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A Rating Energy crisis with from moscow to the world. This is our t international. Im rachel blevins, and these are the top stories this our Us Nuclear Weapons could be used in a 1st strike against non nuclear threats. Thats according to the pentagons new National Defense strategy, which goes against president bidens pledge to make the world safer by restricting the use of nukes we concluded a thorough review of a broad range of options for Nuclear Declaratory policy, including both for non 1st use and sole purpose policies and concluded that those approaches would result in an unacceptable level of risk in the light of the range of non nuclear capabilities, been developed and fielded by competitors that could inflicts strategic level damage to the United States and its allies and partners. The u. S. As new defense strategy, in fact, does not rule out the use of Nuclear Weapons against non nuclear threats. It has been tamed. A controversial 1st strike policy that biden earlier suggested to wouldnt be needed at a more surprisingly, the you, as president has changed his mind and pentagons new strategy. In fact, looks very similar to i used to be under trump administration. Interesting that the publication of this new strategy was expected 6 months ago. It was postponed, and we only saw it now published exactly after weimer putting speaking at val di, Discussion Club earlier and thursday, explicitly said no to using Nuclear Weapons. This is what library putting had to say. Reach you when you can. Usually, we have never said anything about the possible use of Nuclear Weapons by russia, but only hinted at statements made by the leaders of western countries. Back windlass trust was Prime Minister in the u. K. She told the press that britain is a Nuclear Power and it is the pms job to use it and she would do so. Its not verbatim but close. She said, im ready for it. And no one reacted the young woman as a bit out of her mind. How can one say such things in public . The u. S. President though question putins words, claiming that talking about Nuclear Weapons actually means that moscow ease ready to use it. And that is an ironic claim, given that thats exactly what we keep hearing from the white house every day, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Weapons and was put in himself, explained that moscow had to rise up this issue fall in the west. Push for that. If he has no intention, why should keep talking to mouth . Why she talk about the, to you in the use of Tactical Nuclear weapon . What nights us on this before you, your previous comments marie . But how does this new strategy . The periods, odds with joe bought his previous statements regarding nukes its ox. There is actually a contradiction, a clear one. Its not just a reminder that the u. S. The only country on earth that unprovoked used the Nuclear Weapons in world history, but it is also a reversal bidens 2020 Campaign Pledge in which he was saying that Nuclear Weapons should online, uniquely be ever used in retaliation or as a deterrent their opinion. There was last by progressive democrats and defense hawks. Heres what mr. Biden had to say, then, to this no, 1st, we should be, you know, rushes said more than one city has no plans preemptively. So use Nuclear Weapons will still receive from the west to de escalate the situation. Ironically, peter, we see the opposite and opposites taps according to Us Diplomatic cable. Washington is now speeding up its plans to upgrade Nuclear Weapons in europe. Was able annually criticizing the move as an unnecessary rush. Asked for comment pentico spokesperson answered that it is in no way linked to Current Events in ukraine and it was not set up in any way. But that is not exactly true because we know the delivery was shadowed for next spring and it is happening december. So does look like a push for a race. The new u. S. Defense strategy also focuses on the rising might of china. The americans say that beijing poses the greatest challenge to washingtons global influence. Weve got some reaction and insight from former pentagon official, michael maloof. Well, china is that has the 2nd largest economy in the world, and it is basically a from the pentagons perspective. The, the ultimate quote, threat and quote, and in, in the, in the years to come. Because it has ramped up its military development programs. And it has greater numbers of ships than the United States does right now. And i think that that is between now and 2050 it is projected by the myths estimate, office at the pentagon, that its going to be china, that the u. S. Is going to have to deal with as the competitive world power. But the chinese are taking a different tat, which is more like construction and in a, in, under developed countries of the world that by itself is a challenge to you as dominance in the world. So were going to see this as a prolonged conflict of competitively, at least for years to come. Washington as coughing up another, 275000000. 00 in weapons and other aid to aimed at restocking thousands of rounds of ammunition. Thats as the commissioner for whole affairs admits the black market of weapons already supplied. Ukraine is thriving. Adding though that she has full trust in the way he manages the weapons. See from the europe hall sucked of report, that the organized criminal groups are being more and more violent. This is the threat. So as i was security and we have to address this elicit firearms. We know from experience from the foremost voice. You can save it. We can still see weapons coming from from this area course i trust ukrainian military. They are really using the weapons in the right way. Only 30 percent of weapons already sent to crane ended up on the battlefield, according to a partially retracted cbs report. That by ministration alone has provided us with more than 1400 anti Aircraft Systems over 10000 grenade launchers and 60000 rounds of ammunition and investigation back in april by europe or the Law Enforcement agency shows that illicit weapons from new crane happen falling into the hand into hands in european organized crime group, posing of potential Security Threat the European Union earlier. And now the creation of a hub and more job to tackle weapons smuggling. With the Block Security specialist assisting local Law Enforcement, normal dover, which borders ukraine is not an e u member, but is the front line and the fight against elicit arms trafficking. Chris announced statistical data, however, shows that 40 cases of