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This is the meeting on the commission on the environment it is 5 oclock p. M. The first item on the agenda is roll call. Commissioner arce. Here. Commissioner king. Here. Commissioner stephenson. Commissioner wald excused. Commissioner wan here. The next item on the agenda is the approval of minutes on the commission on the environments regular meeting this is a discussion and action item. Colleagues, any discussion on the minutes . Commissioner wan im happy that on item 2 before you got here, i was trying to use my limited cantonese vocabulary and i meant to say thank you and instead it said excuse me and im glad its not in the minutes and im glad you dont know i did that. [laughter]. Thank you . Thats thats excuse me. Ill never make that mistake again. Anybody else . Thoughts . Any Public Comment on the minutes . All right. Colleagues get a motion to approve . Approved. Second. All those in favor please say aye. Opposed . All right minutes approved thanks. Public comments. For items not on todays agenda. All right. Members of the public want to speak on any matter not on todays agenda . Going once all right seeing none Public Comment is closed can we have item 4 please monica . Repurchase program. A city sponsored program that helps City Employees and retirees among others and the speaker is terra weeks and this is an informational presentation and discussion item. Commissioners, as is our what we do when we start off our meetings we like to start off with something that has a Public Information benefit to it so when we looked at the Different Things we could present today we decided that the sun shares program made sense and im pleased to introduce to you miss terra weeks in our Renewable Energy team and wed call her an associate. Her skills are phenomenonal and were so lucky to have her in our department and i think were going to lose you pretty soon to grad school, is that right . Yeah and im sure she will take all of of the wonderful lessons she learned here so terra, take it away. [applause]. Thank you again for having me so im here to talk about the San Francisco sun shares program. So sun shares is the citys residential Solar Discount Program basically the same concept as buying in bulk by reducing Customer Acquisition costs the program enables the contractor to provide solar at discounted rates. San Francisco Sun shares was offered in partnership between us the Sf Commission on the environment and vote solar who is a local solar nonprofit who administers the program and together we recruited participating companies disseminated outreach materials and facilitated communication between the participants. So weve run two rounds of the program. The first ran from march to september of 2013 and the second one which we just wrapped up ran from september of 2014 until last month in february and its offered to companies located in San Francisco with employees living throughout the bay area and again this is a Residential Program offered to employees to put solar in their own homes and many of the Companies Listed here participated in both rounds of the program and includes some some of the citys largest employers including ucsf and pg e and others. The first step is Program Planning and once we recruit organizations this has actually proven to be the most challenging part of the program and a lot of companies have restrictions on sending out staff messaging and in some cases were only able to offer to select portions of the staff and we also identify Program Champions within the companies and people that offer support from within the company and next is vendor evaluation and we help assemble a committee to decide which contractor to use for the program and the first round rec solar was selected as the Program Contractor and then sun run, who between the two rounds acquired was selected for the second round and next comes the registration once we have the contractor selected and pricing set registration can begin and this is really the bulk of the program and during this time we disseminate outreach material and encourage participation and after registration closes participants have a short window to finalize any remaining contracts and we can collect final data and come out with a Program Report so what does it mean to participate as a his as as a homeowner in sun shares . You can switch to solar for 15 to 20 percent off of bay area average prices for the second round it came down to 3 to 3 dollars and to 3. 50 a watt and the savings are greater for San Francisco residents because installation costs are significantly higher in the city associated with installing in a dense urban environment its a really good deal for san franciscan residents and theres a 5 theres a 500 cash incentive for anyone who signed the contract and also referrals for switching to solar as well and the process is basically the same as getting a solar quote from any other company and you register and then the contractor contacts you to schedule a no cost no obligation Site Assessment for your home they give you a custom proposal and review Financing Options which can include Leasing Options or cash purchase and if you decide solar is a good fit for your home then you sign the contract and secure this kind of pricing. Solar is a complicated industry. Its growing really quickly theres a lot of options out there. I get public inquiries all the time and generally we suggest they get 3 quotes compare options and see whats out there and sun shares streamlines this whole process homeowners can be assured that they are getting a good price and reduces the time and complexity of getting solar. Sun shares is also great because it not only