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There are no parasitic visas. New rules apply in september. Now im the one who intends to make a transit, including within the same airport, you will actually have to take care of obtaining a transit visa before october 6, while the transition period is in effect, but the british themselves explain the decision by some concerns about the increased migration risks that allegedly also arise, including and from our country, but given that britain is crap for some. Yes, there are hundreds of Illegal Migrants every day. But in total, at first there are already 24,000 of them. Hardly here, eh russian transit passengers represent some kind of toy, well, however, in reality , london has long ceased to be for our passengers. E transport, as i understand it, this affected the citizens of georgia. And you are georgian than on salt. In london, apparently, there are also fears that they will remain here. But as i say, this is, in general, such a measure; most likely, it is in the spirit of past actions that took place. Even during the cold war, we are approximately returning to the same faces that were before. As i understand it, they are trying to somehow harm your work. Now we have to stop traveling. Eh, they ask permission, do i understand the country correctly or is there something wrong, i understand. Well it started the british diplomats really into a relationship. British diplomats are in action. In moscow, it was decided that they should notify them about their long trips over long distances. We have a big country. How do you understand . Uh, they also introduced, uh, a certain regime, and the details of which we continue to finalize in relation to notification trips, and Russian Diplomats from Great Britain Andrei Ivanovich , well, british diplomats. Its clear what theyre doing here. They are building everything here for the orange revolution. Our other cities love ekaterinburg very much. Uh, you too , hmm, are trying to make a revolution, probably in relation to british diplomats. This is true, but they are engaged in studio activities that are both little and not at all compatible. Some would say british diplomats. And this is sometimes, lets say , engaged in activities that are incompatible with a valid convention, as for our diplomas, then we from the opposition e did not work and did not work. Um, well, it feels like you are working, because after all, some of the trade unions in britain are behaving somehow strangely, and they are not even ready to support the actions of the British Government in relation to ukraine, what are we talking about . In fact, the British Trade unions as a whole , at their recent conference, they spoke within the framework. Uh, having a ukrainian consulate here or building is not necessary, because. Well, import. They just wouldnt let me do it and the difference is that the firemens union, and the transport workers union, also pointed out the deadlock in the course chosen by the British Government. Shes pumping up the kiev weapons regime, and uh. I am absolutely sure that in fact, but if you dig, its a healthy thought, and they are shared by members of society. Eh, this is such a campaign, but this caused terrible irritation in the government, e, media, with its peculiarities. Well, its clear that in london they simply dont recognize an alternative opinion, and in russia, ukraine, and any attempts to publicly express their disagreement with the point view, which is promoted by the official, of course, either intersect or get soaked. Well, as i understand it, political life. Um, britain is actively moving, and i mean, the leader or the borists, keir starmer, and he said that if a wins in future elections, he will seek a revision of the agreement. Uh, britain and the eu really want to go back to the eu. As i understand it, somehow everything is completely bad in the british economy. Since this is the mood of the political opposition in london, hmmm, it must be said that kirstarming is being prepared for the premiere. Uh, thorough. Now i have visited several countries, including paris where , by the way, the british king is located today. And as for the british economy, adaptation is going through bad times. Lets face it, even since the crisis of 20072009. Now this is the case here. Eh, actually, these are zero growth rates combined with inflation. And also time of fighting with each other. And all this is connected, including with an increase in interest rates, today it is 5. 25. Well, literally today it is expected that more may grow there, although inflation and food prices a little. Eh, theyve shrunk here. The reason for all this is a longterm systemic problem that the economy has not solved and infrastructure funding has not been addressed. This is the washing of poor contributions and weak contributions in terms of sample availability, and weak Labor Productivity of the national economy. And especially, and the most important thing is the complete lack of understanding of how to get out of this crisis, and this whole matter has worsened. And as a result of brexit. Really. Uh, britain lived with her union for a very long time with him worked, and after the severance of communication, it became much worse, and besides, key partners of britain and washington, for example, deals with the salon, failed to conclude a trade agreement with trade, and there was a sanctions war. Actually leads to additional losses of british enterprises. Uh, how this course will develop further is difficult to say now , the current course is being criticized from all sides, it is very vague, and the opposition is exploiting it significantly, although we all already know. This is a soap opera and uh, something needs to be changed, maybe, but one way or another, but britain, uh, for objective reasons, is drifting towards the european union, what will happen next is not very good. Clear although if the boris really come, then perhaps this rapprochement will