Transcripts For SFGTV 20140806 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20140806

Fees thats a recent development in our housing manage jeff white can provide you with the details its fitting were here to bring the final Gap Financing for this incredible project and the two developers are cdc related partnerships were glad to bring this back and so with that, jeff our housing manager good afternoon. Im happy to be here to present this request for a Housing Project on mission bay boulevard also known as as Mission Bay South block west. The request today is for the gap funding which includes for Construction Funding for 16. 7 excuse me. 16,759,000 that wraps the 2 million predevelopment funding that was previously approved and 17. 5 million for construction. I realize youve recently seen the Schematic Design and approved it conditioning but i want to refresh our memory on some of the block 7 approvals. It has a relatively long history. In november 2005 and march into custody ucsf entered into the d da to develop of the Affordable Housing at its own expense by certain date in june 2011 the citywide Loan Committee approved the funding for block 7 west. Then in june 2013 ucsf decided it wouldnt have Affordable Housing on block 7 and paid liquidated damages for block east. In 2013, the Commission Approved the 20 million in predevelopment funding. Then in december 2013 of the ocii Commission Approved the assignment of the ucsf d da to block 7 partners which has director bohe mentioned is consisting of Chinatown Community development center. In january of 2014 the department of finance approved the assignment and in january of 2014 the commission then continually approved the Schematic Design. More recently in june 2014 the citywide Affordable Housing Loan Committee approved the 16 million president hasz plus for the development of block 7 west. In and again as director bohe mention last week ucsf paid their liquidated damages in the liquidated affordable fee for the development of block 7 west. As a refresher theres a location map its a little bit small hopefully, youll see it block 7 west is outlined thats where the 2 hundred Affordable Housing units are going and block 7 east is where the family house is going to be going. A refresher on the lovely lovely dine those are a few images. The building itself consists of 2 hundred and thirty thousand square feet and a mikdz use of 10 thousand feet plus theres one and two two berms it will be four stories of housing over park the development will include a development and laundry room and fitness facility there will be a 28 thousand square feet kwashgd for private residents and their guests. The target population will be householders earning up to 50 and 60,000 call roll the medium income at ami is 61 thousand 800. 40 of the units will be for the householders at ami. I wanted to go over the occupancy preferences youve seen those before but it is somewhat unique as all the projects the certificate of preference holders has first priority. After that, they will be up to 25 percent of the units will be available to an applicant who is an employee of a public hire Education Institution located in San Francisco an applicant of an employee of a Health Care Institution located in San Francisco. The next priority for applicants currently living and working in San Francisco. And after that theres a priority for the members of the general public. The project financing is ken conventional theres the ocii gap funding and 4 percent tax quality and 4 percent bonds and a First Mortgage in a private bank and developer fee. The agreement that were requesting approval for today is an amended and restated Loan Agreement ive mentioned that wraps into the former 2 hundred 4 zero million in predevelopment funding and additional funding and Construction Funding. The terms of the loan 3 percent Interest Rate it has a 55 year term and has a residual term that is consistent with all our loans we do. The project is also going to a ground floor lease for 99 years. Ocii will remain the ownership of the lands and at the completion the transfer at completion again consistent with ocii assets will be transferring the land the ground lease to the Mayors Office of housing of the housing Community Development. The Mission Bay Citizens Advisory Council has been supportive of the block 7 west the cac is interested in the development that helps to support of the population that lives at block 7 west. Next and to take over the schedule. The sponsor is a planning on submitting an application to kidding lot and to the 10 percent bond in october of this year. In january of 2015 we apartment bringing the ground lewis to the ccii commission and in 2018 the board of supervisors will look at the bonds and in 2015 theyve closed and Start Construction. Also when we Start Construction well be reviewing the marketing plan had he inventing the marketing outreach. And the marketing outreach to help with getting folks ready for the c p holders to have them have time to apply and be able to be qualified to rent the units. We apartment the temporary certificate of occupancy in 2016 and achieving 90 percent occupancy in spring of had 2017 and closing out the project the contract staff is working with the Small Business requirements. Telling you thus far the developers have achieved a strong support and with gonzales