Transcripts For SFGTV 20120509 :

SFGTV May 9, 2012

then the facilities opened to public use. it is a fairly small facility and only serves up to 12 babies, no older than 24 months. it is an important component of this development and was key for the city attorney's office consideration of this space. toddler and preschool needs are addressed here in this building, of course. i am very proud of the 19th delivery of this particular lease extension to you. we have done this amidst the strong headwinds of the surging market of the civic center. as an example, right across the street you just saw an announcement for the equivalent, because of the size and location across the street, 1355 market. that transaction is a seven year deal and is 80,000 square feet, roughly equivalent. there is a net affective rental rate of $48.50 per year. this leased before you is $28.50 per square foot, per year. king's lane was also recently announced within the last couple of months. same location, 52,000 square feet. affective rental rate of $41 per square foot, per year. i have other compare both to show you within the area that range from the mid to upper 30's per square foot. did i mention that this is $28.50 per square foot? this is an excellent transaction for the city. it also brings in the coming fiscal year a little bit over $500,000 in savings to the city attorney's office budget. by not moving to another location there's also a savings destruction, which was a concern if we had to move, but the cost of the move could have been another million dollar expense. we have maintained the status quo in a very favorable transaction. supervisor chu: supervisor avalos said well done. thank you. let's go to the budget analyst report. >> table number one, page 3 of the report, showing total estimated cost on the lease, including the electrical closet for over five years, the first five years, that would be $9,969,354. we recommend you approve this resolution. supervisor chu: thank you. let's open this up for public comment. are there members of the public debt wish to speak on item number 10? >> ♪ land lease, exciting renewal,, board, we are expecting budget and finance issues, the love but jet -- budget, we will be making another run, the love finance budget promises something for everyone, a course for adventure, your mind on a new finance and budget will not hurt any more, letting it go for an open land short, welcome aboard, it is planned renewal love supervisor chu: thank you. are there other members of the public of which to speak on item number 10? seeing no one, the item is closed. recommendation without objection? done. thank you. are there any other items for the budget subcommittee? >> that completes the budget subcommittee agenda. supervisor chu: thank you, we are adjourned in by the subcommittee. if we can start the next committee? >> the 1:00 p.m. budget committee, on the agenda, item number one. hearing to receive update on the fire department's budget for fy2012-2013 and fy2013-2014. supervisor chu: thank you very much. colleagues, again, we have a number of departments coming forward to talk about the budget. today we have the fire department with us. i would like to thank the chief's patients in sitting through our earlier session, thank you. >> good afternoon. joanna white, san francisco fire department. we have a presentation prepared to give you a high level overview of the budget we have proposed. we want to let you know that as we are setting up the presentation, and we will go over some of the major changes. this was a two year budget. we have met the target for what we propose in 12-13 and we continue to work with the mayor's office regarding 13-14. i would like to knowledge the good work of the mayor's budget office director, committee howard, which our analyst today, she worked very closely with us. in joined today by my deputy chief of administration and my chief financial officer. so, first, basically in total, our operating budget is approximately $329 million. 300 million general fund dollars. this covers fire suppression, emergency medical services, a specialized unit, and a division of training with administration support service bureaus. you can see that there is relatively little change between 13 and 14. to remind you, we have 43 fire stations in the city, including the presidio, as well as treasure island. we also staff 3 airport fire stations, as well as the dynamic of employed ambulance -- good afternoon, supervisors. so, this slide, we are depicting resources. overall in the budget even see where we are predominantly funded by the general fund. the second-largest source comes from the state public safety tax revenue, sales tax revenue. the fire department has two main revenue streams in which we receive fees, the e m s division, where we charge for ambulance transport, and the others, where we charge for permits, inspections, and the like. next slide. this goes over the uses of the budget by program type. as you can see, the large majority in red was designated for operations and delivery. all of the staffing for agent -- stations that are here. we have mandatory staffing on a daily basis. 