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Transcripts For RT News 20221011 :
Transcripts For RT News 20221011 :
RT News October 11, 2022
North stream pipeline back in 2015. Revelation comes amid an
Ongoing Investigation
into last month last on the gas and transport. With said that the underwater device had been previously lost during military exercises. These and nato exercises, when a military exclusive device turned up exactly under our gas pipeline. With midday in beirut, income, paula and here in moscow this tuesday, october, the 11th. Welcome to the global news round up on our team. Earth dry color. Its have sun did a cross you crate reports come in, that russia is continuing its retaliatory strikes. Following the crimea bridge explosion on saturday. Explosions were reported in the key if and hamil neat ski regions as well as in the port city of odessa, operations out a power plant and beneath set in western ukraine have reportedly been halted because of a new attack. There are 16 explosions where else reported in the key of control city of santa rosa, where you, in a thorough tease, introduced rolling blackouts to cope with a lack of electricity in russian territory. Ukraine was reported to have shell, the city of her soul overnight, but her defences were activated to intercept the incoming attack. The cities of the hun, often nevada ca healthcare came under ukrainian artillery fire as well according to local authorities. Ortiz eager shit down us reports. Now on the latest this morning began for ukraines with more strikes, as russia resumed its air
Raid Campaign
to take out apparently, and cripple ukraines critical infrastructure. Im talking about the
Energy Sector
mostly now this morning, attack, it kind of pales in comparison. Well, when it comes to the scale of what we saw just one day ago, but still nonetheless, ukraine is very much concerned. There have been, there has been an air raid sirens, they have been sounding all across the country, basically, with the whole country was put on the air arrayed alerts and indeed, dozens of blots have already been reported. According to other reports, more missiles are and wrote, again, russia has used a, according again, according to reports. Its a caliber, a cruise missiles along with, ah, drones that it along with combat drones, suicide bombing drawing drones if i may say so. The and they are targeting the
Energy Sector
, ukraine. This is what they were doing yesterday. This is what theyre doing. Now. Essentially, there are reports that at least one thermal, a power plant has been targeted. And there have been a reports of more explosions on the objects of critical ukraines infrastructure across the country. Again, we will get more information as to how much damage is being dealt right now. I should say, and has been dealt to day closer to the evening, closer to the closer to dinner time. Probably will of course, stay closely tuned to afford that, but it can already be safely said that yesterdays attack. Well, it has significantly damaged ukraines infrastructure that the authorities have already announced that there will be rolling blackouts all across the country. They have strongly cooled on the population to conserve energy, to basically charge their phones in advance and basically not to consume more than they absolutely have to. Yesterday we saw pictures out of the western town of revolver major, a regional sandtown. It was until midnight, it was completely submerged in the dark. No street lights, no traffic lights, and no lights in peoples home, sol, ready with thee a ukrainian of ukrainian infrastructure cant cope with the damage dealt. They have had to announce that they are stopping the energy exports, electricity exports to europe. So it is, it is already very much devastating. And with more attacks, it cant well the situation, the situation cant get any better. So of course, well stay tuned up for that, and for basically for rushes will be monitoring rushes, retaliatory responds to ukraine, stepping up and escalating its attacks on russian towns on crimea. And of course, on the crimean bridge, which became that red line off to which apparently russia decided to make a slight shift in how it approaches the war with ukraine. For western states have reacted to the strikes. Germany rushed to promise ukraine and monster defense systems. While the estonian
Prime Minister
said that russia is using terrorist tactics. Now, despite the fact that just days ago, as tony as foreign minister can grudge elated ukraine and blowing up part of the curt straight bridge linking crimea to mainland russia. I had in the program r t reports on the recent outages of a lot mosques of starling satellite. Internet system along the euclidean front lines. Much to hear this may even read more of our debts on websites r t dot come as you come from moscow has informed the
Un Human Rights Council
about a video that appears to show dead civilians being thrown into a mass grave in ukraine. The shocking footage was posted by a former aus off
Battalion Commander
