Transcripts For RT The Great American Pilgrimage 20171217 :

Transcripts For RT The Great American Pilgrimage 20171217

with their sights now set in the lone star state stephen impacts contemplate ways to further exploit real. contemporary your fears you go up and you'll be flying through the sky. a cumbrian does not make you know the real thing. a little girl from for a. couple of summers ago max to get somewhere to go to the story this week starting in the producers of the real spin off again. to slow burn. the slow burn. test that marks the cat from up. and. down. this is named today in what nothing. charlie the tell me how much i'll never get enough for starkest but he got a three picture deal is clumsy. more and more probable than charlie bit my finger. is it. charlie. mickey rourke. scrumpy the cat. that's going to happen. when in rome our heroes know they must take a detour and pop into corpus christi stop end of the year. welcome to the best of the best showcase the similes summit gathering convention. but only the most unconventional artists. and businesses are inviting basically every local business in town. max being max decides to go on a mission to find out what the best of the best is all about. max is a little lost in watching him so are we. our heroes rise fashionably late. sixty's. so like any v.i.p. he's escorted through a secret into. the sea here we are. having to. take a back entrance like the beatles things like that even alec baldwin doesn't just try to be i believe. that it was night for a screwdriver when i first heard drugs quickly my first cleared up. my first think as to why. they. may stay here the best of the best. right now. i want to those mexican mexican dresses and if tell me what that is. what am i looking at you know and helping them just answers what is that. spanish. folkloric. going to be it's just lucky that mechanism to. close. the door to. me. as stephen makes his way through the raucous crowd posing for pictures and people knowing exactly who he is. he makes his way to a quick on a graph where his adoring fans have been waiting to be blessed by a shark. is working. eight by ten o'clock the line of lined up to get the autograph and i did a great guy. back there and as they come off the line with the high tech on line you can just see their faces light up they're just full of joy like wow that's it my me i got myself in a place to tell steven bowen blossom from the great america. it's time for stephen to rest his wrist and he touches upon charity in light of the hurricane that has affected the houston area. even in the charitable work i do today. there are. situations and people in need where i know in my schedule in this i can't go and do it myself for me god's calling me to different things and do different things but i can send some money i can send twenty dollars one hundred dollars whatever this so everybody needs to know that. without question specific to texas please don't think oh everything's going to be fine if all you can do is just your part in all of the blessing in helping the people of texas just texting a donation twenty dollars please do it it really makes a difference. back still is no idea what's going on. in a kid in need or doing. so inquisitive max decides to get up close and personal with the people who make up the best of the best. i've been serving food stamps for thirty six years now and how did their listener kin affect everyone's lives it actually helped us because our. was not hit too bad by the hurricane we've been busy ever just a hurricane hit or it's a lot of migrants coming from beaumont in areas from brockport fourteen inches past or hit. me it's a choice the response mile or in the coming months it's a completely good thing and that's because really so they come to corpus christi for the sticks they stay for the love yes i'm reading here we go now it's time for fan fotos baldwin style. this is the pilgrimage. just a pilgrim. another pretty girl oh my life is so cheerful coach my job is so. let's see if you look a little smile and give it a. pleasure to enjoy. this is. just to. make our support. because. she's here for you know we're travelling around a bit yes. this is the french season. but operatic. really has been up. there. they came to. the escalator to be broken it was cooling off after some heavy talk and some heavy food and exercise to visit with some local nurses. so i look like my blood pressure i did i can you tell i need my blood pressure is there something in my. value same or is that a bad sign. for you. i don't want to know what's wrong because i'll end up possible just from psychosomatic tendencies because i think my grandma was sick but i'm just i'm just ok i want to get her he probably needs more than just his blood pressure to be a g.'s that's our local company so i have like a lot of problems i think i become a coming out you know now i see normal. that face says it all but i'm. like when you all know it's coming through and spoke to if somebody would have been told me that i'm going to spend my life to plan committees or a little disturbed person with salt it was clear. every night over we were attacked by the arabs oh we will attack them and we will extremely shocked and saying that's not possible oh i'll make those move to such scenes and then the soldiers and myself from the standpoint of. the host with all the prison or we've all dealt with over will they all. believe much second close citizens in the on call. most likely and i think in my head that there is no way to be able to live together without tearing down the street hamas. joined me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. because vessel only forty a day play a short tournament. a minute's ass-u. all your life by beautiful out of the olympics maybe one so my future wife whatever somehow six times over it's a list of her story. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line big get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to press. you to go on to beatrice this is what before three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters and not how the. question. our heroes are still entertaining fans of the best of the best trying not to offend people hello you've been doing this summer. ok. so the. people who come in here. love pressure check the decision is an essential part to early warning well that's just how well they should be polite and well. patient so we can restrain easier to make your blood pressure and just like to check the so what are the trends of help here if you're balanced mylar to help your things you know south texas has a lot of diabetics here ok i believe the stereotype and a lot and it is that more prevalent in. this area. around passport lemsip where i can see me when i want it you know. would you give me mouth to mouth right now and yeah he said that if you but only barely can it isn't the rejuvenile you're supposed to think oh well you're giving. the song stayin alive stayin alive. well because you guys make so much really go play on the server there is no way for your time she told her. i. think. if we look at these we'll. take. almost as big a stephen baldwin as the this is the best. they're a boutique. it. really is called our spot is this must be a play on that. now we do not condone that type of language. ok too much it just goes to women like ours bob i shouldn't put those things to do. relapse three crash i says all hell are. if you ever do it stuck in it or you get stuck in a kid or maybe even if you fall into the grand canyon this truck you can drive right out is going to be no problem look at the for if you will on this truck. after learning what makes the best of the best. get back on the pilgrimage to meet up with max his good friend. who just happens to be in the area working with our favorite cryptocurrency death wish to help victims of hurricane harvey get back on their feet. we really love death. just look at everyone's t. shirts. all right this is a statement. well right back atcha so i think you know we've got the dash people on board and you know you and i live and breathe script i have for years and stephen's a newbie this is a whole new world our stephen ever since we stopped snorting gold we've been using it for thousand and nine and then a lot of us it's just a secure is calling but i was has more features crypto is short for crypto currency you know that digital money that max keeps raving about you guys are inside the bubble of crypto. i'm just an actor i'm going to i'm going to. play dumb. over to have and. i just want to continue in the idea of how might this conversation need to go that with young people and people way outside of crypto to get their minds around it more easily i would say that the biggest difference and what crypto friends to the party is that unlike let's say a money system from the government which is centralized there's a centralized resource which is issuing the money keeping track of the money in the case of trip to a point it's essential eyes so you have computers all over the world that are maintaining this network so it's very similar to make a parallel to let's say napster member napster people kept files on various computers and you could attack it because there was no sun single place to attack it will make stripped of valuables that there's no single place to attack the network because it's redundant it's copied over thousands and thousands of nodes as they're called throughout the system so in this way it's called censorship resistant and if somebody tries to stop you from using this currency they cannot no government can you know we've seen in the internet has totally changed and transform many businesses the music industry the chrome industry so now the internet and its distributed network architecture is destructing money banks have been bad actors they've abused their privilege and their place in the economy and in society and if we can destroy them and get rid of this intermediary you said destroy because they are going to sit here saying i think this is i mean this is this is sas in the evening this is some people will not give up and just do it anyway and you know figure it out make a couple bucks still use it as a currency they. really use it as a currency it's a tool. like anything else so it's not going to stop mail so how do you message it so that you max some mind. the potential of this momentum that's my question because i came to you and i said you know what there's a thing called email it's going to destroy physical letters it's going to wipe off you know people are going to use them and they don't in the case of dash part of the mining output of coins goes to a pool and then the community votes on how to spend those funds so the community voted to have us do. sponsor that's unique to dash that's one of the unique attributes of probably the best governance model in the entire space i can say with some assurance. where. my you know my little bit and if so can i make a profit. these are questions in my mind was there are there are several companies that do that. you actually don't even have the mine or you can just buy a car. and then so do the words you with the coins thank you for doing on the guy that knows very very little and if what you're asking is kind of basic and i don't get any of what you just said this is helpful to our viewers to the jury will you do that i'm a twenty year computer company internet provider web designer now i just do. i