Transcripts For SFGTV 20140611 :

SFGTV June 11, 2014

Stand by, please. I stayed up late last night. My names charles. Please speak into the microphone directly. I was down here earlier today trying to make this work. I just load my two minute video on didnt work earlier. I was assured by mr. Ken that it would work when i came back. Its not working so i may have to come back or wing it. Its a two minute film that i produced for the board. I stayed up til 1 00. I was down here earlier, theres no way i can get it down now because its a minute and 59 seconds so id like to come next week and i guess ill just use my time to enter my objection, which i stated earlier in your offices that this set up isnt fair to the public. I came down here early today with my video. I stayed up til 1 oclock last night. Its pretty important to me. I think its pretty slick. I think youll enjoy watching my video rather than listening to me talk. I was assured that it was playing fine. Im not getting my movie played though so i object to this and i would appreciate if the board in my last 30 seconds i was down here this morning, what i was told by it and it and by the Media Services department both is that this machine is neither of their responsibility so im falling through the cracks here folks. I stayed up late making a movie. I thought it would express to you about how i feel about whats happened to San Francisco. If you want to contact someone at our board of supervisors staff we can make sure it properly displays. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. I didnt come here today for Public Comment. I came to hear the discussion on the next item on your agenda, but i need to say its very troubling to see most supervisors leave at the beginning of Public Comment. I dont think youre sending a good message to your constituents that you want to get the public participation, so i would suggest to you i do want to thank supervisors tang and yee and supervisor avalos for sitting during the entire Public Comment. To the others, i suggest you show more respect to your constituents and perhaps youd get more than 20 turn out at the next election. Thank you. Any other Public Comment. Seeing none, general Public Comment is closed. With that, why dont we go to our closed session item. Item 31 is the conference with the City Attorney on existing litigation, a motion that the board of supervisors convened in closed session on june 10, 2014 regarding existing litigation with Contest Promotions filed on september 22, 2009. Thank you colleagues. With that motion well go into closed session. Any objection to that . Without objection, we will go into closed session. I could ask members of the public if you could please step outside the chamber doors. We will reopen the doors when we are back in session. Before we proceed, supervisor farrell was not feeling well. Id like a motion to excuse him. With that, could we have a motion to not disclose any discussions in this closed session. Without objection this motion passes to not disclose the information. With that, why dont we go to our adoption calendar. Items 32 through 35 are being considered for immediate adoption. [inaudible]. Thank you colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items . Seeing none, roll call vote on the adoption calendar . Supervisor breed. I. Campos. I. Chiu. I. Cohen. I. Farrell. Excused. Kim. I. Mar. I. Tang. I. Wiener. I. Yee, i. Avalos. I. There are ten is. Could you read the in memoriams. For the late [inaudible] on behalf of president chiu for the late young casen shelton, for the late miss caroline elaine rodman; on behalf of supervisor tang, for the late shawn. I want to thank sf gov tv for streaming this televised meeting . With that, do we have anymore business . That concludes our business for the day. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the regular meeting of the Transportation Authority finance committee. I want to give a moment and recognize our talented folks at sfgovtv. Thank you for broadcasting this meeting. Could you please call item number one . Roll call, commissioner chiu. Absent. Cohen. Present. Farrell absent. Tang, present. Commissioner wiener, present. We have quorum. Well, lets see. Whats next on the agenda. Could you please call item number 2 . Next item is consent lets call 2 and 3 together. They comprise consent calendar. These are considered routine. The member of the committee or public objects, they may be removed and considered separately. Can we get a motion if you yeah, lets get a motion. So moved. Motion made by commissioner tang and seconded by mr. Wiener. Cohen. Yes. Farrell, absent. Tang. I. Wiener. I. Consent calendar passes. Thank you. Just as a point of clarification, theres no need to take Public Comment on this item . Not unless a member of the public objected. Seeing as there was no member of the public objected, this motion passes. Could you call item number 4. Hello, how are you . Thank you very much chair and members. On your matrix theres a series of bills were cleaning up and recommend we delete from the matrix. I wont go through those. Mainly due to the fact that they failed passage for the deadline that passed just a couple weeks ago. There are two bills i want to call to your attention, ab 2237 on page ten of the matrix. That measure is similar to another measure you supported this year already. This one deals with extending the revocation period for hit and run drivers for up to two years and its consistent with safety efforts that are going on throughout the state, so were recommended to support position on the measure and its moving ready through