who sees without citing any evidence that it was filmed by russians. An investigation by r t correspond meaning accost forever reveal that many aspects of the city do not support the ukrainian normative, but rather implicate the person who exposed that. We should warn you the image is ahead are distressing. If you havent already seen this video, get ready because its only a matter of time before western media starts using it to keys, rashaw of war crimes, and a bo, trouts who point oh, we can see civilian some with bags over their heads and their hands bound behind their bags dead being thrown into a ditch. This was posted on telegram by notorious ukrainian, neo nazi. Maxine jordan with the caption, when, who band school still occupied payback will come to everyone. And he claimed that he got the video from a so called all coupon cell phone, but he, so thats hoary, as it took minutes before people on line assumed that he or his boys that it why . Because of its gruesome reputation and the previous threats that he made. I can assure you that now is not the best time for co operation with the russians. Do
Ukrainian Forces
liberate the cities and the russians flee, leaving their informants without protection. Responsibility will come to every one, so think carefully before becoming a traitor. And that was a slip up. There are numerous posts like the one where he celebrates the car bombing of a collaborator or this one where he praises the posters with collaborators, photos, saying that no face is forgotten, or this one where he says everyone will be caught and purged typical of a former commander of the neo nazi as all battalion. There he is in all his glory, accused of commits and war crimes against on boss civilians. Order in the shelling of a peaceful, great patriotic war demonstration and calling for extra judicial killings of pro
Russian Politicians
in ukraine, traitors or his latest craze, and their faith is up for a vote on his telegram channel. The result, not many are big on forgiveness. And definitely not those ukrainian squads who read silk of the largely pro ration coupons back in september among them and the tourists kracken battalion who soldiers were posts and footage of themselves breaking the
Geneva Convention
and shooting on armed ross and soldiers in the caps. So not known for their humanity or a law, a boy in ways, and those are the people who read so could penske and month ago, and now we have this video emerge. Hardly surprising that mr. Jordan had to come up with a mysterious russian soldiers phone theory. Where is the proof that these are russian soldiers the ukrainians, probably arent familiar with the expression you can make the stuff up because they believe they tad, after the 1st video was posted and back, fired. Take to and try again. And now they say proof as all there, but its the edits that are clear, the red band, which they couldnt photoshop properly, is still here, while his leg has already moved forward. Here it is in slow motion. Lets take a look one more time. And then its gone, this appeared when they reached the top. This is hollywood magic. At its worst. I dont know about you, but if i knew id be accused of spreading fake information, id show the soldier and that phone. Id have the names of those killed. How their relatives and they have nothing and one more thing. Lets take a look at the close that the civilians are wearing. We can see a jacket and a hoodie. We can even see leaves falling from the trees, which was normal for october. But the russians left the town in mid september when the temperature there was over 20 degrees celsius. But most importantly, metal data indicates that the video was filmed on the 9th of october and download it on the same date. Which leads to very somber conclusions. An execution of innocent civilians by the nazis for their pro russian views, or even worse, to create a pretext to accuse moscow as they always do can moving the program or not, as investigations, continue into the legend. Sabotage of the north stream gas
Pipeline System
Russian Energy
, john gas problem, has publicly recalled that back in 2015. A nature explosive device was discovered under the same pipeline. Those which you could actually use them on november the 6th 2015 during planned visual inspection of nord stream, one nato. Underwater see fox mind destroy was discovered it was lying under the gas pipeline, 40 meters deep. It was then removed and diffused by the
Swedish Armed
forces gas transportation, which had been stopped due to the emergency within resumed, nato said that the underwater device had been previously lost during military exercises. These and nato exercises, when a military explosive device turned up exactly under our gas pipeline of a c fox mine warfare system, which was find that the nordstrom pipeline 7 years ago is an unmanned underwater drone. It was created to destroy all known mind types according to its german manufacturer. The explosive devices guided either automatically or manually towards its intended target or gas problem statement comes after the nord stream
Pipeline System
was seriously damaged 2 weeks ago in watts believe to have been a deliberate attack. Sabotaged was cited as a likely cause of the damage by both russia and western powers. Much of the suspicion has focused on the u. S. And after a former
Foreign Ministry
