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Thank you, president chiu. Thank you, supervisor mar, for bringing nancy forward in honoring her today. Its been almost four decades and i think ive known her for almost four decades. Many of those organizations that are named, we crossed paths many times. Nancy, you can name all these organizations that shes worked on and volunteered on and certificatedctionv on ~ and served on and so forth. Whats missing on this is what i have seen her starting from the beginning and seeing her blossom to being the leader that she is today. And mentoring many other leaders since then. The thing that struck me about nancy, unlike other people that may be part of larger organization, is she always found time for everybody, regardless of your part of the organization or not. If there is somebody, individual that needed help, shes always there and will always say yes. I cant do it right now, but maybe this saturday at 9 oclock, ill come to your door steps and ask whats wrong. And ive seen that over and over again. So, im really proud to be part of the resolution that were going to vote on today. You just make everybody proud. Thank you, nancy. applause supervisor chiu, supervisor yee, and honorable supervisors on the board, thank you so much for your very kind words. I have enjoyed very much the 39 years that i have worked for the chinatown Child Development center and for the city and county of San Francisco. Being a clinical social worker has been a very great privilege and honor for me and also working at the chinatown Child Development center in chinatown where i grew up has been a privilege. I have learned so much from the families and the children and youth. Every day has been a pleasure for me. And ive learned very much from the mentors and my colleagues. You know, oftentimes where youll hear comments about, oh, those city workers, but i have worked with the most dedicated, the most passionate colleagues that you will ever see. They dont go just the extra mile, but they will go the extra 2 to 10 miles for their clients, for the families that we work with every day. So, you know, as supervisor chiu mentioned, i have a very, very active volunteer life. So, ive been telling people that i will be retiring from my day job. And, so, i hope to see many of you, you know, in my volunteer life. Thank you so very much for this very great honor. Im very humbled by it. Thank you very, very much. applause ask with that, colleague, why dont we go to our next item, which will be the schlage lock item at items 39 through 41. Madam clerk. ~ item 39 is an ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the city and county of San Francisco and visitacion development, llc, for certain Real Property located in Visitacion Valley, bounded approximately to the north and west by mclaren park and the excelsior and Crocker Amazon districts, to the east by the caltrain track, and to the south by the San Francisco San Mateo County line and the city of brisbane; making findings under the California Environmental quality act, findings of conformity with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1 b ; and waiving certain provisions of administrative code, chapter 56. ~ chapter 56. Item 40 is ordinance amending the planning code, section 249. 45, to provide for use controls, including controls for formula retail uses, building standards, and procedural requirements, including noticing and Community Participation procedure, for applications for development, including Design Review and modifications, among other controls, in zone 1 of the schlage lock Visitacion Valley special use district also referred to as the schlage lock site ; amending the zoning map by amending sectional maps zn10 and ht10 to reflect the Visitacion Valley schlage lock special use district; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan and the eight priority policies of the planning code, section 101. 1. ~ district. And item 41 is an ordinance amending the general plan to amend minneapolis 1, 24 and 5 and [speaker not understood] and making the requisite findings. Thank you. Supervisor cohen. Thank you very much. So, colleagues, thank you for allowing me an additional week to resolve one very key remaining issue thats related to this important item. And im really thrilled today to today that we can move forward on this important project. So, you should have received some of the Administrative Changes that have been made to the Development Agreement since our last meeting. These dont require amendments by the board but i want to make sure you are aware of changes to the agreement. As i mentioned in my comments last week, i believe this is win of the mortv important developments we have seen, seen on the board this year, and its one of the most important projects that ive worked on as supervisor. What you have before you today is a proeked that is the result of more than 13 years of communitybased planning accompanied with thousands of hours of work and hundreds of public meetings. ~ project this project stalled two years ago after being entitled when the state dissolved the Redevelopment Agency and with it took more than 50 million of tax increment funding. Its been a very challenging to move this project forward. But after two years of reenvisioning and reprioritizing of thinking city agencies, the project sponsor and more important the Visitacion Valley community has arrived at a project that we agree upon today. Its going to provide significant investment in a corner of our city that historically has lacked investment. This reenvisioned project will deliver more than 1,600 units of housing which gives which given their location in the market rate units which makes them affordable to middle incomev owners. It also generates hundreds of units of affordable housing, new public parks or open space, a grocery store, Pedestrian Safety and transportation improvement, and an issue that the Visitacion Valley neighbors championed, thats the restoration of the Historic Office buildings. So, colleagues, we clearly have come a long way as a city and as a neighborhood on this particular project. I firmly believe that this will be a significant and transformative investment in the southeastern neighborhoods. I want to take a moment to recognize and give some thank yous. Want to recognize the hard work from emilie and ken rich. Thank you very much for your leadership