Transcripts For SFGTV 20130929 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20130929

generation and work with the statewide family coalition. we work on with that policy in the state. i really want to express in my appreciation especially for president chu's leadership on this issue. there so many benefits and our work group really seeing our group is workers and parents so we can be both things. and one of the things i love about our laws we have in california is the recognize that providing recognition and care when your and caregiver your family needs you there and that makes such a difference. i'm in a flexible workplace and i love this challenging job but four days a week i walk my between you daughters to school. so i appreciate this beginning with conversation and we're going to be involved >> thank you any other members of the public that wishes to speak line up on the left-hand side. whoever wants to come up >> i'm charley an view point. >> i'm the co-founder and continued member of the need not. i'm going to read a brief statement which was recently published in the colonial. families represent the fundamental unit of a society. yet san francisco is experiencing children that fact or facts impacts the different. in this urban environment in which families struggle every year the board of supervisors president chiu could not be more welcome. month nonprofit organizations have these proposals in plays. the expectation is articulated for family strength. the stadiums underscored that paying attention to the needs of staff is just as important for the quality it's our firm belief it employers who demonstrate understanding and flexibility for the appreciation that supports moral. san francisco families are needed and we the general public need to join together in this issue >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i work with parents with young children mostly. i belong to the sandwich generation. i live with my mother and two teenage children's. i work in an organizations that allows for flextime i work with the parents and this make sense but many of the parents and the parents don't have this flexible time in their workplace. this would help families in dramatic ways or ways that just makes work more productive and workers more efficient. for example, being able to drive pie mom to a doctor's appointment or come in a lot later to work. i heard a crash and i saw my mom was on the floor. we able at the e.r. for 5 hours until the wee hours of the morning so having the flexion time allowed me to come in a little bit later. families are fatiguing extreme pressure from work from raising young children and this flextime would help workers. it shouldn't require legislation for this common sense policy but if that's what it takes to protect the employees from barbara backlash so be it. workers can adjust their time and i applaud your support and supervisor chu for taking a lead-in this and i also - >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm jane bernard powers i'm with the democratic women in action. i support in what i believe is a really important issue and ordinance. and i want to talk about two things. first, the change in workplace culture. when i did my dissertation it was called for the rest of education in the young women in the progressive era. i stepped down into the workplace in the turn of the century. you all know that the employer employee relationship was found you could specialize and we thought this was wonderful by as a culture that effected much of the way we thought about the workplace in the last century. this change this family friendly suggests it's time for us to really rethink the way we position employees and employers that since then if you're an employee you have an investment to what happens in the workplace and you have the need to ask for flexible time for your kids being sick my nephews had two children and if she gets sick that's bad news in the workplace. i've spent a lot of times in school listening to taverns who bemoaned their parents couldn't come in. as a parents you want to come in and mothers especially, if they have something to attend to, they have - >> thank you very much. >> are there other members of the public who wish to speak on this issue. >> seeing none. >> public comment is closed. >> i have a couple of concluding comments. i want to address this letter they want to rental the support sf w pc recognitions the issue and we lend our full support we hope its passage is smooth and hope it's implemented soon. i'll provide this to those the clerk. i want to mention in the first draft to the legislation when we introduced this in the late string there were some provisions to address issues we've heard about work ability from many schedules. there ought to be at least one or two weeks for individuals working tight shifts. there has not been a result we want to nouns i'll be convening a working group between others who are interested to see 23 we can't move that conversation forward. as i alluded to earlier i want to make one amendment to the ordinance that was an issue raise by advocates and city staff as well as by business community about the importance to doing outreach and education around the law. so i want to read going into the right add a new section that reads the dependent on the statutes of women and the office of enforcement should have a workplace program to educate employees about their programs and it will make the materials assessable to employers and employees and we'll take appropriate technical changd changes to add this as well as on page 189 of the ordinance. the last thing again, i want to thank everyone who's been part of this journey. i know this is a relatively new conversation for our city and state and country by all