Transcripts For RT Watching The Hawks 20180213 : comparemela

Transcripts For RT Watching The Hawks 20180213

call for international support in clearing the rubble and dean mining rock out its ses almost five hundred civilians were injured in the three months after the liberation many were killed in its report the organization also highlighted the growing risk of more civilians being killed as people return to the devastated city their team hari counterterrorism program director at human rights watch spoke to us on the group's findings. just describe to you what i saw in iraq rather than a very desperate to come there home and because of the high risk and because of the few working offered to these for many young men you can go to a couple of rounds in this for about fifty dollars you can hire people to go clear your house for this reason but also. vengeful remnants of war this is at a time when they're not trained to do the very dangerous and many other countries. they need to provide more support what sort of support. to be more men more funding and an increased number of the miners and very early in the increase in the treating the. local residents the mining while there have been some mining i don't direct. by the mining organizations funded by the international coalition or through training this is not sufficient because the need and local resident. for more support for the. the foreign minister of the not the lens has admitted that he lied by tearing the lot and we are talking up and missions to reform the salt. the claims were made about the russian president back in two thousand and six miracle and spoke to me earlier on the details. when the dutch foreign minister was campaigning two years ago he said that he overheard president putin outlining his plan to unify russia ukraine belarus the baltic states and kazakhstan as a single country but putin supposedly trying to bring back the soviet union has been one of the most popular talking points when it comes to russia now but back to the story at hand the foreign minister made these claims in two thousand and six of some sort of business gathering while he was working for shell his story however was questioned when it was discovered that despite being part of the shell delegation he wasn't at the two thousand and six meeting and not only that he wasn't even in russia at the time when he was confronted about this he said that he was lying to protect a source but then he also said he regretted lying but obviously this isn't the first instance of fake news regarding russia there have been rumors floating around that russia influenced the braggs it though and the us has been accusing the kremlin of interfering in the twenty sixteen presidential election for over a year and a half now now the british government's been busy trying to link russia to the brig's of folk but even youtube has gone on record saying that there's been no proof of that sort and across the pond the us has been searching relentlessly for anything to pin hillary's loss on russia but in the latest scandal the department of homeland security actually bunked a n.b.c. report that claimed a trump official found that you know the scary russians hacked into voter registration rolls prior to the election so that's certainly a refreshing change from what we've been seeing but they've all alleged russian meddling in some shape or form but in the end they've all admitted that there's been no evidence whatsoever to substantiate any of their claims so it seems that in looking for news about russia they're just creating fake news about russia. american tycoon george soros is pledging million pugs to an empty brags it come pain group despite sort of being accused of meddling in british politics the billion or so years he's proud to buck the coals. i'm a proud supporter of best for britain a group that wants britain to remain a member of the european union i consider brix it a tragic mistake sor us initially invested four hundred thousand pounds in a campaign called the best for britain in the hope of drumming up support for a second referendum on the u.k. status in the u. a wave of criticism followed but the investor responded by donating one hundred thousand pounds more we heard from a u.k. independence party m.e.p. who believes that those actions constitute meddling why is this man it's a fear in my country and my democracy if he wants to be a part of our democracy he should pay taxes in our country and stand for election in our country not of which is to win we are not a rich man's plaything these people will do whatever it takes to try and prove it's all democracy and we must not let them the fact is the british media is overwhelmingly. remain and they will give him hundreds of thousands of pounds millions of pounds with them free publicity. a sociology professor from kent university in the u.k. sais he overheard sore us on this associates bragging about their meddling in politics in numerous countries we spoke to that man for his take frank furedi. of course of the conversation they were going on about how much influence they've been able to exercise over events in the arab spring in cairo they were very proud of the role leading two zero during. the one to with the create how much impact they were able to make on the little bit demonstrators and i kind of regarded the conversation as you know a bit of boosting you know when people get around it will be are you sure and well while there is little hype over those stations or an investigation at all the channel is still in the sights of many alleging that we've influenced elections for example are you k. based public relations firm called eighty nine op which. best for britain campaign alongside george soros released a report on russia's media allegedly influencing braids that the p.r. firm claims for example we run exaggerated stories on the refugee flow into europe that's the spike the humanitarian crisis being high on the agenda of almost every european country it also mentions an r.t.s. reached on social media was about a quarter of the size of all of the u.k.'s brakes its campaign has combined to potentially influencing over one hundred million so-called impressions it's unclear though whether that's a backhanded comment