on helping us get this project over. Also want to recognize jonathan sharp man and michael for their hard work and all the members and business agents that pulled several all nighters and stayed together till a project or agreement was reached. This was a critical agreement. Also want to recognize the Visitacion Valley advisory committee. I dont know if we have any members here, but they have really carried this project across the finish line over many, many, many miles and days and years. Want to recognize andrea [speaker not understood] also provided certain level of expertise. And also want to give some voice to the team of advocates that came in in the 11th hour and pushed, but through collective efforts we were able to strengthen the first force hiring. And this is really important, strengthen the first force hiring to specifically call out folks that live in 94 1 34 to ensure they have an opportunity to work on these ~ to work on this job. I would like to also take a moment to talk about two items in the companion two item are the companion planning code and general code plan amendments. This is for items 40 and 41. These two amendments are for your consideration. The amendment to item 40 is the schlage lock special use district. It specifies that the ordinance will become operative when the corresponding Development Agreement is effective. The amendment to item 40 specifies that the general plan Amendment Ordinance will become operative when the zoning changes and corresponding Development Agreements go into effect. So, these amendments will clearly tie all of the entitlements together so its a clean document. Madam clerk, thank you. Mr. Chair . Thank you. Supervisor cohen has introduced some amendments to items 40, 41. Is there a second to those amendments . Second by supervisor tang. Colleagues, can we take those amendments without objection . Without objection that should be the case. [gavel] again let the record reflect for the underlying Development Agreement on item 39 there are some amendments that supervisor cohen has described. And with that, if we could take a roll call vote on items 39 through 41. Madam clerk. Supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos aye. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Thank you. Aye. Cohen aye. There are 11 ayes. The ordinances are passed on the first reading. [gavel] items 42 through 43 related to the Transbay Transit Center. Item 42 is a resolution of intention to incur bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed 1,400,000,000 for the city and county of San Francisco Community Facilities district no. 20141 Transbay Transit Center ; and other matters related thereto. And item 43 is a resolution of intention to establish city and county of San Francisco Community Facilities district no. 20141 Transbay Transit Center and determining other matters in connection therewith. ~ the Transbay Transit Center. Supervisor kim. Thank you. The two items before us today finally establishes the Transbay Transit Center on Community Facility district in order to finance the cost of Public Infrastructure which includes the rate and method of the special tax with new developments that take care of that take advantage of the additional height and Square Footage allotted in the new Transit Center district plan which was passed unanimously by this board in the summer of 2012. With the additional density throughout this district, we will continue to raise the value of this neighborhood with two large public parks, one on the rooftop of the center and one under ramp park. So, theyre different plazas. On living street which includes widening sidewalk to include Pedestrian Safety and of course increased density on residential and office in this neighborhood. Increasing Pedestrian Safety improvements, whether they are the two ways of streets, build outs, crosswalk, secured by [speaker not understood], mostly the downtown extension of caltrain and hopefully for the future highspeed rail. This melloroos community [speaker not understood] is incredibly important for the city to finally realize the vision that we had for this district. I want to emphasize, however, that this resolution that we are passing today only sets a ceiling, a legal ceiling in our intention to incur bond indebtedness of 1. 4 billion. That does not mean thats the dollar amount that we actually that we actually incur in bad indebtedness, but we want to make sure we had a reasonable ceiling in place so this is not something we have to go back in terms of the election. But i know moving forward that there will continue to be extensive dialogue between the city on transbay and of course many of our developers who are working to build in this neighborhood. I know that there was a year of discussion both around the formulas and the dollar amounts. And i just want to emphasize again that the final that this discussion can continue to go on throughout the summer as the board of supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed debt issue and consider the issuance of bond and other debt on behalf of the district in september. And, so, i do want to encourage that continuance, and also want to commend the city on the work and the input that has already been taken in thus far developers, most notably of course the change from gross Square Footage to net Square Footage which will be further explained by ken rich who is here representing the Mayors Office of economic development. Mr. Rich . Good afternoon, supervisors. Ken rich with oewd. The Community Facilities district thats before you today will help to pay for and leverage funds from one of the city and the regions highest priority transportation projects, the extension of caltrain from fourth and king to the new transbay terminal. It will also [speaker not understood] local street and open space improvements for this area. As you know the city has planned for Significant Growth around the new terminal with the expectation that this would be a future transportation hub including rail. As part of this approval and agreement with the developers to do so, the city would capture a small portion of this new value about half of 1 to pay for these crucial Infrastructure Projects by creating a melloroos or Community Facilities district for major new developments that participate in. Were now coming before you with the mechanics of creating this district. You also have in your