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Ontime pitcheerformance and th level of riders. And also looking at the investment of capital made around the city. I have talked about this for years since i have been in office. The level of Capital Investments in district 11 and i would say district 11 is pretty minimal. There is Capital Investments that have gone in towards the green yard, and the facilities. But there hasnt been a lot of Capital Improvements that have come to make the experience of riders on the lines, mission, geneva or san jose, minor things here. And i see other parts of San Francisco remarkable changing before my eyes. I think thats good. But we have to make sure that neighborhoods where we are so car dependent that we make those investments to provide a better alternative to people getting in their cars and riding muni. When i ride muni and as i said before the meeting, you get on the bus and there is very little white people on the bus, very little middle class on the bus. Its not considered an option for many people, because they havent seen a real commitment to changing the experience getting on the bus. I find it convenient time wise to get to city hall and get downtown. Taking muni. But the experience getting around is not one commenceary with other neighborhoods in San Francisco. Because of the facilities we have to get there. I want to make sure that great work on ontime performance but there are also Capital Investments that need to be made. And the analysis of how we invest in Capital Needs to be seen through an equity lens as well to a greater extent. Overall i want to thank you for this work, and its more to do around how we ensure that neighborhoods far from the Downtown Core and the essential core of the city can get better served with the Capital Investments we make. We dont have any complete streets in district 11. There are a lot of plans in place for Pedestrian Safety. But minimal things, spots here and there that are covered. But nothing comprehensive. I think we are feeling we are not getting well served in that regard from the rest of the city. Frankly not Much Development but to see how Development Enabling in the core of the city can provide flexibility for funds to come to the outer parts of the city. Thank you, i think there was a lot in there, a lot of good points. I think with regard to the capital investment, a couple of things. One, while this Equity Analysis focused on transit. We are looking at our whole capital portfolio and getting more detailed information and report out more publicly in terms of investments by neighborhood or by supervisor district. Specifically with regard to muni Capital Improvements and what we call the Muni Forward Rapid Network improvements, implementing that came out of the transit analysis. And we have looked at Capital Investments and how they affect the muni lines and who they are serving and geographical. And we can share that information with you, and those are fairly well spread out throughout the city, quite a bit in district 11. We have already looked at that for the muni rightofway Capital Investments and over time we will fold in the rest of the capital portfolio. Thats a good segue to summarize that the Capital Budget does incorporate those rightofway changes to help muni work throughout streets. And funding strategy for vision zero. And the highlights of the big one, the td recommends service increase and 10 increase in service for over two years. Funding most of the terecommended increase. On the revenue side great majority of our fines and fees continue to be indexed to provide revenues for the service increase and as we discussed yesterday, the budget includes the elimination of sunday parking. And briefly on the Capital Budget. People wont be able to park in San Francisco on sunday . There is a huge outcry to take away of parking. I was not happy to see the repeal of sunday metering i said before. We had it implemented and the sky did not fall. Its a mixed bag of what peoples thoughts are about it. And how it affects commercial corridors and businesses. I think the chamber of commerce was supportive of sunday metering. I dont always align with the chamber of commerce. But i was happy to be so in this regard. Could you say could you say what the reason behind all of it was . The repeal of sunday metering and how was the vote on your board for that . Well, this was done, it was not a separate vote on sunday parking. It was part of the proposed budget, so the vote was unanimous. There was i say a fair amount of reluctant misgiving or support with regard to the sunday park elimination, the sunday Parking Enforcement elimination. Because i think it was doing what we set out to do when we implemented it, which was increase parking availability in metered Parking Spaces on sundays. We did analysis as we said when we implemented it in the first place. And the analysis said it was meeting that goal. There was however a lot of difference of opinion on the value of it overall. While it was meeting that one metric, that we set from a transportation standpoint. There were a lot of people with a lot of concern. It was a causing a lot of heartache for folks. The level of citations we issued on sundays was higher than of the rest of the week. A lot of people were driving around San Francisco and getting parking tickets on sundays. So ultimately the mayor in his state of the city speech, while we are happy to see that he endorsed putting vehicle license increase and the general Obligation Bond in this november. And he called going back to no sunday parking meter enforcement. And ultimately as a person elected to lead the city by the people of San Francisco, i think my board wanted to pay heed to that call. Very much mix of opinion on sunday parking. We heard more people say they didnt like it than they did. There seems like there is a mix of opinion also in the mayors administration where there is far sighted responsible advisors saying different things. Even trying to get money for muni capital, and we talked about the vlf. And i cant get a full understanding what the interest of the Mayors Office is around the vlf. So we can talk about that separately. I think that we havent had a real strong leadership within the Mayors Office to really be sound about our planning. We have to plan for the future. Sunday metering i am sure will be back some day. Its a huge subsidy that we provide for cars in the city. And we have huge needs elsewhere. One of the needs is around affordablity. If we are cutting funds that can help with affordability, we make it difficult for people to use muni the way they need to. Yesterday we had a hearing with lowincome people in San Francisco, and heart wrenching stories of what they face. And they are the ones most troubled by increases to muni. And to make a decision to put cars before people, lowincome people is a real troubling one. Especially