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Share cars are backed by Visitacion Valley money and Venture Capital that may have some interests on the board you represent the public interests and its not in the interests of people getting injured and not being able to sue on the basis the driver carries no insurance Ride Share Companies carry no insurance and people can be hurt for the rest of their arrives you have a responsibility i challenge you. Any more speaker cards. Moving on to the consent calendar if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Ive not received a Public Notice to sever my is there a motion . Second all in favor, say i. Opposed . Not is have it thank you. Okay directors moving on to the regular calendar a presentation discussion regarding incorporating the seawall rise into San Francisco. So mr. Chair theres been a lot of work by a number of city agencies to start to get their arms around Sea Level Rise what we need to be thinking about and planning for and doing about it theyve completed a body of work and have came first to the capitalized Planning Committee and now to a difference of committees and boards around the city like the Public Utilities commission to share the results of that work and to get all the commissions the relevant commissions up to speed so Greg A Raphael from our finance team was a the mtas planter and joined by david from the puc from the disburse are you of sealing Sea Level Rise to catch you up. The guru. Well start with a prayer larva i thank you ed and director nolan im david the compliment Program Director at the Public Utilities commission the chair of the Sea Level Rise committee a brief overview and the guidance for the Sea Level Rise into the capitalized committee that we adapted on september 22nd the mayor got us start action over a year ago and asked us to organize the effort to accommodate the rise particularly when it comes to the infrastructure that we manage in San Francisco across all departments weve not been doing nothing but starting to think about the Sea Level Rise the mayor wants us on the same page and the same science this was our goal to adapt this we have a framework for providing an overview of today the context for this work included a number of regulatory initiatives out of state and local bodies the state of california published its second or 0 third publication that was giving an overview and the California Coastal commission drafted the regulations on Sea Level Rise to look at the permanent applicant and those are in draft form and the Conservation Commission was doing their planned amendment in 2011 were starting to accommodate their science in their overview so we wanted to do was to make sure were ahead of the curve and not behind it in regularly ourselves which is eventually on to decreeing question we had 13 people from a broad range of departments like infrastructure and had a couple of the top consultant working on the Sea Level Rise that led to the effort on the puc and the airplane respectfully we have it number of things we did from inks stand still to adapted guidance in 3 hundred and 60 days we met in december 2013 what is the case of the Climate Change we did a deep dive into the science i wont bore you this is the end result of that it is a consensus for 3 different years with you,es plan a them we meet the assets for the go management and to say in short because theres uncertainty not about whether Sea Level Rise is happening we have to look at a range of a particular moment in time the shorthand way to look at the 11 of the 250 most likely a rift relative term and 24 inches or two feet as the outer bound or upper abstained of what science thinks i think is the worst case somewhere that is what were asking people to prepare for the likely and the worse case because with we know know what is going to happen so giving this kind of fracture is important for practical underground spending for taxpayer money for resilience and adaptation Sea Level Rise is not only the one thing. The natural phenomena this is a table this was taken from the arts project adapting the natural tides that the b c has adapted weve adapted this for our purposes what this means if you came back o take any Sea Level Rise take the water above that for whatever storm if you look at the say level rise of 24 hundred and look at it what the king tied on our shoreline is 12 inches or a foot this means that well get 48 inches from the mean highlevel about 2 times a year thats when the king tides happen if you look at a 10 year storm of and add that youll get 63 inches of total water when the seas have risen 36 inches above today and finally, theres the one hundred year storm is an important Insurance Program this is about 41 inches i have elevation of water so if you look at the one hundred jr. Storm you get 77 inches that we need to be prepared for the keys difference in the storm sunday morning the Sea Level Rise is permanent and storm surge is temporary i guidance lays out it was intended to be a house to guide to respond to the champions its fairly complicated so we tried to make it as how to as much as possible federal and state this is an oil that oils the step the first, the review of science and thinking about the life recycle of our assets in the life cycle and to assess the vulnerability of your assets and third to look at risk normally we think of the likelihood of consequence that is important the Climate Change is not a quantifyable thing you cant say its or 50 percent well trying but were not there so consequence tends