Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget Finance Committee 92816 20

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget Finance Committee 92816 20160930

madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the october 4th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay madam clerk item one. >> the arthur's the director of the mayor's office of economic workforce development to submit an application related document to the california the mid allocation committee for the issuance of revenue bonds in angle principle not to exceed $95 million for 2010. >> okay thanks very much. >> good morning. i'm adam for the mayor's office of economic workforce development and i'm here to present a resolution to fund the development work on the eddie taylor housing conduit that if require the city to pledge any eddie-taylor will be a one and 13 unit serving low income families located on 2010 on eddie-taylor the intersection in the tenderloin and the site for the project is currently a vacant lot no residents will be displaced the project sponsor is the tenderloin and the tax construction lenders and bond purchaser will be identified following an 2014-2015 process it will serve low income names one hundred person units reserved for households evening no more than 60 percent of medium area income and in terms of a timeline the developers plan to submit an application to the committee within the next three weeks if what did you do an allocation they'll return for an approval the bonds to occur with the construction beginning shortly after and construction is expected to be expected by may of 2019 and on behalf of of the tndc and the mayor's office of economic workforce development i'd like to thank you for your consideration and look forward to the - i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> seeing no questions anyone wish to comment on item number o item one. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. pr i'll make a motion board with a positive recommendation. >> okay. a motion that he without objection. >> madam clerk item 2. >> resolution for the department to submit a one year - for the historically from the centers for disease control and prevention requesting $5.7 million in hiv presenting funding. >> thank you very much dpw is here. >> good morning. i'm john a health coordinator and we're the population health division branch probable for administering those fund the 6 year in our funding cycle for the cdc thank you for the opportunity the board of supervisors for take the opportunity to moing our funds the cdc grant is decreasing over time the collection services that it provides are hiv testing in resulting in declining infection rates in san francisco a very low ratio of people that don't know their status in san francisco those funds go to support the linkage to care for people that test positive and that goes to fund new initiative like prep in the city i'm - i'm available to answer any questions. >> colleagues, any questions is there any public comment on item seeing none, public comment is closed. i motion to i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> motion by commissioner tang and seconded by supervisor yee without objection madam clerk item 3. >> resolution authorizing the small business commission to expend the grant up to one million dollars to disperse to the qualified legacy businesses for the grant between october 1st and december you 2016. >> okay we have regina from the small business commission sorry the rest of the team. >> sorry briefly good morning chair farrell and supervisor tang and supervisor yee i'm the legislative aide to supervisor campos thank you for scheduling this item on today's agenda as you may know san francisco voters passed property tax in 2015 to create legacy businesses and a preservation fund for social and currently significant those fund will help chinatown and cafe sanchez and others unfortunately due to a number of issues they did office of small business has not be able to disperse but my colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? colleague will talk about that the 0 resolution will extend the deadline for office of labor & standards enforcement for the september 30, 2016, to december 16, 2016, we thank you and ask you for forwarding those items to the full board with a recommendation. >> good morning chair farrell and supervisor tang and supervisor yee regina the director of office of small business give you a little bit of background on expands on the information she's provided to hopefully address some of your questions so prop j was passed by the voters and established two grant to businesses or we're refer to the legacy business the resolution before you is specifically in relation to the small business defined in a resolution the legacy business assistants grant program allows registered legacy businesses to annually apply for granted during july one and through september 30th and that has the proposition is written fund can be to people that submit applications during this period of time we've had a slow start to the program and underway the small business commission has directed the department the office of small business to extend the filing period from october one to defenseless 2016 for those two reasons one as of monday october 3rd, '24 legacy businesses 34 businesses that will be in the legacy business registry we're anticipating 23 more by december 16th with the intention of prop j we want to give overseeing businesses the opportunity to apply for the grant that the small business commission as of monday october 3rd will be finalizing the legacy business grant program application and guidelines and so because of this to this date between the july one and september 30th period which is the application filing period that application has not been available for businesses to be able to apply so we've not had any applications to the grant program and - so while the small business commission can direct the department to extend the grant filing period it is only the board of directors that can authorize the department to disperse to the applications submitted during the extended filing period that's why this resolution it is doing should the board of supervisors approve that so like i said the resolution before you and upon the board of supervisors approval will authorize the small business commission to disperse fund from the one million dollars hfb account the board of supervisors allocated in the 2016-2017 budget to the department so the dispersed - upon the approval of this resolution the office of small business will disperse fund to approved applications between october 1st and december 15th just to be clear we're not spoke e seeking additional funding through this resolution i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> thank you regina - just to be clear we're extending the filing period for legacy businesses the question is that going to postpone giving any funding to ones that have already met the deadline. >> no - because we are just now going to be approving the application application form and guidelines to the legacy business grant program there are currently no applications that were submitted between july one and september 30th to so the answer no delay no applications submitted to - what we're doing by extending the timeline is allowing those businesses that have been placed on see registry and those to be placed on the registry by september 15th to be able to apply for the funding. >> thank you. >> supervisor tang. >> sorry thank you and just to refresh my memory was it the staffing funding. >> that was in the 16, 17 and then you reauthorized the staffing funding for in the 15, 16 and reauthorized in the 2016-2017 budget so currently historic preservation fund accountability the one million dollars you authorized with the 2016-2017 budget i think the supplemental you may be referring to the supplemental heard before this committee for the 2015-2016 budget those because they're not reactivated my understanding those funds did not get put into the historic preservation commission account. >> so that's what we're essentially trying to do here today. >> no, no, no what this resolution is specifically requesting you have to authorize our department to disperse my funding to the legacy business assistants program to any plagues that were received after october 30th