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Permit fees are important it insures a certain level of responsibility when we allow entities to user parks. So we have not i want to go back and is i think public space, Public Recreation is fundamentally important to a lot of other essential services. Were a Public Safety solution when weve got kids active were contributing to coping our city save weve got people in our recreational programming were keeping our city healthy were contributing to other essential serves that get loss in what people consider to be part of the recreation department. I think were a good investment. And more investment in recreational programming can result in fewer back end dollars from our criminal Justice System so more funds would be a good investment in terms of safety i know its been an ongoing discussion around the advantageism we know there are Public Safety challenges and the park patrol there maybe if were lucky we have three or four park officers on doubt at one time and when you look at other cities were definitely low and it seems like the cities that have lower staffing are focused on one type of park or local Law Enforcement is actively involved in the parks. I think you saw and i told you i was going to do this i suggested to the mayor, we double the size of our park patrol which i think it is 2 and a half Million Dollars investment. Im wondering what thoughts you have for improving park safety and park patrol i see two additional park patrol officers i know youre under constraints but could you commit sure i think youll see a couple of slides ahead that frankly because of the success in the revenue category bucket of our budget were for the first time talking to the Mayors Office and putting more strategic revenues back into the park but with the stakeholder where do we make those Strategic Investments when we have an opportunity to do that. Essentially we came up with 4 investments strategies thats park safety the first and active living keeping of our citizenry healthy and active and Customer Service. We have 25 with respect to park safety and 25 ftes. We run a high attrition rate thats a Public Safety and while the park patrol positions dont go through the rigorous training as a police theres a high attrition rate not everyone makes it through the probation period we have 18 boots on the ground and were getting a new came to cover others. We are a 247 operation we have temple to 12 which they recalled high needs or Public Safety challenged parks in particular that is two or three park patrol officers at a given time as a fundamental manner its all but impossible to provide the level of service we believe our Park Patrol Service should provide we have a close relationship with the fte but only with their something serious but the park patrol officers enforce the park rules so theyve got more serious issues to tackle from time to time. This is off leasing leash dog issues and park hours enforcement and something as opening and closing our facilities at night and making sure when theres evening events peop people value that and there will ambassadors in uniform and theyre the theyre the group of hardworking people in our department. Their functions are very thankless and dramatically under resources. Weve been in productive conversation with the Mayors Office and the staff were saying the sthapgz we want to augment the amount of officers. You have 18 boots on the ground and there are 7 vacancies or him or her there are 7 vacancies that are within the, you know, im sure youre aware of the Civil Service process and the park control has Law Enforcement complications. So were in process under another round of hiring but lets say were at full staffing but well never be there are people on leave but lets say we were, you know, 20 or 21 even at one hundred percent staff were not there we couldnt do more than two or three i encourage overlooked park control to move the ideal and we agree we went a little bit lighter in our proposed budget to the Mayors Office for one we will be able to reassign some point some park patrol staff that are currently destined to candle stick when this property is transferred over to lanar so that will help and fill another examine. We made policy choices and supervisor youll see; right we put the dollars into forestry. If you will believe it ever a more critical staffing weakness in our organization. Ill try to flip those quickly weve covered them arrest our Budget Solutions this year that really do rely on not even new concessions but points to the amenities were offering in our parks the coit tower being reopened a month from now and cross the board were seeing growth it has nothing to do with permit fees or increases it is more use and more efficient use of the requests. You see a onetime stadium revenue line item there in the budget last year when we submitted our two years budget there was a 3 million stlementd in t in t in the 49ers they stopped their lease a year early and that money is budgeted and is a fiscal edge. The 2 million you see is revenue from the reuse of resale of the candle stick infrastructure. Which we will do before the stadium is transferred to lanar and the shipyard project. Just a little bit of a highlight in the budget solution our center has done a good