smuggling were recorded earlier this year. With a dozen fold increase in weapons detected. The kremlin has repeatedly warned the western arm supplies to kiev would endanger other regions to deal with the black market of weapons operating in ukraine poses serious challenges. International criminal groups are actively involved in their smuggling to other regions. Its not just about small arms. There are still risks of more powerful weapons falling into the hands of criminals, including man pads and High Precision weapons. That does not only fire arms, but advanced weaponry, such as javelin in switch blade explosive drones became widely available on the dark net at low prices. As our investigators were able to find out that despite earlier pledges by the pentagon to look into weapons shipments, to prevent them ending up in the hands of black market sellers. To discuss this further, lets go live now to karen. Quite koski retired us air force. Lieutenant colonel. Karen is great. Have you on the program today . Now, how serious is the Security Threat to the you with illicit weapons pumping into the block from ukraine . Really certainly there is certainly a threat and i think from the recent publication of the policy from the pentagon on monitoring this and trying to control it, its something that the United States certainly is, is aware of. And theyre concerned about it. And even pointed the finger at, at russia in advance because i think they do expect that quite a bit of this flow is going to continue. Yeah, it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. But at the same time were hearing from you officials. They claim they still trust in the way it manages a weapon, supplies it gets from the west. Now do you think thats optimistic, given the reports on smuggling from Law Enforcement agencies that weve seen so far . Well, they say they trust kia because thats what you have to say in the west. I think we saw just recently with the the, the letter of the pro peace letter from 30 democrats that was retracted within 24 hours. Theres a party line, and part of that party line is that is an honorable government in that we trusted in that theyre in charge. So you cannot criticize zalinski and you cannot criticize keith. Thats just not allowed over here. Right. And now even on one hand, theyre saying that they have full trust, insulin is government, but then on the other hand, theyve opened up the special hub in moldova. Now, so far, how do you assess the effectiveness of that to tackle gun trafficking . Has the plan achieved its goals, at least from what theyve said publicly . Well, i think i dont think its achieved. Its goals and i think that the United States and in the us as well, are little bit late to this whole thing. You know, we, ukraine was well known as a center of corruption in black mark and dealings and that kind of thing. Thats just the way it was before the invasion. So it is right for the kind of thing that inner pull reported earlier in the year. Its happening so it seems to me that the west is a little bit late. So will it be effective . Well, it might be, but a lot of stuff is already a lot of the, the patterns of the black market, the release of weapons out of ukraine proper, into the black market and criminal elements. Thats, that has a head start thats been happening and its going to continue to happen. And depending on how they view the outcome. For example, if the weapons that are going to slow down, if theres going to be less coming, which we think there is after this election over here in the United States. So if thats going to happen, what decisions will be made by those that are smuggling them out of the borders, isnt it . You know, i mean, its going to be very difficult to stop this. Yeah, thats a great point. Now, at the same time, despite these concerns, i mean, up until this point, washington keeps applying more munitions to ukraine, despite reports on weapons trafficking from ukraine to europe. Of course, the u. S. Would say that these countries in europe are some of their closest allies. So is the, by an administration risking the safety to help kiev as they see it . Well, i think the by the administration has been risking the safety of europe for quite a while. Not least of which of course is the smuggled weapons out of their im ukraine. I mean, theres a great deal of risk that, that the United States has been part and parcel to in its role with it, with the proxy war against russia. I mean, this is longstanding risk even long before long before the special military operation in february long before that the u. S. Was risking the safety of europe. Thats just unfortunate. And itll certainly be interesting to see if those policies change their rounding the upcoming election, former us air force, lieutenant colonel. Karen, quite koski. Thank you so much for your time and insight. Thank you. Now to the latest in the conflict, a mosque was caught under fire, falling ukrainian shelling of the russian city of done net thats according to the local mer. Now here you can see footage from the city that was under continuous shelling on friday evening. Earlier in the day, an oil terminal in the eastern part of the nanette republic caught fire due to showing by Ukrainian Forces according to local emergency services. And nanette again, ukrainian shell exploded near our news crew damaging their vehicle. Their van was passing near residential buildings at the time of the attack. The exact moment of the stripe was caught on camera. The number of be, well im not sure, but you dont when you go, when our field grew finished working and we had just started to leave a shut, explode to some 10 to 15 meters away from us trip. Now he the drivers side and broke the glass, but the bullet proof lay resisted and saved our lives. One fragment also hid the car when my colleague was sitting, but all of us survived. Were going to pull out the broken glass and then keep doing our work to her son. Now were a Cancer Hospital has been struck in a rocket attack by Ukrainian Forces. According to the regions, health ministry, no casualties have been reported. The ministry issued a statement accusing key of indiscriminately targeting civilian objects you on mosque has become the new owner of twitter. Speculation about the future of tweet, speech, and gold to the platform. The european commissioner for the internal market even warned that twitter must abide by the laws of the union, but users see the situation differently. Ilan musk followed through on more promises in one night than democrats have kept the past 60 years suspended accounts coming back after twitter take over by eli musk. Im back test test test butcher was a war crime. Ukraine. Did it test test test, and this is how its ended. Someone give me some popcorn. This will be interesting. The 1st report of the social platform take over appeared yesterday, after the billionaire posted a video of himself during the companys h. Q carrying a think must paid 44000000000. 