the way the proposition is written we're only authorized to disperse funding to applications received 2w7b july 1st and september 30th but because of delay start to the programming we were not able to one have applications ready for businesses to fill out that's why the commission directing us to extend the application filing period. >> okay. thank you. >> does that answer your question so it is authorizing us to disperse the funds that were budgeted in the 2016-2017 account to this program after september 30th. >> great, thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> so the allocation was one million dollars at a time and the supplemental that we approved that's now seems like out of play was for what amount? >> i and that was specifically for the rent stabilization grant different from this resolution for the business assistance grant i don't remember that was 200 and something thousand so - and just to be clear the one million dollars allocated to the historic preservation fund account we have yet to do specific allocations this is the first year of funding we want to make sure we're appropriately allocating the right amount based the needs and we'll see that from the application purpose submitted this first time around. >> great, thank you. >> okay. colleagues any future questions okay open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 3? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any questions or comments or motions no, go ahead and make a motion to pass this on to the committee with a positive recommendations to the full board. >> motion by supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor tang without objection. >> item 4 the administrative code for the prevailing wages and city contracted for security guard services that prevailing wages be paid for security guard at southern event and amending the clarification regarding the worker retention requirement for security guards. >> this was sports by supervisor kim joining us in chamber. >> thank you chair farrell and colleagues today, i seek your support amending the administrative code for the prevailing wages and city security guards presently no prevailing wage for the security guard services according to the bureau of labor statistics in 2015 over one million security guards and one and 51 thousand security guards in the state of california that means that more security guards this this country than police officers and expected for continued growth e grout we've come to rely on security guards for tasked with the important work of protecting our community and families yet the workers we contract earn $15.34 this is actually blow the national howell wage of $13 plus setting a prevailing wage for security guard as janitorial and garage and parking lot and trade show workers will insure that the skthdz contracted are paid a more dedicated wage it is hard to compare this workers have $1 plus in increases and many make an excess of $16 that included health insurance and sick days security guards execute work is one of the most diverse job industries raising the wage impacts poverty and equities in our city and nation wide americans are 11 period of time felt workforce and 20 percent of security guards who will this ordinance potential help this it nudes non-union security guards at the central shops and sfpuc and others that may not be covered we do have - to pose an amendment to the administrative code that one prevailing wages security guards services and require that the prevailing wages to be paid for security guard services at certain types of event on city property and make a technical clarification requiring the requirements for security guards so in this item we ask the prevailing wage to be paid under a city contract and that citywide workers to work on city properties under this safeguards services will be paid no less think outside the box fringe benefits or matching in private employment they must have compliance and setting a prevailing wage gives security guards of whom we rely an economic security the type of security they provide improving the quality of life for those workers in this important field colleagues thank you for your time and consideration and thank seiu w w for working closely on this ordinance along with osc our city attorney and want to give special recognition to barb lopez that working closely with all the stakeholder to get this across the finish line it took longer than anticipated colleagues i'm available to answer any questions or address any comments if not open up for public comment. >> all right. go to public comment. i do have a speaker card. >> so i will call up the cards i have but please line up after the speakers i've called (calling names) if i didn't call your name but want to speak line up after the speakers i've called and line up by the speaker podium. >> good morning to all of you all the supervisors my name is samuel coal i have worked here as a security guard officer in san francisco so for the last ten years for multiple service south here in san francisco the job site isn't city and every year this contract that we have goes out for bid and when it does it say stressful we never know whether we're going to win the contract or lose it so we always afraid that we're going to losses it and we're to lose our salaries and benefits we've been working hard as union people in the city so the difference we see working for a union company is a big difference as opposed to a non-union company we were making 14 to $16 an hour affordable health code health care and get paid 8 holidays per year and our vacation pay i just received my vacation pay i got one month it's a lot of money that i worked for 10 years and able to get this money i appreciate that i can pay my bills i can pay my car note and utility bills so i don't want to lose none of my benefits i have here with the union company and would appreciate if you provide this for 0 the workforce here in the city which will help the security guards to proceed in their effort to take care of their families and ourselves thank you. >> thank you very much. >> morning i'm michael i'm the industry vice president for security of invited workers west i've been a security guard in downtown for impractical forever and kitty-corner in the state building i'm going to talk about special events in the city you hear when a special event like oracle sometimes, it goes smooth but a lot of time a button feeder company and you always hear when it brings in jokes are they good jobs or jobs that make it so even if you work hard you'll have to borrow from peter to pay paul and decide whether to pay the water bill or put food on the table for kids there should, certain standards you know a lot of money is brought in everyone should prosper this goes a long way towards doing that simple things like halfway descent pay sick days when our sick and health care they don't think that was a struggle to get it for us we to work hard to have a standard at all and things going on city property shouldn't undermine those standards. >> thank you very much. >> hello my name is jan eucalyptus i'm here to ask you to support the prevailing wage for security officers i've been working for 15 years for the sfmta san francisco municipal transportation agency which is a city of work site every few years the contract goes to bid that's a concern of mine and my coworkers if we keep our benefits and at sfmta we felt this threat not too long ago we've raised you're working standards the difference working for a union are better wages and better salaries increases we also have job security just cause termination not fireside for no reason a just cause and seniority that alleviates 235i678 in the workplace and a voice through collective banker power we're not alone in the bay area it is expensive to live and a struggle to survive if our wages went down to minimum wage or lost our benefits there will be an increased struggle for myself i work 6 to 7 days a week if any wage went down to minimum wage i see myself easily working 16 hours a day i'm asking you to go, please support prevailing wage for security officers thank you. >> thank you, mr. cost a. >> good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is juan i'm here to talk about the security api i've been in security for t the defendant to let you know we're finishing our contract with dpw we're in an unpredictable