a long standing uni polar system. the news. alright, with the top stories of the weekend, today's up to the minute headlines. welcome to the program. it's not in today. so we do start at this hour in don bast where a hospital and the look on screen was well, it was shelled on new year's eve. local officials or the attack was carried out by ukrainian forces using american made and supplied high mars rockets and the following a footage from the city of per mice. you can see the extent of the damage, of course, to the building. according to authorities, 6 people were injured and the key still though, has not commented on this now and all the crew managed to get to the scene very quickly. we can show you pictures of the damage done to the hospitals interior. also, patients also getting prepared the evac, along with the 6 people said to have been injured. other sources are reporting a fatality that we con, confirm that. so here's what one hospital work. i had to say, warning, you may find the following images to stopping with gerald brilliant. so she was devoted to the 1st rocket stroke during an operation. we drank the patient, who stomach was open out of there and sent them for further treatment. thank god, all the medical personnel survived in the operating room and there is the human body. when the rebel is cleared, it will be understood who that was. the hospital was struck 3 times. this suggests that they wanted to kill as many people as possible. we kill on the front and they kill here behind the front lines. unfortunately. meanwhile, our rushes armed forces say they prevented air quote, terrorist attack on the country by you cranes. military. the russian ministry of defense are states. it was planned for new year's eve, but was prevented by pre emptive strikes on a factory making drones and launch sites. and we get more details. you'll get them to now across all 11 time zones, from colony grad to cam. shatka, people in the world's largest country, flocked into the streets to welcome in the new year. and the biggest celebrations were seen right here in the russian capital with a $1000.00 in force to ring in 2023. despite many rounds of what, what were western sanctions, putting a lot of economic pressure on the nation over the past year. russia has actually been able to stabilize it's economy, so taken us through it all. his aunties, steve sweet. we've all seen the sensation is headlines moscow's ground to hold and completely shut down. life in russia will never be the same again. and the country has once more retreated behind the iron curtain. well, i'm here in the capitol. i with the opportunity to show you what life is really like have on the ground on a spoiler. it's very different from the so called iron curtain portrayed in the western media. first of all, no, we're not hit by some kind of social media blackout. cut off from the outside world . a good vpn, get you everything you need. i'm even up to speed with the latest going on in our with square off the february 24th. the news came flooding in about shots and businesses leaving the country in some kind of mass exodus. if you believe the headlines, there were no shops left in russia at all, but that's not quite true. many of those a diddly did so at great cost, but more than $1000.00 and foreign companies are still doing business here in russia. starbucks has simply rebranded itself as stars, and mcdonalds has a new owner and a new name. but it's pretty much the same. i, we're still loving it. we spoke to people in the streets and asked them if they'd notice any differences. nike, but there are many local trans at a no waste and the foreign ones. we found her placement for them. we started to support trash and brands that maintain quality. all of us, coca cola is gone, but we have a replacement. the local brand dubray color, a lot of beverages good once have appeared since coca cola left russia and i almost see no difference without mcdonald's either. i don't expect that brand to return, and i think the russian version, tasty, full stop is quite delicious. that we managed to partially substitute for the brands that left for furniture, for example, ikea. we've replaced a portion of their products, it will be sydney to deny the impact the sanctions on the russian economy of core things aren't quite as they were before. the special military operation, but at the same time is not quite as the west haute as it ramped up the pressure, remember biden as a result of these unprecedented sanctions ruble almost as immediately reduced to rubble. well, soon after the military operation began, the rubel did indeed tank 30 percent to the dollar. hitting record lows for the situation is stabilized. it's now $65.00 to $70.00 roubles to the us dollar, meaning that russia's currency is now stronger than it was before the military operations began. in fact, according to bloomberg, the rubel is the best performing currency in the world this year. but now, as the situation has stabilized, so has the west 3 allies, asian, but it's over played its hand. take the economists, for example, back in february, it was reporting doom and gloom, that the collapse of the rouble was continuing and compounding the isolation of russia. yet just months later in august, it was asking the question, how does the ruble continue to defy expectations? well, maybe the answer is a simple one. perhaps those expectations shouldn't be lowered in the 1st place, but not to say that there's no awareness of what's going on in the conflict though . it's a topic this not just discussed ady but also exist in the public fair. across the city you'll see billboards adorned with as ed logo. posters like this one, declaring glory to rush in heroes. different pictures, different faces of different folders, of all run a q, r code. how to find out more information. was there a serious discussion about how best to support those on the front line? this new year will look different for many russians. a lot of towns and cities have scrap by celebrations altogether. have in moscow, a compromise was reached, a city wide vote was held. the outcome well atone down celebration without firewood . but the mayor says that it important to keep those traditions alive. to day when thousands of men husband's fathers and sons are fighting for the independence of our motherland. when blood is being shed, when hundreds of thousands of civilians are suffering, we also face a choice in the name of the economy in the name of compassion, to abandon these holidays. or to spite the tragic circumstances to still remain human. people who had here to their national traditions, to not lose their spirit, they do not get discouraged. they believe in victory now with tears, but with deeds. they support those who are on the front line to day. so yes, there have been some hiccups along the way, and for many life will never be the same in russia again. but rushes, total isolation on its collapse, i predicted by the west, a seemingly file to materialize. it's a big story and it's only going to get even bigger on a global level. 