Infinity possibilities i have a lot of advantages two apartments that loved me a great education i didnt have the confidence in myself and paving shy this was hard to believe never, never have stood up and talked to a crowd a third of this size and kept on being thrown into situation i was uncomfortable and you get for comfortable try it you may like if it you dont do Something Else the surest way home is the long path im glad i took the long path. Senior advisors to president obama thank you. Thank you, very much. Thank you and thank you and thank you. clapping. thank you, mr. Mayor clapping. and no to take us into the next sect the chief operating over for the Kaiser Permanente janet good afternoon. I have to say that Kaiser Permanente is very fortunate to be able to sponsor many conferences across Northern California were i am principles to, with you all today what a wonderful inspiring transformative and power series of conversations this morning and have this afternoon and were fortunate to that mayor ed lee and mayor schaaf hosted this events for all of us the health of Northern California is very important to us a couple of reasons first one and 3 Northern California people are Kaiser Permanente members and that means were responsible for that the health and wellbeing of over 4 million lives in our community it means we employ over 60 in house employees and position the health of our members and employee is tied to the health of the community here in Northern California and the theme of todays conference weve heard loud and clear over and over again is that gender quality is not a nice nice to have a must have a necessary requirement if our communities in Northern California are going to experience economic vitally and the social wellbeing of all in the bay area so, so Kaiser Permanente has been a long time champion of removing disparities and promoting expletives eye inclusion since our inception in the 1940s and continuing into today and not just in the care we provide to the members but also in the business that we conduct and how we conduct ourselves i thought ill share a few facts the first is that in 2013 we reason proud to join the billion dollars round table that is for organizations that spend over billion dollars a year with suppliers who are diversity owned including women we were proud to join that very relieve group of organizations that condominium and spending of i did not and women ordinary businesses secondarily a business portfolio we earmarked 20 million to set side for minority and women owned Investment Managers manage those funds for us it is a field it is a field in the finance industry where there is low representation of women and minority owned businesses third you heard earlier on this stage in the discussion around leadership and visibility that fortune 500 companies are many executive women 47 percent of executives are woman im lucky to be one of the fortunate women. clapping. and lastly diversity anchorage a National Magazine that raise the diversities exclusion ranked Kaiser Permanente as the number one organization in the United States so were very proud of that honor. clapping. and that accomplishment so you know, i want to say that businesses certain lead by examine we are proud of what weve done and intend to do more it to my knowledge this one of her allies is partner and spouse and their lifelong campaigns im happy to talk about this champion of gender quality and recognized by the Financial Times as one of the top 10 male feminist and hes named the global companionship name for the for she campaign a journalist hes an expert on issues facing families and a author of a book called all in how our first you work cultural fails businesses and how we can fix it together. So please help me welcome mr. Josh. Thank you everybody how is it going i walk around with a lot of energy by way of im unpacking so much like my baby with me, im doing double duty im going to give you guys a talk and bringing up awesome copes and i bring up my own computer and let me do that ill be sharing with you some clips along the way of one video clip my message to you is that men are actively ready and willing to fight for gender quality in numbers that is importantly go building it is true i know wait until you hear any story i want to tell you but my backward in the 10 years in the field on cnn one of the biggest thank a back checker and apparently campaigns is a modern of time job i want to be on the debates so have a buzzer and none will get to talk like a paper weight to put on top of wanted buzz eerie became a dad when i became a dad becoming a parent is trauma to everyone that has to experience a universe youre responsible sforp in any families case it was the drama was here 7 days i like to should this picture that was a nightmare but buffalo it is the story of humanity we innovative and adapt and create here a year later no scare; right . But yeah, that is amazing thank you to all doctors when i became a dad, i first time suddenly cared about money not cared about money you can tell i graduated from yale and went to work for mp r i was a dad oh, now someday college at the time the more i worked the more i was on cnn i of these doing 12 or 14 hours days i was working on 4 afghanistan and cook zircon and take him for walks and not mentally present then baby two and a major drama he and my wife skipped labor they fell to the floor of the bedroom and stuff was out into my hands i saw his heads and his eyes shooting shut and the umbilical cord i spent a summer i remember a tiny bit of time. Tatoui thank you for what youre doing yeah. clapping. so this is why i have this up here i dont share that it took any more than a year i shared some of my 911 calls with any friend at cnn doctor gop to ill play that from hln. So the baby is completely out. No, on the the head. Its not crying. Have her to push