitors and not saying well, my folks can have cars but you over there can't drive we've considered and wanted to make sure that new development is included in the measure. >> the other part in addition to that accommodating maybe good premature for that the context right now, i'm thinking in the long run the parking spaces will be i'm thinking about the unit of parking spaces in any building for example there was three or four hundred dollars a month now i'm words it operationally is there a way to capture that in the future when we are inspecting thing i deeply appreciate. >> it looks like any colleague has the materials. >> i'll not go that far but this board is well aware in the case of non-residential there is a parking tax that is paid on valuable space 100 percent of the values in the way they're sold on a daily basis and raised an interesting point with respect to residential per space basis and the cost that that but you know could be brought back a yeah. >> i'm not asking for it i trust your great work but make sure we're not overlooking the opportunities to mitigate more traffic particularly with respect to the value of the parking spaces that is as things get more and more expensive and it gets more and more important to make sure we have the only people that are driving have to captures the revenue the managing of the transportation. >> sarah jones from the planning department behind me and sarah jones i'm the director of vital planning at the planning department staff all of the measures that are in the memo are specific that reduce the vehicle miles traveled and actually, the number of points you'll get as michael mentioned the relative assignment has to do with with the relative effectiveness with the miles traveled we tried to keep that demonstrateable length and that measure. >> i'd like to comment. >> yeah. exactly and you know further, of course, a huge part of the program over the tps is the sustainability fee so you know we have project sponsor both putting in measures to reduce car use and paying a fee for overall fees for the transportation system they want. >> that's great, thank you. >> i want to touch on that it sounds like just to be clear we understand and work on this it sounds like our expecting the value of the parking to go up and capture that value. >> of future packing. >> right we can't from collect an impact fee and a mitigation fee and can't kind go back in time and capture that impact it is more about increasing the value over 7, 8, 9 rather than recapturing the property and doing on up zoning and something like that that will be something like a tax we could reconvene the value it changes every time and mentioned we have the tsf that has the idea that never pertained to residential the residential development has a significant size we'll, getting impact fees for that. >> as someone that walking around and recognizing and realizing how critical space is in the city from the lens of hours hoping we're looking for ways to maximize the space for housing and creating a robust transportation system we can assess instead of be compelled to operate a car in places - thank you, again thank you for this work. >> good presentation i'm excited to see it it move to the next process and a couple of questions on the neighborhood parking rate it is like 16 is that based on actual units in the existing housing or based on car overflow room rate of the neighborhood. >> and where i'm getting to the question i know many in my neighborhood we have a low neighborhoods parking rate i think of the number of parking garages. >> that's a good question part of ongoing research we know that sf parking has an effort to have the spaces and their pubically available on-street parking we're trying to figure out how many of the spaces are available and surveying and looking at the department of building inspection files and looking whether you use or park a car but have the spaced available whether you park your car there maybe from point owe we can't necessarily control at the development and approval stage tell the jury you can control and use it as a national parking space the neighborhood is really parked as a lower rate effectively as future iteration. >> that's my second question the adopt active use as they have 20 parking spaces and maybe only 5 of them are used and to your point the residents can use them maybe for other things will be regulations about storing things in parking spaces are they built into the future for storage or parking spaces. >> sure the short answer is yes. because they, use it a small amount they can rent to residents within a short business radius of the project itself under the planning code but request for permanently to storage for the units and more bicycle parking and other uses of this space if they determine it is not procreate as a parking space and they need is this definitely is on option. >> that's all all any questions thank you. >> yes. i have a couple of questions thank you for the great work and general question about the good parking space our feasibility topic are blue handicap are they assessable and treated differently than regular spaces. >> these are in the excluded he we circulate and then i was wondering in terms of the presentation and this materials that staff will have a free occupancy space is that the planning department and i'm - yeah. i was curious who will be doing that enforcement. >> we have had the team that is worked on this is the planning and mta and the transportation authority on the other hand, and we've having had convections about that and planning this was in the planning codes and their responsibility they have in their budget to have new ftes to new positions and part of ordinance a fee an administrative fee that funds the position thinking about the best practices i referenced and making sure their staff but dedicated to the program and there is funding to supportive them is the model