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Children and seniors and people at the low income or have had just a whole multiple endorses to situations in neighborhoods than in other easier we need to focus on those. I dont want to 0 speak for Nicole Schneider but the april presentation that was clear especially two slides that were right from the top even before you talked about educational engineering and enforcement that is really important with what you said and be explicit or more didnt you know it is really important to speak that. I agree were utilizations to seeing the slides it is good to keep pitting it in there each time so i appreciate that feedback. Actually, i was going to ask as well about a point that Nicole Schneider brought up the 26 miles versus supervisor kim to a minimum of streets. I want to. Clarify that point. Absolutely and again, this is an example of the snapshot were going to 26 miles understanding i think tom mentioned before certain roads have a resolve it didnt need 26 miles of concrete but 26 miles of treatment so, etc. It depends on the need for that treatment so i want to be clear up front it is a treatment that gets us to the corridors i appreciate the pressure from the advocate group obviously we can do more the least one we can try to cross saying we do that anything above that would be great even better. Thank you so i just want to thank the level of work that went into this quarters meeting for vision zero it really feels like there is a lot important data and information and also some followup in terms of what weve actually be able to accomplish i want to say win a span of 9 months its incredible how much vision zero has infiltrated whether or not Bicycle Safety or not and hear over and over from all aspects the effective family and, of course, our city departments it is huge and going as a cohort as residents the Staff Members and elected folks in new york city to attend a conference saisz says a lot and cities around the world it is great to see how far weve come there is so much work to be done not a pat on the back but a lot of progress over the last 9 months im hoping now weve spent a lot of time on the Foundation Work the work will be accelerated in terms of the ground work i know in the next meeting so if we can get Common Feedback from the members of the public i want to dive a little bit more deeply into the Funding Sources it was great to have a birds and view the list but the additional revenue that will be coming in through prop a and b and how that will be impacting the work well be able to accomplish burn or around vision zero specifically than the larger items since this is a body of the Transportation Authority specifically the prop k request that will support the vision zero policy i know ive brought this up through kind of prep he meetings in preparation of today is here i am looking at case studies of projects that have begun really well and basically how that was possible and case study of a challenging project that is not saying offering this is the fault of this and that but for policymakers it is helpful to understand why a project happens quickly and successful and why a project is not quick and successful i want to reiterate what i heard from staff it is clear that Pedestrian Safety or the pedestrian mode is the highest mode and vision zero is hoping us to prioritize Capital Projects and sfmta and others it is important we look at projects within our districts to make that our highest value we have so many constituents whether Small Business owners or drivers pedestrians kinds of the cyclists sometimes we get lost trying to represent all interests and one cohort is not satisfied it is important were consistent when we look at vision zero as our policy permit it is for our constituents whether the improvement promotions or hope street were making good decisions this is our highest value and best for the city supervisor wiener. Thank you and thank you, again, for the presentation that was helpful the in terms of what we might want to see at the next quarterly meeting mr. Maguire you mentioned the possible changes in the state law it might be good to have a presentation on the changes and ill courage you to think broadly on outside the box we were very grateful state legislation that are pro transit and pro pedestrian Street Safety i think we could make headway. Thank you any other comments director chang. Thank you, supervisor kim and thank you sfmta i wanted to recognize all the hard work that went into todays meeting and accident sfmta Harvey Milk Club and task force and the partner agrees 9 months into it the launch vision zero effort it is tremendous to see the deep cultural change and the policy leadership as apartments beyond you the board and mayor into the departments and through our staff i believe were more aligned than ever as supervisor kim challenged us to deliver open a multiple front in 2015 i think one comment and observation ill make is that in many of the challenges in the project delivery process are kind of invisibly to people some of the improvements are somewhat hard to grasp their intable but very meaningful i want to call out some of the things they relate to leadership every staff member is a learn in their work every Community Member is a leader working with our staff helping us to think outside the box and outreach approaches in vooifr the program and some of the policies and the tools and the joint training proms youre starting to see i know the Partner Sessions between Historic Preservation and sfmta working on coordinated improvements well bring back to you next year in addition to 9 protective program thank you for your presentation. Thank you oh, one other it will be great to see aspects of the curriculum well be urging for the large Vehicle Driver program okay seeing no further comments thank you so much to sfmta i know that sfmta was not here today really looking forward to the outcomes and the work over the next couple of months and continue to stay in Close Partnership let us know what we can do. Mr. Clerk. New items seeing none. Public comment. So at this point well open up for general Public Comment seeing none, well close general Public Comment is closed. Item 7 Public Comment. Seeing no Public Comment well close item 7. Item 8 adjournment. Thank you. Were adjourned p we came to seven straight about 10 years ago. 7th street about 10 years ago. The environment is huge. It is stronger than willpower. Surrounding yourself with artists, being in a culture where artists are driving, and where a huge amount of them is a healthy environment. You are making it safer. Push, push. That is better. When i start thinking, i see it actually sometimes, i do not see it but when i do, it is usually from the inside out. It is like watching something being spawned. You go in, and you begin to work excavate play with the dancers, and then things began to emerge. You may have a plan that this is what i want to create. Here are the ideas i want to play with, but then you go into the room and there maybe some fertile ideas that are becoming manifest that are more interesting than the idea you had initially set out to plan. So there has to be this openness for spontaneity. Also, a sense that regardless of the deadline, that you have tons of time so the you can keep your creativity alive and not cut it off and just go into old habits. It is a lot like listening. Really listening to watch what is going to emerge. I like this thing where you put your foot on his back. Lets keep it. Were your mind is is how you build your life. If you put it in steel or in failure it works. That works. It is a commitment. For most artists, it is a vacation and a life that they have committed themselves to. There is this notion that artists continue to do their work because of some kind of the external financial support. If that was taken away, artists would still do their art. It is not like there is a prerequisite for these things to happen or i will not do it. How could that be . It is the relationship that you have committed to. It is the vocation. No matter how difficult it gets, you are going to need to produce your art. Whether it is a large scale or very small scale. The need to create is going to happen and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. Absence. So with that, just a couple little reminders, first of all happy new year to everyone. This is our first meeting of 2015 as a reminder we ask that everyone turn off any soundproducing devices, so that they do not go off during the meeting. And that you take any secondary conversations outside. You will have commissioner buell three minutes . Three minutes. You will have three minutes for Public Comment on each item. If you would like to make comment on an item that is not on the agenda, that is item 4, and it will be continued again at item 14, as we only allow 15 minutes under

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