Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Subcommittee 72

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Subcommittee 72016 20160728

(a-license) for san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, and alameda counties, for a not-to-exceed amount of $5,000,000, to the lowest, qualified, responsible, and responsive bidder, cal state constructors, inc., to perform general engineering construction tasks for all san francisco public utilities commission enterprise operations and bureaus. (how) c) accept work performed by michels/jay dee/coluccio, joint venture, for contract no. wd-2531, bay division pipelines reliability upgrade bay tunnel; approve modification no. 48 (final), decreasing the contract amount by $401,175, for a total contract amount of $217,619,067, with a time extension of 319 non-compensable consecutive calendar days (approximately 10 months), for a total contract duration of 2,252 consecutive calendar days (approximately six years, two months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) d) accept work performed by jdb & sons construction inc., for contract no. wd-2779, college hill learning garden; approve modification no. 1 (final), increasing the contract amount by $57,252, for a total contract amount of $580,652, with a time extension of 119 consecutive calendar days (approximately four months), for a total contract duration of 189 consecutive calendar days (approximately six months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) e) accept work performed by shimmick construction company, inc., for contract no. ww-490, oceanside water pollution control plant 620 digesters sbr tpad conversion and facility improvements; approve modification no. 11 (final), increasing the contract amount by $158,021, for a total contract amount of $19,034,533, and with a time extension of 167 consecutive calendar days (approximately five months), for a total contract duration of 1337 consecutive calendar days (approximately three years, eight months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) f) authorize the general manager to negotiate and execute, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, a memorandum of agreement (moa) with the california department of fish and wildlife (cdfw), for an amount not to exceed $585,000, and with a duration of 12 months, which will allow for the sfpuc to provide funding to cdfw for the design, procurement, and installation of a temporary water treatment and reuse system (pilot recirculation system) at moccasin creek fish hatchery. cdfw intends to implement the pilot recirculation system to enable they to successfully operate from january 3, 2017 through march 4, 2017, a period in which water deliveries through mountain tunnel will be interrupted due to maintenance, and consequently, water deliveries to the hatchery will be significantly reduced. (ritchie) regular session 9. authorize the general manager to exceed 50 mw average demand for the cleanpowersf program and set the new program enrollment cap at approximately 75 mw average, as long as the additional demand can be met in accordance with the adopted cleanpowersf power content and phasing policies. >> i would urge the commission to remove the full load of san francisco and i think that staff should be free to move at whatever pace is expeditious and i'm not sure whether you would get this information from anywhere else so i will run through this with a couple of things to buy comparison our neighbors in the peninsula will offer a 50% renewable and 70% gst three default product for 2 1/2% cheaper than pg&e's rates. they're going from the date of serving customers to full rollout to their service territory will be six months. further down, the silicon valley cca further default product will offer a 50% renewable and ghd project that will be closer to ours and again, that rollout from the date of serving to total rollout to the whole service territory will be six months. that will be october 2017 schedule for both of them. so, this achievement in our neighbors and we are the leader in the south bay and were talking about the rollout staff i support your staff i support being prudent and fluid i think we can do both. i urge you to support your staff and following the policies that you have it adopted to bring them as expeditiously as possible to full enrollment in the city with a priority of as soon as possible these will be fully enrolled in shorter time than we are generated a program growth plan thank you very much. >>thank you. yes, commissioner moran. >>yes, a question and a comment. is there a rate impact for existing customers with the expansion? >>we will be assessing that went before we make any supply commitments to serve the expansion. that is part of the business practice policy is the commission adopted. the supplies that we looked at to support fall enrollment do not cause a rate impact. >>okay and if we were getting into a position where the market might require a rate change the commission would know about it for those changes were made? >>absolutely >>the other thing that want to mention is if we go out to purchase power and it is so expensive that we have to take pause. so, that is why we have to be very cautious because we talked about affordability and that is why that has to be measured instead of trying to roll it out just to roll it out. we made a promise to try to make this affordable. so when we do come up with a rate to expand and it's more expensive than pg we will have to have you come and we will have a dialogue. >>that didn't expand beyond that. and finally understand why we have a cap of approximately anything. i don't know how on earth you would administer that. if 75 isn't enough then- approximately 75 is meaningless. >>question to straight. >>yeah, i agree with that. i think we could amend that. >>that would be my proposal. >>it sounds like you also have another proposed amendment that is not addressed in this resolution that has to do with the rates. >>i want to make sure that there was reference to existing policy and unless you have read the policy, it's not altogether clear what that entails. i want to make sure explicitly that those polities were such that by extending the program we were not obligating ourselves to a rate increase. if the answer from staff was that the existing policies cover that it would not result in a rate increase i don't think there was an amendment there necessarily. but, i appreciate your support on the approximately and i would make an amendment to move the word approximately in the resolution. >>and, to delete the number 75? >>as long as 75 can sufficient to get us to that point i don't see any point in deleting that. >>and when would we get updates on that? >>the end of this year. >>i think again, the most important part of this rollout is the ability to find the capital or the reserve that we need to continue to purchase contracts and i mean, that is really the main reason why we've been doing it in phases because we want this program to be self-sufficient. the other thing is, we talked about lockbox versus not lockbox and advantages and reassessing that so there's a lot of moving parts and things that we want to include into the program that were talking about that. so, it is a lot of stuff and remember, we shift from residential to commercial and it sometime this year you want to do commercial so all of that we're trying to put together and as we mentioned today, we will come back and talk to you about the things that we are thinking about so that you will at least know what we are planning to include and look at the different options and stuff like that. >>i wanted to make one comment on the approximately term and to explain why that is in there might be helpful. so, a couple things that are at play, whenever we do an auto enrollment there are opt outs. in order to meet a targeted resulting demand we enroll more customers then our demand.we use the data that we have citywide to make projections for customer enrollments and because we are serving a subset of the customers in the city we might have outliers in there so there is an amount of variability that's created due to that. so, the approximate wasn't intended to be5-10% movement necessarily, but what we didn't want is if we ended up point megawatts to be in that regulation. >>if you need more headroom we'll give you more headroom to deal with that availability it sounds like you don't need that initially and if you do you come have plenty of time to come back for an amendment for that. i motion to approve that. >>do i hear a second? >>i second. >>there is motion and a second is there a public comment? >>i think the approximate 20 we should leave that approximate 20 if we get a higher opt out it will be less. you are talking about paul 75. >>i will agree with that >>amendment to my amendment. only if it is above the 75. >>jason fried, michael can correct me on this if i'm wrong but there is a formula to between the two but if you want to get rid of the word approximate that is fine and i personally agree with some of the comments that the public made about the being there and it's as long as you are staying within the pricing policy goal is you should encourage staff to get as big as it can well stay in the procedure in some ways i think take out the word 75 because as long as you stay within your policies and procedures because as long as her staying within your policies and procedures it shouldn't matter if it is 75 or not. >>this is just bad drafting. at least is clear drafting to take the word out. it should be something else and come forward with something else. >>yes? >>jed holtzman i didn't identify myself for the tv earlier but i would like to set can officer fried's comment on the amendment because if we remove the number 75 or commenting on the established policies and proceduresthat your staff is approving and were counting on that to move us forward and of course any report if there is a significant retribution and that path. i would urge you to take officer freid's suggestion and remove the number 75 ae thank you. >>what is the disadvantage of 75? do so with the unlimited. and will be governed by the policies and practices we've already adopted civic to be read impact or purchase and supply issues that could potentially come up.-feeling this will come up again if we go to 100 are to 200 at some point. >>they said they are going to come back and address the long-term growth issues and hopefully it will come back in a way that we don't have to keep rehashing this. staff hasn't said that they need more than 75. so, i don't see where we need to give them unlimited. if we were giving them unlimited authority i would want to review the policies to make sure they were consistent with that kind of authorization and absent the kind of review i'm not ready to give them unlimited authorization. >>it removes checks and balances of its unlimited. >>if i could just comment that this authority is important for our next enrollment and, 75 does give us room to grow the program in a manner that is responsive to customer proactive demand. customers are reaching out to us and saying they want to be in the program and a staff, one thing we could really use is additional headroom to say that will get you into the program. and, this will help that. and, i think that i can understand the comments of the public and we want to grow the program as quickly as we can and as prudent and that will come out of our planning effort and we do see with the other cc are doing and we are in touch with them and i think that the 75 will help us to be responsive to the customer demand that we are seeing and ensure that we stay on track too with this current phase. >>i think the issue is if we are limited and the limiting factor is their ability to support above 75. so our son everybody to understand what our top margin is now and we need to reevaluate that if we do something differently may come back and propose changing some of those policies so that we can expand faster. so, that is why we put the 75 in there. is there any other- >>that is helpful. maybe when we have a rollout plan we can understand what some of those implications are and the rate of rollout if we were to go to 100 or 300 whatever that might be that's