the party wins partial control of congress. and also in the stories that shape this week. moscow slums, the haves ruling only, mh 17 plane crash, biased and politically motivated. after a pair of russian nationals are sentenced and i've sent you ah, they tell stories from the past 7 days on right up to the moment developments as well. welcome to the weekly on our t. k. f has back track donates previous claims that miss i, which had a polish village this week killing to people was fired by russia. i ukrainian, or for spokesperson house conceded out several parts of the projectile. actually appear to have been ukrainian while president lensky, who initially said the missile had come from the russian military. despite adamant denials from moscow has also appeared to change his perspective on the incident. how many times, as you claim said that the actions of the terrorist state will not be limited to our country alone, hitting nato territory with missiles. this is a russian missile attack on collective security. this is a really significant escalation. action is needed. so i don't know what happened this time. we don't know 100 percent. i think the world also does know what happened on present in that situation. we have to be fair and on us until the investigation is over. some background and miss are crushed in a polish village near the ukrainian border on choose the killing to civilians within ours, a number of polish and ukrainian government officials claim the project was russian, but later polish nato and us official said it was most probably a ukrainian ur, defense massage that had gone off course. some polish politicians have been calling for an apology from kiev and compensation for the victims, families. the infant led to a rare public rift between ukraine and its western life. as jo biden's national security adviser was reported to have asked key of officials to tread carefully with their accusations, the u. s. president himself also refused to speak with mister zalinski on the phone and following the incident. here's how the american leader responded, went off the bike, ukraine's version of events. i despite western officials, including joe biden saying, there was a lack of evidence. western media outlets went on the war, puff, blustering accusations that russia was to blame for quote, attacking in nato country. i'm speaking about the potential for world war 3 ortiz. marina culture ever has been digging a little bit deeper into the headlight. the media can be very powerful and very dangerous, especially during the time of war. one misleading statement could settle a chain of events which could change the world as we know it. and we were almost on the brink of world war 3 this week. when the western need, the us started reporting with certain see that a russian missile had landed in poland. a senior us intelligence official says fresh and miss as crossed into nature. men that poland, killing 2 people as senior u. s. intelligence official, there was no proof of anything at the time. only the 1st images of the blast images which showed what appeared to be fragments of and as a $300.00 rocket. that's part of a soviet era missile defense system that t of continues to use today. 6 but that, that a matter to the west, the russians were, of course, to blame. and within minutes, this story spread like wildfire with politicians and journalists, started calling on nato to at sac russia and invoke articles 4 and 5, which mandate member states to determine a collective response. whenever one of them is it's hacked and then it turned out that it was probably a ukrainian missile that crossed into poland. awkward to say the least. but it took several hours for a pizza, correct? their version of the story. you would have thought that you asked me there would be more careful with their reporting, especially after their epic blunders with the invasion of iraq. for example, when ever almost sold on the premise of weapons of mass destruction, which were never found. we have found a number of instances of covers that was not as rigorous as it should have been. in some cases, information that was controversial then, and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified, or allowed to stand unchallenged. looking back, we wish we had been more aggressive in re examining the claims as new evidence emerged or failed to emerge. we should have warned readers, we had information the basis for this was shakia than widely believed. those are exactly the kind of statements that should be published on the front page, and we're seeing the sale fell playout all over again, and never stopped to really remember the syrian chemical attack, or the good duffy viagas story. or the un claims about the russian army supply and its soldiers with via gra, because he says he, the family. when you see the women and girls have been held for days and buildings and raped when you hear the testimony of these women who tell you about russian soldiers equipped with way, agra m. o. another thing, it is clearly a military strategy from a prank call later revealed that she had no evidence to back up those claims. it was just what she was told by ukrainian officials, but the truth didn't matter at that point did it's, the damage had already been done. and now it's as good as facts for those who watch western media, no apologies, no retractions, nothing new for us. well, i had several jobs, one of my jobs was that of analyst. i also was an interrogator, and indeed, brief the press. when we see i wanted to circulate this information on a particular issue. this information is not necessarily, not necessarily a lie and maybe a half truth. and we would pick out a journalist i would go do the briefing and hope that he would put the information in print half truths and this information. so does vale of journalism. that's the recipe for success. american style. nearly every wall that has started in the past, 50 years has been a result of media live in the media could have stopped it if they had searched even off. if they hadn't reprinted government propaganda, they could have stopped it. but what does that mean? well, that means basically populations by like was and populations have to be folding towards. so next time you see a headline in the mainstream media, don't be so quick to judge tweets or jump to conclusions because for all, you know, it might be a fake story generated to get a particular result. sometimes with undesirable consequences. and this week that could have been world war 3, marina cost forever. now, earlier i spoke with broadcast or an or 3rd option, return the who