Transcripts For SFGTV 20150330 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20150330

to jefferson street and also the expansion of tail lor street and the pier 43 promenade where a lot of seating was added. something else that exciting to see that in 14, 15, 121 million, by private businesses and there is one on here, no, i remove this sorry, but the wax museum building and the pirepresentative, and the hotel and all of these businesses have been putting a lot of money in, considering 14, 15, 121 million dollars is more than the years of 2013, 12, and 11 combined and so this is a trickling of a capitol improvements being put in by private businesses in the wharf and the visitor's reactions have been good as well when asked what they thought about the changes and three fourths of the visitors approved or strongly approved of the changes and only less than 2 percent dressed any degree of disapproval of what has been done and phase one of a redesigned jefferson street in june of 2013, and two years since this completion and we see these numbers and these survey results to show that this has been a success. and so now we are moving on to phase two, and phase two have community support, and covered in all of the community meetings and out reach, the design has been tweaked to make sure that it takes into account the feelings and wants of the neighborhood and tenants and ier and needs the funding to complete the construction drawing, san francisco, number one destination and to insure that it will be an economic engine for san francisco and for the number one industry for the port of san francisco. phase two is currently on the dpw capitol plan and will be considered for the recommendation for the budget committee and so we ask you to continue to support this project and help in any way that you can and thank you again for supporting phase one. and all that you have done to help make that happen. >> and any questions? >> thank you very much. >> wow. >> is there any public comment? >> thanks, i don't have any data for you but just sort of going on the experience and thank you for hearing he director moyer and nice to see everybody here and i want to thank you for something and really ask for your support and first to just take a second and thank you all individually, and collectively for what you have turned the port into and just walking up and down here obviously seeing what is going on and seeing more coming down in the southern water front and it has come a long way and i hope that you take the opportunity when the people can see it to absorb it there. >> phase two, and actually troy is a good fisherman but when it comes to fishing for dollars, he is very good. >> it is really important i just want to stress for a second fisherman's wharf where we are the number one destination in san francisco, and it is just booming and we frankly have cop competition. going to be on-line soon and we are going to see the distraction of of dollars or time and time is obviously the most important thing and so i ask you if you can to continue to keep our number one attraction number one. and when that opportunity comes, i think that it is very important that we take advantage of this great time in the city, and to reenvest back into our infrastructure and clearly fisherman's wharf and is working and will continue to work. >> thank you. >> any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner murphy. yeah, the 1.7 for the drawings and the soft costs do we have it to work? you have to be recorded in the mic. no. >> 1.7 million for the construction drawings and then there is an additional for that number right now. 11.5 million for construction, and that will hopefully come for the fiscal year, 16, 17, and so the 1.7 is for the year, 15, 16. >> any idea where that money is going to come from, we have identified several grant opportunities that we are going to be looking for because the -- >> it is a great project and the people are coming to filipino and not so say in the fisherman's wharf and out in my neighborhood in the valley and the buses are out there now and it is, and used to be like that but it is very, very busy out there and so, if you are, in you are a little more than an hour, and the other neighborhoods. such as which is great. thank you very much for the up date. >> mind bogling all of the stats ticks that have you there. >> information, that will help. >> thank you very much troy for your report and it is nice to see, just exactly how you documented it and obviously this survey was a lot of effort to pull everything together. the traffic has increased and part that have is aggravated by the construction that is going on and we are a victim, and there are cranes everywhere and so it is effecting us everywhere and where you struck a cord with me is that you are saying that it is hitting your ability to attract the employees to come to work and i think that you mentioned and they are saying that they are studying the traffic issue and what else can be done along with muni and all of the other agencies, and as well as the city and the various departments in the city and are looking at how do we just, and i mean that it is, i mean that it is effort by effort and it is not like one answer, but every little tactic that you can think of that can improve this and but i think that it will be very unfortunate if we can't get the employees to the place of work where most of the cities and that would just mean the decline and which will be unfortunate and i don't know the efforts and in terms of those who are studying, it, and those that are operating it and the solutions are. >> if i could present that and the survey results to the mta board and ed and then have sense met with julie about this specific issues and i think that they were quite surprised to see some of this information, and we just had a job fair that we hosted at the neighborhood center this past saturday and each though we doubled the market for the job fair we had half of the people last year and, we are continuing to look at this and we also, christensen and our current supervisor is aware and she helped me to draft the survey questions and it is very familiar with the results of this and we have been reaching out and going toe far as to even looking at possibly having, merchants