00 for the company. Twitters, then ceo, her agra wall, and other top executives were immediately fired. But before being fired, the staff reportedly roland open letter protesting against the ty coons acquisition. The employees are also said to have admitted to trying to quote, uplift, independent journalism and ukraine and iran, while empowering different social movements around the globe. And some us media are also getting nervous about the future of free speech on twitter flag that he would relax some of twitters content moderation rules. And that is what had a lot of critics worried that this could open the door to more hate and disinformation on the platform you might see most reversing. The permanent fans of people like the former President Donald Trump mosque, has already fired the head of legal policy trust and safety. So we will see about that free for all health care promise and whether a certain twitter account that ones queen the term cofi is coming back. Lets cross live now to legal and media expert. Why in order to discuss why no good to you, its a new day on twitter or is it what can we expect from the future with you on mass . Because the new owner, well look, i dont want to rain on any ones parade. I know people are happy about this, but couple of predictions. Big deal. This is gonna be the biggest, let down ever. Let me give you an example. Rachel, lets imagine that every conceivable om once popular twitter account returned babylon, b, donald trump, alex jones, conspiracy, whatever. Whats gonna happen . Not a. So what you read his, i know what theyre going to say. Its not that i dont have any other means of hearing these people, but for the time being ill take it. But ive got to tell you something. Theres something really ghoulish about people, all of a sudden ringing their hand. You know, we have about, you know, 8 or so days, 11 days until the mid term elections. I think thats important, but instead people will say, look at these people being forced out of their jobs, fired with their cardboard boxes. What is that about . Now . If, if you think or anybody thinks that something drastic is going to happen, ok, we get some new people. But rachel, heres the most important thing. Did you hear the voices of the, lets call them for short hand purposes. The left, the left, which used to be associated with free speech. Actually worried about misinformation disinformation dad information hate. Ive got news for you. Those are constitutionally protected. I can, hey, anything i want, as long as i dont hurt anybody. And its another thing too. We have in this country, section 230 of the Communications Decency act. That is what should have been acted upon by these asleep at the switch, republican legislatures, legislators who rather go on fox news than actually do their job, some throwing a lot of mixed information. Yes, its good, but its not the end of everything. So what, there is somebody right now, which is very weird to look how all of us worry about our metrics. Hey, listen to rachel blevins, wife. Shes got a 1000000 followers. Well say no more. He only has 500 look how we we worry about these numbers. This is a skin arian token democracy. This is weird. We went from normal. Just people were the opinions. Now were worrying about being shadow ban and my tweet didnt go through and my numbers are dropping. And ive, you know, we, we now worry about our looks, our weight, our age are this now with the worry about our metrics. So as great as this news is, twitter has destroyed more rational people by virtue of following the numbers, following the metrics and getting involved in all of this insanity. Because its basically me saying what i think you same what you think. So what twitter should be like a new stand twitter under section 230. 00 doesnt take responsibility. Its held civilly immune from liability. So while i am happy, dont expect us to last a long time. Yeah, and you know, you would think from some of these reactions that people think that social media is actually real life and puts a bring goes right along with it. But. A there are, as we heard there from some of those on might, there are some media talking heads, you fear that musk ownership will throw twitter in the chaos and of course the by could mean the end of the world. So how likely is it, do you think there were going to see this wave of dis information as the media would call it . And that, that is going to have a very real impact at the end of the day. Or do you think its just going to give those mainstream Networks Like cnn and m s. Nbc, something to talk about once again. I have been wallowing in misinformation my whole life. Just turn on tv. Look at ads. I mean, i dont want for politics. Religion, beauty aids, you name it, i have been, i just, just in, in a misinformation quick said volition. Less you, when we talk right now, eli mosque is about eli mosque. He loves to be this story, mac, twitter. Its eli. So hes gonna take this and milk and, and, and distorted and exploited as far as he can. And thats good. His primary concern right now is ellen. Musk dont think this is the Mahatma Gandhi of information here. I mean, hes great in everything. Thats terrific. My god, hes only been owner for what, not even a day. So i still go good too crazy. But it would be nice to see some old voices that we used to enjoy and listen, rachel, whether people like it or not. Twitter is still an incredibly important venue and let me also see one last thing. 