go faster than under the conservatives. But they said about india and they decide that suna seems to represent the indian clans there and, after all, in general to him for his premiership, but not so many people are at the helm of the British Government as they evaluate his work. Well, youre not local, of course, but as local you probably dont have the right to argue like that. But the locals snakes of politics in general. You said they are criticized from all sides. That is, specifically claims, that is. Well, i already said that actually. Eh, there is no clear path. How to get out of this crisis. Or rather, it should consist of very large injections into the economy, and take the money. Uh. Well, there is no such success as the source of this and with the help of ukraine it is becoming more and more so, and weak, i would say, as for the position of the bags itself, it is really not only volleyball history, and other members of the opposition criticize in general. Well, from the inside, including the former Prime Minister, and lister s. For example, yesterday i published a major article in which i literally trashed the directors course and praised what he herself tried to do to take up the few days that everyone was in power. In general, a person is in a difficult position right now in place or rhinestone. By the way, i would write such things in stereo, otherwise there is, of course, spelling. She helps. Uh, word programs there, uh, here and so on, probably. I just dealt with this. What about support . In ukraine, news comes that the largest British Defense Company Bayer systems has announced plans to launch. Uh, ukraine in particular will produce m77 howitzers and infantry fighting vehicles, uh, cv90. Eh, thats what were talking about in general. How realistic is this, how is it assessed in britain . In general , i chose not to put it in my place ten times, of course, yes. Here. Er, as for, bye. Eh, there is such a cooperation agreement, but it is nothing more than their memorandums. I dont know, maybe you have more information. But what i saw is about the development of the industrial base. E for the production of control of the lungs, and the underlining of the lungs is 105 graph paper, for i opened my own collection there, or rather, open my representative office. However, there is no specificity here regarding the timing, and all of the agreements are very vague. Uh, in general, in my opinion, we are talking about a political gesture in order to support the kiev regime from cruelty from the leaders of the british militaryindustrial complex, and thats understandable. Uh, why, since the british militaryindustrial complex is the largest beneficiary of the conflict and are you interested in continuing it . Well, of course, we will follow the development of this plot, but i emphasize more than once. Uh, our leadership any production facilities on ukrainian territory becomes no less an object of close attention to our military. But the new minister grand chefs, how is he behaving . Is it all his efforts with the bmp there and so on, or is it still not. Heres ben wallace, he replaced him and nothing changes. I understand that with his arrival. Well, he is a wellknown figure instead of a wellknown administrator who managed to work under the leadership of almost all the Prime Ministers from the conservative party, the military wholesalers starting chamber has no sign as a person who led, uh, a violation of international law, transport sanctions. These sanctions blocked some british space, as we listen, and maritime vessels in any way connected with russia. Well, what about the very rich . And he has already shown himself to be a russophobe, and therefore, from this point of view, a worthy replacement was chosen for wallace, as for his activities, the conclusion not yet. But it seems that the resources that london is able to direct to ukraine are at their limit and now it is not so much a warrior that is needed there. How much experience does an administrator have who could manage them, well, lets say rationally, as for resources for ukraine, there is a lot of criticism. From johnson, also former to the premiere , magnetic storms somehow became more active here in london. They say here, 3 days, very powerful on the sun , this may be a fact, but seriously speaking, then he directly demands that he send the bags, atakums. These are such serious rocket weapons. In london, they are somehow discussing how likely it is that the government will decide to do this. He emphasized that its not ours, its theirs to intensify all this, hes johnson, of course , all the statements made in ukraine are opportunistic in nature and we use them for our pr. In general, hes somehow trying to get dividends and revive his failed political career. Well , at the same time, of course, this is a speaker amplifier, and the signals of the kiev regime in the western partner recently published an article in the magazine performance, and on the cover there was a caricature of johnson that was funny in the style of dr. Streisalava. And where did he list the specific, uh, nomenclature that the uk requires funds, but if you read carefully, uh, here even the addressee was not so much the British Government. How much is washington from which the ukrainians really want . So longrange weapons, we heard all this yesterday at the general assembly, logisticians, kiev with all our might we cannot become meat allow a reduction in support for ukraine, emphasizing that this will happen. Uh, russias victory will have a catastrophic choice, consequences for them, including, first of all, well, yes, the zelensky regime here spent 50 Million Dollars , they say for lobbyists. This is official activity in london, its interesting whether they wasted money or not, but thats their business, unfortunately, it all looks very sad. Moreover, when the British Intelligence services are involved in the training of saboteurs who should, but participate in the actual speaking of