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With david. Theyre selling these poor peoples body parts. Third Michael Savage say on his radio show the fbi arrested some people in new york over this. You people its amazing you got a be ashamed of yourself kim. Mar. Savage had 400 radio stations taken away from him because he made some comment about Hillary Clinton but hes a medical doctor hes earned his degree. Made some comment about the race medical condition w abc a new york yankee him. 399 stations. Item about the other stations but he was on k sfo. This is happening right in front of our eyes could were becoming like red china. Thats what this place is becoming like you are to people become ashamed of yourself. Kim how can you respect rows back can you address your comments we wont say it again to the members as a whole and not to individual supervisors. Thank you. Ive not seen the debates with gov. Pence whats happening in our nation i guarantee you the moderator is gaining up on gov. Pence. Theyre doing the same thing to him as they did to mr. Trump. Its two against one. He still won im sure gov. Pence is coined to win because right is going to win. But its not right. I hope that these people that mr. Trump and gov. Pence take on these moderators and say you need to leave. Youre not running for president. Youre not running for Vice President , i am in they need to get out of it. I dont know whats going on with these debates and where this came in thank you. Next speaker, please. Adam president of price at the time the next big drawer mind the members of the public in the Public Gallery audible expression either in support or in opposition is prohibited by the board rules. May you sure supportive fingers. Next speaker, please. Thank you members of the board of supervisors. Minus Clay Holstein city manager brisbane. I just want to cut to the chase in terms of the resolution before you tonight. The offending section is the penultimate paragraph in the resolution. It speaks to annexation. We ask that you remove it in whole. Theres an old rock n roll song that goes something to the effect that you can talk to a man with a shotgun in his name. We ask you to remove the shotgun. Thank you next speaker, please. Its a heavy day in here today from black lives matter to its pretty heavy. Thats late in the evening before we go home and watch this debate. Talk about the board of supervisors the mastic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month that i know each and every supervisor here is not want to propagate or protect abusers of Domestic Violence. But unfortunately, there is a supervisor here was protecting a person who is a Domestic Violence perpetrator. Im a survivor of Domestic Violence. I was relocated from San Francisco to my hometown for two years to protect me from my domestic abuser. It really upsets me that a person, juliusi will not say his last namewho has in days and or stargate supervisor whose it brutalized his partner who happened to be my attorney to protect me against my abuser and scott weiner has his endorsement on his Senate Website said he was sir, address your members to the board of supervisors that is shameful to have the board of supervisors to have an endorsement from a perpetrator of a gay man not only take his endorsement but put it on his website sir on pausing your time. Your viewpoints are important to us when you Start Talking about opposition or support of individuals who are on the ballot thats where you cross the line. Welcome to continue her remarks but please read out the part about the election and address your marks of the board as a whole. Thank you, sir they use much for the clarity it so hard for me to know where the line is outside the chamber and inside this chamber but i just want to ask this particular supervisor to remove his endorsement of a known abuser on that website. It is shameful. I got beaten up , brutalized and suited my attorney. Its a shame that youre supporting them. Next speaker, please. Tomsome poor vacations last week i mentioned something about the best of arun peskin you get the best of arrington doesnt it over to get it in onetwominute burst. The special millennium meeting we got mr. Peskin for hours. Its appreciated of. Judgments, decisions are made a critical thinker. Something that resonates in my case a lot of times dust settles. Alas we get this meeting we are creating buildings, tall luxury condos that will be successful even though they will be in hospital. No one will be able to have inhabit them after the big earthquake. Excuse me. That just smacks of a time out. Empty Tall Buildings the cost to take down the lost homes major major time out. There are limits to what man can do in this society that San Francisco has to look at them and recognize them. The city is going to major crossroads. Homeless, Education Police housing transportation creating Healthy Communities and we are going in the wrong direction. I just seems that were lacking leadership at the mayors office. We are lacking leadership in the best he could give us is no [inaudible] even these people came here just because they were kicked out of a parade and the way its turned into. Youre creating a Political Movement here by not doing anything. We need to recognize the reality that we are in quickly and make them move forward. Thank you. Are there any members of the public was to address the board general public commons . Please, step up mdm. Pres. Seeing oh members of the public that would like to comment, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] the clerk lets go to the item for adoption without reference to committee. Items 4248 being considered for immediate other option the Committee Reference a single roll call vote man ask these items. Member the object separate and adam have it considered separately. Supervisor kim 44 b was supervisor cohen mdm. Clerk on the remaining items lease call the roll items 4248 44, supervisor breed aye campos aye cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye jan east aye triano aye there are 11 aye those on items are adopted in and approved it unanimously [gavel] these call item 44 item 44 is a resolution to closely monitor developers of the brisbane babin area to ensure that the city brisbane prepared a conference of complete my mental Impact Report george brisbane to adopt a reasonable Land Use Plan this area dont include workforce housing. He was supervisor kim realize we only had somewhat robust discussion on this resolution already. Ive talked to chairman cohen of the Land Use Committee i know she wants to call for hearing on this immediately. So i will be furthest to committee to be discussed with the hearing could i do as i said either of some amendment to make for a conversation with pres. Breed on changing the language to explain to the portion of brisbane to which we can build housing of course as a last resort in partnership the city brisbane and the county of san mateo the was this item will go to committee. Mdm. Clerk, we you please read the in memoriam yes. Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory the following beloved individuals on behalf a pres. Breed. Mr. Nathaniel mason junior, in on behalf of supervisor tang the late mr. John lionel dupree. Colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda for today. Mdm. Clerk any further business before us a that concludes our business for today thank you. We are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] thank you. My name is preston returning for the devil district in San Francisco im running on a platform of getting big money out of policy let me tell you sxhiefts shown the number one fact in wealth and quality has been congress the u. S. Correct me if i am wrong o Congress Congress is our birth enemy congress has stolen mean from marching americans not to one person but to the point deter commissioner kwon percent of the americans this happens because of what we Call Campaign finance by birthy zoning 45 thousand plus to a Congress Person not right as a campaign you can fund request tens of millions to help our candidate get elected thats seen as free speech the Reason Congress doesnt represent the will of the people gnaws of the system of bribery and money thats why my campaign it is only getting small contributions the congressman got over 5,000 that means youll have to do not just to whisper not areas of the congressman thats 234509s fair my campaign only sclekz 5 hundred plus to insure a large wide because of individuals feel they have participating at the end of the day i am not Budget Committee holding to the folks but a large group of people donating this is an important Election Congress is destroying our in addition, we all feel 7 percent of americans in the congressional body but a incumbency rate have to go after them and cant keep on pointing fingers unless our donating tens of thousands of dollars theyre not on your team help me an november 8th help me be one of the small money candidates ill go in and make sure that legislation is passed that the American People ill fight against the writers they put on bills and passed on to the wealthy ill dedicated meaningful as a Congress Person not just raising money he needs our help on november 8th my name is president wessonled the meet order please turn off the Electronic Devices they interfere with equipment in the room stand for the pledge of allegiance allegiance allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indib

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