90 percent of the world right now has the slightest idea of what you and i are talking about. They couldnt care less about isla much. Theyre happy would there on boxing of curling iron or puppies or pizza, or whatever it is. Most people are, i dont care about this. The intelligentsia, the cognition, 2 years, you and i are we care put 99 percent of the world when you can quote me on that. I dont know when it comes to, you know, you, you make a good point there and youre right. If we look at you on most kids through, he is all about himself. Now. He says that he wants to make twitter this great free speech platform. So arguably, if he were to accomplish that, you would think that he would get all the credit and that everyone would just love him even more. At least everyone who loves free speech. But at the same time, how much power does he actually have here, aside from firing, if you ceos, you think that were actually going to see these changes rolled out the way that hes claiming that they will be okay, lets be for the sake of argument, little conspiratorial, let say he really wants to undo everything. I mean, he wants to pull the lid off of military and vaccines and moon landings. I mean, lets just assume he says, im going for broke. Do you think that other people on the planet far more rich than he is, believe it or not . What allow him to do this . Do you think that he could really be this fly in the ointment that he could really be the bane of the existence of established shadow government crypt tucker. See the people who run the world. I mean thats a nice thought, but listen one more thing. There is no freedom of speech. Now if you think you can go on and say anything, you cant, there has to be some decorum of some sort. You cant blast fim people, somebody somewhere is going to say, excuse me, that is incorrect. Lets also make the internet free from pictures of children that have been exploited. See sam, this child sexual abuse material less worry about that. But there is no such thing as free speech where you could say what ever you want. What were used to is you saying something that does not comport or job with that of the left and youre cut off or you have funny little asterisks and descript doors underneath your name to qualify the basis of your position. As i say, well, look who she is or look o here. So theres, its never going to be free at all. But listen, ill take any improvement from what weve seen. Well, well see if there is any, an improvement and as always well have you right back on the talk about legal and media analyst line all. Thank you so much for your time. And as i thank you so much flopping a price cap on russian gas imports to be you. Is there a wrong way to go about solving the blocks through a crisis . Thats according to the chief of one of norways Biggest Energy companies. And the price cup is not really solid, being dependent meant the problem. They kind of to, to kind of really give more supply. In fact, it can become productive, increasing the demand while the supply is not increasing. The u. S. Proposed price cap is fanning uncertainty on the Energy Market, but the situation with oil exports is also unclear. Earlier. Saudi arabias Energy Minister criticize countries which manipulate Energy Market that says joe biden announced the release of a final 15000000. 00 barrels of Us Strategic Oil reserve. The saudi Energy Minister says that the mar measures negatively affect the Energy Market. People out of the things that emergencies stocks had to be used it as a mechanism to renew it. Markets while it is profound purpose wasted to mitigate shortages supply us officials are frustrated over saudi arabias decision to cut oil output by 2000000. 00 Barrels Per Day from november as part of the Opec Plus Group plan. The u. S. Was strongly opposed to the measure. The white house has called the move. A violation of previous agreements with regard to washington has now been forced to scale back its plan to impose a cap on russian oil prices. Due to financial concern, us secretary of state antony blanket, said the saudi arabia support of the Un Resolution condemning russia doesnt compensate the production cut. We spoke to the former Senior Advisor to the minister of energy of saudi arabia. Mohammed also bought who said that attempts to impose a price cap lead to a loop loop scenario. Theres the board. I think the price will and this is my problem in the United States, right scab me, your domestic and that uses low. So for the domestic use that with this cutting room, a lot of we can easily be cover the water and gas in the United States. The problem is, is more than just putting the price. Im just to relax. Prices would go down, which is why we see one and they have not calculated this European Unit where it just basically wondering with what this would be if you cannot make wouldnt buy it. And now, you know, the, im not taking you to just only measure without what i said he brought them that the, that quote. And then if it is absolutely right, why should i gas and oil, who European Union, where did they . But im glad that they have no unanimous decision yet. Thousands of people have again flooded the streets of the check republics capital to protest against their governments role in the sanctions against russia. Such rallies are now in their 2nd month in the country with tens of thousands taking part. Demonstrators chanted Anti Government slogans and wave National Flags calling on the Prime Minister to resign. Dances. The sanctions have exacerbated the countrys energy crisis, leaving many dreading a harsh winter amid soaring gas and food prices. Protesters voice their extreme concern with the current political strategy of their government. We are taking order of now, politically, from washing spend. I go on group, but i saw already and this is not possible. We are to republic and we want to be independent. So the independent of public is basically the goal. I dont like the fact that the government since weapons to ukraine and that its running into debt. I dont want them to help us, but they dont even let us free freely and do business and work. They should give us priority and help us in these hard times, not give preference to someone else. We need a guy to rename the direct god from russia, penetration. We need to have a low price of energy, but also in theyre going to be able to human. We dont agree with that on the, for us to put some substances into our body. I dont like the High Energy Prices the way they treat local people and engage in politics for another country. Increase in sounds, a ship bounce on this and that we can go on like that. We spoke to an american political commentator who is currently in prague, who told us the local authorities are deliberately downplaying the scale of the protest. It doesnt look like the governments looking demonstrators. Weve seen the Prime Minister here down, play the process here and blame whats going on here on what you called anti russian. It follow the main problem. I think its a long term check. Finance monitoring. Its report whether or not they can which the next few years about russian fuel, but they cant just on the back of lacking rush and