Transcripts For SFGTV 20101111 :

SFGTV November 11, 2010

that our comments willis is a police say that our comments pertaining to the commercial real person and that we are not commenting on the residential. president yee riley: right. ok, we have a motion and a second. >> commissioners, i do have a question. there are one or two items -- you said you would be able to work with staff as things continue to develop, so i do not know if you want to make a second motion that as the legislation is moving through that if there are any changes to work with our staff. do you want to make that a separate motion? commissioner: absolutely. president yee riley: may get another motion. -- make it another motion. commissioner dooley: i will make a motion to continue to the recommendations as needed. president yee riley: ok, i have a motion. do i have a second? those in favor? all right, next item, please. commissioner dooley: thank you for coming in, yes. >> commissioners, we do not have a presenter for item five. we will hear that shortly, but we will go ahead in here item number 6, which is the discussion and possible action, this one to make recommendations to the public utilities commission on their proposed fog ordinance, which is fats, oils, and greece, in a want to just briefly highlight that there is a letter from the golden gate restaurant association including in your packet in support, and the staff, regina and i did speak with kevin just to touch base with him come in he reiterated that the golden gate restaurant association supports, so we are joined by the public utilities commission for a presentation, and you have a copy of their powerpoint, which was a moment ago, with the notes. >> i am karen, the program note manager with the waste water and apprises with the puc. i apologize for the tiny font. i could not make it bigger. hopefully, it will be clear enough. i apologize for the graphic nature of this slide. hopefully, you have eaten dinner, or you will forget before you eat dinner. this is a picture of the sewer lateral, and it is a little trickle coming out, and this is what our inspectors are finding a lot, along with other things. here is what happens when that grease remains. if you were to votpop open the lid, i think we had to jackhammer to get that clawed out -- clog out. we know that grease has been an issue. we have inspectors that go out to those areas that are permitted and sampled by law, and we started to do kind of an outreach that was voluntary with restaurants, educating them about best management practices. we had a media campaign, brochures, multi lingual, members of the board of supervisors, teaching them how to recycle their cooking oil, not to throaw grease down their drains, hoping that would make a difference, and then we actually started collecting it for free from restaurants, thinking that many would not want to pay, and that would keep that grease from being poured down the drains, so we have been doing things, and there is code that addresses it. for example, building inspection, dbi, there is a legislation that says that if you have that in your trap, you need to do something. then there is another on how much they can discharge. of course, we cannot go sample every restaurant, but we could sample the ones that we have difficulty with, but we do not repeatedly go and do that, so there are existing laws which should help, and we have permits that require that we do fog control, and we're required by law to have a program. what we're finding, however, is that over 40% of the sioux were calls -- sewer cakkslls, we code them, and over 40% are due to grease in the sewers, and that translates into $3 million per year that we are spending on grease, and it also reduces the life span. there are about 3000 restaurants that we currently in spec for best management practices, and there are other cards and that that we do not inspect, but alatas places, we're finding that they do not have grease traps or interceptors -- but a lot of these places, where they have the equipment, but they have not serviced it. it just has grease running over it. it is not functioning. department of building inspection will go out to make sure it is properly installed, but nobody goes back to see if it is properly operating. there seems to be a gap that is causing this problem. so our solution is the proposed ordinance. we were here recently to talk to your staff one-on-one as we move forward with this, as well, and if you add some language to the local code to make sure that people have equipment, that is operating properly, and we're also looking at moving people towards a more modern equipment that is available, an automatic device, so those are kind of the three main factors in the ordinance. in just before i get into going over what the ordinance says, we have been working on this for over two years now, and some of the key stakeholders, the golden gate restaurant association, the departmentd, ph, -- the dph, and we presented to the chinese chamber of commerce and others. we have done door-to-door bilingual research to smaller restaurants. we had some media attention, as well, so we have been out there talking about that, and, hopefully, this will not be a surprise to anyone when it reaches the board of supervisors. the rest of the presentation, i will talk about the financial impact in things that can be done to mediate the impact. the main point is that if you have recapturing equipment, it has to be serviced, maintained, in working. we have a discharge category, so as the sewer department, we will give you a classification in terms of what kind of fog discharge you are, and i will talk about that in a second, and it deals with how much grease you put in and how much. if you already have the equipment, we are just asking you to maintain it. we're not asking anyone to rip it out or anything. some do not know there is not a standard. they are just unaware. and then, if you do not have any grease capturing, this tells you what you need to put in. there are three types of grease capturing the equipment, and one is your basic traps. it works with gravity. on the left is what it looks like when it is clean, and on the right, that is what it looks like when you ignore it. we are fighting that a lot of restaurants do not services because it is a nasty job, and you do not want to open it when you are open for business, so you what to do it at 2:00 in the morning, and the crew comes the next morning, and they do not want to check it, and it goes on and on and on. the second type is an interceptor. this is larger. you can see on the left, wrote this is a fast-food