a very important consideration. >>and, there are different options for scaling the program. we actually took a path that no other cca has taken to date. we secured power outside of secure account with a single counterparty in a single supplier that was the model that we were investigating earlier and in earlier efforts to launch the cca program. will we did here there was that we solicited from and ultimately a broader pool of suppliers in order to create as competitive of solicitation as we could. but, there has been a lot of motivation happening because we are learning there are multiparty out boxes and there are many paths we can take to scale the program up and it might be that we take multiple options. it might be smaller phases or even larger auto enrollments. there might be smaller options available to us now but i just want the planning commission to understand what the options are now because i want this to remain competitive. >>i don't love natural gas i think that is a fuel we should be moving away from. with the solar and all of the great news and supply questions that will give us an opportunity to clean up our green. >>i should say there is a companion plan to our expansion plan and that is an integrated resource plan and that is actually part of our business practice policies but we will develop an integrated resource plan that provides supply, demand, and the resources going forward. it will make a projection of that plan going citywide and this is really a buildout place of that program aspirations and supply needs and that will bedone in conjunction with the growth plan. it may follow it a little bit because we want to do is lay out some low growth projections and put some inputs into the resource plan. so, i wanted to put that out there and with respect to natural gas something that i wanted to do is have as many specified resources as possible rather than just leaning on the grid where you can lean on a mix of unspecified supply projects. that is one of the emphasis of what we had done before and that is to specify within the mix. >>yeah, but you specify with natural gas? isn't that right? there is a third option you can go with the grid, you can specify or you can specify without the gas. >>the natural gas would have to go 20. >>as part of the growth plan is it the same as the rollout plan? >>the two together is what i think you think of as the rollout plan. the growth plan is whether we meet the demand and the rollout plan is the supply and resources and technology and type of energy supplies that we will want to procure or developed to meet that plan. >>i think the integrated resource plan we can't even have have them done in the exact amount of time as the power energy enterprise. >>the silicon valley plan is how much less than pg&e? well, the question is how did they achieve that because we aren't there, are we? >>just to be clear, silicon valley has right now just one product. is 100% ghd free but it is only 50% clean power. in that area it's in 50% below. >>we have an amendment on the floor. are there any other questions or comments? and, the proposed amendment is to remove the word approximately before 75. >>i think we have a motion and a second already on the main resolution. any public comment on the resolution? all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. >>can you read the next item please? >>10. approve the revised records retention schedule and record retention policy of the san francisco public utilities commission. (sandler) >>is there a motion to move the revised schedule? >>i will move it. >>i will second it. >>is there any public comment? >>is there any public comment on the retention schedule? >>[indecipherable] >> thank you. are there any other public comments on this item? all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. the motion carries. next item please. >>11. approve amendments to agreement nos. cs-211a-d, specialized and technical services, , natural resources division, water enterprise, with cdm smith/ats, joint venture (cs-211a); icf+avila, joint venture (cs-211b); shaw environmental and infrastructure, inc., (cs-211c); and urs corporation (cs-211d), to provide continuing permit compliance monitoring of water system improvement program (wsip) habitat mitigation sites; and authorize the general manager to execute future amendments within the existing contract capacity of $20,000,000, with no single contract exceeding $7,500,000. >>is there a motion? >>i motion >>i will second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. the motion carries. the next item will be closed session16. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation federal insurance co., et al v. san francisco independent taxi assoc., et al. san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-543173 city attorney file no.: 150762 17. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation federal insurance co., et al v. san francisco independent taxi assoc., et al. san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-543173 city attorney file no.: 150762 19. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation stacey a. lawrence v. city and county of san francisco, et al san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-542269 city attorney file no.: 151275 20. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation civil service employees insurance co. v. city and county of san francisco san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-538389pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) >>and items 23 through 25 will not be heard today. >>thank you. are there any public comment on the closed session items? >>[indecipherable] >>we have to learn about our earthquake issues. we have proceeded in these kind of ways and they say they don't understand that there are understandings that they have to clarify on this request. i think there would be a lot of problems for getting an officer in city hall and, to [inaudible] the supervisors because we really need this office in tune to our needs it we haven't been getting answered >>[timer >>[gavel] >>we are back in open session. and we have settled on the items is there a motion on whether or not todiscuss the items during closed session? >>to not disclose. >>i second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay >>is there any new business? >> good morning and welcome to special meeting of board of supervisors. today july 28, 2016. madam clerk, can you please call the roll. >> thank you. supervisor avalos. present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. have visor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor peskin, present. have visor tang, appsent. supervisor wiener, present. supervisor yee, absent. madam present, you have a quorum >> thank you. please join us for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you, colleagues is there supervisor farrell, asked to be excused. motion by supervisor cohen, second by campos. without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications? >> you just announced farrell would not be present. >> items 1 and 2. >> pursuant tew proved motion at july 26 the board of supervise uzgrud to convene committee of the whole pr public hearing to consider mments to the charter amendment item 2. transfer responsibility for the maintenance of street tree tooz the sate and establish the street tree maintenance fund to pay for such maintenance and maintenance the san francisco unified school district property and require annual contribution by the satey of $19 million and adjusted for changes in city revenues for election held november 8, 2016. item 2 amend the charter to transfer responsibility of street trees and establish a fund for maintenance to include maintenance for san francisco unified school district and require annual contribution to fund $19 million for changes in city receive news and election held november 8, 2016. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you president breed. colleagues thank you for united together for the street measure. this is a effort going on many many years. supervisor wiener and myself have been working closely with resident in the district not just to plant trees but make sure the tree program is funded into the future and friends of the urban forest is a essential part of the effort and look forward to really be part of the future effort of maintaining trees looking forward. believe today we just have to continue this on to tomorrows meeting, is that correct? then we can vote for it for sending to the ballot tome. e tomorrow. >> thank you. >> at this time i will open up to public comment. any members of public who would like to make public comment at this time? >> tom gillbirty. two months ago [inaudible] appeared with 4 or 5 people and next week came with 4 or 5 people and next week 7 or 8 people. >> mr. gillbirty- >> isn't this public comment? >> no this is about the trees >> sorry. >> anyone else like to make public comment. >> in regard to the trees like to talk about what is in the paper and website. i assume the budget set aside will be in the charter. generally i'm not in favor of budgeting at the ballot box. the sales tax revenue is maintenance only and not goget of the urban forest by 55,000 trees contained in the urban forest plan. i stress maintenance of existing trees. two lessons learned, the 26,000 trees for tomorrow by mayor nusem with no funding maintenance was tip of the iceburg cost of $60 million and failed to recognize the maintenance cost. and also i have come to the conclusion the friends of urbb forest planted 50,000 trees and property owns are not properly informed to maintain them. this is from the planning departments urban forest plan stating the city trees are maintained in a better condition than private trees and with the overall degidation we are faced with the situation we are in. in conclusion i say proceed cautiously and perform your duties in adult supervision in the candy store. >> any members who like to speak at this time? >> are the trees going to include the sidewalk? i see a nod, yes. thank you kindly. >> good morning. thank you very much for coming this morning. i want to clarification that this initiative will only be for the care of tree jz not for the planting of the 55,000 extretrees but if more trees are planted there is enough money in the plan to take care of additional trees. it has nothing to do with planting tree. >> any other members who like to speak on the item at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. a motion to continue this to the meeting of july 29 at 10:30 a.m.? motion by have visor avalos, second by supervisor wiener. without objection this is continued to july 29, 10:30 a.m. the hearing is held and file. please call item number 4. >> item 4, >> we will take general public comment at theened. >> item 4 madam present and public comment is taken oen this item is considered for adoption without committee reference motion to modify time requires under board rule [inaudible] boards agenda of the charter amendment regarding the city responsibility for trees to be submitted to the november 8, 2016 election. >> one second. madam clerk, let's keep this meeting open and we will now since it is passed 8:40 go to our 8:40 special board meeting and i guess we'll need it call the roll again. >> supervirez avalos, present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. mar, present. peskin, present. tang, present. wiener, present. yee, absent. madam president you have a quorum >> motion to excuse supervisor farrell? motion by supervirez mar and seconded by supervisor avalos. take this without objection? without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications madam clerk? >> no madam president. >> please call iletms 1 and 2. >> pursuant to motion at july 26, 2016 board meeting the board will convene committee for items 1 and 2. item 1 is public hearing toconsider item 22, charter amendment to amend the charter to remain the office of citizen complaints gives dpa authority over the budge squt requires performance audit every 2 years of how the police department handled claims of officer misconduct and election held negative 8, 2016 >> any members who like to comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. this hearing