to our team's social media department. the founder of ukip believes this is a clear case of hypocrisy it's perfectly clear that from previous was that if the russia was tweeting have made no difference whatsoever but is fake hypocritical of this new group which backs. campaign. turning the democratic will of the british people to start talking about the russians and from some democracy. an advisor to the polish president has come under fire for what some are calling and t. is really comet's he was defending a new law that prohibits polish people from being held responsible for the crimes of the nutty regime against the jews and supposed sentiments in the israel comes from the feeling of shame and the passivity of the jews too in the holocaust then you lot also makes it illegal to refer to a nutty death camp situated in the country as polish wants those violating the law could face severe punishment of up to three years in jail and the polish president's adviser went even further defending that legislation the religion of the holocaust has become a symbolic shield for their country which is used by israel to create for itself a special position in many places in the world many jews in gauged in denunciation collaboration during the war i think israel has still not worked through all the facts are these more than three million jewish people lived in poland before the second world war most of the been more killed during the conflict the ice which birkenau camp which was built in poland during the nazi occupation saw around one million jews lose their lives there a columnist for newsweek magazine mark shulman told me he thinks the new law will influence poland's relations with other any member states. the problem with the law is not so much the fact it says you can't say polish death camps but the fact the law says you cannot diminish the role of the nazis which means that if you say that the poles had some part of it you are violating the war and by all accounts while the nazis were the ones who are ninety percent responsible for the holocaust and what happened in poland clearly the poles who were involved in really the cases where the poles were part of the part of the problem and so it's a real problem of course the question of freedom of speech as well freedom of people to study the holocaust to talk about the holocaust and not to mention the fact that thousands and thousands of israelis go every year to visit many of them high schoolers and the question is when they guides go to poland do they have to be afraid to speak the truth and speak of what went on apology i think this will have an effect on poles relations with the western europe at this point i mean it's part of a series of actions that the polish government has taken their member of the e.u. and yet they're testing the e.u. and its ability to accept a much more nationalistic government in poland. the us president donald trump and a lot of me are putin spoke by phone earlier this month the american leader expressed his condolences over sunday's plane crash in russia but that was not the only talking point of medina caution of a report. russian president had a telephone conversation with his american counterpart u.s. president donald trump expressed his condolences to vladimir putin over the recent dadley crash of a russian passenger plane that claimed the lives of seventy one people also the two parties discussed the settlement of these daily polit palestinian conflict now that was revealed by latimer putin during his meeting with the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas that took place on a monday evening. due to the recent actions of the us sides notably their recognition of them as israel's capital washington has been ruled out as a trustworthy mediator and the palestinians back in december twenty seven thousand u.s. president donald trump formally and now instead the u.s. recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel and that was criticized by the majority of international leaders including the european union's boring policy. it also wave of violent protests among palestinians and others across the middle east. prudence spoke on the phone to whether donald trump just two months ago so some international observers to know that the two presidents discuss international issues via telephone quite regularly. a switching gears now a russian softball near second medal at the winter olympics in south korea a silver in team figure skating with taking gold the u.s. bronze fifteen year old alina. dipping out the olympics took first place in the free skate section to ensure overall second place finish but a fellow athlete not actually competing was far from complimentary all her twitter account twenty six year old american figure skater ashley wagner accused the russian team of killing tony i'm in her program condemned her to x. in which she reserved her jumps for the second of the routine those remarks well the reaction. i personally disagree that this wasn't the program it matches the belly a relatively well maybe you're just jealous you can't compete with that stamina and those jumping passes your face looks a big green with envy it's just your envy you can't jump like that in the second half and even in the first well we got reaction from russian coaches and wagner's comments who told us that simply it's points but when prices are actually a good little issue not these deal those who don't get ashley wagner has done a lot for figure skating she's an outstanding athlete the rules for the competitions have changed and it's like accounting they simply need to point it's not about beauty to look at in order to win they need to do what only has a good of a day today but their social position as well as the competitive side of things there's also the social aspect to the olympics with most nations hosting their own hospitality hoess russia isn't officially represented up to games rather olympic athletes from russia because of a disputed doping investigation but there's still a corner of peeling churn that feels very much russian as a labor trickle has been discovering. as usual there are all kinds of national houses at the olympics and young chang the likes of the hall and house near the coast the