Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Sub Committee 7

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance Sub Committee 72016 20160721

>> okay welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget & finance subcommittee for wednesday, july 20, 2016, my name is mark farrell i'll be chairing the committee and joined by supervisor yee and by the supervisor tang. >> thank you clerk linda wong and mark as nona melkonian from sfgovtv for covering the meeting madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. >> yes. board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, madam clerk we were here quite late madam clerk call number one. >> the approval for the calendar year 2017 to remove the rates from ohio and colleagues this is something i sponsored on the health board and the representative i want to welcome the amazing director katherine dodd. >> thank you. good morning members of the board brown today a administrative code for the health service and calendars year 2017 this the stacey a monthly contribution the charter requires the employer contribute towards the health premiums for the 10 couldn't average based on the 10 months populous counties they use the average amount to the retiree rates asia to a couple of unions not adopted the percentage contribution this year's 10 county average increases 4.4 percent and all health service insurance have increased substantially this - only which of - the first cost driver the cost of the inhibitions and out-of-pocket cost driven by large hospital consolidation this is the rapidly cost increase for the drugs to treat cancer and cure hispanics c and other anti viral drugs and others anti you mean minute drugs although we have many drugs as generic for several years the mustards are increasing the costs of generics to get a profit late cost driver that the services is hss members the utilization will considers unfortunately, our membership depresses chronic illness our well-being program is so important health services is in compliance with the characters passes in 2010, the health service board approved a second opinion for all members estimate 44 percent of medical diagnosed are incorrect and financial and human costs the hss manage care of plans have less second opinions and now renowned experts and a with expertise in certain areas all hss members will be able to call or e-mail the doctors and release their records to get a second opinion this has adam $1 to the cost and within the trust by $0.95 to pay for communication casts and well-being per the charter this is calculated into the health premium and the rates are decreased with the rate agreements guaranteed through 2019 you may recall that kaiser permanente decreased if 2017 and held them flat the katrero park increases 4.7 increase and added a cop structure to match blue shield neither of the plans changes the premium costs it is important to note it hiv drugs are excluded in the drug charge adding best doctors for the fund and the kaiser permanente increases for the actives amount to 5 percentage the kaiser permanente medicaid advantage increases 8 percent for the sustainability fund with the premium increase for medicare is 8.76 percent the blue shield for active uses and others retirees are 3.79 percent we've funded blue shield the employer takes the risk up to a certain dollar amount we pay the pharmacy and the other costs we continue to work with blue shield with significant success to keep the costs down adding the best doctors and sustainability fee bring the blue shield to 4.682 percentage with the retiree there over 16 percent working with blue shield and the proposed lowered to 10.2 the actuary recommended to accept the proposal and expand the ppo that was offered the first time and the medicare decreasing the rate increase by 11 percent our self-funded ppo administrative code by the a.k.a. would have increased by 48 plus percentage for actives and early retirees and the health service board used the rate stabilization to reduce those from 12 mrs. percentage the ppo ac was calculated at the 29 percentage with the actuary voted to - the new city plan ppo rather than continuing the self-funding this as fundamental change not a benefit change the reduction this reduces the ppo increased to 14 percent the overall increase for 2017 would have cost 14 plus $9 million by adapting the ppo instructions only to 2 want 5 percent at the 5.3 those amount to a million dollars our active self-delta ppo increased by .8 were reduced by 6 percent for 2016 over 2017 and are the same for 2017 the pacific delta plan for the retirees that adam an additional service lifelong disability andtions for the actives is florida inchanged in 2019 beginning in - smoking on the status of insured and this again decrease the premium by an average of 7.1 percent overall a total increase for the benefits is overall the total average compares favorably with the 9 percent i realize i may have received concerns from the medical retirees i want to assure you the plan will payal plans through by physician that accepts medicare and we believe the concerns are unwaeshtd the new ppo has a broader plan than the old city plan it has additional benefits and the lower premiums through kaiser permanente and low co-pay we hope to dispel the confusion what is covered along with our kaiser permanente there will be 20 members of the committee to help to educate and 5 town hall members that can't attend because of timing or that distance during and before enrollment- i also know that representatives from kaiser permanente and blue shield and united health care are here i urge your approval thank you director dodd's. >> supervisor yee. >> good morning, ms. dodd i have a related question i noticed that your reserves for the trust fund has been dwindled quite a bit from 11 millions to 3 million or so i'm wondering are there any plans to replenish to grow that back up are we in any danger you know of a shortage. >> we've spent the reserve amount over the last two years to buy down the early retiree active and rates to make them comprehensive with blue shield and capillary this year the board went through two rate deliberations what to buy down our policy is to set aside 1/3rd of any excess not excel by premiums over expenditures and to amortize any decreases over 3 years that amount would so been 3.679 millions the rate increased 48 percent plus to further decrease those costs and i don't believe that we are in - we still have what's the balances pamela? whatever 11 millions plus 3.79 is. >> so there's 3.79 that should be adequate nonetheless we have a tremendous number of sick people and if it isn't we will amortize any loss over 3 years but increase the premiums obviously. >> i'm curious what's the average autumn that you've had in they're for the last 10 years. >> i think. >> i don't have that stabilization we implemented this policy of amortizing both blue cross blue shield and the delta dental and the city plan we implemented it i think 6 years ago but we could go back and get that information to you there was a period because the premiums went up so high a lot of people left and left us with a surplus in stabilization we spent down the surplus last year. >> i have one other question regarding the long term disability insurance i noticed a decrease of 7.1 percent over and over something like that which is curious to me. >> the decrease was based on our agreeing to give a percentage to the insurance company with a low amount of smokers so they decreased our amount and luckily only 2.7 percent of our employees are smokers the national average is 22 percent. >> i'm happy to see the decrease. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you colleagues, any further questions okay mr. rose, can we go to your report. for number one. >> yes. on page 7 shown in table one of the total estimated city and member costs for delta plans and long term disability and life insurance is 63 million dollars plus in 2017 which is a 4.79 increase in the 2016 the fidelity estimated cost for the health and dental plan as well as the long term disability and life insurance for the city itself in 2017 is $581 million approximately 24.3 or an increase in the 4 hundred million people in 2016 we recommend that you approve that ordinance. >> thank you mr. rose any questions for the budget analyst anyone wish to comment commissioner or hss fellow commissioner ms. breslin a hero and want to recognize here if there are any other commissioners, i apologize but anyone want to comment you'll have 2 minutes and additional people want to speak please line up against the wall with 2 minutes to speak. >> good morning my name is karen breslin i'm a member of the benefits and on the health service board they voted 4 to 2 to remove the existing city plan and blue shield for the eligible retirees they'll be put into the new plan a special meeting held at a different times and place teleconference rushed through with little notice to our members and the board member i was kept in the dark until 3 days before this roams removes a choice for the city plan employees that is a self-funded plan and all assets and liabilities blink to the city or trust the plan is a united health care plan and calling this the new city plan a misleading and will confuse the members when the medicaid retirees are removed the only members remaining will be actives and early retirees they're the highest cost and there will be little subsidy left for the next year there are under 2000 members there has been no explanation how this plan will be sustainable the only plan the retirees have available to move out of area it only covers methodology retirees no explanation of how medicare of employees living outside of the u.s. are covered they cover the medicare retirees seeing local dollars it is a good choice as last year but not a mandated. >> one more statement. >> sure. sure. >> to the rushed many questions have been met unanswered this causes a lot of confusion and distrust and will you put a lot of staff at extra work thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is july 4th kit are retired city employee and a resident of district 7 i have here letters from the protect our benefits president larry on his views and oath copies for everyone. >> i just want to say i have for many, many years been in city plan one and want to continue in that plan the city plan is important to keep because not all decreases take medicare the highly skilled decreases treating a serious disease didn't take medicare the differences of quality of services the city plan allows access to all decreases and freedom of choice that is the plan you want to do away with it is a self-plan administrative code by the united health care that provides a visit to all an actual decrease for a second opinion not the case in what is proposed in the change thank you thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> chief financial officer i've been asked by director dodd to read into the record a letter that she received from greg the commission on the health service board dear kablth republican thank you for your offer to remain on the finance committee for the fully funded medicare ppo plan that replaces the blue shield 65 plus plan and the self-insured plan for retirees as a commissioner and former chief financial officer for the department of health and former acting chief financial officer for the health service i studied the issues thoroughly and took time from meeting with our actuary before voting i remain convinced the plan will have broader geographic come over and a lower cost than the plan that replaces i understand the concerns of retired members that worry about access to theory physicians and hospital i too am a medicare eligible retiree and will be losing my blue shield conform i was concerned about losing any says, however, i'm satisfied this will not be an issue u h c has data indicating 94 percent of physicians already participating in this plan and those physicians current provide 95 percent plus of the services in addition no changes in the covered services member cops are lower and an importantly the total monthly cost is lower than the blue shield 65 plus plan city plan and even the kaiser permanente medicare advantage plan plus - >> i have plus a fully insured plan no risk of under funding that will require the retention reserves for a self-funded plan adoption of this plan was 4.5 percent increase in costs to the overall medicare population versus and 13 plus there from the continuation of the preexisting plan in terms of cost containment it reduces the liability for forced employment retirement i urge the budget and finance to support this plan seller greg health system. >> okay. >> next speaker, please. >> herbert wiener first, i want to announce i hold shares in united health 98 of them. >> my concern is about the city health plan for one thing it is a very good health plan the enar very of the rest of the country a comprehensive plan the people who are members are satisfied with that now, one concern i have is that okay. you're going to eliminate this plan for retirees eventually and eliminate for actives and retirees 65 years of age this is a road to that the other concern is okay. you will have we have two new plans now as retirees either kaiser permanente and the united health plan some people swear by kaiser permanente and not everyone is happy with the plan and the only choice you have is united health the ppo, now the rates are very low for the ppo for united health however, there is nothing to stop them from jacking up the rates and the only alternative is kaiser permanente now suppose that kaiser permanente and united health jack i am the prices like the other ribbon barons in 1998 the rates went up for the city health plan sky-high and people fled as a result of that if the rates go sky-high where will people go maybe san francisco general hospital i don't know. but this is really a disaster in my opinion that was rushed through i think the message was pleased you have to approve this and make the wrong decision quickly this is the wrongs way to do business and i think we should protest is this should be perpetual this is on outrage thank you >> okay. thank you very much anyone wish to comment. >> okay seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues if any questions or comments. >> otherwise let's entertain a motion. >> through the chair i mean i appreciated ms. defendant's deposition explanation not only in committee but the information i'm comfortable with moving forward i have to hear from the members of the public or the health commission i'll move to send to the full board with positive recommendation. >> motion by supervisor tang and a seconded by supervisor yee and without objection madam clerk call items two and three together. >> the resolution for the san francisco municipal transportation agency on behalf of the city to execute a grant application all the time and recommended documents from the state of california housing and sustainable community program as as joint applicant with the the mercy housing and item 3 a resolution for the san francisco municipal transportation agency on behalf of the city to execute a grant application a grant all the time and related documents under the state of california affordable housing and sustainable community programs as joint applicant with the tenderloin neighborhood for the project on eddy street. >> thank you very much welcome back. >> thank you chair farrell and supervisors sophie hayward from the mayor's office of housing and community development the two resolutions before you are each associated with an application for cap & trade funds for the affordable housing and sustainable communities program we call it go a-6 for short each the projects contain affordable housing with a transit oriented improvement to make to competitive and to achieve the maximum must be of points those two projects on fell and eddy have requested that the city the sfmta sign on as as joint applicant those resolutions before you authorize the sfmta to officially sign as planners for the cap & trade fund the two resolutions were originally heard at the land use committee, however, after the hearing the state released on application which provided specific language that must be included in its final resolutions indicating the transit agency has the authority to sign on as a joint applicant those resolutions have been amended and i have distributed the amended versions essentially oh, and based on the changes their referred to the budget committee the two resolutions function as a apply forceps and expend grant approval if the applications are successful we complete the projects we're happy to make the candidates because the nature of the program the cap & trade program requires the successful applications seriously sooeshld be shovel ready entitled projects ready to go the emotion the cap & trade serve as a substitute so for other city funds and allow us to stretch our dollars further first on 55 fell street is as long as as parcel o a 100 percent accountable new construction approximately, six thousand square feet of retail commercial and community space the project didn't contain in any off-street parking but bike that concludes my remarks but have freeway parcel organization was kur7b8 vacate and low remain under city ownership and turn it into mercy housing for the travel the sfmta the grant application consists of 7 bulb outs and assessable signal upgrades along la go down and oak and other mediums along octavia boulevard the total application is over $16 million approximately 1 million of those will be a loan to mercy housing for successful and just over one millions a grant to the city for the transit related improvements and then the second projects is on eddy street and that project sponsor for the housing consultant is tenderloin and the total application in that project is for 5 millions and 4 million plus is a loan to the tndc and approximately 16 thousand a grant to the city for transit related improvements the assembly apartment built in the 19234 in need of a sustainable rehabilitation and the financing for the project of which the cap & trade funds are critical will insure that the property will maintain the affordability with the conditions and integrity for the long term the sfmta transit component to that project will economist of converting the painted safety zones on the corners no more the yosemite apartment to the concrete bulb outs that concludes my presentation. there are representatives from the sfmta here as well to answer any questions. >> thank you ms. hayward supervisor yee. >> thank you for your presentation ms. hayward can you explain the fact that we're applying for a grant and if we receive the grant that a big chunk the grant will be a loan. >> i mean didn't mean we actually don't have a grant just a loan. >> i can try to explain it's been a confusing process through the state and the nature of the program requires we that the affordable housing partner with the transit oriented improvement is actually comes in two separate parts by far the largest part is very long term loan to the housing developer for the affordable housing the try grant part is to the sfmta to support their transit work so the vast majority of work b will go to the nonprofit developer and the only true grant part is to the sfmta. >> is there any advantage of these organizations to take the loan is if later than usual i mean. >> the - i understand the loan is a loan that will be paid back but a very, very long term loan that functions as as grant at the end of the term they'll refinance it and do it again. >> so it saves the city money we don't have to provide the gap funding for that. >> okay i don't completely understand why we're doing this but - >> we'll far brief to use the state than the local funds. >> oh, okay. >> there's the answer. >> thank you ms. hayward all right. colleagues, any further questions open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number two or three seeing none, public comment is closed. so colleagues would like to accept the amendments and move forward >> so moved. >> motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee without objection and madam clerk item 4 auto item 4 a resolution approving the agreement with s p x not to exceed thirty force an initial term for a installation for post 5 years xhoens for the extension for a total term not to exceed 16 years. >> okay. thank you mta to speak in the presentation is that up on the - sfgovtv can we do the power point? >> there we go. >> great, thank you. >> good morning chair farrell and members of budget committee ami i work for the sfmta and the project manager. >> i'm here today to present the terms of our fare box contract that was a approved by the sfmta board of directors on june 2, '81, i'd like to go over some backward and rational currently all the muni vehicles residential design fare box that date back to 1991 and they're reaching the end of their useful life their refurnished but not upgraded and the fare box manufacturer cubic no longer supports those fare boxs for altogether there are also insufficient fare box sees and they don't - so some of the overall benefits of the in any fare box is the reliability and accounting and tracking for revenues and ridership they will also replace preprinted transfers with on demand realtime that printing of ios transfers and will go through that in a little bit the fare box hope with the security accommodating new policy changes in the future and provide information about the fair transactions the vendor we've selected through a procurement process beginning late last fall is s p x jen fair they're a contractor 5 years after initial installation busing plus options plus two options for additional 5 year for a total term. > all opposed by the same sign 15 years the cost is $21.9 million but 6 million for the annual maintenance on a slide in a moment with more details we'll have 13 hundred 36 fareboxes with spares on the cable cars and also others components of the fare box system in addition to the fare box system itself this is a project budget from mr. rose's report for not to exceed amount of 29 plus million dollars this slide shows what the fare box will look like this is a model we will have other speakers this is at the generic fare box from the manufacturer there is a transfer at the top which will as mentioned earlier provide on demand printing of transfers of bill and coin slot and bill for entering facing with the customers this is in compliance with the americans with disabilities act the transfers from muni you're familiar with the transfer the new transfers will have a consistent xroirgs as well as a fair price on the ticket the transfer is generic for all fair categories we anticipate the improvement of this operator through the transfer theft the transfers will have not value unless by the fare box this will anticipate fair transfer waste and other components of fare box include a cashbox when is will secure housing that stores the fair revenue this can't be opted by our revenue collections staff or others without the appropriate security credentials the cashbox is subdivided out into this orange housing which and the money goes into the mobile bin it is secured and the monies are transferred from each the sfmta divisions to our revenue collections facility at sfmta headquarters this is on overall timeline we are european july 28th for the supervisors for the full board of supervisors and have approximately half a year for installation on all the vehicles with the wrap up in spring of 2017. >> that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions. >> supervisor yee. >> i have a quick question i'm curious about the how much do we collect in cash fairs every year this is - i'm wondering is this something in the future will be sleet or not i'm not sure. >> so currently the sfmta has fair revenues of 200 and $5.6 million based on the anticipated 2016 budget the cash fair is $83.7 million some of that through clipper and some in the fare box right now we are looking at anticipate that we're doing everything we can to convert people from cash to other fair i clipper through the budget fy 17 budget calls for a regular cash fairs collected at the fare box we're doing things to move people away from that we recognize that cash is a form of currency that people use. >> i don't hear the amount. >> right now we're collecting $83.7 million for the fksz cash value. >> that's not the clipper card. >> some of that includes clipper electronic ash cash on the clipper card and some through the fare box revenues. >> my question the cash when i put a quarter that's cash to me so - if you don't know the answer you don't know the answer. >> it is approximately $40 million collected under the fare box i don't have that specific number with me. >> okay. thank you. >> supervisor tang. >> just curious the vendor that was selected s p x jen fair which other transit have they located those boxed. >> they have 80 percent of the fareboxes in the united states in fact, been installed on all the transit systems within the bay area over the last years. >> and in terms of the project budget i see there is you know quite a bit erupted for preventive maintenance in terms of ongoing service is that into the software equipment category i want to onramp how it works for the ongoing maintenance and repairs and so forth. >> so we have our the sfmta has its own fare box electronic maintenance technicians that work on all the box and the system they'll remain as first line maintenance the preventive maintenance is provided by the vendors they'll touch the fare box one per year and go through the parts to make sure it is functioning if the boxes are not functioning that's in included in the prices. >> and the contract is for 5 years initially with the option to extend not to exceed 16 years given this vendor has 80 percent of market in the united states for transit systems you know making sure that has technology changes and so forth that there able to adopt to that. >> absolutely they you are very well in tune with the trends within the industry so they in addition to the fareboxes and others fair equipment as well. >> thank you supervisor tang mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page 14 of our report we show the table i believe that supervisor tang received to the mta's budget for the proposed agreement is $29 million plus with a fare box maintenance costs and related expenses and it is that budget that was submitted to us is seven hundred and 35 plus less than the agreement not to exceed $30 million for that reason we made a recommendation on page 14 to amend the proposed not to exceed by seven hundred plus and $30 million to 29 and we recommend you approve the resolution as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose any questions for the mta. >> okay all right. opening up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 4 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> move we set mr. rose's amendment and move that out with a positive recommendations. >> motion by supervisor yee and seconded by commissioner chung madam clerk will you call items 5, 6 and 8. >> the release of the public utilities commission places on budget committee $21 million for the west side recycled at the water system improvement program to fund the costs for the project item 6 resolution under the california environmental quality act including the mitigation monitoring and reporting program and overriding considerations for the city of san francisco west side recycled water project and item 8 a construction of a recycled water pump station into ground water in golden gate bridge and welcome to the puc. >> thank you. good morning chair farrell and supervisors thank you for the opportunity to present and i want to see thank supervisor wiener for introducing those items those two projects are a concerted effort to strengthen our water supply i'm going to talk about each of them the water cycle and the even if and dealing with the budget and reserve funds that is phase 2 of the construction in phase one again and is issues related that the west side recycled water will produce one .6 million gallons of water and the peak pursuit of 4 million gallons a day it will be within the water pollution plant and the latter size for boulder nor production capacity the project includes $7.7 million of pipelines and golden gate bridge the projects are irrigation of golden gate park and linking park and presidio golf course and the potentially in the future potentially serving the san francisco zee and toilet flushing in the academy of sciences and the museum golden gate park is the largest and one of the purposes of recycling water to take the park off the ground water and those projects are linked the water quality objectives that were set to meet the park for irrigation and for phil the lakes there we have established specific target for salt and ammonia and worked through that and found the reverse osmosis will meet the goals we'll take the secondary water and treat that with filtration for the member before an and reverse the osmosis were the ultimate violet light this is an immense treatment for the recycled water to be used in golden gate park this is a render the recycle water in golden gate park located on the sites of composite fats with the temporary located in the dump area and relocated adjacent in the pump station the krooirgd water budget and reserve funds in this table the totals project costs at this time is one and $86 million we're requesting removal of reserve of one and $20 million we have it budget out for 2018 and 2019. >> the san francisco ground water supply project is depicted ♪ map it will supply up to 4 million gallons for the - wale start out penalty of perjury slowly to make sure as we develop the ground water it didn't cause seawater intrusion or other probabilities but want to be careful one of the things to note on the figure the blue areas is the areas served by the water it will be blend in the sunset reservoirs to make sure we get a good quality of water on the order of 10 percent ground water for the splus surpass but from the blue area scheduled to 40 percent of the city so that will be a high quality of water that is delivered throughout san francisco the ground water project facilities that were enlightening are shown in the picture two locations and each of one is housing a ground water well and pump head to make sure we can extract the water from constructed wells to make sure we have the highest quality of water we can the ground water the united states is a high quality source we've been monitoring since 2000 and this high quality small quantity will be blended in the reservoirs with existing surpass water supply that will splaus surpass outline drinking water concerns we have the best taft water in the world after we blend in ground water we have a more diverse supply and still have the best tasting water even in any version we've had ongoing there the eir and through offerings for people to sample the ground water it really is very good quality water one thing i'd like to do recognize our two project sponsors barbara from the puc and the recycled water raised our hand barbara garcia and jeff managing the ground water ios two folks have worked tirelessly to make sure we have high quality projects to inclusive and protect our water in summary we're asking you adopt the krierlgdz project exhaustive the construction in golden gate park and the pimp station and the well water and release the funds for the west side project >> i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you very much colleagues, any questions. >> supervisor tang i don't have any questions i kink your been working on this for a very, very longed some that folks have a negative reaction to the potential blended water but certainly we understand your true need to be able to diversify our water source so again make sure that we continue to keep our community updated but the project as construction is beginning and despite the work you've done before i'm glad to see that puc is working with the fire department for example, to on the benefits and strengthening some of the pipelines that serve several purposes to thank you very much for that. >> absolutely. >> supervisor yee. >> you might have addressed this but my question is as our pumping water from the ground sometimes, i read about it in the paper we over do that and things happen to the land itself have you guys studied that itch much or think things low happen. >> that's an issue that occurs in the valley and the santa clara when we pump out too much water if there's a lot of clay layers they actually can compress and you have things substantial in santa clara county those 14 feet is the height it is a problem and can't pump it up open that west side of the san francisco we have basically sand virtually all sand so we looked at the situations and does not expect anything but keep on top of that and slowly increasing if we see signs of that we'll get on top of that. >> as your penalty of perjury water out as sand the sand will not condense and it is condenses all the dune sand we get from the thousands of years it's been there. >> okay okay no other comments mr. rose, can we go to your report. on 5 i believe. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee you stayed it is regarding item 5 of page 17 the order recycled water budget is one and $86 million blues that includes the one hundred plus of finance reserve on page 18 and provided us with the details we recommend you approve the requests and reserves. >> thank you, no other comments or questions we'll move to public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 5, six or eight. >> good morning, supervisors thank you for the opportunity i'm laura with spur and here to support the project we've been a long time supporter of this in san francisco this project is moving this long time forward it is important we difference if i our water supply to meet the goals of the sustainable city we have a wonderful supply in hetch hetchy but do more to have kiergd water san francisco is one of the last city to develop the water so mostly this project forward helps us into a leadership position i think that it is we heard you to adopt those findings to meet the goals to have 10 million gallons a day by 2018 as we supported in the 2008 with the water pe eir those plans get built and having a goal of appropriate alternative water supplies for the resilient city thank you for the recycled water project moving forward anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. okay colleagues. >> i'd like to make a motion to adopt all the budget analysts recommendations that is including the reserve and sending forward the items to the full board with positive registration. >> clarification that is adding 6 and 8 and item number 5 to file the hearing matter. >> yes. i'll make a motion to file item 5. >> motion by supervisor tang seconded by supervisor yee without objection. >> madam clerk call items 7 and 9 the resolution adopting the california environmental quality act including the adoption of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program and a statement of overriding consideration for the san francisco west side water project and item 9 resolution authorizing the amendment of mission to reduce the size of the premises to accommodate the san francisco public works and consideration of the payment of approximately thirty thousand and investments thank you puc is here. >> good morning. i'm tony the assisted reality director of the puc i ask for your consideration of a resolution authorizing the amendment to the lease between the city and county of san francisco to the sfpuc and our charged supply hardware the amendment is needed to reduce the premises in order to accommodate the sfpuc regional ground water storage and recovery project in consideration of the payment of 4 hundred and 60 thousand plus this is the very same ground water project that mr. richie spoke about it i cac have the overhead this is a poly gone of the premises of our charged supply calling your attention to the colored portion that are effected the only impact on our charged is operation is that dark blue towards the back of the parking lot - those are sub services use that will have a less impact on hardware supply. >> so in closing through this resolution we ask the board of supervisors to approve and authorize this amendment and adopt the california environmental quality act finding super guidelines in the administrative code code chapter 31 and incorporate the finding it is consistent with the general plan and the 8 policies of city planning code section 101 point one and authorize the city director of properties or the sfmta general manager to execute and make modifications and certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. >> okay. >> colleagues, any questions for staff right now okay mr. rose, can we go to your report. for item 7 i believe the only one. >> that's correct mr. chairman item 7 on page 21 the report on the appraisal the net value of the reduction to the site table by the sfpuc is 4 hundred and 60 tell you plus in table two on page 22 of the report we recommend that you approve that resolution. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues, any questions anyone wish to comment on item number 7 are 9 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'll go ahead and move the items 7 and 9 out of committee with positive recommendations. >> motion by supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor tang without objection all right. thank you. >> madam clerk item 10. >> a resolution approving the agreement with new comp with edison mccormick for energy and climate for a 5 year terms 2 thousand 21 for a total cost invited 25 mills. >> we have mr. rodriquez. >> good morning, mr. rodriquez from the department of the environment seeing to enter into 5 year contract with mccormick nooiftsdz $44 million for services related to the energy watch program the contract low provide a technical limitation of the program the budget is essentially million d the contractor was selected to a competitive bid service and the supervisors the payment is subject to available funds were we encourage our support for this item and want to thank the budget analyst office for their work and their report. >> and happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much supervisor yee. >> in regards to the rebates is for both residential and commercial? >> correct supervisor the department receives a contract with pg&e and that program for our energy watch program is multiple levels we work with multiple housing building and work on residential buildings. >> all efforts to reduce energy salesforce for customers. >> do you have a breakdown residents to local businesses. >> we have this information but certainly we'll fortune to our office. >> mr. secretary. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page 25 of our report the estimated $14 million budget 40s for the contract over 5 years is shown in table one and in addition the contractor will pay cash redates baits up to $40 million to the customers for qualifying the energy savings upgrades and commercial and residential proposals we recommend you approve that. >> thank you, mr. rose open up for public comment anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> all right. i'll make a motion to send to the full board. >> motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee madam clerk item 11. >> item 11 hearing to consider the release of the reserve funds in the amount of one plus for the carbon fund project. >> mr. rodriquez working with. >> mr. rodriquez from the department of the environment the department is requesting approval of reels of one and $20,000 from reserve those founded are specifically come from the san francisco carbon fund and again for folks memory that is essentially any travel that any city employee does a consider percentage goes to the carbon fund and our goal to try to reduce green house gas emissions and we went through a selective competitive bid process an rfp to identify the programs that we could invest in and specifically we have 6 projects one i want to brought to your attention because i think that is as very initiative a micro loan on the energy assistance programs in many cases the small businesses may not have the up front cash to pay for the program so we're creating a small micro program to allow them to assess the energies salesforce and pay that over time as a resolving account we're excited about that program and encourage your support for the release of funds i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you supervisor tang. >> thank you. i think that the project selected are great in general when did the funding or application cycle. >> the applications cycles will be twice a year in the fall and again in the springs is the kind of the two opportunities we put together. >> okay. great because and then also how is the outreach in terms of our the rfp process i think there are so many projects that quality but kept in the loop of the opportunities. >> absolutely make sure that the supervisors offices will know about the rfp. >> okay. thank you. >> colleagues, any questions. >> mr. rose, can we go to your report. for item 11 please. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page 29 of the report there is table 23 details the grantees and the expenditures that will be paid from this requested one and 20 thousand release of retired funds we recommend you release those funds. >> colleagues questions or comments that move on to public comment anyone wish to comment on item number item 11. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. so procedural we'll file the motion and release the funds okay. >> i'll make a motion to release the funds motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee and item 12 the modification for the agreements to authorize the informational boat program between the developments and the city in a.m. an not to exceed $10.8 million from june this year to 2016 and welcome back. >> good morning actuarial keating waring with the airport this is accident final amendment to an existing contract with polaris contract for the services throughout the airport the airport has this contract in place provided information on airport facilities and services and ground transportation and public transportation and xhoomthsz as well as language for non-speaking english passengers things irresistance 2011 was a result of the proposal process and had an initial terms of 3 years and two, one year options to extend at the extend that through june 2016 in march 2016 the airport commission authorized the staff for a new contracted more information booklets and guest service assistance the new contractor with include additional services as much as customs and assistance and manage airport lost and found program this new contracts requires property tax not in place until the ends of april we're asking to modify to extend the term by 6 months through december of 2016 the proposed 6 month extension to the existing contract will increase the amount by $1.2 million for a new contract amount of $10 million plus the budget analyst does point out we need retrofit active for july of this year. >> if no questions mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on the bottom of page 32 we report the proposed contract will there not to exceed one million dollars plus from the .6 to 10 and as ms. wagner stated from july 1st, 2016, through december 31st, 2016, we show a table two on page 33 of our report that summarizes we recommend you amend this for retrofit activity and recommend you adopt that has amended. >> colleagues if piano questions open up for public comment public comment is closed. >> i'll move to accept mr. rose's amendments and send out for approval with a positive recommendation. >> without objection. >> call will item 13 please. item 13 resolution approving the awarded professional services agreement to ss p for the management program, 2011 approximately $19.5 million and in june 2020 with one major extension. >> ms. wagner welcome back keating with the san francisco airport they're seeking your approval for a curbside for an initial term of one year option for june 30th of 2021 they're the airport that includes the limousine and the tmc holding lot not including the door-to-door vance and the airport issued a new rfp for the share ride will come before you for your consideration new ad ones is janitorial for the exterior and interior for the booths and graffiti removal as needed the first year contract costs are approximately $4.7 million for labor and operations costs and will increase by 2 percent for a contract not to exceed approximately $19.5 million for the term of contract this contract is the result of a competitive bid process and the budget analyst report recommended approval i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you, ms. wagner. >> mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page bottom of page 37 of the report table 3 on page 38 shows a detailed breakdown allergy fiscal year of the proposal agreement cost totally $19 million plus that is over the initial 4 year term of the agreement and on page 39 again, we recommend that the prompt resolution be amend for retrofit activity for 2016 and recommend you approve as recommended. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues in confesses wish to comment on item number on 13. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. a motion to accept the bftsz recommendations and move forward as recommended >> so moved. >> motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee without objection madam clerk could we still supervisor tang. >> yes. i'd like to make a motion to go back to item 9 and rescind the vote there. >> motion by supervisor katie tang we have a presentation in the puc we'll take that without objection. the votes on number 9 is rescinded. >> great to be here. >> i'll make this very short. >> the second leased amendment that i'm here to discuss a lease between the city and county of san francisco and the public utilities commission and mission valley rock to reduce the premises to accommodate the long term project in consideration of the payment of 29 thousand publication and reimbursement of expenses incurred by mission valley rock for the mining plan i want to brief show you what we are doing here this is the quarry the areas highlighted and shaded in pink we're taking back on a temporary base for the starj the area highlighted in green are the area we're taking back permanent for a water shed the adjacent to the water item enkirtd by the red line pursue the lease buy out was vetted by the m i appraiser and in close to the resolution we ask the board of supervisors to approve and authorize the lease amendment and adopt the finding from the ceqa guidelines and the administrative code chapter three 1 and authorize the city director of property and the city's deputy manager to execute the documents and take action in futures of this action. >> colleagues, any questions be move on to public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 9 seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues now >> motion to send forth item 9 i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation and >> madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> there's no further business. >> >> thanks everyone we're >> good afternoon and welcome to the treasure island mobility management agency committee meeting of wednesday july 20. my name is commissioner jane kim and joined by commissioner david campus. mr. clerk can we call roll. >> item 1, commissioner avalos. absent. commissioner campos. present. commissioner kim. >> here. can we call -- we should excuse commissioner avalos without opposition. thank you commissioner campos. mr. clerk can i move to next items. >> items 233 are on the consent calendar and if you object and can be considered separately. >> any comments on the consent calendar? seeing none let's open it up for public comment on consent. if you would like to speak on items two and three and seeing none public comment is now close the. can we take a motion on the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> we can do that without opposition. >> commissioner campos. >> aye. >> commissioner kim. >> aye. >> consent calendar is approved. >> mr. clerk can we call the next item. >> item 4 is recommended adoption of the proposed fiscal year 2016-2017 annual budget and work program. this is an action item. >> good afternoon commissioners. cynthia fong director for finance and administration. what i have before you is the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget for the timma against. this year we continue our work program to advance treasure island implementation plan and advancing the operations agreement and the system and engineering programs. for expenditures in this budget we're looking at a total of approximately 1.1 million. this is an increase of approximately 13% from last year's budget. we were anticipated to spend 28% on personnel and s sfmta staff and wearing timma hat scption we are spending on professional services and consultants in the areas of planning engineering design and communications and environmental services. we are spending 3.8%, the are maintaining of the budget on non personnel costs and operational costs in relation to rent, the commissioner fees, printing, audit and legal sfees as necessary to run the timma agency. in terms of revenues we will expect to receive approximately $1 million from the tida agency and the remaining difference of $81,000 will be funded with prop k funds through an appropriation previously approved and passed in the previous fiscal year. this item has already gone before the sf mtc a budget and a proorded with the budget on the 28th. staff and i am here to answer any questions that you have on this budget. >> seeing no questions from committee members ms. fong thank you so much and we'll open up for public comment on item number 4. seeing none. public comment is now closed. [gavel] . can we take a motion on this item. >> move approval. >> we have a motion to approve. roll call please. >> you can do the same house, same call if you like. >> okay. great. same house same call. this motion passes. next item please. >> item 5 is recommendation approval of the treasure island mobility management study toll policy recommendations. >> good afternoon arch. i have the recommendations for you today. as you know the transportation planning and support of the redeveloped island goes back to 2006 when the first plan was adopted and the goals and strategies set in that 2006 plan are the ones that under lie the recommendations today. they were readopted in 2011 along with the development agreement and the ceqa document, and then again have been the support that our agency has provided to tida since then. since 2011 we have been working in support of tida to take will goals and strategies to implementation and designated with the formal role as the agency at that time and the goals and under lie the work include how to minimize and manage taf congestion and traffic impacts with the development. to manage the traffic and mitigate traffic impacts we node to provide an order of magnitude, new options for travel to and off the island and alternatives to driving and the third challenge is how do we pay for the ongoing operating cost and maintenance costs of the significant new transit services, and i would add another goal that really has been the focus of -- become a lot more prominent based on the outreach and feedback over the year and that is affordability and how do we support housing and affordability for the current and low income and moderate income households on the island? the level of transit is service planned and the recommendations will achieve is really a robust level of transit service and it's the level of service that will make treasure island one of the city's most accessible neighborhoods. at the point of build out there's a muni bus from the island every three and a half minutes and shuttle service and ferry service between downtown san francisco ferry terminal and treasure island every 20 to 30 minutes. it's a great level of transit service that these recommendations will achieve that. there's also a number of additional amenities that our recommendations will achieve. it's an on island circulator shuttle serving the neighborhoods are treasure island that are free of charge, transit pass which is mandatory for the market rate households to purchase and serve as a travel demand measure but also available to below market rate households and amenities that -- treasure island doesn't have today. there's no car share available on treasure island today. there's no bike share available on treasure island today and those are things that we will be providing through this new transportation system. these are the goals that underlie the plan and walking and biking, high quality transit and a place you could live without a car. that's is difficult to do today. i mentioned some of the strategies already that will support that and present since the 2006 plan. i want to point out we do have a specific transportation performance measure that we need to meet and 50% -- at least 50% of the trips on and off the island need to be by transit so our recommendations we believe are part of what it takes to meet that performance measure. there's also the strategies for managing traffic. there's the transit services side and there's also the minimizing driving side of things, and to support that there are parking rules so there's a -- the development agreement included a cap on the number of new parking spaces built. there is -- all the parking would be priced and managed according to price and there is the congestion toll that is called for to manage driving and discourage people to drive during off peak times on and off the island and then something that is unique to treasure island that goes along with this is connecting those services and those discouragements to be a comprehensive package so treasure island would be the recipient of all of the funds connected -- collected from parking from the transit pass purchases and from the tolls. those are through ab 981 dedicated to treasure island and to funding the ongoing operating services. that's something unique to treasure island and the governance structure i would say is unique, this body, the timma, is responsible for over seeing this program as its built out and delivered and for ensuring the performance goals are met that all of the services are provided and that the traffic is managed. we are very grateful to a bunch of people for supporting us in outreach and linking up with community organizations and businesses so that we can reach people. tidie especially and folks at tida and bob beck and liz are here from tida. we're grateful to those folks here and sherry williams from tie die and we did direct mailings to everyone on treasure island and right now the residents and businesses is small enough we could reach everybody. the theme that we heard far and away the most is affordability and concerns for current residents of affordability so we have three proposals that are designed to address the concerns. the first one is just our basic need to achieve the level of transit service that is called for; that robust level of transit system disproportionality and low and moderate income households and we need to achieve that and living without a car to actually be a voice, a viable option for the people on the island. number two an approach to supporting affordability for the low and moderate income households. currently on treasure island and those that will move there in the future. 25% at least of those units will be below market rate and this is a program any household eligible for the units can take average of it. it would be a cavtearia plan and a household of benefits and wanted to benefit them regardless of the primary mode of transportation is and why we have array of options there. the first feature in the program is a toll credit program for frequent transit users and this is modeled after a program that exists today in l.a. and atlanta on their toll lanes where they have this exact type of program and frequent transit users get toll credit for that. in the case of l.a. it's ten trips is a toll and that helps support folks who are able to take transit for the commute but there's a drive trip you need to make over the weekend and whatever it is and not transit accessible and this covers the funding for that. there are other benefits we heard interest in be a car or bike share member. there are membership fees associated with that. and that's something that this program could help subsidize. we heard interest in providing the equivalent of a life line fare on those operators that don't offer that today. muni has a life line option but transit and ferry does not and we could provide that through the program and the financial projections we're presenting today incorporating the cost of doing all of the things in the hypothetical, the sample program we costed out. the third is in response to concerns we heard from long time residents and by that i mean folks living on the island before the development agreement. the concern is for these folks they moved -- in contrast to future folks so most of the 20,000 or 25,000 people on the island will be there in the future and be receiving information and be aware of what the transportation system and options and requirements are on the island but folks who have been on the island before the development agreement did not make that same choice so what we want to do in recognition of that is provide a limited term round toll equivalent for those households. this is for a household benefit and in recognition that these folks moved there prior to the development agreement being adopted so the recommendations that we have for you today -- they are what we think it will take to achieve the transportation performance goals of the transit mode share and congestion management and the financial goals to cover the costs of all of the transit and the other benefits that i have mentioned. these first two areas which drivers would pay the toll and in which direction. the first area of which drivers would pay the toll we are recommending a change from the past planning work and it suggested that just residents would be the drivers paying and we actually find that the program will work better and not be able to meet its goals unless any driver during the peak period, during the poll periods is paying the toll meaning visitors as well as residents. on and off the island the directions of the toll we don't recommend a change from the planning work. discounts and exemptions. i mentioned a couple of the discounts already that we recommend. we recommend the discount of the daily round trips for the long time residents and -- long time households of any income level and also the discount for the frequent transit users as part of the below market rate benefit, the transit affordability program. another one i should mention is a provision that would credit drivers who are coming from the east bay on to the island for what they have just paid at the bay bridge toll plaza so no paying twice. exemptions include transit but also slutels, van pools, 7a plus passenger vehicles, some of the housing and service providers are the island today operate van pool services for clientses to get to programming on and off island. they're are exempt. we just -- as a side note partnered with tie die and tcdi to fut funding for these programs. in any case they're exempt and when the bicycle pedestrian path touch down is completed bicyclists and pedestrians are exempt also. >> can i ask a question? what about carpools? >> yeah, carpools, we're not recommending a discount or exemption for two, three passenger cal pools. we project there is a very disproportionate share of vehicle trips on and off the island made by two, three person carpools and for the congestion management purpose as well as -- well, mainly for the congestion management purpose and the 50% mode share. it's something we should monitor as the island develops and as we observe travel patterns and see what the rates are carpool formation are. >> okay thank you. >> what i am showing now are two aspects of the policy we're not recommending or action or adoption of policy today and the reason that we don't is because based on your feedback and feedback of this body, tida board and outreach we need to do more work and this is on the question how much is the toll level and when is it in operation? and the feedback we heard is that we should look for additional sources of operating funding that can supplement the toll and help make sure that that toll level and hours of operation are minimum as possible to achieve the outcomes that we need. there's the congestion management goal that we need to meet but as long as we're meeting that you know the more we can find other revenue sources to supplement the fees from the parking and the transit pass purchases and transit box recovery and the toll the better so we're going to keep doing that work and we will need to come back. we project right now that the whole system -- we services to start in 2019 so we need to come back to this body about a year before the start of services with policies in this regard, and we will need to work with you during that interim period on this additional work on the operating funding. this is a snapshot of the financial profile of the program looking at build out year which was at that time of this projected 2030. it might be a couple of years out from that but in any case a snapshot of the projected cost and revenues of the program based on what we know is committed right now and the three main revenue sources from parking, transit pass purchases and fare box and the toll and you could see that the way -- based on what is committed now a lot of revenue is coming from that toll and hence the feedback to look at can we diversify this either further? and there are -- you know, sources we can in partnership with -- well, with our partners look towards to supplement that. this is a high level overview of the implementation time frame. again we want services to be begin when the first new homes are available for occupancy on treasure island, right now mid- mid-2019 so leading up to there is system engineering work and civil design work to do. a lot of work is developing the programs and benefits so developing the transit pass. how much will the value of that be? what benefits will it include? we are envisioning something more than a muni fast pass because there's ac transit and we have a ferry also operating and we want the pass to shall this ordinance be . >> >> the transit for toll credit for frequent transit use developing that and getting those two systems to talk to each other, and our agency partnerships developing finalizing service plans with ac transit and weta leading up to 2019. thank you very much for all your feedback in past and i am happy to answer your questions. >> [inaudible] (off mic). >> just a quick question. how much youths live on the island and in terms of school age? do you know how many commute in and out of the island and how do they get to school? >> right. i know there is about 600 households on the island now and the share of people who are youth i don't know. i don't know whether liz knows that. >> [inaudible] (off mic). >> i mean can you get that from the school district? >> we can. >> they should know how many student residents of the island there are, what schools they go to. >> yes. >> i assume they get to school by public transit or who knows. >> so there's a mix of things and i invite liz if you have additional information on this please come up and add on to what i say but we heard this during outreach that kids need to take muni to their schools and to do that they are taking the 25 to the transbay terminal and transfer to the other route that will get them to wherever the school is, and there are some -- i hear some things about other -- like sort of shuttle bus services -- >> sfuc provides the yellow school bus for a selection of public elementary schools like betsy carmichael i believe and john wai in redding but i don't have the full list but they provide limited elementary school service but once you're in middle school and high school you need to take the 25 and transfer. >> i would like to know if you can tell me how many are due the muni program? >> okay. i will find out, yeah. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you commissioner campos. i know that you have made my -- i've made my comments earlier in meetings and from the board and i appreciate the work done thus far and i am excited about us being able to pilot a mobility management system at all, and i just want to say i strongly believe in having one for the entire city as we continue to grow in density we need to think about mobility management for the entire city here in san francisco. i have expressed some of the concerns about just isolating one neighborhood that is a part of our city on treasure island. although i do appreciate what has been said about new residents who have an understanding of the cost of transit before they decide to move on the island so i appreciate that were considerations made to existing residents and particular low income households on the island and you know finally i did ask for the agency to at least consider hours where there aren't tolling for the residents. i certainly believe it makes sense in peak hours and by 2019 it maybe most of the day so i am glad we're exploring it and i feel while i have some concerns what is put forward i feel like there's been a lot of thoughtfulness and a commitment to listen to any of these issues that i have and residents have brought up so i feel a lot of comfort moving forward and i think we will be able to incorporate a lot of feedback into the final outcome of 2019 and i really appreciate the thought that went into the work. it's exciting to reimagine this neighborhood with ferry e expanded bus services and bike and bus share and other scpfers they're necessary and we can really build with a future of a neighborhood on treasure island so thank you for all of the work. director chang. >> thank you chair kim, commissioners. i wanted to echo the thanks to the agencies and rachel and you are and guidance and support and to be responsive and to the community and carry through on the promises to look for diversification for operations and non tolled windows and finding solutions there. it's really exciting to work on a project like this. i look forward to not only continued local support but hopefully regional support. this project has performed very well, a tom performer for two rounds of the bay area work and as we move into the final stages of bay area 2040 update and hope it receives the regional support at mtc and the air district and programs that we might apply to and mtc and the air district or cap and trade and this is for all areas and social and environmental and we're hoping to enjoy that support from the region going forward and at the state level as well. >> thank you director. so at this time seeing no further comments from the committee members we will open it up for public comment on this item. if you would like to speak on item 5 please do come up. seeing no public it is now closed. [gavel] thank you again for the presentation. mr. clerk can we call the next item. >> do we have to vote on that? >> i'm sorry. thank you. thank you commissioner. yes. we do have to make approval -- recommend approval of item number 5. >> i make a motion to move this item forward with a positive recommendation. >> and we can do that same house, same call. thank you commissioner. mr. clerk next item. >> item 6 is update on the yerba buena island east side ramps project and it's an information item. >> mr. dennis. >> good afternoon chair kim and commissioner campos. my name is dale dennis and the authority's project manager for the ybi ramps project. this afternoon i hope to provide you a status update on the ramps project itself along with a couple of additional transportation elements on that portion of the island. the ybi -- there's a lot of work going on the island and not only the ramps but obviously with all the development going on. the current ramps project is approximately 90% constructed, and this is a current view of the status of the construction. we are moving forward on schedule and on budget. the contract was awarded in december 2013. again about 90% complete, and president capital phase of the project is 68 million and the goal is 12.5% for dbe and we're meeting that goal and with the progress we experienced to date the new ramps are scheduled to open in september of this year. some of the upcoming milestones to complete the ramps this month they're completing the bridge barrier rails. next month in august we're moving forward with the north gate mc clawla reconstruction with completing the seismic bridge deck joints and moving forward in september we will start and complete the traffic electrical signing and striping and that will allows us to open the ramps and at that point and we will have other work but it's scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. the next slide shows some interesting facts and figures. just showing the magnitude and complexity of the project, but there's been 12500 cubic yards of structure concrete and over 1400 truck loads and five millions of pounds of steel and 7-miles of piles and more than 185-tons of structural steel so it's a very complicated project and it's interesting to see what it takes to build these projects of this nature. this slide gives you a nice aerial view of the ramps from the tunnel above 80 so you can really good a good perspective as to the configuration and the geometrics of the ramp. as i mentioned there's a couple other transportation elements that we are moving forward with working with all of our partners, working with caltrans, the bay area toll authority, tida, their developer, the local city agencies mta and dpw along with the coast guard and one of the elements is vista point. caltrans is in the process of wrapping up the construction of the pedestrian bicycle path on the bay bridge and one of the things with all the construction that is going on the island over the next couple of years we are working with our partners to create a vista point so bicyclists and pedestrians arriving at the island will have some place to go until shft other some of the pedestrian paths are constructed in the future. if you look at the exhibit all of the orange -- up to the orange on the exhibit is what cal trans is constructing and on the left side of the exhibit and then to the right with all the green, yellow and the blue, those are facilities that are being constructed as part of vista point. those will include hydration station, restrooms, bike racks, bunches and additional parking area and in order to construct this we're using quarters nine from the coast guard so the coast guard have been cooperative in assisting with the improvements. the funding has been identified a combination of funds from bata and the authority with c co with the current ramps project so estimated at $2 million currently and we're shooting to open vista point this fall as well and hopefully tie it with the hoping -- official opening of the bike pedestrian facility. this is a view of what the bicyclists or people arriving at the site would actually see looking back at the bay bridge so it's a pretty striking view. the other element that we're working with our partners on is the alignment of the south gate road. it's a local roadway system connecting the east side, eastbound ramps and the westbound ramps making it a full interchange. as we have been working with our partners and engineers over the last months it's recognized that the current line for south gate in the configuration on this exhibit has a number of deficiencies operationally and just in conflict with the bike -- vista point we were just talking about, but with this configuration we're looking at -- there could be potential q spill backs on to 80 from the off ramp. the bike ped will have a conflict there between the vehicular traffic and vehicle and peds. there is no public parking currently planned and again the south gate hillcrest intersection would be a l so f at this point and beyond that as the geometrics laid out there are truck deficiencies that wouldn't allow full access for trucks so we have been working with our partners and the next exhibit shows the realigned south gate road which addresses all of these deficiencies. you will see the alignment of south gate instead of being on the north side of the hillcrest you will see it sweeps down to the south side of quarters eight under the eastbound off ramp and sweeps under the bridge to go ahead and tie into mc clawla where the ramps project is. with this configuration and you can see on the top side on the orange you will see the connections for the bike peds where they can have access to the vista point as well as to the left there's a 16-foot bike ped path that then sweeps down under the bridge to tie into mc clowla as well. the benefits of this proposed realignment of south gate -- again it reduces the cuing on to 80 and safety improvement, eliminates the bike ped conflict, establish the parking area around quarters eight. it results in significant intersection lo s improvement operationally and again it accommodates the truck turning movements which is critical because this is the primary ramps used when we start working on the west side bridges. we're currently working forward with an implementation plan with our partners. caltrans has already issued a deductive change order to not construct south gate in the previously planned area, and so we are now working with caltrans and bata and the other group to come up with a plan for the south gate realignment and hoping to accomplish in the next two, three months. with that i will see if you have any questions. >> thank you mr. dennis and i don't see any questions. thank you so much for the presentation and it is really exciting to see this come in completion and on time and budget and excited about the bike pathway and rest stop. i think that's a great addition for the item and those cycling on the bay bridge. >> thank you. >> i will simply know i know the executive director will keep me posted as i sit on the mtc bata in terms of funding and whatever we can do to supportive of the project please let us know. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. at this time we will open it up for public comment on item number 6. if any members of the public would like to see. seeing none. public comment is now closed. [gavel] . this item is an informational item and so mr. clerk can you please call the next item. >> item 7 introduction of new items. >> and i don't believe we have any introduction of new items. do we take public comment on this item? >> it's not necessary. >> okay thank you. moving on to item 8. >> item 8 general public comment. >> good afternoon. andrew chinatown -- [inaudible] officer. [inaudible] cycles and actualization of learning of the hallway the cultivation of the holy way of establishing of the holy way -- [inaudible] another way is to show loyalty, parental love in their spirit and also uplift from the holy cycles and heaven and [inaudible] holy path way may not be able to escape from this [inaudible] cycles of downfall. political leaders engage fully -- [inaudible] compensation of [inaudible] and may not be able to [inaudible] fully for learning, cultivation and establishment and take on the holy way. only way of loyalty parental love humanity and justice one may be able to [inaudible] of soil of holiness. this is the absolute principle of this. that everyone should put to good consideration. one must work on [inaudible] having a heart [inaudible] in practice of contemplation and mercy. take a save -- [inaudible] career to perfect one's family and society in terms of -- thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any other members of the public that would like to speak in general public comment? seeing none. public comment is now closed. [gavel] mr. clerk are any other items today? >> item 9 adjournment. >> meeting adjourned. thank you very much for attending. [gavel] >> good afternoon i'd like to call the san francisco public utilities commission to order. >> commissioner moran kwvrn and commissioner caen is expected shortly. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> item 3 approval of the minutes of june 28, 2016. >> you have before you the minutes of june 28th is there a motion to approve the minutes. >> second. >> public comment on the minutes hearing >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? minutes passes. >> item 4 general public comment i see mr. da costa has public comment good afternoon. >> good afternoon, commissioners today i'll be speaking about the digesters i wanted the commissioner to pay attention including the attorney so there was a time when the people of san francisco were told that a san francisco public utilities commission would address the mitigation of 0 both at the time the clean drinking water and the wastewater and when the time came the commission at the time not to commission maybe commissioner caen was on the commission that decided okay. we are going to stick with the clean water and relegate the wastewater to the side this is what is happening if the bayview or the white communicated and was bombarded with a stench we get there would be a hue and cry the epa and the president of the united states maybe invited to take a sniff at what is happening this is continuing to happen in the bayview even though the digesters in district 10 see this stench what happened with the stop i'm not blaming them some of them maybe climate to the stench we want to know just the public wants to know if billions of are spent on the digesters what is happening a timeframe what really is happening when will the stench be addressed how will that be addressed when will the digesters come and y what year 2020 are 2030, 2040. >> now 5 percent of the community fund westbound set aside another one and $50 million you didn't notice directly but you know this indirectly 200 thousand something else is given to summary jobs and the community benefits whatnot one meaningful meeting about the digesters 0 so somebody can give us the timelines and address the stench the community has been adversely impacted our infants and children and youth and young adults bombarded with the stench as far as the incentive and some people don't care can we have this hearing with all the commissioners so he know what the hell is happening thank you very much. >> hearing none. >> next speaker, please. >> communications. >> you should have before you the communications any questions or comments on communications. >> any public comment on communications hearing none. >> next speaker, please. >> item 6 other commission business. >> commissioners and any business public comment on the business that we don't have (laughter) >> next speaker, please. >> item 7 is report of general manager. >> good afternoon mr. kelly is in denver attending a utility kwefrnsz part of board of directors for the nationality association of the clean water and two items in the general manager an update mr. richie. >> steve richie this will be a short update here's the typical storage chart i show a couple of things the hunters point reservoir is absolutely full we're doing water from hetch hetchy been 10 feet above full capacity so water bank is 73 percent for 4 hundred and 13 acres that guess as full as it will get from a storage this is the maximum level in storage this year that will go the main part of summer and to the fall on the precipitation font precipitation basically has leveled out maybe a freak storm here nor there but this picture will not change from october to november at this point and similarly with the snow pack that melted away we're just riding through the summer and looking forward to what next year might bring i've shown this available to the city and again, we ended up with one and 60 acres below the level that the water that the water bank is in now we have a lot more water than the past two or three years and not enough water to fill the system the one thing that changes is if the demand picture of this chart modified a little bit the black line it is dash dot dash dot our 10 percent level to the customers to achieve the purple doted line is the 2013 demand so this black target line is 10 percent off of that purple line up there as a general demand curve our demand is crept up to two hundred and 29 million gallons a day we're delivering to the customers in the ground water storage it operationally is into being so o going 0 san bruno and others city's in san francisco and with the popper ground water we are recovery our true demand is 200 and 25 thousand gallons it's creeping up into the summary it's a been fairly hot and not excited until about another 10 to 15 million gallons a day before there is a reason to be concerned about the level of demand and generally our customers are experiencing some rebound but not a heck of a lot. >> so want to summarize the lessons we've learned over the several years of dry water to the water management is dried-up to help us ride through this this drought is challenging due to the fact of population growth and living with that the agricultural changes out there people going to more pardon me crops and the internet social revolution you've seen pictures of it and the state government is much more active and continuing to do that the governors last emergency declaration carried through january of next year to he's expecting it to stay engaged on the drought we're all doing more reporting that is here to stay and in the legislation water use efficiency and water rights will be hot topics as people pay attention to the things into the drought for the next for seeable future and last but not least the drought is not over as far as you're concerned that's why we have to continue with conservatism but looking forward to next week we're not full we need to get full to poll out of the drought but every year is a dry stench i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> commissioners no questions. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next general manager item. >> next is the cleanpowersf update by mr. haley. >> barbara hale for power we have more steady state kind of news how cleanpowersf continues to serve the customers we're at the 74 hundred active locations today our opt out percentage so 1.5 percent the last recorded anothers 3 percent opt out outing folks are still getting they're first utility bills i think that is part of influencing factor but 1.5 percent is a low opt out rate we have a steady 3 percent are participation our green option our supergreen for wfldz renewable that is that level for the last month and we continue to serve the customers if the hetch hetchy on the active for august one last meeting we had 4 hundred and 71 preenrollments and day it increased to 4 hundred and 97 with those folks signing up for supergreen over 70 percent of the residential customers are signing up for supergreen that's exciting in order to continue with the august enforcement and services in november we're continuing two our procurement planning efforts and the supply needed to meet that additional enrollment and coming to you on july 26th with an action item to make it clear we have authority to exceed the 50 megawatts assuming the supply is available that it meets the affordability and the phasing best practice and content practices you adopted back in december and the final message we're staffing up so i'm excited to say we've filed positions and conduct interviews and bringing on more analysts and staff to continue to increase our participation in the program and i wanted to say thank you for the support in the budget to get those positions lined up and also to say thank you to the hsr at the puc for the expeditious progress thank you i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> questions. >> real quick on the staffing do we foresee the majority or the extent of all the risk shuns will be employees. >> we're procuring some services both for the the back functionality the transfer with pg&e that's the service we've hired out for much line marin and sonoma. >> what's that consist of that is taking the meter read data and matching it up with the rates and presenting did information to pg&e in a way they can factor into their billing system a lot of data intensive it intensive work making sure the rates that are in the applied to the data are accurate in a form that pg&e's system will accept that's an area of expertise that notable energy has developed here in california they provide to service to direct assess customers in pg&e and california public utilities commission and other territories with the advent of community choice aggregation expanded into that area the other functionality we're procuring from them call center services we envision bringing that in house with our own customer service staff perform that function as a program grows and we get out of enrollment mode it is boom and bust and more of a steady state call services. >> i'd like to go - so thank you barbara for years we've been talking about the jobs component. >> yep. >> so i'd like to have a little bit more opportunity to have a bite of an a lot of community folks that participated with the support of whole finish i don't know we've had a lot of discussion about the clarifications the entities performing those functions elsewhere we probably could all pretty much agree that san francisco has been maybe a little bit differently in marin with respect to organized labor. >> absolutely on that point commissioner, you know, we have the civil service staff marin didn't they operate as a transbay joint powers authority and the civic rules don't apply to their compensation packages that being said working with the human resources director we got their organizational chart and job classification their compensation packages as we're build outing our program he know what the industry standard is full so we got that information from lancaster choice energy from sonoma and marin clean energy the other operating psa on this lancaster choice is a city department run aggregation program the only one's like us operating within the county civil service group we're doing that compatible it is - >> jason got up hopefully he'll touch on that i'm sure that's been deliberately and thoughtfully considered. >> not necessarily now. >> sure any other questions commissioner moran. >> on the volunteery sign up if someone goes on the sign up you're the customer will that be immediately or wait until the next roll out. >> not immediately but for the next roll out we're close the enrollments on august 1st and those customers on the list of august 1st will be served november 1st under the current plan. >> so july is a month that people want to get in the next roll out this is the month to do it. >> act now good point. >> thank you. mr. fried jason fried, executive officer i hadn't going to speak but wringing up questions about the labor i want to remember that when we were launching this program in order to have the system we're currently using outside vendors would have taken time to build and develop have something today, we can use and get the program launched and bring in the services in house the contract allows us to bring the services in house the biggest problem the call center and the puc is not largo enough for november and needing an additional opt out center it is not big enough to actually do that i think your staff is in a - doing a good job i've been talking about with the how to grinning this in that is important to me as i - i was a 10 to one member and the same people that work why the call center i've definitely pushed for that and you asked that question i know your staff has a good plan to slowly get there at some point in time we need to build our own system to not need outdoor vendors that it takes time we need to test it with the pentagon system as soon as we test i'll not be surprised they'll make that harder to apply to the system i think we're going about it in the right approach and another some point bring a little bit of this work more in house the staff did a good job so i encourage you from time to time to question where it is at we're at a good spot we're getting the services we need while we're getting the program launched thank you thank you any comments on this item >> without objection i understand a member of the public has a general public comment if no objection we'll take that comment now. >> good afternoon. >> you how do you know. >> let me put my hat on. >> take your time. >> there we go. >> (laughter). i'm ann from friends of camp mather and the volunteer leader for the last week so the last week i hope to see you this is what the cap is all about we hope you're having a good camp mather and having a good time i think someone said they were still it camp mather when the saturday roles around we wish we were there but to thank you for all the support and - help to let you, you know your invited to a western country celebration for the barns family for 86 years and gary and his wife elizabeth decided to retire their the 3 generations family that handles the coral at the cabin and we wanted to thank them they've been absolutely wonderful from the little kids to the big kids to the advantage kids like me their extraordinary and we have been happy and lost pictures you're a gay la on september 24th a saturday from 6 to 10:00 p.m. will be at our you're asking for place the lake merced and we have posters and cards to remind you i'll probably be back when i get back from camp mather i'm sad i'm not there being back in december to remind you put it on your calendar and thank you very much >> i'm heading up to camp mather technique. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> (laughter). >> yeah, i'm sorry not the same week. >> commissioner moran. >> and at the party i hope we get jason to talk about when his father helps from the fbi. >> we should do that yeah. >> some part of san francisco history for a long time. >> his dad was down here with the horses in the stables they have a great family history a great family really, really nice we'll have to ask him that we're hoping to get a lot of pictures of the family. >> do we know who is taking over the operation. >> there is a new person or new group and i haven't been up there so i don't personally know you'll meet them they're very noise so same things are happening the same best breakfast the moreno light with the country breakfast and have country western music by way of so with my hat with the country western music event. >> thank you very much okay next item. >> is please read number 8. >> 8 did sewer system improvement quarterly update. >> through the financial schedule and talk about our recent chuchlts and updates on the projects going on and wrap up with workforce development and updated or update on the stakeholder outreach we have 70 projects underway 49 of them in planning and design and 5 in awards and 10 in communication things are moving this is phase one representation we see each quarter and currently 11.4 percent that is going to kick up as we get more into construction. >> this is our progress for the phase one again and as of the close of the last quarterly report the close is march so several treatments of the projects are into construction and d c y is the next one followed in a year and a half by another project and like to always go back to the early implementation the green infrastructure 3 in construction the reason the sunset looks funny we're doing a design build and working with the department of public works and designing the blocks while their building the previous blocks and trying to keep that running in the area of sunset mission and valencia or less awarded and under construction over the next couple of months visitacion valley the wiggle part two and chinatown green alley will be going out and staring the reasons end of this year, the last two are yosemite and the beach some of the achievements that was a big list getting to you and getting through that march 22 meeting where we established our baseline scope schedule and budget that's the basis for the detailed scheduled now the detailed loaded schedules and those are the reports on a quarterly basis and seeing me in august i believe when i come back for the next quarterly report a little bit less of a lag time as we issue those documents and part may be able i'll r you'll hear 2, 3, 4 from the 10 merging the agreement was extended to the ssip project for contracts over may 10th that is exciting that lays out the established fraction for the project and scheduled a - this is something that will be evolving as we egg still using that project one of the alternative analysis phase projects designed for levels of services for performance comparing the alternatives for the bottom line. >> there's a lot of work with the ceqa progress and it will be continuing through november 2017 we have advertised the r f x an $800 million for the general contractor and gastrogoing through that selection of that contractor over the next 6 months the head works project is moving forward that construction general contractor selection has been made and awarded at the commission their 0 moving through the 35 percent and both projects are in parallel to the arts commission to talk about the approach how to approach this as incorporate the art and how we're looking this focus so we can have the best project delivered for the neighbors after we're complete and d c s a advertised and a report was delivered to a - a few weeks ago those are projects in construction we actually have 10 projects many more now are our at the plant since this is existing and momentum things are going out and the next phase a few green projects since the flood control projects will be going out with the sewer improvements projects we're working with other agencies and in some cases the mta and the other departments and replacing a sewer line that is old as part of a project lead by another department and here i want to focus a little bit time this is something that is pretty exciting we're working to judiciously with the economic would it be fair to say to provide real small business and job opportunity to san franciscans prairie from the southeast community and have 19 active contracts 10 are professional services and 9 are construction and the lbe the impact we've been able to have on the small businesses is even more permanent or preponderate 2/3rd's of the sew contractions have been awarded to one and 5 lbe's that is one and 64 million dollars of work this is substantial our local hiring ordinance requires a percentage of workers be resident of san francisco so through 2016 this is to range between 20 and thirty percent for the ssip we've applied this so work on 38 percent of the projects we've berry been speeding the projects and this is equated for the combined $6 million in wages and benefits on over 60 thousand hours district 10 and 4 and 9 worked on this the san francisco percent of the hours and my colleague wake up u came up with that idea of the craft hours as of march 31st, 2016 over one and 60 though craft hours by 5 hundred workers and earned $10 million in wages this shows the distribution of where the workers are and where the residents are and primarily down from hunters point the mission, the sunset as you can see the majority of work so we're having a positive impact