Transcripts For RT News 20221103 :

Transcripts For RT News 20221103

we think the reason why you reach a proof to end a conflict has resulted in a humanitarian disaster. and the canadian online video platform rumble block users from, from an act of defiance against approach government orders with russian media our with hello and welcome to international robots in life. from moscow, it's just past the hour. i'm glad you could join us. i'm right, mommy, let's take a look at the top stories this out. as the un welcomes, are russia decision to rejoin the black sea green export deal president vladimir put in, has noted that if you great, once again violates the agreements, russia will instead to deliver grain to countries in need on its own and for free. we have a bit of a weird so for instance, russia's defense ministry has received information from the turkish side that ukraine has given assurance is not to use these humanitarian corridors for military purposes. because of this, i have given instructions to resume our participation, russia reserves the right to withdraw from the agreement if it is violated by ukraine. in that case, russia will still be ready to deliver to impoverished countries for free the same amount of grain. the ukraine would have provided, store asi maria financing. that takes us through the details of the safety guarantee that ukraine has committed to the humanitarian corridor. very good news indeed today from russia's defense ministry, as most goes now back to implementation of a very important black sea grain. dill, thanks to the participation in a very active role of the un and took e m. the statement says the necessary written guarantees have been obtained from the ukrainian side of the non use of the humanitarian corridors in the black sea, as well as ukrainian pores assigned for the export of agricultural products for military purposes. earlier president widen, were putting said that russia suspends its participation in the black sea initiative due to security concerns following and massive ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy in crimea, the ports of sip estoppel. the issue was addressed at the un security council meeting. moscow accused ukraine of violating the agreements conditions and also accused the british troops of been involved in saturday's attack, the agreement known as the black sea grain initiative, a brokered by the u. s. and took here was signed earlier in july in istanbul with the participation of the ukrainian and russian side as well. and it allowed boats with crops to freely leave the unblocked ukrainian ports. and it was very important . moscow was repeatedly accused of provoking world's food crises by start in a special milt operation in ukraine. but russia repeatedly denied it saying that western sanctions against moscow is the main reason behind global food supply chains. disruption. the idea, the main mission of this important grain deal was to help starving africa and poorest countries that were most hate to survive. but moscow had always had many questions on how it was implemented as and putting the rates rated many times. surprisingly, most of the shapes went to the u instead of african ukrainian investigators have uncovered a helicopter inside the container, repulsively waiting to be smuggled out of the country from the port odessa. the survey comes amid rising concerns about weapons pouring out of the crane that into the hands of criminal and radical groups. just last week, finished police said western supplied weapons hadn't been found in multiple european countries. meanwhile, seeing the u. s. army official has claimed to the media, the american movie personnel, and now on the ground and ukraine. keep track of the billions of dollars worth of weapons and other equipment but western powers of supplied keys. this claims comes as the u. s. government issued its 1st ever detailed plan on countering weapons smuggling from ukraine. it was may lead to stop black market supplies of javelin and stinger missiles from ending up in criminal hands. but the u. s. has admitted its difficulty to conduct sufficient monitoring because of quote, the nature of combat. for my c i, a analysts, larry, dogs and things, syria motives could be a play, and the u. s. weapons inspections in maybe in the next week or so we'll learn that there have been us casualties on the ground in ukraine. and that can be attributed they will say to they were doing weapons inspections. when you read some of the news reports on this, it just doesn't make sense. they said, for example, all these inspectors, they're not going to go to the front line. well, yeah, the, they'll go inspect high mars ham triple 7. and those are a back from the front line, but that's, we're, the russians are carrying out a tax. i think the fact that this news coming out now is a sign sort of desperation and panic on the part of the west. they, the conventional approach was not working either try to get more personnel in there to help actually operate some of these weapons systems. the notion that these are guys with green i, i shades walking around, just the recording where the, where the javelins, the stingers, and the, the high mars are going is nonsense. this, this is, i think, really