gas in the next few years, theyll be a recession for the next few years. But that situation is that bad. I mean, we have to think of industry heavy industry at the largest employer regarding the public sam in germany and so by hungary and without cheap energy to infuse industries here. These countries are going to be non competitive in the global market. And thats going to have serious consequences. Thats all for now. Be sure to check out our t v dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. Well see right back here at the top of the hour. Ah ah yes, we have used the vol die Club Platform to discuss more than once the major and syria shifts thats already taken place and are taking place around the world. The risks posed by the degradation of global institutions, the erosion of collective security principles, and the substitution of rules for international law. I was tempted to say we are clear about who came up with these rules, but perhaps that would not be an accurate statement. We have no idea whatsoever who made these rules opening what these rules are based on, or what is contained inside these rules. A quick google it, it looks like we are witnessing an attempt to enforce just one rule, where by those in power, were talking about power. And im now talking about global power. We could live without falling any rules at all and can get away with anything. These are the rules that we hear them constantly as people say, harping on them with that is talking about them incessantly from that we do a television to for stan lambert, im glad i soonest. Although discussions are important because a variety of assessments on forecast can be heard, her life always shows how accurate they were since life is the sternest and the most objective teacher. So life shows how accurate are previous years projections were here, a bikini examiner review with on the packers with a school class events continued to follow a negative scenario, which we have discussed more than once during our previous meetings. Moreover, they have moved into a major system wide crisis. It impacts it in addition to the military political sphere. Yes, nomic and humanitarian spheres as well as li oh, my family to sub richer system, the crazy thing, atoka of the so called west, which is of course a theoretical construct since its not united and clearly is a highly complex conglomerate. Was i will still say that the west has taken a number of steps in recent years, and especially in recent months that are designed to escalate the situation of cousin baxter with of, of, as apple to possibly as a matter of fact, they always seem to aggravate matters which is nothing new either above 3, such neglect. Oh, and you sit there good number sitting to register north virginia at the this includes the stoking of the war in ukraine. The provocations around tie one are you, are you this, the believe thats and the destabilization of the global food and Energy Markets. To be sure. The latter was, of course, not done on purpose. There is no doubt about it. If you are in the system, a sure book with a girl of you is up on the policy a couple of years ago. It women, the destabilization of the Energy Market, resulted from a number of systemic missteps made by the western authorities that i mentioned above. As we can see now, the situation was further aggravated by the destruction of the pan european gas pipelines. This is something of the wordly altogether, but we are nevertheless, witnessing these sudden developments flagrant no global power is exactly what the so called west has its stake in its game. But this game is certainly dangerous for bloody and i would say dirty, but it denies the sovereignty of countries and peoples, their identity and uniqueness, and tramples upon other states interest. I think in any case, even if denial is not the word used only, they are doing it in real life. No one except those who create these roles ive mentioned is entitled to retain their identity. Everyone else must comply with these rules with no residual. Shuttling little bit, but each your, from the what are the, to some we prowl with this vision in this regard. Let me remind you of russias proposals to our western partners, to build confidence and a collective security system. If they were once again tossed in december 2021 actually storm northville even the me at studio. However, sitting things out can hardly work in the modern world. He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. As the saying goes, the crisis has indeed taken on a global dimension and has impacted every one. There could be no illusions about this. It jewish, some teachers, human kind is at a fork in the road, either keep accumulating problems and eventually get crushed under their weight or Work Together to find Solutions Even imperfect ones. As long as they work. The can make our world a more stable and safer place. Special needs deal at National Bully as they build them, a believe is a post, was made to, you know, i have always believed in the power of common sense to. Therefore, i am convinced that sooner or later both the new centers of the most Polar International order and the western. Well have to start a dialogue on, in a quote, floating about a Common Future for us all. And the sooner the better. Of course, lucian, it, you arrange with you louis shuttles in his ear, what is it a business in this regard . I will highlight some of the most important aspects for all of us sickness accent. You initially said we did that even though the current developments have overshadowed environmental issues. Strange as it may seem, this is what i would like to speak of about 1st a day. Climate change no longer talks. The agenda would that fundamental challenge has not gone away. It still with us, and its growing glenitia clinical in italy and you dont let us though. No, is a question. He shook wesley. The loss of biodiversity is one of the most dangerous consequences of disrupting the environmental balance. This brings me to the key points. All of us have gathered here for the room. Is it not equally important to maintain culture, social, political, and civilizational diversity for police teachers go to visit. So now i missed impression. Yes. Still the same time, the smoothing outs and erasure of all and any differences is essentially what the modern west is all about. What stands behind this is the 1st of all is the decaying Creative Potential of the west and a desire to restrain and block the Free Development of other civilizations, which subnet veto lucille is at, is