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Restriction and the sites adjacent to the palace of legion of honor. Consequently its these sites that they use for parking when visiting the palace of legion of honor. This depicts the area were talking about. Here is the legion, Lincoln Park Golf Course of course and the eastern boundary is here. El Camino Del Mar comes in here and the 33rd avenue intersection of el Camino Del Mar is within the park and extends all this way up the hill to the intersection here with legend of honor drive and continues westward until it runs dead end into the boundary right here, so this is the area of the Street Parking that were talk about, and then this being the legion this area is the parking lot that is directly in front of it surrounding the large fountain. To give you a different look at this let me show you here. I have this screen shot, so this is a standing at lands end looking up el Camino Del Mar going up the hill. This is the continuation up el Camino Del Mar from the intersection of legion of honor drive and down the hill and this is the parking lot surrounding the fountain in front of the liege legion of honor and these are the sites were talking about and i will return this now to the overall map. Over the last several years its become difficult or increasingly difficult for visitors to park because of the lack of time restrictions, and observations by both the department and Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco have seen this and no turn over significantly impacts Museum Attendance and creates wider parking problems within the park as visitors attempt to park in those areas where parking is currently prohibited which is all along legion of honor drive and through the Lincoln Park Golf Course. The proposed parking restrictions are within the commissions authority and jurisdiction to approve per the code section which is quoted in your staff memo and additionally the city charter gives the Commission Jurisdiction all avenues and grounds located within city park land and i pointed out the referenced section at el Camino Del Mar and the parking lot are within the boundaries of lincoln park. In 2009 a Management Parking analysis was conducted and along el Camino Del Mar and in the parking lot there are 417 Parking Spaces. 363 of these Parking Spaces are along both sides of el Camino Del Mar and 54 spaces within the parking lot that is in front of the legion. This proposed four hour parking restriction at these locations within lincoln park exactly matches the four hour parking restriction that is currently in place in Golden Gate Park in the eastern end which was enacted in 2004 and 2005 with the construction opening of the music concourse garage and these restrictions are no different than those in place at the east end of Golden Gate Park. In request of this they will fund the acquisition of the signage and its installation. In doing the preparation to bring this to the commission ceqa Environmental Review is needed but we were given an exemption for the parking and that is stamped and on file with the department. The file number is there in the staff memo. Also an mou between the department and Fine Arts Museum San Francisco. If you approve this establishment of these restrictions the department and Fine Arts Museums will enter into the proposed or draft memorandum of understanding that you find in attachment b in your Commission Package and defines roles and responsibilities railroading signage and installation and inspection and signage maintenance and restriction and enforcement once the parking restriction is established. Since any parking restriction the city is considered a rule. We have posted this for the required ten day posting requirement. Its been posted on october 5 on the website and all of the other public noticing site that we post in the city so commissioners if approved Fine Arts Museum will immediately under take the installation of the signage so the four hour restriction is established as soon as practical in support of the next art exhibit coming to the legion which is royal treasures of the louvre and opening this year. They anticipate a large attendance for this blockbuster exhibition and wish to have the parking restriction in place for the exhibit to enhance the experience and those in the future and mitigate traffic and parking congestion within lincoln park. The support is supportive of this restriction and address the all day parking encroachment in lincoln park and observed by us and the public and the Fine Arts Museum for several years and a source of complaint because of that. The fact that they would fund the signage and installation to address this addresses the resource shortage that has prevented our department from implementing the solution earlier and previously, so the recommendation from the staff to you is approval of the establishment of the four hour restrictive restriction in lincoln park on el Camino Del Mar and within the parking lot surrounding the fountain immediately in front of the legion of honor and San Francisco funding for the manufacture and instullation signage of this parking restriction for this establishment. I have also with me ken garcia and the director of Community Affairs and hes available to answer any questions from the Fine Arts Museum perspective from this request and proposal. Thank you very much. Commissioner levitan. I just have a couple of questions so the notion of the all day parker. I think we have that obviously in a few destinations in this department throughout the city, but in ramping down on the all day parkers who is it that were going to potentially upset . I assume some of the people are commuters that are parking all days or golfers or all day museum goers . Who is going to have the biggest problem with this . Commissioner i appreciate the problem. Its none of the above. We dont see the problem from the golfers