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Get the names of the businesses that are using those inventory systems. I think thats how they find out for some, you know i dont know how theyd find out. You can buy a pos system from amazon. Theres no government registration [multiple voices] in terms of we can ask the department of public health. I mean, ive given them those list of questions to present to you but reiterated. So, but again, its been in this last year that weve been contacted by Small Businesses that give you the example of the hair salon. Right. She use he a certain pos system and, so, i think thats common in that industry. She has 10 products. You know, there is not a high use of inventory for her to keep track of and for her customers to keep track of in terms of what the price of the goods are. Were contacted by a couple retailers in hayes valley. So, you know, its a question of were looking at as a relatively, id say a relatively new regulation. So, it is completely separate from your unsecured property tax. Okay, all right, thank you. Any other commissioners . Questions . Comments . Thank you, [speaker not understood]. For your presentation, well done. Thanks. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, commissioner . Next item. Next item, commissioners, is the directors report and in your packet is the directors report. There is not anything new to report in terms of city programs, initiatives. I would like to let you know that the Small Business Leadership Group that meets quarterly with the mayor has been meeting with the Contract Monitoring Division and the office of contract administration, and today we met i joined them meeting with Ben Rosenfield and naomi kelly to take a look at ways to increase and improve local purchasing with Small Businesses. And i do know that there is i think supervisor david chiu is looking at doing some revisions to the 14 b ordinance and also the mayor and naomi kelly reported back a couple months ago, have done have conducted some outreach workshops to lbes to get their recommendations on ways of which to improve and make it easier for lbes, sbes to do business with the city. The formula retail, so, the planning heard both of the items at the thursday, july 17th meeting. The Planning Commission is going to continue to support the Planning Departments recommendations around the number of entities that will trigger formula retail. And at this point i think there will be two kind of parallel pieces of legislation for the board of supervisors, then, to finally bring together. The Planning Department formally introduced their ordinance last week and, so, technically this should come back before the commission and i will, you know, let me know if youd like to hear it again. If you dont, you dont have to. But thats to decide in the next week or two. And then i have a list of recently introduced legislation that should be coming before you at our next Commission Meeting and then a status of different pieces of legislation that was heard by the commission, though the commission did not hear the interim zoning controls around landmark buildings and pdr. But since this was the topic thats was brought up as a matter of concern, just to let you know that that item, the mayor has signed that into law last week, i believe. And then lastly, i just want to report that we now have our 10th our second 10th staff member [speaker not understood], and she started last tuesday. So, as of today we have now opened the office back to full Service Counter hours monday through friday, 8 00 to 5 00. And theres no updates on any particular workshops or presentation that staff is conducting. With that, thats it for now. Thank you, regina. Any questions for regina . [speaker not understood]. Next item. Next item is the president s report, but we do not have president adams here. So, that will continue on to the next meeting. Item number 7 is the Vice President s report. Nothing to report at this time. Item number 8, commissioners reports. Commissioners . [speaker not understood]. Okay, next item. Item number 9, general Public Comment. This allows members of the public to comment generally on all matters within the commissions purview, and suggest new agenda items for the commissions future consideration. Is there any member of the public that would like to make a general comment . Seeing none. We are now on item number 10, new business. This allows commissioners to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the commission. Commissioner dooley. Id like to bring up a situation at the San Francisco flower market. As you know, i am a florist and there is concern among the tenants of the flower market and the florist community in terms of ensuring that there would be no interruption of this business which is not only a 90 million a year pdr, but that also doesnt include the at least 500 Small Businesses that are florists in this town that rely on an uninterrupted flow of goods and services in someplace that can be reached conveniently. So, both vendors and florists have asked me to bring this to our attention in terms of working with the with them to make sure that there are a number of possibilities that could come up, relocating people all to one area, is the type of industry that needs to have everyone in the same place. They are concerned about rents being raised once the new Office Building is in. Theyre concerned about lack of parking. Theyre concerned about construction interruptions. And, so, you know, this is a major Small Business industry and i feel very strongly that we need to get together with the tenants and florists to work out what the possible mitigationses are