board packet a letter from attorney james ruben on behalf of a group of unnamed developers expressing a number of concerns about the way in which the city developed the valuation of buildings in the transbay area for purposes of calculating the melloroos special tax. Yesterday staff distributed a memo to you responding in detail to each point raised in the letter. In sum, staff believes that with the one exceptionally note in a moment,edth the Valuation Methodology used was sound and consistent with the implementation document ~ adopted by the board as part of the transbay plan. However, we want to acknowledge these ongoing concerns and we realize that the cost of this special tax will be a significant component of expenses incurred by building owners in this district going forward. As outlined in the staff memo, we have met with the Developer Group several times in the last few months in an effort to resolve these concerns and intend to continue doing so even after the board adopts these resolutions today. The staff should arrive at agreement with the Developer Groups on any changes to Valuation Methodology in the next couple of months. The board may authorize these changes in september when it holds a public hearing and considers a resolution of intent to form the district. Before closing, i do want to discuss the one item in the ruben letter which staff does agree should be amended. On page 5 of the letter, it is noted that staff proposes to apply the melloroos special tax rates to gross square feet of buildings. Gross square feet of buildings, excuse me, though their valuation is calculated on net leasable square feet. This is indeed an error and would as the letter pointed out have resulted in too high a special tax being applied to buildings. We have amended the rate and method of apportionment document attached to your resolution to fix this error and go back to charging a special tax based on net square feet of each building. At the Land Use Committee hearing two weeks ago, staff estimated that the total bonded proceeds from the melloroos district would be about 990 million. With the correction of this net grocerer, that estimate would be reduced by 10 to 20 ~. That concludes my presentation. Myself and other staff are here for any questions there may be. ~ gross error thank you, mr. Rich. Any comments . Okay, supervisor wiener. He thank you, mr. President. I want to thank everyone who has moved this forward ~. The transbay terminal is, is absolutely critical to the future of transportation. Not just for San Francisco, but for our region and for our city and its very exciting as terminal moves forward, particularly in the context of our highspeed rail system that we will have in the future. Ill be supporting this today, and im a strong supporter of this project. But i do just want to note that we transbay terminal does not exist in isolation. So, the reason that we are making the investments that we have been making and will continue to make in the building the transbay terminal is so that we can have an extension of caltrain highspeed rail to the transbay terminal. Thats why this terminal is going to exist. Were not building it for the sake of building it. And it is essential that we make sure that the extension happens. This melloroos does will provide funding for downtown extension also known as phase 2 of the project. But i will say that it is going to provide less than we had anticipated. And due to increased costs of the transbay terminal which have been well reported in the press as well as other factors, the melloroos will produce less for the downtown extension than it would have otherwise. And the amendment that were making today based on this recalculation that mr. Rich describes, that will reduce the size of the melloroos by a significant amount, and i have no doubt that amount will come out of what would have gone into the downtown extension. So, given that were not getting as much as we thought we would for the downtown extension, it makes it that much more important for all of us to Work Together to make sure that over time we are putting together the funding to make the downtown extension a reality. Its not going to happen on its own, although there are a lot of ideas for where we can realistically get the money. Its not going to happen unless we all Work Together, all of the regional agencies and city agencies and political leaders Work Together and prioritize it and make it a reality. And i look forward to making sure that we do that. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. Thank you, president chiuv. I just want to echo supervisor wieners comments and thank mr. Rich for willingness to Work Together on a number of issues obviously been raised somewhat recently around some of the developers. I appreciate your office and have all the faith in the world that you will work to get that resolved [speaker not understood]. Look forward to seeing that happen. Okay, colleagues, unless there are any further questions, can we take this item same house same call . Without objections, these resolutions are adopted. [gavel] madam clerk, could you call item 44 . Item 44 is an ordinance amending the general plan by updating the recreational and open space element of the general plan; and making findings, including environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. ~ requisite findings. Roll call vote. On item 44, supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener no. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos no. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos no. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen excuse me. Supervisor cohen. Cohen aye. There are 8 ayes and three nos. This ordinance is finally passed. [gavel] supervisor yee, a motion to rescind . Can i rescind the vote because i voted incorrectly. Supervisor yee has made a motion to rescind. Without objection this passes. Lets take another roll call vote on this. [gavel] on item 44, supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener no. Supervisor yee . Yee no. Supervisor avalos . Avenue lotion no. Supervisor breed . ~ breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos no. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Cohen aye. There are 7 ayes and 4 nos. The ordinance is finally passed. [gavel] item 45. Item 45 is an ordinance amending the heythv code to authorize the implementation of courtordered assisted outpatient treatment for individuals with Mental Illness who meet the criteria established by california welfare and institutions code, sections 53455349. 