disappearing with it is also an openly mercantile interest. Of course, by opposing their values, consumption habits, and standardization on orders. Our opponents, i will be careful with words, are trying to expand markets for their products. The goal on this truck is ultimately they primitive could usher. Its notable that the west proclaims the universal value of its culture and world view for it to pay, meet you, and it will change as a political stage to him and he will contouring even if they do not say so openly, which they actually often do. They behave as if this is so that its a fact of life, liberty, and the policy they perceive is designed to show that these values must be unconditionally accepted by all the members of the international community. In fact, to re weigh a politic in us, they would not on the way imminent felicity. Will it be like original opinion to see me as telemachus nicks, commissioner, an option rental. So that is nearby. I would like to quote, from alexander sojourn it since famous harvard commencement address delivered in 1978. He said that typical of the west is a quote, the continuous blindness of superiority everywhere. And it continues to this day, which upholds the belief that vast regions everywhere on a planet should develop a mature to the level of present day western systems neglect. He said this in 1978 of the one. Nothing has changed. Sir. Dominique nix up at least you see fit, my good then sheep manella, the process you push the pull yoga over the nearly 50 years since then, the blindness about which soldier nixon spoke and which is only racist. A neo colonial has acquired especially distorted forms in particular after the emergence of the so called unipolar world. What am i referring to . My belief in ones infallibility is very dangerous. Its only one step away from the desire of the infallible, to destroy those they do not like or as they say, to cancel them. Just think about the meaning of this word. Can you get at mimic, will the weight of lewis secretary of his net, even at the very peak of the cold war, the peak of the confrontation of the 2 systems ideologies and military rivalry . I did not occur to anyone to deny the very existence of the culture, art and science of other peoples, their opponents. It did not even occur to any one for a companion. Would have in community had you the yes, certain restrictions were imposed on contacts in education, science, culture and unfortunately sports. But on the less, both the soviets and american leaders understood that it was necessary to treat the humanitarian area tactfully studying and respecting your rival. And sometimes even boring from them in order to retain a foundation for sound productive relations, at least for the future that you were able to watch soccer, any category novel, lucia as smooth as the rubber. All that were on the cabinetry. So whats happening now does at one time the nazis reached the point of burning books and other western gardens of liberalism and progress have reached the points of budding dostoevsky and tell soy the so called cancel culture. And in reality, as we said many times, the real cancellation of culture is eradicating everything that is alive and creative and stifles free thought in all areas of the tech, nomics, politics or culture politic in so my liberally is a lawyer. He wouldnt, it is me news news, no way to day. Liberal ideology itself has changed beyond recognition. If initially crossing liberalism was understood to mean the freedom of every person to do and say, as they pleased in the 20th century, the liberal started saying that the so called open society are enemies. And that the freedom of these enemies could and should be restricted if not canceled. Its reach the absurd points were any alternative opinion is declared subversive propaganda and a threat to democracy or to e. Nina, if you wanted ashley, the absence of the character, whatever comes from russia is all branded as kremlin intrigues. Look at yourselves. Are we really so all powerful and a criticism of our opponents for any who is perceived as kremlin intrigues. The hand of the kremlin . This is insane. New, really with the give him what have you sunk to way use your brain at least Say Something more interesting in the else your viewpoints. Conceptually, you cant blame everything on the kremlin scheming. Your sketchy field of dostoevsky prophetically foretold all this back in the 19th century if, if one of the characters of his novel demons is a nihilist, she golly, of described, the Bright Future he imagined in the following way. Laquisha creamier, sir, it is shook with emerging from boundless freedom. I conclude with boundless, no despotism at you. This is what our western opponents have come to give you another character of the novel short of your vin scheme, echoes him talking about the need for universal treason reporting and spying, and claiming that society does not need talents or great abilities. This rose tongue is cut out, copernicus has his eyes gouge out, and shakespeare is stoned in this is what our western opponents are arriving at. What is this if not, western Council Culture mostly, but he that is through a, then i see this through a few on so were still options that these were great thinkers. And frankly, im grateful to my aids for finding these roads a career. What can one say to this . Look, all history will certainly put everything in its place and will know whom to cancel. And it will definitely not be the greatest works of university recognized geniuses of world culture. But those who have, for some reason, decided that they have the right to use the world culture as they see fit, their self regard will, it knows no bounds. My, but no one will even remember their names in a few years to him with dostoevsky will live on as will tchaikovsky pushkin flown that no matter how much they would have liked the opposite genius. Ah ah for the 2nd world war affected millions of people during the conflict, the balance of power was held by the leaders of 3 nations. The united kingdom, the United States, and the u. S. S. R dot b die in. One day before the dead man tried christa pink popish normandy because hitler was weak and knew he would wait. And he was bluffing. He was the Major Political figure, certainly one of the most prominent political leaders of the 20th century. When they wish to report the germans of the germans renewing, support the russians, and that way let them destroy each other. There was that kind of sentiment in the west at this time. The redrawing of european borders had begun britain and the United States, and then just any plan to attack the ussr of britain to survive. Russia had to be sacrificed these as doctor b. Like and tish davis. Mr. Boy from us, was deluxe with selma. Corn dog, scuttle, and mitchell knowledge of knowing that the cold war had begun. Lou needs to come to the russian state. Local never. Ive side as i phone and ignore santini devastation. Im not getting all sons and up for a week within the 55 when. Okay, so 9 is 25. 