going to be and make sure that this goes forward in a way that does not impact this major pdr business in San Francisco. Were the secondlargest flower market in california and one of the largest in the united states. So, its not a small thing to be messing with these people. What is the plan for the property . It has been sold. The first half the flower market has two Market Street, one traditionally known as the italian market which is in the front, and then in the back there is the traditional japanese market. The italian market has been sold to a developer to build offices. And this is this is a lot of vendors that are inside. And even though theyre making comments about making sure that it wont get rid of the flower market as i say, this is an industry that is open every day that cannot afford interruptions to their industry. And, you know, as a major employer of middle class people in this town, they are very concerned because obviously no one was notified. None of the tenants it opens early, right . That represents a potential conflict where this industry meets residential and office well, is a Residential Development going to go in, mixed use . I dont know if its mixed use or not. But as it is, for example, the parking area for the flower market is extremely limited and is very hard even during holidays to get people in and out. So, basically we just need to look at working with with everyone before the building starts. Is it zoned pdr . It is pdr. How many tenants there are 100 tenants in the one thats been sold. Then you can say that represents each business has anywhere from 2 to 20 employees. These are all fairly well paid middle class positions. Apparently the japanese market is teetering on whether they will be sold. The last part of the market is zoned by the sabatinis and they already said they want to sell their property and build an Office Building. So, were looking at hundreds and hundreds of jobs. And not only that, as i say, an industry where i know myself as a florist, we go there every day. We dont just go there at 2 oclock in the morning. Its the type of ondemand business that you go when you need something. And, you know, theres a lot of concerns. This is an industry we do not want to see leaving San Francisco. So, maybe we can is there some is there someone who would be informed enough to come present to us about what the whats happening there and what the likely scenarios are . Right now not yet, but i just wanted to bring this to the attention, that everyones listening, and its all drifting. The deal with the sale of the italian the italian market apparently will close by the end of the year. But what were looking for is to get a jump on knowing what the accommodations because i mean, if theyre going to be building a major building where there is a onestory building right now, this is going to create a huge disruptions and displacement. Right, but rather than speculate on this here because we can do this all day, i think there is an action item to deliver to staff, and that is to see if we cant identify a person or persons who have some, you know, maybe its a couple of difficult reerthctionv people. Someone from planning, someone from even the present landlords or the new landlords so that we can have a presentation as to what the proposals are. ~ different any proposal would have to go through planning. Right. So, i think we if we can get out ahead of letting planning know that we have another situation coming, not unlike Showplace Square situation where we have an area that is zoned pdr that were attempting to preserve the pdr uses there, and understand what the potential threats to that might be and whether there you know, what the potential outcomes are. So. Well, i think we should be in contact with the buyer, the developer. Okay. Lets put it to staff to find out. [multiple voices] there are a number of people ask for a presentation. Just one last question. Has there been any communication with the Supervisors Office at all . No. Okay. Yeah, lets let the supervisor know as well. Thats who kim. Thats in district 6 . Okay. Brannan and sixth. Yeah. Commissioner dwight. Yes, i have some new business id like to propose. I would like to propose that we schedule a presentation from the San Francisco super bowl 50 Host Committee at the chamber of commerce. We recently heard from keith bruce who is the ceo of that committee, and they are establishing a formal outreach for Small Business to try and identify Business Opportunities for small and local businesses, the two being not necessarily the same. And, so, they have a presentation. I think we should reach out to them and ask them to come may or may not be keith bruce, but someone from his office, and hopefully we can get do a little bit better than we did with the americas cup on this one. So, its a big event and its not too far away. All right. [speaker not understood]. Any other new business . Also we need contact information. I think you already did. Seeing none, next item. All right, item number 11 is adjournment. Do we have move to adjourn. Second. And it is 3 25. The meeting is adjourned. [adjourned] good morning and welcome to the San Francisco Transportation Authority. Monthly meeting im scott wiener the vice chair of the Transportation Authority ill be chairing todays meeting because our chair supervisor avalos was unable to be here our clerk is erica chang thank you to Jessie Larson and jennifer lowe. Madam clerk call roll supervisor avalos absent. Supervisor breed. Supervisor campos. Absent. Supervisor chiu. Supervisor cohen. Supervisor farrell. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar absent. Supervisor tang. Supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. We have quorum. Thank you. Item number 2 item 2 approval of the meeting of the june 24th. Can you have is a motion to approve the june 24th Meeting Minutes and can we same house, same call . You want to well take a roll call. On item Public Comment. Public comment on the minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed. If you have Public Comment please come forward you dont need to raise your hand man has only the sole purpose even if existence no matter what is the position in life all pertains to the wholly mission. Everywhere in time and in status thank you. Okay is there any additional Public Comment on item two the minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk call roll supervisor avalos absent. Supervisor breed. Supervisor campos absent. Supervisor chiu. Supervisor cohen. Supervisor farrell. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar absent. Supervisor tang. Supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. That item passes thank you item number 3. Item 3 the chairs report an informational item. Ill be providing this report on behalf of the supervisor avalos. Fall first of all, thank you to the board of supervisors for unanimously voting to place the 500 million for transportation on the ballot it is tremendously important to invest in the transportation for all modes of transportation across the city is will learning four or five times the value for recreational fined for example, the metropolitan Transportation Committee will consider exploring the new local transportation revenues that includes the Transportation One day the restoration of the vehicle license fee we hope will go into the ballot in 2016 those recreational and state partnerships will help with the investment that is necessary to move our city forward. Speaking of partnerships thank you to the california transportation state bryan kelly for leading the transportation and caltrain staff to tour San Franciscos project last prei was pleased to join with the mayor and supervisor mar to receive the Ferry Building we began a tour of the embarcadero freeway roadway with its Trolley Service along the sidewalk and we toured the Transit Center that will provide transit access to replace the access from the last facility and weve going to move forward. The Group Continued along Market Street to learn will the car sharing and bike sharing as well as the van ness bus Rapid Transit they finished the site of the two freeway parcels that will provide one thousand units of housing 50 percent affordable housing. Looking this is transforming the city to be more liveable and sustainable there are addresses to our landscape thank you to all the leaders for participating in this productive day well not be meeting in august due to the next recess and the next is the 23rd my Public Comment on item 3 you can just come in up you dont need to raise your hand. Spirituality transit in the upper level. Chief content sky after lower level two levels is there any additional Public Comment on item 3 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk item 4 item 4 the executive directors report on informational item. Thank you, ms. Chang. Thank you for your attention to this month well have great pro tem developments on the federal side last between us the house of representatives is k3e789d to vote on this this week the president will be willing to support a short time to transform the fund and some folks in the senate are hoping to keep pressure on the congress and the president to reach a long term bill this is incomes for the infrastructure to avoid a shut down of the multi transit that are funded by 11 billion of highway projects were pleased of this development and hope to see it before the end of the month so the projects can avoid demobilizing our infrastructure this is the president Obama Initiative to encourage the project delivery much appreciated as far as the federal governments roll to support the privatepublic partnership through the 0 program we benefit in San Francisco suck as you the loan on the ideally project and the transbay project were hoping to see more financing clurd through the federal Railroad Association on the stateside were seeing nor o more details after the budget in the keep that in mind program for the high speed rail transit as well as affordable housing. Details are emerging were going to track them it looks like m t c will be it looks like the state will be looking money to help influence and provide input as well as streamline the funds looktsd at the state level this is going to be a new way of working together and continue to find ways to keep the Administration Process efficient they take a lot of work and a lot of back and forth and make sure this is a quick decision. Next week on the 31st ill be traveling to san diego to meet with the other agencies to propose a challenge grant and tools so we can have stronger transportation projects emerging from the cap trade program. Supervisor wiener mentioned the invest by secretary kelly was a fabulous way to show off our corridors and thank you to the deputy secretary kate white one of our local leaders had is at the state level shes arranged a lot of the events. On Treasure Island is couple yubts we wanted to appreciate tom for offering one of our clean up legislations to help to function as a trl and as the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency we appreciate his help and marks help. In addition weve applied for a federal grant a proposal to insure we have a strong outreach and technical outreach for Treasure Island weve applied for an

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