on the local communities one of these is that nearly 40 percent of the hours on the ssip nearly 40 percent have been worked by san franciscans and those residents have earned almost $6 million in wages and benefits the opportunity for entry-level workers to begin a criteria in the construction work and the benefits is compounded the result is nearly 4 out of 579 percent of the hours on the projecting are being worked by san franciscans apprentices this is very good i think some of the jobs get bigger that will take more and more of a list to stay ahead of this this will be challenging some of the things we're trying to establish a foot hold our stakeholder engagement a lot of work with the general contractors and standing room only event over one hundred contractors came with an lobe certification how to get a lbe state certification some the projects will mta and those opportunities bring contractors together so there is networking we talk about our upcoming projects and get them ready and training classes how to make bids and maximize the interest that we can possibly for our contracts coming up so this is an exciting thing and again folks have led that - we're in the fist year of our student internship into the ssip there are 23 they start in high school and work with through college that is something near and dear to my heart i started as an tenor that was a lange and many of the folks that are now leaders here i like to see people interested in being engineers sometimes they're interested in other things at least we give them the skills and closer they maybe hires in the water systems in the future and this is a picture there were not that many kids 5 kids (laughter) that was before some of the schools gotten out but hopefully, this give us a sense interests a lot going on and you're going to be seeing more projects coming to fruition and more work going forward. >> commissioner courtney. >> thank you karen honestly were i don't know of it's something we entertain with respect to the workforce i appreciate the workpiece we appreciate that is rated towards various professions and classifications at the you utilize and with the contractors and some of the 09 genders with respect to the trade down the road anticipate a change in economic conditions and so you have a lot of folks who are in those communities not necessarily district 4 i - that's good news they can't necessarily intern into a apprenticeship and a lot of them are not ready for apprenticeship and because we've director nolan done it puc has done it and various departments there are ways undertook the invoice of workforce to prepare folks from those communities that point to be prepared we're looking for on avenue to the clear pathway and i'd like to hear more about is like barbara was saying we're stacking i'll talk to the city we've been talking about workforce development i want to get meat on the bones what way to staff up what classifications looking to fulfill with respect to the folks that are the architect of a workforce development with the connection to our programs and what will be our target audience and you know we're doing it on a smaller scale i believe we have age opportunity to create a pipeline of workers one real critical mentorship piece that is missing we'll dedicate that out to nonprofits and not done in a consistent way we basically fail with respect to the community folks we're trying to provide opportunity to i'm looking for more robust conversations on the next report on the workforce development pieces specifically the preapprenticeship piece and more specifically with respect to the actual construction industry work in the field. >> if i can interject this is a classic puc issue not on the sewer system improvement project but the utility workers of the future and very eloquently articulated you know what the issue we need to create that pipeline so what i'd like to do a talk to the internal revenue who has the elements and talk about coming back and doing more comprehensive project to you if that's acceptable. >> never mind. >> i did for go a few things the team is working with city build and building in the community-based organizations with the pipeline in mind that will be great to follow the leadership juliette thank you. >> so if we could schedule that pretty sure we're in summary. >> we'll schedule that and get back to you thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> and those - you've identified the challenge of keeping up with that so that kind of discussion is important. >> that's been go diligence and ownership to make that happen and to work with - to solve the problems and fill them with local residents a culture change. >> talk about the community outreach not the workforce but mr. da costa raised those in the quarterly report and dig counsel and find the answers and then some were in the presentation today - as. >> we focused on the bio project but we are always talking about the program as a whole start with an umbrella of puc and the ssip we do a lot of small business outreach our folks were at hunters point cac and done the webinars with the with the outreach we were working with the southeast on a monthly brass that was by abrams and talking about all of our ssip projects and connecting them together when i start to tally it i think we probably had 50 to 70 meetings over the last year and a half maybe i'll if the chair and you took the words out of my mouth to provide a write-up to - it is an esteem amount when we had a metro quest public survey so if people can't attend the meeting get input and a lot of workshops that format has worked better than attending a meeting so we have a 4 hour window for the staff to explain the issues surrounding this so i'm happy to provide a comprehensive report because it is. >> we're trying to catch dog patch and castro hill and bayview hunters point and pull in the populations of people i think staff is doing a job but happy to provide the correspondence to give you an idea and best further - >> one of the things just to ask folks to think about is this is a huge program very complicated and in the complexity 0 losses site of basic things for the comments number one there is owner that's a real simple problem to see it is a smell not a simple problem but identify that as a problem is something that anyone passing talbot neighborhood and the frustration how long it is taken to manage you're absolutely right the program was put on hold and as a result we had to spend a lot of money to do do repairs that do mean anything to the fix those repairs give people false hope so what i'm thinking there is despite of complexity there is fairly basic concepts that need to be dealt with anyway and i just like some thought to be given you know in the future report and come back to the committee how to address those surface level concerns not the deeper dive but the stuff where we're concerned about. >> i will look at that. >> i'm hoping we can get feedback to stay on top of the investment decisions. >> we have great results in caesar chavez and some ones are wrapping up this is where we should get more you know wet weather wet weather. >> yeah. but we'll continue to be able to get that information and caesar chavez is one i can certainly provide that up you to that was very good and baker did well. >> that would be great to start to unpack the metabolics and the opportunities to the water retention and diversion and any other benefits that we you know are hoping for in that prom we're participating in the national ground level certification program it is getting that even training for portfolio for the maintenance workers this type of thing a national standard because it is a fairly new area of work we have an opportunity to get something that could be national standard so people can know it is a mobile skill and and then across the country. >> i heard interest in having you come before us more rent control i don't know about every month but i see you are smiling. >> smiling. >> maybe every two months it is such a big program and piece to keep track of i would suggest that is the yaerl update this is produced and takes a while to put together if you want a monthly update we can do something along those lines. >> that would be fun and have a regular program. >> we get those clean power updates that make sense. >> i'll focus 10 minutes on making sure the communications type of thing is rotated. >> okay that would be great unless objection. >> no, i be given the nature of those procedures that is easier to deal with small fifths and not hang up quarterly. >> thank you thank you any public comments on the report. >> hearing none. >> next speaker, please. >> item 9 are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. 9 a to c s one 44b and 30 years the agreement up to one million dollars plus bad actor accept the contract r for a total amount of 79 plus and c ward contract not to exceed of $5 million to the lowest responsibly bidders services energy systems incorporated and d ward nooiftdz $5 million to the lowest robust construction company and e ward the contract number e-61 not to exceed $2 million to the lowest qualified responsible and robust bidders to c s incorporated and f accept the contract approve the modification number 22 decreasing the amount by $5 million plus and authorize the final payment to the contractor. >> g accept the contract number approve the modification number 5 decreasing the contract amount by 75 thousand authorizes the final payment to the contractor. >> thank you commissioners is there a request to remove any of the items hearing none a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> any public comment on is consent calendar. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the consent calendar passes. >> next speaker, please. >> item 10 has been removed from the agenda and reconcealed scheduled for the next item and item lovingly approve the 5 year revoking license to the portion of sfpuc in hillsborough california. >> good afternoon, commissioners assistant real estate director we're proposing the work in the right-of-way as part of pepper water project that involves the installation of a new 12 inch pipeline to replace an existing line it connects to our value line the scope of work in the property economists of disconnecting the old line and removing it from our property once in service the new line they're constructing the 12 inch line is located within the public right-of-way the town of hillsborough planning department issued a categorical exemption from ceqa and the puc was responsible agency concurred with that determination the sfpuc proposed to issue the license with no in accordance with the 2015 real estate guidelines approved by that commission after that item was placed on today's agenda they removed the structure with the band in place allowing for a 6 month term rather than a 5 month term and thankfully the resolution gives of these general manager the authority to reduce the term because such an amendment is in the best interest of the city and not increase the obligations and all the terms and conditions of the license remain the same any questions. >> questions. >> is there a motion to approve the tefrmz and authorize the general manager to exude the lease. >> second. >> any any public comment on this item? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? approved thank you very much closed session we have no closed session items today. >> i know. >> thanks moreen. >> you'll get the gift of time and go on to item 24. >> item 24 other new business and commissioner. >> new business? >> final public comments hearing none the meeting is adjourned. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming you don't want to - one of the great things of san francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their >> wednesday july 20, 2016. the commission does not tolerate disruption our out' bust. silence mobile devices that may sound during the hearing and speaking before the speak speak before the m ic. commissioner hilands, here. commissioner rep. hasz, here. >> [inaudible] >> members may address on items of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction accept agenda item. agenda items the opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each mb may address the commission up to 3 minutes. >> steve [inaudible] >> good afternoon commission members. thank you for letting me speak. my name is steve [inaudible] and resident at 106 south park. 106 south park is a very historical building for the filipino community here in san francisco. 106 south park was bought in 1920 by a group of masons who had come from the philippines and we owned that property well over 96 years now. the historical significance of this property is one the first properties bought my any filipino here in the continental united states. it was a place of refuge. at that time discrimination was high against asians and filipinos at that time and needed a place to stay so they bought 106 south park for $6,000. 106 south park is a apartment building located in themunity of south park near bryant and townsends. many men have stayed there in 96 years. when the men first came they worked at seaman and merchants marines and in the fields and traveled up and down the west coast in californias agricultural industry so when they came to san francisco this was a place to stay and members the filipino masonic order and this place is significant. as i said, it is the first building bought by any filipino american in the united states and want to preserve this as a historical landmark and tribute to elders who came here in the early 1900's and settled in san francisco and we are productive so i'm asking the commission to consider this as a historical landmark. 106 south park and here to answer any questions if you have any at this time. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> bernadett e [inaudible] >> good afternoon. i'm the executive drether of philippineee foundation and cultural heritage district. i'm here to speak regarding the property that the south park area that are owned by the grand lodge. there are differentantties within the grand oriente and there are twenty-two parcel squz want to address a application submitted this month by the property owner to divide had parcel of the temple and housing. so, the grand orante lodged owned 3 properties in that area and already sold one and they are attempting to sell the 106 south park hotel where steve lived so we are very concerned. as part of soma filipino heritage district we developed a historic context statement to support the district and included in that context statement are the properties and rich and important history as steve has spoke about before me. just about the farm workers and pulling their monies because there were laws not filipinos were aliens at the time as we were identified to be. that is a property and right next to it, the big housing on the left side is the property that they want to divide. it is together and if they divide the parcel it will make it a lot easier to sell the housing at a high cost. the other hotel has great historical and architectural significance. there are many amazing inside because of the masons and their history. there a lot of history that is really important to our [inaudible] and struggles that they came and contributions of that community and it's rel vens to us today. if you can direct staff to do more research on this. we would like to do historic designation. it doesn't appear the property owners are going to want to do this because it does significantly effect the property ownership as well. thank you. >> any other member wish to speak on a non ajndized item? if so come forward. seeing and hearing none we will close general public comment. >> commissioners that places on department matters. item one, director announcement >> tim fry department staff the directors report is included in your packets. happy to answer questions at this time. actually, i'm not- >> [inaudible] >> the director is luckily [inaudible] >> item 2, streamlining affordable housing proposal. >> good afternoon commissioners. john ram for the record. i will not be making most of the presentation but we wanted to brief you on the governors proposed legislation that could potentially have a impact how we do reviews on development project and 2459 is streamlining the governor put forward which will make most residential projects as of right as defined in the legislation. as you will haerb hear from anima ree there are a lot of unknlones there is broad language open to interpretation so we are give you our best guesstimate how it will effect the work. the guchbners proposal will require us to approve project without extensive review as of right essentially non discretionary form for any presidential projectst that meet criteria that have a certain level of affordability and are purely residential defined in the state code as projects entirely residential than no more than one level for other use like first floor retail. such projects more than two units would be as of right as the bill is defined, meaning we can't do extensive review so ceqa would not apply. that fact brings into cession how we review projects that have potential impact on what would normally be considered historic resources under ceqa. we are tracking this very very closely because it has a substantial effect how we do our work on presidential projects as well as the procedures for how it would play out for design reviews and ceqa and many other issues. just to be clear, anima ree andicate will reaffirm this, it doesn't mean it doesn't plevept local jurisdictions from doing anything to roir procedures and processing in our planning code so all the prestigeers in the planning code apply, it is just when something is defias non discretionary and this is the case today-if a project isn't discretionary ceqa does not apply and ceqa is the tool we use to get at a number of issues like historic resources or transportation impacts our other impacts. those procedures and reviews would under this legislation not apply. with that, i'll ask ann marie to give more detail and kate will go over projects that would or would not come under this legislation. i'll be arounds for questions as well. thanks. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. ann marine rogers planning department staff and the director said this can be a fundamental shift the way we review housing projects in san francisco. i know as commissioners here and as citizens in the city, there is not a day that we don't think about the housing crisis now and if is this need for addressing the crisisthality drove the governor to put this proposal forward. today we will kboe over a informational discussion of the bill and my presentation will follow the outline in the packet before you. as the director said, a word of caution, there is much we don't know at this point so weprint what is our best understanding given the vague and rapidly changing language that is in the current draft of the bill. there have been 3 versions of this bill to date and we accept there will be more changes before a bill a eis enacted. what does this bill do? in general a housing project that consists of two units or more and consist dwnt the general plan, flaning code or zoning map that time they apply and within certain areas shall be approved if levels of affordsability are provided. let's talk about where this applies. controls in the bill talk about designated housing sites and these are sites that allow housing under the general plan, zoning ordinance or eir that mitigates potential harm from that housing. further, the sites must be ajaistant to develop to urban uses which is our entire city or bounded by a body of water which we are on all sides accept for the south. the sites cannot be located on prime farm land, wet lands, high fire hazard zone, hazardous waste sites or fault zone or flood plain or flood way rchlt to be clear nearly every site in the city that allows housing is eligible for the streamlining. it is only available to projects that provide a certain level of afford bltd and the level of affordability is how close it is to transit. the project must have at least 10 percent loincome hoar 5 percent very low income housing. in san francisco those transit priority areas are again nearly the entire city. there are a few-air areas outside the transit priority areas and these require a higher level of affordsability. the intent is incent vise production of housing where there is support. in the areas that are not immediately adjacent, some areas on twin peaks and outer potola, if they need to provide at least 20 percent of housing at 80 percent or less ami. keep in mine even though the thresholders are lower than the inclusionary standards this allowed for the stream lining. projects still need to meet those requirements because it is our law. also, if there would be replacement required of existing housing, so if a existing site has rent control or income restricted unit on site, these units must be replaced at equal or greater levels of affordability. displaced tenant need to be paid relocation under state law. lastly, our review process would change substantially. the city would have 30 days to determine and document if the project complies with our objective standards. it is not consistent with objective stanards and fail to document this within 30 days, the project is deemed consistent with san francisco law. that 30 day review for consistency is the first step. the city can conduct design review but 90 days after submittal of the application. our design review cannot inhibit, chill or preclude minterial approval. so, that's what the bill says and i'm going to cover what the bill does not say which is how we believe it will interact withsuch planning as we know it today. i will review the faqs in the packet. so, as the director said, does ceqa apply to the streamline projeblths? there should be no ceqa review for projects that qualify. important processes embedded in ceqa we can work to codify those and make them into objective standards and that includes historic resources. what does st. mean to limit design review to that which kuz not inhibit or kill or preclude minterial approval? that is a good question and unclear at this point. it appears projeblths cannot be denied but department can request changes during that winnow for design review. i already answered the other one, does san francisco's higher inclusionary requirements apply. yes, they do. will the onsight bmr units be able to be rental units? first let me say, they have to provide that affordable units on site in order to be eligible for streamline. can they make the rental units is the next question and currently, no. if there is no discretionary action we can't dhoo cost of [inaudible] agreement in san francisco to enable the onsight bmr units. projects that went to provide bmr rental unit may be able to do so with subdivision or discretionary process. it is important to know as the state government is considered this trailing bill they are also considering other bills qu one of which is talked about is being bundled into this decision, called the palmer fix and that would undue the need for had cost of hawkens agreement and do bmr unit in conjunction with the non discretionary projects: >> in this bill, the bill requires affordable to be on site? >> that is correct. >> doesn't require rental versus for sale? >> that is right. >> thank you. >> this is probably the question that is more purltinant which is how does the city protect the historic resources. as you know historic resource protections that currently occur in the ceqa process would not occur under this draft bill. in fact, the new version says streamlining cannot be used on sites that are national historic or state listed resources, however t is unclear how our local resources locally landmarked buildings in article 10 and article 11, how those protections would apply. article 10 and 11 have objective triggers, that