5, to require the county Mental Health officer create a care team to try to engage individuals referred for aot in voluntary treatment prior to the imposition of courtordered treatment; and making a finding that this authorization will not result in a reduction of current adult and juvenile Mental Health programs. ~ Court Ordered treatment. Roll call vote. On item 45, supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar no. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee. Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos no. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Cohen aye. There are 9 ayes and 2 nos. The ordinance is finally passed. [gavel] item 46. Item 46 is a Charter Amendment to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to 1 extend the Childrens Fund for 25 years and increase the setaside from three cents to four cents over a fouryear period; 2 extend the Public Education Enrichment Fund for 26 years; 3 create an our children, our Families Council and require preparation of a children and families plan; 4 create a city rainy day reserve and a School Rainy Day reserve out of the existing rainy day reserve; and 5 make various technical and Administrative Changes to the funds, at an election to be held on november 4, 2014. Supervisor yee. Thank you, president chiu. Once again, i want to give thanks to a lot of people. Its just one of these things where so many individuals worked on putting this initiative together that i want to just cant thank them enough. I want to thank the mayor, everybody from the San Francisco Unified School District family, community advocates, and all of my colleagues who are on the board of supervisors who are united for one measure that will further San Franciscos investment in children, youth and family. We will now be sending this to the San Francisco voters in november, hopefully after todays vote. The combined Charter Amendment means one unified measure in november. To reauthorize the Childrens Fund and the Public Education Enrichment Fund, creating, coordinating council and establishing a School Rainy Day fund. In particularly supervisors kim, mar, and campos and myself who had affiliationses with the San Francisco Unified School District in the Public School system really know the value of this school piece. And in which it was able to bring the resources necessary to put us ahead of every School District, urban School District in california, even though california is actually one of the lowest reimbursement or spending per capita of all the states. I think were number 49. But at the same time, San Francisco Unified School District Public Schools have continued to improve over the last 8 to 10 years because and its because of this fund. And this Initiative Also for the Childrens Fund will continue to support the services to all children in San Francisco. If it werent for this, we wouldnt have many of the services we have today, whether its from, from so deem to youth development, to job training programs. Its all included in here. And with peef, we also have the Early Education piece that will, again, attempt to address our needs in Early Education to provide for getting our kids ready so that the majority of kids will eventually succeed in making their way through high school. So, i ask everybodys support and that for the first time were going to put everything together and really say to the city children and Families First initiative, we really mean children should come first when it comes to how we decide our policies in San Francisco. Thank you very much. Thank you. Colleagues, any further discussion . Roll call vote on this item. On item 46, supervisor farrell . Aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos aye. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen. Cohen aye. There are 11 ayes. Chose Charter Amendments are committed. ~ submitved. [gavel] item 47. Item 47 was referred without recommendation from the rules committee. Item 47, Charter Amendment second draft to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to rewider the department of electionses to hold a special election when there is a vacancy in the office of the mayor or member of the board of supervisors, unless a regularly scheduled election will be held within 180 days of the vacancy; to provide that the president of the board of supervisors serves as the acting mayor until an election is held to fill a mayoral vacancy; and to provide that the mayor appoints an interim supervisor to fill a supervisorial vacancy until an election is held to fill that vacancy, with the interim supervisor being ineligible to compete in that election, at an election to be held on november 4, 2014. Supervisor avalos. Thank you, president chiu. And, colleagues, thank you for your consideration for this Charter Amendment. I want to thank the rules committee for forwarding this to the full board even without recommendation. Its official title is democratic special elections to fill mayoral and board of supervisors vacancies. I have a nickname for it. Its called the lets elect our elected officials act of 2014. This measure would help promote popular democracy in San Francisco. It would also bring San Francisco in line with how the state and federal governments handle vacancies. It would also strengthen separation of powers in San Francisco, in particular between the legislative branch, thats us, the board of supervisors, and the executive branch, the mayor. It also reduces the temptation of small groups of people determining how vacancies are filled. And it would also limit the power of incumbency to those who first winnie alex. ~ win election. This would strengthen separation of powers in San Francisco. In middle school we all learned about checks and balances. The separation of powers between the executive and the legislative branch. But that separation of power breaks down when there is a vacancy in the office of the mayor or on the board of supervisors. When there is a vacancy in the office of the mayor our executive branch, the board of supervisors, our legislative branch, unilaterally appoints a new mayor, an interim mayor. And then when there is a vacancy on the board of supervisors,

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