the process. Were jump on board at the trieth time if you choose. Secondly ab 2707 by member chow. This is on page ten of your matrix. It picks up where several bills have sought to approve three bike rack systems on 40 and 45 foot transit buses. This measure focuses only on the 40 foot transit buses and instead of having case by case legislation moving through the legislature, this effort is sponsored by the california transit association. All transit agencies would have the authority to place three bike racks on the front. In essence, because of all overall weight im sorry, overall length restrictions, when you add the most efficient bike rack to the front the third bike exceeds the overall length requirement by about 6 inches so consequently this authorization is required so were recommending a support position on that. Thank you very much. Just a quick update on cap and trade. Cap and trade discussions are taking place in the context of the overall state budget. The Budget Conference Committee met all the way through friday. They were going to meet yesterday, they didnt. We hope they will meet today. It appears Good Progress is being made at all levels of the the state budget, with two exceptions. One is the overall revenue budget and in addition, cap and trade seems to be the other intense focus. As a reminder the governor proposed and is Still Holding on to a proposal to spend about 750 in new revenues in 2014, 15, supplemented by 100 million that he had lent to the general fund last year and is taking back. The vast majority of his would go to high speed rail, with the balance going to other ght reduction strategies. Senate had a very strong proposal that was presented a week ago monday to the Senate Budget committee. It really focuses on the longer term, the post 2014, 15 and anticipates or proposes to have a series of buckets. 25 would be dedicated to transit, 20 to high speed rail and there are other similar pods, for example, 40 to sustainable communities. Were listening. Yeah, i see. Were just multitasking. Youre doing well. Sorry. In contrast the assemblys focused on the budget year and is low to enact until they get a better handle in their view on how much cap and trade revenues will be calculated year to year. Theyre not interested in having future proportions allocated out to different policy areas so thats been the debate. So the assemblys more in line with the senator. I think what well see later today when i get back today or tomorrow, whenever the next Conference Committee meeting, well see a merge, a classic something in between proposal. I think theres a lot of focus on trying to provide transit, whether its the senate or assembly version. I think well see a proposal emerge for the governors consideration on transit for a pretty significant basis. The Sustainable Community funding weve been engaged in with partners from around the state trying to ensure that the lions share of that money goes to the [inaudible]. I think the next two, three days or actually the next two days are going to be milestone dates for cap and trade and the budget and im deeply involved in it and well keep you abreast. Thank you. That concludes your presentation. Yes, it does. Lets take Public Comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Lets take a motion. We have a motion . Motion made by commissioner tang, seconded by supervisor wiener. On item 4, chiu absent. Cohen. Yes. Farrell. I. Wiener. I. I tell passes. Item passes. Action item for item number 5. An 18 month contract for [inaudible] for planning and Engineering Services for the 19th avenue m ocean view project and authorizing the executive directors to negotiate terms and conditions. This is an action item. Good morning. Im a Senior Transportation planner. As the clerk mentioned were seeking your recommendation to award a contract to Parsons Brinckerhoff. This is to support the next phase of the 19th m ocean view project. You might remember back in march of this year the ta board approved a feasibility study, looking at ways to bring the m ocean view light rail to the west side of 19th avenue and [inaudible] and near park merced. We completed that study and now are transitioning to this next phase. In this next phase of work the leadership role has transferred to sfmta and one of our roles in the project is to serve as the agency procuring the consul tant role to support the work. We received four proposals. Parsons brinckerhoff came out as the one that came out that scored the highest. And we are receiving federal Financial Assistance to fund a portion of this contract and are adhering to federal regulations pertaining to disadvantaged business enterprises. We established a goal of 13 dbe involvement. Reco, who is an Asian American own firmed and a woman owned firm that is San Francisco based. With that, ill close my presentation. Ill note that the project manager from Parsons Brinckerhoff as well as chs are also in the audience should you have any questions . Thank you very much. Do you have any questions on the presentation. Seeing none, lets open up for Public Comment. Any members of the public that would like to comment on item 5. Seeing none, Public Comment closed. Lets do a roll call vote. On item 5, commissioner chiu. Absent. Cohen. Yes. Farrell. I. Tang. I. Wiener. I. This item passes. Please call item number 6. Recommended award of construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder o. C. Jones sons not to exceed [inaudible] authorizing the executive directors and negotiation contract terms for the construction contract authorizing the executive director to execute all other