architects its a filipino owned s g e. The developer is looking at forward to have the participation in the development phase. Today, the Developer Team is here and lisa grady and Whitney Jones from cac is here i want to ask the rest of the team to stand for a moment. Thank you very much. And with that, that that concludes my presentation. And were happy to answer any questions you may have thank you. Madam secretary do we have any speaker cards yes. One dr. Espanola jackson. Item 5 d. Excuse me. I dont want b but i will speak on it absolutely. I thought i was doing c im sorry baby something the man spoke about was affordability of housing i have a grave concern when you say affordable it affordable came out in the early 70s. With the Redevelopment Agency for those of us with sftsz we could come back into our community but we have one of the Staff Members whos name is olsen lee who is working out of the Mayors Office with Affordable Housing and i received and im very upset ive gone to the board of supervisors but it seems like no one haitis wants to investigate whats going on in the city how it it is it st. Possible that he as an individual staff will say what affordability is and the fact ive received a letter that, in fact, 2016 high certificate wouldnt be any good it was not the Mayors Office that set up the certificates it was the board of supervisors. And i dont understand how a staff have all this power especially you was the employee you now make decisions on those infrastructure now youre making decisions dealing with the affordability for the people those of us who live in San Francisco. Are dealing with the ami we dont make that kind of money here. You have people that comes out of the city in San Francisco those are the people that are counted as how much money is bag made in San Francisco it boo boo bothers me my tax money running out of San Francisco none of my people are working ive mentioned this before ive been a resident of bishop since 1948 and my income is less less then 12,000 a year im 8 percent 1 years old you have a one bedroom 48 or 55 thousand all of us have been here all our lives thats why i passed out the justification of black folk in San Francisco this is happening all over i was going to speak on that someone needs to checkout olsen lee and someone brought up the name of human rights. We bayview Hunters Point were the ones that pick up the mayor when the mayor of the city said i dont want you see you colored folks picketing in my city they met from 64 and they became a commission on the other hand, and guess who was the first director mayor ed lee and everything went on the shelf its a shame of what happened in this city and your time is up it hurts. Thank you you for your comments. Do we have any others speakers yes. Mr. Washington. Since in the recorded i want to not piggy back but what she said with you its observe shes mentioned olsen lee and mayor ed lee is lee Twin Brothers i go back to others lisa im losing any mind here but this is important it will be coming out in some of my notes my 25 year history how the city has a game change that dramatically changed with ed lee coming to be the mayor the history of mayor ed lee he was a lawyer and dealt with remained when jessie jack son came to town. Yes. I was back so there documenting things and here 15 or 20 years later hes the mayor he seemed like he dont care but the power Redevelopment Agency has been changed now with checks and balances but when i put out this case and all the people you will clearly see when you connection the dots of olsen lee i agree with dr. Jackson this man has become integral on the future of the africanamericans he may not be a minority but seems like he is forget about us he is the most powerful person controlling the housing, you know who the Mayors Office Affordable Housing this goes into the federal government he have to go to state and talk to governor jerry brown and i agree with dr. Jackson there needs to be investigation but dr. Jackson dont fear because as we walk those hauls we know the fbi is walking the halls theyre here they are here. Is thing we interesting have to bring the consciousness up here people that dont know about the city of San Francisco theyre saying that San Francisco is a city its a pity they come here and see whats going on although, the city weve been almost eliminated now ive got 17 seconds left we got all the community with the classes of complaining of something weve been complaining have been undermining in their inclusion from everything my history will show that thank you no other speaker cards. Well close the questioning. Commissioner singh. Yeah, you is all the housing about pay no longer thirty percent of their income. Thats right. Thirty percent thats a lot of money. I mean 50,000 income 50 or 15 thousand or 50 is going to the yearend thats how the rents are set and tagged we use the rents that the malice and Community Development publish on the hud rents. I agree with dr. Espanola jackson and it is going to be dollars building in the mission bay. Pardon me. The 40 some stories. 340 stories. No, no how many stories 40. 40 stories. Is that 4 stories. 