countries like austria and switzerland naturally settled a bit higher in the mountains and since team russia doesn't officially exist here the traditional russian house doesn't either or isn't that immature or sca. to make sure russian fans have a home in korea it took a few tricks after all the i.o.c. must be respected the place is called the sports house obviously you find wide blue and red in the design but never specifically and the recognizable pattern like here's white and black in between what could appear to be flag stripes no official russian symbols the mentors because i haven't become official right other than that pure i ration fun and spirit. among the attractions here are these hosty jerseys from every year at the olympics that russia has long goals but on this one from nine hundred ninety two like here in korea you won't find the letters russia or the u.s.s.r. i will ask the guest if they know why and why did russia compete under a neutral flag at the olympics twenty six years ago and see money was on own voice you see these was increase. as i don't know sorry. i don't know i got some clues for you countries take turns with that well hey. i'm going to respect you the i.o.c. . you know i love you i think it's not only a men's arguing that patton is in the same reason. that. tell me why don't the sunday night think it. is a country so be unique left right you know was just established as a country that's when the soviet union. had its break up so neutral flags weren't always down to the i.o.c. sanctions. have a drink go our tea. the wife of donald trump jr was hospitalized year and year after she received an envelope containing an unknown white powder the envelope was addressed to vanessa trump's husband upon opening the letter she called nine one one that's a precaution and was taken to a hospital along with two other people the substance was later confirmed to be closer to this investigation is underway. meanwhile wiki leaks founder julian assange say's that he also received an envelope containing an identified white powder last tuesday he said he handed over to the police at ecuador's embassy and claimed the letter came from the u.s. . get out of the stories are many more that show we'll be updating you on in about thirty minutes time stay with us now for more great r.t. programs. tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies a shot of the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big brother crypto currencies and put those into while it's called american citizens give each have an automatic wallet tied to their social security account and they can get a daily weekly or monthly air drop of crypto coins that they can then years to boost economy with the government can easily do that. and i. used to most illusion of the spokesmen. just music was the in the rebirth of that which is this mission of the new question is a. little bit so if you guess i must try to separate don't pay extra to get to some odd time no. i. won't bore you on the idea that dropping. brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles they don't lead to new socks credits tell you that they'll be gossiping myself a little support there was an awesome advertising telling me you are not cool enough and such to buy their products. these are the hawks that we along with our loved ones. all to see we have a great team but we need to strengthen before the free float world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so i took it back. in ninety ninety two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that winning spirit to the aussie team. recently had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best form since my last will call. of the no zero zero zero zero. nice drive. no left left left more or less ok stop that's really good. too so fantail and sophie shevardnadze and dollar trump has locked horns with his own intelligence and law enforcement how damaging can the rift between the white house and the american intelligence get well i asked him a decade ca veteran rolf what larson. wants the american spy agencies are mired in a public scandalous political cycle with the investigation of president trump putting them in an intense spotlight but his national fame really what an intelligence agency needs and the professionals at the cia and f.b.i. to escape the polarization of politics that it's a head game miracle in public and will therefore in the end radically change the situation in the country. we're all flow out larsen former cia veteran his service moscow section she's a long other politician. welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us . now wolf the american intelligence community has been accused of being politicized many times in a bush shares to politicians use it to justify iraq now the agencies are again the world in a political scandal i know you pride yourself on your colleagues for being patch reality nonpolitical but can you really be about politics in this line of work i mean that sounds kind of like fairy tale almost. i think it's a standard you have to strive for been a lifelong political independent for that reason that you outline that it's crucial for intelligence officers to be independent and objective and serve the country not just the president and the government but we are also all citizens now they. are taxpayer funded they have no private sector competition appointments there are made by politicians how can all that not be politicized. actually the in the intelligence profession all of our officers are career professionals we spend our entire career inside the agency in my case i was undercover for my twenty three years in the cia living abroad for most of those years and frankly i really felt it was not that difficult to me maintain my impartiality and i think you have to do that whether you're collecting information or analyzing it or disseminating it which is the central mission of intelligence you have to maintain an ability to tell your policymakers the truth in other words speak truth to power so is it right for an intelligence professional to be vying for a high political office for instance the media in the u.s. are saying that director of the cia mike pumpin may be replacing secretary of state rex tillerson