is held and now filed. madment clerk, item 2, please call-supervisor cohen? >> good morning i like to thank everyone coming to the compromise and moving this legislation forward. on tuesday i believe [inaudible] to move efforts on police reform forward and bring accountability to san francisco. i like to thank the community organizations and residents who came up to speak and advocate what they believe is the right thing to do for police reform. colleagues i ask for your support and move the measure forward to place on the november ballot and want to recognize my legislative add [inaudible] for leadership >> motion to continue this item to july 9 at 1035 a.m.? motion by supervisor mar and second by supervisor tang. take this without objection? without objection this will be continued to july 29, 1035 a.m. madam clerk, please call item number 3 and 4. >> july 26 the board approved a motion to schedule committee of the whole for item 3 is the public hearing to consider item 4, the charter amendment 4th draft to create the office of pub lb advocate powers and duties and authorize the public advocate to review administration of city programs and authorize to receive and investigate whistle blower complaint and authorize public advocate to avoid the director of citizen complaint to provide for election removal and salary and set city policy regarding funding and minimum staffing for the office and sets dates for election held november 8 rkts 2016. >> any members of the bublic who like to comment at this time, please come forward? >> tom gillbirty. i'm curious-we have [inaudible] here, part of what i was going to speak about my two minute was they are looking for a ear. they are looking for a advocate. i kind of thought supervisor tang said that the best reason not to have a public advocate because that is the job of the supervisor. last tuesday night we had this room filled with [inaudible] after two months of obviously the situation not being taken care of. would [inaudible] gong be part of the public advocate? that is a question i like to have answered. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public who like to speak on this item? see none public comment is clezed. the hearing is held and filed. supervisor campos. >> just briefly, along the lines of what supervisor cohen noted. i'm glad we have a package so the voters have a option in november and want to thank shealy chung haighen from my staff working hard on this. thank you. >> supervisor campos you like to make a motion to continue to july 29 at 10 a.m.? >>iect correct >> second by supervisor mar. can we take the continuance without objection? without objection this item will be continued to july 29, 2016 at 10 a.m. madam clerk please call the committee report. >> item 5, considered by the budget and finance subcommittee at regular meeting and forwarded as a committee report. it is a ordinance to approve two agreements to enable the city to obtain access to fiber optic facilities. agreement between city and bay bridge for excess of 10 years and city and pacific bell for excess of 10 year contract and with respect to agreements waibing requirements of the administrative code prohibiting automatic provisions and contract. >> supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. there are 8 ayes. >> this passes on the first reading. madam clerk can we go back to item number- >> yes, just for clarification- >> let's go to general public comment. >> item 5 will be sent to the august 2 regular board meeting. >> thank you. and we will be taking general public comment, so specifically if you like to comment on the items for adoption without reference to committee including item 4 from the 8:30 meeting and item 7 from the 8:40 meeting. this is a time to comment during general public comment. mr. gillbirty, this is general public comment so you are welcome to come forward. >> thank you t is a little early. i want to emphasize the falen gong disaster we are having brewing here that isn't addressed. a couple weeks ago i started my comments saying i hope this issue gets resolved and the whole room s filled with young kids and folks and they sat 7 and a half hours. i like the supervisor who ever is handling the per aid route to address the situation. i'm kind of thought that the first chinese mayor of the city would in and handle part of the issue here. there is a void of any interest, any involvement. i guess in the land of if fruand home of the brave we are searching for a ear. from the mayor, i can expect that because he is part of a political machine and their job is only to stay in power and not offend anybody with their any power sources. now, i presume-is there another public comment? no, so let me go to-on tuesday i dried to mention something about insurance policies because basically i have been living with a settlement for 27 years. i know something about it. a $5 million settlement for getting hit by a car or truck will land you probably $3 million after the lawyer and insurance take care of their share and hospital take their share. $5 million and that leaves $3 million to cover your ass for years. in the city that is a tough play. uber needs to center that. i cant finish what i wanted. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public who like to provide public comment? seeing none, pub luck comment is closed. madam clerk, on item number 4 of the 8:30 agenda and item number 7 of the 8:40 a.m. agenda, can you please call the roll. >> madam president i just remind me-i believe we called for-i know we called 4 and called item 7 as well? >> can you please call the adoption without committee reference item. >> item 7 is a similar motion. modifys amoupd of time requires unter 2.227 between first appearance of the charter amendment for file 160586 regarding police accountability and boards ofordser of submission for november 8, 2016 election. >> you didn't call item 4 i believe. >> i believe i did. it was motion to motion time for file 160381 regarding cities responsibility for street trees for november 8, 2016. >> okay, call the roll. >> item 4 for the 8:30 agenda and item 7, supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervise r breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. >> those motions are approved unanimously. with that colleagues, since there is no further business, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] one of the was asked to do is water system improvement program and one thing i looked at is about the 4.8 billion dollars wurthd of work and a lot of the work was regional. we looked at how can we make sure that we provide opportunities for san franciscan's and people in the region and so we looked at ways we can expand our local san francisco lb program. so, we thought about it and worked with general manager at the time to form an advizry committee to talk about how to include local businesses in the region. >> i was on the first committee back about 10 years ago and the job changed over time. in the beginning, we just wanted people to know about it. we wanted to attract contractors to come into the system which is a bidding system and bid on some of these projects. our second job was to help the sfpuc to try to make themselves more user frndly. >> i like that they go out of their way, have contractors trying to teach and outreach to small businesses and lots of creative ways. help the community as well. there is so much infrastructure going on and repair, new construction that i think is helping to get construction back on its feet. >> my faiv rlt part of the committee has been that we have played a opportunity for many small businesses. [inaudible] women owned business to come in and [inaudible] sfpuc. it is a great opportunity because some are so small they have been able to grow their companies and move up and bid other projects with the sfpuc. >> everyone i was talking about with any contractor [inaudible] and super markets and things like that and i realize the transition was on the sfpuc. he got that first job and knows about the paperwork qu schedule and still works on this type of job, but he works with general contractors that also did other things. pretty soon it is like he did that one and that one. it completely changed his business. >> my name is nancy [inaudible] the office manager and bid coordinator for [inaudible] construction. worked on 10 plus puc, lbe contracts. today we are doing site maintenance on the [inaudible] chr site and currently the gentlemen behind me are working on every moving and basic specs of plants. in order to be success you need to work hard, bid low and keep a look at the sfpuc website for future bidding opportunity. >> this is a successful program because it provides opportunities to regional communities that might not have opportunities to work for large scale projects. the sfpuc is a fortunate agency we have a lot of capital program that span over 7 counties who also to see how some businesses like [inaudible] and bio mass started as small micro businesses grow and expand and stay in the program and work on several projects before they graduate from the program. that is what warms my heart. >> my name is college willkerson, the principle for bio mass. bio mass has been in business since 2006. 3 partners. small businesses fill a niche but apply and being a part of the program helped us be more visible and show the city and county of san francisco we can also perform services. >> this program had tremendous impact to the region. in fact, the time we rolled the program out was during the recession. this has h a major positive impact and certified over 150 firms in the rejen and collectively awarded $50 million in contracts, and because of the lbe certification it open many opportunities to work with sfpuc. and, i significantly helped the business. it is one of the major contributors to our success. go. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. medina go morning. amanda-regional initiative for the gen. service administration pursue the claim region and of your master of ceremonies today. i do the short straw and jake to the longshot. congratulations, jay. welcome to the united nations gaza. on to gsa regional headquarters and the physical home of super public. today, we celebrate the official launch of super public. the nation's first collaborative workspace to host city state and federal policymakers under one roof. the innovation lab is running in collaboration with san francisco mayor's office of civic innovation by the city intimate foundation and the gen. services administration will solve common problems that affect all levels of government. uc berkeley's center for design research at stanford university and mit media lab have also partnered with super public. super public will provide space. program convened summit, roundtables, and training programs to build capacity so that all partners in the lab can maximize time and impact. by working in an open innovation environment, super public intends to create extorted exportable models and solutions facing governments throughout the nation. the city of san francisco and city intimate into gsa and other superpower concept, was an immediate, yes. each level of government is really reinventing the wheel around a common problems. the silo nature of government has stymied the public sector from adopting innovative tech, and business models, and the sharing of best practices. so our hope that super public will break down some of the silos and allow us to share common solutions across government at the city state and federal level. not only will gsa provide a physical space which we had quite a bit of, but we will also provide some expertise in certain areas. gsa is a leader in procurement and also digital services in our digital consultancy etf's house just down the hall. minute you walk by their offices. just today. we've seen a significant amount of success at the federal level addressing the german challenges and changing the way government bills and buys technology. etf and parent organization the technology to information service can bring these past successes past and failures to the conversation. so, without further ado, we are very excited to commemorate the launch of super public and were honored to have with us another special guest. from