Johnson Commission Johnson i would make a motion to move the project for. I think commissioner moore if im interpreting correctly were on the path to potentially having findings to adjust the project it for talk about setting the Building Back further because there would be some findings are there but with the deck argument, based on the where the original building is and this plan here i just conceal we would come within the findings [inaudible] for this part. So id like to move that we prove the project. President fung theres already a motion. Theres a motion thats been seconded that eliminates 3 feet from the funds the sod on the top floor. So, commissioner johnson that has to be amended. Commissioner moore the architect will indicate theres no way president fung moved and seconded. Any other questions commissioner . On a motion to approve the project as proposed commissioner hillis aye johnson aye moore nay scoop wu aye richards aye fung aye the motion passes 61. Commissioners that plays on item 19. Permission conditional use authorization. Testifier good evening. The project at 430 composer new construction of an 8 story approximately 80 foot containing 23 units. 970 ft. 2 feet of retail space approximately 2000 ft. 2 of private and common open space in the form of a rare yard with deck and secondlevel terrace which 2500 with compliant open space. Both of these plans require diamonds which bars open space of common or possibly 830 ft. 2 of all private. The project is located in the uptown tenant of the tenderloin Historic District between leavenworth and high streets on the north side of edgy street. Nor to pursue the project requires permission youth authorization to prove new construction of building exceeding 50 feet in height and [inaudible]. Including the packets the short but upon our satisfied and the project is viable because it places a vacant lot with 23of which 3 would be permanently affordable. The proposed ground for uses would help activate the street. Additionally Historic Preservation stuff together with our stock architects have carefully reviewed the buildings on and on the compatible with the standards and Historic District it today would not receive any Public Comment regarding the positive reversing bone calls from the public of requesting additional information. Environment supports the project because it meets the goals and objectives of the general plan in place and underutilized parcel of who has and that is been consistent with the neighborhood. This includes a presentation and am available to answer questions. President fung project sponsor. Testifier good evening, john with a biafra project sponsors. The project before you propose of the construction of a new 8 story wafer unit residential building with roughly 1000 ft. 2 of ground for breach. The project removes the existing vacant lot has previously used as a sub is parking lot. We got 3 onsite bmr units. Open space provided in the rear yard secondfloor courtyard and a roof deck. The project poses no parking and actually never thats also my transit from his sevenyear by bus lines and a fiveminute walk from the muni stations. The design, we worked over period them very closely with a planted a bomb in both the Design Review team as well as the stork staff to come up with a design that discusses with this context and also with the tenderloin Historic District. Surrounding it would consist of higher density smaller scale towing units and Residential Hotel rooms. The drawing units proposed by the project which are less than 500 ft. 2 aside are consistent with a smaller scale unit size of the neighborhood. I do both the location and size of the drawing units that are expected to be born naturally affordable than most new Housing Units be brought on the market today. This at least 14 other buildings within a 2 block radius that are 8 stories or taller. Most of which are taller than 10 and went as as tall as 19 stories. I just put on the screen look like because it stood out to me when i put it on a map. All those boxes are buildings that are 10 stories or taller. Within 2 blocks. So we do ask Committee Support for the project. Weve entered into the Community Benefit agreements with both the tenderloin housing clinic. The tenderloin housing clinic actually operates the Jefferson Hotel adjacent to our building and part of what were doing to ingratiate ourselves with the neighborhood is renovate the lobby of the building which is quite run down at this point. We will also continue to correlate with the david unidentified appropriate retailer for the place. Thats something a lot of folks had some opinions about summer continues coordinate with them on that. The project will provide 23 new portable units in the short or back of time. Project sponsors ready to seek a permit and begin construction as soon as we are proved. The project is consistent with the neighborhood and an area with dense department developed it supports transit policies provides neighborhood retail space and respectfully request the commission approve the project and were here with any questions. President speak fung bt all open up to Public Comment. Any public speaker cards. Mr. Mcnulty am sorry. Mr. Nolte. Testifier my name is michael molder get on speaking on behalf of the alliance for better district 6. The project sponsor due to a presentation at our request to do some outreach to the community. At our meeting for those that might find this interesting we actually videotaped and put it up on youtube so we try to bring actual sunshine tour meetings because not all members can actually attend the meetings because there is a senior disabled, but we theres additional outreach to the Different Developers that come to our meetings. So, we do that. I saw a letter had