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He took part in the stakeholder members of the committee as well as prove body cameras a couple of things to point out regarding what we saw with the new policies we feel that the current 4. 01 and 2 policies in place is a Good Standing policy not only protects the public but protects officer and over safety one of the key issues that was brought up midmarket first suggests the car rod needs to be taken out now the can rod can be used like the video we saw im not attacking a person with a knife youre putting officers in dagger danger thankfully an officer didnt get hurt but how many times has angle officer tackled someone with a knife and got hurt. Lets respect every speaker we want to replacement everybody lets treat people how we want to be treated im not going to tolerant someone interrupting others speaking go ahead. I can tell you from experience and gardener he encountered respond with a sickle it is pretty much a u shapes machete we got that person into custody but wear encaretaker everyday it is scary there the officers and public the other issue the tazer as the policy the Conducive Energy device we want all officers to be assigned to be xoipd equipped with the devices theyre a useful tool for patrol this is not a Tactical Patrol tool and only specialists on parole that takes i feel more time and where someone what about hurt waiting for the tasers to respond if an officer is equipped with a tazer it possibly creates a better solution the 5. 02 the use of fooirmz a quick figure paragraph that says all not shoot at a vehicle almost a fuel page you can and cant you can and cannot do shoot at a vehicle it Green House Gas emissions clear independence and the new policy it is vague and it puts like i said the public and officers in jeopardy i want to reiterate the cutters 5. 01 and 2 the use of firearms protects the public and officers and going back back to tasers we want to see all officer equipped. Go ahead commissioner dejesus. You say current not the one draft but the one that is in place signs ever since 1995 the current 4. 01 and 2 the use of firearms yes. So officer your position because i want to make sure i understand is that the use of force policies for the San Francisco Police Department shouldnt change the only change to give tasers to each Police Officer anything else i want to make sure. I wasnt sure. Any other questions for officer yeah. Okay thank you. Thank you for your participation in the Stakeholder Group no, no, no, no. No, no. If you want to stay sir, you get everybody we can get through 24 show respect and please. No, no stop, sir this is my last warning if you want to stay thank you very much please show respect that everyone that comes here deserves respect respect respect this is the last warning ill give servicing i will ask the Deputy Sheriff to escort you out this is the last thing i want to do. Next speaker. Good evening commissioner president loftus and director hicks im martin im the president of the selfPolice Officers Association Since is release of the ucsf draft policy the poa has been working tirelessly and extensively with the stakeholders and the chief and we will continue to do so were certainly open for change based on best practices that are out there we welcome the best practices we Welcome Change if so it beneficial to the exultance that we serve and it protects the officers out there day to day that i want to thank the stakeholders for participating in those mooefgz and especially the officers for just the prides lines and asian peace officers and latinos peace officers and Women Officers network they spent a lot of time and well continue to work with them if we are afforded more time we believe this is an important issue and we should continue to have the stakeholder meetings after the Public Comment and should go back to the stakeholders meetings im here to presents a president ial from the poa on the use of force policy ivy have hard copies if you didnt get it electronically and shared that request the department of justice and shared with other Law Enforcement associations throughout the state we we also xould about the Police Officers use of training under learning domain 20 and finally reviewed the ellis policy by the u. S. Pd and the plan and we adopted a lot of the language from both the Police Department draft policy and the thirty point plan the results is that proposal ive given to you much of the language in there relevance the thirty point plan and the current draft before the commission as that pertains to the Effective Communication deesclation, force options and sanctity of life all of these proposals ive put before you are primarily based on the best practices through california peace officer standards of training well continue to work with the commission and continue to work with the stakeholders well continue work or to work with the police chief to get the best ucsf policy we firmly believe that the proposal we gave you is one of the best he know it takes time to go through it thats why i call for additional stakeholders meetings so i look forward to future meetings and the poa be the bargaining units for the range and file we retain argue right for the conservator or confer ill take all questions. Ive read it and dr. Mraush so you are model what we did with body cameras it was ambitious we drafted a new deal and we put everybody in a room and said bring that back where you agree and drawing disagreeable and it seems from what im hearing it must be more difficult to get a consensus he didnt think people will come up with an