you hear from the harsh reality recognizer speakers from today's event. gsa administrator denise turner ross, mayor of the city of san francisco and family. san francisco district 2 supervisor mark farrell. executive director of the city intimate foundation cameron sadik, and the city administrator naomi i can name is not on your last name? kelly. thank you. in addition to our speakers today i like to recognizer panelists discussing women and government and technology early 21st-century government. gsa initiated denise ross we joined by codirector of the transportation sustainably resource center at uc berkeley. atf deputy executive director hillary hartley and city oakland chief resiliency officer karen jane. now my pleasure to introduce the speaker per today's event. i bus and head of gsa this denise turner ross. ms. ross is the 21st senate confirm administrative and general furnaces ministration brother 18 years of public service she's old there is a leadership positions in washington dc and greensboro north carolina the focus on driving economic impact in ms. state of change. it is a gentleman, denise ross. >>[applause] >> thank you very much into. thank you all for being here at gsa in this beautiful old building. i think when we had the chance to actually renovate the space we were very fortunate and what a great day to see how far it's come. i'm not sure that when we were renovating the space just a few years ago that we had this opportunity and vision in mind but indeed, here we are today and it's just wonderful. mayor lee thank you for having us in your subject is a beautiful subject is been here all week and it's been a wonderful time. thank you for your partnership always. i think using the mayor has been called on frequented by the administration and it's because we like to go to leaders sought. it's not been by accident you've seen us here working with the mayor quite often. as administrative gsa, i have the pleasure of working with people are very committed to a really having a joint effort when they come to any community could gsa manages over three 75,000,000 ft.2 of space. we manage over $50 with spending occurs through the federal government and has been a straighter and you pointed out, i do have a deep deep background in city administration as well as in other capacities that i care a lot about how we are partnering with community could because when i know him and were working together both at city state and federal level, as well as with the private sector and public sector, the we are at our best and that's when we achieve our best. so when i came in as administrator i prioritize how do we use our physical footprint on knowledge, our access all resources to partner with these partners. as well as to partner with the federal agencies of course. an idea is for us to be able to bring the best foot forward in any place were entered weaver wants to never call her economic initiative which is really about how do we take a footprint and look for opportunities with communities. i think this is a great example of that. you are aware is into pointed out of our 18 f and pts and the work they been doing in digital services and current technology in bringing together that effort to our efforts and the federal government and it's been really exciting. so when asked about what is super public meeting for gsa why are we partnering in what respect to get out of this? i spoke to see us be able to continue to partner with other communities did for me this is just the start. to start an example and a strong example of what it means for how we can really leverage the space we are managing. this space the resources, the people be accessed. that's what is happening here. that is what were all part of today. so this is just a really exciting time for us throughout gsa not just the technology space but for all this that are here because were burning at the same time and will take these learning and share with other communities as well. so, mayor thank you again for coming here. thank you and your team for having the vision as well as city innovates. i've just been excited getting to know the work that you're doing and vision you have not just your locally but international. what a wonderful thing. so thank you for coming here and thank you for choosing this partnership and thank you for having the vision. >>[applause] >> thank you, denise. our next speaker has incredibly strong track record of driving collaborative partnerships in the first mayor in the nation to create an innovation office and city governments. please, welcome mayor ed lee. >>[applause] >> thank you into for that introduction. gsa of instead of ross, thank you for being here. this is one my favorite buildings outside of city hall. it shouldn't surprise you that we share the same architect and it's one of the few buildings like my office that still has curbed the wars. so there's a lot of history that we share but being here in gsa again, connotes a lot of good memories. certainly, it harkens back to city administrator these two director of purchasing a less political position in the city there i had fun. i truly had fun when i was director purchasing, spending the public's money about $1 billion a year buying things but trying to do it smartly and trying to incur local jobs, small businesses, get them involved in the economy of our city. and, even as mayor, we are still making sure were trying to do the right thing as all of our governments are. this idea of super public is exciting because in a few years, you're going to see an absolute necessity for this to happen. while it seems volunteer and innovative to do it now were actually creating the conditions the private sector, for the public sector, or academia, for those in government want to innovate, were trying to equate those conditions now so it has a lot more opportunity to be successful. as a city of innovation, i want to say that were already working not just as a city but is the region, i'm already deep conversations with mayor schaaf and mayor ricardo with our supervisors, in san mateo county about regional issues and making sure were paying attention, more than just what the part on has for the immediate future. more about our challenges and how we can really work outside of our sideload cities and counties and into arena where we can really and truly invite the private sector to work with us. the academia sector and our innovative arms. it's no surprise that gsa is a partner because it's fast becoming the most innovative arm of the federal government i've ever seen hit their really pushing it well ahead and they're challenging us to be a great partner and we want to be. because we have a lot of things that could withhold benefits to our public if we didn't start working cooperatively. we just are thinking outside of those silos that and you mentioned that we all know is a very fact that prevents us from doing better. and i say that we started this over a year and a half ago as well thinking that to be smarter city, not just an transportation but everything else that we do but transportation is a great example to start out with because if were not thinking more :-), not thinking more collaboratively and innovatively, beyond the cities and into a regional if not a state and federal approach, were going to fail. whether it's bikes, whether it's public transportation, whether it's getting less cars have thinking about automated vehicles and how to make them safer, how to use them how to use automation and delivery of goods and products, were going to fill it we don't innovate now and have that spirit. that's why i'm excited about joining our gsa partners and our city administrator, our members of our board of supervisors, and our innovation arm of the city working with the other innovation arms of federal government and state government. this is more than exciting. as i suggest to you super public is going to have to be a necessity because as you look around, not just united states, that's starting to happen in new york and los angeles and allow places, you look at what international cities are already doing. you don't have to look-has, by the way, happy the steel date those of you who have french foundations. paris story got a super public that we are studying and looking at as a model. toronto, under the great international city. other international cities have already figured out that indo global competition that we are engaged in, and we must recognize that, that is those regions that recognize how collaboration and innovation is going to help their cities become that much more successful in a global competition. when not opting out of anything were opting in to a global setting and making sure we are ready to do that even better. so, i am excited as you can probably tell because i didn't, i visited the offices this year and the space that were talking about and i know into says we have not got the furniture yet. but, i will tell you, you got the calendar ready. furniture comes after the talent arrives. i think that talent is here the dedication the commitment is here and i will tell you, i have never stopped trying to figure out how to decrease red tape. how to really convince our public who has to pay a lot of our taxes to say, your money is going into a smarter collaboration that we can be more transparent and telling them how we are cutting red tape. how small businesses can have a federal partner, a star partner, a local partner that says you're going to have a lot less red tape to be more successful. i have never stopped and effort in making sure that our city is talking with all our federal partners to it smarter and we better get how i say procurement officer as our city administrator is, to suggest that we can buy things and still have it at a less expensive price but get payments to our local small business faster so that we can really have a foundation for good employment in the long run. how we can tackle transportation, tackle homelessness, tackle poverty in ways which we never talked about before. yes we've got good ideas in san francisco but the navigation centers, like a cherry, like car sharing. how can we make this a regional thing and academia, with its berkeley mit, stanford were all part of this effort, going to contribute to that because they know that we've got the document we got to talk the man could we do to make sure our models are examples of things we can really share with people, and we've got to prove that we can do it better than the last generated so, excited about this. i'm excited about super public, and i know just in the few years is quick to be an absolute necessity for the global competition and we are helping our country by doing this. we are hoping much of the federal people be better quit estate people be better on local people be better, but as a community of people interested in being smarter about what were doing we hopefully will the public was a breathing that much deeper committed to using your dollars smarter to making sure we do things in language data can really drive and help us. this is what i think super public is and i want to just say, ken, thank you to organizations like the innovate fund and our innovation civic innovation leaders, i did sector comedies like at&t stepping up with berkeley folks and others to really say we can do this even better. but we've got to think regionally now. we can just think is that independent circuit either to make sure talking with sam ricardo and their interest in san jose. -mayor schaaf people in oakland and san mateo because our challenges are no longer just within our region with its housing, dissertation, with there's even a simple idea of procuring. we've got to do it smarter and better in this consistently foundation. it's exciting to be in a room full of innovators to do this. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> an

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Germany , Paris , France General , France , North Carolina , Oakland , Washington , Stanford University , China , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , San Francisco , Berkeley , Gaza , Israel General , Israel , San Mateo County , America , French , Chinese , German , Michels Jay Dee , Shealy Chung , Cameron Sadik , Karen Jane , Jed Holtzman , Denise Turner Ross , Denise Ross , Sam Ricardo , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Stacey A Lawrence , Hillary Hartley ,

