Transcripts For SFGTV Aging And Adult Services Commission 21

SFGTV Aging And Adult Services Commission 21517 March 5, 2017

Its approved that we approve the agenda with the following changes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and the motion carries. The next item is approval of the january 4 meeting minutes. Could i have a motion. So moved. Second. Okay. It has been moved and second that we approve the january 4 Commission Meeting minutes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes. Aye it is have it and the motion carries. Item 4 approval of the february 1 meeting minutes. So moved. Can i have a second . Second. Okay. Its been moved and second that we approve the february 1 meeting minutes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. [gavel] five item 5 directors report. Executive director. Good afternoon commissioners. Im going to keep my report very brief today because we have a lot of items on the agenda. One of the things that is happening this is the time of year when we start doing some of the lobbying at the state and federal levels so next week is the California Association of air agency on aging capital day next thursday and tom nolan from daas and i be attending together and hoping to meet with some of the representatives in the state. I am going to washington, d. C. In april for the National Association of aging Public Policy briefing which we have been able to attend every year. Its usually really helpful information that we get there and i have been visiting our representatives on the hill along with the rest of the california contingent so that should be interesting and i will come back and report back. I also wanted to talk a lot bit about the just to remind you that the Oversight Advisory Committee of the dignity fund is going to have its first meeting on the 24th and i know you have representation there so youre probably well aware of it already but i wanted to remind you of that, and were getting that kicked off, and then i just kind of wanted to say give a kudos to some of the staff. There was a major fire in chinatown this past week, about a week and a half ago i guess and we had great response from our staff and our cantonese speaking staff that went down and acted as translators in the shelter and i really think their work was exemplary and judy chan as part of the ad min team so it was nice to see staff kind of step up and take on volunteering you know on their off hours to be down there to help out and make sure that the seniors really had you know, were able to have their needs met because there were translators that carry cared about their neats and thats it. Thank you. I have a question. Commissioner ow. For the past for fires like that and take care of the seniors and other families. Right. And the red cross set them in a near by hotel and this time they had to be settled in a salvation army. You know thats right. Thats right. And the auditorium. I just wonder why its not forthcoming. Well unfortunately i cant speak for the red cross and thats partly why i wanted to point out the great work of our staff and youre right it wasnt an ideal situation but people felt better there were people there to speak for them and translate and all of that. Any other . Thank you. Employee recognition. Department of aging and Adult Services will honor shan yue. Did i say it right . [inaudible] [off mic] [applause] so shan come up here. We know how much you love the lime light so were going to make it as painful as possible so before you get to you shan one of the things we like to do is talk about where you came from and not where you came from really but what unit are you part of, right, and so shan is part of and has been leading actually for the past couple of years five, six years already . Okay. Shan has been leading the county Veterans Service office for five years and i know we have several people from the county Veterans Service office here and i would like them to stand if possible. [applause] so we have John Gallagher here and we have back here with the camera is dorian carr and i wanted to introduce dorian because she was just appointed by the board of supervisors as the new county Veterans Service officer for San Francisco. [applause] i am very excited about that because weve had a county Veterans Service officer in San Francisco for a long time but that officer for the past i dont know how many years, a couple of decades has not actually worked with the county Veterans Service office. Dorian works in office and works with veterans and clients that need the services. Hes accreditd and knows all of the issues to know and how to handle claims and so were really happy. This is a great change to have somebody who is accredited and knows how to work with veterans, who can actually help them get their money and their stuff to be sitting in our office so congratulations dorian. [applause] and after this week dorian will be taking over as the leader of that office so really excited to have him here, so and i dont want to take away from shan, so shan has been with it is county Veterans Service office for 28 years. You may not think that is even possible but shes has been and shes decided that its time for her to head out so we just want to really thank her for what she has done and not because of the work but her amazing spirit and her very sharp sense of humor. Shes a pleasure to work with but shan i dont know if i will read all of this because