Commissioner hyde . Aye. Alright, now were going to move to the report from our check t if director. Thank you, good evening, commissioners, and thank you, commissioner hyde, youre doing great, keep it up, well help you along. Just briefly, i wanted to update you on a couple of things related to legislation and policy. I gave you guys, hopefully you all have a separate directors report, its not in the doctor, and one of the things that is behind my memo is an update on the Planning Commission review, the latest review of the western Soma Community plan, the Planning Department was given an informational update on this plan thats been ten years or so in the making on november 15th, and the memo they were given to review is attached again, take it home, its not something you can read up there, it outlines the update they were given and i wanted to highlight the ideas presented the 11 street, what theyre calling entertainment corridor, we dont have anything properly called an entertainment corridor, there are 8 different options outline ined this memo presented to them, they protect various current Entertainment Venues and current housing, all options attempt to minimize conflicts that occur when entertainment and housing are currently not planned for in San Francisco as you well know, so the interest we have here in getting involved in that planning process and i know commissioner tan and commission near hyde were at that presentation at planning, we do want to get in as early as possible so that our permittees and our process sort of engages early on to make sure we dont have neighbor problems, and that we have healthy night life, so the Planning Commission didnt take any action at their meeting but the west Soma Community plan will continue to move along in the coming months and will eventually change the zoning thats been static in west soma for years, so staff will continue to keep you informed and if commissioner tan or hyde have anything to add, you can do it now or i can finish my report. I have a question just on this. So, this plan has been ten years in the making and this goes to you and you and possibly you, so this plans been ten years in the making and theyve come up with all of these recommendations. Have they taken into consideration in your best guess changing times, like the city is coming back, we have less unemployment, we have an influx of new tech companies, we possibly are going to have a warriors arena, has this plan in any way taken into consideration changing times in the future or is it set somewhere 8 or 10 years ago . I think thats a loaded question and im probably not apt to answer that directly to you. Anybody have an opinion . I sat on the Planning Task force for a few months. I was an appointee from james kims office, by the time i got there, it was already in the making and although it has been said that over 60 times entertainment has been on the agenda and there were discussions, it is my experience that although it was on the agenda several times, it was at the end of the agenda and was not talked about a lot of times and no, there was no discussion about the tech companies, all of this plan was had already been moved forward by the time the twitter tax break and all of that had gone through, so no, that was not taken into consideration. Yeah, and i think in my opinion, this is just an opinion, the plan processed in you know, in regards to entertainment, i think a lot of the effort currently just came recently, you know, the supervisor said, hey, i want to look at how entertainment is being addressed here. I dont know, i think if youre asking, do they take into consideration whats happening in 2012, i dont think it really is, i think if you look at the net housing and the net jobs that are being developed through the plan, youre looking at a marginal increase of what the current plan is versus the proposed plan, so yeah, so i mean, i have to think about it more but honestly, i dont think its been a process thats enabled a lot of opportunity for growth. Thank you. Okay, so again, behind this memo, take it home, take a look at it, theres some decent information in that and certainly the staffs person at planning would be happy to answer any of your questions if there is something you dont understand, so moving on, the other thing that is attached to this memo is file 121065 which is introduce legislation by the board of supervisors specifically david chu creating something called a polk street alcohol restricted use district among other things, and really what it does is create something a new lower polk street, alcohol restricted use district that doesnt exist, its similar to other restricted use districts in the city but many of them in the city are being removed as opposed to being created so the concern that staff has is that this would restrict as its written, it will restrict all new and on and off sale license establishments with some exemptions for restaurants, theres a blanket requirement that all restaurants close at midnight, it would also require all new entertainment permits to obtain conditional use authorization which is currently not a requirement in that area and its a pretty big area with streets its not just polk, its got boundaries that go up to larken and van ess, and as of right now, its at least a 6 month process to go through conditional use at the Planning Department for entertainment, so thats a big change and something to consider, its attached again for your reference and we have been in contact with supervisor chus office, i know some of you might have reached out as well to try to provide input on the legislation. It wasnt directly sent to the Entertainment Commission for comment, but its in its introduction period, so anythings possible at the moment and well continue to keep you updated as things occur, and i have some sort of timetable for it. I just want to put on the record that i find it offensive that this commission does not get asked to comment on legislation that directly affects our purview, and