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Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Subcommittee 72016 20160728 :

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Subcommittee 72016 20160728

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(a-license) for san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, and alameda counties, for a not-to-exceed amount of $5,000,000, to the lowest, qualified, responsible, and responsive bidder, cal state constructors, inc., to perform general engineering construction tasks for all san francisco public utilities commission enterprise operations and bureaus. (how) c) accept work performed by michels/jay dee/coluccio, joint venture, for contract no. wd-2531, bay division pipelines reliability upgrade bay tunnel; approve modification no. 48 (final), decreasing the contract amount by $401,175, for a total contract amount of $217,619,067, with a time extension of 319 non-compensable consecutive calendar days (approximately 10 months), for a total contract duration of 2,252 consecutive calendar days (approximately six years, two months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) d) accept work performed by jdb & sons construction inc., for contract no. wd-2779, college hill learning garden; approve modification no. 1 (final), increasing the contract amount by $57,252, for a total contract amount of $580,652, with a time extension of 119 consecutive calendar days (approximately four months), for a total contract duration of 189 consecutive calendar days (approximately six months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) e) accept work performed by shimmick construction company, inc., for contract no. ww-490, oceanside water pollution control plant 620 digesters sbr tpad conversion and facility improvements; approve modification no. 11 (final), increasing the contract amount by $158,021, for a total contract amount of $19,034,533, and with a time extension of 167 consecutive calendar days (approximately five months), for a total contract duration of 1337 consecutive calendar days (approximately three years, eight months); and authorize final payment to the contractor. (how) f) authorize the general manager to negotiate and execute, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, a memorandum of agreement (moa) with the california department of fish and wildlife (cdfw), for an amount not to exceed $585,000, and with a duration of 12 months, which will allow for the sfpuc to provide funding to cdfw for the design, procurement, and installation of a temporary water treatment and reuse system (pilot recirculation system) at moccasin creek fish hatchery. cdfw intends to implement the pilot recirculation system to enable they to successfully operate from january 3, 2017 through march 4, 2017, a period in which water deliveries through mountain tunnel will be interrupted due to maintenance, and consequently, water deliveries to the hatchery will be significantly reduced. (ritchie) regular session 9. authorize the general manager to exceed 50 mw average demand for the cleanpowersf program and set the new program enrollment cap at approximately 75 mw average, as long as the additional demand can be met in accordance with the adopted cleanpowersf power content and phasing policies. >> i would urge the commission to remove the full load of san francisco and i think that staff should be free to move at whatever pace is expeditious and i'm not sure whether you would get this information from anywhere else so i will run through this with a couple of things to buy comparison our neighbors in the peninsula will offer a 50% renewable and 70% gst three default product for 2 1/2% cheaper than pg&e's rates. they're going from the date of serving customers to full rollout to their service territory will be six months. further down, the silicon valley cca further default product will offer a 50% renewable and ghd project that will be closer to ours and again, that rollout from the date of serving to total rollout to the whole service territory will be six months. that will be october 2017 schedule for both of them. so, this achievement in our neighbors and we are the leader in the south bay and were talking about the rollout staff i support your staff i support being prudent and fluid i think we can do both. i urge you to support your staff and following the policies that you have it adopted to bring them as expeditiously as possible to full enrollment in the city with a priority of as soon as possible these will be fully enrolled in shorter time than we are generated a program growth plan thank you very much. >>thank you. yes, commissioner moran. >>yes, a question and a comment. is there a rate impact for existing customers with the expansion? >>we will be assessing that went before we make any supply commitments to serve the expansion. that is part of the business practice policy is the commission adopted. the supplies that we looked at to support fall enrollment do not cause a rate impact. >>okay and if we were getting into a position where the market might require a rate change the commission would know about it for those changes were made? >>absolutely >>the other thing that want to mention is if we go out to purchase power and it is so expensive that we have to take pause. so, that is why we have to be very cautious because we talked about affordability and that is why that has to be measured instead of trying to roll it out just to roll it out. we made a promise to try to make this affordable. so when we do come up with a rate to expand and it's more expensive than pg we will have to have you come and we will have a dialogue. >>that didn't expand beyond that. and finally understand why we have a cap of approximately anything. i don't know how on earth you would administer that. if 75 isn't enough then- approximately 75 is meaningless. >>question to straight. >>yeah, i agree with that. i think we could amend that. >>that would be my proposal. >>it sounds like you also have another proposed amendment that is not addressed in this resolution that has to do with the rates. >>i want to make sure that there was reference to existing policy and unless you have read the policy, it's not altogether clear what that entails. i want to make sure explicitly that those polities were such that by extending the program we were not obligating ourselves to a rate increase. if the answer from staff was that the existing policies cover that it would not result in a rate increase i don't think there was an amendment there necessarily. but, i appreciate your support on the approximately and i would make an amendment to move the word approximately in the resolution. >>and, to delete the number 75? >>as long as 75 can sufficient to get us to that point i don't see any point in deleting that. >>and when would we get updates on that? >>the end of this year. >>i think again, the most important part of this rollout is the ability to find the capital or the reserve that we need to continue to purchase contracts and i mean, that is really the main reason why we've been doing it in phases because we want this program to be self-sufficient. the other thing is, we talked about lockbox versus not lockbox and advantages and reassessing that so there's a lot of moving parts and things that we want to include into the program that were talking about that. so, it is a lot of stuff and remember, we shift from residential to commercial and it sometime this year you want to do commercial so all of that we're trying to put together and as we mentioned today, we will come back and talk to you about the things that we are thinking about so that you will at least know what we are planning to include and look at the different options and stuff like that. >>i wanted to make one comment on the approximately term and to explain why that is in there might be helpful. so, a couple things that are at play, whenever we do an auto enrollment there are opt outs. in order to meet a targeted resulting demand we enroll more customers then our demand.we use the data that we have citywide to make projections for customer enrollments and because we are serving a subset of the customers in the city we might have outliers in there so there is an amount of variability that's created due to that. so, the approximate wasn't intended to be5-10% movement necessarily, but what we didn't want is if we ended up point megawatts to be in that regulation. >>if you need more headroom we'll give you more headroom to deal with that availability it sounds like you don't need that initially and if you do you come have plenty of time to come back for an amendment for that. i motion to approve that. >>do i hear a second? >>i second. >>there is motion and a second is there a public comment? >>i think the approximate 20 we should leave that approximate 20 if we get a higher opt out it will be less. you are talking about paul 75. >>i will agree with that >>amendment to my amendment. only if it is above the 75. >>jason fried, michael can correct me on this if i'm wrong but there is a formula to between the two but if you want to get rid of the word approximate that is fine and i personally agree with some of the comments that the public made about the being there and it's as long as you are staying within the pricing policy goal is you should encourage staff to get as big as it can well stay in the procedure in some ways i think take out the word 75 because as long as you stay within your policies and procedures because as long as her staying within your policies and procedures it shouldn't matter if it is 75 or not. >>this is just bad drafting. at least is clear drafting to take the word out. it should be something else and come forward with something else. >>yes? >>jed holtzman i didn't identify myself for the tv earlier but i would like to set can officer fried's comment on the amendment because if we remove the number 75 or commenting on the established policies and proceduresthat your staff is approving and were counting on that to move us forward and of course any report if there is a significant retribution and that path. i would urge you to take officer freid's suggestion and remove the number 75 ae thank you. >>what is the disadvantage of 75? do so with the unlimited. and will be governed by the policies and practices we've already adopted civic to be read impact or purchase and supply issues that could potentially come up.