contact that is day to day so the thing is you know we're concerned about all the security guards that have no union which is the ones they don't have no health benefits and there's a lot of small companies in the city the security companies they need a union because those security officers they're relying on themselves they don't have a health or dental plan and they need to have those union so that's one of the concerns i want to share with you today and the other thing is, you know, on behalf of the security guards i'd like to ask you to approve that law which is the prevailing wage that is allow and secure the security guards with the union officers for the health plans they need and also the dental plan and visible plan they need a lot of security officers they're struggling at this moment with $15 an hour and many of the security guards only you know this wage to pay their builds for the family and a lot of security officers have more than 4 kids need the better benefits and wages to survive ladies and gentlemen, please take into consideration and thank you very much for this opportunity. >> thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm with with the seiu and thank you, supervisor kim for working with us and say a little bit why and how it is happening when the janitors their wages was passed for janitors unfortunately security officers were novelist organized to have a good prevailing wage standard in the city so they were left out tgret news they've raised the standards and quite frankly not where they should be with the prevailing wage that didn't include retirement for security officers we're at a place having a prevailing wage will help officers who are struggling to get by and what we've seen is that the security non-union are worst repeat offenders and we need to create a level the playing field so that contractors that are responsible and paying good wages and benefits can compete and not investigating having to expedite 19 compete against others that includes the contractors and subcontractors at construction sites city construction site every workers that are struggling 2, 3, 4 in poverty are the security officers quad the sites we want to thank you, again, for moving this now couldn't come at a betterment for security officers and will make a difference for hundreds of security folks struggling in san francisco. >> thank you, ms. martin. >> my name is collin an organizer with seiu i work on the moscone center thank you, supervisors for this situation this is a situation of groups of workers youpz of people that fell through the cracks without given the right attention i'm an organizer and we organized a group of workers they don't clean power after a show and through organizing them we raised their wages $4 an hour and extended their shifts from 4 hours to longer shifts those are jobs that people previously couldn't survive on in the moscone center you have numerous contractors doing security work and for example, case in the at oracle that happened there were 4 different unified school district companies working that event you all of whom were competing and trying to increase cut each other i can imagine when there's no floor for people to fall down on this is about giving attention to a group of workers not given the proper attention and some good to be done here reappreciate our attention thanks. >> anyone wish to comment on item 1 way mr. chair close public comment. >> public comment is closed. >> mr. rose, can we go to your report. item 4 please. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. and supervisor kim we explained in our recorded on pages three and four the physique impact is uncertain this is a policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> thank you very much colleagues, any questions for the budget analyst. >> just one more thing i forgot to mention that pat milling began is here to answer any questions. >> i saw mr. mulligan welcome to the chambers thanks for being here colleagues, any questions for staff or a motion. >> i'll make a motion to approve that and i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> okay. a motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee objection. >> thank you >> (clapping.) >> madam clerk item 5. >> resolution approving and authorizing the zoning administrator to authorities 7 amendment with the moscone center joint have you an opinion for the moscone center to extend for an additional 10 years for 2027. >> thanks very much good morning. >> chair farrell and vice chair tilly chang and supervisor yee and commissioner kim my name is john the director for the city thank you for your review and consideration of this important resolution before you today, the zoning administrator and s m g worked to reach full terms of the agreement and of this amendment i'm pleased to report we're in total support of budget analysts recommendation thank you, mr. rose for our hard work in our collective opinion served as a frays operator to the city and the visitors and residents of san francisco so joining me are deputy administrator and members of the sf g leadership so you have any questions thank you for your time and consideration moving forward. >> thank you, sir. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you i don't have any particular questions but maybe for the public sake and public record can you talk a little bit about any changes in the agreement before us today, i understand that mr. rose pointed out that the agreement have not been extremely bid since 1920 but one vendor for the large convention if you can talk about what might have changed or not in the agreement. >> thank you, supervisor i'll defer to deputy city administrator. >> good morning ken deputy city administrator as noted in the budget analyst report the current agreement approved by the department of with the moscone center operation center allowed for the zoning administrator to renew the agreement as she did they continue to operate the center well unless any major changes and terms with that most recent extension we wanted to look at a number of terms one we wanted to improve the city revenue share for food and beverages as well as for internet services a growing area for the convention centers one of the preliminary changes to increase the revenue share from 25 percent over the next 3 years to 35 percent for food and beverages and for internet services so as indicated in the budget analyst report that will likely have a minimum of $4 million potentially 5 or $6 million more to the city as a result of those changed terms and wanted to provide additional capital contribution for the moscone expansions project this extension will provide a $15 million capital contribution for the expansion and done other management agreement and looked at it various terms they had in their agreement related to the final recordkeeping and " and wanted to bring this all the time up to industry standard we included the changes in the amended - >> great, thank you for that overview. >> okay. >> i'm looking at the table here on the mr. rose's report on page 10 i don't know if you have it in front of you you indicated that the new contract will provide more from the food and beverages source but the net seemed to be not going up all that much and then you look at the city expenses column and is seems like not gaining traction this is only for up to 2015-2016 i guess what i don't see the projections when it is up to 35 percent. >> not seeing any of those numbers. >> supervisor if you look at table two on page 9 of the report rainy-day funds under the proposed amendment and you look at the food and beverages column had show every year what the projection is going forward year one up to 14 that is $7 million. >> okay. >> right but specifically for the food and beverages that shows the change the table you're referring to an page 10 is more of a historical looking at the past what the revenue has been but going forward it is table 2. >> all right. thank you very much. >> colleagues, any further questions mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. on page 9 of our report the department indicated in 2015-2016 the city received about 17.9 moultdz in revenues therefore the proposed extend 10 year average with 21 point of million dollars in revenues will be approximately $3.7 million or 25 percent increase in revenue those estimates are the gross revenues