to be the most important part of the risk how significant if this assets is taken out of service it is tended to be a prioritization plan so were going to invest first in this and finally the adaptation to create the results so the guidance tries to step everybody through that step by step and 10 eventually you get to implementation and monitoring our success that is intended to be incorporated in the field plan thats why our focus was on those 4 issues the deeper dive on the assessment briefly we dont want it to be bureaucratic so those can fall out easy if youre note imposed then you propose out if youre not sensitive to innovation if its not going to harm anything like potentially a road you dont need to spend a lot of people e money it can get unwet in the case of a storm and finally the adaptive capacitate misunderstood it means basically, if you adapt to a certain finding of say level rise today in this case what capacity do we have to adapt again in thirty or 50 or 75 years when we know a lot more in the year of 25 hundred what kinds of things that need to happen today and can wait a few decades when we can invest in a more informed way two tools were provided to the planners this is a practice on the ground deal one a check list engineers love check lists were asking folks to fill out the steps in a ortened form to explain you know all the steps and the steps were talking to looking at look at a particular asset where its located and heading into design in terms of sea level rice rise and the part people love the motion the innovation maps for 3 different scenarios in the year 25 hundred this is port part of our highest resolution illustration of one meter to generate the elevations there are hydraulic in that water cant move into an area and finally perhaps those maps should what happens if we do nothing under 36 inches of rice plus king tied plus a hundred year floold flood this is the kind of thing if we do nothing that helps us to understand where the vubltd is thank you good afternoon mr. Raphael. Good afternoon director nolan and ill give you a brief overview how we take the steps that it is old and apply it to our internal plans so right now the chart on your screen were conducting a Vulnerability Assessment the steps that david outlined were assembling all the data both the updated Sea Level Rise data and the data on all our assets i hope to have that completed by early next year then well be able to look at all the assets that are potentially in trouble and screen out the ones that are not and determine the incredible issue then well be able to determine what kinds of adaptation measures may or may not be needed well be working closely with our partnerships partners like bart and other transportation folks to help us plan those measures again to have the Vulnerability Assessment around the middle of next year to prioritize the dangerous and identify Funding Sources for those as well thats all we have for i today and well happy to answer questions. Thank you really interesting and important stuff are we working with other jurisdictions you mentioned everybody around the bay what other kinds of impacts do we have on a impact. You know that is secretly part of what were doing we start by getting our own house in order sfusd has the biggest link to another issues but we Share Communications with bart pea what what we are doing to circulating accident guidance of the presentation the one i gave to the charge Group Coastal hazards and resilience something laughter i cant remember the acronym by one hundred and 25 staff across the bay area focused an flooding and Sea Level Rise and weve gotten a number of inquires about that you know my hope is that if this is indeed a first in the nation guidance a recent article called it then potentially others might want to emulate our approach and that will help in planning other than when we get a bar curve here were less likely to be regulated and i actually as the regulations take shape those are a healthy thing. Members of the board. Thank you. This is a map for the terrifying information its scary were taking steps to take care of this and what happens to transportation like in new york just reading about the measures they had to go to keep their system no specific questions this is just an important work to do im glad were doing it and addressing this so thank you very much. One particular question on the 20 one hundred most likely whats the great land what does that say. The green light. What. The green session are areas below the indication level but no pathway for them to get this the historic bathtub water thats not real. This slide is intended to show as little as possible laughter but the big guys. Have the giants seen our map. I havent talked to pablo directly but the Mission Creek project is a pilot look at expanded actively the kinds of adaptation for the most kind of vulnerable areas which is Mission Creek so the giants have been part of that and a lot of priority folks when we see the results from that study it p will be interesting they wont be recommending adaptation options specifically but generally taking on that question. So the more serious obviously the ball park is an important thing and the giants own it but if i look at that map it seems like this is the area around the ball park is the most vulnerable and i couldnt tell from the map is the area that will be the entrance is to the new tunnel for the central subway in the danger zone the notion of water coming out a subway tubule not being simplistic but the asset that came