of poland, posted a tweet thing. Thank you usa alongside the picture of the pipeline lee, the leader deleted his post. Many of also recall joe bidens words earlier this year about his desire to bring your stream, dime and investigation into the instant is being conducted by a joints force of denmark, sweden and germany. Moscow has protested of its being excluded from the prob, with sweden now announcing that it wont share the results of the inquest with russia, stockholm also dub after almost 2 weeks of investigation. Its not opening the area to vessels from other states, mice, president of the eurasia center, think tank, earl rog, newson,
Safety Investigation
will bring any clarity because its got missed directed in they know what theyre going to find and, and they definitely do not want the russians to know about that they, they may find something, at least theyre allowing them to do an investigation there, but im sure that they will try to clear up and cleanse the area as much as possible. The m. Each 17. The scribble case volney. Have all barry the russian effect, the script case, the, theres a treaty, theres a set guidance, guidelines on investigating use of biological type weapons. And they were completely thrown up the window and, and russia was completely blocked from this. And, and we still dont know what happened on that really. Its interesting and why not surprising knowing the, knowing what the west primarily the u. S. Actual
Foreign Policy
is and direction here. They basically want to sever any type of coordination between the europeans and russia. Evidence points completely to the other direction. Then i think highly likely that the u. S. Was either directly or indirectly involved as well. Very few countries have the capability to do that. Now, as e u countries attempt to cover their energy needs, big issue right now, the algerian and french
Prime Minister
s of express their wish to reconcile the relation showing a 2 day visit by the french pm. Now that follows president , somebody will microns visit to algiers in august trip aimed at ending months of tension between the 2 nations over multiple colonial era issues. Paris based r t country puter. Rachel morrison offers her take on those developments. Algeria has something that europe wants and needs specifically under use natural gas export potential. Despite already being europes biggest natural gas supplier after russia, norway, now this
Untapped Potential
has become even more important now that the u. Sanctioned. Its other
Energy Supplies
from russia and is now desperate to find some new ones. So french
Prime Minister
eighties of at bell and took 16 other french ministers on a field trip to algeria this week, where shes expected to inc. Deals on economic cooperation, including energy, not like shes admitting it though. Gas deliveries are quote, not on the table according to her office. Its just a coincidence that french ministers are suddenly hanging around algeria like a bad smell, and it, algeria just happens to have gas potential in a time of dire french gas need, or that while the french ministers are in algeria, the e u
Energy Commissioner
is also set to attend an
Energy Conference
in the country. It was just 6 weeks ago that french president , a man read mac hall, made a trip to the country. And he also said at the time that his focus was renewed, bilateral relations, and co operation. But the chief executive officer of paris, headquartered
French Energy
company, all she just happened to be there riding shotgun with michael on the trip. A bit of a clue that perhaps there was another unspoken objective as she lulu, weve a complex, painful, common past. And it has at times prevented us from looking at the future. And i think were at a time when we can build this new pack for the future. This new strategic cooperation. It was just a year ago than mac haul was accusing algeria, quote, political military system of quotes stoking hatred toward france, leading to a diplomatic clash and frosting over a relations between the 2 countries. But that tune sure changed after the you shot itself and both feet with anti
Russian Energy
sanctions caused his economy to salo and well hated a lift. Over all the flow of russian gas is no less than one 3rd to what it used to be. For example, at the same time last jim, russia is black mailing us. Russia is using energy as a weapon. We have to be pro active. We have to prepare for a potential full disruption of russian gas. And this is a likely scenario, but heres where things get tricky for the u. Washington now wants to sanction algeria for 7000000000. 00 arms deal that it made with russia last year in 2021. I any andree continuing to, i support our rock as it relates to its object in ukraine. Right now. Its unjust, and its unlawful infringement on ukraines territorial integrity and sovereignty would, would be deeply problematic. As was the case with russia. Us sanctions preventing the you from engaging without uria would effectively mean more gas export opportunities for the us to europe. Surely, its just a coincidence again, that whether its iran, russia, or algeria wherever the you goes to try to fill up on. Yes, us sanction threats tend to follow some interesting remarks from india is foreign minister whos taken a swipe at the west for urging new delhi to end military cooperation with moscow. Stating that for years, western nations refused to see india as a worthy partner in the region. The west supplied weapons to