in 2016-2017 the gross revenues to be generated over the next 10 years is likely to surveyor on page 10 of our report that is shown in table 3 which supervisor yee referenced that over the past 8 years the city has extended $33 million plus or average of $1.4 million than every year for the revenues under the agreement according to the moscone center annual operating shortfalls are opportunity with general funds revenues general fund transfers appropriated every year in the budget and the department indicates this is an industry standard for city's cities to subsidies them different from convention centers we note that although according to the deficits where anticipated to continue the proposed agreement will increase the share of revenues paid to the city such that the deficits incurred by the general funds should improve relative to the operating terms and final on page 11 as supervisor tang has pointed out the subject management agreement is not extremely bid a over a period of 25 years, however, according to the department the sparking spectator is the only one experienced with the top conference centers by size in the united states los angeles is the only convention center managed by a private contractor other than spectator management group we recommend you approve that. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues, any questions open up for public comment i have a number of speaker cards i'll read i think i thank you for being here (calling names). >> if anyone else please line up against the far wall 2 minutes to speak and get moving. >> good morning, supervisors john sfraifl we enthusiastically support this to continue to manage the moscone center san francisco travel is responsible for that's a great question groups to use the conference facilities with the aim of insuring the city 3450789 misses the benefits of this important asset the smooth and efficient operation of moscone center is critical to that's a great question new business but to capture repeat business in the medium planning f m g has an sxeerl reputation and the management of moscone is respected this is enabled the city's success s m g a great partner in the expansion of the moscone center that will soonl increase the value of that asset this has made them a member of the san francisco travel and tourism industry for those reasons it is our hope that s m g will continue to manage this important asset for the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. i'm owen a business rep for local 10 we do conventions throughout northern california and 80 percent of the work around the bay area i'll read briefly from a letter and submit it into the record together we work to promote san francisco as a premium place for attendees this is as city we love and respect we have been treated as partners in the problems both from our employers and the management of s mfshlgs g when the building was open at moscone i want - maintaining an active convention center the work by s m g with the construction crews are exceptional and for cycling turning moscone into one of the greenest centers in the world and s m g focuses on safety they supported local 510 to train our members and to establish protocols to protect all of us we represent seven hundred plus workers that maintain descent livelihoods one that pays fair wages for medical and retirement coverage s m g is a strong commitment to support the entire working community of more than 2000 plus full-time or part time workers to support our families and reached out to the surrounding community including many nonprofits that support many of the vulnerable populations of our city i'll leave it at that there is another paragraph but thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> collin u.s. w w i'm a representative for 3 groups of workers with whom we have a contract with s m g traffic control officers i'm going to read a letter in support of expanding the contraction for the exception as s m g support our members many are struggling to compete with the city with rising housing prices moscone center serves as a very successful world-class venue as a result of - members pride in their jobs further with ongoing management meetings an assurance that the environment for our workers is something that everybody can live with furthermore s m g has neutrality in the non-union with the consumers at the moscone center those contractors in cut the standards us w w has build ulcer up and seen a increase in outside contractors in the industry excluding moscone security sea invited professional services we struggle to organ those workers s m g employees many full-time and part time and contributed through the dedication of their personnel as a nonprofit organization to service the most vulnerable populations including glide and st. anthony's and homeless connect and for those reasons we request that you extend this contract thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> thank you, supervisors is with the restaurant works local 2 s m g employees hundreds of food and beverages thanks to the work at the moscone center with other related business those hundreds of families have full paid health care and retire with a pension this is the sector jobs were socializing in need of more in the city the complexity shouldn't be missed of running an operation like moscone center 19 with events coming and going multiple at the time and in fast - is a task s m g does an extraordinary job in addition he want to point out the disruption that will happen in the security of having this out to bid there's no need for subjecting hundreds of families and thousand of families to that insecurity especially given san francisco real viable alternatives nobody that does the job better than s m g here's a letter from our president. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors my name is joanne desmond i represent local 16 tremendously stage that employees we urge the city to renew adversities contract with s m g that creates hundreds of jobs and expanding the economic opportunity throughout san francisco the international alliance of stage employees representing over 15 hundred workers served the bay area entertainment industry for over one hundred 2 two years the convention industry has unpresented growth over 35 years and kept the workers stooeld applied we have continued to grow as we work through the everyday challenges that events planning s m g committed to the working families of san francisco we urge the city to are you new the management with s m g contract it is important for the future of san francisco s m g management quality of services keeping the world-class status that the moscone center holds today thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is a bob i'm not the acting general manager with s m g at the moscone center i'm going to change my plan i had come prepared to read several very nice letters from clients that utility moscone center but our lavish partners talking about the right they have for the try and for what moscone center provides for the residents in the bay area i want to support the fact i do understand the fact that those are the folks that are truly the heart and soul of moscone center and it's success the training the respect they show for the industry is beyond comparisons moscone center is one of the largest not the largest but the busiest convention centers we're the 25 largest and 17 largest once the expansion is completed and i just want to acknowledge the team for all they do 65 percent of clients return on a regular basis and have a wonderful relationship all about industry and relationships we'll be pleased to continue our doesn't the to the city as s m g and look forward to your support thank you very much. >> thank you very much colleagues, any further questions or comments. >> can i submit those letters. >> sure. >> okay. seeing none for item 5 public comment is closed. >> colleagues, any questions. >> comments or motions. >> i'll make a motion to i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee indication madam clerk call item 6. >> item 6 resolution finding the proposed term to terminal 3 to connect the san francisco international airport that is feasible and responsible to the administrative code chapter 29. >> okay thank you we have kathy wagner from the airport. >> thank you chair farrell and members of the board i'm kathy with the