2022 was a year that so cracks emerging in the long standing unipolar system and yields rolled in while it was almost every single month that appeared to show the balance of power shifting and a new shad world order on the rise. when the next level before our very eyes, the world is changing and really becoming multi polar. however, some countries are trying to preserve their teetering gemini, at any cost using a wide range of political, military, economic, informational, and other methods and means. since the end of the 2nd world war, it felt like the world was ruled by a very few power, seemed concentrated in the hands of the global north and represented by the g 7 group of economies, all singing to the same west than him. but this year, a new horace is rising, the biggest new block is coming up and with a tidal wave. this is rick's 25 percent of the world's d. d p. that the court of the was gross domestic product and 40 percent of its population. when measured in land was, it is a quarter of the world, this is what you and i, and the rest of us have been waiting for. a multi polar world is rising. and along with it many more keen to join in african biggest country by land mars and the continents biggest guess export algeria once in. iran is also key. and it was right here in south africa that president settled on the plaza, told us about saudi arabia's interest as well. egypt and turkey allured and pondering why it's the spirit driven in co operation and inclusiveness, heightened in trade, finance, supply chain and smuggling fracturing. here no one is more over another with in the group, and this no meddling in each other's business, all dictating how they should handle their own, a face each with equitable global governance. radio, not a new world is coming to san antonio. t was the is the word dollarization went a bit of ira just there as detail. political ask about changing with new regional powers. emerging. the global financial system is getting a bit of a make over to, for example, major his painful rash energies with national currencies. neither 50 to 50 splits between rouble and new that and if the plans of shanghai corporation of an invasion come to life will always see this trend accelerate with alternative payment system . also on the horizon, the reliance on the dollar as the instrument supporting the world economy. this is not so very promising for him to speak. and that is not by use of them that more and more countries are shifting to are using co alternative currencies. shifting through use national currency more and more and then the lease process so we will be will be gaining momentum. we have see how washington says hundreds of billions of dollars of fresh assets. we know promised that there will be returned. i am of the day to show that trenice un, i counted for almost 3 percent to the highest level since the data began in 2016 at the same time, the dollars share job to, to below 59 percent to the lowest level in 25 years, but 2022 saw the momentum growth tours break is dominance and h r frame a new fear work order. when the conflict in ukraine started, western leaders said that anyone who doesn't sign up for their sanctions will be on the wrong side. of the history india did not pick sides. in fact, in that position been cleared the position of neutrality. after all more goods been an old friend to new delhi and also an old trading part. so what india did instead was it started building new banking channels to be able to treat with more school. in ruby's india as appetite for russian crew also increased from male on one percent imports in february to almost 22 percent now, which is nearly $1000000.00 barrels of crude di now in the ongoing geopolitical shift. as far as india is concerned, its view or more school is not defined by how western countries see it. we have to be confident about who we are. i think it's better to engage in the world on the basis of who we are rather than try and pleased a one as a be limitation of what this idea does. the final got you know, somewhere and we need to get the approval of the waters. i think that's it. all we need to put behind in the form for the seas. been very, very clear that is to promote its own interest 1st, for despite western pressures and more of judgments, india has been very clear that it's not going to be dictated by anyone. so as i 2023 gets on the way people around the globe are hoping for a more positive year ahead, it does follow a previous swell, pretty tough. 12 months of wellness, protests, military conflicts coded and well limited deepening economic crisis. my colleague nikki aaron discussed the prospects for the new year with a number of guests. just when i think i have figured that the human race has somehow exhausted, every possible means of destroying itself or its culture already and or its saturday. i'm disappointed because there's a new way, i think things are going to be much worse. and, but the only thing that will help most people is the diluted effect of the social media platforms which allow people to recess and to revert from reality can go into la la land and take pictures of their food. while society collapses famous, the astrologer nostradamus, he made many interesting and unusual prophecies, as we know, he said, to predict the 3rd world war being on the horizon next year. what's your take on that and doesn't look like tensions between some of the worlds and major powers are reaching that critical points. i say the possibility of potentially for a forefront war facing the united states, especially because it's out there with it says, germany stirring all of the sub has created the mess and in 2022 and i think it's, it, it just doesn't know how to help itself, and it's going to continue on that path and it's going to create even greater tension. so in 2023 and we got to be watchful and any think and there can be something out of nowhere that could absolutely cause a, a catastrophic event. and a cascading events that could lead to, to this war front war that i just mentioned. they stem from the middle east to the, to in, to in the pacific 2 or of course europe, europe could see in a 