-feeling this will come up again if we go to 100 are to 200 at some point. >>they said they are going to come back and address the long-term growth issues and hopefully it will come back in a way that we don't have to keep rehashing this. staff hasn't said that they need more than 75. so, i don't see where we need to give them unlimited. if we were giving them unlimited authority i would want to review the policies to make sure they were consistent with that kind of authorization and absent the kind of review i'm not ready to give them unlimited authorization. >>it removes checks and balances of its unlimited. >>if i could just comment that this authority is important for our next enrollment and, 75 does give us room to grow the program in a manner that is responsive to customer proactive demand. customers are reaching out to us and saying they want to be in the program and a staff, one thing we could really use is additional headroom to say that will get you into the program. and, this will help that. and, i think that i can understand the comments of the public and we want to grow the program as quickly as we can and as prudent and that will come out of our planning effort and we do see with the other cc are doing and we are in touch with them and i think that the 75 will help us to be responsive to the customer demand that we are seeing and ensure that we stay on track too with this current phase. >>i think the issue is if we are limited and the limiting factor is their ability to support above 75. so our son everybody to understand what our top margin is now and we need to reevaluate that if we do something differently may come back and propose changing some of those policies so that we can expand faster. so, that is why we put the 75 in there. is there any other- >>that is helpful. maybe when we have a rollout plan we can understand what some of those implications are and the rate of rollout if we were to go to 100 or 300 whatever that might be that's a very important consideration. >>and, there are different options for scaling the program. we actually took a path that no other cca has taken to date. we secured power outside of secure account with a single counterparty in a single supplier that was the model that we were investigating earlier and in earlier efforts to launch the cca program. will we did here there was that we solicited from and ultimately a broader pool of suppliers in order to create as competitive of solicitation as we could. but, there has been a lot of motivation happening because we are learning there are multiparty out boxes and there are many paths we can take to scale the program up and it might be that we take multiple options. it might be smaller phases or even larger auto enrollments. there might be smaller options available to us now but i just want the planning commission to understand what the options are now because i want this to remain competitive. >>i don't love natural gas i think that is a fuel we should be moving away from. with the solar and all of the great news and supply questions that will give us an opportunity to clean up our green. >>i should say there is a companion plan to our expansion plan and that is an integrated resource plan and that is actually part of our business practice policies but we will develop an integrated resource plan that provides supply, demand, and the resources going forward. it will make a projection of that plan going citywide and this is really a buildout place of that program aspirations and supply needs and that will bedone in conjunction with the growth plan. it may follow it a little bit because we want to do is lay out some low growth projections and put some inputs into the resource plan. so, i wanted to put that out there and with respect to natural gas something that i wanted to do is have as many specified resources as possible rather than just leaning on the grid where you can lean on a mix of unspecified supply projects. that is one of the emphasis of what we had done before and that is to specify within the mix. >>yeah, but you specify with natural gas? isn't that right? there is a third option you can go with the grid, you can specify or you can specify without the gas. >>the natural gas would have to go 20. >>as part of the growth plan is it the same as the rollout plan? >>the two together is what i think you think of as the rollout plan. the growth plan is whether we meet the demand and the rollout plan is the supply and resources and technology and type of energy supplies that we will want to procure or developed to meet that plan. >>i think the integrated resource plan we can't even have have them done in the exact amount of time as the power energy enterprise. >>the silicon valley plan is how much less than pg&e? well, the question is how did they achieve that because we aren't there, are we? >>just to be clear, silicon valley has right now just one product. is 100% ghd free but it is only 50% clean power. in that area it's in 50% below. >>we have an amendment on the floor. are there any other questions or comments? and, the proposed amendment is to remove the word approximately before 75. >>i think we have a motion and a second already on the main resolution. any public comment on the resolution? all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. >>can you read the next item please? >>10. approve the revised records retention schedule and record retention policy of the san francisco public utilities commission. (sandler) >>is there a motion to move the revised schedule? >>i will move it. >>i will second it. >>is there any public comment? >>is there any public comment on the retention schedule? >>[indecipherable] >> thank you. are there any other public comments on this item? all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. the motion carries. next item please. >>11. approve amendments to agreement nos. cs-211a-d, specialized and technical services, , natural resources division, water enterprise, with cdm smith/ats, joint venture (cs-211a); icf+avila, joint venture (cs-211b); shaw environmental and infrastructure, inc., (cs-211c); and urs corporation (cs-211d), to provide continuing permit compliance monitoring of water system improvement program (wsip) habitat mitigation sites; and authorize the general manager to execute future amendments within the existing contract capacity of $20,000,000, with no single contract exceeding $7,500,000. >>is there a motion? >>i motion >>i will second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. the motion carries. the next item will be closed session16. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation federal insurance co., et al v. san francisco independent taxi assoc., et al. san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-543173 city attorney file no.: 150762 17. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation federal insurance co., et al v. san francisco independent taxi assoc., et al. san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-543173 city attorney file no.: 150762 19. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation stacey a. lawrence v. city and county of san francisco, et al san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-542269 city attorney file no.: 151275 20. conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) existing litigation civil service employees insurance co. v. city and county of san francisco san francisco superior court no.: cgc-14-538389pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (d) (1) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10 (d) (1) (ambrose) >>and items 23 through 25 will not be heard today. >>thank you. are there any public comment on the closed session items? >>[indecipherable] >>we have to learn about our earthquake issues. we have proceeded in these kind of ways and they say they don't understand that there are understandings that they have to clarify on this request. i think there would be a lot of problems for getting an officer in city hall and, to [inaudible] the supervisors because we really need this office in tune to our needs it we haven't been getting answered >>[timer >>[gavel] >>we are back in open session. and we have settled on the items is there a motion on whether or not todiscuss the items during closed session? >>to not disclose. >>i second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay >>is there any new business? >> good morning and welcome to special meeting of board of supervisors. today july 28, 2016. madam clerk, can you please call the roll. >> thank you. supervisor avalos. present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. have visor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor peskin, present. have visor tang, appsent. supervisor wiener, present. supervisor yee, absent. madam present, you have a quorum >> thank you. please join us for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you, colleagues is there supervisor farrell, asked to be excused. motion by supervisor cohen, second by campos. without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications? >> you just announced farrell would not be present. >> items 1 and 2. >> pursuant tew proved motion at july 26 the board of supervise uzgrud to convene committee of the whole pr public hearing to consider mments to the charter amendment item 2. transfer responsibility for the maintenance of street tree tooz the sate and establish the street tree maintenance fund to pay for such maintenance and maintenance the san francisco unified school district property and require annual contribution by the satey of $19 million and adjusted for changes in city revenues for election held november 8, 2016. item 2 amend the charter to transfer responsibility of street trees and establish a fund for maintenance to include maintenance for san francisco unified school district and require annual contribution to fund $19 million for changes in city receive news and election held november 8, 2016. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you president breed. colleagues thank you for united together for the street measure. this is a effort going on many many years. supervisor wiener and myself have been working closely with resident in the district not just to plant trees but make sure the tree program is funded into the future and friends of the urban forest is a essential part of the effort and look forward to really be part of the future effort of maintaining trees looking forward. believe today we just have to continue this on to tomorrows meeting, is that correct? then we can vote for it for sending to the ballot tome. e tomorrow. >> thank you. >> at this time i will open up to public comment. any members of public who would like to make public comment at this time? >> tom gillbirty. two months ago [inaudible] appeared with 4 or 5 people and next week came with 4 or 5 people and next week 7 or 8 people. >> mr. gillbirty- >> isn't this public comment? >> no this is about the trees >> sorry. >> anyone else like to make public comment. >> in regard to the trees like to talk about what is in the paper and website. i assume the budget set aside will be in the charter. generally i'm not in favor of budgeting at the ballot box. the sales tax revenue is maintenance only and not goget of the urban forest by 55,000 trees contained in the urban forest plan. i stress maintenance of existing trees. two lessons learned, the 26,000 trees for tomorrow by mayor nusem with no funding maintenance was tip of the iceburg cost of $60 million and failed to recognize the maintenance cost. and also i have come to the conclusion the friends of urbb forest planted 50,000 trees and property owns are not properly informed to maintain them. this is from the planning departments urban forest plan stating the city trees are maintained in a better condition than private trees and with the overall degidation we are faced with the situation we are in. in conclusion i say proceed cautiously and perform your duties in adult supervision in the candy store. >> any members who like to speak at this time? >> are the trees going to include the sidewalk? i see a nod, yes. thank you kindly. >> good morning. thank you very much for coming this morning. i want to clarification that this initiative will only be for the care of tree jz not for the planting of the 55,000 extretrees but if more trees are planted there is enough money in the plan to take care of additional trees. it has nothing to do with planting tree. >> any other members who like to speak on the item at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. a motion to continue this to the meeting of july 29 at 10:30 a.m.? motion by have visor avalos, second by supervisor wiener. without objection this is continued to july 29, 10:30 a.m. the hearing is held and file. please call item number 4. >> item 4, >> we will take general public comment at theened. >> item 4 madam present and public comment is taken oen this item is considered for adoption without committee reference motion to modify time requires under board rule [inaudible] boards agenda of the charter amendment regarding the city responsibility for trees to be submitted to the november 8, 2016 election. >> one second. madam clerk, let's keep this meeting open and we will now since it is passed 8:40 go to our 8:40 special board meeting and i guess we'll need it call the roll again. >> supervirez avalos, present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. mar, present. peskin, present. tang, present. wiener, present. yee, absent. madam president you have a quorum >> motion to excuse supervisor farrell? motion by supervirez mar and seconded by supervisor avalos. take this without objection? without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications madam clerk? >> no madam president. >> please call iletms 1 and 2. >> pursuant to motion at july 26, 2016 board meeting the board will convene committee for items 1 and 2. item 1 is public hearing toconsider item 22, charter