stimulate your review and our departments review, most of our review is within the field of discretionary actions and discretionary application. so, in order to keep those protections we would have to look at recodifying things into more objective language to move it out of the discretionary realm, which would be eliminated. what happens to projects that need a variance and exception or conditional use authorization? this is something changing and may change again. currently as we understand it, it appears project needed exception are no longer eligible for streamlining. if this understanding is correct, the project needing a variance or downtown exception, may not be eligible for streamlining. however, projects requiring conditional use authorization would be eligible for the streamline we view if the project met all our objective criteria. it appears the city could not apply this objective critireia deciding whether to approve the ceu. while the conditional use process would be allowed it needs to be concluded within the timeframe of state law and may mean the prauzs would need to hapgen be complete td within the 30 day review window for objective standards, not 90 day for design review. there is lot about exempting city with housing production. [inaudible] why all cities need to comply with the bill. we anticipate this will be not been the final version, it is a trailing bill so the procedures in sacramento require this be concluded by the end of august so we are watching the state legislature and the state hcd department for further updates and kate will run through a few specific examples so you can see how it will play out. >> good afternoon members of the commission. kate coner, planning department staff. the department with city tourns office is beginning if to work through the state bill to streamline affordable housing proposals and made conclusions. i like to reiterate this is a evauvling process and the city is working with the state to clarify portions of the bill to determine what san francisco repercussions will be. my presentation is reliminary discussion of the types of project eligible for the streamlining under the bill and please synchronize understand this is base ond the fird third version of the bill. projects that are eligible for the streamlining are projects that are housing projict providing affordable housing on site. any project seeking exception isn't part. this could be exception for rear yard or occupyen space which are common in the process. code complying processes may utilize the streamlining stipulated in the bill. the majority the projects that are reviewed by the planning commission and using the entitlement processes are tip ypically using the exceptions stipulated. non housing projects like office or hotel or commercial projects are not eligible for the streamline. one example might be a as of right apartment project and you can maybe at the planning commission as a discretionary review. that project may be eligible for streamlining but if it needed a variance or exception it would not. under the current understanding of the bill and as ann marie mention conditional use authorization may be eligible for the streamlining providing the objective findings are made. so, a very common conditional use authorization is a building over 50 feet in height. the process is still on the table, be can utilize it but have to meet the guidelines for process time. we may only apply the ubjeblthive standard. findings regarding desire nlt, necessity and compatibility isn't something we can make. we are working how the applications will be processed. this chart and hopefully you can see it on your screens, goes through a variety of different potential projects. so, the first one is a 13 unit in the eastern neighborhood area plan. they will provide inclusionary housing on site. the current entitle. process neighborhood notification and discretionary review and ceqa process is community planned exemption. under the bill it may be eligible for streamlining and the rational is because there are no exception squz the affordable housing is provided on site. if you take a similar project, 35 units in the eastern neighborhood plan, say they are paying the fee. again, the entitlement process is neighborhood notification without potential for dr but they would not be eligible for streamlining because they elect to pay the fee and not provide the units on site. for some of the larger projects, 100 or 150 units in the eastern neighborhood are providing the affordable units on site and have to go through a large project authorization and say they have exceptions for rear yard or permitted ubinstructions and parking, they may go through a eir and not eligible for the streamlining and that is because they are asking for exceptions. let's look at smaller projects. 15 unit in rc 4, if they provide the units on site and commonly have to go through conditional use authorization over 50 feet in height they may receive a [inaudible] they would not be eligible if they are asking for any sort of variance like rear yard or open space. let's take that same project and say they don't need any exception squz only get the conditional use for height and may be eligible but stuck with the objective findings as part the conditional use process so can't make findings regarding [inaudible] if they get the conditional use for building over 5 ofeet in height but in the upper tenderloin district it would not be eligible. there is a lot of different factors under how we are currently processing our projects, it seems a lot before the planning commission may not be eligible, but this could also be a factor how developers change and plan a project. there is a number of potential considerations that may influence development. first, developers may have to rethink the necessity of a exception like how much is that exception worth and does it warrant a longer process. second, if we believe this bill may utilized on smaller scale projects would developers be more likely to provide the affordable unit on site to get the faster process. in closing, this is a evolving process and likely the first of many conversations but this concludes my presentation and available for any questions. >> just to clarify, the way the bill is written now, if you do housing development with the rental housing on site affordable you are require today get a cost of hawkens to get a cost of hawkens there has to be exceptions? >> correct. >> this would not apply to any rental projects because it requires on site and you need a exception for on site. >> exactly. >> thank you. any other questions? >> i like to ask about-i read the legislation and the section within a site designated in the national register historic places the section that appears unclear as to whether local government policies and landmarks would be included in that. it appears the intent is to include those but it does want say anything about local government so i would wndering if you asked the question to the mr. palmer who is with the state of california for many many years or others up there in the governors office as to what the intent is behind that or ask shipo, if you asked the question of the local government and should say that is what we want. >> commissioners i have posed the question to the office of historic preservationism my last correspondsance was a few weeks ago and said they would reach out to the governors office and provide a response. i haven't received that response just yet, but we did express an interest in creating some sort of exemption for locally designated resources. >> adding local into the bill. >> it seems like that was the initant. >> thank you. >> commissioner hyland. >> what if property on the current site needed to be demolished? it is new project defined as of right does that mean ceqa doesn't apply and they can demolish it quite easily? >> yes, that is correct. you would be able to go through had demolition and it would be a minterial permit. >> if it housing units? >> it is a requirement within the bill as far as being able to pay for relocation cost and if those units are income restricted being able to replace those but it isn't super clear how that will be done. >> any other questions? >> one thing to follow up is there are objective criteria within planning code section 317 so those still apply in our review process. >> thank you. we should do public comment. any member wish to speak on this item? seeing and hearing none we'll close public comment. thank you very much for your presentation and keep us posted as the legislation advances. >> that places on item 3, review of past events at the planning commission, staff report. >> good afternoon, tim try department staff. several item tooz share since our last hearing in june. first i wanted to welcome members from our summer internship program in the audience today. the inturn program is a 12 week program that started june 6 and ends august 26. there are 31 interns tote lt this year which is sth largest number we had in any given year. they are all paid internships. the high school inturns do not work full time, but all other inturns do. there were over 500 applicants this summer, so it was quite a feat to go through all the applications but these are the stars of that group and working on a variety of projects that directly effect or contribute to this commissions work. in particular i just wanted to point out, we have a couple historic context statements under way, one for diamond heights and other for excelsior neighborhood. there is landsmark designation for sunset area as part the sunset survey the commission adopted. we are also conducted a inventory of murals within the mission neighborhoods to provide more oversight and protection for those murals and in concert with the communities watchful eye over the significant muralsment we have a intern evaluating ceqa impacts to historic districts which is challenging to get our heads around and cumulative impact that result from demolitions or alterations within a historic district. finally, we have a inturn working on some amendments to your landmark designation work plan, in particular we asked the intern to look at the previously adopted context statements and surveys related to sites of civil rights and social and cultural heritage and compile the property jz sites and will bring those to you in august for consideration as part of your work program and in support of your priorities under your own work program. like i said, the inturn hp is 12 week program, each intern is assigned a planner our mentor that supervises their work and have weekly discussions and site visit and presentation that highlight the work we do. the final week of the program the inturns will present their final work products and you will likely see many of the work projects shortly. i want to take the time to tell the interns how much we appreciate their work. they are doing all a fantastic job and we look forward to working-continue work wg them this summer but hopefully in the future. thank you. >> thank you and welcome. welcome to our commission hearing. >> commissioner that places you- >> sorry. i center a lot to say. i also wanted to happily welcome des rea smith to the planning department. des rea is a in the audience today and as you move des array from her former life with san francisco heritage destricate drether she worked on preservation projects and here on a monthly basis speaking on advocacy initiatives and programs offered by heritage and range from historrecollect cob text statement, land mark. summer youth programs and legislation. she is co-chair of latinos and heritage conservation dedicated to promoting historic preservation in latino communities. she received bachelors in sociology in womens studies from universey of georgia and masters in planning from university of arizona. you will likely see here. she is backfilling susan parks former position. susan was promoted after jonathan lamer left and works on the survey team in designation to more things. at the july 7th manning commission hearing, the planning commission approved a project at 651 geary street infill construction in the tendser loan. memberoffs the district were not completely happy with the design and felt there were improvements that could be made. one of the conditions of approval the arc provide design guide ons the final projject continue working with staff. the commission had that as a condition of approval and will schedule that arc hearing probably in august for you to consider. >> so, that is as a policy decision the commission is adding arc like as they have projects-i think it is a great idea. >> i don't expect it will happen often but this is where they felt the arc could provide meaningful guidance on the design. >> it is a issue that we face all the time when we have a national district that isn't a local district so we don't have any jurisdiction over that, so it is nice to see that linkage so we do at least see projects and perhaps can help influence the design. >> absolutely. and then finally, the commission asked for report on 60 rustle street. this was in response to public comment where a member of the public cited the 60 rustle street is residents of dr. ed-mind dixon joan rr and asked whether that information could be incorporated in the historic resource evaluation. the item has been continued at the planning commission so had planning commission hasn't scheduled a vote on the project, but we did provide you a cover memo and our e-mail backgrounds working with historic preservation consultant updating the information and what was found was that it appears dr. jones parents lived at 60 rustle street and he lived at 42 rustle. doing more research and looking at the criteria for significant persons it is more likely that ucsf or dr. jones residents or the va hospital where he practiced may be better associated with him if he is a significant person we didn't take it to that next level, but in short, the determination is 60 rustle on its own doesn't have a close association with him because only his parents lived there and he did not reside on that property. that information is included in your packets and happy to give you a update on the commissions final vote once they take up that item on the regularly scheduled hearing. so, with that, i have no other comments. thank you. >> commissioner pearlman. >> thank you. um, tim, i wonder if you can comment on the two speakers about 106 south park. is that something that is submitted. this is a case where the neighborhood group has come forward so don't know if you had interaction with them specifically? >> we have been working with the community members that spoke on behalf of the designation as part of the filipino cultural heritage district currently in plauss process or the strategy is in process. the properties were identified as part of the central soma area plan survey which you adopted. they are included on our draft working documents as part of the plan to pursue landsmark designation. if this commission felt strungly we should prioritize that or bring it sooner we are happy to do so. i believe we have 2346 information to provide you for a hearing at a fairly short timeframe, but i guess the short answer is it is on our radar and work wg them but it is at the commissions discretion how you like us to proceed. otherwise those recommendation for designations will come with the area plan package which likely won't be until toward the ends of this year, beginning of next >> is this something that came up? the second speaker eluded to a sale and concerns about that which seems to spark a urgency. >> absolutely. >> that is where it is likely coming from? >> certainly, if the commission wanted to schedule a hearing at a future date quee prepare materials for you in that timeframe. >> commissioner that places you on commission matters. prez dents report and announcements. >> i have no report or announcements >> consideration of adoption of draft minutes for april 6, 20 ask draft minutes for june 16, twnt 16. >> i have a correction to be draft minutes for the arc hearing of april 6. for each of the items on page 2 and on page 3 it has the aye as all members but only 3 of us were there. only 3 members were there. >> any other corrections? >> a spur. this was before june 15, our meeting. >> on which page? >> i saw supr. it is on the second page under review of past events orphthe planning commission at the bottom of the page and it was my comment about the governors bill which we just discussed. i received e-mails from spur. >> thank you. >> any other comments? at this time we will take public comment on draft meeting minutes of. any member wish to speak about the minutes? seeing and hearing none we close public comment. motion to adopt the minutes >> move to adopt the minutes. >> second. >> as corrected. >> sthra sknlogez second to adopt had minutes only that motion. commissioner hasz, yes. the motion passes 7 to 0. places on item 6. >> a couple weeks ago with assistance of mr. fry and gave a presentation to i think it was 62 people at the presidio golf club. i used a outline that was used to introduce intern tooz the commission. the reason i point this out is, to get 62 people on a wednesday night to hear somebody talk about historic preservation was i thought not only astonishing but quite gratifying. the questions were really really good and showed a level of interest which i had not appreciated without their there in the community. there may be other opportunities for people to do this or maybe this sort of thing could provide us with app opportunity to talk to a group of people who would not normally come to one of our neighborhood meetings or open houses. i just mention that. >> thank you. other commissioners, any comments or questions? >> i have a few disclosers. i was contacted by e-mail on two projects, 16 5 o' farrell the one with the windows replaced. >> right. >> and the 151 liberty which is another project we had heard and then i had met with the project consultants for the asian art museum we are hearing in the arc after this. >> okay. think we can move on. >> that places on the consent calendar. item 7, the art living innovation. request for certificate of appropriateness. you have no speaker cards. >> any member wish to remove this from the consent calendar? seeing and hearing none we close public comment. any commissioners wish to remove from consent? do i is a motion to approve the consent calendar? >> so moved. >> there is a motion and second to approve item 7. as proposed. commissioner hasz, yes, johnck, yes. matsuda, yes. pearlman, yes, hyland, yes. that passes unanimously 7-0 and places on the regular calendar. we will take items 8 a-i together. all items recommending small business commission approval of legacy business application. a 82016-008460 at 401 haight. 401 cluminute street. 12 williams place. item 8 d, record number 2016 nob nab 2981 24th street. record number 2016-008440 lbr, 700 geary. 1354 harrison street. 8 g, 228 bay shore boulevard. 601 van ness avenue. 1544 grand avenue. >> commissioners before we begin i want to take the opportunity to introduce her to you while she has been with the department just over a year this is the first time presenting before the commission. stephanie works on the preservation team mainly on ceqa related work but expanding duties as there is lots to do in our office. stephanie graduated with bachelor of arts in from cal state and has a masters in heritage conservation from usc and worked at city of west hollywood as assistant planner so welcome to the hpc. see will walk you through legacy business. >> welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon t. stephanie [inaudible] planning department staff. the items before you today are for 9 legacy business nominations submitted to the planning department june 20, twnt 16 and ready for recommendation. the department received the business applications by june twnt filing day. all applications were reviewed by the office of small businesses for completion prior to transmittal to the planning deparchlt. out of the 3 criteria businesses need to meet to be considered eligible for the listing on the legacy business registry, the hpc is tasked providing recommendation as to whether each business meets criteria 2, which states the business has contributed to the neighborhood's history and/or identity of a neighborhoods or community. the packets can contain years of services to the community and physical features with success of the business. the first application before you is two jacks nicks place at 401 haight street. [inaudible] the next application is for toy boat desert cafe located at 401 clument established in 1982 and contains pop cultural memer belia throughout. the next application is adler museum caf e at 12 williams place. this is combined bar and museum established in 1968. it was a union bar and also one of san francisco's oddest museums housing a wide collection of [inaudible] the next application [inaudible] located at 2981 24th street. this is 501 c 3 organizations established in 1977 and trains artist in the mural process, offers mural classes and worked with community to promote mural arts. the next application is [inaudible] located at 7000 geary which is neighborhood sea food restaurant established in 1974 that offers high quality generously portioned sea for for 42 years. the next application is for loan star saloon at 1354 harrison. this is a local bar established in 1989 as a space where working clas gay men can gather and be celebrated. there next application is gilmans kitchens and bath at 228 bay shore established in 1974 and offers kitchen and bath remallling. the next application is community board located at 601 van ness. this 501 c 3 organizations established in 1976 and provides public conflict resolution service. the last application is for [inaudible] creative design and metal works at 1744 grant avenue. the business was established in 1948 and the oldest ongoing metal arts design house and production studio. after your packets were published i received a letter of support for this specific application which i have a copy here for you to review. physical features for each business can be found in the case report. staff foinds each business has met the criteria to qualify for listing in the legacy business registry. this concludes my presentation, happy to answer question squz have a few representatives from some the businesses who would like to speak on behalf of the applications. >> at this time we'll have the members of the businesses come forward. we'll give 3 minutes to each speaker. >> i'm one of the members owners of specks 12 museum caf awhich my father opened in 1968felt we are a union bar and sener of access culture and center of world travelers. we are a union bar and so our profit margin isn't that great. the 10 year lease that will provide is extremely important. my daughter is here and only 23 and also a owner. when my father passes we will carry on the tradition. the building started in the 50's and 1955 it was a [inaudible] it was destroyed in the earthquake and rebuilt as a 4 story building and speakeasy during the prohibition and alaska fishermans club in the 30's and during the war in 1945 it was a bohemian bar and gay womens bar from 1948 to 54 and 55 to 63 which i remember was a middle eastern music and dance place. it was an atillion neighborhood bar. we got the building in 67 and spent a year in court to get the license because [inaudible] become a topless bar so it took a year. we are committed to the history and legacy of the institution and if you look at the walls, my father loves san francisco history. maritime history. we have legacy of sea men and shoreman. the international travellers. we are excited to be part of the beginning the legacy business we hope goes arounds the country and thank you for your time. if you have any questions. >> thank you. did you have a question? we can take the next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioners. richard [inaudible] new legacy business program manager with office of small business. >> thank you. welcome. >> the owner of 2 jacks nicks place nicky cooper couldn't be here so asked me to read a statement on her behalf. 