highlighted the global dangers of careless reporting about the conflict. we've seen the associated press published claims on the missile, insolent and pollen citing anonymous sources that turned out to be wrong. they retracted the story somewhat, but i would suggest that few saw that apology compared to the initial flashy headlights. the year november 2022. in later years may be seen as the closest we got to global annihilation and ab associated press and all its fellow nato nations. stenographer media masquerading as journalists brought us to the edge before it was hastily rode back in, i should say in fairness, and while we must give our condolences to the 2 polish farmers killed by a zalinski forces at least nato diplomats have been briefing that zalinski is elia, and i'm not sure how that to affairs in the state department, given how many tens of billions of dollars has been handed to what nato officials are, briefing privately, as quoted in the, even the mainstream media in a donations as a, as a lie. the timeline here is started with lamar zalinski, immediately calling on nato countries to react. then the a p story comes out, and then the fact start to emerge. there's a backwardness to all lab, isn't there? everyone who went so quickly to assume that nato circled article 5 will be invoked, i think, should be discounted from future. a geopolitical stories because they are dangerous sources that endanger the whole of humanity. but of course, already those who support the nature back forces are saying this will be forgotten very quickly. well, as was alluded to, their u. s. republicans up demanded that no more money be sent to ukraine, while also calling for an audit of the previous aid that the biden administration has sent to fuel. he abs war effort, we're funding, he's crane's budget. with it, with that term at $11800000000.00 is going to assistance, including for direct budget support. the question is, is ukraine now the 51st state of the united states of america? and what position does the lensky have in our government? this is outrageous, and the american people deserve answers. it's high time to stop sending any more money. don't send another penny to the ukraine and to start auditing, where the money went. well, huge figures in question the order demand follows the u. s. having already spent nearly $55000000000.00 on aid to ukraine this year with $37000000000.00 and additional help requested by biden, from congress, thus 20 percent more money than the entire annual defense budget of the russian federation. bitter battles in washington politics have begun as the power dynamic shifts in the united states. it's after the republicans won by control of the lower chamber of congress this week, setting up a more divided on polarized american government for the next 2 years of biden's presidency. however, even though it's not the biggest issue for the american leader as the g u. p has promised to investigate joe biden himself, his administration, and his family's business dealings. our investigation is about joe bud. and we already have evidence that would point that joe biden was involved with hunter biden, only so, so we won't the bank records and that's our, that's our focus. we're trying to stay focused on was joe biden directly involved with hunter biden's business deals and is he compromised? that's our investigation. what earlier we spoke to retired u. s. her force, lieutenant colonel car petoskey, who believes washington's policy towards ukraine, is primarily driven by business interests the united states. so defense establishment is making a lot of money. you know, to via the american taxpayer. in depleting all of our reserves of old weapons, sending them to ukraine, that freeze up production lines for more of what we want. and then of course, justifies demand to the congress that our own budget, our own military budget can be increased. so this is something that i think benefits, it's viewed by american government, people, as you know, it benefits it, benefits america, not in the way that we think of a war. but just in the way we think of a business military business. the next house of representatives that will be sworn in january, many of them do not see the benefit of conducting this proxy war and funding this proxy war in ukraine. it's very clear that we don't have the resources to throw away anywhere and certainly not to conduct a proxy war that has no real benefit to the security of americans. russia has accused a dutch court of bias, seeing its verdict on the malaysia airlines m age. 17 plain disaster is a politically motivated ruling against moscow. in passing its judgment, the court preferred to ignore the fact that all the conclusions of the dutch prosecutor's office are based on the testimony of anonymous witnesses, whose identities are classified as well as on information of dubious origin and materials transmitted from the interested party. the s b u, which has been repeatedly convicted of providing false contradictory information. we deeply regret that the district court of the hague has neglected the principles of impartial justice in favor of the current political situation, thereby dealing a serious reputational blow to the entire judicial system of the netherlands. the hey district court sent in 3 people to life in prison in absent shift for the unintentional dining of the plane over dunbar. in 2014, the men to russians on de ukrainian denied any involvement. while a 4th defendant, a russian national, was acquitted of a court described if this issue is not with over them. and you see that the defense presented as an argument that the prosecutor's office has a constantly one sided view which has been upheld throughout the entire investigation. the essence of the defense line is that the prosecutor's office has adopted the point of view of the ukrainian special services from that point is that the prosecutor received many materials from ukraine security service. however, the prosecutor's office has also carried out its own investigation and has confirmed the origin of the materials provided. the judges concluded the flight m 817. on july, 17 2014 crushed a few hours falling take off after being hit by a russian supplied missile. or the strike was not directly linked to russia. all 298 people on board were killed. those convicted will now need to pay over $16000000.00 euro to their families. the attorney of the acquitted defendant says he wants to know why nots all of the wreckage from the aircraft was analyzed by western investigators. it was not taken into account by the court, but we don't know why. and that's