hard. Push hard push hard. Im holding my baby and the you mean bilateral oh, the baby breathing. All the exception that did happened happened to any family heres the result of that has and progressions it with the experience he should great i for the first time in that moment i didnt care about money but life and family i cared about connection and love and i dont want to miss any of the momentums ever that is mentally present silvers physical i started landmarking for a company had i did seethes i was interviewing a group of dads that is the number one thing i point down there so we aired this this of the number one thing on the cnn news blog i got called i calls from media wanting to interview me i had to fought i came to understand po that none talked about real dads and in real life were not stereotyped what are your worries and economic concerns the tough that the solo working parents and all those things normal conversations were blowing peoples minds they never saw that on tv and what really blew their minds how the check the methodologies behind studies to find out what is going on and true and false i started talking about dads spending 3 hours are kids and they care for them in ever major category and by way of on the second point totally blow out stereotyped the black fathers go with their children or the most involved none knows those things code compliant. My job is two easy that information is in any book charley in the New York Times is it so twisted a guy like that the point basic facts of fathers was unknown than women now im covering fatherhood and all of a sudden a switch i became the dad in the news my wife was breaking and entering with the thirds child i was needed another home for childcare that was a normal thought dads do childcare were stuck in the past and laws are in the passport the laws at cnn was past everyone can get 10 paid leave for child except a man that gets hes wife breaking and entering if another person if a third go person a a domestic partner that adopted a partner but not adopt the baby i can get 10 weeks to care for the child but not mine that was an oversight no way for this to happen but no answer and then because of my family drama and 35 weeks the symptoms were scary the baby had to come out from the hospital will i get the time or not no answer and ultimately i the baby was born and 11 days im home molding my baby and the work said no only two weeks not 10 Everything Else in high book you can read about it ill tell you about that that what i announce i was taking legal action the responses blew me away a floodgates of love thats in sign language okay. laughter . That was awesome so i felt i had unleashed a gate of love and it came from womens and dads from and it came from sxheefrts and liberals and media all of a sudden i was back to when i was covering fatherhood what is so interesting about my case and thats when i came to understand were all together what we have oh, the book i was devolving into this any publisher by way of is right here in San Francisco harding park one thank you for being there with me so my agent roger based out of here i can say i said their names he is buzz picking up his daughter i wanted to understand what about any case is too important important i came to understand what we have in the country is stigmas that are in the workplace that push women to stay at home and men at work i came to understand you cant treat the symptoms this is the cause it is madmen so this is literally in the 1950s we were coming out of war and the economy of what it was to be americans in a successful men and women and it was so strictly gender very clear woman baby home and men at work so for example, as you may know it is a tremendous privilege to have oversight childcare youll come back to work and pay more for oversight childcare but if it is agree financial why do zero businesses have it, it is the way our work culture was designed men at work women at home with babies we have our policies bye bye far the biggest thing that holds usz us back is stigmas men face loss of their jobs when they put family first a man has a baby gets more money only applies to those men who show their bosses that work is more important than family they stay there extra hours men to this day a raised up this ranks for sitting at the desks for more hours were sending the merging message that work is more important men have faced accomplishment a guy in the book he was born he only amazed missed a couple of days his boss called him into the office dont you, you know we no idea you around here that basis bos what a pregnant women not that many bosses in general are women but rare times women are willing to tap into the norms and guys are accomplished it is connected and bad for businesses i organ those events we get men to talk about the work conflicts that that in turn talks about a huge difference this is one of the biggest reasons a big incentive and u. S. Men are moving to another country for more time w that was found and seen the statistics men are leaving in their jobs and not talking about why businesses are losing greatest employees that is brain drain men and women are leaving their jobs and businesses are losing phenomenal people that is hurting all of use it is expensive to replace an employee global world id so men in Maternity Leave is it is unused because of stigmas getting rid of of the stigmas until we do that well not have equal opportunities my children will feel into a madman work cultural 20 years ago from now and my daughter will not have the option to stay at home and one other thing it is my industry that blouse it presenting the wrong idea about dads this is a strong example another jerpd gap men spend more time in leisure activities and jumps on the lazy dads it operationally is anti dads stereotyped i know that sounds backward this is false the recorded spends