pakistan for years and not to india for years. And now they are asking india to stop by and russian weapons when moscow stood by new delhi. All those years in the past, russia has been indias main supplier of military hardware for decades, providing around 90 percent of the countrys weaponry, according to a french thing. Despite current western attempts to urge india to reduce its cooperation with moscow, russia and new delhi continue to grow bilateral trade in a variety of fields ranging from energy to textiles. Meanwhile, from so sets it sites on india seeking to increase size with the major focus asian economy in the military sphere. I do not think any country provides india with the same level of technology. The progress is also due to the fact that we recognize that india wants to boost its strategic autonomy. Billed
Us Industrial
base, and we want to be the best partner in this move. A former indian or a force officer, v k. But he said moscow has proven to be a reliable partner to deli, over many years. This is a relationship which is time testing. It has been dead all the time. Practically, a giant fighting combat the potential for 2 nights. This is dependent on cognition. We understand the security concerns of russia and why that india should not continue with this kind of relationship with russia because it is in the
National Interest
of india to do so as well as it does then trust russia continue with this kind of relationship that does meanwhile, canada and india are continuing their dispute over a per per referendum held on canadian soil by secessionist seek grouping. Focusing on indias punjab state. People cast their votes to choose whether the region should become an independent country. Now the ballot is viewed as wholly illegal by the new
Delhi Government
on a formal notes of protest was sent to us by our tea room. June. Show me a report with a proclamation of a so called referendum by seats for justice. A group that is bad in india, canada, india a once again in the zone of diplomatic discomfort. Now india is off canada to stop the referendum, which is due in the 1st week of november as the challenges, territorial integrity. And so randy, its important to close the whole countries to understand today really how democracy should function not only at home, but also the responsibilities that democracies have to other democracies abroad. Critics of accused canadian
Ongoing Investigation<\/a> into last month last on the gas and transport. With said that the underwater device had been previously lost during military exercises. These and nato exercises, when a military exclusive device turned up exactly under our gas pipeline. With midday in beirut, income, paula and here in moscow this tuesday, october, the 11th. Welcome to the global news round up on our team. Earth dry color. Its have sun did a cross you crate reports come in, that russia is continuing its retaliatory strikes. Following the crimea bridge explosion on saturday. Explosions were reported in the key if and hamil neat ski regions as well as in the port city of odessa, operations out a power plant and beneath set in western ukraine have reportedly been halted because of a new attack. There are 16 explosions where else reported in the key of control city of santa rosa, where you, in a thorough tease, introduced rolling blackouts to cope with a lack of electricity in russian territory. Ukraine was reported to have shell, the city of her soul overnight, but her defences were activated to intercept the incoming attack. The cities of the hun, often nevada ca healthcare came under ukrainian artillery fire as well according to local authorities. Ortiz eager shit down us reports. Now on the latest this morning began for ukraines with more strikes, as russia resumed its air
Raid Campaign<\/a> to take out apparently, and cripple ukraines critical infrastructure. Im talking about the
Energy Sector<\/a> mostly now this morning, attack, it kind of pales in comparison. Well, when it comes to the scale of what we saw just one day ago, but still nonetheless, ukraine is very much concerned. There have been, there has been an air raid sirens, they have been sounding all across the country, basically, with the whole country was put on the air arrayed alerts and indeed, dozens of blots have already been reported. According to other reports, more missiles are and wrote, again, russia has used a, according again, according to reports. Its a caliber, a cruise missiles along with, ah, drones that it along with combat drones, suicide bombing drawing drones if i may say so. The and they are targeting the