subversive actions on our territory, including at nuclear facilities. And this is how the british generally understand everything. All the same, there are scientists living there on no other planet. They are just still looking for where we can all land. I wanted to tell someone else to lunar or do something. For now we all live in one place. We have already talked to you about how ukrainians are going through complex things here. Uh, such a military training process, uh, which also applies to shortterm training. And where the light is very serious in training specialists, including podvodnikov, for example, apparently, and saboteurs too. Well, the fact is that a ukrainian sabotage group was detained that was gathering in our work on russian engineering systems. Including carrying a damaged gas station, our president spoke about this. And uh, the wellknown confession states that they were trained by british instructors. I would like to hope that london still understands what consequences such assistance could have on the kiev regime; nevertheless , we must not forget that such topics as Nuclear Risks and nuclear safety. And this is what the nuclear five have always done. This is such a very serious enemy, which we also include in general, and in britain itself, and academic and government structures and topics have worked on this. This is very, very serious. I really want to hope. Yes, this is andrey light bulbs, and one more thing, and this is unconditional. This is an extremely important topic for the british authorities in general. They have some kind of vision of the process. Thats what others do in their own way of drawing the economy. The guys dont know what to do there, really everything is very difficult, but what to do with ukraine is being discussed in london. This is an interesting question, including for me. And you know, here they are in public, and there is still such a complete demonstration without compromise of the belligerence of the elem office. The day before, in fact, there, uh , they still continue to declare that everyone is interested, of course, in the defeat of russia, but of any interest to political regulation, or to peaceful negotiations. You wont find me here, in short, to be honest, although, uh, some interlocutors here hint, what uh thinking. In general, they are coming, but for now they are strictly closed and inside. Their character has noticeably some restructuring of rhetoric. But since contraception still exists. Eh, the ukrainians have failed in the territory and are also being rebuilt, i urge them to now prepare for a serious conflict. And they say that the key to success in this seasons conflict is the depth of the strategy. The resources of each side come from nowhere in ukraine, this depth and here is the confidence, of course, in the success of the west and these will continue to be not considered deliveries, although the volume of these deliveries. Uh, increasing the volume of these spaces. Still , ivanovich wasnt particularly noticeable when you talked about where to get money in london, hes used to living. E at the expense of its colonies, on which the sun and britain do not set. Now information has appeared that British Intelligence was training ukrainian saboteurs, including, oh , whom he says that they are being trained on the territory of certain military formations undergoing formal training in order to so that they are uh, prorussian politicians. Africa was simply killed liquidated, but anything about it is known. Well, this is really something. In general, i would rate this as a fairy tale. Well , nevertheless, in london, the letter closely monitors the efforts of russia, which is strengthening its ties with the global south and the african continent and sees our successes. Here they perceive this extremely jealously , and understand that we have an advantageous starting position, and they envy our historical close ties with our partner, which are based on the rich and the experience of joint struggle against the colonialism of western countries. And of course, of course, beat klin into our relationship. And here the africans would really like to tell us how the westerners are twisting their arms and demanding that we refuse to cooperate with us. However, uh, heres success and russia and africa themselves, of course, suggests that the opposition to russia on the continent is a laundry. And there is no other alternative here. Heres what concerns the ukrainian component. I wouldnt be surprised. And if the west is in the hands of the kiev regime, try to create it. I think the appearance is nothing more than that of a certain african furt, but here on a few days ago, publications appeared about the participation of ukrainian mercenaries in clashes with the courts today. Uh, they talk about narrow uh, ukrainian durons there, and against a. Eh, as i understand the local armed forces that support we have our combatant you there, and here, of course, there is an interest in trying and exporting shares of kiev to the african continent although in reality this is not the case. Well, lets see , lets wait and see, what ukrainian mercenaries will do in other parts of the world, but pmc ukraine unfortunately, its still working for now moment. We see this very clearly, and adrianovich. Thank you very much i will remind you. We spoke with the Russian Ambassador to Great Britain andrey kelin, now i will continue with a short advertisement. Burma is launching cashback, get 30 bonuses for purchases from your favorite stores. 