more time the study says on average the dad spends more 20 minutes on leisurely sport and women spends more time on sleep and the number of hours with the day work and caregivers theirs quality but people believe that why give a man Maternity Leave keep the woman at home hell drink a beer and keep him at work all the backward ideas are the same thing the flip coin of the privilege against women women shouldnt work their ways up in range and the men should not get Maternity Leave make them stop and this is the last thing this is a guy in any book it lives in San Francisco mark and i met him evident at any table in the hotel he works 3 jobs he sees his kids when their asleep the same structures we need living wages and transportation and the ability to tackle men are suffering so we have an opportunity when we starts talking about this allows conflict the men wantn [recess] the greatest barrier to leadership diversity how did we do on that okay look at the that stchlz and bias of roles and ability and definitely overwhelm and exclusion a limiting workplace and cultural competitions and keeps on climbing now we know what the overwhelming greatest barriers stereotype of the roles and ability now you know the results those are some of the Biggest Challenges this is the amongst the challenges were giving to you to help us in this fight to end some of those stereotyped and to bring down some of the barriers so thank you for participating we have Something Else great coming up ill step down and Something Else will come on up. And now a special greeting from congresswoman jackie spiers. Good afternoon. Im jackie spier and thank you to mayor ed lee and mayor shafted and the womans foundation for hosting this bay area womens summit im sorry i cant be you to feel the energy in the room although this submit is something to celebrate i want to talk about a very serious issue last week he was joined on the house floor by colleagues on both sides we read the Sexual Harassment revive it rose to principles of law after the perpetrator was snejsz to have months why you are probably asking the judge said a longer sentence has a severe impact unquote on him how about the serious impact on the victim that woman is a deserve and it desires me and so many others around the country this week im talking to you about your work to develop policies promoting economic quality and justice for all women this deserve was fortunate to have an will consulting employer we know that this is just one issue of gender inequality that is why your work here today and everyday is so important it is why i urge you to remember those womens when developing our womens economic agenda and understand the universal effort needed to achieve true quality and an agenda that promotes economic quality for all women must seek justice for all women lets see Work Together for pay quality for the long overdue rad indication of constitution of the United States and for justice for Sexual Assault victims ever gender based violation we can achieve great things for our mothers and sisters our daughters and our friends so thank you for being here for the amazing work you do and remember never ever give up. clapping. to take us into the next seethe welcome the executive ceo Kilroy Heidi Roth in good afternoon what an Amazing Program weve had i think the best is yet to come im pleased to be here representing kilroy Residential Hotel as a sponsor and it is my honor to introduce the next speaker juliey hannah speaking about the importance of supporting Women Enterprises julia an Technology Enterprise investor and advisors for companies shes been a founder ceo or founding executive of 56 r 5 Silicon Valley companies and she currently serves as the executive chair of the board the largest misrepresent entrepreneurs shes delivered loans to 3 million entrepreneurs 70 percent are women she was honored as a is rip of the 2016 k3w6r789 award quite an impressive resume please help me welcome ing julia hannah to the stage. Today is a celebration of one of the most hopefully truths i know that one dream can transform a million realities and so this era has because no matter wlou are where youre from what circumstances or enjustices you face dreams dont discriminate they eliminate us from outline prejudice connecting the dots helped that he in a journey that takes me to the front lines of a tech reduces that began on the front lines of war in dreams were born out of my heritage as a egyptian and immigrant the war was like september and it came without warning and brought dictateness to my door one of the earlier memories i was in my dads arm and bombs fell on our heads we also in a hole not knowing what would happen to us hours became days days become weeks when we came out everything that was familiar to us had been torn apart and then the bombs would come again and wed return to the hole my last memory of black september was returning with any classmates running to play and running for your lives as army tanks opened fire on the one Room School House i was 5yearold and found myself take care fiduciary i was lucky we scapes with may family and made our way to bay root and the lib news found their way to our door western lucky emigrated to the United States and brought a hope for a new life and lands but i quickly saw that hope turn to struggle any apartments we are indicated but not understanding work no place to work they were kind and generous people that hiccuped overview help us a look in their icy didnt understand an expression on my parents face as a feeling inside i didnt know how to explain to myself as a child it took me a lifetime to realize that look was put i didnt my parents faces their dignity was which i said away and that feeling was deep shame its taken me the better part find a lifetime to realize if youre circumstances are broken it didnt mean that you are broken i often