pitch in and do a wharf shuttle for our employees to help them get to and from work and it is not just a muni chining and because they are coming from the greater bay area, there is a lot of players involved and it may not be a muni chining but the connection to bart wherever they were at making three or four transfers in a day, a lot of times the people take the job and after working it for a couple of weeks, i am told that and i am spending so much time and as soon as i miss one bus or the bart and then it dominos into making me late and so we are working and this is something that we are focused on right now to try to find a solution for and there is a number eleven bus that will be coming on-line and i think that is either next summer or next. and the number eleven will be running sort of the number ten used to do and will be coming across the market and not towell orem bark dare row and i am sorry the name of that station? >> montgomery station and continuing to the wharf and that will give the people on dart to not get off on the embarcadero and take the f line because it is so crowded with visitors in the summer time, but they can catch the bus up to the wharf. bline, and it will be opening from the kal train to jones street. >> commissioner adams? >> i want to see the presentation chart and this is what we call progress, and you know, we stress health and more people are walking and they are out there, you know, because of the commissioner woo said about the congestion and this is part of our success and mayor lee made a decision in the planning decision and the city ford into the century of the jetsons and we don't live in the flinsones and i presht the board president from the planning commission being there and i think that he is to work through and i want to answer when there is a commissioner question about the people not wanting to work here. i think that the city has tried to do is tried to raise up the minimum wage so that the people in the port can live here and let's face it, most people that have lived here a long time cannot afford to live in this city. going back to them, they have that midas touch and they are doing good and with 10,000 a people a year moving here and it is going to continue for the people to go down there and it has the exposure, and i like, i like it and i think that it is the good problem to have, i really like the phase one and i am looking forward to phase two, and you got to go to places like shanghai and 24 million, people in that city alone, and we are used to having a lot of space and everything runs fluid but, san francisco is a small city and we just got to get used to moving and finessing our way around and finding the other forms of transportation and i think that the water taxi as time goes on will play a bigger part in people going to fisherman's wharf and they don't have to drive they can get on the water taxi and so i like this, and i am glad that brought this information out and because, we got to continue to support fisherman's wharf and i think that more people will be coming to the city and we will be getting more visitors and i just can't imagine how many people will be down there when the super bowl happens, it is going to be madness down there i want to be the middle of that madness, i want to tell you right now and a couple of drinks and be down there and to me that is chaos and it is life, and it is vibrant and i like it and i am not ready for a rest home and so i am going to be down there with you and i support you. >> thank you so much, for coming and for your presentation. really exciting. and you know we took a little bit of a gamble when we tried to redo some reconfiguring on jefferson street and we kept our fingers crossed and i am pleased to see how well that turned out and i am excited to see what we are going to get from phase two, whatever we can do to be helpful on that front, you can count on us as we look to that. again, as my colleagues said it is very exciting and i think that when the people think of san francisco they think of a number of things, and maybe the cable cars and the golden gate bridge and a few other other iconic area and virtually everyone that comes here from elsewhere, also thinks of fisherman's wharf and it is one of our iconic destinations and whenever i have the visitors coming to the city at the want to go and see it, and at least, especially if it is their first time and so, i am pleased to see the people getting there and i think that we can figure out the transportation and studying what is happening there and although with the efforts that is under way with the central subway, i am hopeful that that will make a difference in the people's ability to get there not only in the tourist destination and also for employees that are trying to get there that will hopefully ease up dramatically, the difficultis that employees are encounters in trying to get to work >> and thank you for all of that you do and for all of the businesses that are down there and keep the fabric of the city going so strong and so i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i wanted to share that i left with monique and the visitor a survey because it has more data than what i presented and i left the copies for you and also the supporting information and about the presentation, that i just gave, and i brought you copies of that. >> and commissioner adams and were talking just and one other thought came in to my head and i just wanted to ask since thinking about the statistics that you presented and the fact that we have more walking people and a combination of it is too hard to drive, but did you ask, if your meeting a more detailed question how much from the fact that we are increasing the number of cruise ship passengers stopping in san francisco and we know that has to be a factor for fisherman's wharf as we get more passengers they are spending time before or after they get on the ship, is there a correlation. >> we did not ask, we did ask if they were staying in hotel but we did ask if they were coming by cruise ship, from 2010, the water front has just been more developed and i think that it is more interesting to walk from the if herry building to the fisherman's wharf than it was in 2006 with the cruise ship firm natural and that more people plus i also think that the crowding on the street car might have something to do with it. >> and you know, as better daily will tell you, and i think that we have 250,000 passengers coming through the cruise ship? >> yeah, is that right? >> yeah. >> and so 250,000 is certainly not it and that impacts you one way or the other and not everybody is going to fisherman's wharf and but it is going to increase pedestrian traffic one way or the other. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. >> item 10 b, informational up date, regarding pier 39 and 41. >> thank you very much and i appreciate that. our next speaker is from the fisherman's wharf area, he is the president and ceo of pier 39 and also coming up on an anniversary and he has been president since may 2012 but he has been here since 1979 and if i understand what history that i can find taylor you spent all of that time at the pier and so if i understand the history, directly, he has and he came from kentucky out to san francisco to play guitar. and found his way to the pier and got a job working in the arcade, collecting money and then pretty soon became controller, believe it or not and, so from the arcade where you can to the controller is a very interesting position and but congratulationss on making that leap and he was controller for the pier inc and so you did that for eleven years and then he took over as executive vice president and cfo of blue and gold fleet. and then became blue and gold's president which he did for almost six years before being tapped to be president and ceo of pier 39. >> and in all of that time he went to san francisco state got his bash lor's and then his nba and now, is a board member of the san francisco state foundation. so he has given back along the way and what an amazing partner, i have to compliment you, that i am sure that there is not, there are things that the port does or says that you don't always agree you but it is hard to tell, you are willing to work with us and help to us make it better and i think that the success that you are having is driving the success that we are having we love those dark chocolates that we can have. with all of that, please welcome, that i lower, president and ceo of pier 39. and good afternoon and commissioners i began my career, as 39 years ago and i am pleased to give you an up date on how we are doing and where we are headed. >> first of all would i like to give you a background of the pier. upon entering a dark pier he became excited to locate one of the restaurant to the location and so the idea for pier 39 was born. the fear navigate, on october 4, 1978, the project opened to large crowds and much fanfare. lawsuits and lack of retail experience would eventually force him to sell the complex in 1981 to the shopping center that holds it today. today peer 39 has dozen of attractions. they are in independently owned by local merchants. 59 to 2000 people every year. the marketing of 245 ,000-square foot shopping center and operates blue and gold fleet the largest private water transportation company and and tandem communications. approximately 500 employees work directly for the combined pier 39. four 1/2 million to the court and and a million half. 345 employees work for pier 39 operation department. 352 employees belong to our union. we are proud of the long tenure of our workforce. for 30% of the current employees having worked for the company for 10 or more years. in 2012, again in 2014, san francisco travel association identified pier 39 as the most visited attraction in san francisco based on the semi annual visitor reduction. both pier 39 establishing pier 39 fourth consecutive annual sales. the occupancy rate in 2014 was 97% and expected to be 94% in 2015. pier 39 conducted visitor research every two 2 years and the most recent research conducted in 2014. you can see the most recent findings here. interestingly the port of visitors have been great. the percentage of the visitors using the internet has increasedover the last 5 years. the mode of arrival has varied over time with automobile use ranging from 33% and 50% of visitors. 96% of customers were satisfied or very satisfied with their visit to pier 39. pier 39 operates with the bay and continues to grow. pier 39 holds dozens of events and with complete week in october and tree lighting in november. these events bring an additional half million visitors each year. pier 39 recognizes the unique asset to control and manage and committed to keeping the property fresh and first time visitors and the others are repeat visitors and creating an enticing environment. pier 39 began it's program for it's operating expenses. we've eliminated hand towels in the restrooms and installed lighting and manage a comprehensive recycling program for our tenants. we are committed to impacting to minimizing the environment that we have been charged with managing. tenant redevelopment is a corner stone to implementing strategy and rebranding are important elements to keep our visitors new and interesting at the pier. like all businesses in the city, pier 39 by the dichotomy and remedies to our employees and many include mom and pop shops. our main public transportation source is difficult during commute hours and make it difficult to attract and retain employees. in addition traffic is increasingly and concerned. between 30-50% of the visitors drive to the warf visit and create the 100 retailers at the pier. pier 39 works with staff to develop the plaza. pedestrian traffic patterns have evolved over the last 36 years along with bicycle use along embarcadero. at pier 41, the lease expires soon and we are working with staff to propose a brand new world class meritime terminal with water and access to the public to provide educational access on the bay for local school children and limited ancillary retail. the new facility will allow us to better serve the water emergency transportation vessels that operated by -- and use pier 41 everyday as their home port. this new service will allow better improvement in the future. thank you for your time. i would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. commissioner? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i have been down there many times. is there a dock

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