to my mind was that subway line. Yeah. I think both of our east side portlands as well as the subway portal if you look at the deepest scenario would be very will impacted the other key areas along the embarcadero but as well as metro the metro east facility and this is a facility you see on the map the other effected areas and the facilities are near or on and in terms of the portlands that i think those speak to along with the city assets what Global Solutions there might be in terms of addressing the seawall the seawall was built in saucers stages by one hundred years ago it was maintained by the port and its not invested in the upkeep of the seawall even absent Sea Level Rise its accommodated under a seismic event so some of the deep discussions with a renewed focus on what we as a city are going to be doing with the seawall were not independently protecting a seawall by our trains have to get through the solution of some of those will solve the problem for many of the citys assets and private assets will have to be done at the citywide level with regards to the seawall well look at seated specific solutions for example, metro east well contemplate expanding eastward with the new process in place as we start developing that new project what kinds of measures to protect the expanded facility and maybe by expanding the Sea Level Rise destine it from the start the portals when i saw those two years ago my to thought was the ferry portal with the new portal will be significant points. I mean it makes i glad our Electricity Supply is up top and not below like bart that is primarily the system shut down with the water and electrical route but if i can indulge for one other question what happens to Treasure Island in this somewhere. The ti is actually. We have a bus route out there so its a quasi legitimate question. We have i call a robust attempt to deal with Sea Level Rise they used the previous guidance that included findings like 16 inches in the years 2050 and Sea Level Rise with the dpamgsz approach to that allowed for the resilience through the years 20060 i believe with levies on the outside and a lot of soil complicated on the inside for the stormwater movement and then substantially a funding stream to deal with the management approach what will happen between 2050 and 20060 when we know more and im not up on the deals exactly whats happening today but 81 ti and the shipyard have a attack on what was understood before. Director ramos. Im grateful you guys have started this work is it critically important were prepared for the worst my own experience looking at the Transit System and talking to people that have gone through the stuff that things that stands out in my murder in the first degree the katrina that had the surges they didnt have a protocol in place a lot of their stock it was underwater because they didnt have a plan to move the vehicles out of the way and im wondering i suspect near Fishermans Wharf this will take into account that kind of analysis and figure out a plan that responses to it or creates an action plan theyll be able to follow up on did that sound right. Yes. This is good stuff im encourage you to be thinking about the importance that bicycles played in the storm sunday morning up in Hurricane Sandy and how important it was when the whole city shut down everybody was getting around on bicycles i want to include bicycles in some sort of a plan to help people to get around where its folks in our own corridor i want to make sure were thinking about that as a potential response to help fill the gap once were or when or if we become be disabled. It the association of bay area government involved in this process. Theyve been one of the 4 regional agencies that directed the joint policy committee to work on adaptation bay area wise the j p d did a broad survey of whats happening they have a Resilience Institute it addresses the adaptation mr. Larkin well see where that comes out and water a transportation is an issue and other issues are focus areas of the joint policy committee so, yes. Im concerned about water situations in the cross multiple jurisdiction lines like palo alto and they dont have a great history of cooperating and hopefully thatll theyll do something the problem solving. Were getting more and more attention from folks like fema and the army core theyre all will trying to Work Together because some of the issues are not local. Any other questions. I appreciate the presentation. Mr. Chair no one has indicated an interest and nobody coming down with the solicitation of the closed session that includes the information today. Thank you for letting me adjourn the meeting in memory of mr. Daily good afternoon, everyone. Everyone welcome to city hall the hall of the San Francisco giants. Yeah. clapping. well, today, we have an important piece of legislation to be signed let me begin at the outset this is a movement going on in the city called the sharing economy something that not only have we been watching with the roll of technology and the abilities to connect people you up to an time information and resources and the ability to connect with more and more people but taking place in our city and cities across the country is a movement called the shared economy that is based on a simple understanding that in order to be successful if america you dont have to own everything as i gripe as a child of 6 kids in the city of seattle i had to share i learned quickly i couldnt own sometimes even my own pair of socks that

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