more of a cover story to explain as a, as it will emerge. i think in the coming days of there have been us casualties. as a result of some of the russian missile strikes you crave demand for weapons has given rise to competition with us. army supplies. south korea is to be challenging . the us in the european alms market, with expectations of outpacing washington's deals. south korea has become the wolf, foxes go and play in weapon sales with its weapons. ex was expected to be equivalent to 10000000000 dollars this year. but a sol into the european weapons market with a contract of $5800000000.00 struck with poland to provide hundreds of korean tanks and rocket lunches to the european country. meanwhile, the u. s. remains the top armed exp also in the world accounting for 38 percent of major arms and live res, worldwide for the past 5 years. and maintaining leadership of arms supplies the european states. but the outlook for the u. s. arms industry is not as bright, following its intense support. for keith the united states has supplied ukraine with thousands of javelins, but the u. s. inventory is dwindling. the united states has probably given about one 3rd of its stock to ukraine. thus the united states is approaching the point where it must reduce transfers to maintain sufficient stockpiles for its own war plans. less cause live mantle scott ritter, return former us marine clinton's of the score. thanks for joining us here. i see now what do you make of this walsall signing this arms contract with close $66000000000.00 with so well i think what we're seeing is frustration on the part of porn. oh, for the united states, failing to live up to at least polish expectations. i don't know if the united states made any promises, but you know, poland was asked to give up some of it. so he had era equipment, t $72.00 tanks and other your combat capability a to ukraine on the expectation that the poem would receive modern tanks and as a replacement, and was hoping for the in one abrams tank. and this was not forthcoming. so when poland is doing is taking matters into their own hands. going to south korea who produces a tank, that is the equivalent of the m one. and in buying it there. and i, i think you're going to see a lot of nations starting to do this because u. s. defense industry is now more focused on trying to make up for the significant amount of equipment that the united states has transferred to ukraine and replacing us stocks. and we're, we're not in a position to replace the soviet era equipment that we've asked. many european nations surprise ukraine, so i think they're going to start looking to south korea to get the some of these weapons that they've been seeking, actually the man. and he mentioned the point that we told time for last week, if you remember about the depleting stuff, the u. s. a complete the stumps. depleting that, i mean is that it will leave us be struggling to re, you know, to re arm itself and our exports going to be, you know, looking for bad for the us. well, i mean it, it, i mean, the short answer is yes, on both both count. so, you know, we have been producing weapons that peace time rates. and yet we've been expanding weapons in terms of transferring them to ukraine and then the casualties that are incurred there at the war time rates. and so for instance, if ukraine is firing of $500.00 javelin missiles a week and we produce javelin missiles at a rate of 2000 a year, we've got a problem. and so, you know, the u. s. is now trying to gear up its defense industry. but the focus is going to be replacing the diminish stocks, not creating a stockpile of weapons that will be available for, for export. the same is true with, you know, high mars ammunition, the high mars themselves. and triple sevens. you know, these, these are items that we've transferred and now we have a deficiency. we need to replace them. and when we're doing that, we're not producing weapons that are available for export. with south korea, i mean the nato ally of a theme, but do the weapons they supply or they know, do they work on a compatible with with other us supplied men family? well, 1st of all, cell 3 is not a nato ally. they're an american ally, but they're not part of nato on their equipment. their equipment is compatible with the united states. remember, they have a long relationship of a working with united states. one of the key aspects you brought up nato, and that's an important thing to bring up. your nato requires interoperability. same kind of ammunition, similar logistics, chains, et cetera, so that you don't have confusion on the battlefield. the same thing applies to south korea is relationship with the united states. so it's military equipment is the equivalent of the united states. it's made to similar standards and it's very, very, a good equipment designed to operate on par with their american, you know, the american counterpart. so the south korean equipment is very good. it's also a lot cheaper than their american counterparts, which makes it a very attractive thing on the global arms mark i g e took about cost. i mean the cost of any kong faith is of course, a brutal factor in many economies. we will the, the mid terms come out there and in the states and next sort of 4 or 