of you who are championing those issues we i think my colleagues have lead to make sure we're addressing other issues to address caregiver needs whether it comes to increasing more money for our schools and supervisor wiener's issues we supported work around housing but this is one important piece of the puzzles how we help our caregivers take care of the early generations and i want to thank you all to move this forward and colleagues, i hope we'll be able to move this out of the committee. >> thank you, president chiu as moved to adopt certain amendments. their adopted >> i wanted to thank president chu's office and the many advocates. as a woman myself in a field that's dominated by me up i work with staff with two women and their managing family both seniors and children. it has been a huge i guess you don't say lifeguard movement. we have one mom who has 3 kids who has to leave in the middle of the day and so many issues around after school. in our office we have a flexible work schedule. he understand that working mothers and fathers we need to help them while they're off doing an incredible job. i'm certainly happy to see this go through and all private employers should be adopting. i'm hoping this will create more dialog amongst our businesses. i also look forward to working with some of you i know have long been involved in proportion h and it's still important to be incredibly responsible. this the one piece of this where president chiu has stated after schools processes is important and i look forward to working on that. i want to make a representations to move forward >> i'm happy to support this legislation. i also want to thank president chiu for the work you and your staff did to moving us to this point or i know this was first introduced and a ballot measure i know there was a fair amount of dialog and i do not like listing in the newspapers and so forth. i want to commend you and your staff for instead of just either - those who agreed and disagreed for coming up with a conversation that has positive impacts on our residents and is a piece of legislation we can all be proud of so thank you. with that we have a motion to forward to the board that that with a positive recommendation we'll take to out observation >> madam clerk do we have any more business for today? >> that concludes our business. >> the meeting is >> >> good afternoon to everyone that is here today. welcome to the city and school district select committee meeting. commissioner mendoza has called for this hearing. i will turn it over to her. to get some background i want to get to what is dedicated over the last year to ensure that we are one of four cities in california that was awarded this incredible grant we'll be hearing about in the next hour 1/2. i plan to touring the -- this time. i look forward to seeing how these federal dollars are being put to use by the collaborations that we'll be hearing about today. i think it's important that when we think about the city district select committee that we really think about how we can strengthen the relationships between the city's resources and our schools. these are all our families whether they are constituents coming to city hall or they are coming to the schools for their education services. we need to figure out ways to better serve our parents. we are really excited to hear the presentation today and want to create more awareness around this program and see how we can have a best successful partnership. this is something we want to sustain beyond the 5 years and we have to start having that discussion now to ensure that we are able to commit to that longevity. we have supervisor avalos and david campos and mark ferrel could not make it here today and i want to recognize commissioner wynns here today also. before we do that, i want to see if we can take a motion to excuse supervisor ferrel. so moved. we'll do that without opposition. >> great, thank you so much, supervisor kim. i want to thank you for an allowing us to giving us this opportunity to show you what good partnership looks like and i want to thank supervisor campos for being here because in the very early days we wondered whether or not this was going to work and the team that you will hear from the mission economic development agency who is our leadation lead agency cameto the school district as we know with dating that it takes a while before you go on a second or third date. i'm glad this worked out and this really demonstrates what it means to think about a particular community in our city and what we can do for not only our kids but our families and the impact it has between the economic status and the ability of our families and that correlates with the education goals for our kids. we always want to make sure our kid s do well and learn. when we look to the city has primarily been around the social services issues and what we can provide to the families, but when we combine those efforts and really think about how we get everybody on board to target a very dense population of families where low income, low test scores, and i apologize for saying low because it makes it sound really negative, but it's been a huge challenge in the community and the mission. we have so many families that don't own homes in the communities and are getting pushed out. it really makes us stop and reflect as to what we can do collectively. the mission promise neighborhood is a great reflection of many of our city departments who already invested in the community to come together and say what are we doing and how can we leverage this amazing grant of $30 million over the next 5 years to show a great difference in the mission. on the school district side we were grateful for the $45 million grant from the improvement grant that we received