alternative plan it is good to hear it is not working and as we hoped so, i mean fine we need to hear what everybody had to say what were harvey hearing is Something Different from body cameras and there was a general consensus except two or three issues we have not heard from the doj it evolving differently so well have to continue to craft something and hope we can get consensus florida from everyone we didnt get different proposals i was at that procedure thats my first comment from hearing all that. Any other questions for president i have a question i got this so youre saying you dont want the draft i want to make sure i understand the the ucsf committee and the exclusive board incorporates much of the language the draft policy put forwarding by the chief and the commission and incorporating much of the language in the thirty point plan we believe this is worded best evidence rule or better and has language relayed to the Supreme Court decision and other Court Decisions yes. Thank you so what well do with the document well post it on the website and all the members of the public and the stakeholders can check it out and share your thoughts i do know the poa submitted a draft tasers proposal. In february of this year we simulated a proposed tasers policy yes. I read that there is a prospective your proposals are ignored by this commission i dont know that was a correct quote but for everybody to be clear if everybody gave their version of the policy that im already making an unrule process as could he has as possible i appreciate certainly the amount of forecast i know everyone will read it like but want to assure no stakeholders feedback is ignored by the commission and take all the thoughts including we have been everything youve sent. I completed understand and know eventual will come up when Conducive Energy devices are discussed in front the Commission Im sure your proposal will be discussed we of time we have an obligation to submit policies proposals simply were the designated bargaining unit and we didnt have a lot of any input prior to the drafts being releases. As youve correctly identified for the record you have residences our right to meet and confer as the bargaining units for the Police Department so i think the question was for the department to provide the departments request for tasers and this is the policy this commission will be evaluating and certainly weve been asked a number o questions what to consider i imagine a robust discussion and we have your materials. Ill guarantee it. Colleagues any questions any further questions for the president thank you, president. Thank you commissioner president loftus. Any im looking and scanning the crowd for any other shareholders that were part of progress okay. So were also going to have a discussion i think their might be members of the public to weigh in well benefit before we have the discussion ill open up for Public Comment on this matter by proposed comment. Good evening and welcome. Any further discussion ucsf use of force an officer is not required to choose the best or remarkably action as long as the range of conduct that is reasonable under the circumstances and it is like okay tomato if you say that to me and i was a hoodlum oh, whatever he decide youre not telling me anything that is business as usual an officer any use use of force to protect themselves not more if exceptional set of circumstances not xhaementd by the over the officer should use any reasonable force to protectism, however, to articulate and reason and articulate the reason far the force so hes got to be to manipulate and say to what you want to hear no change not any effort to hold this person be audible that only a way of doing things okay and sincerely by point of representative that is submitted by the Police Officers association not the draft. Thats what i was asking. You emigrate this this is their proposal they shared with us your points are welltaken. Thats where i got it from theyre all the actual drafts i know that was a late edition thank you for your comments. Do we have a few more seconds. It was with the Energy Source the tasers. We want to get the tasers and it was last week you know from the officers all had been supplied request tasers instead of good afternoon. Welcome i understand 7 officers that started theyre Deadly Weapons so youre telling me if youll 7 officers fired their tasers attachment this individual wasnt have lived is that your concept. That you know 7 tasers in one body and the guy would have walked away we need to work on the santa fe circulation we dont give them other trigger 7 tasers on one body. Thank you sir, thank you. clapping. commissioners. Yes. Im from los angeles and lived in the bay area we have the same issues with the lapd as the San Francisco Police Department and this is across the country it is not gesture main to a particular city but i dont know the issue is tasers or or not but to stop killing people that look my case me and the racist i think that a right thing to do board is limited you folks or are the oversight of the police you dont have the same power the police have the next person that is gunned down the street because some officer felt fairs feared for his leave and not only has the San Francisco Police Department but also that blood is on our hands also too. Next speaker is there any additional Public Comment on this matter. Welcome back just a few things as far as the police over signed himself up to serve and protect this community and this city but youre afraid to get sliced with a exhaustive knife thats a perfect example of streaming and