5 days on the 8th of november, of these going to pay a live play a role in how american people, in facts look at the costs of war. i'm how it affects their economy. absolutely, and i think this is going to come to a head after the mid term elections. you know, right now, the, by the ministration has had support of congress and transferring tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment to ukraine. but it's anticipated that the democrats are going to lose control of the house and perhaps the senate after these election. so that the congress that will be in session until new congress comes into a lame duck congress. and if this does happen, a republican sweep, a congress, it looks like the vitamin situation is going to be pushing to have this lame duck session. um, allocate between $40.00 and $60000000000.00 more. and this will be very controversial, especially when we have american inspectors on the ground in ukraine trying to account for this weaponry. i think there's going to be a lot of questions asked about why are we giving ukraine so much to, to what end and what are we doing to protect ourselves from the weapons that ukraine selling on the black market, the criminal elements and potential terrorist groups. so this is going to be a very controversial issue in the post mid term election period. scott, while i have you, i got my i direct through my a thing end to end by. i don't want to let you go. a quick question. these inspectors in a, in ukraine to find out where these weapons or how these weapons are used. i mean, that's quite a big deal, right? it's a huge deal and notice they're not called auditors or inspectors general, or i think they're on site inspection. that's a specific term that has within the implied concept of forensic investigations. meaning that this is almost like a criminal type investigation because this isn't a theory that these weapons have been taken from ukraine and put on the black market in europe. it's a reality. and so the united states has to go in assuming that the, that there are elements in the ukrainian system that are lying cheating and selling the stuff on the black market. so they can't assume that the information they're given by ukraine is accurate. so these are on site inspections, very similar to the concept in theory, you know, approach to what i used to run in iraq. and this is a big deal. and i think the reason why they're doing this is what we just talked about. because i think the pentagon realizes that the democrats are probably going to lose the midterm, and their republicans are going to start asking questions. and if people come up in the pentagon says we want to give $60000000000.00. and somebody says, well, where is the stuff, how can you account for it? if the pentagon doesn't have an answer, nobody's going to give them that money. so i think these inspectors job is not only to track down the weapons, but to get ahead of any potential questions from republicans who might otherwise not want to give money to ukraine if they have no confidence that the weapons will be in fact used in combat. not sold on the black market. excellent, boy, scott, always a pleasure to listen to thanks so much for doing his hair and moscow speak to dan since so. thank you. they trim. oh, let's move on now to africa. now the ethiopian government and the rest of northern te gray region, have agreed to a truce following lengthy pistols in south africa. the negotiations began last week after the, if you any, all me captured several major towns that were previously held by a local insurgent group. all sees caribou, the tattler reports what has been 8 days of a new african union, lead negotiations. negotiations which can only be described as intense because it took this long for us to get the 1st step towards what will be many steps to what's piece. but the 2 warring 5 in this conflict that's been mostly concentrated around the northern region of if you are in the t grey region. hey, finally agreed to peace. and among some of the agreements that have been made is that there will be a cessation of hostilities. there is an agreement to this um, both sides and also to restore services and also the public services. but here's the thing that was not mentioned by both parties in this, in negotiation and, and what indeed has come an agreement. there was no mention of the entry and government. they have been the foreign forces fighting alongside the federal government of ethiopia. and they have not been mentioned at all with regard to this and they have been fighting the theory of government from the northern parts of the border with eritrea. and without territory, a one can only wonder if these indeed will hold. so there was the elephant inside the room if i made this will. this will effectively give an opportunity to if your p and, and especially a t great kids to be able to go to school, to be able to access humanitarian aid. and the dangled carrot in front of the if you open government was really the fact that if your p a is k strip than america use their position to, to say to them that you will not have access to any international institution. all funding and the cash reserves in the situation in the country or of i have been so bad that people have been saying