we're going for . >> and so we're phil confident that from the staffer ideas takes to the program with a big commitment this will actually get done and our interagency effort to continue to review best practices, and find the model and all that that will be function to oversee the work and make sure that it is being conducted in a way that fulfills the share and mta's is definitely at the table for that. >> sorry. >> i'm sorry, i wanted to add from the planning department yes. that we do to reiterate what carli said we have the positions in our budget those positions will be funded through the administrative fees and so the money to fund those positions is coming in into the program and can't be used for anything else that's what the planning department is committed to doing. >> i have - one - that's awesome i'm glad to hear that it is comforting i'm excited in terms of being able to treat the menu and hoping this is more essential to people with disabilities to do more assessable transportation options so something to considered as we move forward as is options are more available. >> that's exciting i totally agree. >> i am not i got to work on this in planning and sometimes project by project basis we were asking people will car share spaces and turning garages into the other things so - in a single-family home or duplexes r or it might have been a storefront i guess the question about the recording is did we look at the tdm impact this is one we don't see over the last thirty years the percentage of overall riser people are owning less cars but not in cars i think that that is something i don't how we're looking at that in this model and when we are doing the recording and looking at the trips understanding how people take the trips i do think there is more evaluate miles traveled abused of some of the tdms the number and vacuums on the street people might not be owning cars and not getting less congestion and pollution talk about >> absolutely there's not any clear relationship right now documented between tmc we're awaiting the research right now and you know we've heard about if it both sides of the tdm rider. >> shouldn't we be included in our menu and how to deal with someone that is parking at the site i'll say when we are doing the opposing research to see how those measures work in san francisco and with work each by the following up with projects and doing the way we would be analyzing it we'll be doing trip counts and surveys of residents and workers and visitors to the site that includes asking how you make our trip and some of that local information but i anticipate hopefully that there will be some new research coit in the next couple of years with the months that tells us a little bit more about how these new models of mobility are functioning in our city would do have that right now. >> it's not part of menu you and correct. >> thank you. >> public comment. >> two members kathy and herbert wiener. >> kathy. >> good afternoon tom nolan and chairs i'm kathy with walk sf and on behalf of the members i'm here to express our support for the transportation demand management ordinance i'll try not to use that acronym as you've heard a lot about the tdm has a goal of reducing the travel trips we're expectative about this this is important because the research shows as vehicle miles traveled increase there are crashes we think this ordinance is important toll tool in the tool box as well as we need all the tools we can get to get to zero deaths by 2024 we are working to tweak the options and want to see the option for walking more specific and a little bit more robust and sort of having higher points as the first option on the menu is includes the walking conditions and things you can do to increase walking both lighting around the project really encourages walking and trees and greenery we want more things called outside specifically and focused on high injury cords corridors we know this is vital to - we're working with staff we have been working with staff and continue to work with staff to treat overseeing items we're happy about the ordinance and today here to ask you to support and other dooiksing bodies to adopt it. >> next speaker, please. >> herbert wiener. >> there's a wonderful news snapshot at sea in the film oh, online letter works in a factory and every time he hears horns he overturns tackles and goes b.a. detector those applies to my applies to senate seethes of public it rugs parking spaces and increasing traffic congestion and making driving and automobile market to the tune of increasing parking spaces now traffic congestion has gotten 0 worse over the last two years and parking traffic as not helped and policies like this to decrease parking spaces and make them more expensive you're creating a massive problem more congestion than ever before this will backfire on everyone and i think you really have to think this through more carefully drivers have a right in moving vehicles and bicyclists. >> and you have to give them equal consideration i don't see a representative from people on this board at all instead it is aimed as motorists and you're going to have less shopping in the city and your going to have more traffic congestion than before trying 92 noon times on 19th avenue it is ghastly and increase the problem with phobi phobias. >> >> next speaker, please. >> anyone else. >> yes. (calling names). >> tom i'm curious about the template on south beach all a whole new neighborhoods that is built up are we keeping the ratios of the condo and parking spaces are we reducing that or increasing riverside and people that work in the neighborhood have the parking garages those spots will be used to extend the warriors so how many hundreds of parking spaces for the warriors and parking spaces and garages that work for the hospital and will now say bring our warriors in and like the baseball seen the parking lots around the baseball stadium are high technicality parking spaces and people that can afford it they drive in hair luxury contractors cars and go to warriors games and giants games is quite expensive and it is you have to have money to drive in so i'm speaking is the garage fee when you build a new development are their garage fees because the fees for rich folk from the outside are driving in and use the passing and we need to reduce the - i love to drive i have a 46 discretionary review i love to drive i've had the the luxury not a liberation to have an automobile we do think - >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker, please. >> >> alice rogers that's the last person. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm alice rogers in the south part of the summit area i'd like to encourage you to support the program but i have some concerns to have which were brought by director brinkman i'm concerned about the measures offered every two weeks to offset to really make a difference i think that some are - well, first, i appreciate that the program is looking at different manufacture through neighborhoods i think neighborhoods are different my neighborhood is - well, it's different than the observations from other neighborhood in my neighborhoods none need to have monitorers everyone has a smart phone when - i'm concerned about the measures are not broadly discussed to address the impact on the street far for what i think will be surrogate driving you mentioned the tdm fee and the measures talk about truck deliveries and all of all the ways that cars are getting stuck but not talking about loading zones and tdm leaving people off we know that interrupting transit on our streets so i really think those measures need marry broadly form and can't be done an individual large buildings faces you need to look at it in go big blocks and share. >> thank you anyone else seeing none, what's the pleasure of the board. >> i'm happy to make a motion to approve. >> second i'd like to add it is wonderful to see different agencies work well together appreciative is a motion and a >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the i's have it. north america. >> 13 for the administrative code as to conduct a closed session. we're back in session and ion item 14 announcement of closed session the sfmta board of directors met to discuss the m dell with the case with the city attorney and the board continues the items for the next meeting and item 15 disclose or not disclose in closed session. >> not to disclose and second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the i's have it. we're adjourned >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, happy monday to you this meeting is call to order this is the regular meeting of land use and transportation i'm supervisor cowen chair of this committee to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left is commissioner renne's our clerk is andrea ashbury and thank you phil jackson and jesse larson for broadcasting this meeting madam clerk, any announcements? electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the june 14, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> >> item one an ordinances the administrative code for registering for persons with aids program. >> supervisor wiener is the author of this item. >> thank you, very much. madam chair this legislation will close a pretty glaring and troubling will that in our city's rent ordinance one that denies full rent control protection to a population of long term hiv survivors low income hiv survivors who do in the receive rent control in connection with the federal subsidy as many of you may know be locking people living with hiv aids are some of the most vulnerable residents several hundred operate in the housing opportunities for persons with aids. >> substance program for low income with hiv those are frequently long term survivors and frequently seniors those are people who have gone to hell and back as part of hiv aids epidemic and deserve our support they need housing security and can't afford a dramatic increases in the rent doing everything we can to protect those residents and assure they remain stable in their housing and community currently within our rental ordinance any recipient of a induce is excluded in the protection that exists for other recipients of federal vouchers this means that two nibdz in a regulated building one that receives a subsidy and one that receives a section 8 subsidy has different protections under the rental ordinance where the hopping pa recipient getting fewer restricts max no sense people living with hiv aids need housing and rent control and it is unclear why this exception was included in the ordinance back in the day when it was adopted as federal law did not in any way require the loophole exists when we learned about this will that loophole none recently why it is there regardless we know about that and have it within our power to limit 24 loophole spending rent control to hopping pa recipients hopping pa a based on the difference of the lower of the established rent of the reasonable rent of the unit and thirty percent of the tonight's in case the rent of a studio is $1,500 a month and thirty percent of the attendants income is one though dloors dollars the difference however, that same tenant seize there are 15 hundred rent increased to 2000 thousands the hopping pa didn't cover that above the ceiling the tenant is responsible for the $500 tha that can push people out of the hours through probation officer ordinance that will not be included that ordinance will close that loophole we've made the effective date of the legislation may 17, 2016, which is a day we introduced the legislation wanted to make sure there was there was not a small window of time for landlords to learn about that and take advantage of that i want to thank sxheepdz for waving the thirty day rule

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