i think that id like the know why. I mean, we should have definitely had it to comment on, and then i have a question for inspector granelli, have we had a lot of complaints from the polk street corridor and what do we do to address them . Polk street corridor as this commission knows, they made a decision to get ahead of polk street a little bit. We started getting some complaints from the neighborhood both of sound and crowd, and were kind of behind the 8 balls that were coming after the fact and having to be reactionary, we wanted to get there early and address some of those issues so we spent a great amount of time not only dealing with sound complaint but crowd control complaints, what weve done in the past and what weve continued to do is working with northern station, also working with the Fire Department and abc or the aou unit, weve gone to polk street both in groups and in solo to address those venues in the area, how they should better control their sounds and crowd, we did one or two educational meetings where we pulled different Restaurant Owners and addressed some of these, these were chaired by the director kane and we also had Northern City and others participate in them. So, has there been positive results in that . Absolutely, were not seeing the kind of violence on polk street, you have the occasional bar fiekt, but drunk people, that happens sometimes, but as far as violence goes, were not getting any kind of violence coming off of polk street, polk street is probably the busiest its ever been in the history of this city and that business is still increasing. We are getting better, you know, clubs operating better, we are seeing better crowd control, we are seeing better sound control. Probably in the last two months, weve seen a decrease on in complaints. Thank you. I have a question for voj. We know we can control the poes, home are next to each other that might be contributing to the issue. Polk street is interesting because its a xin nation of permanent and nonpermanent venues by this commission, we have several permanent venues on along polk street and were really talking the kind of active area of polk street is between california street and uri street, so the act of its an active district but also the permanent venues, you have everything from full like night clubs to poes with extended areas to as far as extended areas with food and on top of that, you have mixed in at least four, possibly five other bar, like fullon bars with 48s possible, two, maybe 347s that are there that are nonpermanent and not doing entertainment, so its really mixed which as this commission knows ideally, thats what we want, and the other part is that the recipe for an area where there is an intensification or there are a lot of permanent venues, you know, what you want is you want people doing live music which we have, we want people doing djs which we have, you want people not doing entertainment, theyre just traditional bars, we have a real its one of the few areas in the city where you have a real mix of a lot of Different Things going on and all doing different programming, you know, no real one bar or club in that area is doing the same thing as everybody else, and again, all the statistics show from this city and other cities that thats what builds a thriving neighborhood. I mean, i think the mix, its really good, but i think two clubs that are being responsible are doing the best they can, if the next door neighbor has got the overflow and doesnt have the poe and are also a part of helping us, its a bit unfair. Thats why we brought to the table the abc and Fire Department and northern state. I would like to say similar to the western soma, do you think we could have supervisor chus office possibly give us a presentation of whats going on as this moves along . Well, again, if youre directing me to request that through the supervisors office, im happy to do that, im at your service. I dont know whether i would like to direct you to do that okay, i will ask. Okay, moving on, i just wanted to do a quick update on the our new enforcement position, so i think it was late last week and early this week, we saw some Real Movement so im really excited. I hope were about to the point of formally announcing this hopefully right after this thanksgiving holiday, theres a lot of pieces of paper that we have to move through but were almost there and then i will be sending it to all of you as well, i want a wide net to find the right person who will be essentially trained by voj and then go out there independent of him to assist with hundreds of permits that we have to manage. I had talked to you guys about a tech and Entertainment Panel that i was excited about before the election and then i got a full stop with sf city, the organization that is like the tech Sector Chamber essentially put all their eggs in the prop b basket, so they were successful with that campaign and so i got back in contact with sf city and although were in a holiday week, i do expect to get back in touch and hopefully well schedule that event for january because i think that its really important. I think that it goes to all the issues we were talking about, so ill keep you informed and when it takes shape, ill get some feedback from you. I also wanted to mention lastly that at the very back of this pile of paper i gave you is a section of the police code, two weeks ago, what i did in trying to prepare for new years eve and the Holiday Season is sent out an email to everyone and their mother that i had in my mailbox letting people know that new years eve is very busy, not only for us but its busy for the Police Department, and that if anyone is planning to do anything out of the ordinary, if anyone needs permits from the Entertainment Commission, is everybody okay . Whats happening . That they need to get their permits in. Up to now, and until recently, weve been very kind with people who come running in at the last minute, we have been overly kind and we dont have the capacity legally to say, sorry, were not going to accept your permit, however, there is a section in the police code, its 1060. 