the problem of this summary vertical to say. therefore, we have to read the whole verdict in writing, but i'm very anxious to know why our, our arguments were not followed by the court. and the problem is to didn't, i'm sure, let's say our arguments in our views and please on those aspects. among the reaction we got to this week's verdict was from dutch journalist sonya vanden n day, who sees the trial appeared to lack objectivity. it was a show trial because 1st of all, they did not really do a thoroughly investigation in the beginning, and the malays required that was not allowed even to go to the place of the accident later on. they were allowed smith. yeah, it was to be expected in this show, a trial, it would be like dead. and i think it's our president in get that heuristic that just ignore defects. and this is what they are doing. the radar evidence wasn't ever taking into account. it was never at it taken as a piece of evidence also. i guess they didn't take into account and it actually wasn't ukrainian at the defect matters. what was found at the wreckage, where the numbers olson ukrainian, barbara 7379. so actually, you know, it's ukrainian and fella. so straight away they blamed russia, russia, and it, it, and that's it actually. so i think this whole trial is a scam day. shoot, start with old pieces of evidence. they have from both sides, and then you can speak about a real fair trial and this is not, haven't. 3 large scale summits were held during the week in asia of the organizations oscio. apec. the g 20 saw to overcome economic turmoil and environmental concerns. but despite the lack of consensus, generally, western leaders did appear to agree on something about the blame on russia. here's ortiz, maria fellowship, 3 global gatherings, a total of $59.00 countries participating, including 2070 you members. a combined g d p of more than 80 percent of the world's economy. the us young did 20 an apex summits, mainly focusing on finances and coming during hard economic times. may sound like an ideal chance to find a way to deal with a global recession. and the weights impacted the world's financial system. but instead, western countries decided to turn all the 3 venues into political stage all to confront russia with some attempting to sway asian enlightened american states, which haven't been singing the same tune with the west in terms of imposing sanctions on russia during the past few month friends focused itself, not just to support a crane, and we will follow up but to work very closely with a different countries like china, india, to whole region, middle east, africa, latin america. to create an increasing consensus in order to see this war isn't so you, your problem. this g 20 summit will not be business. as usual, we will call out putin's regime and laid bare there, utter contempt for the kind of international cooperation and respect for sovereignty forums like the g 20 represent, the moon world is whom volleyer seeking. my presence will increase. hooking crudeness striking through targeting children women. i mean this is some in mind my words, not yours, barbara. no surprise that there was no time for real business. talk too busy with coin out putting her by the way didn't attend ano, the 3 gatherings, the result that way too long awaited solution to global financial problems that affect everybody hasn't been paved. but i said some guam is obviously a massive gap between the scale of the problems and what's being proposed to solve them. what's being suggested. they want to stop the war in ukraine because apparently they believe that would quickly bring down consumer prices. they also want banks to increase their interest rates to contain inflation. clearly those actions would be absolutely inadequate. they simply wouldn't be enough to solve the current problems, because these are structural systemic issues, according to a deadly may saw strike in poland as well as u. s. tensions of a taiwan and north korea overshadowed important talks on inflation, energy, and food security. that angered the eastern bloc participants. the cold war mentality had gemini, ism unilateralism, and protectionism are mounting acts that distort international norms. disruptive nomic linkages, inflate conflicts and regions and impede the development of cooperation. are all to common. history tells us that block confrontation cannot solve any problem and that bias will only lead to disaster. the asia pacific is no one's backyard and should not become an arena for big power contest. no attempt to wage a new cold war will ever be allowed by the people. and by our times this she is apec summit must rise above these challenges and deliver hope to the well that logs that collaboratively there is room for us to prevail and prosper. despite an almost fresh owen, russia in the country support any that they fear is asian, some as old a free the same somehow managed to come to consensus, adopt the final declarations, and actually talk fear is, although that the worst is yet to come. the u. s. hosp the next a pack, and this will be even harder task for russian and kind of an bigger challenge for the entire world written ocean ality from bangkok, thailand we heard from swarthy, raw and associate fellow at a defense studies institute in india. you say developing nations in the global south appear more interested in resolving issues than western countries to look at what is really the agenda for. does that or not right now it's don't, it's energy diversification. it's about sanctions. about secondary sanctions. it's about cutting a bank from the swift. my, i'm getting, i'm getting the rush from the script banking. i mean, and look at what we are doing. the agenda for the south is that, how do you, how do you keep the global economy running instead of blocking it because there are too many job channels and disruptions right now that is not really good for people of the south are consistent position on this entire not had took the chassis set by the rest is that we do not, we are not going to agree to whatever you say. we have our own thinking on it and we are not in the, on the site of ward is not the time for board. there is not really any other grouping that i can think off that really is so representative off the entire what it may not be a while for to coping. nothing is perfect, but it is still much more representative. and many others, especially at united nations that got into concert feeds. so we should look at it with a lot offer hope. and finally, i'll, we should try and keep the agenda as clear as possible, which is that it is to do with the economic