from the feds that got us started and will continue to improve the mission schools that have already benefited with the dollars. with that i would like to introduce victor corral who is the director of the mission promise neighborhood and has been with us from the very beginning and shepherd this process. before we start, the one other thing i want to be able to say is that when you bring more than two people together, you are always going to have the challenge of agreement and to be able to think about how do we best serve the community. i just want to commend for sticking it out and really find a way. we still have some challenges and some steps to go over, but in the room sits a lot of very caring committed and passionate people. secretary donovan from hud was just here and he wanted to see another program but he decided he wanted to come see the mission promise neighborhood grant that we had and how it going to be implemented . we had an opportunity to show off what we had. mr. corral, show us what you got. >> good afternoon. i really appreciate the kind words calling out the collaboration. i think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership between all of us, all of our community partners, the city agencies, the school district to really create lasting change in the mission. so with that, i will go ahead and get started. i guess the first thing as with most of these claksz #z collaborations and initiatives, we came together about a year 1/2 ago to discuss what we want to see for our community. we call a bunch of community based organizations and leadership. we had maybe a hundred people or so in the room and we discuss what had we wanted to see. this represents some of the things we had and we want to make sure every child succeeds and prepare every student for success and graduate from college. we want the mission to thrive as a healthy and safe community and allow the children to prosper economically and call san francisco their permanent home. as you are all familiar with, there are a lot of challenges, one of the chalice -- challenges in the city, we know about 37 percent of latino adults in san francisco work in low wage service industry. we know that over 50 percent are asset poor, meaning they don't have enough money in their bank account to cover 3 months of living suspensions -- expenses. nationally it's 18 of that of latino families same for african american families and i won't even go into the native american families. this is some of the data we looked at last year in the mission. the majority in the mission group are latino and about 68 percent of those children are living in low poverty. >> before you go on what are the boundary lines? >> we did it by census tracts. i don't remember all the numbers. this is, i'm going to skip just a couple slides. this is essentially what it looks like. those are the boundaries. about 1.86 square miles. we'll get more specific as we move forward. so as commissioner mendoza mention, a lot of mission schools have been struggling for the last few years but fortunately for the sig, prior to that we had lots of under performing schools and fortunately that's changing with the sig. the majority of students are of color and poverty. most children are entering school not ready to learn and a lot of students are not graduating or not graduating ready for college. i think a lot of the work that sig has done and a lot of the work that city agencies has done is a perfect convergence of a lot of great initiatives. right now to leverage the work that is happening, the option with promise neighborhood and up to us to figure out how far we can take this. in a 0-5 phase, we have done a lot of work. we have raced to the top. we have fortunate to have preschool for all which has increased. enrollment for students of color that are around 4-5 years old. there is still a gap for 0-3 age. we have after school programs. we are implementing the full community school models which is transforming schools into community hubs. in the treasurer we have community colleges that allows us to have a savings account for every entry student. like wise the work that bridge has done for sf puc city college and a lot of us will call here through our spark point center through the united way partnership and the broadband intentional -- technology program. there is a lot of investment and there is an opportunity to collaborate more effectively to have funds from dcys to matching from the health and services agencies. you name it. all the great resources. but what a lot of the values had in the umbrella is the opportunity to work together more effectively and have that be a truly data driven collaborative approach. internally rs at met a we've been integrating all of our funds from development to free tax preparation. we are getting a little bit of money from hud, cdfi and the department of labor and we are bringing those funds together and taking them to the next level to our own programs. here, i won't run through all of our amazing partners doing great work, but we have about 26 partners. i think almost every city agency has signed on. city college, the universities is here. we have an amazing set of partners doing great work that we look to collaborating with going forward. these are the results that we are trying to achieve. and so there is a set of 15 indicators from department of education that we have provided a baseline for and that we will be, we set target for over the course of the 5 years and that's part of our reporting to the department will be on progress in moving the needle towards our goals on those indicators with the ultimate goal that making sure kids are ready for school, graduate from high school and enter into college and their families have what they need to succeed.