starts the conversation around solar gets people interested but it has tangible results that directly support the citys goal of reaching 100 percent renewable by 2030 and between the two rounds weve had over 12 hundred participants resulting in 145 installations which is a 12 percent Conversion Rate to people who registered for the program and to people who installed it in their homes. May not seem like a high number but considering only 25 percent of homes can actually technically feasibly support solar so 12 percent is actually a pretty good number and 44 of those installations or about a third were in San Francisco resulting in an additional 160 kilowatts of local Renewable Energy generation and now the question is whether were going to issue another round of this program and right now were interested but not certain whether or not we will were in the process of prioritizing our program and allocating funding but recognize the value of San Francisco sun shares in engaging corporations and and getting to the energy goals. [applause]. Any questions . Questions, colleagues . Commissioner king. As always we purposely put that at the very beginning of the meeting so that if you are watching this you can find out about all the wonderful things the department of the environment are doing for you to live sustainably and hopefully save a few bucks in this very expensive city and so for that being said please make sure before you leaving you get the phone number and website and any pertinent Contact Information for those who may be watching. Sure i think the audience can see the slides again, my name is terra weeks. Why dont you say the number again. Sure my number is 415355 3780. Thank you. Thank you so much. Fantastic program. Its doing so much here. Its an Amazing Program i understand why the one third happened given that its hard to own a Single Family home here in the city or harder than other places outside the city. Do we know what percentage of the apartments or or residentials in san fransco. Well the 25 percent is generally for homes across the the United States the number is lower in San Francisco because such a significant portion of our residents live in multitenant buildings and theres other construction barriers in San Francisco that are more more prevalent than outside the city. More shading and generally not as many good sites for solar i dont have the exact number but it is harder to install a system in the city than outside. One question i had was i remember in round one there was something that i think i had just gotten on the commission at the time which was that rec solar was not registered undergo solar San Francisco and of course that meant there wasnt extra low income incentive or hiring component that we could leverage all this great work to get all of those added benefits. Uhhuh. And i believe though that round 2 sun run is participating in go solar sf. Yes. Could. Do you have the number of go solar sf . I dont have that number yet we havent gotten those numbers yet but should be in our report when it comes out. Its probably everybody if the incentive is there. I would imagine and theres still funding so so if you have a chance to quantify the jobs are you going to offer go solar sf to customers you have to hire from disadvantaged communities so that would be a nice thing to pull out how much job creation in our communities happened out of that and its always nice nice to know Workforce Development graduates. Right. Yeah and sun run was go solar sf certified and if we do implement another round is seeing another maybe advantage isnt the right word but something we can do to encourage local contractors being able to meet the competitive pricing that some of the bigger contractors can. We heard that too. Sun run is a good local company but theres other good local Companies Get more Companies Involved would be a nice thing were really proud of our local installers. Commissioner king . I just had a baby and im in a zombie mode. I did see your motion. Got it i do have it colleagues, Public Comments . Thank you very much terra. Good evening commissioners eric brooks San Francisco green party. Our city san San Francisco cocoordinate er and other groups just to say yeah this program should continue cleanpowersf will be launching by early next year and we should wrap in this program to cleanpowersf and whats striking about the presentation on this Excellent Program is that even though the sfpuc has go solar sf and provides kind of the basics for that the department of the environment has a staff thats going out and doing outreach to help people plan outputting it on their roofs so whats striking about this is its showing us as the advocates of cleanpowersf and other clean power programs and showing the public that your staff is not just doing Energy Efficiency whats called behind the meter and what that means for the public is inside of the house for first and on top of the house for small wind and solar that means its inside of pg es meter and they dont get charged for electrons moving over its wires that way and you not only save yourself but you save the system money and lowers the cost of elect electricity and it really points to what we, as advocates are going to ask for your item number 7 among other things but this gives me an opportunity to talk about one particular item which is that we need now for the department of the environment staff and the sfpuc staff to join together as a team and Work Together so that on these behind the meter type resources like sun shares like the excellent Energy Efficiency programs that the Department Already has so that this department which is the department that has the experience of going out and