Joined by supervisor yee and supervisor tang and supervisor sheey will be joining us in just a moment. And i also want to recognize our clerk and thank you for joining us and thank you for your help at sfgtv. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements today . Yes, we silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices during meeting today. With that said, mr. Clerk, please call item number one. Item number one is a hearing to receive a budget update from the department of children, youth, and their families for fys20172018 and 20182019; and requesting the department of children, youth, and their families to report. So we want to recognize dr. Sue from the department of children, youth and their families welcome dr. Sue. Good afternoon chairwoman cohen and supervisors yee and tang, i am dr. Sue with the department of children youth and their families and today i will be doing a presentation to give you a sneak preview of our Service Allocation plan and we hope to come back and made to show us the final version of your allocation plan but i think it would give us some context with that plan to share some of our thinking moving forward. So this is for 2018 and 19 and 20 through 23 somoving forward. So first we see it in 20172018 for us this would be around 1 million and for 1819 about 2 million and we think that we can make these reductions without impacts and services and we are able to maintain continuity of careand services for all of our children and youth and families in the city. We will see a little more detail here you will see the readiness statements for our budget and to note this will be the children and youth fund and you will see there is an increase in our children and youth Fund Revenues and then also we have a slight increase in our private grant revenue here. We had a generous grant reauthorization from the communities for Financial Empowerment and we had originally thought they were going to terminate that grant but lo and behold they continue that grant for us so we are super excited and it once again shows and demonstrate our citys reputation for our workforce in the city. And we continue to have funding from the general fund but there is a slight increase from that general Fund Reduction at the general funds office. For growth you will see that all of the growth that you saw in the previous slides will go to grants for cbos. This was vetted by our oversight and advisory body three times once in december once in january and once in february and that was the decision that we made at the advisory body to have all of the grants allocated to nonprofit agencies. So that concludes my budget presentation. What i want to do in the next couple of slides is really share with you our allocation plan. Before i begin, supervisor yee. Hi, my apologies. I am just wondering in regard to your target on slide three, i guess from 1 million to 2 million, is that compounded is it like 1 million another 1 million for the second year and then on slide fourit seemed to have more than exceeded in 2017 the 1. 5 million. And so, i look at the next years and it is almost 3 million worth of cuts. Is there a reason why we are exceeding what is asked . So through the chair, the original request from the Mayors Office was to propose 3 of ongoing general Fund Reduction. And so for us that means thatbecause we are moving into an rfp year, we plan to reduce our 2017 2018 budget, by 1 million and then an ongoing 3 for 2018 2019 would actually be 2 million because of the ongoing reduction. I no, but im just looking at the first year it looks like it is by a one point for that supervisor, what you are seeing is from our revenue slide of onetime expenses or general revenue funds. Would you have a sort of a detail of those one time funds . So dr. Sue, so that i understand your presentation correctly this year youre reducing the budget by 1 million and then the some sequent budgets, they will be reduced by 1 million . Im joined by my cfl leo chee, and the money that were proposing to reduce is 3 ongoing and the majority of these dollars are unspent funds from either work orders from other City Departments or programs that we havent started yet. That is great. But what im hearing is that there is no threat of service . No. All right. That was a commitment that the mayor asked all of his departments to try to satisfy. He wanted to make sure that all programs would continue and continuity of care for our children would continue. All right, if there are no questions and i believe that we will go to Public Comment p where do im sorry you have the second half of your presentation. Go ahead. So the second part of the presentation what i wanted to share with you as our allocation plan so i just want to take a couple minutes here time today to share we have been working on. Before i start i want to emphasize that we are really committed to ensuring there is equity in our funding and planning Equity Process and we want to make sure that children and youth in the city received the highest maximum benefit from our fund and we want to make sure that we distribute our funds to the extent feasible all of our equitbly among services for all of our partners and be able to achieve these results. So last year we did a Needs Assessment and we talked to hundreds of families through the city and this year were taking all of that information and creating an allocation plan and from there we will create an rfpwhich we will issue at the end of july and this will pave the way for five years of funding for Service Providers through our city. I just want to emphasize that we went through a process through our department to really think about equity and think about the Service Framework and the accountability framework and what it is that we want to accomplish at the end of the day and we have indicators as we move forward for the next five years with our funding. The first is that we want all of our children and youth to be supported by our community and we want our children and youth to be healthyand we want our children and youth to succeed in school and we want our children and youth to be ready for college work and adulthood. We have here populations that we want to focus our funding on and as you know, our funds are universal in scope but they are our concentrated needs in the city specifically africanamerican latinos and Pacific Islanders and also we want to remember that there are specific needs of our children and youth regardless of economic status that we need to focus on. And you will see that these are lgbt families and low income families and you can see that we have broken down the age groups intofor big buckets. Ages 15, 69, 9 to 1414 to 18 and net if you have any specific questions i can go directly into that and if not once againi will be back and made to present the plan and this was very well received by our body and we look forward to presenting again due in may. Does that conclude your presentation . Yes seeing that theres no questions from my days supervisors i will go to Public Comment. Im sorry you supervisor e, did you have a question . Can you clarify the difference between 20172018 and 2018 2019 . If you slip to slide 12 you will see that we are providing Early Childhood education for the first five years in San Francisco and this includes the ece settings to support children and before school. From dcyf. Oh, from dcyf. And maybe not today but could we have a copy of these numbers that you are proposing here today . Yes. Thank you very much. We will go to Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen. Like to speak, please come up. I have one card, tony cosen, if there is anyone else who would like to speak one item number one get behind tony. Thank you for having me my name is tony tyson i am a preschool coordinator and thats why im here today. Some of this information i think isimportant to reiterate it. 90 of Brain Development happens between ages 05this specifically between 13and it is is proven that children that have access to Early Childhood education have longterm benefits. And of the children that are getting subsidized in San Francisco are 65 andwe