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Transcripts For SFGTV 20130929 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20130929

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generation and work with the statewide family coalition. we work on with that policy in the state. i really want to express in my appreciation especially for president chu's leadership on this issue. there so many benefits and our work group really seeing our group is workers and parents so we can be both things. and one of the things i love about our laws we have in california is the recognize that providing recognition and care when your and caregiver your family needs you there and that makes such a difference. i'm in a flexible workplace and i love this challenging job but four days a week i walk my between you daughters to school. so i appreciate this beginning with conversation and we're going to be involved >> thank you any other members of the public that wishes to speak line up on the left-hand side. whoever wants to come up >> i'm charley an view point. >> i'm the co-founder and continued member of the need not. i'm going to read a brief statement which was recently published in the colonial. families represent the fundamental unit of a society. yet san francisco is experiencing children that fact or facts impacts the different. in this urban environment in which families struggle every year the board of supervisors president chiu could not be more welcome. month nonprofit organizations have these proposals in plays. the expectation is articulated for family strength. the stadiums underscored that paying attention to the needs of staff is just as important for the quality it's our firm belief it employers who demonstrate understanding and flexibility for the appreciation that supports moral. san francisco families are needed and we the general public need to join together in this issue >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i work with parents with young children mostly. i belong to the sandwich generation. i live with my mother and two teenage children's. i work in an organizations that allows for flextime i work with the parents and this make sense but many of the parents and the parents don't have this flexible time in their workplace. this would help families in dramatic ways or ways that just makes work more productive and workers more efficient. for example, being able to drive pie mom to a doctor's appointment or come in a lot later to work. i heard a crash and i saw my mom was on the floor. we able at the e.r. for 5 hours until the wee hours of the morning so having the flexion time allowed me to come in a little bit later. families are fatiguing extreme pressure from work from raising young children and this flextime would help workers. it shouldn't require legislation for this common sense policy but if that's what it takes to protect the employees from barbara backlash so be it. workers can adjust their time and i applaud your support and supervisor chu for taking a lead-in this and i also - >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm jane bernard powers i'm with the democratic women in action. i support in what i believe is a really important issue and ordinance. and i want to talk about two things. first, the change in workplace culture. when i did my dissertation it was called for the rest of education in the young women in the progressive era. i stepped down into the workplace in the turn of the century. you all know that the employer employee relationship was found you could specialize and we thought this was wonderful by as a culture that effected much of the way we thought about the workplace in the last century. this change this family friendly suggests it's time for us to really rethink the way we position employees and employers that since then if you're an employee you have an investment to what happens in the workplace and you have the need to ask for flexible time for your kids being sick my nephews had two children and if she gets sick that's bad news in the workplace. i've spent a lot of times in school listening to taverns who bemoaned their parents couldn't come in. as a parents you want to come in and mothers especially, if they have something to attend to, they have - >> thank you very much. >> are there other members of the public who wish to speak on this issue. >> seeing none. >> public comment is closed. >> i have a couple of concluding comments. i want to address this letter they want to rental the support sf w pc recognitions the issue and we lend our full support we hope its passage is smooth and hope it's implemented soon. i'll provide this to those the clerk. i want to mention in the first draft to the legislation when we introduced this in the late string there were some provisions to address issues we've heard about work ability from many schedules. there ought to be at least one or two weeks for individuals working tight shifts. there has not been a result we want to nouns i'll be convening a working group between others who are interested to see 23 we can't move that conversation forward. as i alluded to earlier i want to make one amendment to the ordinance that was an issue raise by advocates and city staff as well as by business community about the importance to doing outreach and education around the law. so i want to read going into the right add a new section that reads the dependent on the statutes of women and the office of enforcement should have a workplace program to educate employees about their programs and it will make the materials assessable to employers and employees and we'll take appropriate technical changd changes to add this as well as on page 189 of the ordinance. the last thing again, i want to thank everyone who's been part of this journey. i know this is a relatively new