or the surrounding neighbors. The problem i will speak plainly. The problem is from the va hospital and that the terminus there at el Camino Del Mar it dead ends into a walk way or trail that goes up into the va hospital campus, but we worked with the va hospital. They have lots of parking there. They have two large parking structures. Well, i have this map of the va hospital complex, and in yellow i highlighted where all the parking is. In addition the va hospital recognizing this problem has recently instituted free Valet Parking for their patients that come and available monday through friday and instituted through bowers limousine a shuttle and available to patients and staff from various sites in the city. We appreciate the measures the hospital has under taken but the problem persists and we would like to address from our side of the fence. That sounds good. My other question in terms of enforcement and coordinated and what does that mean . We reached out to mta on this one and they would have their parking control officer extend those who handle the Outer Richmond streets that are most immediately around the area would extend the patrol through the area. It would not be constant but on a rotating basis and also park patrol who equally have the authority to issue parking citations on park land would also be helping out as well. Because obviously the effectiveness of four hour park suggest only as good as its enforcement. Absolutely. Great. Thanks. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Yes. Please come forward. Good afternoon commissioners, recreation and park manager. As usual the most affected people by this resolution will be the veterans, and what a cheap shot to give a veteran a ticket when he goes to park at the va hospital after serving his country and having to deal with this Political Climate and this yoyo in the presidency and get a ticket for parking at the park. Its ridiculous. How do you treat people like that . I mean the majority of those people theyre hobbling on one leg trying to get to an appointment. Theyre trying to find the easiest parking spot and now you guys are going to moneyize it, enforce it, constant circling, looking at your tires. Thats not what you should be doing. What you should be doo doing is your job and opening up the stables and instead of this enforcement of parking. Thats your job. Your job is open the stables and modernize the facilities there, to get revenue, but you dont do that. No. Its all about nickel and diming people that maybe got hurt in iraq defending their country thinking they had a park system that worked for them that was worth fighting for. Thank you very much. Is there any other Public Comment . Deny. Commissioners if i may speak personally for the public. As a 30 year u. S. Navy veteran and actual user of the Veterans Administration hospital up there i have no problem with this particular restriction. I am carrying forward. Thank you. Thank you deny. Well, as a vietnam veteran i will entertain a motion. Moved. Second. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Hearing none. It is unanimous. We are now at Public Comment and may address the commissioners in the jurisdiction of things that do not appear on the jerndz and didnt make comment on item four. Anyone that would like to make general Public Comment . Yes and i would like to have the projector remain on. They will put on. Okay. Here we see an article that came out september 12, 2001, and we see there was a low key Early Warning about air travel. Now whats really interesting about this is the timing. Timing is everything, and clearly the timing of the closing of the stables, and the timing of this warning indicate that there was some type of premeditated determination that on this date our park system would change. We would change so radically and so greatly that nothing would compare to it in 140 years. And so the point im making is is that at some point you have to reevaluate what has happened in the past, and you have to balance it with the needs of the present moment, and the needs of the present moment is that you have a very dense population of people in San Francisco that need recreational opportunities, and currently theyre having to drive out of the city to see those opportunities which creates a large environmental footprint, and that footprint could be reduced by bringing equestrians back to the city which would also offer a traffic resolution. It would slow down and impede this constant l. A. Traffic were seeing in our city. Traffic calming is created by equestrians, and so by getting rid of the equestrians we have seen a complete increase in aggressive traffic and a reduction in the quality of life of san franciscans which is not alleviated by going to baseball games, by going to other events. It can only be achieved by having equestrian activities in the city. Thats the way the city was designed. Thats the way the city has operated for over 140 years and now were starting to see the unhealthy ramifications amongst our individuals from not having these recreational activities, so please think about it. Thank you. Is there any other general Public Comment . Seeing none this item is closed. We are on item 11 commissioners matters. This item is designed to allow commissioners to raise issues they believe the commission should address at future meetings and this is not a discussion item. Commissioner low. Thank you president buell. This afternoon the Planning Commission will consider an amendment to the Implementation Plan for the Transit District plan. A lot of parks are affected, are referenceed in this proposed resolution. It will be heard this afternoon. I would like to see the department follow the proceedings of the Planning Commission this afternoon, review the proposed resolution if adopted, and to have staff prepare an appropriate recommendation and possible draft resolution for the upcoming Capital Committee next month for the full Commission Next month. Seeing no other comment i am sure staff will follow up on that. Thank you commissioner. No other commissioners . Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Item 12 is new agenda business setting. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. 13 is just the communications and 14 is adjournment. I will entertain a motion. So moved. Second. Moved and seconded. All those in favor. Aye . Opposed. Thank you very much hello, and welcome to the department of elections right Choice Voting instructional video. It is part of the department of elections right Choice Voting Outreach Campaign and is designed to educate San Francisco rig franciscoht Choice Voting. Today we will learn what it is and who is elected using this voting method. We will also talk about with the ranked joyce l. Looks like and how to market correctly. Finally, we will see how the ranked joyce voting process works and to you an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. So, what is ranked joyce voting . In march 2002 San Francisco voters adopted a charter to implement ranked choice of voting, also known as instant runoff voting. San francisco voters will use it to elect most local officials by selecting a first choice candidate in the first column on the ballot and deborah second and third choice candidates in the second and third columns resect to do respectively. This makes it possible to elect local officials with the majority of votes. More than 50 without the need for a second runoff election. In San Francisco, ranked choice of voting is for the election of members of the board of supervisors, the mayor, sharon, just district attorney, city attorney, treasurer, this is a recorder, and public defender. Ranked joyce voting does not apply to elections for local school and Community College board members. Number the election of state or federal officials. Ranked choice of voting does not affect the adoption ballot measures. When voters received their ballot, either at a polling place or an absentee ballot in the mail, it will consist of multiple cards. Voters will receive cards with contests for federal and state offices, as well as for state propositions and local ballot measures. For ranked Choice Voting contest, voters will receive a separate ranked choice ballot card. It will have instructions to rank three choices, which is new. The ranked choice ballot is designed in the side by side column format that lists the names of all candidates in each of the three columns. When marking the ranked choice ballot, voters elect their first choice in the first column by completing the aero pointing to their choice. For their second choice, voters selected different wind by completing the arab pointing to their choice in the second column. For their third choice, voters elect a different candidate by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. Voters wishing to vote for qualified writein candidate can write it in on the line provided. And they must complete the arrow pointing to their choice. Keep in mind, it voters should select a different candidate for each of the three columns of the ranked choice ballot card. If the voters elect the same candidate in more than one column, his or her vote for that candidate will count only once. Also, a voters second choice will be counted only if his or her first choice candidate has been eliminated. And a voters third choice will be counted only if both his or her first and second choice candidates have been eliminated. We have talked about how to mark the ranked choice ballot. Now lets look at how ranked choice of voting works. Initially, every first choice vote is a candidate. Any candidate that receives a majority, more than 50 of the first choice to vote, is determined to be the winner. If no candidate receives more than 50 of the first choice votes, a process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes begins. First, the candidate who received the fewest numbers of first choice votes is eliminated from the race. Second, voters who selected the eliminated candidate as their first choice will have their vote to transfer to their second choice. There, all the votes are recounted. Fourth, if any candidate receives more than 50 of the votes, he she is declared the winner. If no candidate receives more than 50 of the vote, the process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes is repeated until one candidate has a winning majority. Now lets look at an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. In this example, we have three candidates. Candidate a, b, and c. After all the first choice votes are counted, none of the three candidates has received more than 50 , or a majority of the first choice vote cast. Candidate a g205 ofb the votes received 40 . And c received 35 of the boats. Because no candidate received a majority, the candidate who received the fewest number of first choice votes, a candidate a, is eliminated from the race. Voters to pick a candidate a as their first choice candidate will have their but transferred to their second choice. And the voters to pick and a, 15 chose candidate b as their second choice, and 10 chose c as their second choice. These votes are then applied to b and c, and the votes are recounted. Candidate b now has 55 of the votes. Candidate c as 45 . Candidate b has more than 50 of the votes and is determined as the winner. Thank you for watching. We hope you have ranked choice learned ranked choice of voting and was elected. You have seen the ballot, learned how to market, and learned how the voting process works. If you have any further questions about ranked Choice Voting, please contact us at department of elections, city hall, room 48, 1 dr. Carlton be good lit place, sentences go, california, 94102. Or 4155544375. Visit our website, www. Sfelections. Org

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