Transcripts For SFGTV 20150225 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20150225

>> congratulations again, mother jones. and if you're looking for a job, we have the western neighborhood access point will be happy to provide you with the information to get support. next up, we have supervisor mar. >> thank you. congratulations mother jones and other honorries today. today, my choice in honoring black history month not to acknowledge an individual but to acknowledge and honor a movement, a movement that has been created by so many great activist. i'm talking about the black lives matter or hashtag black lives matter today. with us in the chamber, we're honored to have one of the cofounders, elise ya garz ya. she's one of the cocreators of the hashtag black lives matter and the director of power in san francisco. power has now emerged with cause of hoo sta. they're cocreators of black lives matter with dignity and power now and also black owned leadership dignity or told. i think the acknowledgement of the three creators and cofounders is important. i'm personally inspired by the work of black lives matter and elise ya garz ya. they are creating a new movement, not of our grandparents but a movement of today. they're playing a critical national and global role. i'm especially excited of this today. they're fighting for the soul of the city and the placement of the black community which is probably at about three percent of the population right now. i think elise ya is a mixture of malcolm x with the embrace of the [inaudible] >> black lives. to challenge the racism and other types of oppression within our communities. tim who is alternatives with us is a long time chinatown and richmond district activist. she's a long time movement leader for the bay area. this year, she will be inducted into the hall of selma's 50th anniversary of the bridge crossing. [applause] >> pam will be speaking on behalf of the asians in solidarity of black lives matter. the black live movement impact asians and other people of color and other movements as well. i also wanted to say that black lives matter with elise ya garz ya here. her leadership envision i think is critical. one quote i would like to read about her is what's represented by this new movement. elise ya has said we are rejecting a lot of the things that don't work, things that we've done in the past. it's important not to keep doing the same things over and over and expect to get different results. there's an activist in saint lewis called f o and he always says this is not your grandparent's civil rights movement. without being disrespectful to the real sacrifices others have made, this is about our generation of time. what's real? this is our generation's time. we're going to do it the way we know how. i think what elise ya garner and the black lives matter, they really provide leadership state and provide struggles that expand our community. let me acknowledge black lives matter and elise ya garza. [applause] >> all right. thank you supervisor mar for recognizing our work. it's an honor to have been recognized now for the second time. first time by supervisor david campos for the work that we did and are continuing to do in baby hunter's point with power as he mentioned and then, of course, now, what we're doing with black lives matter. we appreciate your acknowledgement and recognition. as i mentioned before, i worked in bay view for nearly ten years with families who are still struggling to survive in one of the wealthiest cities in the world. as we celebrate the accomplishments of black folks during the shortest month of the year -- (laughter) >> -- i would like to challenge san francisco, a place that i love very much and a place where my parents grew up to declare 2015 the year of black futures. black futures is still in the balance. we have displacement at an all time high. as senator mark said, we are less than four percent of the population. unemployment is higher than it should be. way too many black people are living on the streets. in another decade, will there still be black folks in san francisco? that's the question we're all battling with. so today, we dedicate this award to the black lives matter movement and the people whose shoulders we stand on and to those who are still bought and unbought. to the city we not only helped to make build but we helped to make famous. thank you. >> congratulations. and colleagues, before we move on. i would like to remind colleagues that we have a long list of other honor ris so if we can, move it right along and keep it at five months. at this time, i will recognize supervisor tang. >> thank you very much. again, it's always a positive to take a minute from our work and acknowledge some really great community members. i would like to recognize lieutenant erika from the san francisco fire department. although erika is not wearing red today, her department is often associated with red so i think we can still continue the theme. she is a native of san francisco. she grew up in the fillmore district and joined the san francisco fire department in 1957. she has been apart of the new york for short team and trained thousands of how they can better be prepared in the event of an emergency. i want to also take time to acknowledge the chief who is here. thank you for taking time out of your business day to be here. she has not only trained thousands of people who i mentioned, but also in addition to that, people who are inert graduates, she has provided opportunity for them to improve their skills. because of her, our office was inspired to take the new york training course. on thursday, we're graduating with about 80 other residents in this course. the class is full. mary c who is the center of john c who is the board of our supervisor staff and all of the teachers there have made it such an entertaining but engaging class for us to learn more about emergency preparedness. i know often times in san francisco or even anywhere, but even in our earth quake time in san