00 and the new one else calls with we will van in the European Union, the kremlin. Yup, machines. The state arent russia today, and c, r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube. Ah, let us push indicative electricity with me. Ah, standardization, financial and technological monopoly, the erasure of all differences in what underlies the western world of globalization, which is near colonial in nature. Their goal was clear, established the unconditional dominance of the west in the Global Economy and politics. To do that, the west has ports at his service, the entire planet in natural and financial resources, as well as all intellectual human and economic capabilities, while alleging it was a natural feature of the so called new global interdependence and mr. Any secret service you are as moreover, the west initially secured itself a huge head start in that system, calling you because it had developed the principles and mechanisms the same as todays rules. They keep talking about which remain on incomprehensible black hole. Because no one really knows what they are. Absolutely. But as soon as non western countries began to derive some benefits from globalization, above all the large nations in asia, the west immediately changed or fully abolished many of those rules and the so called sacred principles of free trade, economic openness equal competition. Even Property Rights were suddenly forgotten completely. They change the rules on the go on the spot wherever they see an opportunity for themselves. Heres another example of the substitution of concepts and meaning. So for many years western ideologists and politicians have been telling the world there was no alternative to democracy. Admittedly, they meant the western style you my so called liberal model of democracy, which they arrogantly rejected all of the variance and forms of government by the people. And i want to emphasize this, did so contemptuously and disdainfully on with it. This manner has been taking shape since colonial times as if everyone were 2nd rate while they were exceptional. Has been going on for centuries and continues to this day principal. If western the least believe that they can introduce these strange, in my opinion, the found trends, like dozens of genders and pay parades into the consciousness, read people into their societies. So be, it wouldnt let them do what they want to hear from you, or they definitely dont have the right to do is demands that others follow suit scheduled. We see that complex demographic, political, and social processes are taking place in western countries are greatly of course, this is their internal affair. Russia does not interfere in these issues and is not going to the front like the west. We do not interfere in someone elses yard, but we hope that fragment isnt will prevail, and wishes dialogue with a genuine, traditional westy of me as well as exhibit with other equal centers of development at rapid. But we hope that pregnancy ism will prevail and rushes dialogue with the genuine, traditional west, as well as with other local centers of development, will become an important contributions or building of a multi polar world order revenue center. And i will add that multiple artie is a real and in fact the only chance for you to restore its political and economic subjectivity failure to be honest, we understand everything, and they say this in europe openly shut today. This legal personality of europe is what it mildly does not to offend. Anyone is severely limited. The world is diverse in his nature and the wests attempts to make every one falling line objectively doomed, and nothing will come of it. The arrogant pursuits of global leadership, and in reality, a pursuit of dictates or maintenance of leadership to dictate, actually results or decrease in the International Authority of the leaders of the western world. Including the United States, an increase in the distrust inability to negotiate. In general, im pretty chilly today. They say one thing, tomorrow, another they sign document, my mother, i know they do what they want. There is no stability in anything. Its all the how they sign documents, what they talk about, whats one can hi, is completely unusually using the world news earlier. Only a few countries allowed themselves to argue with america, and it looks almost like a sensational response. Now its commonplace when for a variety of states with use washington, its groundless demands after despite the fact that its still trying to pressure every one, the policy is absolutely erroneous and it will lead to nothing. Well, it is also their choice from good. Im convinced that the people of the world will not turn a blind eye to this policy of coercion, which has discredit itself on the west. Well have to pay a higher price, lose time for trying to maintain it, said gemini, america was the western league should seriously think about this prospect just as some political sciences. Some politicians in the United States themselves have thought about it. Im harassing in the Current Conditions of a tough conflict. I would say some things straightened. Russia been an independent, unique civilization, is never considered itself and does not consider itself from an enemy of the west. Philip anti americanism angler phobia vanka phobia gemini phobia up are the same forms of racism as russ a phobia and anti semitism like any manifestations of within a phobia. Now we just need to clearly understand that there are, as i said before, to west or at least 2 and maybe more, but at least to measure traditional west, primarily kristian values, freedom, patriotism, and extremely rich culture. Minimally and now is learning values to a significant part of the population in many western countries. Professor islam you at this west is close to us in some ways. We have many things in common, even ancient ruins, if there is another wessy, aggressiveness, cosmopolitan, neo colonial, acting as a tool of leo little Alicia Beverly is the dictates of this western russia. Of course, well never