2 jacks nicks place like to thank board of supervisors and historic preservation commission dedicated to the business program. it is honor and privilege to be included thip first group of applicant and receive support from the board of supervisors. the lower haight munchants and neighborhood association and countless people from across the city and state. 2 jacks has been and tocontinues a staple in the lower haight and look forward contributed great food, positive energy, inspirational art and love to our neighborhood and city. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners. justin [inaudible] i am on the sun of the owner of gilmans kitchens and bath and hear to talk about our story. thank you for taking the time to address all the local businesses and hear our testimony. gilmans kitchens and bath evolved over more than 60 years of business. we originated as a hardware store. dick gilman transferred to window and screen business. mr. gilman maintained business until 1983 when larry [inaudible] became sole proproiter. larry had a career in sales. after two years of screen service larry acquired abinatery to offer in the warehouse space. as a months and years passed sale squz growth persisted, new mbs joined the gilman family. gilman screens and kitchens. brought larry and gilmans into the remodeling world that allow for products and services including counter tops, hardware plumbing fixtures and flooring. this is a resulted in a staff of highly trained professionals. the new products and new jobs and thriving xhounty resulted in show rooms around the bay area. we have begin residential contractors and offer design build service with a substantial amount of work continueic in san francisco. we are a company evolved to continue to meet the need of local residential. our technology, service and employment have attracted san franciscans. people have lunched they can trust the company and find something special molded from years service the community. we serve as the only store front in san francisco to offer window and door screen services. the service is a time honored tradition. thank you for considering our application and assisting to maintain a piece of history. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm the communication director for community board and always go with handouts. community boards is now celebrating the 40 ath anniversary [inaudible] empowering in a certain way. community board as a institution that does reflect what we call the social justice movement of the 1970's being fonded in 1976. our founder [inaudible] provided legal assistance with the international hotel was having the multiple issues. what i would like to speak to directly and have my associates here will talk about our program, in the 28 years i have been with community board i am a pinata of facts. community board is displaced 4 separate times in the 40 years based on the changes in real estate and rent. we were on 24th street at folsom for 10 years and the rent doubled. we call it the google bus phenomenon. we were at market and van ness 10 years proir, dot com pushed us out. we are looking for the support the business legacy can provide us as a cultural institution rather than a tangible fath fact and our current rent we are on a 5 year lease and expires at theened of 2017. one final thing, community boards contributions to conflict resolution is so substantive we have a book on ourselves which is the last page of the handout. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is karen lipny, i'm the interm alternative dispute program manager. the executive director dar lean white apologizes she cannot be here because of prior commitment and as jim said our organization was founded by rea shung [inaudible] in 1976 and continue a operate in that vein today. our conflict resolution serveices are provided in spanish, cantonese and mandarin. one example of what we do provide to the community is we have a contract with the san francisco unified school district to provide conflict resolution services to teachers and we work with both the collaboration between labor and management. no one is turned away for remediation service for lack of funds. a core commitment of community boards is offering of basic intermediate and advanced mediation, conflict and facilitation train toog the public. as a result community boards has a active pool of 400 volunteer meadators who have taken our intensive 40 hour basic mediation training and i'm one of the volunteer meadators. we have a pool of conflict coaches which is a recent addition to community boards services and this is service provided to individuals who re quest mediation but the other party or parties do not want to come to the table and have a conversation so what we provide sp communication tools and ideas to assist the person in addressing the conflict without actually going the mediation table. our commitment is to facilitate conversations among individuals, businesses, organizations and neighborhoods whether that involves mediation, conflict coaching our facilitation. one example in the community involvement is the map 2020 emission plan which was and is a ongoing conversation deal wg community concerns with displacement and affordable housing. to inshurn we maintain a diverse community of volunteer meadators and insure our services are accessible to the community, we offer scholarships for training, and have a inturn sp program. we have been providing services since 1976 and have a record of 85 percent resolution for long term and sustainable agreements for people who use our services. thank you very much and if there are any questions, i'm here. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. ross warren and i speak in support of item 8 e on todays agenda. the pacific cafe. my partners and i are proud we are being considered for the legacy business registry. we are indeed a long standing community service restaurant where we have been in business since july 4, 1974. we are still going strong and hope to continue serving the community far into the future as we can and we think being placed on the legacy register will be a big plus for us. thank you. >> thank you. any additional applicants who would like to speak? we will open for public comment but want to make sure the applicant for the legacy business program have spoken. at this time we will open up for public comment about item 8 a through i and have one speaker card from anthony veercamp. >> thank you good afternoon commissioners. i'm anthony [inaudible] with national trust for historic preservation and thank you for the opportunity to speak about this legacy business registration applications. my comments are on behalf of the national trust and on behalf of our san francisco heritage which find itself [inaudible] i'm pitching in with mike bouleer. both the national trust and san francisco heritage have partnered in exploring the unique challenges conservice cultural heritage resources. legacy businesses in particular which heritage addressed in the 2014 policy paper sustaining san francisco's living history. i think recent news about threats to the stud bar has highlighted just how relevant these issues are and how passionately the community feels about this as a historic preserve for the concern and concern for future the city. the national trust supported the creation of the legacy business registry and irk withed on the campaign last november with prop j which stabbed the legacy business and historic preservation fund. together we advocate for inclusive approach to supporting the cities cultural heritage assets. in contrast to the exclusive and restrictive criteria. regarding the application under consideration today we are gratifyed the 12 applications from businesses and non profits from throughout the city and reflect equally diverse range of businesses and non profits. it is clear many applicant wouldn't qualify under traditional designation criteria but made significant contributions to the social fabricf. we see this not as a short coming but evident by the legacy business registry is so important. many applications include modest personal stories that provide insights into dem graphic and social development that wouldn't have been uncovered using usual methodology. we provide physical features to the idea of the businesses or non profit. the case report would benefit that define each applicant and how they contributed to san francisco's living history since it is this qualities that make a diferance between a bonifyed experience. [inaudible] recognition and public support to help insure perpetuation but we are fully supportive of the applications and look forward to seeing the program grow and flourish. >> thank you. any other member wish to comment on the item? seeing and hearing none we'll close public comment and bring back to the commission. commissioner matsudo. >> i want to thank the business squz non profits who came out and shared information about your businesses and non profit organizations and am very happy. i know commissioner hasz is just as happy to see we are finally seeing the businesses come forward and that there is a staff person who is going to help support these businesses and hopefully we'll see a lot more applications coming forward. i just wanted to ask logistical questions. i think the information that we received today is great. i think i'm just wondering what the public will see when the businesses are registered and go forward, what will the public see? it is important for the public to understand these stories and i think i have been to a number of them and know how special they are to their particular community and san francisco in general, but think it would be great for the public to have access or template or easy to find registry to figure out-we have gone through a lot of work to have them come forward andbroid a lot of information but think that has to trickle to the general public so these places can be sustained. one of the applications, the history of the pacific cafe provided a good overview and information about the wine. smookind of template so we can see uniformity. when i'm on line i want to know about the rest aurant i'm going to so to have a template that is easy to do with staff and the business to really show the true cultural and historical at buttes i think would be great. >> thank you. commissioner johnck. >> i was interested what anthony you were saying about-were you suggesting an additional criteria that has something to do more with the businesses direct contribution or non profit organization to san francisco history? >> can you come to the mic? >> this is an evolving program too and the staff person is here too. thank you very much and be interested in his reaction at some point about adding other criteria or how much work is this. any further thoughts on that. >> just a greater articulation to explain how the businesses or practices help to support the culture and traditions of the city. >> we can look at that going forward i guess. i don't have anything specific to add now, but-yeah. >> commissioner pearlman. >> thank you. it is a empresive list because those that have been in the city a long time and know many or some of these businesses that now there is more of a impetus to find the ones we don't know about. i want to support what commissioner matsuda said like you go through-a restaurant and on the door is a sticker that says it is triple a or zagt guide. if there could be a legacy business sticker, which doesn't seem like it would be hard for a graphic designer to come up with and connect to a website. the registry website that then has that type of information, so there is the connection and then the restaurant or business could have that on their own website with the linkage to that as well so think that is way to link all it together. if you didn't know you walk in and see this wonderful beautiful graphics symbol. >> these are excellent suggestions. i did want to let you know we are open to refining the criteria. probably the next few batches we will use existing application and had it translated into 3 different languages in addition to english so probably stick with that for now but open to refining it. yes, we do have the intent to create sticker tooz go on the windows of business. we have a marketing team that is working to create a logo and do a marketing plan for the project. for the program. >> thank you very much. >> another question. my understanding is the business had to be 30 years old to apply, so this one i think it is worthy, but the 8 f, the loan star saloon was established in 1989 so not reaching the 30 years yet. i thought it was established in 1989 the business itself. i don't know your name, sorry. are you here from loan star? >> i believe the ordinance says if a business is in danger of displacement because of loss of lease or the building is sold if they have been in business 20 years or more they may apply for legacy business registry. >> thank you, i appreciate that. that answers the question. >> i'm aware the 20 year stipulation was in the legislation, just not sure still if that pertains to this particular business. >> seeing the 30 year but didn't recall the--thank you. >> commissioner johns. >> i just wanted to emphasize what i thought would be from the historical point of view a nice addition and i'm familiar with several businesses. i just like to mention one which is the pacific cafe. in the materials that we were submitted, one of the things that i thought was tremendously important was mentioned and thereat is when the pacific cafe started it in a sense had part of its birth was from a corporate debacle then known as victoria station which was a franchise restaurant group that took old railroad cars and made them into a restaurant and the furnishing from the seats from victoria station located under the freeway, 280 about broadway in what was then a darelic area and ended up as the chairs and booths on geary boulevard. i think it is a little veniate which shows something which is extremely important and enduring about san francisco and that is the ability of the citizens to take what has been a disaster and not worked and reformulated into something that is success and has proceeded lots of people not only with very delicious meals about a very nice livelihood. it is the sort of thing in san francisco we keep talking about. that is what we like to see more of and here is a example that really embodies a true storey where that happened. in the case of pacific cafe i would have liked to have seen that highlighted and in the case of the other businesses. really the architectural things of these businesses i don't think are very important most of them and not particularly interesting and we are not really trying to preserve those. what we are trying to preserve is the legacy of this business, the essence of it, what it has done as a cultural resource, so i would really like to see more of a focus on these applications on why this is important. it isn't important because it was founded 30 years ago for gods sakes, there are lots of businesses around for 30 years, but really what is the essence of its contribution that is so interesting and so important. >> thank you. mr. fry. >> commissioners tim fry department staff. all your comments i think and including the public comment are very helpful and as the planning department hires our own legacy business representative to work with richard and office of small business, these are the type of comments we look forward to because it will help refine the application and in particular with varied skill sets of the applicant we have time to sit down with them to provide a more robust narrative or expand how they do or do not meet the criteria. as richard said, you may not see it in the most application that come to you over the next several hearings, but we'll work on refining that. also, i just wanted to point out now that we are mubing these along you are likely to see between 10 and 15 applications on every agenda through now to the ends of the year. >> thank you. any other comments? anybody want to make a motion? >> move to approve. >> move we approve them all. >> i'll second. >> there is motion and second to adopt recommendation for approval for items 8 a-i. roll call vote. the motion passes unanimously 7-0. places on item 9, record number 2013.11 sakes 8 and 2015-001314 prj at pier 70 craen cove park and twenth street historic core project. >> good afternoon. richard [inaudible] department staff. i want to provide a introduction to staff from port of san francisco who will provide a informational update to two projects that are occurring at pier 70 known as union iron works historic district. these are crane cove park and 20t street historic core project. this will be the first of two presentations that you have on pier 70. the next series of presentations are scheduled for august 3 and will look at the water front site. i like to introduce david [inaudible] from port of san francisco. >> thank you rich, commission, president wolfram. i'm joined by mark pis preservation for the port. [inaudible] project manager for orten project within pier 70 and evrodo moray at morton development. i will provide a ovview hopefully you have on your screen being handed out is powerpoint presentation. the port has been in front of you for the pier 70 project between 2006 and 2010 when we developed the master plan and gave a update about the implementation and provided overviews on the his choric core and crane cove park. what is illustrated is the result of the 2010 master plan that shows the 5 gels for pier 70 which is establish a national register historic district and adaptively revus the resources the district is nominated and fully a national registered historic district. the second goal is retain and expand the ship repair operations. that is what makes pier 70 pier 70. theport entered into the new lease that will keep them there up to 30 more years. the third goal is create a new system of parks and open spaces within pier 70 and i'll give a overview of crane cove park. the 4th is allow infill development illustrated inioleo on the slide and this brings back the historic activity and economic tooz deliver public benefit. environmental clooenup the site from 150 plus years of use. provide infrastructure for all uses and do the entire project in a sustain able and sensitive way. since 2010 work wg our partners including orten for a city rich mentioned and port working in crane cove park in bae we provide a site plan and this shows the new revised site plan since the preferred master plan. today we'll talk about crane cove park on the north and [inaudible] will speak to o historic core. crane cove park is 10 acre part where see celebrate history. this is a aerial perspective looking northeast. approximately 10 acre parcel we are trying to integrate a new park into a industrial historic area. the consultant team working with us is lead by [inaudible] ark celltural resources group as subconsultant and as i walk through the program i'll focus on historic features. which includes slipway 4 which is cranes 14 and 30 and utility racks and runway. the illinois street fence, building 49, building 30. later phases building 50, 110, 109 and slipways 1-3. this site plan illustrates the overall park program and i'll start on the north behind the ramp restaurant where we have a reconstructed shore line including a beach area for non motorized human power boats and access to the bay. we have northern uplands which includes children play area and building 49 which is a historic resource that will be reused for human power boating aquatpic center and small cafe. the south is multipurpose lawn area. one of the impact is building 30 which will be demolished and have slipway 4 which rebuilt for function as a park, aplaza and cranes will be stabilized and maintained. we have crane plaza which is entrance to the slipway off 19th street and that is essentially the part of phase one we will deliver in the next couple months. everything to the east of slipway 4 is later phase included building 101, 110 and slipway 1, 2 and 3. next i will wake through a series of slides that you have a handout. the upper slide shows where you are in the site plan and we'll progress from the north to the south. here is a exhibit showing what the park will look like entering just south of the ramp restaurant between the ramp and boat works where we open use for ship prepare operations. this is what it will look behind the ramp looking south where we have the noren shore line and beach area. in the distance is building 49 which is reused as park restrooms a cafe and humanp powered boating with crane 14 to the left which will be pushed down at the thochbd slipway to align with 18th street. just walking north to south. this shows reuse of on sight materials for interpretive purpose and functionally for seating, furnish and children play areas. here is a few looking east just north of building 49 on the crane 14 which is again aligned with 18th street . here is a view looking west from the end of building 49 to the childrens play area which is tucked away but does want block views. here is when you arrive at crane 14 looking southwest up toward 19th street with building 49 to the right. north of building 14 with plaza area and rain gardens. on the north side of 49. here is what it will look at the entrance to the park from 19th street where we are creating a new 19th street to serve as entrance to the park and primary entrance point taship repair operations where the new plaza doesn't go into the historic slipway but use features that exist on site for furchishing signage and retaining walls. here is what it looks like inside the plaza. there is crane 30 in the distance. here is a view looking down the last remaining slipway where we use kiel blocks for site furnishing. at 19th street entrance plaza to the right you can see how we integrate rain gardens to tell a story and will have a inturpative program that talks about the history of this area of ship building and how it functions and continues to function as ship repair. just briefly, as i mentioned it is about a 9 acre park but only have enough money it complete first phase which is about $33 million funded from twnt 08 and 2012 parks bond as well as approximately $5 million of fortd capital and million dollar grant from mtc. what is green is what we deliver as the first phase. orange is what we thichck think we can deliver in a later phase and yellow may be bid alternate items and can find the funding to close that gap or bids come in low we can deliver which includes one of the crane. crane 14 we have to dismantle and store. just a few of what the park will look like, a aerial view looking southeast. with that i can introduce evrodo to continue the presentation or take questions or comments that you have. >> any questions? >> what is the schedule bay by the way? >> the park package we are putting to bid 2 phases. the first is to deal with differential settlement going to bid in the next couple days. the second will go out later this year november, december. we have the parkope toon public by january, 2018. >> we can have our next presenter. >> good afternoon. evrodo [inaudible] representing urban development at pier 70 here to give informational update on our construction activities on site. giver a idea where we for leasing and general idea where we are with our historic approval process. construction the buildings are old and range from 1885 to 1945. they faced environmental impact weathering impact and people stealing crap metal so the building has seen better days. the first step is secure the site, clean it up and make sure people don't get in there and start the design process to figure how to [inaudible] introduce ret row fit, ada compliance and other