amendment to amend the charter to remain the office of citizen complaints gives dpa authority over the budge squt requires performance audit every 2 years of how the police department handled claims of officer misconduct and election held negative 8, 2016 >> any members who like to comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. this hearing is held and now filed. madment clerk, item 2, please call-supervisor cohen? >> good morning i like to thank everyone coming to the compromise and moving this legislation forward. on tuesday i believe [inaudible] to move efforts on police reform forward and bring accountability to san francisco. i like to thank the community organizations and residents who came up to speak and advocate what they believe is the right thing to do for police reform. colleagues i ask for your support and move the measure forward to place on the november ballot and want to recognize my legislative add [inaudible] for leadership >> motion to continue this item to july 9 at 1035 a.m.? motion by supervisor mar and second by supervisor tang. take this without objection? without objection this will be continued to july 29, 1035 a.m. madam clerk, please call item number 3 and 4. >> july 26 the board approved a motion to schedule committee of the whole for item 3 is the public hearing to consider item 4, the charter amendment 4th draft to create the office of pub lb advocate powers and duties and authorize the public advocate to review administration of city programs and authorize to receive and investigate whistle blower complaint and authorize public advocate to avoid the director of citizen complaint to provide for election removal and salary and set city policy regarding funding and minimum staffing for the office and sets dates for election held november 8 rkts 2016. >> any members of the bublic who like to comment at this time, please come forward? >> tom gillbirty. i'm curious-we have [inaudible] here, part of what i was going to speak about my two minute was they are looking for a ear. they are looking for a advocate. i kind of thought supervisor tang said that the best reason not to have a public advocate because that is the job of the supervisor. last tuesday night we had this room filled with [inaudible] after two months of obviously the situation not being taken care of. would [inaudible] gong be part of the public advocate? that is a question i like to have answered. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public who like to speak on this item? see none public comment is clezed. the hearing is held and filed. supervisor campos. >> just briefly, along the lines of what supervisor cohen noted. i'm glad we have a package so the voters have a option in november and want to thank shealy chung haighen from my staff working hard on this. thank you. >> supervisor campos you like to make a motion to continue to july 29 at 10 a.m.? >>iect correct >> second by supervisor mar. can we take the continuance without objection? without objection this item will be continued to july 29, 2016 at 10 a.m. madam clerk please call the committee report. >> item 5, considered by the budget and finance subcommittee at regular meeting and forwarded as a committee report. it is a ordinance to approve two agreements to enable the city to obtain access to fiber optic facilities. agreement between city and bay bridge for excess of 10 years and city and pacific bell for excess of 10 year contract and with respect to agreements waibing requirements of the administrative code prohibiting automatic provisions and contract. >> supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. there are 8 ayes. >> this passes on the first reading. madam clerk can we go back to item number- >> yes, just for clarification- >> let's go to general public comment. >> item 5 will be sent to the august 2 regular board meeting. >> thank you. and we will be taking general public comment, so specifically if you like to comment on the items for adoption without reference to committee including item 4 from the 8:30 meeting and item 7 from the 8:40 meeting. this is a time to comment during general public comment. mr. gillbirty, this is general public comment so you are welcome to come forward. >> thank you t is a little early. i want to emphasize the falen gong disaster we are having brewing here that isn't addressed. a couple weeks ago i started my comments saying i hope this issue gets resolved and the whole room s filled with young kids and folks and they sat 7 and a half hours. i like the supervisor who ever is handling the per aid route to address the situation. i'm kind of thought that the first chinese mayor of the city would in and handle part of the issue here. there is a void of any interest, any involvement. i guess in the land of if fruand home of the brave we are searching for a ear. from the mayor, i can expect that because he is part of a political machine and their job is only to stay in power and not offend anybody with their any power sources. now, i presume-is there another public comment? no, so let me go to-on tuesday i dried to mention something about insurance policies because basically i have been living with a settlement for 27 years. i know something about it. a $5 million settlement for getting hit by a car or truck will land you probably $3 million after the lawyer and insurance take care of their share and hospital take their share. $5 million and that leaves $3 million to cover your ass for years. in the city that is a tough play. uber needs to center that. i cant finish what i wanted. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public who like to provide public comment? seeing none, pub luck comment is closed. madam clerk, on item number 4 of the 8:30 agenda and item number 7 of the 8:40 a.m. agenda, can you please call the roll. >> madam president i just remind me-i believe we called for-i know we called 4 and called item 7 as well? >> can you please call the adoption without committee reference item. >> item 7 is a similar motion. modifys amoupd of time requires unter 2.227 between first appearance of the charter amendment for file 160586 regarding police accountability and boards ofordser of submission for november 8, 2016 election. >> you didn't call item 4 i believe. >> i believe i did. it was motion to motion time for file 160381 regarding cities responsibility for street trees for november 8, 2016. >> okay, call the roll. >> item 4 for the 8:30 agenda and item 7, supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervise r breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. >> those motions are approved unanimously. with that colleagues, since there is no further business, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] one of the was asked to do is water system improvement program and one thing i looked at is about the 4.8 billion dollars wurthd of work and a lot of the work was regional. we looked at how can we make sure that we provide opportunities for san franciscan's and people in the region and so we looked at ways we can expand our local san francisco lb program. so, we thought about it and worked with general manager at the time to form an advizry committee to talk about how to include local businesses in the region. >> i was on the first committee back about 10 years ago and the job changed over time. in the beginning, we just wanted people to know about it. we wanted to attract contractors to come into the system which is a bidding system and bid on some of these projects. our second job was to help the sfpuc to try to make themselves more user frndly. >> i like that they go out of their way, have contractors trying to teach and outreach to small businesses and lots of creative ways. help the community as well. there is so much infrastructure going on and repair, new construction that i think is helping to get construction back on its feet. >> my faiv rlt part of the committee has been that we have played a opportunity for many small businesses. [inaudible] women owned business to come in and [inaudible] sfpuc. it is a great opportunity because some are so small they have been able to grow their companies and move up and bid other projects with the sfpuc. >> everyone i was talking about with any contractor [inaudible] and super markets and things like that and i realize the transition was on the sfpuc. he got that first job and knows about the paperwork qu schedule and still works on this type of job, but he works with general contractors that also did other things. pretty soon it is like he did that one and that one. it completely changed his business. >> my name is nancy [inaudible] the office manager and bid coordinator for [inaudible] construction. worked on 10 plus puc, lbe contracts. today we are doing site maintenance on the [inaudible] chr site and currently the gentlemen behind me are working on every moving and basic specs of plants. in order to be success you need to work hard, bid low and keep a look at the sfpuc website for future bidding opportunity. >> this is a successful program because it provides opportunities to regional communities that might not have opportunities to work for large scale projects. the sfpuc is a fortunate agency we have a lot of capital program that span over 7 counties who also to see how some businesses like [inaudible] and bio mass started as small micro businesses grow and expand and stay in the program and work on several projects before they graduate from the program. that is what warms my heart. >> my name is college willkerson, the principle for bio mass. bio mass has been in business since 2006. 3 partners. small businesses fill a niche but apply and being a part of the program helped us be more visible and show the city and county of san francisco we can also perform services. >> this program had tremendous impact to the region. in fact, the time we rolled the program out was during the recession. this has h a major positive impact and certified over 150 firms in the rejen and collectively awarded $50 million in contracts, and because of the lbe certification it open many opportunities to work with sfpuc. and, i significantly helped the business. it is one of the major contributors to our success. go. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. medina go morning. amanda-regional initiative for the gen. service administration pursue the claim region and of your master of ceremonies today. i do the short straw and jake to the longshot. congratulations, jay. welcome to the united nations gaza. on to gsa regional headquarters and the physical home of super public. today, we celebrate the official launch of super public. the nation's first collaborative workspace to host city state and federal policymakers under one roof. the innovation lab is running in collaboration with san francisco mayor's office of civic innovation by the city intimate foundation and the gen. services administration will solve common problems that affect all levels of government. uc berkeley's center for design research at stanford university and mit media lab have also partnered with super public. super public will provide space. program convened summit, roundtables, and training programs to build capacity so that all partners in the lab can maximize time and impact. by working in an open innovation environment, super public intends to create extorted exportable models and solutions facing governments throughout the nation. the city of san francisco and city intimate into gsa and other superpower concept, was an immediate, yes. each level of government is really reinventing the wheel around a common problems. the silo nature of government has stymied the public sector from adopting innovative tech, and business models, and the sharing of best practices. so our hope that super public will break down some of the silos and allow us to share common solutions across government at the city state and federal level. not only will gsa provide a physical space which we had quite a bit of, but we will also provide some expertise in certain areas. gsa is a leader in procurement and also digital services in our digital consultancy etf's house just down the hall. minute you walk by their offices. just today. we've seen a significant amount of success at the federal level addressing the german