are looking to ask for support in citys most vulnerable. And we are looking to reduce violence and economic injustice and is currently estimated to be seven dollars for every dollar invested in ece and it is reduction values and longterm goals. Thank you. When anyone else like to speak . Seeing none Public Comment is closed thank you. [gavel] may i have a motion. Weve already heard this so i want to file. You want to file it . I want to file it, yes. Well first of all, im glad to see that the first three items on the agenda includes three of my Favorite Department so i will say thatas a record to the public and i will go ahead andmake a motion to file. Thank you we will take that motion without objection. Mr. Clerk, can you read item to. Item 2 is a hearing to receive a budget update from children and Families Commission for fys 20172018 and 20182019; and requesting the children and Families Commission to report. Thank you. You first thing you see is we do not receive a reduction from the governors office. The childrens families action that was passed in 2010, we return these funds to the families. We make a difference by supporting quality environments and excellence in teaching in early settings and Family Resource centers. This includes the lives of our residents and families but our work is not done. And,there are many things involved in our Early ChildhoodEducation System and one of them is health and developmental screening and we have 50 of our kindergartners in San Francisco that has had developmental screening and we will make sure that all children have had developmental screening but also hearing, vision, and dental. Our next slide will give you a snapshot of where our investments are and how they are leveraged and where we see our work in the next two years. From our revenue side we have our state allocation which is actually on the slight decline and that we expected to rise just a little bit for 2018 2019, but based on our finance departments projections this may decline over the next two years but based on the age of youth you have to be 21 to smoke in the state of california. So the tobacco tax in our state county and grandson the use of the reserve is used to fill a gap in the tobacco tax collection. And soour Core Investments is to support a birth to age 5 system and this is a quality education improvement system and this is to link together components of quality and one comprehensive coordinated way and one component includes a comprehensive definition of understanding quality standards and assessment of programs and training and redevelopment sport for teachers so they can reach a higher level of quality, the crs and the support all of our locally funded programs. These are coordinated through a system of development which is accessed annually through 1200 educators we have excellence in education practices in inclusionary settings and at home. We continue to invest in Family Support so we have a number of communitybased and familybased Resource Centers across the city and we also provide training and capacity settings throughout the city for our providers. We have made a one Time Investment from the department of Public Health and thats why you see the difference between 20172018 and 20182019. So our Core Partners would be the office of Early Childhood education and the department of children youth and their families the Human Services agency in the department of Public Health and the San FranciscoUnited School district and hope sf. And are major expenditures that are blended with other departments are in Child Development and Family Support. We are a small but mighty team at first five we are a whole team of 15 people that do this work. Again, in collaboration with other City Departments. So in order to effectively close as an Economic Opportunity gap we see all of these as comprehensive over and they really are targeted to children that aremeet that fit. That is the end of my presentation i be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Supervisor yee, did you have a question . Yes, i know that the funding comes from local tobacco taxes but has there been a movement to define tobacco differently or has there been something that was included up to date or does this include the tax on those what do you call them . Those e vapor things . The ecigarette, yes. And, supervisor cohen may be of a to answer this but is there any discussion when you think about tobacco and vapor cigarettes we pretty much think this is in that category and thats one question and this is in that category and thats one question and the other is in the Early Education quality and improvement systems and i dont know if its the fact that were doing this im but what is the funding around that . Your first question about the e vapor cigarettes is because these are going to prop 10 so are other appropriations are from prop 10 programs across the state otherwise we would have a much steeper cl that we would be be facing. But for San Francisco the revenue from the ecigarette is less than 200,000 per year. And your second question about the quality rating and improvement system is that it is not a mandatory system that the state has rolled out but rather a way to be able to unify programs across the state to meet Early Learning standards. There is some nonsystems right now that have Early Learning programs throughout the state and this is a way to create a horizontal alignment with all programs that are helping children especially 0 to 5 across the state and these are standards that all providers need to meet based on evidence and research and we expect that they are Better Outcomes for children and we expect that there are more dedicatedthere is a dedication towards the learning environment and what children are receiving that is uniform to some degree of all publicly funded programs. So, my question is not whether this is a good thing to do because this is a good thing to do, its just a matter of where this came from. Is this coming from the state commission thing you should do this or is it coming from the governors or the commissioners and why is the cdc not doing this. Where there are two levels at the development of the system in the county and this is the department of education through the Early Education division and both are building grants to build the system San Francisco has a system where we can actually leverage those resources and of course, Everything Else that the state incentivizes is not reimbursed adequately. I think that we need to talk to those representatives up there. I agree. Alright thank you. I know that we have been had eight questions at this time but we look forward to seeing you in maine we will have more questions we do so. At this time i will open Public Comment seeing it 99 i will close Public Comment. Thank you. [gavel] all right that motion has been accepted and with that item number three. Mr. Clerk can you read item number three please. Item number three ishearing to receive a budget update from the office of Early Childhood education for fys 20172018 and 20182019; and requesting the office of Early Childhood education to report. Okay we have September Jarret hereagain from our Early Childhood education department. Welcome back. Good morning supervisors my name is September Jared it with the office of Early Childhood education and please give me one second it appears im at the end of my presentation i just need to make one adjustment. Thank you for your patience. A quick reminder, because we are a relatively new department in the city landscape, we were created by a mayor at lee in 2007. In order to do that we have a line to incorporate funding to support this workforce and the quality and competence of these individuals really have the best outcome for the kids. We also want to coordinate and give access that easy to understand and access. We have had about 5 of our population of children under five in the city thats about 5 of our population and we have a very diverse population increasingly more so than our Adult Population and unfortunately we see pretty high concentrations of poverty or we have a high concentration of wealth wit