improvements for the [inaudible] on the north side of 20th street is where you find mostly office buildings immediately to the north side of 20t street and start with building 101 basically the cornerstone of the project. building 101 is a built in 1917 and about 63 thousand square feet. one the biggest challenges with this building is the seismic reto fit in addition to the ornamental damage on the exterior and maintain a sense of what the building was introducing a different use that will honor that space. as you heard through the news we achieved [inaudible] they design and use will be a gallery show room. looking forward to see that design move forward. they are in design phase and going through the historic review process with the state and national parks. the overall approach to the building that will be a publicly accessible building restoration hardware has their doors open for guests. we are looking forward to seeing that building in due time. in terms of delivery of the building, the timeline is going be driven by the approval process at the historic level. construction will follow that and hope to get it operational by 2017. maybe 3 our 4th quarter. here is a image of water on the third floor seeping through a broken skylight and it is a typical example of the damage these buildings get during the rainy season. here is a imochblg that ornamental plaster repair work we have to deal with. try to figure how to repair this and meet the [inaudible] building 102 is about 9,000 square foot powerhouse. this building here is currently occupied by large amount of electrical equipment that feed the bae system ship repair yard. the port of san francisco is working collect ivly with all interested parties to figure a solution to relocate or figure a way to make adjustments to accommodate different use. the proposed use is restaurant and the design intent will be to provide seismic reto fit that respects the main floor. you see 4 large compressors the idea is keep the machinery in place while being functional as alternative use as a restaurant. building 104 is about 40,000 square foot building 4 stories and we signed a sublease with teae collection they are based out of dog patch a san francisco based company and their use will be their headquarters and have their design studios and a new home i think-they are moving from the dogpatch closer to the pier 70 historic area. some hof it big challenges with this building was pests. there were numerous raccoon families in the building that brought fleas and the tenant walked and got fleas and took them home and sent a care package and apologized. the building was nice enough to continue with our sublease negotiation so happy about that. overall it is one of the buildings and the seismic solution is it evolved-there were multiple iterations, concrete share walls and had beams and steel introduce today support the building from falling north through the annex and that is reduced. [inaudible] steel will not be introduced that respects the building in a lot of ways since it is a brick and timber building. we excited bringing the building back to use and making sure it is one of the . >> this is a example that has extensive dry rot that we have to do select repair. there is a wood annex attached to it built in 1945 so the carpenters are trying to figure how to salvage as much wood as possible. a close up of the weathering on the billing. every day is a new discovery with these buildings and new challenge and new solution. we are moving along. building 113 was the in many ways also a crone jewel of the project and a thousand square foot building that has incredble volume. you look in to the east and west and see a beautiful example of cathedral like industrial building. the structural and seismic reto fit respected that existing feeling in the building along with-we have [inaudible] national park service along with state historic preservation office and mark [inaudible] and port staff have been helpful trying to come windup a solution that balances the historic feeper squz reintroducing a ret row fit that will basically save the building in case there is a earthquake. brick repair is biggest challenge because it was built in 1885 and 86 and don't know the quality control standards at the time but it varies so a lot of the work is related to brick repair. as you can see over time the building is falling apart. these are conditions we have been dealing with but again, there is quite a bit of guidance we received from national park subs, the port and our engineer to get it done and right. this rendering representing the atrium space which is white connector portion of building 114. if you have been to the site, building 114 was built in two phases. it was joined in 1917 by a [inaudible] steel building that connected and allowed the crane and the work flow to go to east and west. steel and glass walls are proposed and approved bay the national park service as a way to allow for [inaudible] as a balance between tenant use and public access and viewing. these glass walls allow people to walk through 20th treat to the atrium to the courtyard and look to east and west and appreciate the ist existing volume. the mezzanine scheme will replicate the mezzanine there now. it will be replicated all 4 sides and allow a large central column area open area cathedral like area to remain in place. the steel is connected and weaved in such a way that a lot of our inspector squz engineers are appreciating how well it is weaved in and matches. we were able to not remove too much existing steel and work with the existing framing there in the building so quite a sight. building 115, 116 is a continuation of this large 113 structure. as with many of the shipyards a lot of there buildings were related by railroad tracks and use. these buildings are connected to building 113 and 14. they are 1930's buildings about 40,000 square feet. design solution will very much match what is happening in building 113 with exception that the second floor bracing and second floor mezzanine will be set back to the east side-west side oof the building allowing for immediate appreciation of the volume and space upon entry from the main entry which is from the courtyard. the 3 large opening will serve as the main pedestrian pathways and ada access. volume will replain mostly in place the ratio is 1/3, 2/3 open space. we also achieved to keep a good amount of the historic cranes in place and will be fixed in place so people can understand these are at one time used to move heavy equipment and hundreds of people worked them. our last building here is building 14. this building was designed and built in ww 2. no known historic architect or specific data of construction, however it is 66 feet high to the peak, it has beautiful space, about 16, 300 square footpresent footprint and situated in a great place as it represents the southeastern corn thorf premises where we are -come up against the 4 city lots. the building itself will receive a very similar ratio of structural mezzanine about 1/3 to 2/3 open and unlike building 113 this building will not require extensive micro [inaudible] since the footing sits on bedrock. it received about 73 [inaudible] and number of footing so large extensive seismic upgrade. the foundation work in all buildings is under way. we are under a lot of time contraints and have to meet a lot of delivery dates. we just recently are working to deliver these buildings first quarter at least building 104, 14 and a few others. we want to be done by first quarter 2017. streets and sidewalk improvements will follow that schedule and continue to work with port of san francisco and community generally to get the building to the right place and to the right use. >> [inaudible] approval process. >> yes, state historic preservation office issued conditional approval. the national park service issued full approval on a rolling basis on those. state historic office approvals. there are a number of open items left that smaller items non related to structural or larger core and shell improvements. tenant improvements have been rolling in and getting approved at a good pace with the national park service and the state historic preservation office. that is a big thanks to mark [inaudible] and his team at the port of san francisco. so, we hopefully would like to move into the part 3 program of the historic tax credit phase hopefully by summer or maybe even sometime closer to next year understanding there will be continuous amendments to the existing approvals as tenant improvements roll out. 113 we don't have a tenant for that building so don't know what the overall interior are going to look like but have given guidance which is reasonable how to address any immediate proposal from a future tenant basically don't want to lead them on to believe they will do-they will achieve this or that, so on the south side historic preservation office has gave guidance that their biggest thing is make sure everything is to scale and fits into the industrial look of the south side building understanding the north side frp office use and there is a lot more flexibility for finished look. they have been really helpful, flexible, professional and set to secretary of stanered and responded to their satisfaction. on building 101, page and tremble is the architect along with our restoration preservation architect, mark hullburt from preservation architecture. mark hullburt is overseeing the process and gives guidance to everything we do in the field and on paper as a submittal to the port of san francisco and the state historic preservation office. >> just one question, curious for 102 and 104 with the elevated ground floor plan. what is your accessible entry, ramps on the outside? >> the ada entry is to the rear. it would have been a difficult challenge to modify the vaulted stair at the 20th street, so the annex building will likely not be raised much to allow for ada entry. we are introducing a elevator in building 104 to accommodate access to the rest of the floors. building 102, the ada design intent is create a ramp on the front the building off to the west side and it will be designed in a way that respects the existing historicfrontage of the building. definitely challenges we scratched our head about. >> great. commissioners any other questions? commissioner johnck. >> i am absolutely amazed and congratulate you and the port for achieving what you have to date on this project. this is really going to be a model for the nation. been to the buildings many times and the fact you have been able to salvage and save and reuse a lot of the material is amazing. those compressors are fabulous. they are absolutely fabulous. if you can use those in the restaurant that would be great. i have two questions, one is-you mentioned i this think building 113 you didn't have to use micro piles because this- >> 14. >> was it 14? >> yes. >> because it was the-you had bedrock that you can use. i thought more about the foundation of all the buildings. are they all on- >> no, the historic sea shore we got lucky on that building because the historic sea shore curves around and missing it so to speak. half of 113 to the east required a lot deeper micro piles ranging from 70 to 80 feet to 30 or 40 and range in dynameter from one end to the other and size of footings and rebar and reinforcement required. 113 and 115, 16-113 required in the ground beams and it was a show. if you have seen a micro pile go into the dirt t is messy. 115, and 16 will require micro piles but building 14, the engineer were able to go with the larger footing approach and reinforcing a lot of the existing steel bracing and following and mimic the roof top pattern adding [inaudible] rather than removing existing steel. as much as we could we try to leave as much steel in place because these folks building the buildings know how to build buildingsment they riveted well. some the most intact historic rivets of the time so the engineer are having a field deal geeking out about the design and structural integrity of the building. in terms of the soil conditions, it is dependent on the shore line. 113 did get a lot. 14, none. >> okay. that is good. >> thank you. any other questions? no. thank you very much for your presentation and we'll take public comment at this time. any member wish to comment on this item? seeing no public comment, we will close public comment and i thenk that concludes our hearing and following by the arc. >> we have one more item, item 10. >> sorry, i wanted to ask about this item, why it is coming before us and not the planning commission? i wasn't sure what particular aspect. >> tim fry department staff, this has been before the planning commission, the historic preservation commission asked for a informational presentation. that is to fulfill that request why we are here today. >> it was when the buildings were threatened. >> they need today be stabilized and were concerned >> i talking about the last item about revising article 7 about neighborhood commercial district cu's for bars and liquor outlets. it did want seem like something that the hbc it any authority over or- >> i'm sure if you wereprint present for that hearing but that request was made but are here to share that information. >> item 10, record number 2014-001965 pca article 7, phase 2 of the planning code reorganization and informational presentation. >> aaron star, planning department nice to be here. it is a unusual presentation to the historic preservation commission but this is something i'm excited about because i think i'm a nerd or type a personalty. as part the planning code reorganization project, so this is phase two which focuses on article 7. a little background, the project was initiated in 2013 and the purms is make the code easier to read, understand and use. this is by bricks consistency to the code and to the definitions in the code. phase 1 was adopted by the board of supervisors on february 10, 2015 and signed by the mayor the same year. this is phase 2 focus on article 7 and phase 3 will focus on article 8 and initiated after this phase is complete. what is article 7? it was created in the mid-80's zoning district and contains the neighborhood commercial district and includes 40 different zoning district and own set of use definitions. it is first phroneing district in san francisco to use vertical zone, so first, second and third floor and above. and the first district with zoning code tables. you understand all the development requirements when you look at one chart. so, this ordinance is split into two separate ordinances, 700 pages long collect ivly. one ordinance deletes everything in article 7, all the use tables and definitions about 340 something pages and the other one does all the new charts so just adding them back and makes other changes to earlier sections of article 7 and consolidate some of that. the main part of this ordinance is to reform at the tables in article 7 consist ent with article 2 and deletes in 7 90. there are 4 different sets of use definition 1 section 102, article 7, article 8 and article 4. hopefully by the ends of this there will be two sets so section 102 and then the one in article dealing with fees and impact fees and things like that which doesn't make sense to consolidate. >> in 102 there will be multiple definitions? in article 7 office is defined differently than it is in 102. there are more specific definitions to some of the uses. >> there will be one standard definition for what a office is and there will be one standard definition for every use unless it has a particular app lickability to a fee. that is quhie we leave those in article 4 but office will me office no matter what zone. the other main thing that it does is creates a standard 20 day notice period for cu variances maps and general plan amendments. currently all other zoning districts have a 10 day notice period accept neighborhood commercial with 20 day. don't know why, it doesn't seem it like it is a big deal to make it 20 university and allows to keep section 316 in the code. it deletes section 316 which goes over how we process conditional use in nairnd commercial district and then takes whatever is missing from section -what is useful in the section and puts into 306 which covers all zoning district so more consistency throughout the code. it also deletes the upper market street neighborhood commercial district from the code so when supervisor wiener expanded the upper market street to castro street he had to leave out two parcels because he lived within 500 feet of them. we are getting rid of that zoning district and rezoning the last two parcels for it. the ordnance has amendments particular to sunset neighborhood commercial requested by supervisor tang department of working with supervisor tang about with these districts and made sense to fold it into the ordinance. the first would be to require cu for bars and liquor stores on ground floor and sunset and cd. they are permitted. the sunset are noriega, taraval [inaudible] it would require cu for personal service on the second floor in the sunset ncd. one concern supervisor tang has is personal service uses are a front for illicit activity and on the segd floor which makes it hard toor monitor and enforce. they would be prohibited on the second floor and permitted with-conditional use on the second floor and permitted on the ground floor. other amendments it is a modifying the definition of mobile food facility. it isn't a separate use for planning and rely on department of public works code which regulates mobile food facilities. we are adding just for clarity definition tooz 102 not cunchtsly there such as use characteristic. a use can bow a restaurants a characteristic of the restaurant may be it is formula retail so defining what is a use characteristic is and adding a definition for conditional use principle use and vargence variance. we remove access rery use in 204-102. >> [inaudible] will that remain the same or be the same hrf >> it is same throughout the code. there is one definition that controls for accessory use probably vary but there there is consolidation with that as well. mining minor sections with 134 with rear yards. there are zoning districts in the wrong place so correcting that. there was a incorrect citing of water born commerce, it should be maritime use so that is just a minor change. just to go over the structure we came up with for the planning code, we developed 8 overall use categories, agriculture, ought motives [inaudible] retail and non retail and utility infrastructure. each oof the use groupings is defined in section 102 and lists all the different uses that apply to the section. if you want to know what is in ought motive use it will give all the use listed in there. also to comp lment that every definition also identified what use category it is in. a jewelry store regulated in chine taw town say retail service sales and use that and the definition goes on. similar with religious institution, institutional use that-every use has a corresponding category. this comes to the zoning control table. it says entertainment arts and recreation with asricates can means not listed below. the first line is not permitted in the zoning district accept the ones listed below have different controls. arts activity requires a cu on the ground floor and not permitted on the second and third. industrial use does vpt a astricate because there are no industrial use in neighborhood commercial. that is pretty much it. it is a large ordinance but just to reform at, consolidate and make the code easier to use. >> any questions,? ? i think consolidation and help in navigating the code is a good thing so thank you for the presentation. any member of the public wish to comment? seeing and hearing none we will close our public comment and believe that conclude our hearing, right? the hearing is adjourned. [meeting adjourned]adjourned. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hello and welcome to this presentation. i'm san francisco purrs since that time we've helped people clean up their criminal records. we created this to help you understand how this worked. we'll plan or explain all the steps. after watching this program you'll know what to expect after completing the process. hi, there are i'm deputy and i'm part of the clean slate team. the first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed can't be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from san francisco. while your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. first fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf next you'll obtain a copy of your rap sheet that's a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. the bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. it's located one block away from the public defender's office you'll need to bring our photo id. finally, there's your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. you'll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. let's review the 3 steps if that fillist the police stations and on your police station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application $0.40 to the defender. it can help with financial aid for colleagues. i want you to meet a client who did the clean slate program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. please meet joe. peep at the clean slate program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person >> i would definitely recommend that. so, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the clean slate program as well as highway to get started. let's hear some common questions. keep in mind those are general questions you'll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances >> just to be clear i don't have to tell my employers will my ejections. >> yes. as well as convictions that have been dismissed. if someone runs a criminal background they'll see the charges but it's dismissed. you will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted >> i don't to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. >> there's some cases you can. maybe you're arrested because police thought you were someone else. wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never >> if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. >> it is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. >> may be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying you're a lay abating citizen are. you had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. those jobs are private security jobs health care workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. it will benefit you human resources here's some of the things clean slate can't do it doesn't prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. the court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you can't own or polgs possess a firearm. if it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record won't change that. submittal doesn't rove a sex ejection. if you're required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. we look forward to helping you move forward with your life ♪ ♪ so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf purifyi or stop by any place for our clean slate program. our team looks forward to serving . >> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc >> good afternoon, the commission will please come to order and the secretary will call the roll, commissioner pating, present. commissioner show rks present. commissioner chung, present. commissioner sanchez, present. commissioner carsh nu, approval of the mchbts of june 21, 2016. i nut revised minutes to the right of you as i e-mailed you, i had left out section 6 and the minutes in front of you have that so apologize. >> commissioners, the minutes are before you with the new section 6 filled in. is there a motion for acceptance? >> so moved. >> and a second. >> second. >> let people have a moment to read section 6, if you had not and are there any

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