challenges and changing the way government bills and buys technology. etf and parent organization the technology to information service can bring these past successes past and failures to the conversation. so, without further ado, we are very excited to commemorate the launch of super public and were honored to have with us another special guest. from you hear from the harsh reality recognizer speakers from today's event. gsa administrator denise turner ross, mayor of the city of san francisco and family. san francisco district 2 supervisor mark farrell. executive director of the city intimate foundation cameron sadik, and the city administrator naomi i can name is not on your last name? kelly. thank you. in addition to our speakers today i like to recognizer panelists discussing women and government and technology early 21st-century government. gsa initiated denise ross we joined by codirector of the transportation sustainably resource center at uc berkeley. atf deputy executive director hillary hartley and city oakland chief resiliency officer karen jane. now my pleasure to introduce the speaker per today's event. i bus and head of gsa this denise turner ross. ms. ross is the 21st senate confirm administrative and general furnaces ministration brother 18 years of public service she's old there is a leadership positions in washington dc and greensboro north carolina the focus on driving economic impact in ms. state of change. it is a gentleman, denise ross. >>[applause] >> thank you very much into. thank you all for being here at gsa in this beautiful old building. i think when we had the chance to actually renovate the space we were very fortunate and what a great day to see how far it's come. i'm not sure that when we were renovating the space just a few years ago that we had this opportunity and vision in mind but indeed, here we are today and it's just wonderful. mayor lee thank you for having us in your subject is a beautiful subject is been here all week and it's been a wonderful time. thank you for your partnership always. i think using the mayor has been called on frequented by the administration and it's because we like to go to leaders sought. it's not been by accident you've seen us here working with the mayor quite often. as administrative gsa, i have the pleasure of working with people are very committed to a really having a joint effort when they come to any community could gsa manages over three 75,000,000 ft.2 of space. we manage over $50 with spending occurs through the federal government and has been a straighter and you pointed out, i do have a deep deep background in city administration as well as in other capacities that i care a lot about how we are partnering with community could because when i know him and were working together both at city state and federal level, as well as with the private sector and public sector, the we are at our best and that's when we achieve our best. so when i came in as administrator i prioritize how do we use our physical footprint on knowledge, our access all resources to partner with these partners. as well as to partner with the federal agencies of course. an idea is for us to be able to bring the best foot forward in any place were entered weaver wants to never call her economic initiative which is really about how do we take a footprint and look for opportunities with communities. i think this is a great example of that. you are aware is into pointed out of our 18 f and pts and the work they been doing in digital services and current technology in bringing together that effort to our efforts and the federal government and it's been really exciting. so when asked about what is super public meeting for gsa why are we partnering in what respect to get out of this? i spoke to see us be able to continue to partner with other communities did for me this is just the start. to start an example and a strong example of what it means for how we can really leverage the space we are managing. this space the resources, the people be accessed. that's what is happening here. that is what were all part of today. so this is just a really exciting time for us throughout gsa not just the technology space but for all this that are here because were burning at the same time and will take these learning and share with other communities as well. so, mayor thank you again for coming here. thank you and your team for having the vision as well as city innovates. i've just been excited getting to know the work that you're doing and vision you have not just your locally but international. what a wonderful thing. so thank you for coming here and thank you for choosing this partnership and thank you for having the vision. >>[applause] >> thank you, denise. our next speaker has incredibly strong track record of driving collaborative partnerships in the first mayor in the nation to create an innovation office and city governments. please, welcome mayor ed lee. >>[applause] >> thank you into for that introduction. gsa of instead of ross, thank you for being here. this is one my favorite buildings outside of city hall. it shouldn't surprise you that we share the same architect and it's one of the few buildings like my office that still has curbed the wars. so there's a lot of history that we share but being here in gsa again, connotes a lot of good memories. certainly, it harkens back to city administrator these two director of purchasing a less political position in the city there i had fun. i truly had fun when i was director purchasing, spending the public's money about $1 billion a year buying things but trying to do it smartly and trying to incur local jobs, small businesses, get them involved in the economy of our city. and, even as mayor, we are still making sure were trying to do the right thing as all of our governments are. this idea of super public is exciting because in a few years, you're going to see an absolute necessity for this to happen. while it seems volunteer and innovative to do it now were actually creating the conditions the private sector, for the public sector, or academia, for those in government want to innovate, were trying to equate those conditions now so it has a lot more opportunity to be successful. as a city of innovation, i want to say that were already working not just as a city but is the region, i'm already deep conversations with mayor schaaf and mayor ricardo with our supervisors, in san mateo county about regional issues and making sure were paying attention, more than just what the part on has for the immediate future. more about our challenges and how we can really work outside of our sideload cities and counties and into arena where we can really and truly invite the private sector to work with us. the academia sector and our innovative arms. it's no surprise that gsa is a partner because it's fast becoming the most innovative arm of the federal government i've ever seen hit their really pushing it well ahead and they're challenging us to be a great partner and we want to be. because we have a lot of things that could withhold benefits to our public if we didn't start working cooperatively. we just are thinking outside of those silos that and you mentioned that we all know is a very fact that prevents us from doing better. and i say that we started this over a year and a half ago as well thinking that to be smarter city, not just an transportation but everything else that we do but transportation is a great example to start out with because if were not thinking more :-), not thinking more collaboratively and innovatively, beyond the cities and into a regional if not a state and federal approach, were going to fail. whether it's bikes, whether it's public transportation, whether it's getting less cars have thinking about automated vehicles and how to make them safer, how to use them how to use automation and delivery of goods and products, were going to fill it we don't innovate now and have that spirit. that's why i'm excited about joining our gsa partners and our city administrator, our members of our board of supervisors, and our innovation arm of the city working with the other innovation arms of federal government and state government. this is more than exciting. as i suggest to you super public is going to have to be a necessity because as you look around, not just united states, that's starting to happen in new york and los angeles and allow places, you look at what international cities are already doing. you don't have to look-has, by the way, happy the steel date those of you who have french foundations. paris story got a super public that we are studying and looking at as a model. toronto, under the great international city. other international cities have already figured out that indo global competition that we are engaged in, and we must recognize that, that is those regions that recognize how collaboration and innovation is going to help their cities become that much more successful in a global competition. when not opting out of anything were opting in to a global setting and making sure we are ready to do that even better. so, i am excited as you can probably tell because i didn't, i visited the offices this year and the space that were talking about and i know into says we have not got the furniture yet. but, i will tell you, you got the calendar ready. furniture comes after the talent arrives. i think that talent is here the dedication the commitment is here and i will tell you, i have never stopped trying to figure out how to decrease red tape. how to really convince our public who has to pay a lot of our taxes to say, your money is going into a smarter collaboration that we can be more transparent and telling them how we are cutting red tape. how small businesses can have a federal partner, a star partner, a local partner that says you're going to have a lot less red tape to be more successful. i have never stopped and effort in making sure that our city is talking with all our federal partners to it smarter and we better get how i say procurement officer as our city administrator is, to suggest that we can buy things and still have it at a less expensive price but get payments to our local small business faster so that we can really have a foundation for good employment in the long run. how we can tackle transportation, tackle homelessness, tackle poverty in ways which we never talked about before. yes we've got good ideas in san francisco but the navigation centers, like a cherry, like car sharing. how can we make this a regional thing and academia, with its berkeley mit, stanford were all part of this effort, going to contribute to that because they know that we've got the document we got to talk the man could we do to make sure our models are examples of things we can really share with people, and we've got to prove that we can do it better than the last generated so, excited about this. i'm excited about super public, and i know just in the few years is quick to be an absolute necessity for the global competition and we are helping our country by doing this. we are hoping much of the federal people be better quit estate people be better on local people be better, but as a community of people interested in being smarter about what were doing we hopefully will the public was a breathing that much deeper committed to using your dollars smarter to making sure we do things in language data can really drive and help us. this is what i think super public is and i want to just say, ken, thank you to organizations like the innovate fund and our innovation civic innovation leaders, i did sector comedies like at&t stepping up with berkeley folks and others to really say we can do this even better. but we've got to think regionally now. we can just think is that independent circuit either to make sure talking with sam ricardo and their interest in san jose. -mayor schaaf people in oakland and san mateo because our challenges are no longer just within our region with its housing, dissertation, with there's even a simple idea of procuring. we've got to do it smarter and better in this consistently foundation. it's exciting to be in a room full of innovators to do this. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> an

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