san francisco will airport pursuant to chapter administrative code the airport suicidal seeking our approval or finding that the proposed secure connecter project is going philharmonic feasible and responsible it exists of a secured connector the one terms two and three and 97 square feet of office space to serve the function and provide retail opportunities the entire project is expected to cost excuse me - one and $71 million bursa plus and will be paid for by airport revenue general airport revenue bonds those were previously authorized by the board of supervisors the airport staff has not programmed concession opportunities in the space buses estimated a potential increase in retail sales of one percent will be the result of the additional space which translates to about $493,000 a year in addition revenue additionally the office block will free up leasable space in the international terminal that is occupied by the airport staff the potential rate fees associated with that space are estimated to be in the range of $16 million a year secure connectors exist between terminals one and two and 2 and boarding area in the international terminal the proposed connection our allows the passengers to move between the terminals without having a exit and be rescreened and will help with the scalding by the airlines and gives the passengers more time in the terminals to extend money on concession and services under the lease agreement between the airport and airlines operating at the airport 15 percent of grow concession revenues are allotted to the general funds for the annual service payment the estimated 4 hundred plus in concession revenue will mean about an increase of $74,000 per year in the annual payment last year's from the city was $4 million the project will take about 2 and a half million dollars from the board approves did feasibility of the project the airport will begin their environmental impact with the department of planning in accordance with the ceqa requirements and the admin code did budget analyst concludes the project is philharmonic feasible and responsible i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you very much what's the construction timeline. >> about 2 and a half years. >> okay. >> colleagues, any questions. >> okay mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. on page 18 of our report the total project costs are one and $85 million plus that computed construction and related cost of one and 71 plus and reserves that service payment are stemmed to be $12.8 million annually and totals $31 million that includes the one and 55 in principle and plus in interests expenses and ms. wagner stated we conclude the airport and office block is feasible and responsible as defined under chapter two 9 of the city's miffed and recommend you approve that resolution. >> thank you, mr. rose any questions for the budget analyst anyone wish to comment on item number 6 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'll go ahead and make a motion to with a positive recommendation without objection. >> madam clerk item 7. >> item 7 resolution authorizing the sheriff's to enter a contract with the california department of rehabilitation to contract forceps and extending expends up to $6.1 million of relief florida state prison and the county jails and secure reentry approval for 2017. >> okay. thank you very much our sheriff vicki hennessey in 2011 gosh signed into law ab 109 and ab 17 the realignment act the sheriff's housed combats coming back to local place we use the entry pod an active pod but it serves two to three inmates so a good deal we get melon from the state from the 3 inmates if the state prison but provide reentry for other people going forward it is difficult to say how many inmates we'll be asked to take with proposing 57 voted on in november. >> great. thank you very much. >> colleagues, any questions. >> okay mr. rose, can we go to your report. on item 7. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. on page 23 of our report the total not to exceed for the 9 months period approximately 2016 to there are no 2017 is one million dollars plus as shown in table 2 on page 23 we note the state are reimburses the county the sheriff's says the average number of inmates to the pod will be one to two over the 9 months period from october 1st, 2016, through 2017 the estimated reimbursement will be $26,000 plus we recommend i approve this resolution. >> thank you very much mr. rose colleagues me questions okay opening up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 7 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> thank you. >> i'll make a motion i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> >> okay motion by commissioner tang and seconded by supervisor yee without objection madam clerk would you call item 8. >> item 8 to consider the relief services to the office of district attorney's office and the mayors reserve one $.9 million for the investigation bureau. >> thank you very much we have christine barry from the district attorney's office and why not take it away. >> good morning chair farrell thank you for tuchld thank you for having us. and to the budget analyst office for their report we come opposed to the recommendations from the budget analyst office seeking the release of those funds you mean the da property the investigations bureau to get a handle on the officer-involved shooting and in custody death investigation for the city and county of san francisco the way those investigates are currently handled the san francisco police department is the lead investigative agency into criminal conduct of their own employees that is a conflict of interest we proposed to step in and take over that work and in the process of investigating with an mou to finalize that arrangement next is the release of the fund we recommend a reduction in the pay from the top step 9 percent reduction that is problematic for multi reasons the investigator category an agreement with the investigators union more than 6 seniority our staff is paid at the top steps owe not looking for less experienced investigators we anticipate the investigators will be seeking a long career in law enforcement as many of the investigators have that will be a very untenable situation and similarly to conduct the type of homicide investigations for the team and the prosecution securing expert witnesses and making complex and critically important legal decisions on behalf of the city and county that requires a high-level of prosecutor i can't tell experience and looking for those advertising and we anticipate we will receive many any quality advertising and our practice we hired letter of the law from other prosecuting agrees we acknowledge the experience 5 of our last recent hires this is not an unprecedented move and will be critically important we want to be sure the staff we assign it is the best and can do this work declining and appropriately for us. >> okay again colleagues questions right now and before the budget analyst report. >> supervisor tang. >> that might comes up after mr. rose report but mr. rose states the district attorney's office in track the amount of hours to track and investigate a case not known how many of e how much time to close and a backlog of 20 open officer-involved shooting incidents but also the district attorney's office is identified over 4 thousand cases open due to new materials the staffing was 14 ftes and so i don't know if you can give us more details around the 14 ftes with the new brady material and the officer-involved shooting incidents. >> sure thank you supervisor the 14 there are 6 advertising and 6 investigators and two paralegals into two teams this is people on call if there's a shooting another 2 in the morning or in the afternoon they have to be on call two weeks a month that is beyond what is appropriate in the industry should be more than one time a month that's relatively significant it indicates the employees can't leave the region they can't go to children's sporting events out of the area and have a glass of wine need to be ready to respond to the incidents it is a significant imposition on their personal life two teams handling those and in addition it 80 that because we understand this work has some fluctuations we afternoon 6 officer-involved shootings a year and two in custody death a year we looked back to 1997 we feel confident