actually getting these installations to happen on a door to door basis, is a department thats designing the local build out for San Francisco you know sfpuc has the expertise to do the big stuff and you can do the Community Stuff where most of the jobs and Energy Savings and Renewables Even will happen and that will give the Public Ownership of its own stuff and id encourage you to really reach out to the sfpuc commissioners and staff to make sure that the planning for the local build out that happens over the next few months gets much more oriented behind the meter resources which is not flushed out that well in the report make that more robust and give you guys and your staff a primary role in planning all of that out. Thank you mr. Brooks other members of the public . All right seeing none thank you terra thank you again. All right Public Comment is closed next item. Monica. Deborah raphael and jen jackson information and discussion. Commissioners we had talked about adding a repeating element to the agenda where we welcome new Department Members and so ive got five of them to announce to you its not that they all five started in the last week were just starting to get in the routine of this so weve got a few that have been here for a little while so they havent been here in this room and i want to welcome them as i say your name will you please stand up so danny soto from the soto from the soto from the Clean Transportation Team [applause] hes working on clean vehicle programs thank you danny and from the Energy Watch Program we have 2 people that really just started maybe 1 week and 2days and rena lopez will you stand up rena . [applause] and warren seto, her colleague, warren and they both come with tremendous experience in the energy first world when i read their applications recently i was really blown away at the talent and skill set and really excited to see what they can they can achieve and from the healthy eco systems world we have sara coplowitz can you coplowitz can you stand up sara [applause] ilene can you stand up . [applause] thank you ilene and both of them have been working a lot ilene on the pharmaceutical end of things eventuality with the ordinance she was preparing binders and helping us to get all of our things together which im grateful for and sara has been working with our Green Business program as well as nail salons and everything that weve been doing there and they are very busy and their boss, jen, is sitting there who you have already met and thats the end of that item. Thank you director raphael any Public Comment . Mr. Wolf. Bruce wolf alcohol justice. I just want to say were a drug free communities and for the drug take back programs i want to thank the staff working on it and the commission and the department on a Great Success for it i mean this is an amazing thing so thank you. Thank you. All right. [applause] as well learn more in a moment. Any members of the public. All right welcome a board everybody keep up the good work. Did you tell them that one of them had to come up here and sing the greatest love of all by Whitney Houston . [laughter]. Is that part of the transition, too . I want to say im very impressed with the diversity. Were lucky. Thank you very much we look forward to seeing you and supporting your efforts at the San Francisco environment. Weve been here for quite a long time and keep in mind were trying to figure out how to tell the rest of the country how to live sustainably in the city in the city as we all migrate to city living, all right . All right thank you commissioner king any other comments . All right monica, if we can hear item 6, please. Operations relating to Budget Planning Strategic Planning and Climate Energy and Public Outreach and education Environmental Justice and Habitat Restoration and toolbox i toxics reduction and in your packet is for informational report and discussion. Thank you monica i will not give you details on all of that huge list of items but i want to call out a few things in particular that i think are note worthy i choose the things that for me reflect the breadth and approach and im going to talk about everything from social media to enforcement and theres theres a whole breadth and our goal is to facility and motivate people to live sustainably as well as residential and municipal and so i just want to make note how powerful our social Media Channels are. Oh yes. Buzz feed included sf environment in its list of accounts that everyone in San Francisco should be following and they find our information to be worthy there were very few people they put on that list we were certainly one of the only Government Entities on that list and we have followers on twitter and almost 4000 on facebook and weve gotten a lot of interest from not only our announcements but also our sign maker tool where we enable people who want to improve recycling in their homes and businesses we make it easier for them to to do that with some of these tools and in a different setting weve had a very important milestone around the Green Building ordinance for existing buildings. We recently sent out notice requirements to about 1900 affected buildings that they need to comply with our benchmarking and auditing notice and we sent noticed that you might have been below the radar in the past but now we need you to comply but we dont stop there. We have the Energy Efficiency team to help them take advantage of what they get in their audit and follow up with those 1900 businesses yes, you must comply and save money as well its a wonderful partnership. You may be aware that the Housing Authority is going through a huge transition right now where

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