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Slep in the back room in a uncomfortable chair. I kept coming and you all listened. Then commissioner mar, one of the first elected officials that responded to my xum plaining emails. That set the tone that every day people can have a dialogue with their elected official and have meaningful conversation about things thatern happening in their communities and my communities was a School Community and what needed to be changed. Supervisor mar listened and conversed with me. So did commissioner san ches and xhishzer [inaudible] you also. As the attorney and helping me through the struggles i really appreciate it. It was a fime when schools were struggling [inaudible] i was running the pta and thought it would be about raising money for the track team [inaudible] it turned out to be so much more and led me on a path i [inaudible] i have come to recognize i am to be on this path and it is always aul about education. You mentioned my grand mother. She came here to San Francisco with a 3rd grade education and graduated with her young est son with a high school diploma. Education is everything. Is the great social equalizer mpth it is ning that levels the Playing Field for so many that have not have opportunities and every memberf my family knows that and believes that and works towards that end. In our communities the application are in [inaudible] they offered a teaching credential for a decterate in education. What i believe in and how young people that need the opportunities to create options in their lives should have those opportunities and it takes us adults to make that happen and that is my lifes work. I want to thank for this wonderful honor all of the Community Members that work and educated me, i see you in the room now and thank you for taking a moment to mentor me. I see many supervisor who have been mentors and i cant tell you how wonderful it is to see you in your spot of a position of power and doing this work together. I know you work with your communities, but education is everything and it is a tick td to a life of option squz opportunities and i know all will work with anybody who cares about that to make sure it happens for those students. I just want to say that you mentioned my mom and yes, she is my guide. When i am at my most [inaudible] i want to say to her, for all your patient with this one, you said go do no matter how crazy the idea sounded. Does the job pay money . No it wont, but it will do great things. Go do. Thank you mom for never saying no to anything i dreamed about and i appreciate you and thank you dearly for being my gade and beacon. Thank you. Your mom looks more like your sister. Con gratulations kim [inaudible] thank you. Okay, supervisorpresident chew, come on down right on. Thank you madam chair wom squn i want to welcome everyone to the board chamber. I love this ceremony because it isnt just about celebrating African American leaders but every one of you that are recognized today are True Community hereys in the community regardless of race and i think this is a wonderful for us to acknowledge so many youf. The next honoree is someone who is one of my favorite Public Servants in the entire city and he is someone who has served our city for over 5 decades, which means he started serving before everyone of the board of supervisors with one exception, which is [inaudible] with that, i would like to bring up officer car pain. Car pains has served our city for over 5 decades. He started his career in San Francisco with the mew nistle rail way where he worked for all most 30 years. One of his claims for fame while working at [inaudible] was his status of luning how to ring a bell and served as a San Francisco 49er bell ringing from 1980 to 86 during which time he acomp naed the team to super16 and 19. He then continued that with working for the salvation army. I got to know himent because he is one of San Francisco best police officers. [inaudible] for 23 years where he has been ledgedary. He has been known to take down individuals sickt years younger than him. He is well known in north beach and china town and central station. He is one of the most favorite officers of my constituents in district 3 and tirelessly worked for the Police Department in causes that they support such as a make of Wish Foundation [inaudible] in addition to that, car pain is also a local celebty. In 1983 he performed with hewy lewis the news and worked with the San Francisco sempancy [inaudible] the queen of netherloads. He acomp nnd dianne fine stein to hong cong during San Francisco week. You have truly be everywhere and raised the bar for City Employees and citizens alike. You have a wit and charm that attracted tor est from all over the globe and i want to thank you for your incredible serve frs the city and thank you for keeping us safe [inaudible] that is when [inaudible] was on time. I want to say on behalf of all on the board of supervisors , thank you for everything. Officer car pain i would like to say [inaudible] acknowledgment from the board of supervisors. They represent the city and county of San Francisco, not just the citizens, but world wide. What i strived for in the marine corps, people will recognize i try to be a example for those that become behind me. I always love the city and will continue to love the city and put the city brv Everything Else mpts it is a great haun toor say thank you for being choseen for this and not onlyit black History Month, that