accept. This was william. We have tried to build relations with both leading western countries and nato. The message was the same nearer let stop being enemies less live amicably. Lets have a dialogue strength and trust and therefore peace. They were absolutely sincere. I want to emphasize this me and clearly understood the complexity of such a small but we went for it somewhat. Did we get some response when you receive, in short, no, the, all the main areas of possible cooperation. We are face ever increasing pressure almost on the creation of hot beds of tension near our boulders ga. What is the purpose for my ask of this pressure . Well, what is it . Is it just to practice funk . Of course not. So if the goal is to make russia more vulnerable to the goal is to turn russia into a tool for achieving his own geopolitical goals. Strictly speaking, this is a universal rule and they tried to turn everyone into a tool in order to use these tools for their own purposes. And those who do not submit to this pressure. You do not want to be such an instrument if they sanctions are imposed against in all kinds of economic restrictions are carried out against them. Crews are prepared and where possible carried outs and so on. And in the end, if nothing can be done at all any but the goal is the same, to destroy it, to wipe off the political map, will deploying and implementing such a scenario in relation to russia hasnt worked and it will never work that i see any but what else would i like to add . Russia does not challenge the alliance of the west. Russia simply defended his rights. Resistance is Free Development narrative. At the same time we ourselves are not going to become some kind of new head jamante. Russia does not propose to replace largely with bipolar tri, florida and so on. The dominance of the west over the dominance of the easily north or south. This would inevitably lead to an impossible. Im convinced the dictatorship can be counted only by the freedom of development of countries and peoples. The degradation of the personality counted with a love for human beings as creators is primitive simplification. More and prohibition middlebury accounted with the blooming complexity of conscious tradition suite. The meaning of todays historical moment is precisely that all civilizations states and their integration associations are really opening opportunities for their own democratic unique pastor, developmental people. And above all things, we believe that the new world order should be based on law and rights of 3. Be free, distinctive, unfair, i would like to emphasize again, sovereignty and unique elements in no way, mean isolation, a global in the country. This implies active not actually beneficial corporation, unfair an equal principles thats not pro, if liberal globalization is the only personalization that we in possession of the western model on the modern world than integration. On the contrary, leave is the opening up of the potential of each civilization in interest, a whole effect for the sake of the common again, what globalism is addict takes or quinn down to this in the end, ritual in integration is the joint development around common strategies that benefit every one, the unity of humanity is not built on the command to do as i do it be like it is formed by taken into account and basing it on the opinion of every one that will be careful approached the identity of each society and people on this principle that long Term Corporation can develop in a multiple, a well in a view. But at the changing milestones is a painful process. What is natural and inevitable . Would have she in the future world order has been formed before our eyes wickham. And in this world order, we must listen to every one second to account every point of view, the minute every Nation Society matters, the culture option, every system of wealthy years ideas you may just leave city without imposing a single truth on any one leg and only on this basis you understanding our responsibility for the late last night, the face of people who are the planet to build a symphony of human civilization. Ah oh, a watch and it was a year and then a shy guy shorter went in there and im not trying to stay like a national z. M. No. Lets just shyly yours is when you buy a buy mia . Oh, in 2022. The Italian Government approved a package of military a to ukraine coordination with nature to help ukrainians defend themselves, and fight back about 150000000 euros. Well, i make a week, almost even i told me, bombs are hearing all the same, naco, and the you with the one that people with died just for make money. The one that had been yes, go to why you mess. You got a complete. I mean, theres a more saw me my show, it was roll tool or a ballpark exactly lesser opinion polls show that over 70 percent of italians are against military support for ukraine. I landed in confront with the day for that last or if i dont a lateral yet a skit out and go home and do not she them the, the daily data. Wonderful. I was just a little low today because he has been a fool. Hes and were not even fun theater. The on this addition of the program, we asked 3 questions. How is the conflict in ukraine likely to end . Why does the west refuse to negotiate an end to the conflict, and how will the International Order likely change as a result of the conflict in ukraine . Oh, so abortion was illegal in the United States until the case of roe vs wade. I had an abortion, i am a mother today because i had an abortion in 2012 and that abortion saved my life. And we are here to fight for womens rights by the constitution actually is no life and we werent children are persons, they should be afforded the right to life is every other person they shouldnt be murdered, just because mom thinks that can be murdered. Well, the overturning of roe vs wade. Well, its a tremendous victory. Its historic victory. Our role has be very clear the health life of women, this nation. Now at risk a with the new us different strategy suggest the preemptive launch of Nuclear Weapons against non nuclear threat. Contradicting president bidens ledges to limit the potential use of weapons of mass destruction as billionaire you on last becomes the new owner, twitter. Its users have already and go through platform with testing the limits of free speech. And the price is not really being dependent. A top norwegian, i warns against the limiting russian dathan board. You calling it a counterproductive loop as the block continues to face

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