in the age of wildfires going crazy in san diego, and we are in heat waves in San Francisco. And we know that the Climate Change is real and we have to do our part of disincentives of driving and incentive of muni. And we need that in place. There is a lot in the budget that is an investment for muni and making it more affordable for people. I think while there is disagreement of the sunday metering enforcement and the big picture of the things we are doing to advance the things you were speaking of. Sorry much to say about your comments, supervisor avalos. I love the picture of you and the chamber of commerce teaming up on this one, and i will save my topics for another day. Supervisor breed. Thank you, from the beginning when mta discussed implementing sunday meters, i was opposed to it. And had to do with the Church Community and the fact that many seniors who attend church drive their cars mostly on sunday. Its kind of a tradition in my community, not necessarily driving, but church services. There is doubleparking and meters and all of these things. I think the challenge for me was just how information was communicated to those churches. And those people who participate in church. I think that and the other thing i felt that we are nickel diming people, that the mayor used in his speech, that i said first. I felt that way, we charge for everything and can we have one day where the city is not nickel and diming people. Sunday meters was implemented. I wasnt a fan, i got two tickets. Eventually what i did appreciate about it, i start to get used to it as a driver. And the meters have changed and made it easier to pay by phone and technology and a couple other things. But unfortunately this has not made it easy on seniors. And yes, there are lowincome seniors who do have cars. The challenge for me is really the fact that, you know, even though we have sunday meters andan andan andig and i guess they are going away. And i overcame it as a driver is for someone that had other ways to pay the meter. And having the extension of time on sunday. The downtown meters and that sort of thing i thought was appropriate. I dont know how we can make this work, but i do think that we should seriously explore the ability to have something that makes sense. But i also want to be considerate of the Church Community and just the challenges they face in terms of parking in the area on sundays. So i have mixed emotions about it. No, i dont want to pay the meter. But i am prepared to do my part. And like the ability and many of the merchants in my district appreciate the fact that folks that visit their businesses on sunday, have the ability to find a parking space. So it has its plus and minuses. But yeah, as a driver, i want to get away to park for free, but i am willing to do my part. I think we need to strike a balance and put it out there and implement it and set it up. And get the public used to it and tear it away without a plan how we are going to make up those funds or phase it out or whatever we do. I dont want to continue down this path of arbitrary things to generate revenue or take it away. I prefer that we have an overall clear vision for transportation in the city and mota and when w pl lay out the plans and we do it with the appropriate plans. And take in consideration many folks that may be negatively impacted by those plans. Just a response as well, if we expand blue laws in San Francisco, maybe we can make muni free for everyone on sundays. Sounds like a great addback proposal. All day everyday, free for everyone. Quick question for you, if this does pass, when are sunday meters going to be gone . July 1. Thanks. I think there were a lot of great comments there. I would leave it at that. Just moving quickly into the Capital Budget. This is not really changed significantly since i was here last. The slide gives an overview, about 600 million a year. And you see how it breaks down. This shows the number of projects in it. I want to note that we are assuming the passage of the november measures that the mayor called for in the state of the city speech, the bond and the vehicle inaudible . And the mta board approved our twoyear Capital Budget and bringing to the mta board next week, that should be publicly available probably today. Gives a deep detail on every project in the full cip. Just as a mentioned last time, if you look accumulatively over time, what it Capital Budget represents is a significant increase in investment and bike and Pedestrian Safety. And i know that has been an interest of many stakeholders and the board. I covered this last time, very significant investment in implementing walk first and implementing vision zero. Significantly investment to continue the bike strategy. And we mentioned of the task force that the mayor got people through the city for the 10 billion need in the next 10 years. What the task force recommended was 3 billion in local revenues. Starting in november, the general Obligation Bond. They thank you for endorsing as it was introduced this week. And as well as the restoration of the vehicle license fee back to 2 . Which together would generate 1. 5 billion over the next 15 years. Can you step back to vision zero. What types of staffing structural changes have you made around project delivery . Any other new staffing that has come about with these projects . For all of our Capital Program which is growing as a result of some of the funding that is coming in. We have been staffing up in terms of planners and engineers, construction managers. We have been building the staff capacity to do the design and oversee the construction. We have also been engaging much more closely with the department of public works that does the actual delivery of some of these projects. We are aligning the resources and doing the workforce planning so we can respectfully plan the work and get these things in the ground. I wouldnt say that we have restrur restructure anything but we have staffed up and doing the analysis so we have the resource in place to deliver on this fairly significant increase in funding. I think have you hired all the staff that you need for walk first and vision zero . We are in the process of hiring, we dont have all the revenue in place yet. We have to somewhat meter our hiring based on the revenues coming in. We dont want to overhire and have to lay people off, if all the revenues dont come forth. Right now we have the staffing in place to advance the projects through planning and design. To get them ready for construction. And then once we know what the revenue picture looks like, well be able to staff. The majority of the dollars are going into construction. So what we are doing now, using our staffing to get the projects through planning and design and get them ready. I do want to remind folks that with these recommendations, with these two measures on the november ballot, it would give us local revenues that would allow us to match regional revenues and bring in additional 550 million into investment and core of muni and infrastructure. So what is at stake here is not just the 1. 