Energy Sector<\/a>, ukraine. This is what they were doing yesterday. This is what theyre doing. Now. Essentially, there are reports that at least one thermal, a power plant has been targeted. And there have been a reports of more explosions on the objects of critical ukraines infrastructure across the country. Again, we will get more information as to how much damage is being dealt right now. I should say, and has been dealt to day closer to the evening, closer to the closer to dinner time. Probably will of course, stay closely tuned to afford that, but it can already be safely said that yesterdays attack. Well, it has significantly damaged ukraines infrastructure that the authorities have already announced that there will be rolling blackouts all across the country. They have strongly cooled on the population to conserve energy, to basically charge their phones in advance and basically not to consume more than they absolutely have to. Yesterday we saw pictures out of the western town of revolver major, a regional sandtown. It was until midnight, it was completely submerged in the dark. No street lights, no traffic lights, and no lights in peoples home, sol, ready with thee a ukrainian of ukrainian infrastructure cant cope with the damage dealt. They have had to announce that they are stopping the energy exports, electricity exports to europe. So it is, it is already very much devastating. And with more attacks, it cant well the situation, the situation cant get any better. So of course, well stay tuned up for that, and for basically for rushes will be monitoring rushes, retaliatory responds to ukraine, stepping up and escalating its attacks on russian towns on crimea. And of course, on the crimean bridge, which became that red line off to which apparently russia decided to make a slight shift in how it approaches the war with ukraine. For western states have reacted to the strikes. Germany rushed to promise ukraine and monster defense systems. While the estonian
Prime Minister<\/a> said that russia is using terrorist tactics. Now, despite the fact that just days ago, as tony as foreign minister can grudge elated ukraine and blowing up part of the curt straight bridge linking crimea to mainland russia. I had in the program r t reports on the recent outages of a lot mosques of starling satellite. Internet system along the euclidean front lines. Much to hear this may even read more of our debts on websites r t dot come as you come from moscow has informed the
Un Human Rights Council<\/a> about a video that appears to show dead civilians being thrown into a mass grave in ukraine. The shocking footage was posted by a former aus off
Battalion Commander<\/a> who sees without citing any evidence that it was filmed by russians. An investigation by r t correspond meaning accost forever reveal that many aspects of the city do not support the ukrainian normative, but rather implicate the person who exposed that. We should warn you the image is ahead are distressing. If you havent already seen this video, get ready because its only a matter of time before western media starts using it to keys, rashaw of war crimes, and a bo, trouts who point oh, we can see civilian some with bags over their heads and their hands bound behind their bags dead being thrown into a ditch. This was posted on telegram by notorious ukrainian, neo nazi. Maxine jordan with the caption, when, who band school still occupied payback will come to everyone. And he claimed that he got the video from a so called all coupon cell phone, but he, so thats hoary, as it took minutes before people on line assumed that he or his boys that it why . Because of its gruesome reputation and the previous threats that he made. I can assure you that now is not the best time for co operation with the russians. Do
Ukrainian Forces<\/a> liberate the cities and the russians flee, leaving their informants without protection. Responsibility will come to every one, so think carefully before becoming a traitor. And that was a slip up. There are numerous posts like the one where he celebrates the car bombing of a collaborator or this one where he praises the posters with collaborators, photos, saying that no face is forgotten, or this one where he says everyone will be caught and purged typical of a former commander of the neo nazi as all battalion. There he is in all his glory, accused of commits and war crimes against on boss civilians. Order in the shelling of a peaceful, great patriotic war demonstration and calling for extra judicial killings of pro
Russian Politicians<\/a> in ukraine, traitors or his latest craze, and their faith is up for a vote on his telegram channel. The result, not many are big on forgiveness. And definitely not those ukrainian squads who read silk of the largely pro ration coupons back in september among them and the tourists kracken battalion who soldiers were posts and footage of themselves breaking the
Geneva Convention<\/a> and shooting on armed ross and soldiers in the caps. So not known for their humanity or a law, a boy in ways, and those are the people who read so could penske and month ago, and now we have this video emerge. Hardly surprising that mr. Jordan had to come up with a mysterious russian soldiers phone theory. Where is the proof that these are russian soldiers the ukrainians, probably arent familiar with the expression you can make the stuff up because they believe they tad, after the 1st video was posted and back, fired. Take to and try again. And now they say proof as all there, but its the edits that are clear, the red band, which they couldnt photoshop properly, is still here, while his leg has already moved forward. Here it is in slow motion. Lets take a look one more time. And then its gone, this appeared when they reached the top. This is hollywood magic. At its worst. I dont know about you, but if i knew id be accused of spreading fake information, id show the soldier and that phone. Id have the names of those killed. How their relatives and they have nothing and one more thing. Lets take a look at the close that the civilians are wearing. We can see a jacket and a hoodie. We can even see leaves falling from the trees, which was normal for october. But the russians left the town in mid september when the temperature there was over 20 degrees celsius. But most importantly, metal data indicates that the video was filmed on the 9th of october and download it on the same date. Which leads to very somber conclusions. An execution of innocent civilians by the nazis for their pro russian views, or even worse, to create a pretext to accuse moscow as they always do can moving the program or not, as investigations, continue into the legend. Sabotage of the north stream gas