come in from our organization but i guess. We are for the project. We would like the idea that there is smaller units and i think thats a better fit for the neighborhood. Although, every time we hear that new parking lot another parking lot is leaving our neighborhood, there was a petition signed some time ago when 2 parking lots were on the development think it and a lot of people in the neighborhood then said enough is enough. We need to start thinking about planning the whole neighborhood and considering some open space. We lack open space we keep inviting more people to the neighborhood good larger family developments in this case theres some that are coming up that are families and we need more opportunities for them. So, im always concerned about actually, the last project we heard some time agorecently wouldve been a Perfect Place for open space. I think we have to start preserving some spaces for open space. So there wont be any at all it will just be a concrete jungle in our neighborhood with a wind tunnel. We will all be just fine down the street as we walk through it. The tenderloin. So, overall, our organization is for its. Would you have some concerns just overall about how things are going in the neighborhood. Weve seen quite a few developments on thethat have been on the been considered and i think its about timegood when i was here 4101same issues were being brought up about how its impacting the neighborhood. Its nice to talk about but until we see somebody do a study or something its mute. We would like to see how tall impacting as a group. New developers. President fung thank you. Mr. Nolte. Testifier the projects good evening commissioners. My name is john nolte. The project sponsors thought the parking lot in 2014 within a month after it got ever ask to get this are their plans for their development. I find this very kind of interesting that they cannot do really outreach toas was said by the attorney, that they did outreach to the neighboring buildings but not to the community at large. In which i find a little concerned because we just had a Massive Group of people of the tenderloin in the audience for a similar market rate development, and they could not stay for this. I think the same issues that were brought up for that apply to this. So, in additionally, i saw the designs for this and i do not think it is appropriate for the uptown Historic District project as been presented. I think as you made a motion on Market Street and also on the 101hide, you, mr. Richards, working with staff i dont see that having on onetoone hide. Of course that part is not building the property. I find that this is whats happened is the project sponsor come here for comments and they dont know the property and this parking lot like the other parking lot has had multiple sponsors to come in front of it or people to develop a property and they sit still. So i dont even know if this project sponsor has the money to develop the property. And he has another lot behind this that he bought, 2, and is doing individual. So im concerned about the impact on the neighborhood with his sponsor. President fung any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, commissioner moore commissioner moore the project is a symbol space for. 23 drawing units for affordable Housing Units onsite. His sponsor is providing the commission with the required site survey. The drawings express units which are indeed not showing any of the problems we have seen in others the unit arrangement is very similar to what we approve on the project just a few weeks ago. I asked her about the workability about the 2nd floor in the light well courtyard. That courtyard does not meet the requirements. Its been counted as common open space but indeed its an open courtyard which i think is appropriate. It helps this building. It helps the adjoining buildings. I asked that the bedrooms and the for the rear and front units have additional renters which would move the doors into a slightly different position because if you have usable open, open space, you need to protect the privacy of the rooms that adjoin and take light from that roof deck. She acknowledged that i make that a part of the condition of the building itself. I think its approvable. Its very simple building, i think and we would hope that indeed this project will move forward to at an additional 23 units and a parking lot in that area. That is a motion with a copy out on the modest modifications on the 2nd floor roof deck so that the windows are protected. Commissioner antonini i think a simple project. Its got the tripartite of design its got the windows. Has a lot of things that are in harmony with the building in that area. And in a very small lot like that its probably about all you can really do good it seems to do it well. So its got the affordable onsite and so im in support. President fung theres been a motion to approve this project with the conditions as amended to include the condition for the 2nd floor roof deck windows are protected. Is that correct San Francisco commissioner moore on the 2nd floor roof thats it has to be a printer word ability to have people not set up right up to the window and in order to guarantee the privacy of the room beyond. I think mr. Kaplan has talked to the chairman knows what im talking about. So privacy components. On a motion ent aye johnson aye moore aye wu aye richards yee fung aye. The motion passes unanimously 60. We did have a pussy one item 20 for 2013. 