francisco, we often take for granted what can happen to us until it's too late. in fact, many of our supervisors here have been responding to lots of fires in our districts and it highlights how important it is if we can take care of ourselves in an emergency, it allows our fire departments to take care of bigger emergencies that are happening. so i'm incredibly grateful for all the work she has done in our community. i do have to acknowledge that someone in the front row is a huge cheerleader of yours, paul mason of the mayor's office was actually erika's prom date in high school. so i know she has huge roots back here in san francisco. we're so lucky to have you in our community. thank you for inspiring our community. we really hope other neighbors in san francisco will take on the responsibility in learning how to take care of themself so they can better help in emergencies. so thank you for all that you do. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much supervisor tang and the entire board of supervisors. your support means so much. i appreciate being highlighted among the many people that are being honored today but i really want to take a moment to highlight the nork program itself. the nork program builds empowerment. i'm in people's living rooms to large halls to talk about the preparedness. it's very engaging and powerful for me to be able to travel all over the city where i was born and raised and lead this program. i'm really just a shepherd of something that's bigger than myself and to be able to reflect our city and i want to say here, here in advancing the diversity of our city and making sure we bring this important training to all of our community. i'm super supportive of you and your staff taking the training. it's really been fun. she highlighted but i want to second the instructors. that is other additional members that find it important to give this training. and lastly, i will just say there was a family in the castro district that was a victim of an arson fire. she took the training and i don't know how she had time but she e-mailed me. she said how the training made her feel empowered. in the middle of the night she felt like she knew what to do because she had had training and thank you so much for the honor. [applause] >> thank you. and congratulations. and at this time, colleagues, i need to cut in line. my honorries work in kids in and after school programs and they have definitely taken a break from far too long and need to get back to the african american art and culture complex. at this time, i want to bring forward richard and danielle from project level for black history month. project level is a music based after school program located in san francisco for youth ages 13 to 24. the program was started by well-known local rapper big rich who gained fame for his san francisco song which is still played at the 49er's game. big rich started the project level using his fame and industry connections to give hope in talent in the under served uth in the city. they were founded in 2012 and given the opportunity to record by the studio by none ore than the president and board of director. danielle and big rich came to me and as natives of the neighborhood, they wanted to do something to give back. they had really a vision and they made this vision come to life. i'm so glad of not only the work that they've done but the consistency. they treat these young people like they're family. they have developed the skills of many young artists, singers, rappers and also producers. there's a lot of pieces to the music industry. one of their producers louie v is now signed to universal records that produces record for many rappers, many of which i can't pronounce the names of. now that i'm older, i don't really listen to rap music as much. however, the classics are my thing. >> yeah. >> since the organization in april of 2012, they have impacted the lives of over many lives throughout san francisco. one for producing which is pretty amazing, three staring alongside curtis, the song of notorious b i g. some of their students traveled to lass angry less for a career expedition and college tour and they developed p diddy's music channel and three of their students auditioned for next top model and america's got talent. they believe in giving back. i have seen many of their pontiac on instagram where they come together and pack up bag lunches and they come together to hand out tloufrns individuals. they do believe in giving back and i know sadly, some of the young people in the program are dealing with some of their own issues with housing in san francisco. so the fact that they are spending time to support other individuals in this way is truly amazing. they have performed at many events including one of their students who performed last night at city hall for the black history month event that supervisor cohen and i hosted. they participate in city cleaning up. they have been doing this for years with cleaning up and they collaborated for the annual silence the violence k. project level is not just a music program. it builds character, responsibility, compassion, work ethic and big rich and danielle and their two beautiful daughters are here today. in my opinion, it is the kind of program that should be duplicated all over the place. again, project level is not just a program. project level is a family. and all of the young people who participate in project family, i know, see big rich as their mom and dad because the phone calls for some of the challenges these kids face. sometimes they don't have a family to go to. and so this music and the work that you all are doing in our community is changing lives. i'm just so proud that as you grew up in the western edition, you grew up in fillmore and you basically rolled up your sleeves and wanted to see cheng in the community and you have definitely become the change we want to see. so today on behalf of the board of supervises, we honor you and commend you. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you. thank you, very much. i definitely won't need the two minutes cause you just summed up everything. first and foremost, thank you to you and supervisor cohen for allowing us to be a part of that great event last night. i'm looking forward to next year and the year after that. that was amazing. i'm just grateful to be able to be in the position to give back to the community i grew up in. and to be acknowledged for it is just the use on the cake. i-love it. i really believe in nobody gave me the opportunity when i was young, i wouldn't be able to do it and it's my duty to help the generations going on and on. next, they will be the new program director and director when we're done and running this show if they got time because they do a lot of other stuff, too. they'll figure it out. i'm just grateful to beage acknowledged for something we really have a passion for. is thank you. [applause] >> okay. back to my official duties. supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam president. colleagues, today, i have the privilege of recognizing the amazing denise brier as my honorry for black history month. come on up. [applause] >> so i think many of us have known for many, many years in the community but maybe don't know the back story on this pretty terrific one. she is the youngest of four children born in sacramento. she attended the university of pacific and stock on the and she came to us in the bay area where she's lived for the last 20 years and has two daughters, age 22 and 26. bebeis a multi facetted entertainer. she's been an entertainer for about a decade now. i've seen her many, many times and it never gets old. she has hosted and promoted over hundreds of night life events really participating in a deep way in the night life community, in particular the lg b t night life community in san francisco. i know we're all working very hard to make sure the night life survives and tliefs in this community. a song that addresses the freedom that we all should be who we are without conformity. she has performed on various stages across the u.s where she performed with diana rate of speed. she paid tribute to diana ross in her one woman's show with love. in all of with love as well as opposing h i v/aids stigma, a recent example is when she joined the health lead of san francisco drag queens for the my name is facebook policy for that work. thank you. i want to recognize someone else who is here as well who played a key role. she believes our strength is dependent upon the development of our youth. i know you do an enormous amount of work in making sure our lg b t opportunity is a part of our community. she's a part of the organization in san francisco which has celebrated 50 years in the san francisco. she held the title of ms. gay of 2008 in san francisco. she has been recognized and honored by the california state senate by bra virginia theatre and by s f pride with the community grand marshall two years ago. we had the highlight of honoring the mutual investor in bravo theatre which was a lot of fun. last october, she did the honor of serving as a celebrity judge with our great pumpkin carving with the kids and in the end, she declared all the kids were winners in her normal gracious way. i will say bebe, the lg b t community is an accomplished community is can be very tense sometimes. i will say the one thing among others that really sticks out in my mind about you, all of the things i know about you and i've seen you interact with people, i've never seen you be anything but absolutely nice and gracious and professional. even when you're fighting like crazy for something that is so important, you always do it in the absolute, most gracious way and you are a treasure in our community and we love you. so congratulations. thank you. [applause] >> okay. thank you sfrfrz wiener and to madam president and members of the board, thank you very much for this honor. i'm going to keep this very short cause i'm sure there's matters in the castro that i need to attend to. but this is something that's very important to me because i think on this particular day and for this particular honor for the black history month, i probably represent a different face than what you may have been used to seeing standing here receiving such an honor. and i think that goes to the city of san francisco as a whole, the diversity that's here in the city. and moving here to years ago i was a different person. the city allowed me to walk in my truth so to speak and for me to be the me i've become. and it's this person that i've become that has been able to give back to the community and hopefully an spoonerity circuit to the community as a whole. this is totally unexpected. i believe i do what i do because it needs to be done. it's plain and simple. and somebody has to do it and therefore, i'm going to do that. and you never expect to be honored for something that with question is something within your soul that you feel you need to do. but thank you again, scott, for giving me this honor. and thank you again for all of you, supervisor campos for also being there and asking me to participate in things in his district for things he thought i could be helpful with also. supervisor cohen has had me in bay view point as well. thank you for recognizing me and the diversity in the gay community and again, i thank you for that. [applause] >> the paparazzi are here. congratulations. thank you. all right. so at this time, i will recognize supervisor yee from district seven. >> thank you president breed. and also congratulations to all the honorries today. today when we had discussed this in my office of who we would like to honor and the focus for us was who in the community has really impacted

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Sacramento , California , Virginia , Bay View , Richmond District , San Francisco , America , American , Diana Ross , Elise Ya Garz , Elise Ya Garza , David Campos , Paul Mason ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For SFGTV 20150225 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20150225