training and hire about what is going on with the San Francisco Police Department i dont want anybody serving and protecting if their fwrad to get slide by a knife i was tackled if someone is jeopardizing their life any human being should be able to do that so what im saying you see those families here for years years you guys see this more than i see that then you guys some compassion and reach out to the families and these mothers that cant sleep you guys are held accountability the blood is on your handicaps well hold you guys audible if i cant sleep im going im going to to make sure you cant sleep you guys sleeping and tired of hearing from the public well take to you the state if you cant do it well bring the pressure to you guys everything should be reconsidered and look at it from human beings request examination and understand that people are lost their brothers and sisters and sons and dauthsz daughters because of excess force unnecessary open children so, please i people of hope that stays on your conscience going through this familys going through that for years okay clapping. next speaker. You signed up to protect us so my life comes first you all work for us if you dont want this job go find a different job but probably continuity get the same kind of pay and benefits sir, your populated to address your comments to the commission not any one individual any future Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Again, some proposals we got a few minutes ago so let me start off ill provide the procedural what i out the people of home well hear in doj indicated they actually connected this commission for the level of open but they need more time to provider the recommendations at this time i i dont have a date specific ill meet with them next week when 45ir in town and figure out the timeline i think colleagues ill prosper an initial discussion so many materials we need to read and reread to make sure wear wellversed on the issues people are done so much work my proposal would be rather than having the plan was to go to two communicated meetings with feedback on the draft proposal my recommendations would be question found out when doj will comment to commit to look at the recommendations and have a discussion and set future meeting shortly thereafter to make sure what we bringing to the public a reflection of all the stakeholders discussions informed by is doj and get the final Public Feedback and take a vote which again is a preliminary veto by the commission that will go through the department of home sharing the labor process of the meet and confer with the poa jeer we will be takingour vote and go through that process like body cameras. Commissioner melara. I feel thats premature we just got information we dont have a doj feedback question cant once the department of justice gives us your feedback and be able to read all the documents weve been presented commissioner Vice President turman. I agree with commissioner melara on 100 percent but particularly want to hear with the doj and others have to say about the minimal use of force i 20u9 that is where we or so i do want to read all that that with one lets bring on everything and bring on the decisions and i agree with both of the pieces my concern he know there was a survey of officers of one thousand officers that were surveyed on the earlier draft and the feedback was negative this is an essential policy to the department and community in this process i wonder if we can identify ways you how many weeks to provide such Accurate Information about where the policy is and the intent certainly i think some of the comments ive seen indicated it didnt seem the members that were surveyed had a sense at at heart the requested that we can improve we can give the officers as much as a opportunity as possible to reduce the need foreclose all of these and that is good for everyone im sure that message is getting across. Should i send out an bullet ill start the unanimous visits next week and having this conversation directly with the officers across the department. Okay. No i wanted to second getting to the doj because clearly that is a different animal i mean at this point last time we had one document that would i wouldnt say looking back it at it several minor and two major disagreements but we think we should bundle this whole thing a considerable amount and turn it over over to the doj and what we did because they have their hands on the pulse of entire best practices so im agreeing what you indicated. Commissioner dejesus. I want to say i agree to this process and didnt thinks the tasers would be put into the use of force but i hear from the working group they especially\have not making input still the issues of takes over no Community Input except for the package that was given to all of us so well keep moving forward and we really never crossed that threshold do we want to add tasers at this point and give a change chance all the training everyone to go forward this is a critical issue and talk about whether or not well survive or go forward with no Community Participation it is the draft by the department at this point yoeft delegating i got over one and 70 pages and read a lot we need more time im glad to have the comments we had tonight i do have to say im surprised to see how did you pronounce can regard patrick. Welcome to another episode of stay safe i saw us prepare our crawl space on this episode well saw the sheer wall youll see the finished product hi, im patrick and welcome to another episode of stay safe . The second part were retrofitting the triple wall as you can see weve installed one of the sheer ply wall on the First Episode we provided blocking to secure the ply wed and bolted and provided the connection with the floor im joined by thor madison. Thor Structural Engineers and thor knows more about sheer walls than anybody ive met in my life. It provides the stable ability that would rock before and after during around earthquake the nails along the edge of the plywood will reduce the chance of the building falling down. What else should we consider in getting ready. One thing about plywood a natural material that absorbs moisture and the panels can swell depending on the moisture if they swell theyll bulk out it is important probation officer leave a gap between the panels so before we install the next panel well drive in a couple of nails used to as temporary spares. What are the nails. 