don't understand one person can i buy a shot of liquor with some of the currencies or. rather this all the wonderful i destroyed in the wind dank pool porch to be rid of. deshon shared desk is already done a signal the community has done a significant amount of giving yes yes part of our proposal would is twenty percent of the proposal actually goes to help feed the homeless each month we go out and make meals and find homeless people on the street and give meals out so when the storm hits i decided to refocus those funds. to the hurricane relief. and that's. when i reached out to a couple other people in the community and asked them if they wanted to donate. roger affair from because. he donated four thousand dollars so we took those funds and we were going to head down to the coast and do all we could with those funds and somebody actually donated ten more because that night so within two hours time we had already received fifty thousand dollars from people who donated money and over the next week we received another ten thousand from people donating money that's the brother that's a big suggest that that died a lot in the last eight to ten years to look at the statistics of charitable giving is another point to them and that is mankind is back again and i can tell you this could change this type of consciousness and we want to towels and brushes all just all the things that people would need when they're displaced from their home and we literally put the pictures together handed it to them in their hands so we know we're all of the money to go to work that's you know with the red cross or whatever you say it's a race to go see you want to get something done do it yourself exactly and you have actually already been here you're going. to see what you've done let's go to. perfect all right dan you were a brother so this is the market basket infighter texas and here's this empty shop here this is where one of the local city council people and had a. access to this so all the all of the donations from people were coming in here and being staged right here. and so we set our tables up right here and started handing out everything and i think they're like three hundred pizzas like the local pizza shop just came and said here and in a middle there was just stacks of pizzas a donation yeah and it was so it was like one pizza per family it was fantastic you know they still they still have some of the stuff left inside here the diapers and stuff that was really there but this whole area was just full of stuff and their stuff and this was more like a donation station right where it's things could be brought in a kid. private or if we need to send chills to crest toothpaste right tells etc etc and it's all volunteer local community and then. it was what it was it was mayhem there was quite a few people too that you know lately well he's trying to think what you would notice because you know i did this for three weeks every day on the road doing this and you had kind of a morning noon and afternoon crowd that would come in. to these different centers to work based in the city of cyber so to speak to say you know ours thanks for showing this to us we had a friend directly affected in all this to get out here for can it go see my very good friend but be prepared what you're about to see. texas is off to a great start as our heroes hit the road with their new friend gets a couple families we think hurricane. make sure. that. if they can just make it out of the parking lot. next time on the great american pilgrimage on her chest. something seemed to me to come up here we just didn't want to be here it was almost a week at the water's stagnation now and you've got a lot of work you see more rain than usual settling of where we get stuff looking everywhere in the street. says you may never leave with the boat to kids and left trying to make everything you can i think we have a little bit of money we can help out with the church least try to help you get back on your feet. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to get the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance for. the base this minute. i'm not in under them i did my bit but not a lot i didn't know me my. dismissal but i can know me a little more to be still slot. machine and so not a single post to. the. right of that and i'm going to he doesn't have to go she will assume i'm not wrong on sunday the letter about a lot of people got it that something is innocent. and the list will go down. as become a hot item. with the most and then the police going to. some small town somehow must post some solo and they've got to. come in the night while to learn how to look for them though i doubt that it. causes financial survival guide stacy let's learn us out fill out let's say i'm it's like that and you're a police response based off the fight wall street spot thank you for. the story that's right. slavery. i. was right. but in the week's top stories anger rages for a second week in the wake of donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital clashes between palestinians and israeli police called deaths and injuries. to sleep. all of russian troops from syria during a surprise visit of the military chief declare defeat in the country. success the holidays and i haven't had russian spacecraft launches from the baikonur cosmodrome taking three.

Related Keywords

Mexico , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United States , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Texas , Houston , Syria , Russia , Spain , Russian , America , Israeli , Spanish , Mexican , American , Charlie Mickey Rourke , Steven Bowen , Max Isa , Alec Baldwin ,

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