Pipeline System<\/a>,
Russian Energy<\/a>, john gas problem, has publicly recalled that back in 2015. A nature explosive device was discovered under the same pipeline. Those which you could actually use them on november the 6th 2015 during planned visual inspection of nord stream, one nato. Underwater see fox mind destroy was discovered it was lying under the gas pipeline, 40 meters deep. It was then removed and diffused by the
Swedish Armed<\/a> forces gas transportation, which had been stopped due to the emergency within resumed, nato said that the underwater device had been previously lost during military exercises. These and nato exercises, when a military explosive device turned up exactly under our gas pipeline of a c fox mine warfare system, which was find that the nordstrom pipeline 7 years ago is an unmanned underwater drone. It was created to destroy all known mind types according to its german manufacturer. The explosive devices guided either automatically or manually towards its intended target or gas problem statement comes after the nord stream
Pipeline System<\/a> was seriously damaged 2 weeks ago in watts believe to have been a deliberate attack. Sabotaged was cited as a likely cause of the damage by both russia and western powers. Much of the suspicion has focused on the u. S. And after a former
Foreign Ministry<\/a> of poland, posted a tweet thing. Thank you usa alongside the picture of the pipeline lee, the leader deleted his post. Many of also recall joe bidens words earlier this year about his desire to bring your stream, dime and investigation into the instant is being conducted by a joints force of denmark, sweden and germany. Moscow has protested of its being excluded from the prob, with sweden now announcing that it wont share the results of the inquest with russia, stockholm also dub after almost 2 weeks of investigation. Its not opening the area to vessels from other states, mice, president of the eurasia center, think tank, earl rog, newson,
Safety Investigation<\/a> will bring any clarity because its got missed directed in they know what theyre going to find and, and they definitely do not want the russians to know about that they, they may find something, at least theyre allowing them to do an investigation there, but im sure that they will try to clear up and cleanse the area as much as possible. The m. Each 17. The scribble case volney. Have all barry the russian effect, the script case, the, theres a treaty, theres a set guidance, guidelines on investigating use of biological type weapons. And they were completely thrown up the window and, and russia was completely blocked from this. And, and we still dont know what happened on that really. Its interesting and why not surprising knowing the, knowing what the west primarily the u. S. Actual
Foreign Policy<\/a> is and direction here. They basically want to sever any type of coordination between the europeans and russia. Evidence points completely to the other direction. Then i think highly likely that the u. S. Was either directly or indirectly involved as well. Very few countries have the capability to do that. Now, as e u countries attempt to cover their energy needs, big issue right now, the algerian and french
Prime Minister<\/a>s of express their wish to reconcile the relation showing a 2 day visit by the french pm. Now that follows president , somebody will microns visit to algiers in august trip aimed at ending months of tension between the 2 nations over multiple colonial era issues. Paris based r t country puter. Rachel morrison offers her take on those developments. Algeria has something that europe wants and needs specifically under use natural gas export potential. Despite already being europes biggest natural gas supplier after russia, norway, now this
Untapped Potential<\/a> has become even more important now that the u. Sanctioned. Its other
Energy Supplies<\/a> from russia and is now desperate to find some new ones. So french
Prime Minister<\/a> eighties of at bell and took 16 other french ministers on a field trip to algeria this week, where shes expected to inc. Deals on economic cooperation, including energy, not like shes admitting it though. Gas deliveries are quote, not on the table according to her office. Its just a coincidence that french ministers are suddenly hanging around algeria like a bad smell, and it, algeria just happens to have gas potential in a time of dire french gas need, or that while the french ministers are in algeria, the e u
Energy Commissioner<\/a> is also set to attend an