that if you'll be as less than a months worth of cash reserve. but as if this situation goes on, this is a hopeful sign for the 1st type of piece, but it should be a 1st step in what will be many 1st steps we had from an ethiopian based conference. this is says a phone interference, particularly from the u. s. was heavily weighed upon the region. the whole of africa region has been a very intense interest flow, particularly for the united states, a regional interest, as well as the, and global hedge, a monic interest. so the, the piece talks have been marked by external interference and external interest despite the fact that they have been government wanted to come to a peaceful conclusion. in peaceful end of this conflict, the west still wants to maintain some control and from his gemini. and that has been a point of contention between the western powers and many countries in the region, eritrea and indeed york and so on and so forth. so the interest of the people is clear, the interest of it. you'll get the if you can government people into graphics and everybody wants peace except to those parties. so my, my mistake to those parties is let the people work on their own piece. allows them to come together and find a way to establish a lasting p n e t o k. and the horn of africa region as long got there is the meddling of outside forces as we have seen in, in yemen. i've seen, we have seen in livia. the outcome is not going to be good to asia now as russia to become the largest supply of oil to india. last month, the russia delivered an old time high of 22 percent of total crude imports of the 2nd biggest country. but now us media outlets in them has been questioning the morality of the supposed. there was a more conflict with buying lesson. oh absolutely. none, absolutely. none, we were modern duty to our consumers. we will buy oil gas from when we can get it. india has been pressured by the us numerous times in recent bilateral meetings to and it's in trinity and join the west and to russian sanctions. back in june, the u. s. energy, and we also need to lead to cut down on its own purchases from russia. but india has been underlining that it will buy what it needs for its national economic development. now the i m f has said recently that india is on its way to becoming the will. 3rd largest economy amid is skyrocketing economic growth. india has already overtaken the u. k. m. currently in 5th paid place. the south asian nation is russia's 2nd largest earnings. will market behind china as western entities avoid deals with oscar and the bulk of russia, supplies eastwood. and we heard from a new deli based economist who says that by purchasing the commodity from russia, india is simply putting his own interest ahead of those of western powers. india is an independent country with a very independent foreign policy. and we now assert a nation that can define the digit, so global foreign policy, and we have our own bilbury embedded in. so there is absolutely no question about now dying. do anybody do any country at all? and we will only act in our national interest, and that's what india dance has been across, reduced governments. and that's what india stands is going to be across the government in our future. so no, india is a country rich is expecting more and more people to join the middle and high income groups as we grow. another data that has come out is that the number of people learning more than $35000.00, but here is going to group group 5 fold in india. and if we are looking at that group that we are looking at becoming a 5 trillion dollar economy, then we need to have an independent foreign policy. and we need to procure all sorts of resources that we can write more offensive retro from the us. now as the u. s. has lashed out at china, this i'm on claims of beijing is not sufficiently engaging and strategic nuclear dialogue with washington. i submit the concerns of reemergence of the so called cuban missile crisis. this time, the asian pacific region, china's position so far has been thank you. we're not interested in engaging in these arms control talks at all. call when you have a different topic to discuss, is that essentially a reasonable summation of their position at this point it has been, and that's, it's sort of a surprising, they have the same obligations we're pressing on to engage us bilaterally. we're now at the 60, at anniversary of the cuban missile crisis. we don't need to repeat that to know that we need to be at the table having conversations with each other the same and comes off the chinese need a vow to strengthen beijing strategic deterrence. nothing has been done since last year's bilateral agreement to begin discussion on strategic stability with the us. china is ringing the alarm potential on various started by washington. as the u. s . reportedly plans to deploy up to 6 nuclear table b, 52 bombers in northern australia. this amid growing tensions caused by america alleged violation of one china policy towards ty, one. the us published is defense strategy one week ago, marking china as a substantial threat to us security. also calling beijing a challenge for quote, evaluating us nuclear deterrent. washington is also blaming, trying to saying is responsible