usually people give me a couple paragraphs and somebody wrote a lot about you and i will read a bit and i will give it to and your coworkers think highly of you and fortunate to have you leading the office and before that as a worker. I have gotten count countless calls and letters about how you helpy pee and i will read this and have another special presentation quick. So shan has over 28 years of service with the county Veterans Service office. I just talked about what they do, and the office regularly assists over 3,000 veteran every year and secures a Million Dollars every year in benefits for veterans and their dependents thus saving both the San Francisco county and the state of california general fund as many veterans get public assistance before they get their benefits. One of the main calls of the cvso is provide outreach and service to Homeless Veterans and 1300 Homeless Veterans are assisted annually by the office. Shan has dedicated her career to serve veterans and gone above and beyond the role that get the benefits for service to our country and highly committed to the work she does with veterans and families and her dedication to providing the highest quality of service is greatly valued and appreciated. It should be noticed that shes the last remaining member of the Phenomenal Group of pioneers whoet krad the San Francisco county vets office in 1993 and in the forefront. Innovation for the office. In her short time as supervisor of the office she has taken the reputation and accountability of the cvso to new levels and leaving hew shoes for the predecessor to follow. Thank you shan. Your dedication and passion are highly valued and greatly appreciated. Its with gratitude and pride we give you this special Recognition Award that daas so thank you. [applause] im going just to turnover the mic to a commissioner from the veterans commission. He would like to say a few words about shan. Im going to miss you. You as well bill. My name is bill barnacle and for the city and county of San Francisco. Its an honor to be working with you for the last year. During my short tenure as commissioner that we accomplished a lot and without shan these things would never happen. The first one which was the milestone we helped a 94 year old veteran world 22 veteran and needed help and bill i am trying to get my datds dad benefits and went through congress and lets see what i can do. We have a great staff in the office and she emailed me the information and i sent to shan and we had hiccups and right before christmas and those veterans and im retired Vietnam Veterans and a teardroppor bill i want to thank you so much and after eight years we got my dad benefits. Without shan this wouldnt have happened and her crew and its a milestone and incredible at 94. [applause] and then last year we did a lot of things last year and launched out the elder veterans Protection Program on november 10 before veterans day to prevent pension scams and homes and department of justice and Attorneys Office and here in San Francisco and the institution of aging. This went public last the day before veterans day and nationwide in june and were going to address all the care homes and go into the homes that people are taking advantage of the older veterans and take care of it and no more scamming and poaching. Its over now. We accomplished that. We helped a few other veterans that she helped and said bill we have been to the va and has extensions and went to the va and let me try ouroses. We have a fantastic staff and we helped four and one from iraq and afghanistan and no idea they were entitled to benefits from the va hospital and thanks to her and john and dorian these guys and women were able to get benefits. Lastly or two other things i want to thank you and staff for the privacy rooms. We had issues with veterans going into the office and its decorated and the privacy rooms thanks to you and when i took over on the Commission Part the last several years there was no mention of the veteran Service Office in the reports so for the first time and imperative that we acknowledge the county Veterans Service office and in collaboration with us we Work Together and so far we accomplished a lot and on the report we mentioned these items and thank you because you guys have never been mentioned in the annual reports so your legacy will continue on shan. Dorian will do a good job and the staff. I know dorian will do a good job and hes retired from the United States air force and the air force guys are fantastic individuals. Okay. So im going to finish here so i have an award for you. In the we have a challenge coin and the core values and the core values are basically what we go by, and in the air force we have Integrity First, [inaudible] in all that we do and serve before self and what better words to describe her and the team and Integrity First and high moral standards and looks out for the veterans before herself and service before self and bust her buns to help the veterans and thats what its about and the county Veterans Service office and i was honored when i got appointed to the office to help vet velts and we did an incredible job with and you integrity and honor in all that we do and service before self and challenge coins and google it and everything that do you and supervisor thanks for taking care of our vets on behalf of the commissioner and the president of the commission so this is for you. [applause] [inaudible] and one