16 penny singers a good saying that and we dont need to be concerned with the exact nail size only the gap the next panel will be held with the existing panel well pull those down. We have peter from the construction why not go outside and cut our second panel so, now weve got the plywood lets go ahead and get it put up see if we can get it in place. By looking at that a perfect fit why not get peter in here to nail it down. So peter did a great job with the nailing but important to know this work requires a permit in the department of building inspection whether youre doing the work or a left hand contractor make sure you have the proper permit and additional to the nailing anything you want to talk about thinking about the plywood. The more plywood to install the better and make sure that the nails along each edge of each panel so you cant forget and hedge and had it perform the same thing. Another example of little money you can substantially rusz reduce the the annual celebration of hardly strictly bluegrass is always a hit now completing itself 12 year of music in the incredible Golden Gate Park. This is just the best park to come to. Its safe. Its wonderful and such a fun time of the year. There is every kind of music you can imagine and can Wander Around and go from one stage to another and just have fun. 81 bands and six stages and no admission. This is hardly strictly bluegrass. I love music and peace. I think it represents what is great about the bay area. Everyone is here for the music and the experience. This is why i live here. The culture out here is amazing. Its San Francisco. This is a legacy of the old warren hel ment and receive necessary funding for ten years after his death. There is a legacy that started and its cool and hes done Something Wonderful for the city and were all grateful. Hopefully we will keep this thing going on for years and years to come. Hi, im lawrence corn field. Welcome to building San Francisco. We have a special series, stay safe. Were looking at earthquake issues. And today were going to be talking with a residential Building Owner about what residential Building Owners and tenants can and should do before earthquakes and after earthquakes. Were here at this wonderful spur exhibit on Mission Street in San Francisco and i have with me today my good friend george. Thanks for joining me, george. And george has for a long time owned Residential Property here in San Francisco. And we want to talk about apartment buildings and what the owners responsibilities might be and what they expect their tenants to do. And lets start by talking a little bit about what owners can do before an earthquake and then maybe after an earthquake. Well, the first thing, lawrence, would be to get together with your tenants and see if they have earthquake insurance or any renters insurance in place because thats going to be key to protecting them in the event of a quake. And renters insurance, there are two kinds of insurance. Renters insurance coffers damage to goods and content and so forth. Earthquake insurance is a separate policy you get after you get renters insurance through the california earthquake authority, very inexpensive. And it helps owners and it helps tenants because it gives relocation costs and it pays their rent. This is a huge impact on Building Owners. Its huge, it really is. You know, a lot of owners dont realize that, you know, when there is an earthquake, their money flow is going to stop. How are they going to pay their mortgages, how are they going to pay their other bills, how are they going to live . What else can Property Owners do in Residential Rental housing before an earthquake . Well, the first thing you want to do is get your property assessed. Find out what the geology is at your site. Get an expert in to look at structural and nonstructural losses. The structural losses, a lot of times, arent going to be that bad if you prepare. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get in there and get your property assessed and figure it out. So, what is a nonstructural issue that might cause losses . Well, you know, pipes, for instance. Pipes will whip around during an earthquake. And if theyre anchored in more numerous locations, that whipping wont cause a breakage that will cause a flood. Ive heard water damage is a major, major problem after earthquakes actually. It is. Thats one of the big things. A lot of things falling over, ceilings collapsing. But all of this can be prevented by an expert coming in and assessing where those problem areas and often the fixes are really, really cheap. Who do you call when you want to have that kind of assessment or evaluation done . The Structural Engineering community is great. We have the Structural Engineers association of