for instability in the region and for undermining u. s. lawyers isn't shooty partnerships. trying to itself has defined such statements as nothing but speculation against beijing. move on the bottom of the report indicates using nuclear weapons as a tool to advance geopolitical goals. this idea runs counter to the international expectation of preventing nuclear war and avoiding a nuclear arms race. so me in the report, the us side instructed china's normal modernization of its nuclear forces speculated arbitrarily and blatantly tailored and nuclear deterrent strategy against china. while we advise the us side to abandon the cold war mentality and hedge a monic logic, adopt a rational and responsible nuclear policy and your turnover. now the wong vice chairman of the shanghai center, the rim pack, and international studies, has also told those that it's not in china that is pushing the conflict. china has its own agenda. her china has never been, you know, had any history of colonizing other countries or factually other countries, everything that china has developed in terms of nuclear weapons. it's all full national defense limitations in the asia pacific region, or has been curated, not by china. and i think the rest of the world is quite clear who is doing that. it's not china, whatever they do, it is nothing surprising to the rest of the world. but i think what is important for us to see is that to recognize that the world is changing. and the unit paula wode, where the u. s. is the dominating emily the having mom is no longer the reality. so we are dealing with new reality. all countries are supposed to apply to these, the un charter and the international role. so, so where does this a rule based older congress wrong people are actually talking quite frankly, that the united states cannot just keep using this term, which is so vague to, to decide whatever that is in their favor. ah, right. what kind of bass online video platform rumble has blocked access to all french uses off the paris? demanded the company censor. russian is still active, so it says oxy fronts and sputnik like ellen musk. i won't move our goalpost for any foreign government. brembo will turn off france entirely, france isn't material to us and we will challenge the legality of this demand. so francis now trying to tell outlets operating in allied countries like canada and the u. s. what they can and can't do on their own platforms. this decision will not have a material effect on our business, as france represents less than one percent of our users. the french people, however, will lose access to a wide range of rumble content because of these government demands, boss. he compared his actions to those of elan muss, who has been waging a battle against censorship on various fronts. must said that of him march that he was asked to block russian news sources on his starlight satellite network and reply quote. we will not do so unless at gunpoint, sorry to be of free speech. absolutist democratic senator chris murphy is now demanding a u. s. government investigation into must own twitters financial participation from saudi arabia, which is the platform 2nd largest. interesting that no one seem to care when the saudis originally made that investment in twitter long before must came along or that government switch murphy calls quote, repressive. have had tons of cash flowing into hollywood and american media outlets as advertisers. let's not even get into the lobbying cash spent influence actual policy makers in washington. and that cash conveniently didn't have any particular color or censorship until musk took over vowing to callback censorship. now suddenly this us official is dragging out the old for an interference hammered use against him. french president, emmanuel, michael, was asked recently in an interview with french state media about russia. media outlets remaining accessible in france through online platforms like rumble, for instance. and he vote the states russian media bonnie efforts. and he said quote, were using the informational weapon. so it sounds like michael is admitting that censorship is being used as a weapon when french and you officials block access to narratives in details that run counter their own. sounds like the public's right to be fully informed, to make up their own minds about what's going on. the world is being shrugged off as collateral damage. and you know, i can't help but think that if this was a foreign country doing this kind of repressive censorship, they pretty much be demanding regime change by now when energy in for some of the other in the ukraine and city of kit void world has been hit by chemicals, a drone giving several areas without water and electricity. local authorities say, meanwhile, in a car cove missile strikes, targeted an administrative building with no injuries reported. explosions have also been reported to the herd in the city of nic alive and in russia. harris on region where the authorities are just completed. evacuations from dangerous areas on the nipple river. 18 missiles reportedly launched by the cranium forces in one day. a majority of them were intercepted by russian ad defend systems. the deputy head of

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