singh is it steering too much into political territory. there is always a healthy discussion about the idea of particularly former intelligence professionals getting involved in politics i personally don't agree with that as a principle for the same reason for military officers getting involved in politics but peo was a representative who and often are cia directors or they are political appointees point he's and he's in a long line of cia directors who are political appointees and that is the way our system operates just like many of our ambassadors overseas are aligned politically always with the president so i don't find that worrisome or disturbing i think it's much more important that the the ranks of the intelligence officers remain professionalized how much freedom does cia have the means to say i mean for instance bush administration ran torture prisons and then obama came in and closed them the z. agency has the power to decide for itself whether it needs things like that and whether it's ethical to. that's a great question sophia i feel the intelligence community has a good set of guidelines it starts with a given set of authorities we have in other words we can conduct certain activities are we call our mission without special authority for example the mission of espionage is a core intelligence mission of all intelligence services we can do that without seeking approval when we do something like interrogation or enhanced interrogation or have prisons that requires actually what we call a covert action finding that if that requires a a finding from our department of justice that we can do that activity as well as some very strict legal guidelines that are laid out in writing for the agency to follow and at the times when we we run afoul of that when we when we are accused of crossing the line we're held accountable by whatever standard has been laid out by our department of justice and our other authorities that are above us now they involve government agencies in this presidential election someone starting from the f.b.i. role in a clinton e-mail is now the trump investigation investigating both candidates and being quite public about it. it's in president it unprecedented isn't it i mean why has the intelligence community taken on this risible and political role this time around. i agree with you actually i find it very regrettable very concerned about the politicization of intelligence i do agree it's happening to some extent i think the f.b.i. and the cia are still very reliable organizations that that are following their their guidelines i still have complete trust and confidence in the organizations but you're right there's the questions do arise and it's because of the highly politicized nature of our domestic politics right now between the republicans and democrats and between those who support the president those who don't support the president so i agree it's a very concerning time and i think it's going to be a time when we in a way redefine our limits you know what is the proper role of the cia and the f.b.i. in the in our domestic affairs and we've learned in our history from the past that we should stay out of american politics. and the house intelligence committee has released a republican newness report which contains allegations that f.b.i. misled the judge in obtaining permission to spy on trump's presidential campaign this report has already been branded inaccurate is it part of the blame game or is there some substance to this. personally i think it's the blame game that's my personal view the new paper in my view is a republican version of cherry picking the facts as they choose to present them and now i understand there's another version circulating the democratic version i frankly find that whole process to be regrown also not something i'm proud of as an american i'd prefer to see both parties sit down this and discuss these things not in the public eye without declassifying to releasing classified information i think all of that is not something as an american citizen that i would dorsey or say is a good thing and a specialist trumps election things haven't been like they used to be before like from what i understand about the american system the nation's foreign policy is largely decided in the white house and the state department and then there's a congress in the senate and they're more preoccupied with internal matters this time congress is so active in pushing its foreign policy vision on the president why. well i think that's true generally sophia and of course we also have the national security council and unlike russia and some other countries china and others that have more continuity in foreign policy work and making we don't do largely through the political nature of our system we were in for a year cycles for a large a large part of that which is consumed with electioneering and campaigning i think that's a weakness of our system i still of course believe in the representative government idea that we that we sacrifice this continuity of stability in our policymaking but it is it is a vulnerability or a weakness and you can really see it right now because. largely because we're dealing with unprecedented issues that we've never had to consider we've never had such an aggressive intelligence attack if you will on the american democratic institutions and or in our election process that we just had in the previous election that has caused a great deal of this i think soul searching inside the u.s. so we're coming out to the share of the trump russia story you said yourself there's no hard evidence yet yet of trump straight on collision with russia so why does the public believe it to be a fax and the media in america reports that as a fact of also. i hope the american people or the media don't believe it as a fact sophie i i see it as the facts are clear that for whatever reason and i question why the russian intelligence services attacked our system so aggressively but i think that as a fact i don't i don't think that's the nihil the question then is what did that do and i had the what impact did that have on the results of the election and for what reason did russian intelligence can do.

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