supporting documents and authorizing an additional constructional element for the folsom offramp reconstruction project. We have another presentation. This item begins on page 52 of your packet. This came to you last fall when we awarded our Construction Management project. The folsom realignment project is proposed by [inaudible] street scape and open space plan for the transbay redevelopment project. [inaudible] has asked the Transportation Authority to be the lead agency for designing implementation of the project. [inaudible] providing a traffic signal and Pedestrian Crossing of the ramp. Then sold for redevelopment. In november of 2013 ocii executed agreements of the construction phase of the project. We executed a Construction Services contract for the project. Were ready to award the construction contract. On april 11 we issued an invitation to bid for the construction contract. We advertised this contract on several plan rooms, placed advertisements and did a couple of e blasts to the construction community. We held a prebid meeting on april 29. One thing to note, per ocii policy we set a 50 Small Business enterprise participation goal for this construction contract. At the time of our bid opening, which is a publicly held reading of all the bids on may 14, we had received five bids, the lowest bid came from o. C. Jones sons with an sbe participation of 38. 43 . Because the lowest bidder had failed to meet the sbe goal we performed an demonstrated adequate good faith effort and we are deemed to be a responsive bidder. The contract should be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder and staff review of the bid shows o. C. Jones sons to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. This slide shows the nine sbe sub contractors included with o. C. Jones sons bid. Just as a side note that these sbe contractors include four local sub contractors and one minority owned contractor. So staff recommends award of construction contract of o. C. Jones sons not to exceed 1. 9 million with a project reserve to be reserved for change orders for an amount of 187,000. Represents from o. C. Jones sons and from ocii are here today if you have any questions of them. Thank you very much. Any questions for staff . All right, seeing there are no questions, thank you for your presentation. Lets go ahead and take Public Comment lets go ahead and do a roll call vote. Chiu. I. Cohen. I. Farm. Farrell. I. Tang. I. Wiener. I. This item passes. Item number 7 is a new information item. Any new items . Colleagues . Staff . Okay. Looks like there are no new items. Madam clerk so now well take Public Comment at this time. Seeing no one is here for Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. General Public Comment, item number 8. General Public Comment is open. It is now closed. Item number 9 is adjournment. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Test. Thank you, everyone for being in attendance today at sf general we have millions of americans that slip there the crack in the Health Care System the americans make up a significant portion of our Homeless Population and cause the amazes of paring for members of the families for years. We need more efficient tools to help the families lauras law is one of the actions its been enacted in 44 out of this 50 states thats why today along with 3 colleagues on the board of supervisors im introducing legislation to fully implement lauras law in San Francisco. In addition because we know the prior attempts at city hall have failed im with my cosponsors placing lauras law on the 2014 ballot if we cant pass lauras law i believe this is an important enough issue that the divorces voters even if San Francisco should decide the outcome. I want to share about a mother ive come to know in San Francisco. A mother who cared for her acknowledge son who was diagnosed what moinltz that was stable in school in San Francisco and did well but ones this individual turned 18 he decided not to take his medication any long longer and this individual started to lock hitch in his room and exhibit Violence Toward others family members and towards himself and now move forward out of the house and the parents have no idea where he is. This heartache and this situation it has many stories across the city and cross our country can be avoid San Francisco, california and should do better. Families and friends should feel supported by the laws theyre in place to help those individuals. If lauras law were in place the situation i intrikd wouldnt have happened. Its a compassion at the law for families and individuals to make sure they have a right to treatment here in 0 country and locally. We all know with very a Mental Health crisis here locally. The recent report featured in a National Publication had more than 33 million americans suffering from Mental Illness and others such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and major depression and over 3 and a half million not getting the care. Lauras law provides the outpatient treatment for people as a result of the minldz cant access the community benefits. Those will hope help those who need it the most not only those but we need to be clear not everyone will qualify there are restrictions to qualify you have to determine not to survive dinl on your own and have a history of hospitals and be diagnosed with Mental Health protons problems. Having been offered this opportunity for treatment but be substantially deteriorating in our community. Ill argue our headlong Health System is one of the finest in the country the reeflt we have ind

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