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>> congratulations again, mother jones. and if you're looking for a job, we have the western neighborhood access point will be happy to provide you with the information to get support. next up, we have supervisor mar. >> thank you. congratulations mother jones and other honorries today. today, my choice in honoring black history month not to acknowledge an individual but to acknowledge and honor a movement, a movement that has been created by so many great activist. i'm talking about the black lives matter or hashtag black lives matter today. with us in the chamber, we're honored to have one of the cofounders, elise ya garz ya. she's one of the cocreators of the hashtag black lives matter and the director of power in san francisco. power has now emerged with cause of hoo sta. they're cocreators of black lives matter with dignity and power now and also black owned leadership dignity or told. i think the acknowledgement of the three creators and cofounders is important. i'm personally inspired by the work of black lives matter and elise ya garz ya. they are creating a new movement, not of our grandparents but a movement of today. they're playing a critical national and global role. i'm especially excited of this today. they're fighting for the soul of the city and the placement of the black community which is probably at about three percent of the population right now. i think elise ya is a mixture of malcolm x with the embrace of the [inaudible] >> black lives. to challenge the racism and other types of oppression within our communities. tim who is alternatives with us is a long time chinatown and richmond district activist. she's a long time movement leader for the bay area. this year, she will be inducted into the hall of selma's 50th anniversary of the bridge crossing. [applause] >> pam will be speaking on behalf of the asians in solidarity of black lives matter. the black live movement impact asians and other people of color and other movements as well. i also wanted to say that black lives matter with elise ya garz ya here. her leadership envision i think is critical. one quote i would like to read about her is what's represented by this new movement. elise ya has said we are rejecting a lot of the things that don't work, things that we've done in the past. it's important not to keep doing the same things over and over and expect to get different results. there's an activist in saint lewis called f o and he always says this is not your grandparent's civil rights movement. without being disrespectful to the real sacrifices others have made, this is about our generation of time. what's real? this is our generation's time. we're going to do it the way we know how. i think what elise ya garner and the black lives matter, they really provide leadership state and provide struggles that expand our community. let me acknowledge black lives matter and elise ya garza. [applause] >> all right. thank you supervisor mar for recognizing our work. it's an honor to have been recognized now for the second time. first time by supervisor david campos for the work that we did and are continuing to do in baby hunter's point with power as he mentioned and then, of course, now, what we're doing with black lives matter. we appreciate your acknowledgement and recognition. as i mentioned before, i worked in bay view for nearly ten years with families who are still struggling to survive in one of the wealthiest cities in the world. as we celebrate the accomplishments of black folks during the shortest month of the year -- (laughter) >> -- i would like to challenge san francisco, a place that i love very much and a place where my parents grew up to declare 2015 the year of black futures. black futures is still in the balance. we have displacement at an all time high. as senator mark said, we are less than four percent of the population. unemployment is higher than it should be. way too many black people are living on the streets. in another decade, will there still be black folks in san francisco? that's the question we're all battling with. so today, we dedicate this award to the black lives matter movement and the people whose shoulders we stand on and to those who are still bought and unbought. to the city we not only helped to make build but we helped to make famous. thank you. >> congratulations. and colleagues, before we move on. i would like to remind colleagues that we have a long list of other honor ris so if we can, move it right along and keep it at five months. at this time, i will recognize supervisor tang. >> thank you very much. again, it's always a positive to take a minute from our work and acknowledge some really great community members. i would like to recognize lieutenant erika from the san francisco fire department. although erika is not wearing red today, her department is often associated with red so i think we can still continue the theme. she is a native of san francisco. she grew up in the fillmore district and joined the san francisco fire department in 1957. she has been apart of the new york for short team and trained thousands of how they can better be prepared in the event of an emergency. i want to also take time to acknowledge the chief who is here. thank you for taking time out of your business day to be here. she has not only trained thousands of people who i mentioned, but also in addition to that, people who are inert graduates, she has provided opportunity for them to improve their skills. because of her, our office was inspired to take the new york training course. on thursday, we're graduating with about 80 other residents in this course. the class is full. mary c who is the center of john c who is the board of our supervisor staff and all of the teachers there have made it such an entertaining but engaging class for us to learn more about emergency preparedness. i know often times in san francisco or even anywhere, but even in our earth