those averages remain constant and for the work brought on many scandals within the police department that is currently a backlog of 4 thousand cases as a result with the text rate of interest message in 2015 and we anticipate that work will priority an appropriate day to day work when their in between investigations we don't anticipate they're being really any downtime we think it will be under asked in our request but modest in our achievement and hope we can use the staff as allotted we don't keep track of hours for robberies and other thing we work for the city and county of san francisco our people are salaried employees we have done withhold to see how much time our staff is spending every single unit works more than a 40 hour week we're satisfied we're looiltd the staff we have at hand and indicated to supervisor farrell's office we'll certainly make efforts to try to create some type of tracking form for our paralegals that will be new for us you'll have to be understanding of that but we are confident the work is there as it currently exists and will continue to exist we're happy to provide documents as we missouri move through the process to show you we're having the advertising and staff working. >> i think that i mean, i think known disagrees with the intents behind what the da is trying to do here but one of the concerns i generally have is this is you know a new unit a lot of staff and, of course, a workload we see for the foreseeable future we certainly hope that in san francisco those officer-involved shooting these will be on the decline we have you know different ballot measures in november to try to address those issues so again, we're hoping that in the future there will not be a need for more investigations i was trying to say how we track the workload maybe a time we don't need 14 ftes for this work and have something in place to evaluate what that occurs when do we need to flex up and down with that unit. >> absolutely that's our hope we don't see those i think every administration and every person in government hopes duran during they're ten you are hyperglycemia i'm happy we'll be staffed by arriving at a point the city in the country didn't have an officer-involved shooting we need to re-evaluate that and the conviction rate will stand and we'll see the value as was 3r50ed forward but re-evaluate if it no longer exists. >> supervisor yee. >> so i know that your department basically made an estimate how many you modestly might need since this new unit basically trying to replace the work that the police department was doing internally was there any analysis of how many equivalent workers to do this type of work. >> it's a not information i have i don't know from the mayor's office or the budget office i can tell you at a crime scene general 20 sfpd that's an envelope not seeing anything nor substantial. >> so i'll reserve that question to the budget analyst so see if they did an analysis of what the staffing might look like. >> do we - >> to you have an answer. >> we have melissa white house. >> thanks so much hi, i'm melissa acting budget analyst that's a great question similar to the budget analyst we had a lot of the questions about the unit and he had need for 14 staff like supervisor tang and although we stepped on reserves we understand the need for the 14 position and we talked about in the district attorney's office the upcoming process spending a lot of time understanding once they show us some of the works implemented and the hours their seeing and the need he think part of that definitely to answer your question looking at the police side did the police needs the same amount of staff knowing some of the work shifted to the district attorney's office and can that help fund or a ram down over 7, 8, 9 and really making sure we're checking in to make sure the stacking is right at both department. >> thank you for your explanation and actually, you you answered my other question i would have asked what impact on the police department staffing and whether or not they'll be a reduction or not 415 so i'll wait for that analysis. >> ongoing mr. rose, can we go to your report so we can get all these. >> mr. chairman and members of the commission i'm not surprised when a department disagrees with our recommendation but i'm surprised that a department comes down here and has access to the report in the report by the way, the department only referenced one of our recommendations which was step adjustment should it not reference our salary savings so, now the department this is a minor thing supervisor so for the whole recommendations the report to us two of the positions will be hired on september 26th. >> today's data september 28th i'm surprised the department will not acknowledge a savings of two days more important than that but i think this illustrates something about our analysis in the department and the departments response to our analysis there are first of all, let me go back to page 28 the requested cost of one $.8 million for 2016-2017 for the new da investigative bill are shown on page 28 of the report now we stat on that page given the release of reserves not released until 2016 by the way, in the department tells us they've hired the positions i hope they don't say that that makes our role meaning less and mr. gibner said this is illegal to hire before the board of supervisors response we state it is not possible for the district attorney's office to hire position in september we also state that the our recommendation would be to add attrition savings with the fringe benefits like i said in the budget process is it so extremely modest 200 and $33,000 plus that account for one month delay in hiring of an entire 15 positions i'm assuming the department didn't hire any positions that's illegal. >> can i - >> i want to finish my - >> why not finish and go one by one. >> the other recommendation the department addressed as far is the step adjustments we note that the salary and fringe benefits in the district attorney's office proposal shown in table 3 also reflect the hiring of new positions at the hive possible salaries including for the 16 attorney jobs class we state it is unlikely every new hire will be place at the highest place with no advancement or one and 21 plus that is bans we look forward their entire budget of positions already in the budgeted and made a compatible and look at the step adjustment and made a compatible recommendations for the new unit to be consisted with their budget that's how we came up with that we heard supervisors some censure of the compatible salaries i want to state to you, in fact, we looked at the compatible salaries in santa clara and san mateo county based on the analysis we are recommended that reduces salary steps of one plus which we believe is more than reasonable after looking at in daily of the santa clara and the san mateo salaries for the district attorney's office in those jurisdictions we didn't gear it to specific positions for the district attorney's office to have fleshth to provide whatever steps we made that has as overall number we felt was more than reasonable to reduce the salaries expended our final recommendation supervisors are on page thirty of our report first, we requested the district attorney's office to submit this has to do with with what supervisor tang stated we no idea when we asked for hours i'm surprised they couldn't give us the hours you think they'll be able to see based on on 12e789 number of cases and hours here's how we came up to the 14 positions that was not done so our recommendation is to submit to the and the budget analyst during the next budget process a documents on the individual staffing housing and expended i assume the department does not disagree i think they want to voluntarily provide that information to the committee for next year to know how many staff they need, and, secondly, a long term staffing plan for the independent changes and caseload and reduce by one million dollars plus this is the salary savings and then we say we consider release of that amount to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors and the reason why we still believe it is policy we don't kink how many positions are needed but we certainly accept whatever the budget & finance committee decided. >> i very much proficient our analysis pay supervisor tang questions or comments. >> thank you. i wanted to see in the district attorney's office can respond to the issue of the two positions sponsored to be hired on september 26th but not yet hired provide an update. >> appreciate harvey's spirited response thank you for acknowledging that we haven't hired but eager to hire hoped to hire as soon as the budget concluded but waiting for the release of reserve we have a date that passed by two you can't see days but multiple costs and relayed that in the conversation with the budget analyst office need to secure vehicles and pay for expert witnesses because this is a project we anticipated we'll users savings towards those costs and an additional hearing but have costs beyond the costs of staff beyond this unit our anticipation those attrition can help to offset those costs. >> mr. chairman. >> sorry one follow-up do you have something to shows up perhaps how much is it so costing for the expert witnesses so we can compare. >> u didn't even can share with you. >> great. >> mr. chairman and. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. this is exactly what we would expect from the department says now they have other expenditures they gave you a specific request for specific expenditures we identified reasonable savings we believe you should continue to reserve we have no problem from the fang they may have additional expenditures but supervisors i ask you shouldn't the department request a formal synonyms to bet let the budget analyst and the budget and finance look at the expenditures in the manner we've reviewed those churches and make our recommendations to you at a time. >> thank you, mr. rose you agree obviously it is our role here to get detailed expenses have those costs been shared with the budget analyst. >> we have copies. >> no about before have you talked with them. >> yes. >> supervisor we didn't get at the beginning not made in any formal analysis of those additional expenditures if we had we would have put it in our report. >> we didn't. >> let me say something up front. >> from a policy perspective from us to make a decision about the letters with that said i'll pretty much be inclined to see the need and the process is very, very important but here with all due respect doing savings and getting a piece of paper on the day of our approvals that is not what we do at the board we need details where the money is going if we leave it up to the department to save money an xyz that's not what the budget and finance committee is supposed to be doing i again as much as i want to support this package here having to just saying you're right hiring date are wrong but spend it elsewhere that's something i find hard to school swallow with that said, let's go through this and if our budget analyst hadn't seen those numbers i'm frustrated on that. >> chair farrell we shared that in the budget analyst office we indicated those additional costs and additional time to analyze that that maybe a separate question but i apologize for frustration people are feeling we anticipated those costs and hopefully those attrition savings if we need more conversation i'll be happy to discuss that. >> we'll use it elsewhere but not told about elsewhere with in analysis. >> just to be clear mr. chairman as you recall in the budget process the mayor's office budget director submitted a technical amendment to initiative initiate this program and recommended you reserve it you did and specifically reserve was for positions and costs listed on page 28 excuse me - yes on page 28 of our report totally one million dollars plus so that while the department substantially gave us some information an additional expenditures that was not part of the request that came over the formal request and we didn't evaluate those expenditures because we only evaluated what was count by the finance committee we made our recommendations to come up with some reasonable salary savings and adjustment savings by all means at your direction we'll look at the costs chair farrell and come back with a recommendation if those additional expenditures are justified. >> at this .659 is a supplemental. >> sorry. >> a supplemental of that year. >> right even more exactly - that's correct. >> chair farrell as i indicated we're not requesting those fund we priority them to the budget analyst office to help explain why any reduction in the one .8 is challenging we'll have additional expenses we're assuming in the 2016-2017 but attrition loss we're not hiring vacant positions for other vacancies in our office. >> the 659 is assuming in your budget. >> no. >> classroom let me make one other point is it so important you heard the department state that there are some potential savings here they wanted to depends on you wanted to use for - any admission of fact they can use those savings for additional expenditures. >> might be helpful to hear from the mayor's office how the positions and funding work and why we have this understanding that those are types of expenses appropriate to you and then decide how to work those. >> hi, i'm melissa acting budget director the way the reason there are technically allowed to do this from the board likes to move forward it was budget it was budgeted in a project and they were off positions at the time, we did run out of time to do an in depth analysis our office didn't have time to look at this detail so there will be time to work through the details and the way it is budgeted in a project there is flexibility not spend it on salary or benefits it is more flexible does that answer your question supervisor yee. >> supervisor tang you're on the roster. >> i understand it is technically allowed i appreciate that and all the questioning is not the questioning the da's program why we want those investigators but in terms of the budget committee had the expenses for you know to get the program start whether it was vehicles or your forensic - this information is at least this breakdown is new to us right now. >> and i indicated we're happy to have more conversation around those expenses we shared it with the - which we thought to share that that harvey rose office if there is confusion in multiplied directions maybe i can expedite things by saying we're happy to have that conversation having this attrition conversation and whether we can move forward without the 9 percent reduction that would be helpful. >> supervisor yee and i hate to think i'm sharing the sentiment as my colleagues but i'm going in support of budget analyst recommendation to reduce the salary amount and put the three hundred or 55 thousand plus into a retail use or reserve to have a thorough discussion of those other expenses in the near future 7, 8, 9. >> okay. >> colleagues, any questions or comments for the da staff anyone wish to comment seeing nobody else here public comment is closed. >> supervisor yee do you want to make a motion. >> let me say i think we're supportive of this item that was put in the mayors budget that we approved last year in last name version cast but we need an analysis where the dollars are spent especially we hear we'll save it here but spend it here that's impossible to approve let's have this conversation going forward and have our budget analyst look at it and have that discussion as a and certainly with the district attorney's office we don't want to see this effective in approving that or from my perspective per supervisor yees and making sure we have an analysis how the unit is operating woorld woeld. >> i appreciate that i wanted to seek an amendment in that recommendation to reserve the attrition savings but release the other one and 22 so we be pursue the highest candidates so for the position purely a staffing conversation not anyone else we've been discussing in the second half. >> mr. rose. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee and we had discussions with your office on this that's why we did further analysis on compatible salaries the recommendations we're making that are more than reasonable one and 55 thousand enabling the department for step adjustment consistent with their entire budget that's why we made that recommendation your office raised a good question about compatible salaries we documented both and santa clara and san mateo i want to ask one other thing if you take any of your recommendations consider the request this is not an amendment it will be your request that we bet budgetary data for there to make sure we know the hours and the nuke of cases. >> thank you, mr. rose if i wasn't clear that was a clear indication but expect it from the district attorney's office. >> regarding the salary the top steps will santa clara and san mateo pay higher in a comparison of the salaries across our department is not exactly a apples to apples experiencing comparison we're looking for the highest paid advertising not people that pay sail scale is a misdemeanor that's the reason for requesting not having the reduction in the salary. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you i definitely hear what you're saying on that point highway would be respond to mr. rose's comments if we hired those folks and the top staff and no room for you know promotion opportunities and so forth so we may having challenged in the future with trying to retain them unless another salary increase this is something i'm concerned about. >> and something we consider and discuses with potential employees we do that when we hire the laterals that come with 20 years of experience they prefer to receive the higher pay knowing we explain 16 is our top step unless a manager no room for improvement unless cola's and people prefer to have that paycheck we've managed that thus far not people leaving they were at the top step and numerous people in the office 25 and thirty years prosecutors that receive cola increases at this point top steps for more than 10 years and fortunately in this line of work when a person finds an office committed to they stay condominium entitled district attorney they leave to santa clara and not having the high cost of living and not to commute but factors we face regardless they pay $20,000 more than we do for their advertising we can't compete but the higher level to attract the civil rights and homicide experience that comes to us with a broad range of skills showing they've done higher success of trails and only to pay them commemorate with their experience. >> okay discussion comments motion. >> through the chair i'm wondering how supervisor yee feels about his original motion any adjustment to that. >> i'm wondering whether or not we could accept the recommendation and change the language what the resermight be if they come back we need to have the proof in terms of the reserve is flexible and other expenses. >> yeah. i think heshtly the reserve will be flexible. >> okay. well, i understand that the district attorney's office and the set of career you're looking for and your i guess retention of employee is different from other departments i know some of the department if you start them off at top steps we'll face other issues; right? i'm willing to amend make an amendment to supervisor yee's motions to the only change to keep the attrition amount on reserve but allow for the extra one hundred thousand so that the new positions are hired at the top step you've asked for . >> can i ask a quick question in terms of hiring have you start the interview. >> we're not able to do that we've been in a holding pattern people heard to the media and word of mouth we've received an handful of resumes we were unclear when the positions are available and at what level. >> so what's the traditional hiring timeline. >> attorneys we can hire quickly if any of the people simmered information we're compelling and rows to the level of deference i'd like say two to four weeks of people in the pipeline investigators much longer that depends on if their currently engaged negative impact work and i've not been involved in investigator hiring so i mean what is the average hiring. >> maybe 3 months for an investigator. >> for attorneys and for investigators. >> attorneys what about advertising. >> 2 to 4 weeks. >> that's the afternoon we for us we have gaps in our staffing it is incredibly debilitating to our work the process never stops the assembly line runs we tend to have rolling interviewing so whenever we have a vacancy we can hire we've had a shortfall we're watering to save up enough money to hire but generally, we move quibble an attorney hiring. >> so part of this we're having and i transition savings with one month do you think you'll have all advertising hired in one month. >> no, that's the dmfks conversation we had i guess that is happening two quickly. >> the savings with with only months of savings. >> i didn't object. >> i know is that two months in terms of what should we be thinking those people will come on board if so one month we only takes put-down some on reserve but hire them in two months again need to have adequate information. >> i think chair will be rolling as soon as we have qualified people i don't expect 16 or 14 people hired in one month not realistic we've not posted the position and do the kind of broad safe haven but expect we're hire as many before the end of the year that will go in stages as qualified people come in we're make offers. >> understand what i'm saying we're at the end of the september hopefully by the end of the year. >> that's 3 months. >> every other month is 200 and 50 - $33,000. >> for all 14; right? >> so from the average is two months that's do you believe that. >> i'm not sure of the question. >> supervisor yee. >> i think chair farrell is what i'm seeing is even with the budget analyst when he says that the savings is very conservative i think what chair farrell is driving at inserting and now two anyone wish to comment months before an average so i'm wondering if that savings without toying with that could be used for high-level. >> basically on the budget analyst recommendation from the average is by the end of - you'll hire after two months additional savings we need to be taking that was the purpose of my question about you're hiring when can we do it realistically today's start date. >> okay mr. rose any other comments. >> i think that supervisor yee reflects my and your comments supervisor it demonstrates how reasonable your recommendations are. >> okay. >> all right. i'll say you know what i'd like to sreturnin i'll be comfortable approving the budget analyst recommends if we come back here and from the hiring is accelerated and the steps you're hiring people at we want to see documentation if they're at the top step we'll release it and forward it not a problem but right now as i see this savings seems to be reasonable and if you can hire folks in two months you'll be the record setting department i understand the district attorney's office workload is commitments to hire quirky hope it happens we can release the fund so i'm going to be supportive of the budget analyst recommendations and revisit in terms of the hire step levels if you hire at the top steps we'll release those fund appropriately with that, do you want to vote on your motion. >> through the chair i guess is it so what supervisor yee motion. >> you want to make the motion. >> i make the motion we accept the budget analyst report and recommendations and motion by supervisor yee seconded by supervisor tang without objection okay mr. chair way like to file this hearing. >> motion by supervisor supervisor yee without objection madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> there's no further business. >> thank you, everybody, we're >> thank you, everybody, we're adjourned man: 60-inch screen, high-definition. football season is coming up. you can watch it right here. what do you think? i'll take it. huh! huh! now, that's what i'm talking about. you're right. i don't need it. you. >> well to the epic center are you ready for the next earthquake did you know if you're a renter you can get earthquake shushes we'll take to the earthquake authorities hi welcome to another episode i'm the chief resilience officer for san francisco i'm joined by my good friends for the earthquake authority we're at the el cap center for the city and county of san francisco started in 2013 to get the community and talk about the risk we think about earthquake if usual great city you'll see one of the demonstrates we've built the model home and i encourage other episodes we'll be retroactively retrofitting and showing you as property owners to employ you work for the california earthquake authority talk about your role and earthquake shirnls up think the viewers want to know if you're a renter or property owner how the insurance issues. >> i'm the chief mitigation 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