2nd war next year. and that what is that war? that is basically co, kosovo. serbia was announcement recently, for example, let's say be bank one of russia's largest banks, has currently developed a new payment gateway that goes between russia and iran and allow people to lose money more or less instantly between the 2 countries. so that's where we're moving . the dominance of the financial system, which at the moment is controlled by a private company called swift, which is basically how most move our money to and fro around the world. now that's gone. now we've seen that gone. we're going to see, i think, a whole bunch of new and exciting companies from china, russia, india, iran, all of these as everyone saying, or the new company, these new companies that will be in this new multi poder waldo. that will start developing really exciting payment technology that we install for the financial industry to generations now. the dark secrets supposed to be for bare eyes only during the year, just gone. e long must brought into the spotlight. the so called twitter file revelations, ultimately laying back previous management's bias and the u. s. government attempts to send so dissenters and promote its own narratives. but as documents went viral, the mainstream focus instead shifted is considerable gays on the new twitter chief himself ilan laskey, one must be on last you on mass $44000000000.00. twitter takeover is just about a done deal with recons bursey theory that people had about twitter turned out to be true. so is there a conspiracy theory about twitter that didn't turn out to be true? so father bolted out to be true. and if not, maybe more true than people thought. hi miss, i meet you on. ah, we see this as an interesting or a coincidence if i made to twitter so have, has a push this distraction. that is a, that is a full of old news. i think just generally the i'm looking for something that's like i said broadly as early inclusive as possible with anything decided or recoverable, or with really doing both things. now obviously 2022. so no end of instability on the energy markets with commodity prices just all over the place. a western sanctions on russian energy supplies that a spikes and fluctuations and the sector is expected to get even rougher next year because of an e. u an g 7 price cap on russian oil, but moscow says it won't play by the western rules animal ban exports to any country complying with the so called cap. we are prohibiting supplies of russian oil and petroleum products to foreign legal entities and individuals provided that the contracts for the supplies directly or indirectly apply a price kept mechanism. things are really not looking very good here in france right now. and moscow's response to the g 7 and european union's price cap on russian oil. that is to ban deliveries, to countries that abide by the cap. does even kick in until february 1st. and the useful embargo on russian oil also hasn't been fully felt yet. because there's also a grace period there until january, so ships don't get caught out at sea, but already there are some signs of trouble here. hey, you know the fairy tale of cinderella, where she had to be home by midnight, or else her magic carriage turned back into a pumpkin? well, french drivers have until midnight on december 31st before their own pars risk getting bricked turning into pumpkins because of sticker shock at the pump. because the discount that a live driver's here friends weren't even aware that the government had built into the price of fuel for the past few months to help offset the rising cost of energy is coming to a crashing halt. at that point, the prices are set to go up by $10.00 to $0.20 per liter for everyone, except about $10000000.00 french citizens who will qualify for the help that's replacing it. in the case of workers who make less than $14700.00 euros per year, who will need to fill out a government form to get on all whopping $100.00 euros to cover the entire year of energy price hikes for 2023. meanwhile, french factories are already planning to ring in the new year by not reopening after the holiday. citing skyrocketing production costs, one manager of the company that produces isolation material, told the french press that he seen. i 100 percent increase in material costs and 500 to 700 percent spikes in energy prices. oh, and this, the french energy transition minister. i guess, penny alina, she tweeted on tuesday that if you hear home with wood in france, the government will now offer you assistance of between 50 and 200 euros. the state acts against rising prices from this tuesday, december 27th. if you want temper to help you warm up, you can benefit from assistance ranging from 50 to 200 euro's. it was just so surreal. this tweet that you think you're looking at, a parody account, but nope, and apparently the energy transition minister, i guess, is going to help friends transition straight back to the cave mandate. hey, maybe the government can type in a free bag of marshmallows so that at least french citizens can all feel like they're having fun. camping out at home rather than huddling around the fire. like they're back in the stone age. maybe we can even like, since production is troublesome right now because of enterprise me, we can like start bashing on rocks in the fire to hobble that. it's hard to believe that this is supposed to be one of the world's most developed countries, which at one point prided itself on its nuclear energy independence before we get to the perception that when russia is being sanctioned lift, right. and so i'm not able to respond. so this, the service phones are from the russian president from the russian federation. douglas center, quote, straits does not going to come in here and play your games as if now the oil and gas or the energy has control and want in washington, especially the european countries have the ones that i have to suffer from dis decree by the ones that are really sticking to russia, i'm going to give you african bed mom. she's only the western countries that are more of an issue that i sure yes, it would benefit from the resistance of russia that are going to suffer during his new year speech or chinese president shooting ping addressed are one of the biggest issues of the country. was facing and his posture that of cobit and cold for people to unite king or jenco, georgia and the from our colossal effort we overcame unprecedented difficulties and challenges which were not easy for everyone. now the prevention and control of the epidemic has entered a new stage. everyone is working hard, persevering,