Energy Conference<\/a> in the country. It was just 6 weeks ago that french president , a man read mac hall, made a trip to the country. And he also said at the time that his focus was renewed, bilateral relations, and co operation. But the chief executive officer of paris, headquartered
French Energy<\/a> company, all she just happened to be there riding shotgun with michael on the trip. A bit of a clue that perhaps there was another unspoken objective as she lulu, weve a complex, painful, common past. And it has at times prevented us from looking at the future. And i think were at a time when we can build this new pack for the future. This new strategic cooperation. It was just a year ago than mac haul was accusing algeria, quote, political military system of quotes stoking hatred toward france, leading to a diplomatic clash and frosting over a relations between the 2 countries. But that tune sure changed after the you shot itself and both feet with anti
Russian Energy<\/a> sanctions caused his economy to salo and well hated a lift. Over all the flow of russian gas is no less than one 3rd to what it used to be. For example, at the same time last jim, russia is black mailing us. Russia is using energy as a weapon. We have to be pro active. We have to prepare for a potential full disruption of russian gas. And this is a likely scenario, but heres where things get tricky for the u. Washington now wants to sanction algeria for 7000000000. 00 arms deal that it made with russia last year in 2021. I any andree continuing to, i support our rock as it relates to its object in ukraine. Right now. Its unjust, and its unlawful infringement on ukraines territorial integrity and sovereignty would, would be deeply problematic. As was the case with russia. Us sanctions preventing the you from engaging without uria would effectively mean more gas export opportunities for the us to europe. Surely, its just a coincidence again, that whether its iran, russia, or algeria wherever the you goes to try to fill up on. Yes, us sanction threats tend to follow some interesting remarks from india is foreign minister whos taken a swipe at the west for urging new delhi to end military cooperation with moscow. Stating that for years, western nations refused to see india as a worthy partner in the region. The west supplied weapons to pakistan for years and not to india for years. And now they are asking india to stop by and russian weapons when moscow stood by new delhi. All those years in the past, russia has been indias main supplier of military hardware for decades, providing around 90 percent of the countrys weaponry, according to a french thing. Despite current western attempts to urge india to reduce its cooperation with moscow, russia and new delhi continue to grow bilateral trade in a variety of fields ranging from energy to textiles. Meanwhile, from so sets it sites on india seeking to increase size with the major focus asian economy in the military sphere. I do not think any country provides india with the same level of technology. The progress is also due to the fact that we recognize that india wants to boost its strategic autonomy. Billed
Us Industrial<\/a> base, and we want to be the best partner in this move. A former indian or a force officer, v k. But he said moscow has proven to be a reliable partner to deli, over many years. This is a relationship which is time testing. It has been dead all the time. Practically, a giant fighting combat the potential for 2 nights. This is dependent on cognition. We understand the security concerns of russia and why that india should not continue with this kind of relationship with russia because it is in the
National Interest<\/a> of india to do so as well as it does then trust russia continue with this kind of relationship that does meanwhile, canada and india are continuing their dispute over a per per referendum held on canadian soil by secessionist seek grouping. Focusing on indias punjab state. People cast their votes to choose whether the region should become an independent country. Now the ballot is viewed as wholly illegal by the new
Delhi Government<\/a> on a formal notes of protest was sent to us by our tea room. June. Show me a report with a proclamation of a so called referendum by seats for justice. A group that is bad in india, canada, india a once again in the zone of diplomatic discomfort. Now india is off canada to stop the referendum, which is due in the 1st week of november as the challenges, territorial integrity. And so randy, its important to close the whole countries to understand today really how democracy should function not only at home, but also the responsibilities that democracies have to other democracies abroad. Critics of accused canadian