conversation for our city and state and country by all of you who are championing those issues we i think my colleagues have lead to make sure we're addressing other issues to address caregiver needs whether it comes to increasing more money for our schools and supervisor wiener's issues we supported work around housing but this is one important piece of the puzzles how we help our caregivers take care of the early generations and i want to thank you all to move this forward and colleagues, i hope we'll be able to move this out of the committee. >> thank you, president chiu as moved to adopt certain amendments. their adopted >> i wanted to thank president chu's office and the many advocates. as a woman myself in a field that's dominated by me up i work with staff with two women and their managing family both seniors and children. it has been a huge i guess you don't say lifeguard movement. we have one mom who has 3 kids who has to leave in the middle of the day and so many issues around after school. in our office we have a flexible work schedule. he understand that working mothers and fathers we need to help them while they're off doing an incredible job. i'm certainly happy to see this go through and all private employers should be adopting. i'm hoping this will create more dialog amongst our businesses. i also look forward to working with some of you i know have long been involved in proportion h and it's still important to be incredibly responsible. this the one piece of this where president chiu has stated after schools processes is important and i look forward to working on that. i want to make a representations to move forward >> i'm happy to support this legislation. i also want to thank president chiu for the work you and your staff did to moving us to this point or i know this was first introduced and a ballot measure i know there was a fair amount of dialog and i do not like listing in the newspapers and so forth. i want to commend you and your staff for instead of just either - those who agreed and disagreed for coming up with a conversation that has positive impacts on our residents and is a piece of legislation we can all be proud of so thank you. with that we have a motion to forward to the board that that with a positive recommendation we'll take to out observation >> madam clerk do we have any more business for today? >> that concludes our business. >> the meeting is >> >> good afternoon to everyone that is here today. welcome to the city and school district select committee meeting. commissioner mendoza has called for this hearing. i will turn it over to her. to get some background i want to get to what is dedicated over the last year to ensure that we are one of four cities in california that was awarded this incredible grant we'll be hearing about in the next hour 1/2. i plan to touring the -- this time. i look forward to seeing how these federal dollars are being put to use by the collaborations that we'll be hearing about today. i think it's important that when we think about the city district select committee that we really think about how we can strengthen the relationships between the city's resources and our schools. these are all our families whether they are constituents coming to city hall or they are coming to the schools for their education services. we need to figure out ways to better serve our parents. we are really excited to hear the presentation today and want to create more awareness around this program and see how we can have a best successful partnership. this is something we want to sustain beyond the 5 years and we have to start having that discussion now to ensure that we are able to commit to that longevity. we have supervisor avalos and david campos and mark ferrel could not make it here today and i want to recognize commissioner wynns here today also. before we do that, i want to see if we can take a motion to excuse supervisor ferrel. so moved. we'll do that without opposition. >> great, thank you so much, supervisor kim. i want to thank you for an allowing us to giving us this opportunity to show you what good partnership looks like and i want to thank supervisor campos for being here because in the very early days we wondered whether or not this was going to work and the team that you will hear from the mission economic development agency who is our leadation lead agency cameto the school district as we know with dating that it takes a while before you go on a second or third date. i'm glad this worked out and this really demonstrates what it means to think about a particular community in our city and what we can do for not only our kids but our families and the impact it has between the economic status and the ability of our families and that correlates with the education goals for our kids. we always want to make sure our kid s do well and learn. when we look to the city has primarily been around the social services issues and what we can provide to the families, but when we combine those efforts and really think about how we get everybody on board to target a very dense population of families where low income, low test scores, and i apologize for saying low because it makes it sound really negative, but it's been a huge challenge in the community and the mission. we have so many families that don't own homes in the communities and are getting pushed out. it really makes us stop and reflect as to what we can do collectively. the mission promise neighborhood is a great reflection of many of our city departments who already invested in the community to come together and say what are we doing and how can we leverage this amazing grant of $30 million over the next 5 years to show a great difference in the mission. on the school district side we were grateful for the $45 million grant from the improvement grant that we received