more and were almost done here. [inaudible] when the clock goes off, three minute warning so this from supervisor tang. She was the chairperson for the rules committee and [inaudible] so katie was she knows what the accomplishments you guys have done at the Veterans Service office and bill, i want to make sure shan is recognized for the efforts for the last 28 years and a certificate from the board of supervisors, city and county of San Francisco, the board of supervisors of city and county of San Francisco hereby issue and authorize the [inaudible] honor and appreciate the public recognition distinction and merit for Outstanding Service for the significant portion of the people of San Francisco and shan yue and the board of supervisors for the city and county of San Francisco extends to you the highest accommodation for 28 years of dedicated service to the veterans in the city. Your dedication and passion for serving veterans has been invaluable and congratulations on the well deserved retirement and signed by all the Board Members and all the new ones so congratulations. [applause] with that being said i have one more thing. I hate to say this but this was on sale at walgreens. Happy valentines day so i had to get this for you and candy. How weet. [applause] thanks. [inaudible] [off mic] [applause] thank you. [applause] next report is the Advisory Council leon schmidt. Good afternoon president james, commissioners, executive director. The Advisory Council last met on january 18. At that meeting we announced i may have said this in the last report but announced the folks who were to represent who will represent the Advisory Council for the dignity fund. We also i will make this brief we had a report from our rick applebee of the Education Committee and having the next Community Training will be on the 17th of february, this coming friday. Our Nomination Committee also met and nominated slate of officers and those people are in place. I can tell you who they are. Allegra [inaudible] is our secretary. Anne marie is the second vice president. Ms. Eleanor lori is the vice first president and i am the president again so thats my report. Any questions . Thank you. We also had a site visit too to the hamilton center. Any questions . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Our next report is joint legislative committee report. Good afternoon. Diane lawrence. Sorry. Good afternoon. I am keep this brief. In january we met on the 18th. We looked at three major areas. January is a month where things are starting especially with the new session at congress and the state level where everything is coming together so i will have a more detail the report on legislation next month actually in two weeks so at the federal level there is uncertainly with the repeal and replacements of the Affordable Care act. Theres a lot of uncertainty. There were requests for advocacy and right now back in january it was difficult to determine the impacts also on the Older Americans act with the new administration in congress. That was just authorized last year any since there has been no budget yet we dont know what is happening. The state level california is looking at a health car plan. No clarity but it was mentiond and we have to monitor that and at the time of the january meeting the legislative proposals were due friday the one and they must be introduced by this friday the 17th of february so we will have more detail. The governor has agreed that housing is an issue for california both at the affordable level and otherwise, and in his january budget release the governor proposed a 1. 1 6 billiondollar deficit and result of under stating revenues by the Budget Analyst Office and over estimating the size much the budget and we will see as they work through the process. Our local reps have been assigned of scott wiener and of Human Services committee and david chiu to housing and phil tang to the budget. We discussed the funding cuts for the coordinated Care Initiative which were allowed to expire, and there will be more details on that as we move forward and were continuing to work on the bay laws reconciliation and there will be there was further discussion at our february meeting. Any questions . Thank you. Youre welcome. Long Term Care Coordinating Council report. Good afternoon commissioners. I my name is jeremy walen dll berg and with the member with the long Term Care Coordinating Council. We m two meetings since last time. The commission was updated so i will be as brief as possible. The long Term Care Coordinating Council met brief plea with the Mayors Office to make sure we were coordinated on our budget and policy process. And also what we could do to be helpful to them in light of national changes and trends going on and one of the recommendations was to collect [inaudible] clients and Service Providers in the city. In terms of the make up of the council itself we have had have a few changes in terms of members. One proposal was to transition the seat to the department of homelessness and supportive houses and margo antoinettey from the department will join the council. Also to add the well Elder Service provider seat im sorry to switch the older Service Provider seat rather than longterm care and provider seat and add patty clemmons i am sure i will say the name wrong [inaudible] thank you to that spot on the council as well. Also laura liaison nomin

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