job with our job costs a 350,000 from Workers Compensation its also, we do were pretty aggressive with tracking workmans comp and get back to work early its a do not have reduction in costs and do safety training. So you mentioned two of our Budget Priorities were reinvesting in recreation and we are trying to do our part to work on what we believe is a serious obesity or inactivity epidemic. Were working with the School District and working with lots of partners trying to provide more programming designed to get children and seniors outside and running around. On the Customer Service side one of the enhancement is our Human Resources function. When we did our recreation model its been quite successful a few years ago. We probably after looked the hiring were hiring a lot more people on a temporary basis 80 that have a specific skill and increased our Summer Hiring the model is to have a more temporary workforce with respect to the instructors themselves. We run pretty high open vacancies and so weve asked for a little bit more h. R. Support to do our part to turn around vacancies in park control and we have some reinvestment as well. On the Technology Side which we are trying to keep up with they are presenting Interesting Technology supervisor farrell led the Wifi Initiative but theres other opportunities for us to not only create our technology but to provide better Customer Service. I can go into it a little bit more county jail bus thats essentially the detail of our investments okay. Colleagues any questions at this time . Okay. Thank you mr. Ginsburg and katie. Well see you back shortly open this up for Public Comment is there any Public Comment on item 4 . Okay seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues can i have a motion to table item 4. Well take that without objection. Would you like to file the item instead. Im sorry yes file it instead. Thank you madam clerk, call item 5 this is a hearing to receive an update open the Sheriffs Department budget for the 20142015 and 20152016. Okay. I dont see the Sheriffs Department here. Were on item 6 why not go into a 5 minute recess and come back point. Okay welcome back to the San Francisco Budget Finance Committee wednesday, april 23, 2014. Madam clerk, call item 5. This is to receive an update 0 on on the Sheriffs Department 20142015 and 20152016 budget. Thank you, mr. Chair and Budget Committee per good afternoon. Well start with our slide presentation if guiding you through. A lot of people dont know all the services that the San Francisco Police Department performs this is what the Sheriffs Department Law Enforcement agency is love people think were strictly about custody and corrections as you see if this chart only 49 percent of our sires are allocated toward the custody side and 5 percent to Equipment Services and 8 percent of our resources to administration and finger 8 percent to the Court Position and 14 percent to Security Services and 6 percent to field and Security Services. Only 6 percent to our programs with the post custody erect and innovating the jurisdiction from all around the state and country. The next slide is the progress that our department and the city is making collectively with other leaders in the criminal Justice System is the dramatic considers of our jail population. In january of 2014 our population at that metric has already been 40 percent under crowded of our maximum population is its now even further than that you heard if the selfemployed Police Department with the drop in the jail population were not seeing the increases in crimes or Public Safety where one says thats the untint consequent o those not incarcerated the purifying and our department and community and city hall can appreciate that we are seeing also significant improvements in anti recidivism and lowering the repeat offender rates thats the population staying out of jail. Theres something that role went very undetected in San Francisco and thats kind of a of a shouldve thing to do i shut down the entire jail county jail number 3 the sixth floor in its existence that had been shut down. In the parlance of what it means to proceed over our incarceration system building a jail is a big discussion and a you shutting down a jail shouldnt go unnoticed. That leeltd for us the ability to have flexibility in our staffing to redistribute some of our staff one of the main richlz in the condition in that jail was to bad it was the paralleled of the discussion but because of overcame. We thought well be able to save our city, of course, the fund that are being used unnecessarily for overcame. Once you shut down the jail its unlikely were going to especially it back up. So while county jail the sixth floor of the hall of justice p had been closed in its History Speaks to the kind of overall position that the jail is moved. We allocated our jail with 5 and 11 which is the downtown San Francisco and county jail number 4 with 5 that went to the hall of the couldnt justice and a records kwifks our it u Institutional Police and we believe that couragely this is now allowed us to innovative other central records utilities this is currently operated by our sworn staff. So on department chouchlt were seeing significant reductions in rhythm recidivism theres not a central definition of recidivism and