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Imagine if you people did everything only 40 in russia, only 40 of people sort waste. Can you fix this . Sort waste to the fullest extent. The president of azerbaijan apologized and expressed deep condolences over the death of russian peacekeepers in Mountainous Karabakh, on the initiative of baku , a telephone conversation took place between Vladimir Putin and ilham aliyev during the conversation, aliyev emphasized that the incident will be thoroughly investigated, the perpetrators will be punished, the prosecutor generals of both countries are working in close contact. The head of azerbaijan also expressed his readiness to financially help the families of the victims, the president s also noted the importance of implementing the agreements on a complete cessation of hostilities, reached through the mediation of russian peacekeepers. Putin and aliyev discussed stabilizing the situation and resolving humanitarian issues in the region. The russian leader emphasized the need to ensure the rights and safety of armenians living in karabakh. The parties also agreed to intensify work in line with trilateral agreements , primarily on unblocking transport links to mark the border between in azerbaijani and armenia and the signing of a peace treaty between them. And about an hour and a half ago , negotiations between representatives of baku and stepanakert ended in the azerbaijani yevlakh. The parties left without a press conference, having done. Only brief statements, the meeting itself also took place behind closed doors. Well, some information. However , details have become available, we learn from our special correspondent in yerevan, natalya solovyova. She is in direct contact, natalya, hello, what did the parties say after the meeting . And what to expect next . Indeed, there were few comments. As you correctly noted, the meeting took place behind closed doors for three hours. Yevlakh is a city on azerbaijani territory. And in the collective karabakh, about 100 km from stepanakert, and the armenian delegation, representatives of the armenians of nagornokarabakh went there, accompanied by russian peacekeepers our airport was present at this closed meeting. And at the end of it , the representatives, just the armenian slave , said that this is the final agreement with baku no need to agree on the details of this comment. Uh, the agency was given, and reuters precisely quoted us, there is an agreement to cease hostilities. Well, we are waiting for a final agreement, the negotiations are moving towards learning, and representatives of azerbaijan said that the negotiations may also lead to the conclusion of a peace treaty that will put an end to the conflict, we think this dialogue can have a positive impact on the Peace Process between armenia and azerbaijan, the two sides have begun discuss a nerve contract that may to end a decade of crisis and hostility, and end quote. Let me remind you that the initiators of this meeting were the azerbaijani side and it was she who proposed a plan for the socioeconomic reintegration of the population and territory. According to the constitution of azerbaijan, but official yerevan commented on the events in the symphony the day before. And i will also refer to the exact quote, and the Prime Minister of the country is not pashinyan. He said that armenia in no way participated in the elaboration of the texts of the ceasefire statement presupposing the Karabakh Army and reintegration of the supervisory karabakh but and a. They also came to you and added that the security of the people in Mountainous Karabakh is now fully ensured by russian peacekeepers. But this is true. And our peacekeepers continue to work in the region over the past 2. 5 days. They evacuated about 5,000 citizens of the most dangerous three districts of nagornokarabakh, they all received shelter, of course, hot food was the only service, and uh, Russian Military doctors were constantly on duty there, and they provided assistance , and let me remind those wounded or injured as a result of shelling on september 19 by azerbaijan, and social baku, according to the very statements, carried out attacks on military targets, but civilian objects and civilians were also damaged. But, as a source told the Russian Department today , the commander of the corps of the Azerbaijani Armed forces, established by which peacekeepers are guilty. And i will remind ours. They also suffered from shelling, and several people died and were also detained. So called after the death of russian peacekeepers in karabakh, this was noted by the source. Well, if you look at the situation in yerevan , which, of course, the events in stepanakerk erupted here, for the second, third day, you can already say, but protests continue. A and e today, september 21, is the Independence Day of armenia, i will remind you that you are the day a in the ninetyfirst year , a referendum was held and 99 of those voted. Uh, they decided that armenia would get out of the start. Ussr and on this day several events also took place, in including at the military pantone, which unfortunately, ended in a brawl, but seven, what is happening now, there in the center of yerevan we continue to monitor, now protesters are coming here to republic square again apparently. Well, the capital is waiting for another hospital. Thank you situation. Nagornokarabakh yerevan was told by our correspondent natalya solovyinogo tonight the Russian Armed forces carried out a group strike with long range precision weapons and attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on military targets. Industry, as well as the center for radiotechnical reconnaissance and training of sabotage groups, all objects were hit , the ministry of defense reported that powerful explosions thundered today in kiev and khmelnitsky, ivanofrankivsk, as well as in the kiev, lviv, dnipropetrovsk and cherkassy regions, reports came about fires in large warehouses infrastructure and industrial military facilities. In kharkov and kiev, strikes were carried out on the territories of factories in workshops where Armored Vehicles were repaired in the Ukrainian Armed forces, the western central parts of the country, electric Power Facilities were damaged, and five regions were partially deenergized. Now there are about 400 settlements. Now lets break through and continue

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