304 members of the be working in staffing fire stations, in addition to the 50 who are ambulance level. the budget covers all the administrative support functions, including workers, station to the department, training division, and bureau of fire investigation and prevention. in terms of how we budget, approximately 91% of our budget is set aside for the salaries and budgets of our department members. we're challenged in terms of making sure that with the other 9% we are vigilant in how not be spent it, including an area of functions, like fire statement -- fire station may minced. we have 50 facilities that repair and fuel vehicles and perform all administrative functions in the apartment -- department. the work orders, they generally have work orders to central shops for maintenance of our vehicles and apparatus. so, just going over the major budget changes for the next few fiscal years, there are three bullets of the main changes. we are happy to be we staffing engine 35, at the foot of harrison and the embarcadero. we had deactivated the staffing at that station for the last three fiscal years. we are proposing to reopen that and staff it with a fire engine crew beginning in july 1 of this year. second is the restoration of the department's exclusive operating area, which deals with it ambulance transport here in the city and county. as you know, for the past four years we have been in a state of flux in terms of the operating agreement. this department has always held that the exclusive operating area should not have been removed by the state, which it was in 2008. it created an open system, so there was a lot of uncertainty in a difficult time in terms of staffing with projected revenues. we are working with the department of emergency management and the city attorney's office. we kept chipping away and not providing why we thought the manner of scope had changed. i am happy to report that the state reverse its ruling in restored it back to what it was prior to 2008. good news for us, good news for the community that we serve. it means that prior to the removal of this operating area, we were transporting approximately 85% to 95% of the nine receiving hospitals. they came from san francisco. when the system became in flux, the transport rate dropped to 70%. that was a loss of revenue. we have found ourselves being very well trained in getting to the scene as quickly as possible. this means that we expect to go back up to those levels of transport. i should also mention that the private companies that were working with us in the city, between american and american radical response, we have to do is go back to the 70% transport into an 85% transport, and to do so you have to reinvest in the division in terms of personnel, training, and equipment. >> -- supervisor avalos: was there a stipulation and those private ambulance companies? in the past we were looking at these. were there other aspects related to their and the department of emergency management is working with a closely with the deputy director, which have established, and we will follow as well, with private ambulance companies. >> what type of change would it make in the revenue increase? what can we expect, compared to previous years bella are we ready to move forward? >> market shares are going from 74% transport to a 5% and if you were to go -- in 70, that would be roughly just under we would do this with the uncertainty of not having an exclusive operating area. getting into it later, we will be getting a higher reimbursement. so that the more people and i was of several of them for the division. >> i have a question for huge cow achieve where newark -- where we were really pushing the department and emergency management to pursue this close ems to bring more revenue back into the city. compared to 2008, and when we went into an open system. do we have the same number of staffing in your ambulatory position? >> we have had not had to lay off, yet, but there has been a change in movements and bmc in that rock up in the employees, which is the insurance i would get to shore of the. if rose is what we are putting a proposal to hire and i think that a scenario where i would like to see additional information from the mayor's office getting into a different love, closest to what you're acquire how do we expect to it in the present that -- to give to the 80% level, with highly individualized institutional with revenues exceeding the cost, hopefully, of higher and he recent underwent a change in the schedule. the schedule that they were primarily working with was an hour shifts. predominately be moved to a 12 hour shifts. by itself, that should have some efficiencies. thank you. we can provide that abrasion thieu and, like it said, the said of california may -- or serve the decision to block 911 transport calls here in the city and county. this caused some difficulty in terms of we were excited and there was no formal agreement at that time. we were operating in of we liked to call a holding pattern, and we will really glad to and we had hoped to gain back and i will continue to work with the department of university manager to be able to get to the bottom removed. to suffer revenue received by government agencies that provided ambulance transports to metical patients. we did love that -- we do a lot of that in the city. we were getting reinforced before that on an assembly bill that was advantageous in the reimbursement was what, what -- $150 for transport? with the said bill being passed