quake time in san francisco, we often take for granted what can happen to us until it's too late. in fact, many of our supervisors here have been responding to lots of fires in our districts and it highlights how important it is if we can take care of ourselves in an emergency, it allows our fire departments to take care of bigger emergencies that are happening. so i'm incredibly grateful for all the work she has done in our community. i do have to acknowledge that someone in the front row is a huge cheerleader of yours, paul mason of the mayor's office was actually erika's prom date in high school. so i know she has huge roots back here in san francisco. we're so lucky to have you in our community. thank you for inspiring our community. we really hope other neighbors in san francisco will take on the responsibility in learning how to take care of themself so they can better help in emergencies. so thank you for all that you do. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much supervisor tang and the entire board of supervisors. your support means so much. i appreciate being highlighted among the many people that are being honored today but i really want to take a moment to highlight the nork program itself. the nork program builds empowerment. i'm in people's living rooms to large halls to talk about the preparedness. it's very engaging and powerful for me to be able to travel all over the city where i was born and raised and lead this program. i'm really just a shepherd of something that's bigger than myself and to be able to reflect our city and i want to say here, here in advancing the diversity of our city and making sure we bring this important training to all of our community. i'm super supportive of you and your staff taking the training. it's really been fun. she highlighted but i want to second the instructors. that is other additional members that find it important to give this training. and lastly, i will just say there was a family in the castro district that was a victim of an arson fire. she took the training and i don't know how she had time but she e-mailed me. she said how the training made her feel empowered. in the middle of the night she felt like she knew what to do because she had had training and thank you so much for the honor. [applause] >> thank you. and congratulations. and at this time, colleagues, i need to cut in line. my honorries work in kids in and after school programs and they have definitely taken a break from far too long and need to get back to the african american art and culture complex. at this time, i want to bring forward richard and danielle from project level for black history month. project level is a music based after school program located in san francisco for youth ages 13 to 24. the program was started by well-known local rapper big rich who gained fame for his san francisco song which is still played at the 49er's game. big rich started the project level using his fame and industry connections to give hope in talent in the under served uth in the city. they were founded in 2012 and given the opportunity to record by the studio by none ore than the president and board of director. danielle and big rich came to me and as natives of the neighborhood, they wanted to do something to give back. they had really a vision and they made this vision come to life. i'm so glad of not only the work that they've done but the consistency. they treat these young people like they're family. they have developed the skills of many young artists, singers, rappers and also producers. there's a lot of pieces to the music industry. one of their producers louie v is now signed to universal records that produces record for many rappers, many of which i can't pronounce the names of. now that i'm older, i don't really listen to rap music as much. however, the classics are my thing. >> yeah. >> since the organization in april of 2012, they have impacted the lives of over many lives throughout san francisco. one for producing which is pretty amazing, three staring alongside curtis, the song of notorious b i g. some of their students traveled to lass angry less for a career expedition and college tour and they developed p diddy's music channel and three of their students auditioned for next top model and america's got talent. they believe in giving back. i have seen many of their pontiac on instagram where they come together and pack up bag lunches and they come together to hand out tloufrns individuals. they do believe in giving back and i know sadly, some of the young people in the program are dealing with some of their own issues with housing in san francisco. so the fact that they are spending time to support other individuals in this way is truly amazing. they have performed at many events including one of their students who performed last night at city hall for the black history month event that supervisor cohen and i hosted. they participate in city cleaning up. they have been doing this for years with cleaning up and they collaborated for the annual silence the violence k. project level is not just a music program. it builds character, responsibility, compassion, work ethic and big rich and danielle and their two beautiful daughters are here today. in my opinion, it is the kind of program that should be duplicated all over the place. again, project level is not just a program. project level is a family. and all of the young people who participate in project family, i know, see big rich as their mom and dad because the phone calls for some of the challenges these kids face. sometimes they don't have a family to go to. and so this music and the work that you all are doing in our community is changing lives. i'm just so proud that as you grew up in the western edition, you grew up in fillmore and you basically rolled up your sleeves and wanted to see cheng in the community and you have definitely become the change we want to see. so today on behalf of the board of supervises, we honor you and commend you. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you. thank you, very much. i definitely won't need the two minutes cause you just summed up everything. first and foremost, thank you to you and supervisor cohen for allowing us to be a part of that great event last night. i'm looking forward to next year and the year after that. that was amazing. i'm just grateful to be able to be in the position to give back to the community i grew up in. and to be acknowledged for it is just the use on the cake. i-love it. i really believe in nobody gave me the opportunity when i was young, i wouldn't be able to do it and it's my duty to help the generations going on and on. next, they will be the new program director and director when we're done and running this show if they got time because they do a lot of other stuff, too. they'll figure it out. i'm just grateful to beage acknowledged for something we really have a passion for. is thank you. [applause] >> okay. back to my official duties. supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam president. colleagues, today, i have the privilege of recognizing the amazing denise brier as my honorry for black history month. come on up. [applause] >> so i think many of us have known for many, many years in the community but maybe don't know the back story on this pretty terrific one. she is the youngest of four children born in sacramento. she attended the university of pacific and stock on the and she came to us in the bay area where she's lived for the last 20 years and has two daughters, age 22 and 26. bebeis a multi facetted entertainer. she's been an entertainer for about a decade now. i've seen her many, many times and it never gets old. she has hosted and promoted over hundreds of night life events really participating in a deep way in the night life community, in particular the lg b t night life community in san francisco. i know we're all working very hard to make sure the night life survives and tliefs in this community. a song that addresses the freedom that we all should be who we are without conformity. she has performed on various stages across the u.s where she performed with diana rate of speed. she paid tribute to diana ross in her one woman's show with love. in all of with love as well as opposing h i v/aids stigma, a recent example is when she joined the health lead of san francisco drag queens for the my name is facebook policy for that work. thank you. i want to recognize someone else who is here as well who played a key role. she believes our strength is dependent upon the development of our youth. i know you do an enormous amount of work in making sure our lg b t opportunity is a part of our community. she's a part of the organization in san francisco which has celebrated 50 years in the san francisco. she held the title of ms. gay of 2008 in san francisco. she has been recognized and honored by the california state senate by bra virginia theatre and by s f pride with the community grand marshall two years ago. we had the highlight of honoring the mutual investor in bravo theatre which was a lot of fun. last october, she did the honor of serving as a celebrity judge with our great pumpkin carving with the kids and in the end, she declared all the kids were winners in her normal gracious way. i will say bebe, the lg b t community is an accomplished community is can be very tense sometimes. i will say the one thing among others that really sticks out in my mind about you, all of the things i know about you and i've seen you interact with people, i've never seen you be anything but absolutely nice and gracious and professional. even when you're fighting like crazy for something that is so important, you always do it in the absolute, most gracious way and you are a treasure in our community and we love you. so congratulations. thank you. [applause] >> okay. thank you sfrfrz wiener and to madam president and members of the board, thank you very much for this honor. i'm going to keep this very short cause i'm sure there's matters in the castro that i need to attend to. but this is something that's very important to me because i think on this particular day and for this particular honor for the black history month, i probably represent a different face than what you may have been used to seeing standing here receiving such an honor. and i think that goes to the city of san francisco as a whole, the diversity that's here in the city. and moving here to years ago i was a different person. the city allowed me to walk in my truth so to speak and for me to be the me i've become. and it's this person that i've become that has been able to give back to the community and hopefully an spoonerity circuit to the community as a whole. this is totally unexpected. i believe i do what i do because it needs to be done. it's plain and simple. and somebody has to do it and therefore, i'm going to do that. and you never expect to be honored for something that with question is something within your soul that you feel you need to do. but thank you again, scott, for giving me this honor. and thank you again for all of you, supervisor campos for also being there and asking me to participate in things in his district for things he thought i could be helpful with also. supervisor cohen has had me in bay view point as well. thank you for recognizing me and the diversity in the gay community and again, i thank you for that. [applause] >> the paparazzi are here. congratulations. thank you. all right. so at this time, i will recognize supervisor yee from district seven. >> thank you president breed. and also congratulations to all the honorries today. today when we had discussed this in my office of who we would like to honor and the focus for us was who in the community has really impacted

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Sacramento , California , Virginia , Bay View , Richmond District , San Francisco , America , American , Diana Ross , Elise Ya Garz , Elise Ya Garza , David Campos , Paul Mason ,

© 2024 Vimarsana © 2020. All Rights Reserved.