place, they tended to be 300 gallons to 1500, large, so this is not really practical for most businesses in san francisco. we are not likely to get more. you have to have an underground vault outside. we have some in the suburbs. it is very effective. they are not very practical in san francisco. and the last is an automatic device, and here is kind of a sketch of how it works, and i will show you how it works. it skims the grease off, so it never hardens, note and it goes into a container that you can then reuse or recycle, and it also has a food basket. you are not likely to ignore it. it is not nasty to clean, and it has other benefits. here is a picture of it to the right. you can see there is a metal box, and a smaller box with the red lid is where the greece is skimmed off, -- where the grease is skimmed off. it should never really accumulated very much. and doing some things with their grease, like back east, there are smaller versions and bigger versions, so they are fairly common. we have probably 25 of them in san francisco already. bless you. the last thing about the ordinance is we go from a four to one. one is that you have a category and serve food, but you just heated up. you are not really cooking. this is not going to change that. you will not need to have any greece capturing equipment. what we are really concerned about is a category of one. they have cut deep fryers, rotisseries, and there washing dishes -- they have got deep fryers, rotisseries, and they are washing dishes, and they're basically in violation of code. as i mentioned, the other people who have equipment in place, they can keep that. they just need to maintain it. so, logistics, the bottom line is that each restaurant will get something from us. it is the best management practice, and we will give them an i.d. number. our inspectors will visit, and we will tell them where they fall, and if they are not meeting their cleaning requirements, or if they do not have equipment, what kind of equipment they would need to put in. a comment on the inspection, i know it is something for businesses. anytime an inspector comes through the door, it is, "i wonder why they are here." the inspectors who are going to be coming in pursuant to this ordinance are already going in. our inspectors are already out there, talking about greece. they will start looking at the equipment and say, "look, you have not service in six months. you need to do that every 30 days." -- you have not serviced it in six months." these are not new inspections. for our inspectors, it is a slightly new thing. and the last thing before i talk about the timeline, we have worked to minimize the financial impact, because restaurants are very important, and we know it is a tough business anywhere, especially in these times. the one in the we could do as the puc, you are coatedc -- oded, -- coded, and there is a special charge on their that another business that does not cook does not have, so what we're able to do is that if you put in the automatic device, which is a bit more expensive, that is going to reduce the amount of grease going to the sewers, and if you back out the loading and calculate that based on the lower loading, we can reduce it about 14.2% on your monthly sewer bill, and i will go into more detail. as far as i know, no other utility has done that. they just put something in and tell you how to pay ford pay for it -- and tell you how to pay for it. fiscal year 2013. there were no injuries. we also investigated some loan opportunities to make this available proactively. there are companies that provide leases and are used to doing this kind of work with the restaurant, and there are micro loans, and there is a group here that you're familiar with -- thank you. opportunity fund, and we have talked to them already, and it is in your package, and they are ready to develop a customized program, so we are excited about that. so just a comment about what we're going to do to help with the laura ling of the super service rate. -- with the lowering of the sewer service rate. it could be as easy as connecting it to your wash take. it could be more complicated. we do not know. then, there are some inspection fees. what we did is we worked with the golden gate restaurant association, and we had vendors go into small, medium, and large restaurants, and we got a quote, and then we got their water and sewer bills and figured out how long it would take to reduce their sewer service charge, and it came out to be something like one to three years, so that will help with the cost, and also, the reduction of sewer service will be long term, so that is a savings. then there is a monthly contract to have someone come in and flush the lines for free. hopefully, that is something you will not have to do. so i will close your just talking about any questions, more details if you want them, but we have been doing outreach for a while now, and we would go to the board of supervisors in the near future and that have a committee hearing and then hopefully adopt it in 2011, and then in the first several months of the year, start doing extensive outreach. plan on doing some vendor fares. we have already talked to the office here about working with the newly established group for new restaurant, and we have talked to the chinese chamber of commerce with some ideas, so we working with the chamber and the stakeholders, and then in april is when our inspectors would go out and now be looking with sort of a different lens, looking not just about dry white the knorr plates, but if you have acquitted, what you need to do -- not just about dried wiping -- dry wiping the plates, but if you have the equipment, what you need to do. president yee riley: thank you. you have answered most of my questions. director, do you have a question? >> we did meet with your director, and he was very helpful. they gave us some great ideas that we're trying to incorporate, and we are hoping to continue to work with them as we move forward, and if there are any changes why we are in process, we will certainly let you know. president yee riley: you talked to a lot of businesses, and i am sure because of that, you have been paying attention. so thank you. commissioner o'conner? commissioner o'conner: what concerns to the restaurant association bring up, if at all? >> they knew people were out of compliance, some people, and they know that their profit margins can be slim, so they really wanted something that was there and could be implemented. the original ordinance would require everyone to put automatic greece devices in, because we think it would be more efficient -- automatic grease devices, so we decided we did not have to be heavy-handed, we to go another route they have been very supportive, and the financial aspect, laura ling -- lowering the service charge for the sewer -- it has been very cooperative. commissioner o'conner: thank you. president yee riley: commissioner dooley? commissioner dooley: if you go into a restaurant that does some of adequate equipment, is there a time that they need to comply by, or is there a fee structure or a penalty? i was kind of wondering how that will all rolloutroll -- how that will all roll out. >> our inspectors will go in, and if you are in violation, we write you a notice of violation, and we give you some timelines, so that is already in our public works code. with respect to if they have to put in new equipment, we would be going by what the department of public works or the plumbing inspectors do, which is usually they get somebody like, i think it is a 60-day turnaround, because there is a code violation, and our intention is to have all the information that tells them who they can buy these from, and -- how you can finance them, so that should not be a challenge. >> -- commissioner dooley: thank you. president yee riley: also in our packet, there is a newspaper article. but it should include some of the ethnic media, but the chinese newspaper and the latino, because a lot of the restaurant owners are chinese, asian, or -- >> absolutely, that is a great idea, and we went to the chinese chamber, and they had that same idea. local neighborhoods, merchants' associations, we hope to get the word out that way, as well. dbi is here, and i just wanted to make sure i did not erupt -- misrepresent his code. we hope to make everything really clear for everybody and make it a pretty smooth transition. president yee riley: i met with the opportunity fund, as well, and they are very willing to work with us. >> we think that is going to be a great addition, because they're used to working with the multicultural community here, so we're very excited about that, as well. president yee riley: thank you. any more questions for the commissioners? we open it up for public comment. >> at this time, the commission will be taking limited to two minutes and if you could state your name clearly? >> i'm steve pinellie, chief plumbing inspector for san francisco. communication is very important and some of the problems we have in the city unfortunately, if they're not reported to us, we can't do anything about it. part of the problem of grease getting into the sewers, without that getting to us, we can't investigate and see what the problem is and require them to put in a grease trap, obviously, that doesn't happen. if we don't have the notification, we can't make that happen. definitely we will have a time line. if there's a restaurant not in compliance and putting grease into the sewer, we'll put a notice of violation into the building that we have this complaint that's been filed and they must show us that they're coming forward to do something. i worked with karen and we spoke about this and trying to work with everybody to make this as easy as possible. we don't want this to be any more difficulty than it has to be. there are problems with restaurants, locations, where they're going to put it, how they're going to fit it, the size. so knowing that, communication is key. we're open to anybody's suggestion, how to make this work better. and work with the p.u.c., as well. thank you. >> questions at all? president yee riley: any more public comment? none. public comment closed. so, do we move to support this? the committee needs to take action. >> i'll make a motion to support it, assuming it's an action item. >> it's not introduced to the board of supervisors, but you can make a motion to give a recommendation to the department that you support the draft legislation. and then, you know, if there turns out to be any substantial changes, we can bring it back forward to the commission, but otherwise, if there's minor changes, we have a good idea of the commission's direction and staff can continue to work with the department. commissioner o'connor made a moment to support this. second? all in favor? motion carried. >> commissioner o'connor, can i confirm your motion is to make the recommendation to support the p.u.c. but if there are not substantial changes, we can pass that recommendation to the board? commissioner o'connor: right. >> thank you. president yee riley: next item, please? >> we're returning to item no. 5, discussion and possible action to make recommendations for the board of supervisors. discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on bos file no. 101313, ordinance amending the san francisco planning code by adding section 249.65 to establish the bayshore boulevard home improvement special use district for the properties on lots fronting bayshore boulevard from jerrold avenue to the 1-280 freeway, the west side of loomis street from jerrold avenue to the 1-280 freeway, oakdale avenue from loomis street to bayshore boulevard, marengo street from bayshore boulevard to waterloo street and the west side of boutwell street from industrial street to the 1-280 freeway, and also including some lots. commissioners, the aide to the supervisor who is sponsoring this, supervisor maxwell, apologized that they're not available. i do want to give you some information in your packet, the digest and the legislation. a few key things this will do is currently the areas specified orezoneed as an m-1 or pm-1, which is loosely defined zoning with a large number of uses permitted, this will require within the special use district, it will require conditional use process for formerly used sites over 10,000 square feet. it will require conditional use, as well, for certain uses such as liquor stores, drive-up facilities, adult entertainment, automotive and certain financial. there are a number of other things that they're working on within this area, oewd, the office of economic workforce development is actively promoting this area as a home improvement district and they're working on street frontage guidelines which are incorporated into this ordinance. they're also working on another -- several other areas along with use plan for the area. i spoke to several different folks, including office of economic development, the supervisors office, supervisor campos has also actvilve been involved in this. and it appears that the zoning component, which this is, has received a lot of support from various folks. we have some public comment, as well. president

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