29. 1 that will allow a special procedure permit. Er onetime evens on designated events if the Commission Approves that procedure, and we havent in the last year brought anything to you but my plan for 2013 is to do that because it does include july 4th and some other busy often weekends, so early next year, ill present something. Hopefully fairly simple in concert with the Police Department so that we will have more tools in our tool box if people come at the very last minute, if they ask for things that are out of the ordinary, if they want to rush, maybe we can discuss the late fee kind of situation, just to give people incentive to not let everything roll down to the feet of the staff of the Entertainment Commission and frankly the permit officer and is the Police Department because we all struggle when people dont plan well and then we all have to clean up other peoples mess, that will be coming to you, but if you take a minute sometime in the next few days, after youve eaten a lot of turkey and read that section, its clear what we can and what we cant do and well formulate something. What is your cutoff for new years eve, you should put it on the record . Legally, there is no cutoff, its just unlikely that more than three weeks out, youre going to really get a healthy response from our department or the police or fire or anyone else that you might have to engage. So, i guess my question is, if someone comes to you on december 27th for a permit for new years eve after i stop laughing. I mean as a matter of policy, you should set a date. So, i cannot do that unless the commission allows me to do that and thats exactly what im talking about, so we will be doing that for next year. For this year, i am working really hard proactively so that doesnt happen. Okay. I had a question. I think, i know you mentioned the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development was creating an entertainment position, do you have any update about that . They were sort of in the same boat we were in terms of having difficulty of getting positions through the bureaucracy and i had a meeting with wakeen torres who will be the supervisor for that position and i hope thats a hire at the beginning of the new year and i believe i still wont be involved on the panel to choose that person, so i will i dont have a date specific for you but im watching. Thanks. That concludes me. Anyone have anything to ask, i will turn it over to voj. Commissioners, being as we had the last meeting was cancelled, it should be in your binder, two sides to that page on just my report, we can keep it pretty straightforward, youll see that weve been looking into a series of complaints from the sorry, november 6th side of the sheet, sofa atmosphere, sky lark, and then on to the on the other side that were still looking at let me backtrack there, sorry, that now were looking also still, we had a meeting with atmosphere, so theyre working with the management there and gotten good response, it was both Central Station and ourselves on some operational changes and just what theres an influx and we have an opportunity to change operations on bog way, so working with atmosphere, were waiting to see that change happen, [inaudible] theyll be coming before this commission i think its december 4th for an extended hours. They continue to operate after 2 a. M. Currently which youll see on the sheet. Weve sent notice ts of violation and sent reports. Tenderloin station and us at this time are on the same page the best possible thing to do in this particular waysing, situation, is to grant them the permit so we can bring them under jurisdiction and into compliance and leave it to you as commissioners to decide what kind of conditions you want and both tenderloin station and this staff will have recommendations at this time. Sky lark, weve been seeing some violation, 1015, weve been working with the neighbors and southern station, weve been dealing with sound complaints that have come up from that space from a building of condos behind that location. Rose wood was a venue on out of broadway near the tunnel that was operating illegally as far as djs, we have not met by phone the owners of that establishment today, hopefully well have that taken care of. The farmhouse continues to be an interest, interesting animal that has nothing really to report because its long and convoluted and working with neighborhood people and ingleside station, hopefully well meet with the neighbors soon, and hopefully weve called into them and have a meeting with them also soon, theyve been doing some minor sign, and nile cafe have been operating, one has been operating without extended hours, they should be coming in and also [inaudible], so overall, i know i normally dont go through the list like this, weve had an increase in complaints and weve been focusing attention in addressing those complaints currently and so far weve been able to make a lot of traction on them so its a lot, a new person would definitely be very helpful. Continually, youll see theres lots of incidents so forth and so on, not as bad as in the past, weve seen a decrease in incidents overall which is nice, but instead of going through those, i know officer mathias is here from Central Station, so hell bring up his highlights but as far as i am, any good questions you have . Has [inaudible] paid its fines. We have not cited them currently. Weve warned, theyve been given notices. Okay. And talked to a whole bunch of times. And 1015s been quiet for a long time, can you tell me again whats going on there. 1015, we have a series, right behind the building, there is a condo building, i think it has 12 condos in it. Across the alley . No. And they have been complaining and dealing with sound, its low frequency vibration through the walls of 1015, so thats and its kind of you know, as these things often happen, people get to a certain point and then theyre done, so theyre d