is fine, but it should be black history year. Every year, the whole year. We need to be recognize squd step up and need to show that the black community is up to par with any other community in this city. I hope that by showing recognition for not just me, but the other folks that are up here and will come up here, the city does recognize our community and we are all strive frg the same thing. Thank you. Thank you prez dent chew. Next, is going to be a presentation made by the beautiful and talented supervisor from district 10. That would be me. I want to welcome many people back to the chamber here in city hall. It is wonderful to see you. This is one time och the year we know we get a diverse crowd and want to extend a warm welcome because this is your house and chamber and we want to see more of you. With that saidthank you. With that said, i want to introduce a fantastic organization [inaudible] Christian Fellowship. Please come don down to the podium. What is interesting about our sell brakez today is i have the privilege to acknowledge a group of people that are moving mountains litderally in the baby Hunters Point community. Today we honor [inaudible] Christian Fellowship and jouning us we have [inaudible] and we have mrs. Carolyn [inaudible] by the way, happy birth day. Thank you i understand charl lean arm strong isnt speaking which is a first, but she is in the background representing nob number thank you for being here today. Let me tell you why we are honor them today. They are located in the [inaudible] neighborhood kwr founded in the year twonet 007 by bishop ela henson. Back then she was a pastor. In 2006 tyrone nob nub appointed to lead the ministry. I had the privilege and plaesher of knowing many folks at the podiumies well as passer [inaudible] wu worked together for several years. What is special blt [inaudible] is that they madethey are steadfast speerlual leaders that provide a safe and loving place for the community. I want to take a moment to highlight why we are honoring them today. It is not that we want to recognize the work you do inside the chirch, but highlight what they are doing outside the church and how they are enhancing the community they are a part of. Tia kinea spear headed a volunteering erftd at charl Drew Elementary School located in bay view. They help stud want meet and exceed profeshancy levels in the next 5 years. We are talking blt a church to make a 5 year xhitement to lend a helping hand to the scholars of charles drew. They made a dedication to [inaudible] homework and other classroom activities. Largely to support the students, the faculty and the parents. Many of the Program Volunteers are residence of the community and have a very unique and sensitive understanding to the challenges that the students and parents are facing. This culture sensitivity is critical to the success of the program. Please join me as a lift up this organization as a shining example of what can and should be community oreging. It is through partnerships like this, partnerships like this that truly transform a Small Community in a very impactful way. Today we celebrate black History Month and i hope we will be able to sell fwlait transporimation of many of the people we are honoring today doing oen daley basis. [inaudible] into a Better Society and better neighborhood and ultimately a better city. So, thank you chicipe aChristian Fellowship for helpal reflect on this notion. I give sth floor to you. I humbly accept this recognize from the board of supervisors and you sprz visor [inaudible] i started my educational career as a volunteer at charles drew and 20 years later im back at charles drew and appreciate the acknowledgment from the supervisors. [inaudible] bh they run squup say mrs. T, i read a new book or a raised my reading level or skipped 2 reading levels. Im not at h, im at j that is where my heart and and thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much it is a honor for the borebd of supervisor and the city of saf and supervisor co00 to recognize the work we are doing. In 2013 our pastor Tyrone Hillman said this year our theme is call to serve and in order to serve we need to go out of our community to serve. Where is the greatest need for the future where we can serve . It was in that desire with that vision that we began to partner with doctor charles drew elementary scrool because if you build the future and impact the next generation where do you go but the greatest need and that was in the school district. For us it is priverage and honor to serve as volunteers at doctor charles Drew Elementary School. It is exciting whf what can say . When you enter the classroom and environment you really see the need. We are hoping that what we have spear headed will be a catalyst for other ministries to parner with the school because the is a need for volunteers. On behalf of the [inaudible] we say thank you for honoring us. Thank you. [inaudible] no cutting supervisor ye. I am going to our district 2 colleague supervisor mark ferrule thank you. I will speak with the church theme that supervisor co00 worked with. Growing aup as a catholic in San Francisco a large opart of my family life and was and continues to be with our local perish. We have great pastors and none butter than we have no it is a honor to bring up [inaudible] pastor at Saint Vincent de paul church. To give a bit background on sfauther ken, he grew up in washington dc. First saw San Francisco as the merchant marines and a graduate in 74 