4 story buildings yes. Thats not documented 4 story buildings. I could add regarding is affordability level for one bedroom that relents 980 its comparable to what we all know the San Francisco rents are for one bedroom are approaching 3 thousand or more. Thats good okay. I move this idea. I think commissioner mondejar. The target population do you have a marketing plan how to reach out to your target populations. We dont have a marketing plan yet but well have one at the time, we Close Construction and start the outreach to help people with readiness and so thrill be lazy an 18 month period having to ask consultants to get when the loiter happens for people to rise to the top and be ready to hopefully be eligible and be approved to rent. Unit there. Those are all rentals. Yes. Are we going to get an update on the certificate of classification. Will it be improved a lot better no. Were about to do a presentation on another item related to the fact and well touch deeper on the co p program. Certainly hass as part of the mou as the Mayors Office 90 days after project lisa is a report that the Mayors Office of housing i Community Development prepares we transfer it to the commission and, of course, the annual reporting on the overall marketing so the next meeting well check on how were all doing. We and im not sure youre the person to answer this but on attachment b weve received the names and the fees associated with the professional service containments on the project and im just wondering is it possible i think ive asked this before to have an identification of the m b e category by ethnicity so id like to be responsive to the concerns we hear that africanamericans are not working on or having access to contracting opportunities on our jobs based on the report weve received that is not an accurate assessment but if we had information with the items we will be better informed is that possible. Yes certainly even though our program is targeted at the Small Businesses to the extent we have the information through our database and a and other verifyable sources we provide thatblast whether its an m b education on the documents we will provide that information. Thank you. I dont have my specific questions do we have a motion. Commissioner singh moved. Commissioner mondejar second. Please call roll please announce our vote. Commissioner mondejar. Commissioner singh. Commissioner rosales. Madam chair the vote is 3 is that item passes. Next item please. Authorizing the preference and successor of Affordable Housing to the extent that the preference is consistent with an enforceable obligation and applicable laws discussion and action for 2014 madam director thank you madam secretary commissioners and members of the public thank you, again, for joining us this item is recommended to a proposal for the commission to adapt an ellis act policy a separate entity if this office weve adapted a polar to give a preference for people who have been displaced because of ellis act evictions in response to the Mayors Office of housing and itself Community Development we have reviewed that proposal their implementation manual and proposed a policy change for your consideration that relates to provide ellis act folks with other enforceable obligations i want to ask jeff white the housing manage to start off the presentation and joined by another colleague. Great, thank you director bohe weve got here today, were going to give you a presentation the Mayors Office of housing Affordable Housing unit maria is going to describe the reason the city has taken action around the ellis act and going to shell describe how the city is going about implementing that action and ill come back and describe ocii implementations of a preference for the ellis act evicted persons. Maria. Good evening. Im Marie A Benjamin from the Mayors Office of housing of Community Development. In december of last year oh, youll help me in december even if this last year the mayor and board of supervisors intensified the assistance ordinance because of the rising race of evictions throughout the city due to the state law of the ellis act. And the ellis act is a way that a landlord who owns a rental controlled building can go out of business in essence and evict the tenants that are living in the building and sell their building to a new landlord. What we found is that a lot of the companies that were selling the buildings were selling to an affiliate of their own company and to get out of the business of rent controlled landlord and the motivation is rents right now in this city between 28 for a one bedroom 28 hundred and 38 hundred almost 2,900 a month so theres an incentive for going out of the rent control landlord business. So the judge so you can see the rates of the ellis act evictions one hundred and 70 percent in 2010. The overall eviction types went to 38 percent due to the market were in. The home prices in 2010 went up 22 percent that increases the rent amazes e amounts in the city. This is hard to see between 197 and 2013 those are the ellis act evictions its throughout the city. We believe on a per capita basis San Francisco is the highest city with the highest level of ellis act evictions in the state so the mayor and board of supervisors put together this emergency displacements program unfortunately, the people that are being evicted are in rent control units and the rents were 600 a month and evicted into a market of 3,000 a month. So its very difficult for folks to find a place once their evicted from a rent c

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