from the feds that got us started and will continue to improve the mission schools that have already benefited with the dollars. with that i would like to introduce victor corral who is the director of the mission promise neighborhood and has been with us from the very beginning and shepherd this process. before we start, the one other thing i want to be able to say is that when you bring more than two people together, you are always going to have the challenge of agreement and to be able to think about how do we best serve the community. i just want to commend for sticking it out and really find a way. we still have some challenges and some steps to go over, but in the room sits a lot of very caring committed and passionate people. secretary donovan from hud was just here and he wanted to see another program but he decided he wanted to come see the mission promise neighborhood grant that we had and how it going to be implemented . we had an opportunity to show off what we had. mr. corral, show us what you got. >> good afternoon. i really appreciate the kind words calling out the collaboration. i think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership between all of us, all of our community partners, the city agencies, the school district to really create lasting change in the mission. so with that, i will go ahead and get started. i guess the first thing as with most of these claksz #z collaborations and initiatives, we came together about a year 1/2 ago to discuss what we want to see for our community. we call a bunch of community based organizations and leadership. we had maybe a hundred people or so in the room and we discuss what had we wanted to see. this represents some of the things we had and we want to make sure every child succeeds and prepare every student for success and graduate from college. we want the mission to thrive as a healthy and safe community and allow the children to prosper economically and call san francisco their permanent home. as you are all familiar with, there are a lot of challenges, one of the chalice -- challenges in the city, we know about 37 percent of latino adults in san francisco work in low wage service industry. we know that over 50 percent are asset poor, meaning they don't have enough money in their bank account to cover 3 months of living suspensions -- expenses. nationally it's 18 of that of latino families same for african american families and i won't even go into the native american families. this is some of the data we looked at last year in the mission. the majority in the mission group are latino and about 68 percent of those children are living in low poverty. >> before you go on what are the boundary lines? >> we did it by census tracts. i don't remember all the numbers. this is, i'm going to skip just a couple slides. this is essentially what it looks like. those are the boundaries. about 1.86 square miles. we'll get more specific as we move forward. so as commissioner mendoza mention, a lot of mission schools have been struggling for the last few years but fortunately for the sig, prior to that we had lots of under performing schools and fortunately that's changing with the sig. the majority of students are of color and poverty. most children are entering school not ready to learn and a lot of students are not graduating or not graduating ready for college. i think a lot of the work that sig has done and a lot of the work that city agencies has done is a perfect convergence of a lot of great initiatives. right now to leverage the work that is happening, the option with promise neighborhood and up to us to figure out how far we can take this. in a 0-5 phase, we have done a lot of work. we have raced to the top. we have fortunate to have preschool for all which has increased. enrollment for students of color that are around 4-5 years old. there is still a gap for 0-3 age. we have after school programs. we are implementing the full community school models which is transforming schools into community hubs. in the treasurer we have community colleges that allows us to have a savings account for every entry student. like wise the work that bridge has done for sf puc city college and a lot of us will call here through our spark point center through the united way partnership and the broadband intentional -- technology program. there is a lot of investment and there is an opportunity to collaborate more effectively to have funds from dcys to matching from the health and services agencies. you name it. all the great resources. but what a lot of the values had in the umbrella is the opportunity to work together more effectively and have that be a truly data driven collaborative approach. internally rs at met a we've been integrating all of our funds from development to free tax preparation. we are getting a little bit of money from hud, cdfi and the department of labor and we are bringing those funds together and taking them to the next level to our own programs. here, i won't run through all of our amazing partners doing great work, but we have about 26 partners. i think almost every city agency has signed on. city college, the universities is here. we have an amazing set of partners doing great work that we look to collaborating with going forward. these are the results that we are trying to achieve. and so there is a set of 15 indicators from department of education that we have provided a baseline for and that we will be, we set target for over the course of the 5 years and that's part of our reporting to the department will be on progress in moving the needle towards our goals on those indicators with the ultimate goal that making sure kids are ready for school, graduate from high school and enter into college and their families have what they need to succeed.

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