where my father was also a graduate. He served 21 years in the Naval Reserve and after leaving the merchant hurenes [inaudible] ordained in nov 81. I think most stuny [inaudible] you were the first affric american to be ordained in the archdiocese in San Francisco. Yes father ken returns to San Francisco and ran sacred heart 15 years and closed. [inaudible] worked at the Naval Hospital in oakland and resigned the [inaudible] desk job in hawaii which i think most have taken to serve the prisners here. Spent a few years in exile in mur in but came back to San Francisco and installed as pastor of Saint Vincent de paul. I think a quote you sited, a establish perish with a Beautiful Church great school and active [inaudible] no hospital that got you very excited about coming back to Saint Vincent de paul. On a very person nolet, father ken, saint vensant depaul meant so much over my life and in the past few years you brought a complete breath of fresh air. One of the first things i remember is with my clern growing up, father ken set up a coloring table on the side so children could occupy themselves during church and welcomeed children to come into church. They [inaudible] just the spirit of inclusion and making sauch difference in the pairx. I cant thank you enough. During black History Month in San Francisco and across the kunty as someone that makes a ditch rnss so thank you so much and thank you for all you do for our perish thank you. I thank you supervisor ferrule and thank the board and all that you do for the city. It is a wonderful pleasure to be recognized by you. It is also good to be recognized for doing what you like to do. I thank you i will continue to pray for you and the success of the board. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor kim, you are up. Thank you madam chair. I do aul alenjoy this and i agree with snob nob how every day is black History Month and we should celebrate the diversity in the community, but do a terrible job of [inaudible] for the work they do to make this country more democratic and [inaudible] commissioner [inaudible] who i work on putting together ethnic studies curriculum that we have in all the high schools. You can take it and it can be a class that helps you graduate. I didnt learn enough btd my history and it helps me get to the place i am today. [inaudible] the people that we are recognizes today [inaudible] it is important to acknowledge those folks. I am excited to add this name [inaudible] a group of folks in the African American community in San Francisco and that is joe wilson. Im glad you all sat down because if you know joe, there is a long history here. We go our community relies on the resources and care committed by the non profit providers many that go [inaudible] are recognized here today. For the tremendous contribution to making the city San Francisco. Today i would like to recognize a member of the community. A community that keeps us safer stronger and healthier and that is joe wilson. Many know joe and [inaudible] deep bear tone joyce which he utilized [inaudible] and uses hisoric [inaudible] to bring in district 6 residence and [inaudible] be a part of the dialogue to be a more equitable community. [inaudible] a sheldjure Health Service provider based in the [inaudible] for nearly fifen 0 years and one of the most amazing shelters. Joe has also work as the assistant director of the [inaudible] American Federation of state, county and mu nisple employees. [inaudible] one. 6 million members. Joe was [inaudible] of california chile Care Campaign to organize 60 thousand child care providers. He worked are oregers and labor uniiers across the country to help unionize one of the [inaudible] workers in the kunty, child care educators and providers and help make the education model [inaudible] in the legislative work to address homelessness and housing [inaudible] in 198 7 he was a [inaudible] a land mark traditional housing study, tranditional housing that become a [inaudible] he was also honored by the board of supervisors and San Francisco mayor nob number for 8 years joe [inaudible] for children and youth and was a member of the parent advocacy group. Joe coordinateed to create the plain [inaudible] worked to create the first [inaudible] office for the San Francisco department of Human Services family [inaudible] joe [inaudible] that nearly secured 120 Million Dollars over a 8 year period and local state money for working families and worked to create the child care facility fund. [inaudible] quality Child Care Fund Health Insurance substancy for [inaudible] most importantly he worked nob number 2. 5 Million Dollar [inaudible] was at one time was the only [inaudible] in the u. S. Joe also helped to create the coalition for ethical welfare reform, a graiss roots Welfare Rights Organization in 1996. You are getting chuckles. [inaudible] over the years, he [inaudible] helped make San Francisco welfare policy the best in the country and supporting low income families [inaudible] on the mayor Welfare Reform Task force under mayor willy brown [inaudible] Action Network and intercity youth brought joe on as a consultant. [inaudible] before 1996 we have more to go. We cut a ton out from your bio, but i think folks are so familiar with your work to honor you and your lead rbship. You are large in the community and neighborhood and am excited to honor you. I wont list the boards because you are on so many [inaudible] i want

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