Prime Minister<\/a> justin to off his focus see after he denounced the recent russian record on the new ukraine, but allowed the group to hold referendum in canada. Canada denounces rushes, plans referendums in occupied regions of ukraine. We will never recognize them. This is a bleeding violation of international law. It is a further escalation of war, and it is unacceptable. Im just told dave before that tweet a so called referenda was held in his own country where the sea cope what you dont. Whether indeed has been job should be a separate country. Now, new dannys repeated quit. How follow on their fear so far . But india is closely watching with a candle. Well go ahead with that 2nd referendum. This intriguing one, isnt it . Another story to bring you before we go to break today. Ukraines armed forces have complaints about losing the signal distributed by elan mosques, star link satellite system. Western media called the development catastrophic and began to analyze possible reasons behind it. Now, the connection problem began after the worlds richest man suggests the way to end the ukrainian conflict. Last week, you may remember causing man a rapid backlash. Ortiz elite, a trickle can tell us more. So issues with starling systems in ukraine began only a few days after even musk infuriated ukrainian officials with his proposals for peace on twitter. Soon, the western media, cited officials and key of thing the star link outages have been caused by a catastrophic loss of communication between the forces. So whats behind this telecom disaster for key of troops . It remains a mystery, but there are a few clues. The 1st one that must, doesnt want the technology to end up in washes hands. If it retakes the territory rather obviously came from ukraine. It is absolutely clear to me that this is being done by representatives of starling to prevent the usage of their technology by
Russian Occupation<\/a> forces. Number 2, that the out of his had something to do with
Money Matters<\/a> was implicitly refuted by you on mosque himself. As some would read between the lines of this tweet. Bad reporting by f t. This article falsely claims that starling terminals and service were paid for when only a small percentage have been. This operation has cost space ex 80000000. 00 and will exceed a 100000000. 00 by end of year. As for whats happening on the battlefield, thats classified. The 3rd thought is that the c o space x is worried about a potential backlash from china, whose government isnt keen to see starlings expansion mosque says by ging has made clear its disapproval of his recent rollout of stalling space. Sex is satellite
Communication System<\/a> in ukraine. He says beijing sought assurances that he would not sell starling in china. Another version is the
Russian Hackers<\/a> did it. Would ellen admitted if that were the case . Not so sure. Anyway, maybe we wont even find out what went wrong for keith. But again, the context, like i said at the beginning, many thought must could made a full you turn from sending starling kids to ukraine to tweeting this ukraine rush apiece, redo elections, of annexed regions under you and supervision. Russia leaves, if that is the will of the people. Crimea, formerly part of russia, as it has been since 1783 until cru, chefs mistake. Water supply to crimea assured. Ukraine remains a neutral, a quick reminder of how ukraines most senior diplomats took it. Off is my very diplomatic reply to you. Ellen musk. Those who propose ukraine give up on its people a land, presumably not to hurt prudence, bruised ego, or to save ukraine from suffering must stop using the word piece as a euphemism to let russians murder and rape thousands more innocent ukrainians and grab more land. It appears one way or another. Ellen musk always wants to stick around when it comes to the you. Grain story, i bed this is not the end of it. All right, elliot, trego taken us to the end of this particular news hour. But do stay with us because cold war weapons on the subject of our
Short Documentary<\/a> next on today, the team takes on their minds, stay close. Ah ah to what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense, bearing
Dramatic Development<\/a> only personally and getting to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. Time to sit down and talk in who needs to come to the russian state. I never, ive stayed on the north lansky with within the 50 babel been okay. So mine is 2000 speedy. When else with we will van in the
European Union<\/a> the kremlin. Yup. Machines. The state arent russia today and split or t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest. And with me look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. We should be very careful about on personal intelligence. At that point, obviously is to create trust rather than fear like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence. Real, somebody with a robot must protect his own existence, his own existence. Read all the while. Were on world. I really mean i do. Net metering and global mumbled grandma workers, i our body shop ollies, i understand you fucking my mom from w. I thank you for getting my up. Did you me mother will not a uni blue hold on. I dont magic and she says yes. Or on the repeat them not be now galena young lounge are double doors yet i am. Wait by no hour. A blue. Ah. So yeah. A come on but love and you the no messiah pursue. Dont say a later than got but plus market thousands with breast but google up on de segora kodachi bull my lawn chair with mm. But oh wow auto. But some of us now, lima, i, yes i yes. Who does that will be totally get that so me just","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/20\/items\/RT_20221011_090000_News\/RT_20221011_090000_News.thumbs\/RT_20221011_090000_News_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240619T12:35:10+00:00"}