Northern California right here in San Francisco. Theyre a wealth of information and resources. What kinds of things might you encourage tenants to do besides simply get tenants renters insurance and earthquake insurance, what else do you think tenants should do . I think its really important to know if they happen to be in the building where is the safest place for them to go when the shaking starts. If theyre out of the building, whats their continuity plan for connecting with family . They should give their Emergency Contact information to their resident manager so that the resident manager knows how to get in touch. And have emergency supplies on hand. The tenants should be responsible to have their extra water and flashlights and bandages and know how to use a toilet when theres no sewage and water flows down. And the owners of the building should be proactive in that regard as well. So, george, thank you so much for joining us. That was really great. And thanks to spur for hosting us here in this wonderful exhibit. And thank you for joining us power its all around us in the sun and the winds and caves waves power that lights our homes while protecting our Natural Resources clean power will provide power to san franciscans how about works right now our power is from pg e from nonrenewable systems that comes over pg e maintained lines with clean power your energy about think generated by caesarean more renewable sources come to our home e. R. Businesses to the pg e lines all right. On 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log hi. Welcome to San Francisco. Stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. Lets look at common earthquake myths. We are here at the urban center on Mission Street in San Francisco. We have 3 guest today. We have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. I want to talk abouan myths. What do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance . Hes sleeping during those earthquakes . Have you noticed him take any special . No. He sleeps right through them. There is no truth that im aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. You hear the myth all the time. Suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something i hear they are aware of small vibrations. But yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. Today is a spectacular day in San Francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. Is this earthquake weather . No. Not that i have heard of. No such thing. There is no such thing. We are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. There is no relationship. I have heard its hot or cold weather or rain. Im not sure which is the myth. How about time of day . Yes. It happens when its least convenient. When it happens people say we were lucky and when they dont. Its terrible timing. Its never a good time for an earthquake. But we are going to have one. How about the ground swallowing people into the ground . Like the earth that collapsed . Its not like the tv shows. The earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but its not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. Its not going anywhere. We are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. Southern california is moving north. Its coming up from the south to the north. You would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. Maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. For better or worse. Yes. This is a tough question. Those other ones werent tough. This is a really easy challenge. Are the smaller ones less stress . Yes. The amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. I think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4. 7. So small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future . Not anyway that you can count on. I have heard that buildings in San Francisco are on rollers and isolated . Its not true. Its a conventional Foundation Like almost all the circumstances buildings in San Francisco. The transamerica was built way before. Its a pretty conventional foundation design. I have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. Is there anything of value to that . Yes, if you are in your room. You should drop, cover and hold onto something. If you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. If you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, its not a bad place to be. The reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. You are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. You are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. You want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. Where can i buy a Richter Scale . Mr. Richter is selling it. We are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. They are not available. Its a rather complex. In fact we dont even use the Richter Scale anymore. We use a moment magnitude. The Richter Scale was early technology. Probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. Is that true . Loma prieta was different. The ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. So anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. We are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to San Francisco and a fault totally independent. Much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. So people who were here in 89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isnt really the threshold of damage. When you triple it you cross that line. Its much more damage in earthquake. I want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for

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