with $6 million, moving forward we are projecting additional earnings, $3 million per year. so, again? is it providing the service that will want to do for the citizens and city. supervisor chu: did you expect to see a $6 million a retroactive payment for this difference going forward? >> yes. ." supervisor chu: supervisor chu: jig how do you explain that in the budget? >> 12/17 approximately 2.7 in dollars it was restored to the department. that is part of the disposal for the new hires and training funds as well. the remaining part, it will be in our budget. with regards to health care reform that will -- before. supervisor chu: that will likely get implemented further out. >> this year? supervisor chu: i hope the thought -- department factors it in, if it continues to forward. thank you. and that brought this up at an earlier hearing and in 2002-2003 we had 1800 members down at 1374. it means that at a certain point overtime, they are efficient, not paying the salaries and fringe, we are at an all-time low in we need a way to begin reselling and in no other of the order the direction. -- other lee, orderly projection. note -- direction. it is approximately a 16 week academy. the gmt academy is an eight week academy. proposed to start after the first of the year. supervisor chu: supervisor kim? supervisor kim: i apologize that i cannot speak for the entire hearing. in light of the reductions, i am glad that we're talking about this. especially as we talk about the balance over time cottbus, which is different, because it is more jobs. but that we do have projections in the form of firefighters talking about the acquisition of engine 35 in mission bay. can we address how we plan on staffing those? if there is, absolutely, but engine 35 i understand -- , with engine 35 i understand. you may want more beyond the life of the need for the reactivation of engine 35. >> certainly so. the proposal is to be staffed the four additional on july 1. as you know, there is a fireboat in the water with pilots, engineers, and officers. they will be joined again by the marine based and land-based incidents. certainly, with the america's cup, that is on our mind. the america's cup aside, we see a lot of boats in the mission bay area, supervisor. we think it is a good business decision to reactivate by july 1. in addition there is a lot of other work being done in your district. the footprint for the public safety building, there will be a new fire the plan at this time is to request additional funding in terms of an engine or a truck. but that is not in the next few fiscal years. we will be monitoring that closely in doing data analysis on call volume and so forth. does that answer all of your questions? i think the one thing that i did that i left out, when engine 35 is staffed, it will be predominantly used for overtime and, hopefully, when the class of 42 recruits graduate, it should provide relief for overtime expenditures. but right now it is a band-aid solution that we were hoping to continue to see more regular of a trend of. supervisor chu: to piggyback off of the question on facilities, it would provide funding to renovate existing fire houses. in the coming year, du expect any of them to be down for renovation? how many do we think that would be? >> within the next fiscal year, there is a lot of work that will be done. basically three types of projects that are focused on repairs that do not require anyone to move out. we do have some the require workouts and teardowns. that is all part of the bond. in the next fiscal year we do not have any slated for closure. i can double check on that. the earthquake safety and emergency response bond, it is the tune of about 239, 109 million for the water supply system, and 64 million for the fire station project. we do not anticipate any closures in the next fiscal year. supervisor chu: do we expect any in the second year? >> we might. i can get that information to you. supervisor avalos: what does that mean -- supervisor chu: what does that mean for the firefighters assigned to the stations? >> i can answer that more generally, we are hoping to focus on the repairs that need to be done with the members can still ride at the station and respond out of the station, hoping to get those done particularly at the stations that are out there, like 69 greenwich, five on western, which required at this point looking at compete teardowns. so, the fault would be that in terms of call volume, relocating temporarily to the more newly renovated stations for additional staffing for that period of time. just a couple of more slides, this alludes to the fact that we are proposing to hire an additional 62 employees in 12- 13. we will be staffing the ambulances with gmt's, starting in july with 42 entry-level firefighters, providing coverage for some time, increasing the count as we discussed earlier, hopefully bringing down some of the overtime. we are also seeing an increase in mandatory overtime, which is something that concerns me greatly. it is not something which, as often, we have seen lately. the last slide, again, breaks down the june 2010 passage of the easter bond and what it covered. we have a vested interest in our facilities. we have done a lot of work analyzing the amount of money that needs to be

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