not in the Sheriffs Department. Based on random milestones that have been submitted it the controller for their index reporting some of the indexs were comparing against 17 percentage of remaining for them that complete the Sisters Program some of our infamous in house custody programs and 57 recidivism for electronic control. So based on a bureau of justice 65 recidivism for prisoners that were released since 199 that thats an overall federal and state statistic. The other initiative it mrept the Affordable Care act were the first in the country that has been suggested that as a Sheriffs Department institution to provide avoidance to the department of Public Health department and whos also led the effort but were 247 operationo and h s a cant also be in the jail system so we want to cast a net so people who are booked into the jails can participate. The pilot programs next week city college comes to the jail system. We were able to initiative that city college that theyre going to start 2 classes in our san bruin 5. We have the First Education in our jail and many of those who are getting their depleting or diploma have reached a ceiling so having city college in hand helps us be able to extend their level of education and hopefully as were able to excel that continuous of education with the supervision that is made part of a factor in the completion of their probation. Were excited bmw city college coming in the jail system and will benefit those who are getting scombat back into society. Our bike program is new for the San Francisco Sheriffs Department like the Horticulture Program the horticulture we use tools inside the jail system and for any kind of correctly atmosphere climate or jail system or prison system the introduction of tools inside a jail system what about intoimentd but thanks to our Program Staff we found a way to adversity the tools to the walls so theres accountability for the tools and the instruction thats been provided is a testing ground for us over the last year by having the Bicycle Repair Program to spark interests. Accident Sheriffs Department has been famous that deals with the e emotional side of skill and hard skill side this is where our administration prepares people for the job force. Were increasing visitation. San francisco prior to 2011 had the lottery in visitations hours. Had i look at the other of people to visit our jails a maximum up to 12 hours and looked at the complications of poor people to visit their loved wunz ones i thought we should increase and Visitation Hours were looking to do that cross the board and tripling them as well. We visit programs that really zone in layers in on the reunification percentage parents who have childrens on the outside and unless theres a thing a prohibits them our staff is trying to help us create a bonding system of visitation in connection were there hadnt been before in the Sheriffs Department. We looked to calling attention to some additional programs around mothers day and then the reentry pod thats something weve been before this body to present and this body approved the contracts between the San Francisco Police Department and the Adult Probation Department and the correction of protect were the first to take a dedicated pod thats located in county jail number 2 the a pod and designating that pod for a reentry problematic wrap around services up to 60 days before their released. Our Transportation System leaves next week week to go to san quentin to have the population cob that have been prequalified through our clarification unit from between our Adult Probation Department and san quentin. The chief and myself went to san quentin and met with the warned and developed a number even if orientation materials for the inmates we think this is potentially very excited being the First Department in the state to do this there are other couldnt departments that want to do it but the recreation up to 56 inmates that will be ben inside the reentry pod being ready for the release of the adult probation that exporting process you would think should be continued in a post custody world it never happened without the level of focus or scrutiny. This is what the enter pod doesnt see it will be more practical use or around the state or country. Electronic monitoring is the electronic monitoring is something in my as precisions in being sheriff as a supervisor i spoke candidly about diversion around from incarnation and look for the tools that are afforded to the Sheriffs Department one by diverting people and making sure that there is no risk to Public Safety. We were surviving taxpayers significant amazes of money 55,000 a year and 15 and year from somebody on electronic mortgaging yet were seeing in not better sometimes on the recidivism or repeat offender. And 2013 was a banner year for electronic monitoring in the San Francisco Sheriffs Department we 3 hundred and 59 on e many there was no breach of the electronic monitoring nobody had been recidivist for those who unfortunately, this is an issue that remains unsoefld for people who cant afford bail remain in jail but those who are more higher risk for the lower risk to not be in jail. Next please. Vocational school training. When i was a supervisor so far district 5 i

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