1696 1737 posted also known as 11 piece puzzle. Conditional use authorization. Testifier good evening commissioners. Planning dept. Staff. The item before you is a request for a conditional use authorization to legalize an existing formula a retail use that been operating at the japan ctr. , mall since 2012. The subject businesses the face job. The plan cosmetics retailer with approximate 2300 stores in 29 countries. The tenant space is about 20 min. Or feet and does not have a street frontage as it is inferior to the mall. The project is supported by the japan town task force and the japan Town Merchants Association and we received 25 letters of support from the public and a petition with 1150 seconds. There is no known opposition to this project. The diamonds that reference approval at the project complies with the newly graded japan town and city Zoning District at the japan town special use district and findings have been included in the draft motion of the japan town special use district and the project is compatible with the commercial nature of the neighborhood. That concludes my presentation. Im available for any questions. President fung project sponsor, please. Testifier commissioners, good evening bill luster for the space shop project sponsor. I dont be redundant especially at this late hour. This aptly no opposition whatsoever but what i do want to add is that gun overweight might of my sure merchant lot that i need never seen as much love to emergent as i saw for mr. Ezra am very proud because like myself hes alumni of George Washington high school and his parents hadnt rose resort that i grew up on and its wonderful native sentences can to see another businessman out there thats fully embraced by the community. So i would ask you to please accept the recommendation by the planning dept. To prove this project. President fung thank you. Any Public Comment . Not seen any Public Comment is close. Commissioner Moore Moore Moore moved to approve moved and seconded. Antonini [inaudible] bos guide johnson spew spew of aye fung aye that has enormously by ivins appeared that plays a night of 21. We didnt fung i have to make an announcement for this item. Item 21 for 2015 70896 70896 venice ave. Conditional use authorization good commissioner antonini working on my required 700 form some years ago i bought stock in First Republic bank. Only bought a small amount like working under dollars, but its done so well is now over the 2000 consultation with the City Attorney i think its wise to recuse myself from this hearing because i can just at least for the time being is over 2000 in my First Republic stock. I would be asked to be recuse. Fung moved to recuse commissioner antonini on a motion, antonini [inaudible] hillis aye moore aye wu aye richards aye fung aye. So move commissioners that motion passes 51. Testifier good evening. Planning dept. Staff. The item before you now is a request for conditional use authorization to establish a new formula veto use Financial Service doing business as First Republic. Located 6099 van ness ave. On the eastern edge of the Pacific Heights neighborhood. The first public bank is currently existing at 2001 van ness and the clinton closes branch when they opened a new location at 6099 van ness. Become that he has 67 locations primarily in california but there are others throughout the united states. This project as it is relocation of an existing business would result in no net increase in from the retail concentration in the district were the quartermile vicinity. It restores an active groundfloor use to the store building which previously hosted the warehouse the Hard Rock Cafe about 10 years ago. That apartment that reference approval as the project complies with the Zoning District, the vanness automotive and then a special use district the general plan is compatible with the commercial neighborhood. This concludes my presentation. Im available for your questions. President fung fung project sponsor please. Testifier hello. My name is stevei work for the bank he Architectural Development department. The project itself is a blue streak relocation of the old Hard Rock Cafe space which is been vacant for a very long time on van ness. The challenges are permanently the space itself where the building is protected as Storage Space so we thought it would be a great opportunity to see that empty space revitalized again. Its relocation of our small on jackson street and were saving as much of the building as the computer were saving quite a bit of the interior. Their 16 foot ceilings in the exterior windows and storefronts were preserved and this were going to restore and replace the lower section which is currently in quite a state of disrepair. So we worked with the historic and perfect confirm this will work and make sure we dont damage or take away. So it was really an outstanding were significantly challenging [inaudible]. I drive by that everyday take my sense is cool and really got in there to look the space. Holy smoke of the stewards of the collectives. We get 16 feet ceiling. Theres a gigantic oculus with the sky. Its a long overdue. So were excited about the opportunity at the client pacific unit of protesters either would be possible to do a movie. So we had a Committee Outreach could did not have any oppositions worsening [inaudible]. Will be able to answer any questions. President fung testifier my name is i am a [inaudible]. One subject one object of the new Branch Office would be immediate room which can be used by the public. So its a Nice Community meeting room. Its there for the community. President spot fong thank you. Any of the Public Comment . Not seen any of the commoners close. Commissioner hillis commissioner hillis unlike some other banks i do you mention this before, kind of having a tendency to over sign and light it were seen this with chase where they can abuse that blew too much but i want to compliment you all on signage and of being somewhat minimal on your side undecideds. I think works well. I will move to approve. Bedecke