5 on the ballot. But at least already another half billion that has been identified that we would be able to leverage with these dollars. Its a pretty significant investment we would be able to get assuming we get the measures on the ballot and approved in november. Specifically if we look at the two years of the budget, of the 500 million general Obligation Bond, we would have 120 million coming, that comes through general supplemental at the time of the sale of the bonds. The first bond sale would be early, 2015, assuming passage in november. In terms of new general Fund Revenues generated by the vehicle license increase, they are proposed to be split, about 75 million, and in the second year 34 going to dpw and 32 to the mta. And you will see those amounts when the general Capital Budget comes through, and on the slide you see the improvements that the first years of the dollar would generate. If you look over the 15 years, a couple of big categories of improvement. Muni forward. Which is implementation of the tdp recommended improvements, and fleet upgrades, and infrastructure upgrades, over 15 million and over vision zero and improvements towards vision zero, thats half a billion as well. There is a lot of investment in here to make muni better and to make our streets safer. And it probably goes without saying, i think supervisor breed asked at the last hearing what is plan b. And we dont have a plan b at the moment. If we are not able to bring these revenues forward, we will not be able to address the things, supervisor avalos, to make muni service a better option and dealing with the environmental impacts of not having a strong transit system. And as well as not addressing the bicycle and Pedestrian Safety issues. We know what to do at each intersection and corridor, its really having the funding in hand to make the city safer. In terms of the operating budget, this is a breakdown of the revenues. I wont go through the numbers, happy to answer the questions, these are a breakdown of the expenditures, and i said that muni is the line share of the budget. I want to highlight that fares are indexing up as per the policy put forward by the mta board in 2009. Proposed 3 transit increase in the first year, and continuation of free muni for low and moderateincome of kids, thanks to the gift of google. And expansion of that program to 18 year olds. I will skip the next bullet since we covered that. And there is some administrative costs that we are able to reduce. And then some things that we have put kind of in contingent category subject to a fiscal review. There were other things that were raised that did not get recommended or included in the budget. Such as a hiring increase for the fline. Such as reducing the line as we discount the senior and youth, and disabled fares. As well as a discount for clipper users. These are things that we had on the table, but were not advanced in the final budget. With regard to the fiscal review, we have a lot of unknowns right now. We are in the midst of labor negotiations, the contract expiring on september 30, and the highway fund runs out of money this year. The state budget is up in the air, the governor put out his revise, and senator steinberg will have a meeting of impacts that can affect the transit. And our measures that we hope head to the ballot on november. Altogether will impact what we are looking at as we look forward with regard to the physical health of the agency. What the mta board did is take some things that we are seeking to do and make them subject to review of the agencys finances in 2015, when we will have a better handle on all of those things they mentioned. What is in that bucket is expansion of the free muni program to seniors with disabilities and of low and moderate income. Further increase of the Transit Service recommended by the tdp. And funds to clean the vehicles and keep them in good shape. And some fees that we currently charge for certain sorts of transactions. In accepting and adopting this approach, my board did explicitly take action to specify that the expansion of the free muni program will be the top priority. If not able to fund all. And directing staff to work now to get the wheels moving to implement as soon as possible assuming they authorize the funding as result of that review. I mentioned we are currently in labor negotiations, you have a question . I do, in fact on the fare increase. How does the increase occur . Does the board vote for it . Or is that formula driven by charter . Its formula driven by mta board policy. And they adopted the formula result as part of the budget. Its coming to you as part of the budget. Right, if you dont like the fare, i could vote the budget down, but not the fare down . You can vote the whole thing down. Got it. So what is the 25 cents index or increase, called increase, how much does that bring in this terms of revenue overall . The fare revenues overall is 200 million, 2025 of the budget. In terms of what that quarter, what percentage of those fares come through the cash fare. So the incremental 25 cents in the fare can bring in more cash than years ago. Okay, what was the cost of the metering . The gross cost was 11 million. So we eliminated sunday metering but raised fares on riders . There are a lot of things that are happening in this budget and those two are two of those things, thats correct. I mentioned we are currently in the final stages of our labor negotiations. And dont know the outcome of those. And point of reference regarding salary, for every 1 across the board salary increase, it costs us 5. 5 million. Once those negotiations are done, we will have to incorporate whatever cost in the budget and rebalance. So i guess where we are is just getting our budget finalized through budget and finance committee and the board of supervisors. These are some of the deadlines that are in place, that are relevant to our budget. Again assumed in our budget, and with regard to the fares the ind indexing will take place on september 1, to give us outreach and changes. I am happy to take anymore questions. Okay. Colleagues any other questions for mr. Ruskin . Okay. We are done with our three departments for today. We will open this up to public comment. Anyone that wishes to publicly comment on items 1, 2 or 3, please come forward. I filled out a card, mr. Chair. Gilbert krizwell. New district 8, where did the surplus go . I remember the last time that mr. Riskin was here, they had a surplus. The mayor and mta have turned their backs on People Living with disabilities and people with h. I. V. Making us wait until after the november election, why wait, do it now. Reject the mta budget, freeze them out until

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